
I卷(共 55分)
I.听对话,选答案(共10 小题, 计10分)
第一节: 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。
1. A. Lucy. B. Linda. C. Cindy.
2. A. Her cousin. B. Her father. C. Her brother.
3. A. Vegetable. B. Salad. C.Vegetable salad.
4. A.1 dollar. B.2 dollars. C.3 dollars.
5. A. September 5th. B. September 15th. C. September 25th
6. What does Tom like to eat
A. Vegetables. B. Fruit. C. Chicken.
7. What is good for Tom
A. Salad. B. Fruit. C. Vegetables
8. When is Anna's birthday
A. On May 18th B. On New Year's Day. C. On May 80
9. Where will Anna have the party ,
A. In her house. B. In the school. :………,C. In a store:
10. What presents doesn't Anna often get at her birthday party ’
A. Birthday cards. B. School things. C. Shoes.
II. 听独白,填信息 (共5小题, 计10分)
11. Linda is Jerry's
12. Linda's birthday is on
13. Linda often plays ping pong with her friends .
14. Linda likes and listening to music.
15. Jerry wants to buy Linda a blue or white and a CD.
III. 单项选择。 (共10小题, 计10分).
16. Do you have basketball Let's play basketball.
A. an;the B. a;the C. a: D. an;/
17. you r friend have ping pong bats
No, he .
A. Arc;are B. Is: isn't C. Docs;doesn't D. Do;don't
18. This man has children and Tom is his child.
A. nine; nineth B. nine; nine C. ninth;nineth D:nine; ninth
19. Jack likes and for lunch.
A. tomato;chicken B. tomatoes;chicken
C. tomatoes; chickens.. D. tomato;chickens.
20. This is soccer ball. Please give it to them.
A. Tom and Tim B. Tom's and Tim's C. Tom's and Tim D. Tom and Tim's :
21. My friend doesn't like bread milk, but I .ti.∴
A. and; do B. or; like C. or; do D. and;like
22. His parents let him games with friends after school
A. plays B. to play C. playing D. play
23.--- When is Jay's birthday party
It's three o'clock a very hot afternoon of August 18th.
A. at; in B. at;on C. on;in D. in;on
24. We have all trousers all colors 18 dollars.
A. at; for B. in; for C. in;are D. for;are
25. Happy birthday to you!
A. Thank you B. The same to you C. Happy birthday to you D. You are welcome.
IV. 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)
Mr. Cool has a clothes store. He 26 nice clothes to people. The clothes are alway's27 very good prices.
One day, a boy comes to Mr. Cool's store. He looks at a blue 28 . Then he asks,“Excuse me. 29 is the blue skirt ”“It's $20.”Mr. Cool 'says.“ Oh, that's too expensive,”the boy says. He looks very 30 .
Mr. Cool asks the boy,“Who do you want to buy this skirt 31 ”
“My mother. Her 32 is next week. She must look nice in this skirt. 33 I only have $5.I can't afford it.”
“Well, the skirt is on 34 these days. It's only $5. You can have it now.”
“Oh, that's really great! I'll take 35 ! Thank you!”the boy says. He is happy now.
“Good boy! I am sure your mother can have a happy birthday.”
26. A. sell B. sells C. buy D. buys
27. A. in B. at C. on D. for
28. A. sweater B. jacket C. hat D. skirt
29. A. How many B. How about C. How much D. How
30. A. happy B. good C. nice D. unhappy
31. A. in B. to C. of D. for
32. A. game B. birthday C. dinner D. day
33. A. And B. But C. So D. Then
34. A. sale B. sell C. store D. cheap
35. A. them B. it C.us D. her
V. 阅读理解。(共15小题,计15分)
第一节:阅读下面 A、B 两篇短文,从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。 (共10小题,计10分)
We all know that students don't have much money to buy expensive presents. So as a student, what should you do if the birthdays of your parents, teachers, friends or classmates are coming Here are some ideas for you.
To your parents. On your father's birthday or mother's birthday, you can sing a song or write a letter to your dad or mom.
To your teacher. You can give a beautiful card to your teacher on the teacher's birthday. On the card, you can write down a few words of thanks and you can write down the favorite thing you learned in the teacher's class this year, too. I am sure the card will make your teacher feel very happy.
To your friend or your classmate. When your friend or classmate celebrates his or her birthday, you can make a nice to y for him or her by hand. If he or she like movies, you can see a movie with him or her at home. If he or she likes sports, you can just play sports with him or her.
I hope these ideas can help you. Just have a try!
36. How many ideas does the writer mention(提及) in the passage
A. Three. B. Four. C. Two D. Five.
37. What can you write if you want to give your teacher a card
A. Something about your favorite thing.
B. Something about the teacher's class.
C. How to give thanks to others.
D. The names of your teachers.
38. Which of the following is not TRUE
A. You can write a letter to your parents on their birthdays.
B. You can make a birthday card to your teacher on the their birthdays.
C. You can play sports with your friends on their birthdays.
D. You can buy a nice to y for your friend on their birthdays..
39. What's the structure(结构) of the passage
A.①--②--③④-⑤. B.①②--③④-⑤
C.①--②③④--⑤. D.①--②③--④--⑤
40. What's the passage mainly about
A. What should we do on different people's birthdays
B. Why not buy expensive presents
C. How can we celebrate our birthdays
D. How to make nice presents for different people
It's a fine day. A red apple meets a banana in a fruit store. The apple says to the banana,“ You look like the moon.”
The banana says,“Yes, you are right. And I have the same color as the moon.”
The apple says,“I am red. In my family, some are green and some are ▲ like you.There is a saying. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”There are many vitamins in my body. These vitamins are good for people's body, so they love eating me.”“That's right,”the banana says.“ People like eating me because I am delicious, too.”“Yes. People can make juice with us,”says the apple.“Because it's healthy for them to drink.”“Of course. We are both fruit and we are both healthy food, ' ' says the banana.
41. Where does the red apple meet the banana
A. In a fruit store. B. In a hospital.
C. In a bookstore D. In a supermarket.
42. Which word can we put in ▲
A. red B. yellow
C. blue D. white
43. What does the sentence“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”mean
A. Doctors do not like apples.
B. Doctors keep away from apples.
C. Apples are not delicious for doctors.
D. Apples are good for people's health.
44. What does the underlined word“vitamins”mean in Chinese .)
A.胡萝卜紫 B. 维生素
C.营养物质 D.蛋白质
45. What's the best title for the passage
A. How to Keep Healthy. B. An Interesting Fruit Store.
C. A Talk between an Apple and a Banana. D. The Color of the Moon..
Dear Cindy,
Thank you for your basketball. I like it very much.
Look! 46. Who are they The girl in a red skirt is Kate. She is 12 years old.47. Jane is 13 years old. They like sports, and they can play ping pong well. Now I can ping pong, too.48. It is really interesting.
49. It's on December 30th . Jane asks us to go to her birthday party. I like it. I want to buy her two
ping pong balls. How much are they I don't know. I'll ask my parents for help:50 She thinks Jane looks nice in red. What about your new life in America Do you have any new friends Please tell me.
A. That's her favorite color.
B. Next week is Jane's birthday.
C. We always play it after school.
D. I think it's healthy to do sports.
E. The girl in a white dress is Jane.
F. Here is a photo of my new friends.
G. Kate wants to buy a red hat for Jane.
For kids, we have for only $3.
Let's have .
53. Alice的生日在二月。
Alice's birthday is .
54. 我的哥哥有两个网球。
My brother has two .
My mother thinks fruit is good for
How about with us
57. Alice 让我考虑一下聚会要吃的食物。
Alice asks me to the food for the party
58.踢足球对 Cindy来说很难。
Playing soccer is very Cindy.
It's my birthday today.
eat healthily.
VII. 短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。 (每个单词限用一次,每空只填一个单词。) (共10小题,计10分)
is, play, sport, watch, same, eat, good, they, class, relax
Bob and Cindy are good friends. They are in the 61._____class. Bob 62. baseball after class. He thinks it is very 63. . But Cindy doesn't like 64. . She only 65. them on TV. Bob often asks Cindy about her 66. habits. Cindy says she eats 67. . She loves fruit and vegetables. She doesn't like hamburgers because she doesn't want to 68. fat. Mr. Green is 69. English teacher. He is kind and hard-working. Bob and Cindy like hi m very much. They think his70. are very interesting.
VIII. 任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。 (共 5 小题,计 10分)
What is your favorite day of the year For me, it is National Ice Cream Day!
American people love ice-cream very much. So July is National Ice Cream Month, and the third Sunday of July is National Ice Cream Day in the United States. How do American people celebrate it Many ice-cream stores have big sales on this day. You can get free ice-cream; or.you can get ice-cream with low prices in the stores. Philadelphia(费城) has a big ice-cream festival every year. You can get all different flavors of ice-cream there! After you buy a ticket, they give you a spoon. With it, you can eat all your favorite ice-cream!
You can make your own(自己的) ice-cream at home, and then take it to your family and friends. Don't just make easy ice-cream. What about making some ice-cream sandwiches or an ice-cream cake That sounds very interesting.
71. When is National Ice Cream Day
It is on .
72. Do many ice-cream stores have big sales on National Ice Cream Day
73. What docs it refer to
It refers to .
74. According to the passage, where can you make your own ice-cream
We can make our own ice cream and then take it to our family and friends.
75. Which word means“庆祝” in the passage
IX. 补全对话(共5小题,计5分)
A: Hi, Cindy Smith. Can I ask you some questions
B:I like eggs and milk for breakfast.
B:For lunch, I like rice, meat and vegetables.
A:Do you like hamburgers for dinner
B:No, they are not healthy. I usually have some fruit for dinner.
B:No,I don't eat ice-cream after dinner. I want to be healthy and thin.
A:Great! Do you know that the clothes in Sunny Clothes are very cheap now Let's go shopping.
(At the clothes store)
A:Yes, please. I need to buy a jacket.
C:What about this one
B:It looks nice.80.________________________
C:Fifteen dollars.
A:OK. I'll take it.
X. 书面表达(共1题, 计10 分)
假如你是 Mr. Black 服装店的导购员,下面是你们店里的商品以及价格。请你运用所学的词汇和句型,用英语介绍你们服装店里的衣服以及价格。
要求:1. 短文应包括所给要点,可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
4.词数: 不得少于 60词。
Mr. Black's Clothes Store
服装 颜色 价位
运动鞋 黑色 S10
男孩穿的裤子 蓝色 S15
女孩穿的短裙 红色 S20
适合上学穿的毛衣 紫色 S11
长袜子 白色 S2(三双)
Mr. Black's Clothes Store



上一篇:浙教版数学八年级下册6.2.2反比例函数的性质 素养提升练习(含解析)
