
2.答题前,考生务必用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将本人的姓名,考号写在试卷要求的相应位置。
3.答第Ⅱ卷时,必须使用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔书写,若需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案。不准使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带,否则,答案无效。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共45分)
1. A. It's red. B. It's a car. C. It's fine.
2. A. Fine. B. Nice. C. Nice to meet you, too.
3. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he doesn't. C. Yes, she does.
4. A. Five. B. Five dollars. C. Twelve o'clock.
5. A. A party. B. On the table. C. An orange.
6. What do they want to play
A. B. C.
7. What clothes are they talking about
A. B. C.
8. What subject does Lucy like
A. B. C.
9. When is John's English test
A. October 5th. B. October 6th. C. October 26th.
10. What does Tom's father think of math
A. Fun. B. Difficult. C. Interesting.
11. What color is the sweater
A. Brown. B. Green. C. Yellow.
12. What food does Bob like
A. Rice. B. Bread. C. Chicken.
13. What does the girl think of history
A. Useful. B. Difficult. C. Interesting.
14. Why doesn't the girl like English
A. It's boring. B. It's easy. C. The teacher is not fun.
15. What is the girl's favorite day of the week
A. Tuesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday.
I am Dale. This is a picture of my room. My room is tidy. My English book is in the bookcase. My schoolbag is on the chair. Three notebooks and one pencil box are in it. A tape player and some tapes are on the table. What's under my bed t's my dog. It is white. A baseball is under the chair. But it is not my baseball. It is my sister Cindy's. Her room isn't tidy. Her books and toys are everywhere.
16. Where is Dale's English book
A. On the table. B. In the schoolbag. C. On the chair. D. In the bookcase.
17. ________ are on the table.
A. A tape player and some tapes B. A tape player and some CDs
C. Some books and a pencil box D. Some books and a tape player
18. What color is the dog
A. Yellow. B. White. C. Brown. D. Black.
Jim: Let's play volleyball, OK
Tony: Sorry, I don't have a volleyball. But I have a basketball.
Jim: I don't want to play basketball. I only want to play volleyball.
Tony: Who has a volleyball Do you know
Jim: Maybe Tom has one. Let's go and ask him. (Say to Tom)
Jim: Hi, Tom! Do you have a volleyball
Tom: No. I don't. Does Peter have one
Tony: Oh, yes, he does.
Tom: Hi, Peter! Do you have a volleyball
Peter: Yes, I do. But it is at home.
Tom: Sorry to hear that!
Tony: Well, let's play basketball. OK
Jim: OK!
Tom: Peter, please join us.
Peter: OK! Let's play!
19.Who wants (想要) to play volleyball?
A. Jim. B. Tony. C. Peter. D. Tom.
20. Does Tony have a basketball
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. Yes, he is. D. No, he isn't.
21. Who has a volleyball
A. Jim. B. Tony. C. Peter. D. Tom.
22. Where is Peter's volleyball
A. On the bed. B. At school. C. Under the desk. D. At home.
Hi! My name is Jenny. I am 12. In the morning, I eat bread and fruit. I drink milk, too,For lunch and dinner,I like rice and vegetables. After dinner I often (通常) have ice- cream and Coke, But I know they are not healthy. I like sports. I'm on the basketball team (队) in my school.
Hello! I am Colin. I am 12. I have good eating habits. I often have milk and bread for breakfast. For lunch, I like hamburgers. I often have chicken and vegetables for dinner. I like them. After school, I like to play soccer with my classmates.
23. Jenny doesn't have ________ for breakfast.
A. fruit B. milk C. bread D. vegetables
24.The underlined word “drink” means (意思) ________in Chinese
A. 吃 B. 买 C. 送 D. 喝
25. What does Colin like for lunch
A. Hamburgers. B. Vegetables. C. Milk and bread. D. Chicken and rice.
26.Jenny and Colin both (两者都) like ________ for dinner.
A. rice B. vegetables C. coke D. chicken
There are many festivals (节日) in our school. This month is October. In October, there is a Sports Festival. We have a basketball game and a volleyball game during (在……之间) the festival. In the middle of this month,we have an English test during the English Festival. October 19th is the day for a school trip; we go to Beijing with the teachers. On the last day of this month, there is a Music Festival. On that day we can enjoy beautiful songs, dances and piano music. It is really wonderful. Next month, there is an art festival. Students often display (展示) their pictures on that day.
27. How many festivals are there in October
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
28. The Music Festival is on ________.
A. October 15 B. October 30 C. October 31 D. November 1
29. Which of the following is in November
A. A volleyball game. B. A school trip. C. An Art Festival. D. An English test.
30. Which one is NOT true
A. We can see many pictures during the art Festival.
B. Students play the piano during the Music festival.
C. Students go to Beijing on October 19.
D. There are many festivals in November.
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)
age 1.________years old.
Fruit likes to eat 2.
Food for breakfast Milk and 3.
Food for lunch 4.
Time to go to bed At 5.
1. 1like F ________ best, because the next day is Saturday.
2. The dress is very s ________. I want a big one.
3. This is a book about the h ________ of China; it can help you know about the great country.
4. Amanda doesn't go to school ________ [br k z]she is ill (病了).
5. We often use maps in ________ [d i gr fi] class.
6. We can see many ________(星星) in the sky at night.
7.It is not easy for me to play baseball. It’s ________ (困难的).
8.Gina’s books are ________(到处) in her room.
1. A:________________?(根据答语写问句)
B: The woman is Frank's aunt.
2.That’s your computer game.(改为同义句)
________ computer game is ________.
3.My phone number is 498-8608.Please call me.(合并为一句话)
________ me ________ 498-8608, please.
4.She has a computer game,(改为一般疑问句)
________ she ________ a computer game
Hello, I'm Tina. This is my 1 Henry. I'm his sister. Henry plays sports every day. He has a great sports collection,He has a tennis bat,three baseballs and 2 (八) basketballs. He 3 (like) playing them. At school he plays basketball with his friends. Henry doesn't like playing ping pong. He thinks it's boring. I like basketball, too. 4 I can't play it. It's difficult, I only 5 it on TV. It's more fun.
Today (今天) is December 8th.It’s 6 (Amy) birthday. She is twelve years old. Mike, Kelly and Bill are her 7 (friend). They want to buy some presents (礼物) for her. They go to the shop 8 (附近) the school. There are a lot of things (东西) in the shop. They buy a big cake, two boxes of color pencils, a pencil case and 9 exercise book. They also buy a dictionary for 10 (she). They have a birthday party at Amy's home. Amy is very happy.
speak, some, have, any, two, in, drawing, classes, after
I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have six classes a day, four 1 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. We have many things to do 3 class, On Monday and Thursday afternoons we have sports, On Tuesday afternoon 4 of us have a singing class. And on Wednesday afternoon some have a 5 class. On Friday afternoon we practice (练习) speaking English. My Chinese friends like to talk with me 6 English. On weekends I don't go to school. Very often I go to the parks and 7 a good time with my friends there.
Dear Jenny,
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共45分)
1. What color is your ruler
2. Nice to meet you, Linda.
3. Does Jim have a soccer ball
4. How much are these socks
5. What's in your hand 1~5 ACBBC
6. W: Hi, Paul! Let's play computer games.
M: That sounds interesting. But I don't have a computer.
7. W: How much is that green T-shirt
M: It's seven dollars.
8. M: What's your favorite subject, Lucy
W: Music.
9. M: When is your English test, John
W: On October 6th.
10. W: Do you like math, Tom
M: No. It's so difficult! My father says it's interesting, but I don't think so.
11. M: I like this brown sweaters. How much is it
W: It's eight dollars.
12. W: What food does Bob like
M: I know he likes rice very much. But he doesn't like bread or chicken at all.
W: I don't like going to school on Tuesdays. There are boring subjects.
M: Like what
W: Well... like history. I don't like history.
M: Why
W: Because it is difficult. And I don't like my history teacher. He is boring. I have English after history. It is boring, too.
M: But I think English is very useful.
W: You are right. I don't like English because I can't remember the new words.
M: Oh, that's terrible! Then what's your favorite day of the week
W: Friday. We have an easy morning, just music and art and then sport in the afternoon.
M: That sounds nice.
13~15 BAC
16~18 DAB 19~22 AACD 23~26 DDAB 27~30 BCCD
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)
M: Mike is a middle school student. He is fourteen years old. His brother John is twelve. They are in the same school. Mike likes to eat bananas. John likes apples very much. Mike always has milk and bread for breakfast. And then he goes to school with John. Mike has lunch at school. He eats hamburgers for lunch. After school he plays basketball with his classmates for an hour. In the evening he and his family have chicken and rice for dinner. He reads some books after supper. Then at 9:00 he goes to bed.
1. 14/Fourteen 2. Bananas 3. bread 4. Hamburgers 5. 9:00
1. Friday 2. small 3. history 4. because 5. geography 6. stars 7. difficult 8. everywhere
大小写错误扣0. 5分
1. Who is that woman 2. That... yours. 3. Call... at 4. Does... have
5. Is your birthday party on October fifth
1. brother 2. eight 3. likes 4. But 5. watch 6. Amy's 7. friends
8. near 9. an 10. her
1. classes 2. two 3. after 4. some 5. drawing 6. in 7. have
八、写作(共1小题,计15分)Dear Jenny,
I'm a Chinese girl. My name is Li Hua. I want to be your friend. I'm 13 years old. My birthday is on June 28th. I'm in Class Four, Grade Seven. My favorite subjects are English and math. I think they are interesting. I'm also good at dancing, music and P. E. I often go to dance or sing songs or play soccer with my classmates after school. I think they are relaxing. Do you want to be my friend
Li Hua



