Unit 4 Don't eat in class Section B & Self Check素养提升练习(含解析)

Unit 4 Don't eat in class.
Section B & Self Check
1.(2022内蒙古包头期中)   the room first, and then you can watch TV.
A.Clean    B.To clean
C.Cleans    D.Cleaning
2.—Please     your room clean, or your mother will be unhappy.
—Oh, I know. Thank you.
A.want  B.learn  C.keep  D.bring
3.(2022青海德令哈市民族学校期中)Please listen     the teacher carefully (认真地).
A.to  B.on  C.at
4.【跨学科·道德与法治】【新独家原创】Please remember     your grandpa and say hello to him.
A.visit  B.visiting  C.visits  D.to visit
5.(2023吉林榆树四校联考)Our English teacher is very strict     us in class, but she is very nice to us after class.
A.with  B.to  C.at  D.for
6.(2023重庆璧山中学集团校联考)—We will have a football match next week.
A.Have a good time.    B.You are welcome.
C.Good luck.    D.Sorry.
7.【学习能力·学习策略】(2023新疆乌鲁木齐四中期中)You can join the English club to practice     English.
A.speak    B.to speak
C.speaks    D.speaking
8.(2023湖南怀化中考)—Jenny, do you know    
—She is from Canada.
A.where is the woman in red from
B.where the woman in red is from
C.what the woman in red likes
Don't leave the    dishes in the   .
He is very busy because he has         things to do.
My mother asks me to             first.
It's     to     English every day.
I want to join the club, and I will             of the club.
14.【探教材·P19】(2023四川广元朝天区联考,28,★☆☆)    run in the library.
A.No  B.Doesn't  C.Not  D.Don't
15.(2023黑龙江绥化中考,18,★★☆)—Attention, please!     inside because of the heavy rain.
—We will, Mr. Li.
A.To stay  B.Stay  C.Staying
16.【人与自我·珍爱生命】(2023湖南郴州中考,26,★★☆)—    people wear helmets (头盔) when riding electric bicycles
—Yes. It's a new rule.
A.Can  B.Must  C.May
17.(2023四川自贡中考,27,★★☆)—Could I     the book for two more days
—Sorry, you can't. You must follow our rules.
A.borrow  B.lend  C.keep
18.(2023湖北荆州中考改编,22,★★☆)—The food in the restaurant is great, isn't it
—Yes. But the music here is too    .
A.talented    B.useful
C.noisy    D.beautiful
19.(2023福建中考,35,★★☆)—Would you please tell me    
—By keeping a diary every day.
A.why you want to study English
B.who you often speak English with
C.how you improve your English writing
20.    You can't touch the exhibits in the museums(博物馆).
21.    You can't lean(倚靠) against the door of the subway.
22.    You can't speak loudly.You should keep quiet in a reading room.
23.    You can't swim in the dangerous rivers or lakes.
24.    You can't drive your cars. It's only for bikes.
Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to our museum (博物馆). It's f 25 . It doesn't cost you any money (钱). There are a lot of i 26  things here. You can l 27  a lot and you must have a good time today. But we also have some r 28  for you. Please remember these rules and f 29  them.
First, don't make the museum d 30 . Don't eat food or have any drinks here, e 31 . Second, you can take p 32 , but don't touch the things here. Third, keep q 33  in the museum. Don't talk loudly. F 34 , don't run in the hall. Fifth, the museum is not open (开放) after five o'clock in the afternoon.
Have a good time here! Thank you!
25.    26.    27.    28.    29.   
30.    31.    32.    33.    34.   
Ⅰ.1.A 考查祈使句。句意:先打扫房间,然后你就可以看电视了。祈使句以动词原形开头,故选A。
2.C 句意:——请保持你的房间干净,否则你的妈妈会不高兴的。——哦,我知道了。谢谢你。A项“想要”;B项“学习”;C项“保持”;D项“带来”。由句意可知答案选C。
3.A 句意:请认真听老师讲课。listen to意为“听”,是固定搭配。
4.D 句意:请记得去看望你的爷爷并跟他问好。remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事”;remember to do sth.意为“记得去做某事”。故答案选D。
5.A 句意:我们的英语老师在课堂上对我们非常严格,但她课后对我们非常友好。be strict with sb.意为“对某人要求严格”,故答案选A。
6.C 句意:——下周我们会有一场足球赛。——祝你们好运。在交际场合中,别人要参加测试、比赛,我们常给予“祝福”,祝对方好运。
7.D 句意:你可以参加英语俱乐部来练习说英语。practice doing sth.意为“练习做某事”,故答案选D。
8.B 考查宾语从句。句意:——珍妮,你知道穿红衣服的妇女来自哪儿吗 ——她来自加拿大。根据答语“她来自加拿大”可知引导词是where,宾语从句用陈述语序。故答案选B。
Ⅱ.9.dirty;kitchen 10.too many 11.make my bed
12.important;practice(practise) 13.follow the rules
Ⅲ.14.D 此句是个否定祈使句,句首用助动词Don't。故答案选D。
15.B 考查祈使句。句意:——请注意!待在里面,因为下大雨了。——我们会的,李老师。设空处的句子是祈使句,以动词原形开头。故答案选B。
16.B 考查情态动词的用法。句意:——当人们骑电动自行车的时候必须戴头盔吗 ——是的。它是一条新规定。can意为“可以;会;可能”;must 意为“必须”;may意为“可以;可能”。这里表示“必须”,故用Must。故选B。
17.C 考查动词辨析。句意:——这本书我可以再借两天吗 ——对不起,你不能。你必须遵守我们的规定。borrow意为“借(入)”;lend意为“借出”;keep意为“保留”。根据“for two more days”可知,此处应使用延续性动词keep。
18.C 句意:——这家餐馆的食物很棒,不是吗 ——是的。但这儿的音乐太吵了。talented“有天赋的”;useful“有用的”;noisy“吵闹的”;beautiful“美丽的”。根据句中的But一词可推知这里说的是餐馆的缺点,故选C。
19.C 考查宾语从句。由答语“通过每天写日记”及选项可知此处询问提高英语写作水平的方式,故答案选C。
Ⅳ.20—24 FCDAE
Ⅴ.[语篇解读] 本文主要介绍了参观博物馆要遵守的规章制度。
25.free 句意:这是免费的。根据首字母提示和“It doesn't cost you any money.”可知是免费的。free意为“免费的”,符合题意。
26.interesting 句意:这里有许多有趣的东西。空格处修饰名词things应用形容词,结合首字母提示和“you must have a good time today”可知,interesting符合题意。
27.learn 由语境可知,你们可以学到很多东西。情态动词can后跟动词原形,learn意为“学到,学会”,符合题意。
28.rules 由语境可知,我们也为你们制定了一些规则。根据“Please remember these rules”和首字母提示可知,rules符合题意。
29.follow 句意:请记住这些规则并遵守它们。此句是祈使句,and是并列连词,连接两个祈使句,设空处应用原形。根据“Please remember these rules”和首字母提示可知,此处指遵守规则,follow意为“遵守”,符合题意。
30.dirty 由语境可知,不要弄脏博物馆。空格处用形容词作宾语补足语,dirty意为“脏的”,符合题意。
31.either 根据“First, don't make the museum...Don't eat food or have any drinks here”和首字母提示可知,不要弄脏博物馆,也不要在这里吃东西或喝饮料。此处表示“也”,用于否定句句尾,either符合题意。
32.photos 句意:第二,你可以拍照,但不要触摸这里的东西。take photos意为“拍照”,符合题意。
33.quiet 根据“Don't talk loudly.”可知,在博物馆里要保持安静。keep quiet意为“保持安静”。故填quiet。
34.Fourth 根据前面的third和后面的Fifth可知,此处叙述的是第四条规则。fourth意为“第四”。故填Fourth。



