2023-2024福建省厦门重点中学高三上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What color does the man like most now
A.Green. B.Yellow. C.Blue.
2.Who broke the window probably
A.Linda. B.Bobby. C.Tom.
3.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In a car. B.In a restaurant. C.In a theater.
4.What role is the man willing to take for the band
A.Drummer. B.Guitarist. C.Keyboard player.
5.What did the man do last weekend
A.He reviewed for a test. B.He played a video game. C.He took a Latin lesson.
6.What is the woman eating
A.Steamed fish. B.Mutton stew. C.Fried chicken.
7.Why does the man apologize to the woman
A.He has to quit the long walk. B.He can’t offer her the job. C.He will be late for the meeting.
8.What’s the weather probably like now
A.Stormy. B.Sunny. C.Cloudy.
9.Why does the woman give up online shopping
A.She can’t use online payment. B.She considers it unsafe. C.She wants to save money.
10.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Author and book fan. B.Husband and wife. C.Editor and writer.
11.What month is it now
A.March. B.May. C.July.
12.What does the woman suggest the man do
A.Talk to his doctor. B.Extend the deadline. C.Take a vacation.
13.What time is it now
A.4:30 p.m. B.4:45 p.m. C.5:15 p.m.
14.What will the woman dress for the party
A.Casual clothes. B.An evening dress. C.A business suit.
15.What will he man bring to the party
A.His friend. B.A dish. C.His pet.
16.How does the woman sound in the end
A.Relieved. B.Stressed. C.Ashamed.
17.What is the speaker doing
A.Giving a lecture. B.Hosting a program. C.Conducting an interview.
18.How much does a 50-kg object weigh if it’s put on Jupiter
A.About 20 kg. B.About 120 kg. C.About 240 kg.
19.What did the Swiss scientist Fritz Zwicky do for dark matter
A.He named it. B.He discovered it. C.He measured its mass.
20.Which university is Professor Jorge Penarrubia working for
A.University of Edinburgh. B.University of British Columbia. C.University of Cambridge.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
If you’re looking for an e-bike experience without getting rid of your favorite two-wheeler, the CLIP is for you. It’s a friction-drive (摩擦驱动的) motor that easily attaches to the front wheel of your bike, its roller helping speed you around faster than you can pedal. It’s removable, so you can charge it under your desk or at your destination.
Yakima CBX Solar
Topped with Sunflare solar panels, Yakima’s new CBX Solar rooftop cargo (货物) box is equipped with two USB ports and can power your campsite on an overnight trip or keep your devices charged without having to use your car battery. Plus, the CBX Solar has more than enough room to hold your sports equipment.
Nuheara IQbuds2 MAX
Wireless earbuds (耳塞) are increasingly capable of blocking the noise of the outside world while you listen to tunes. But when you can’t hear the person right in front of you, it’d be nice if they offered a little help. The IQbuds2 MAX are on the case. They are the only wireless buds that feature both active noise cancellation and audio-processing technology capable of identifying human conversations, which tune out everything except the people or sounds you want to hear.
Guardhat HC1 Communicator
Besides head injuries, industrial workers also face other dangers at work sites. Guardhat’s new tech-enabled hard hat, the HC1 Communicator, can help keep those workers safe. The Communicator monitors the wearer’s location in real time; allows them to make hands-free video and audio calls; and detects their nearness to dangerous materials, temperatures and moving equipment.
1. Which of the following can power your Bluetooth speaker
A. CLIP. B. Yakima CBX Solar.
C. Nuheara IQbuds2 MAX. D. Guardhat HCl Communicator.
2. Compared with other wireless earbuds, the IQbuds2 MAX are unique in________.
A. blocking the noise B. music playing
C. conversation capability D. sorting out sounds
3. What’s the text mainly about
A. Introduction of new inventions.
B. Safety rules for workers.
C. Comments on high-tech devices.
D. Advice on vehicle choices.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
【分析】这是一篇应用文,介绍了“CLIP”,“Yakima CBX Solar”,“Nuheara IQbuds2 MAX”,和“Guardhat HC1 Communicator”四个新发明。
推理判断题。根据“Yakima CBX Solar”部分第一句“Topped with Sunflare solar panels, Yakima’s new CBX Solar rooftop cargo (货物) box is equipped with two USB ports and can power your campsite on an overnight trip or keep your devices charged without having to use your car battery.”(Yakima的新款CBX太阳能屋顶货箱配备了两个USB端口,配备了Sunflare太阳能电池板,可以为露营地提供夜间电源,也可以为设备充电,而无需使用汽车电池。)可知,Yakima CBX Solar可以为设备充电,蓝牙扬声器属于设备。所以Yakima CBX Solar可以为蓝牙扬声器充电。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Nuheara IQbuds2 MAX”部分最后一句“They are the only wireless buds that feature both active noise cancellation and audio-processing technology capable of identifying human conversations, which tune out everything except the people or sounds you want to hear.”(它们是唯一一款同时具备有源噪声消除和音频处理技术的无线耳机,能够识别人与人之间的对话,除了你想听到的人或声音之外,其他一切都可以被屏蔽。)可知,与其他无线耳塞相比,IQbuds2 MAX能够让人听想听的人或声音,而屏蔽其它声音,说明它在声音分类方面是独一无二的。故选D。
主旨大意题。文章介绍了“CLIP”,“Yakima CBX Solar”,“Nuheara IQbuds2 MAX”,和“Guardhat HC1 Communicator”四个新发明。所以文章主要是对几个新发明的介绍。故选A。
We were designing a wheelchair for a college engineering course. My classmates were certain that we needed to use steel and they felt only steel would be strong enough. I thought steel would be too heavy and aluminum would be a better option. But the student who strongly advocated steel worked at a bike shop. A few days later, when the big and heavy steel arm kept dropping down, I wished I had shown more determination to defend my position.
I enjoyed doing handiwork and my parents would come home and see artworks I had finished that day—painting, clay sculpting, sewing stuffed animals, etc. But when I studied engineering in college, these pursuits were deep-sixed. Not only was I stretched for time, but I didn’t think they were relevant to my academic work. I hesitated to highlight my female crafting interests in the male-dominated engineering environment where I already felt like an outsider.
When I went on to pursue a Ph.D. — early in the pandemic, I felt anxious and turned to crafting. One day I was making a set of dice as a gift for a friend. While putting the liquid resin (树脂) into the silicone mold (硅胶模具), I made a joke to my partner that I was “injection molding” — a standard engineering manufacturing process. I suddenly realized that although resin art is not injection molding in the technical sense, it shares the spirit and probably some skills.
Soon I saw connections between engineering and crafting that I had previously overlooked. When working on the wheelchair project, I used my sewing skills to create cushioned grips for the handles. I saw how crafting taught me to persevere when my product didn’t match my initial vision and to consider the failed creation a learning experience, just as an engineer must.
Since then, I’ve built crafting back into my free time. I’ve also stopped hiding it from my colleagues. I mentioned my dice-making experience at a robotics conference and explained in a team meeting how we could gain inspiration from art experiences. I was glad that the responses were positive — not rude or dismissive, as I used to fear.
4. What can we know about the author and her classmates
A. They had a sort of love-hate relationship.
B. They worked part-time at a local bike shop.
C. They had disagreements when creating a wheelchair.
D. They knew nothing about the structure of wheelchairs.
5. What does the underlined word “deep-sixed” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Put aside. B. Backed up. C. Followed through. D. Dug out.
6. What did the author realize after making a gift for a friend
A. She should take up more hobbies. B. Crafting needs great practical skills.
C. She should become more determined. D. Crafting can help make her a better engineer.
7. Which of the following words can best describe the author
A. Creative but sensitive. B. Confident but stubborn.
C. Ambitious and strong-willed. D. Emotional and straightforward.
【答案】4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A
细节理解题。根据第一段第二句和第三句“My classmates were certain that we needed to use steel and they felt only steel would be strong enough. I thought steel would be too heavy and aluminum would be a better option.(我的同学确信我们需要使用钢,他们觉得只有钢才足够坚固。我认为钢太重了,铝是更好的选择。)”可知,作者和同学之间在制作轮椅时有分歧。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据第二段第三句“Not only was I stretched for time, but I didn’t think they were relevant to my academic work.(我不仅时间紧张,而且我认为它们与我的学术工作无关。)”可知,此处是指在大学时期这个追求被搁置了。所以deep-sixed意为“被搁置的”。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第四段“Soon I saw connections between engineering and crafting that I had previously overlooked. When working on the wheelchair project, I used my sewing skills to create cushioned grips for the handles. I saw how crafting taught me to persevere when my product didn’t match my initial vision and to consider the failed creation a learning experience, just as an engineer must.(很快我就发现了我之前忽视的工程和工艺之间的联系。在做轮椅项目的时候,我用我的缝纫技巧为轮椅的把手制作了软垫把手。当我的产品不符合我最初的设想时,我看到了手工制作如何教会我坚持下去,并将失败的创作视为一次学习经验,就像工程师必须做的那样。)”可知,给朋友做礼物后,作者意识到手工制作可以帮助她成为一个更好的工程师。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“I hesitated to highlight my female crafting interests in the male-dominated engineering environment where I already felt like an outsider.(在男性主导的工程环境中,我已经感觉自己像个局外人,我犹豫着要不要强调我作为女性对手工艺的兴趣。)”可知,作者是个很敏感的人。根据第二段第一句“I enjoyed doing handiwork and my parents would come home and see artworks I had finished that day—painting, clay sculpting, sewing stuffed animals, etc.(我喜欢做手工,父母回家后会看到我当天完成的艺术品——绘画、泥塑、缝制毛绒玩具等等。)”可知,作者很有创造力。故选A。
A new study has found that smiling at London bus drivers increases happiness. However, on the Number 24 bus to Hampstead Heath, Londoners are sceptical. “Bus drivers,” says Liz Hands, a passenger, “are generally annoying.”
It might seem improbable that a report on London’s buses could change behaviour. But it has happened before. London’s buses have an underappreciated role in the history of medical science. In the 1940s, a single study of London’s transport workers transformed epidemiology (流行病学), medicine and the way we live now. Every time you go on a run, check your step-count, or take the stairs instead of the lift, you are following a path pioneered by the feet of the workers on London’s buses.
In the late 1940s, doctors were worried. Britain, like many rich countries, was suffering from an “epidemic” of heart disease and no one knew why. Various hypotheses, such as stress, were suggested; but one thing that was not exercising researchers was exercise. The idea that health and exercise were linked “wasn’t the accepted fact that we know today”, says Nick Wareham, a professor of epidemiology at Cambridge University. Some even felt that “too much physical activity was a bad thing for your health”. Miners and farmers who did physical exercise also suffered from various diseases and died young.
At this time a young doctor called Jerry Morris started to suspect that the increasing deaths from heart disease might be linked to occupation. He began studying the medical records of 31,000 London transport workers. His findings were breathtaking: conductors, who spent their time running up and down stairs, had an approximately 30% lower possibility of disease than drivers, who sat down all day. Exercise was keeping people alive.
Morris’s research was eventually published in 1953, just three years after a study by Richard Doll proving the link between smoking and lung cancer. Morris’s work had consequences both big and small. Morris now also took up exercise, handing his jacket to his daughter and just running. “People thought I was bananas.” Slowly, the rest of the world took off its jacket and followed.
8. Why does the author mention the new study in the first paragraph
A. To clarify a concept. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To present the argument. D. To provide an example.
9. What does the underlined part “exercising researchers” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Encouraging researchers to work out. B. Helping with researchers’ inquiry.
C. Hold back researchers’ progress. D. Drawing researchers’ attention.
10. How did Morris conduct his study on the transport employees
A. By carrying out survey. B. By observing their routines.
C. By doing medical examinations. D. By analyzing the medical data.
11. What is the best title for the text
A. Smiling and Its Effects on London Bus Drivers.
B. The Evolution of London’s Transportation System.
C. How London Bus Drivers Led the world to exercise.
D. What Londoners Think about Studies on Bus Drivers.
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. D 11. C
推理判断题。根据第一段“A new study has found that smiling at London bus drivers increases happiness. However, on the Number 24 bus to Hampstead Heath, Londoners are sceptical. “Bus drivers,” says Liz Hands, a passenger, “are generally annoying.”(一项新的研究发现,对伦敦公交司机微笑会增加幸福感。然而,在前往汉普斯特德希思的24路公共汽车上,伦敦人持怀疑态度。“公交车司机,”乘客Liz Hands说,“通常都很烦人。”)”以及第二段“In the 1940s, a single study of London’s transport workers transformed epidemiology (流行病学), medicine and the way we live now. Every time you go on a run, check your step-count, or take the stairs instead of the lift, you are following a path pioneered by the feet of the workers on London’s buses.(20世纪40年代,一项针对伦敦运输工人的研究改变了流行病学、医学和我们现在的生活方式。每当你跑步、检查步数、或走楼梯而不是乘电梯时,你都是在追随伦敦公共汽车上工人们的脚步)”可推知,作者在第一段提到了这项新研究是为了引入文章话题。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据划线词“was exercise”以及后文“The idea that health and exercise were linked “wasn’t the accepted fact that we know today”, says Nick Wareham, a professor of epidemiology at Cambridge University. Some even felt that “too much physical activity was a bad thing for your health”. Miners and farmers who did physical exercise also suffered from various diseases and died young.(剑桥大学流行病学教授Nick Wareham表示,健康和运动有关的观点“在当时并不是我们今天所知道的公认事实”。一些人甚至认为“过多的体育活动对你的健康有害”。从事体育锻炼的矿工和农民也会患上各种疾病,英年早逝)”可知,当时认为锻炼会对健康有害,即锻炼没有引起研究人员的注意。故划线词意思是“引起研究人员的注意”。故选D。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“At this time a young doctor called Jerry Morris started to suspect that the increasing deaths from heart disease might be linked to occupation. He began studying the medical records of 31,000 London transport workers.(这时,一位名叫杰瑞·莫里斯的年轻医生开始怀疑,心脏病死亡人数的增加可能与职业有关。他开始研究31000名伦敦交通工人的医疗记录)”可知,莫里斯通过分析运输员工的医疗数据进行研究。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“It might seem improbable that a report on London’s buses could change behaviour. But it has happened before. London’s buses have an underappreciated role in the history of medical science. In the 1940s, a single study of London’s transport workers transformed epidemiology (流行病学), medicine and the way we live now. Every time you go on a run, check your step-count, or take the stairs instead of the lift, you are following a path pioneered by the feet of the workers on London’s buses.(一份关于伦敦公交车的报告似乎不太可能改变人们的行为。但这种情况以前也发生过。伦敦的公共汽车在医学科学史上的作用被低估了。20世纪40年代,一项针对伦敦交通工人的研究改变了流行病学、医学和我们现在的生活方式。每当你跑步、检查步数、或走楼梯而不是乘电梯时,你都是在追随伦敦公共汽车上工人们的脚步)”结合文章主要说明了伦敦公共汽车上的工人曾经改变了人们如今的生活方式,曾经人们认为锻炼有害身体,结果对工人的研究发现锻炼使人保持活力。可知,C选项“伦敦巴士司机如何引领世界运动”最符合文章标题。故选C。
The other day, a blind woman in my investigation decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning. To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle, I was taken aback. Lines of motion, such as the one she used, are a very recent invention in the history of illustration.
When I asked other blind subjects to draw a spinning wheel, a clever interpretation appeared repeatedly: they showed the wheel’s spokes (辐条) as curved lines. When asked, they described them as metaphorical ways of suggesting motion. Majority rule would argue that this device somehow indicated motion very well. But was it a better indicator than, say, bent lines or any other kind of line, for that matter The answer was not clear. So I decided to test whether various lines of motion were preferred ways of showing movement or if they were merely marks of personal styles. Moreover, I wanted to discover whether there were differences in how the blind and the sighted interpreted lines of motion.
To find these answers, I created raised line drawings of different wheels, showing spokes with lines that curved, bent, waved and extended beyond the perimeter (边缘) of the wheel. I then asked eighteen blind volunteers to feel the wheels and assign one of the following motions to each wheel: shaky, spinning, jerking or braking. My control group consisted of eighteen sighted undergraduates.
All but one of the blind subjects assigned distinctive motions to each wheel. Most guessed that the curved spokes indicated that the wheel was spinning, the wavy spokes, they thought, suggested that the wheel was shaky; and the bent spokes were taken as a sign that the wheel was jerking. Subjects assumed that the spokes extending beyond the wheel’s perimeter signified that the wheel had its brakes on.
Additionally, the favoured description for the sighted was the favoured description for the blind in every instance. What’s more, the consensus among the sighted was barely higher than that among the blind. Because motion devices are unfamiliar to the blind, the task I gave them involved some problem solving. Evidently, however, the blind not only figured out meanings for each line of motion, but as a group they generally came up with the same meaning as frequently as did sighted subjects.
12. The author was surprised because the blind woman .
A. drew a circle on her own initiative B. was the first person to use lines of motion
C. included a symbol representing movement D. did not understand what a wheel looked like
13. What did the author want to find out about the blind subjects through the experiment
A. What their personal styles were in drawing marks.
B. Whether they would agree with the majority rule.
C. How they came up with the curved lines to suggest motion.
D. Whether there is a pattern in their interpretation of visual metaphors.
14. The following diagram suggests that the wheel is .
A. spinning B. braking C. shaky D. jerking
15. From the experiment described, the author found that the blind subjects .
A. got better results than the sighted undergraduates
B. worked together well as a group in solving problems
C. could control the movement of wheels very accurately
D. had good understanding of symbols representing movement
【答案】12. C 13. D 14. B 15. D
细节理解题。根据第一段“To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle, I was taken aback.(为了展示这个动作,她在圆圈内画了一条曲线,我大吃一惊。)”可知,作者吃惊的原因是盲人妇女画了一个表示运动的符号,故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第二段“So I decided to test whether various lines of motion were preferred ways of showing movement or if they were merely marks of personal styles. Moreover, I wanted to discover whether there were differences in how the blind and the sighted interpreted lines of motion.(因此,我决定测试各种运动线条是否是表示运动的首选方式,或者它们是否仅仅是个人风格的标记。此外,我想发现盲人和视力正常人对运动线条的解释是否存在差异)”可知,作者通过实验想了解盲人受试者在他们对视觉隐喻的理解中是否存在某种模式,故选D项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“Subjects assumed that the spokes extending beyond the wheel’s perimeter signified that the wheel had its brakes on.(受试者认为延伸到轮子周长之外的辐条意味着车轮已经刹住了)”并结合分析图片,可知图片中辐条延伸到轮子周长之外,可推理出车轮已经刹住了,故选B项。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Evidently, however, the blind not only figured out meanings for each line of motion, but as a group they generally came up with the same meaning as frequently as did sighted subjects.(然而,显而易见,盲人不仅为每种运动线条找到了意义,而且作为一个群体,他们通常像视力正常受试者一样频繁地得出相同的意义)”可知,作者发现盲人被试者对表示运动的符号有很好的理解,故选D项。
There has been a very serious decline in the numbers of shallow-water fish as a result of overfishing. People still want to eat fish, so the fishing industry must look at other sources, especially the deep waters of the Atlantic. ____16____
Conservation measures will have to be put in place if these deep-sea fish are to survive. Research on five such species shows that numbers have declined by between 87 percent and 98 percent. ____17____ Many species could well disappear completely if the present trend continues. These are species that have been swimming in our oceans for hundreds of millions of years.
The problem is emphasized by the fact that the decline in numbers happened in less than twenty years. Deep-sea fish take a long time to reproduce and normally live for many years. ____18____ The average size of such fish also declined, with one species showing a 57 percent decline in average size. This is of particular concern, as large fish tend to produce more offspring than small ones.
____19____ The deep-sea species have been caught as if they were the fast-breeding (快速繁殖) fish like sardine and herring. It is like killing elephants as if they reproduced at the same rate as rabbits.
The damage done by overfishing goes beyond the sea environment. Millions of people make a living in the fishing industry. ____20____ Measures must be taken to not only conserve ecosystems, but also sustain livelihoods and ensure food security.
A. Billions of people rely on fish for protein.
B. Many people now choose not to eat deep-sea fish.
C. Unfortunately, their reproduction rate is very low.
D. This puts them in the category of “critically endangered”.
E. None of these facts has been taken into account by the fishing industry.
F. Overfishing is a major cause of decline in populations of ocean wildlife.
G. This has resulted in a sharp decline in the numbers of many of the species caught.
【答案】16. G 17. D 18. C 19. E 20. A
根据上文“People still want to eat fish, so the fishing industry must look at other sources, especially the deep waters of the Atlantic.”(人们仍然想吃鱼,因此渔业必须寻找其他来源,特别是大西洋的深水区)推知,选项承接上文说明以上做法导致的不良影响。故G选项“这导致许多被捕获物种的数量急剧下降”切题。故选G项。
根据上文“Research on five such species shows that numbers have declined by between 87 percent and 98 percent.”(对五种这样的物种的研究表明,数量下降了87%到98%)可知,数量下降到了一定程度,我们便称为它们为“极度濒危”物种。故D选项“这使得它们被归为“极度濒危”物种”切题,this指代上文提到的“numbers have declined by between 87 percent and 98 percent.”。故选D项。
根据上文“Deep-sea fish take a long time to reproduce and normally live for many years.”(深海鱼类需要很长时间繁殖,通常可以活很多年)根据下文“The average size of such fish also declined, with one species showing a 57 percent decline in average size. This is of particular concern, as large fish tend to produce more offspring than small ones.”(这些鱼的平均尺寸也在下降,其中一个物种的平均尺寸下降了57%。这一点值得特别关注,因为大鱼往往比小鱼生育更多的后代)可知,选项承接上下文说明深海鱼类的繁殖率非常低。故C选项“不幸的是,它们的繁殖率非常低”切题。故选C项。
根据下文“The deep-sea species have been caught as if they were the fast-breeding (快速繁殖) fish like sardine and herring. It is like killing elephants as if they reproduced at the same rate as rabbits.”(深海鱼类被捕获,仿佛它们是沙丁鱼和鲱鱼等快速繁殖的鱼类。这就像把大象当作繁殖速度飞快的兔子杀死一样)可知,渔业忽略了一些物种繁殖速度慢的事实。故E选项“渔业没有考虑到这些事实”故选E项。
根据上文“Millions of people make a living in the fishing industry.”(数百万人以渔业为生)可知,选项与上文为并列关系,说明渔业对人的重要作用。故A选项“数十亿人依赖鱼类获取蛋白质”切题。故选A项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Ciudad Perdida, Colombia’s “Lost City” is older than Machu Picchu. There are no trains or buses allowing of ____21____ travels to reach its ruins. The remote place is only ____22____ on foot: a tiring multi-day hike.
Despite this, I couldn’t ____23____ the opportunity to visit Ciudad Perdida. Twelve other hikers and I went there in ____24____ with a licensed guide. The dirt path, which wandered through towering palms and hanging vines, proved ____25____ right from the start. It’s recommended that hikers have good general fitness, ____26____ the journey is tough. Along the way we also met the ____27____. They have been cut off from the outside world for centuries and there’s a deep ____28____ between them and the land.
The next morning, we were off early to ____29____ the heat, but high temperatures and muscle pain had already ____30____ by the time we reached the final stage—1,200 stone steps to ____31____. After finally lifting my painful body up the long flight of stairs, my eyes rested on the scenery that had prompted the backbreaking journey: Ciudad Perdida.
Sitting on one of the highest terraces (露台), I looked down and was ____32____ at the beautiful site below. It felt as though we were some of the rare few that got to ____33____ this ancient masterpiece. While the return trip included overcoming the mental barrier of having already achieved our goal, the experience is the one I would do ____34____. It is the difficulty that makes the journey a more ____35____ one. Earned views are always better.
21. A. extensive B. qualified C. domestic D. easy
22. A. impressive B. accessible C. worthwhile D. economical
23. A. resist B. obtain C. take D. experience
24. A. turn B. contact C. harmony D. company
25. A. disappointing B. striking C. challenging D. promising
26. A. as B. but C. although D. so
27. A. natives B. photographers C. guides D. hikers
28. A. understanding B. trust C. bond D. agreement
29. A. reduce B. beat C. bear D. generate
30. A. picked up B. held off C. set in D. died down
31. A. identify B. cover C. surface D. count
32. A. quick B. successful C. experienced D. amazed
33 A. unearth B. preserve C. display D. explore
34. A. otherwise B. again C. though D. instead
35. A. popular B. distinct C. rewarding D. influential
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. C
【导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者讲述了自己徒步去游览哥伦比亚的“遗失之城”Ciudad Perdida的经历和感受。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有火车或公共汽车可以方便地到达它的遗迹。A. extensive昂贵的;B. qualified胜任的;C. domestic国内的;D. easy容易的。根据下文“The remote place is only   2   on foot: a tiring multi-day hike. ”可知,没有火车和汽车,唯有多日徒步才能到达,故到达这个遗迹不容易。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这所偏僻的城市仅能步行到达。A. impressive给人印象深刻的;B. accessible可到达的;C. worthwhile值得的;D. economical经济的。根据上文“There are no trains or buses allowing of   1  travels to reach its ruins. ”可知,没有火车或公共汽车可以方便地到达它的遗迹,故仅能步行到达。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管这样,我无法抗拒去参观 Ciudad Perdida的机会。A. resist抵制;B. obtain获得; C. take带走;D. experience经历。根据上文“The remote place is only 2 on foot: a tiring multi-day hike.”及下文“Twelve other hikers and I went there in 4 with a licensed guide. ”可知,虽然前往这个城市非常不方便,但是作者依旧去了那里,说明作者无法抗拒这个机会。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和另外12个徒步旅行者带着一个有执照的导游一起去了那里。 A.turn轮流;B. contact联系;C. harmony和谐;D. company陪伴;陪同。in company with与某人一起。根据句中“with a licensed guide”可知,导游陪伴我们旅行。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:土路蜿蜒通向高耸的棕榈树和悬挂的藤蔓,从一开始就很有挑战性。A. disappointing令人失望的;B. striking惊人的;C. challenging具有挑战性的;D. promising有希望的。根据句中“The dirt path, which wandered through towering palms and hanging vines”可知,土路蜿蜒通向高耸的棕榈树和悬挂的藤蔓,对于徒步旅行者具有挑战性。故选C项。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:建议徒步旅行者有良好的身体素质,因为旅途很艰难。A. as因为;B. but但是;C. although尽管;D. so所以。根据下文“the journey is tough”以及语境可知,建议徒步旅行者有良好的身体素质,是因为旅途很艰难。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:一路上,我们也遇到了本地人。A. natives本地人;B. photographers摄影师;C. guides导游;D. hikers徒步旅行者。根据下文“They have been cut off from the outside world for centuries and there’s a deep 8 between them and the land.”可知,他们与这片土地有深厚的关系,故他们指的是本地人。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:几个世纪以来,他们一直与外界隔绝,他们与这片土地之间有着深厚的联系。 A.understanding 理解;B.trust 信任;C. bond联系;纽带;D.agreement 同意。根据句中“They have been cut off from the outside world for centuries”可知,他们与外界隔绝几个世纪,因此他们和这片土地之间有着深厚的联系。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天我们很早就出发了,趁天还没热,但当我们到达最后一段——要走1200石台阶时,高温和肌肉疼痛已经开始了。A. reduce减少;B. beat击败;C. bear忍受;D. generate产生。根据句中“we were off early”及“but high temperatures and muscle pain had 10 by the time we reached the final stage—1,200 stone steps to 11 ”可知,我们乘着早上凉快尽早出发,打败高温。故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:第二天我们很早就出发了,趁天还没热,但当我们到达最后一段——要走1200石台阶时,高温和肌肉疼痛已经开始了。A. picked up捡起;B. held off推迟;C. set in开始;D. died down逐渐消失。根据下文“After finally lifting my painful body up the long flight of stairs”可知,炎热和肌肉疼痛降临了。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天我们很早就出发了,趁天还没热,但当我们到达最后一段——要走1200石台阶时,高温和肌肉疼痛已经开始了。A. identify识别;B. cover行走(一段路程);C. surface浮出水面;D. count数数。根据句中“we reached the final stage”可知,我们最后的任务是要走1200个石头台阶。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:坐在一个最高的露台上,我向下看,对下面美丽的景色感到惊奇。A. quick快的;B. successful成功的;C. experienced有经验的;D. 惊奇的。根据句中“the beautiful site”及上文的行程艰难可知,作者对眼前的景色感到惊讶。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:感觉我们是为数不多的探索这部古代杰作的人。A. unearth发掘;B. preserve保存;C. display展示;D. explore探索。根据上文“Despite this, I couldn’t 3 the opportunity to visit Ciudad Perdida. Twelve other hikers and I went there in 4 with a licensed guide.”可知,作者一行人来参观这座城市,即探索这部古代的杰作。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:尽管回程包括克服已经完成了我们目标的心理障碍,但是这次经历是我愿意再次体验的。A. otherwise否则;B. again再;C. though然而;D. instead代替。根据下文“Earned views are always better.”可知,我对这次经历印象深刻,因此我愿意再次体验。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:困难使得这次旅程更值得。A. popular有欢迎的;B. distinc不同的;C.rewarding值得的;D. influential有影响的。这是一个强调句。根据下文“Earned views are always better.”可知,这次旅程因为困难而更值得。故选C项。
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
A black slate (石板), an alloy steel needle and decades of practice are ____36____ Li Yahua needs to create the perfect Huihe stone shadow carving work of art. With her left hand ____37____ (gentle) leaning against the mirror-like stone to support the heavy chisel (凿子) she’s holding in her right hand, the artist creates a black-and-white landscape by intensively chiseling dots in various sizes and density on the stone.
____38____ (difference) from traditional Chinese art types that emphasize the beauty of lines, stone shadow carving highlights the size and ____39____ (deep) of dots.
“We use an alloy steel needle to chisel white dots to create images on a polished and smooth black slate,” Li explained, adding the pressure ____40____ (use) to chisel them was the key to getting the carving right. “On an A 4-paper-size black slate, we need to chisel about 100 million dots ____41____ (create) an image,” she continued, adding it would take 7 to 20 days to complete the work depending on its level of complexity. Born into a family of stone carvers, stone and alloy steel needles ____42____ (be) Li’s best friends since childhood and the sound of chisel ____43____ (knock) on the slate is the soundtrack to her life. ____44____ 56-year-old has devoted nearly 40 years to the craft. For her, shadow carving is ______45______ preserving history, culture and art, and recording the stories of the times.
【答案】36. what
37. gently 38. Different
39. depth 40. used
41. to create
42 have been
43. knocking
44. The 45. about
考查副词。句意:左手轻轻地靠在镜子般的石头上,支撑着右手拿着的沉凿,艺术家通过在石头上密集地凿出各种大小和密度的点,创造了一幅黑白景观。修饰动词短语leaning against要用副词形式gently作状语。故填gently。
考查形容词。句意:与强调线条美的中国传统艺术类型不同,石影雕刻突出了点的大小和深度。different from“不同于”,用形容词different首字母大写。故填Different。
考查过去分词。句意:李亚华解释说:“我们用合金钢针在抛光光滑的黑色石板上凿出白点来仓造图像。”她补充说,被用来凿出白点的压力是雕刻正确的关键。逻辑主语the pressure和非谓语动词use是被动关系,use用过去分词形式作后置定语,修饰the pressure。故填used。
考查动词不定式。句意:“在A4纸大小的黑色石板上,我们需要凿出大约1亿个点来创建一个图像,”她继续说道,并补充说,根据其复杂程度,完成这项工作需要7到20天。根据句意,此处用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to create。
考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:出生在一个石雕世家的李亚华,从小就与石针和合金钢针头友,凿子敲击石板的声音是她生活的原声。since+过去时间点(since childhood),谓语动词be用现在完成时,主语stone and alloy steel needles是复数,助动词用have。故填have been。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文(满分15分)
46. 假定你是校英语戏剧社社长李华,在排练课本剧《百万英镑》The Million Pound Note时遇到一些困难,写一封信给同样酷爱戏剧表演的外教Betty老师,请她指导。内容包括:
Dear Betty,
Best regards,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Betty,
Hope this email finds you well. As the president of our school’s English Drama Club, I am currently facing some challenges while rehearsing the play The Million Pound Note and I am writing to seek your assistance.
Firstly, let me provide a brief overview of the plot. The Million Pound Note tells the story of Henry Adams, who receives a million-pound note and explores how it influences his life and those around him. I would be grateful if you could provide guidance on character development, blocking, and overall stage direction. Please let me know when and where you would be available to meet for these rehearsals. Your insights would be invaluable to our club.
Thank you in advance for considering my request, and I eagerly await your response.
Best regards,
Li Hua
寻找:seek→look for
原句:I would be grateful if you could provide guidance on character development, blocking, and overall stage direction.
拓展句:I would apreciate it if you could provide guidance on character development, blocking, and overall stage direction.
【点睛】【高分句型1】As the president of our school’s English Drama Club, I am currently facing some challenges while rehearsing the play The Million Pound Note and I am writing to seek your assistance. (运用了状语从句中的省略、非谓语动词现在分词作状语)
【高分句型2】The Million Pound Note tells the story of Henry Adams, who receives a million-pound note and explores how it influences his life and those around him. (运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Shrieking Toad and Dancing Ant
Kids got nicknames at a summer camp, and mine is Shrieking Toad (尖叫的蛤蟆). I guess it was my fault that I couldn't get a cool one.
A bunch of us campers were on our first nature walk. When we broke for lunch, we sat down on logs. I was on my nuts when a tree frog dropped onto my shirt from the branches above. I shrieked. It was totally unconscious and I didn't even know I could make a sound like that. Most kids forgot about it except Stan. Whenever I walked by, he'd shout, “Shrieking Toad, show us how you can hop!” I corrected him that it had been an eastern gray tree frog, not a toad, but that just made things worse.
Three days later, Counselor Matt announced we would be paired for a treasure hunt. Excited whispers spread through the camp. But when he read “Jay and Stan” as a team, my nerves got completely fried. Stan shouted, “Great! Shrieking Toad!” Then he called to the group, and I went red at what came out of his mouth. “Guys, if mosquitoes are bugging you, ask Shrieking Toad to eat them. Toads love bugs!” Kids roared with laughter.
After all the teams wandered off, Stan and I were alone. Then I had a great idea, surprising myself that I hadn't thought of it earlier. I suggested we split up so as to have a better chance of finding treasures. “Yeah, I'd better do what I'm toad (told).” Stan laughed and set off.
Ten minutes later, I heard something that reminded me of myself a few days ago. I ran toward the sound. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Stan was jumping around near a mud pool like a monkey, shrieking and yelling something that sounded like “Dance! Dance!” Seeing him scratching at his body and hitting at his clothes made me realize what he was really saying: “Ants! Ants!”
I rushed towards Stan and tried to help him.
That night, we all routinely sat around the campfire and I saw Stan's worry as clear as daylight.
【答案】Para 1:
I rushed towards Stan and tried to help him. He was hitting his clothes violently. I did what must be done. I pulled him into a mud pool. He was shocked at first, and then he must have realized why I did it. The ants went away. Since Stan and I were both covered in mud, we decided to head back. “I guess you’re going to have a pretty good story for everyone,” Stan said awkwardly. “Yeah, I guess so. You’ll probably be known as Dancing Ant from now on.”
Para 2:
That night, we all routinely sat around the campfire and I saw Stan's worry as clear as daylight. I knew how it felt to be teased; it wasn’t fun. I could see Stan’s worry which then turned into surprise. The next day when I was picked for a basketball team, someone called, “Unfair! Shrieking Toad’s a natural jumper!” Stan shouted, “Knock it off, guys. His name is Jay.” I wouldn’t have minded being given a cool nickname. But being known as plain “Jay”, and Stan’s friend, turned out to be cool too.
决定:decide to/ determine to
嘲笑:tease/laugh at
吃惊:shocked /surprised
尴尬:awkwardly / embarrassedly
【点睛】[高分句型1] Since Stan and I were both covered in mud, we decided to head back. (运用了since引导原因状语从句)
[高分句型2] But being known as plain “Jay”, and Stan’s friend, turned out to be cool too. (运用了动名词作主语)
听力答案:1-5 BCCAB 6-10 CABAC 11-15 BCBAC 16-20 ABBAA福建省厦门双十中学2024届高三上学期第三次月考
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What color does the man like most now
A.Green. B.Yellow. C.Blue.
2.Who broke the window probably
A.Linda. B.Bobby. C.Tom.
3.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In a car. B.In a restaurant. C.In a theater.
4.What role is the man willing to take for the band
A.Drummer. B.Guitarist. C.Keyboard player.
5.What did the man do last weekend
A.He reviewed for a test. B.He played a video game. C.He took a Latin lesson.
6.What is the woman eating
A.Steamed fish. B.Mutton stew. C.Fried chicken.
7.Why does the man apologize to the woman
A.He has to quit the long walk. B.He can’t offer her the job. C.He will be late for the meeting.
8.What’s the weather probably like now
A.Stormy. B.Sunny. C.Cloudy.
9.Why does the woman give up online shopping
A.She can’t use online payment. B.She considers it unsafe. C.She wants to save money.
10.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Author and book fan. B.Husband and wife. C.Editor and writer.
11.What month is it now
A.March. B.May. C.July.
12.What does the woman suggest the man do
A.Talk to his doctor. B.Extend the deadline. C.Take a vacation.
13.What time is it now
A.4:30 p.m. B.4:45 p.m. C.5:15 p.m.
14.What will the woman dress for the party
A.Casual clothes. B.An evening dress. C.A business suit.
15.What will he man bring to the party
A.His friend. B.A dish. C.His pet.
16.How does the woman sound in the end
A.Relieved. B.Stressed. C.Ashamed.
17.What is the speaker doing
A.Giving a lecture B.Hosting a program. C.Conducting an interview.
18.How much does a 50-kg object weigh if it’s put on Jupiter
A.About 20 kg. B.About 120 kg. C.About 240 kg.
19.What did the Swiss scientist Fritz Zwicky do for dark matter
A.He named it. B.He discovered it. C.He measured its mass.
20.Which university is Professor Jorge Penarrubia working for
A.University of Edinburgh. B.University of British Columbia. C.University of Cambridge.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
If you’re looking for an e-bike experience without getting rid of your favorite two-wheeler, the CLIP is for you. It’s a friction-drive (摩擦驱动的) motor that easily attaches to the front wheel of your bike, its roller helping speed you around faster than you can pedal. It’s removable, so you can charge it under your desk or at your destination.
Yakima CBX Solar
Topped with Sunflare solar panels, Yakima’s new CBX Solar rooftop cargo (货物) box is equipped with two USB ports and can power your campsite on an overnight trip or keep your devices charged without having to use your car battery. Plus, the CBX Solar has more than enough room to hold your sports equipment.
Nuheara IQbuds2 MAX
Wireless earbuds (耳塞) are increasingly capable of blocking the noise of the outside world while you listen to tunes. But when you can’t hear the person right in front of you, it’d be nice if they offered a little help. The IQbuds2 MAX are on the case. They are the only wireless buds that feature both active noise cancellation and audio-processing technology capable of identifying human conversations, which tune out everything except the people or sounds you want to hear.
Guardhat HC1 Communicator
Besides head injuries, industrial workers also face other dangers at work sites. Guardhat’s new tech-enabled hard hat, the HC1 Communicator, can help keep those workers safe. The Communicator monitors the wearer’s location in real time; allows them to make hands-free video and audio calls; and detects their nearness to dangerous materials, temperatures and moving equipment.
1. Which of the following can power your Bluetooth speaker
A. CLIP. B. Yakima CBX Solar.
C. Nuheara IQbuds2 MAX. D. Guardhat HCl Communicator.
2. Compared with other wireless earbuds, the IQbuds2 MAX are unique in________.
A. blocking the noise B. music playing
C. conversation capability D. sorting out sounds
3. What’s the text mainly about
A Introduction of new inventions.
B. Safety rules for workers.
C. Comments on high-tech devices.
D. Advice on vehicle choices.
We were designing a wheelchair for a college engineering course. My classmates were certain that we needed to use steel and they felt only steel would be strong enough. I thought steel would be too heavy and aluminum would be a better option. But the student who strongly advocated steel worked at a bike shop. A few days later, when the big and heavy steel arm kept dropping down, I wished I had shown more determination to defend my position.
I enjoyed doing handiwork and my parents would come home and see artworks I had finished that day—painting, clay sculpting, sewing stuffed animals, etc. But when I studied engineering in college, these pursuits were deep-sixed. Not only was I stretched for time, but I didn’t think they were relevant to my academic work. I hesitated to highlight my female crafting interests in the male-dominated engineering environment where I already felt like an outsider.
When I went on to pursue a Ph.D. — early in the pandemic, I felt anxious and turned to crafting. One day I was making a set of dice as a gift for a friend. While putting the liquid resin (树脂) into the silicone mold (硅胶模具), I made a joke to my partner that I was “injection molding” — a standard engineering manufacturing process. I suddenly realized that although resin art is not injection molding in the technical sense, it shares the spirit and probably some skills.
Soon I saw connections between engineering and crafting that I had previously overlooked. When working on the wheelchair project, I used my sewing skills to create cushioned grips for the handles. I saw how crafting taught me to persevere when my product didn’t match my initial vision and to consider the failed creation a learning experience, just as an engineer must.
Since then, I’ve built crafting back into my free time. I’ve also stopped hiding it from my colleagues. I mentioned my dice-making experience at a robotics conference and explained in a team meeting how we could gain inspiration from art experiences. I was glad that the responses were positive — not rude or dismissive, as I used to fear.
4. What can we know about the author and her classmates
A. They had a sort of love-hate relationship.
B. They worked part-time at a local bike shop.
C. They had disagreements when creating a wheelchair.
D. They knew nothing about the structure of wheelchairs.
5. What does the underlined word “deep-sixed” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Put aside. B. Backed up. C. Followed through. D. Dug out.
6. What did the author realize after making a gift for a friend
A. She should take up more hobbies. B. Crafting needs great practical skills.
C. She should become more determined. D. Crafting can help make her a better engineer.
7. Which of the following words can best describe the author
A. Creative but sensitive. B. Confident but stubborn.
C. Ambitious and strong-willed. D. Emotional and straightforward.
A new study has found that smiling at London bus drivers increases happiness. However, on the Number 24 bus to Hampstead Heath, Londoners are sceptical. “Bus drivers,” says Liz Hands, a passenger, “are generally annoying.”
It might seem improbable that a report on London’s buses could change behaviour. But it has happened before. London’s buses have an underappreciated role in the history of medical science. In the 1940s, a single study of London’s transport workers transformed epidemiology (流行病学), medicine and the way we live now. Every time you go on a run, check your step-count, or take the stairs instead of the lift, you are following a path pioneered by the feet of the workers on London’s buses.
In the late 1940s, doctors were worried. Britain, like many rich countries, was suffering from an “epidemic” of heart disease and no one knew why. Various hypotheses, such as stress, were suggested; but one thing that was not exercising researchers was exercise. The idea that health and exercise were linked “wasn’t the accepted fact that we know today”, says Nick Wareham, a professor of epidemiology at Cambridge University. Some even felt that “too much physical activity was a bad thing for your health”. Miners and farmers who did physical exercise also suffered from various diseases and died young.
At this time a young doctor called Jerry Morris started to suspect that the increasing deaths from heart disease might be linked to occupation. He began studying the medical records of 31,000 London transport workers. His findings were breathtaking: conductors, who spent their time running up and down stairs, had an approximately 30% lower possibility of disease than drivers, who sat down all day. Exercise was keeping people alive.
Morris’s research was eventually published in 1953, just three years after a study by Richard Doll proving the link between smoking and lung cancer. Morris’s work had consequences both big and small. Morris now also took up exercise, handing his jacket to his daughter and just running. “People thought I was bananas.” Slowly, the rest of the world took off its jacket and followed.
8 Why does the author mention the new study in the first paragraph
A. To clarify a concept. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To present the argument. D. To provide an example.
9. What does the underlined part “exercising researchers” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Encouraging researchers to work out. B. Helping with researchers’ inquiry.
C. Hold back researchers’ progress. D. Drawing researchers’ attention.
10. How did Morris conduct his study on the transport employees
A. By carrying out survey. B. By observing their routines.
C. By doing medical examinations. D. By analyzing the medical data.
11. What is the best title for the text
A. Smiling and Its Effects on London Bus Drivers.
B. The Evolution of London’s Transportation System.
C. How London Bus Drivers Led the world to exercise.
D. What Londoners Think about Studies on Bus Drivers.
The other day, a blind woman in my investigation decided on her own initiative to draw a wheel as it was spinning. To show this motion, she traced a curve inside the circle, I was taken aback. Lines of motion, such as the one she used, are a very recent invention in the history of illustration.
When I asked other blind subjects to draw a spinning wheel, a clever interpretation appeared repeatedly: they showed the wheel’s spokes (辐条) as curved lines. When asked, they described them as metaphorical ways of suggesting motion. Majority rule would argue that this device somehow indicated motion very well. But was it a better indicator than, say, bent lines or any other kind of line, for that matter The answer was not clear. So I decided to test whether various lines of motion were preferred ways of showing movement or if they were merely marks of personal styles. Moreover, I wanted to discover whether there were differences in how the blind and the sighted interpreted lines of motion.
To find these answers, I created raised line drawings of different wheels, showing spokes with lines that curved, bent, waved and extended beyond the perimeter (边缘) of the wheel. I then asked eighteen blind volunteers to feel the wheels and assign one of the following motions to each wheel: shaky, spinning, jerking or braking. My control group consisted of eighteen sighted undergraduates.
All but one of the blind subjects assigned distinctive motions to each wheel. Most guessed that the curved spokes indicated that the wheel was spinning, the wavy spokes, they thought, suggested that the wheel was shaky; and the bent spokes were taken as a sign that the wheel was jerking. Subjects assumed that the spokes extending beyond the wheel’s perimeter signified that the wheel had its brakes on.
Additionally, the favoured description for the sighted was the favoured description for the blind in every instance. What’s more, the consensus among the sighted was barely higher than that among the blind. Because motion devices are unfamiliar to the blind, the task I gave them involved some problem solving. Evidently, however, the blind not only figured out meanings for each line of motion, but as a group they generally came up with the same meaning as frequently as did sighted subjects.
12. The author was surprised because the blind woman .
A drew a circle on her own initiative B. was the first person to use lines of motion
C. included a symbol representing movement D. did not understand what a wheel looked like
13. What did the author want to find out about the blind subjects through the experiment
A. What their personal styles were in drawing marks.
B. Whether they would agree with the majority rule.
C. How they came up with the curved lines to suggest motion.
D. Whether there is a pattern in their interpretation of visual metaphors.
14. The following diagram suggests that the wheel is .
A. spinning B. braking C. shaky D. jerking
15. From the experiment described, the author found that the blind subjects .
A. got better results than the sighted undergraduates
B worked together well as a group in solving problems
C. could control the movement of wheels very accurately
D. had good understanding of symbols representing movement
There has been a very serious decline in the numbers of shallow-water fish as a result of overfishing. People still want to eat fish, so the fishing industry must look at other sources, especially the deep waters of the Atlantic. ____16____
Conservation measures will have to be put in place if these deep-sea fish are to survive. Research on five such species shows that numbers have declined by between 87 percent and 98 percent. ____17____ Many species could well disappear completely if the present trend continues. These are species that have been swimming in our oceans for hundreds of millions of years.
The problem is emphasized by the fact that the decline in numbers happened in less than twenty years. Deep-sea fish take a long time to reproduce and normally live for many years. ____18____ The average size of such fish also declined, with one species showing a 57 percent decline in average size. This is of particular concern, as large fish tend to produce more offspring than small ones.
____19____ The deep-sea species have been caught as if they were the fast-breeding (快速繁殖) fish like sardine and herring. It is like killing elephants as if they reproduced at the same rate as rabbits.
The damage done by overfishing goes beyond the sea environment. Millions of people make a living in the fishing industry. ____20____ Measures must be taken to not only conserve ecosystems, but also sustain livelihoods and ensure food security.
A. Billions of people rely on fish for protein.
B. Many people now choose not to eat deep-sea fish.
C. Unfortunately, their reproduction rate is very low.
D. This puts them in the category of “critically endangered”.
E. None of these facts has been taken into account by the fishing industry.
F. Overfishing is a major cause of decline in populations of ocean wildlife.
G. This has resulted in a sharp decline in the numbers of many of the species caught.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Ciudad Perdida, Colombia’s “Lost City” is older than Machu Picchu. There are no trains or buses allowing of ____21____ travels to reach its ruins. The remote place is only ____22____ on foot: a tiring multi-day hike.
Despite this, I couldn’t ____23____ the opportunity to visit Ciudad Perdida. Twelve other hikers and I went there in ____24____ with a licensed guide. The dirt path, which wandered through towering palms and hanging vines, proved ____25____ right from the start. It’s recommended that hikers have good general fitness, ____26____ the journey is tough. Along the way we also met the ____27____. They have been cut off from the outside world for centuries and there’s a deep ____28____ between them and the land.
The next morning, we were off early to ____29____ the heat, but high temperatures and muscle pain had already ____30____ by the time we reached the final stage—1,200 stone steps to ____31____. After finally lifting my painful body up the long flight of stairs, my eyes rested on the scenery that had prompted the backbreaking journey: Ciudad Perdida.
Sitting on one of the highest terraces (露台), I looked down and was ____32____ at the beautiful site below. It felt as though we were some of the rare few that got to ____33____ this ancient masterpiece. While the return trip included overcoming the mental barrier of having already achieved our goal, the experience is the one I would do ____34____. It is the difficulty that makes the journey a more ____35____ one. Earned views are always better.
21. A. extensive B. qualified C. domestic D. easy
22. A. impressive B. accessible C. worthwhile D. economical
23. A. resist B. obtain C. take D. experience
24. A. turn B. contact C. harmony D. company
25. A. disappointing B. striking C. challenging D. promising
26. A. as B. but C. although D. so
27. A. natives B. photographers C. guides D. hikers
28. A. understanding B. trust C. bond D. agreement
29. A. reduce B. beat C. bear D. generate
30. A. picked up B. held off C. set in D. died down
31. A. identify B. cover C. surface D. count
32. A. quick B. successful C. experienced D. amazed
33. A. unearth B. preserve C. display D. explore
34. A. otherwise B. again C. though D. instead
35. A. popular B. distinct C. rewarding D. influential
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
A black slate (石板), an alloy steel needle and decades of practice are ____36____ Li Yahua needs to create the perfect Huihe stone shadow carving work of art. With her left hand ____37____ (gentle) leaning against the mirror-like stone to support the heavy chisel (凿子) she’s holding in her right hand, the artist creates a black-and-white landscape by intensively chiseling dots in various sizes and density on the stone.
____38____ (difference) from traditional Chinese art types that emphasize the beauty of lines, stone shadow carving highlights the size and ____39____ (deep) of dots.
“We use an alloy steel needle to chisel white dots to create images on a polished and smooth black slate,” Li explained, adding the pressure ____40____ (use) to chisel them was the key to getting the carving right. “On an A 4-paper-size black slate, we need to chisel about 100 million dots ____41____ (create) an image,” she continued, adding it would take 7 to 20 days to complete the work depending on its level of complexity. Born into a family of stone carvers, stone and alloy steel needles ____42____ (be) Li’s best friends since childhood and the sound of chisel ____43____ (knock) on the slate is the soundtrack to her life. ____44____ 56-year-old has devoted nearly 40 years to the craft. For her, shadow carving is ______45______ preserving history, culture and art, and recording the stories of the times.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文(满分15分)
46. 假定你是校英语戏剧社社长李华,在排练课本剧《百万英镑》The Million Pound Note时遇到一些困难,写一封信给同样酷爱戏剧表演的外教Betty老师,请她指导。内容包括:
Dear Betty,
Best regards,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Shrieking Toad and Dancing Ant
Kids got nicknames at a summer camp, and mine is Shrieking Toad (尖叫的蛤蟆). I guess it was my fault that I couldn't get a cool one.
A bunch of us campers were on our first nature walk. When we broke for lunch, we sat down on logs. I was on my nuts when a tree frog dropped onto my shirt from the branches above. I shrieked. It was totally unconscious and I didn't even know I could make a sound like that. Most kids forgot about it except Stan. Whenever I walked by, he'd shout, “Shrieking Toad, show us how you can hop!” I corrected him that it had been an eastern gray tree frog, not a toad, but that just made things worse.
Three days later, Counselor Matt announced we would be paired for a treasure hunt. Excited whispers spread through the camp. But when he read “Jay and Stan” as a team, my nerves got completely fried. Stan shouted, “Great! Shrieking Toad!” Then he called to the group, and I went red at what came out of his mouth. “Guys, if mosquitoes are bugging you, ask Shrieking Toad to eat them. Toads love bugs!” Kids roared with laughter.
After all the teams wandered off, Stan and I were alone. Then I had a great idea, surprising myself that I hadn't thought of it earlier. I suggested we split up so as to have a better chance of finding treasures. “Yeah, I'd better do what I'm toad (told).” Stan laughed and set off.
Ten minutes later, I heard something that reminded me of myself a few days ago. I ran toward the sound. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Stan was jumping around near a mud pool like a monkey, shrieking and yelling something that sounded like “Dance! Dance!” Seeing him scratching at his body and hitting at his clothes made me realize what he was really saying: “Ants! Ants!”
I rushed towards Stan and tried to help him.
That night, we all routinely sat around the campfire and I saw Stan's worry as clear as daylight.
听力答案:1-5 BCCAB 6-10 CABAC 11-15 BCBAC 16-20 ABBAA



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