
Today is 1 —the day after Tuesday. Shirley is busy today. She is a middle school 2 . She teaches P.E. Shirley has 3 lessons 4 Wednesday—two in the morning and two in the afternoon. She needs 5 the students to play volleyball this week. It is 6 favorite sport.
School 7 at 4:00 p.m. After school Shirley doesn’t go home. She stays in the school with students in the school volleyball team. They will have a volleyball game with No. 2 Middle School next Friday. Everyone wants to win the game, 8 they practice hard.
Shirley gets home 9 8:00 p.m. It’s late but she is happy, because she likes being a teacher and she is 10 to help her students.
1.A.Wednesday B.Monday C.Saturday
2.A.singer B.student C.teacher
3.A.three B.four C.six
4.A.on B.in C.at
5.A.to teach B.teach C.teaching
6.A.she B.her C.his
7.A.starts B.finish C.finishes
8.A.although B.but C.so
9.A.at B.of C.in
10.A.sad B.happy C.bored
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Caro has always loved stories about true friends. All 11 favorite heroines (女主角) have a true friendship, like Anne in Anne of Green Gables, Emily in Emily of New Moon, and 12 . “Did it ever happen outside stories Could I have a real true friend ” Caro 13 .
Cassie and Liana were her best friends, but now they 14 talking to her. She is sad. Would things get better She doesn’t know. Having a broken friendship hurts (疼痛), maybe not in the same way as a broken leg, 15 it truly hurts.
As for making friends, Caro doesn’t know much about that. She hardly remember her 16 of making friends with Cassie. Perhaps she was five years old. And then Liana 17 . Now, she will have to make friends for the first time, if she wants a true friend.
But what should she do Put a notice (通告) in the newspaper—True Friend Wanted or Wanted: Broken Friendship Repair Shop Is there anyone who would be her 18 Or will she have to spend the summer by herself Caro even 19 thinking of that. Will she 20 spend it reading stories about friendship Find it out in the book Caro’s Quest.
11.A.my B.his C.her
12.A.everyone B.everything C.something
13.A.followed B.wondered C.agreed
14.A.enjoy B.stop C.practice
15.A.and B.or C.but
16.A.age B.grade C.idea
17.A.got lost B.called back C.got in
18.A.friend B.sister C.teacher
19.A.follows B.dislikes C.decides
20.A.also B.just C.still
Growing up, I understood one thing about my dad, he knew everything. This was our relationship. I asked him questions and he told me the 21 . Is there really a man on the moon How do sailboats work What is the highest score anyone’s ever gotten in PacMan
In my teen years, he 22 me things I’d need to know to live in the real world, how to drive a car, how to check the car’s tire pressure (胎压), the correct 23 to use to peel an apple, and so on.
When I moved out on my own at the age of 18, I called him at least once a week. I called him usually 24 something broke in my apartment and I needed to know how to fix it, the toilet, the air conditioning, the wall, once, when I threw a shoe at a 25 mouse.
But then, finally, I needed him less. I got 26 , and my husband had most of the knowledge I didn’t have about doing chores, painting walls, cleaning the toilet and cooking. For everything else, we had the Internet.
I don’t know when it happened, but our conversations 27 six words. Me: “Hi, Dad.” Him: “Hi, sweets. Here’s Mom.”
I loved my father, of course, but I wondered at times if maybe he had already 28 everything I needed to know. Maybe I’d heard all of his stories. Maybe, after knowing a man for 40 years, there’s 29 left to say. I realized something 30 be done to change the situation. I visited him often and talked about the things happened when I was young with him. We had dinner together. We traveled together. We saw the beautiful scenery (风景) of the world together. The relationship between Dad and me rebuilt.
21.A.answers B.problems C.questions
22.A.showed B.gave C.taught
23.A.pen B.knife C.box
24.A.unless B.until C.when
25.A.lazy B.scary C.funny
26.A.married B.excited C.worried
27.A.threw into B.turned into C.dropped into
28.A.shared B.found C.fixed
29.A.everything B.anything C.nothing
30.A.mustn’t B.must C.can’t
“How dare you are!”
My anger finally burst out (爆发) when my son refused to go to the piano classes for the third time that day. He rolled his eyes at me, which made me even 31 . I completely lost my temper (脾气) and shouted at the top of my 32 . “Enough! You are not my boy anymore!”
He didn’t 33 or talk back to me. He responded (回应) in 34 with a look of helplessness that I had never seen before. He used to cry violently and beg me to excuse him. The innocence (无辜) shining in his big eyes would 35 that hot-tempered beast (野兽) in me in the end.
However, this time… Did what he had done really make me angry No. Did such anger come all from his improper behavior No. Had I ever given him a 36 to be listened to No.
My tiring job, my endless housework, my kid’s cry for “mommy, mommy” …, all formed a minefield (雷区) and all that was needed to blow it up was a fuse (导火索). My son was the victim (受害者) .
The rest of the day, he 37 an outdoor walk, a ride in the park, and even his favorite games, and just wanted to be 38 , I read the greatest sadness and the truest innocence in his eyes. After saying sorry sincerely, I held his tiny trembling (发抖) body 39 in my arms, tears filling my eyes.
For those who believe “Sticks and stones may break the bone, but words can never hurt anybody”, I have a piece of heartfelt advice. Do not try this most powerful weapon against the people you love. It is sharp (锋利) enough to cut the deepest into a 40 .
31.A.better B.sadder C.angrier
32.A.pronunciation B.request C.voice
33.A.cry B.shout C.smile
34.A.shock B.silence C.surprise
35.A.look up B.drop by C.drive away
36.A.process B.license C.chance
37.A.went B.loved C.refused
38.A.active B.alone C.awful
39.A.closely B.happily C.hardly
40.A.body B.soul C.boy
Robert liked nothing more in the world than to win, because he couldn’t 41 losing. Once he became the best chess player in his class by 42 all kinds of tricks (花招). He won so many times that almost no one wanted to play with him. One person who did play with Robert was a boy called Allen. 43 playing tricks, Robert won over and over again and he always laughed at Allen.
But Robert finally got 44 with all this. He needed something more, so he decided to try out for the city chess competition. Many excellent players from different schools would join in the big event. He certainly wanted to be the winner of the game. But when he tried using all those tricks, well… 45 of them worked. The judges (裁判) stopped any of the tricks from working.
Robert couldn’t beat anybody else. He soon lost in the game. When the result of the game came out, 46 , Allen was the final winner. Robert finally found out that Allen was much 47 . Failures (失败) didn’t make Allen upset or lose confidence, 48 he was learning something new each time. And from these competition 49 , he became a real winner.
From then on, Robert stopped 50 to win all the time. Sometimes he was quite happy to lose because that was how he would learn to win on the really important events.
41.A.mind B.stand C.refuse
42.A.bringing out B.turning down C.making use of
43.A.For B.By C.Of
44.A.interested B.bored C.worried
45.A.no one B.nothing C.none
46.A.unluckily B.surprisingly C.differently
47.A.worse B.happier C.smarter
48.A.because B.although C.unless
49.A.experiences B.mistakes C.hobbies
50.A.finding B.wondering C.expecting
Days ago, I made a skirt for a friend’s daughter. Today, I noticed (注意) a message on my phone on WeChat. It was my friend saying, “I know you worked hard on the skirt and it looks very 51 , but my daughter doesn’t like the patterns (图案) on the skirt. Could you change it ”
I felt angry and wanted to call her back. Then I suddenly thought of Grandma and what she did for me long ago. It was a summer when I was eight. One day, Grandma decided to 52 my hair with some flowers. She spent a long time on it, and she 53 doing that. When Grandma finished, she was so happy. But after I stood on a chair to look at myself in the mirror, my 54 went cold.
“You can go out and play now,” Grandma said, smiling.
I nodded (点头) and 55 walked towards the door. I looked out of the door and saw some kids playing outside. My best friend, Liu Mei, saw me and waved (挥手) at me to go outside, but I couldn’t move. I knew everyone would laugh at my hair, but I couldn’t tell Grandma 56 I felt.
Finally, I went into Grandma’s room and said in a 57 voice, “Grandma, I don’t think the flowers in my hair look nice.”
Grandma looked sad, but didn’t 58 a word, she stood me back on the chair in front of the mirror. While Grandma was pulling out the flowers gently (轻柔地). I realized (意识到) she loved me so deeply that she put my feelings 59 hers. And that is the kind of love I try to pass on today.
I picked up my phone and replied to my friend on WeChat, “I am glad to 60 it.”
51.A.nice B.ugly C.common
52.A.put on B.dress up C.cut up
53.A.hated B.refused C.enjoyed
54.A.head B.heart C.hand
55.A.slowly B.quickly C.happily
56.A.what B.how C.that
57.A.relaxed B.surprised C.scared
58.A.speak B.say C.tell
59.A.after B.with C.before
60.A.change B.keep C.break
Every day, Fox 61 his mother that he would catch Hen for dinner that night. 62 Hen was smart and 63 . When she left to the market, she locked her front door. When she came home, she locked (锁) herself inside. She put her key in her pocket. And she always kept her scissors (剪刀) in her pocket, too.
One day, Fox had a 64 . It was cold that day. Before breakfast, Hen ran to the outside to get some sticks. Hen wasn’t looking. Fox went into her house.
Hen came back inside. To her 65 , Fox stood over her with a big smile on his face. He caught her and put her inside a large bag.
Hen was fat. After taking the bag for a long way, Fox had to sit down to rest. Soon he fell asleep and snored (打鼾) 66 . Hearing that, Hen decided to cut a hole in the bag with her scissors. Then she placed two large rocks inside the bag. When she finished, she ran back home and locked her door.
Fox woke up. He took the bag and put it over his shoulder (肩膀). The rocks were as heavy as the hen, so he did not find the 67 . Fifteen minutes later, he was back home.
Fox’s mother 68 the boiling water. Fox opened the bag, the 69 fell into the pot.
Fox’s mother said. “What a fine soup we will have today, made from nothing but rocks and water!”
Fox was upset. He said, “Sorry, Mother. I don’t know what happened. Surely, tomorrow we will 70 that pot with a big, juicy hen.”
61.A.promised B.decided C.discussed
62.A.So B.But C.Or
63.A.creative B.careful C.careless
64.A.plant B.planet C.plan
65.A.surprise B.sadness C.anger
66.A.quietly B.loudly C.quickly
67.A.difficulty B.difference C.disagreement
68.A.prepared B.predicted C.polluted
69.A.rockets B.roles C.rocks
70.A.fill B.cover C.help
“What is the meaning of life ” It is a question that I have asked myself many times over the years. The best answer I’ve ever 71 was “The meaning of life is to give life meaning.”
When I was a young boy, I gave my life meaning by 72 playing, running, swimming, laughing and riding my bike.
When I went to school, I gave my life meaning by learning, studying hard, getting good grades and trying to make my mom and dad 73 .
In college, I 74 meaning by deciding what I wanted to study and what career(职业) I wanted to 75 for. When I was working as a teacher, I found meaning by helping 76 young minds to new ideas and old wisdom. When I got married, I found meaning in protecting, providing for, and 77 my family.
And when I found out that my daughter is born 78 mental illnesses(精神疾病), I found meaning in loving her, caring for her, and learning from her about love, patience, faith(信念), and joy.
As I got 79 , I began to realize that meaning isn’t something that comes and goes. We are responsible(负责任的) for 80 our own meaning. All we have to do is love ourselves and others. It is love that gives life meaning. It is love that makes life worth living.
71.A.looked B.heard C.listened
72.A.hardly B.simply C.ever
73.A.down B.proud C.worried
74.A.covered B.found C.watched
75.A.prepare B.pay C.provide
76.A.open B.keep C.protect
77.A.mentioning B.supporting C.educating
78.A.with B.into C.of
79.A.sadder B.opener C.older
80.A.creating B.collecting C.wasting
Stand in front of a mirror and look at it. How much do you really know about the person 81 it
It’s not an 82 job to know ourselves. To help students do this important task, schools across China let students have more classes and activities on self-knowledge.
Liu Yue, a 83 from Chengdu Yucai Middle School, gave her students a useful tool. “It’s called the Johari Window, developed by two US psychologists (心理学家),” said Liu. “It has 84 areas (区域) about one’s self: open area (that everyone knows about), hidden (隐藏) area (that only you know), blind spot (盲区) (that everyone knows but you) 85 unknown area (that nobody knows). Using this tool, students did a good job seeing themselves through a new lens (透镜).”
“I want to know more about my blind spot,” said an eighth-grader Yang Manfei. “ 86 I did a survey with my friends.” The results showed that Yang easily gets anxious (焦虑的) and impatient because of procrastination (拖延). “That’s a bad habit but I didn’t see that before!” Yang said.
“I think the unknown area is the most exciting,” said Sun Boyin. “It means everyone has lots of potential (潜力).” When Sun started middle school, he 87 not good at math. “But I set a goal and did lots of math exercises. Now I’m much 88 at math. The unknown part of my math ability is getting clearer!” Sun said.
When it came to the hidden area, most students kept silent. “I’m scared to show my secrets deep down,” said Li Yixuan. “Then one classmate 89 and said his favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. He has the courage (勇气) to be 90 .”
“Show yourself and make yourself better,” Li said.
81.A.at B.in C.on
82.A.easy B.outgoing C.able
83.A.parent B.teacher C.friend
84.A.four B.five C.six
85.A.or B.but C.and
86.A.Because B.So C.Although
87.A.is B.has C.was
88.A.more B.better C.worse
89.A.stood up B.stood by C.stood for
90.A.him B.his C.himself
On December 18th, the 22nd FIFA World Cup finished in Qatar. Lionel Messi is a great 91 player from Argentina(阿根廷) and now he is the super star in the world. He loves playing soccer because he thinks it’s 92 and he can really does it 93 .
At the age of 5, he is 94 , but he runs very fast. When he is 11 years old, he finds out that he has the dwarfism (侏儒症) and will not grow taller any more.
He can’t 95 soccer for his team. He really feels 96 for a long time because of it. But he doesn’t want to give up. The great love for soccer makes him overcome (克服) difficulties he meets. His 97 help him and his grandma tells him, “You are going to be the best soccer player in the world. ”With the support(支持) of 98 family, Messi plays for the famous Barcelona Club(巴萨俱乐部) . He plays with his teammates for 21 99 . There, he gets many prizes. Many people from other countries know and love this man. Messi says, “I 100 love around the world in my life. Thank you for giving me your love. ”
91.A.basketball B.soccer C.tennis
92.A.interesting B.difficult C.boring
93.A.well B.only C.too
94.A.tidy B.short C.nice
95.A.play B.take C.find
96.A.happy B.useful C.bad
97.A.teachers B.parents C.classmates
98.A.her B.his C.their
99.A.days B.hours C.years
100.A.buy B.get C.take
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.B
Wednesday周三;Monday周四;Saturday周六。根据“the day after Tuesday.”可知,周二的后一天是周三,故选A。
singer歌手;student学生;teacher老师。根据“She teaches P.E. ”可知,她是老师,故选C。
three三;four四;six六。根据“two in the morning and two in the afternoon.”可知,一天有四节课,故选B。
to teach动词不定式;teach动词原形;teaching动名词。need to do sth“需要做某事”,是固定表达,故选A。
starts开始;finish完成;finishes完成,动词三单。根据“4:00 p.m.”可知,下午四点放学,主语是单数,动词用单三形式,故选C。
sad伤心的;happy开心的;bored无聊的。根据“because she likes being a teacher ”可知,她喜欢当老师,说明她很高兴帮助她的学生。故选B。
11.C 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.B
my我的;his他的;her她的;结合前文“Caro has always loved stories about true friends.(卡罗一直很喜欢关于真朋友的故事。)”和备选词汇可知,此处是指她最喜欢的女主角有最好的朋友;选项C“她的”符合语境。故选C。
everyone每个人;everything一切;something某事。根据空前“Anne in Anne of Green Gables, Emily in Emily of New Moon(《绿色山墙的安妮》中的安妮和《新月的艾米丽》中的艾米丽)”可知,这里是指这些故事中的每个人。故选A。
followed跟随;wondered想知道;agreed同意。根据“Did it ever happen outside stories Could I have a real true friend ”可推知,这里表示卡罗想知道。故选B。
enjoy喜欢;stop停止;practice练习。根据下文“Having a broken friendship hurts,(友谊破裂伤人,)”可知,她和朋友们感情破裂了,她们不和她说话;选项B“停止”符合语境。故选B。
and和,以;or或者;but但是。前文“maybe not in the same way as a broken leg(可能和断腿的方式不一样)”和“it truly hurts.(真的很痛。)”存在转折关系,应用but来连接两句。故选C。
age年龄;grade成绩;idea主意。结合“Perhaps she was five years old.(也许她只有五岁。)”和备选词汇可知,此处是指她记不清与凯西交朋友时她多大了;选项A“年龄”符合语境。故选A。
got lost迷路了;called back回电话;got in进入,参与其中。根据前文“Cassie and Liana were her best friends,”可推知,先是凯西成了她的朋友,然后利亚娜也成了她们的朋友;选项C“参与其中”符合语境。故选C。
follows跟随;dislikes不喜欢;decides决定。根据上下文可知,卡罗不知道如何交朋友,不知道如何解决自己的交友问题,心里很是担忧和烦恼,结合后面的thinking of that及备选项,B项“不喜欢,讨厌”符合语境。故选B。
21.A 22.C 23.B 24.C 25.B 26.A 27.B 28.A 29.C 30.B
showed展示;gave给;taught教。根据下文“how to check the car’s tire pressure (胎压)”可知,作者的爸爸教她如何在现实世界中生存。故选C。
pen钢笔;knife刀子;box盒子。根据下文“peel an apple”可知,如何正确使用刀子给苹果削皮。故选B。
unless除非;until直到; when当……的时候。根据“something broke in my apartment”可知,此处表示当作者公寓里的东西坏了的时候,她通常给爸爸打电话。when引导时间状语从句。选C。
married结婚的;excited兴奋的;worried担心的。get married“结婚”。根据句子后面的词语my husband可知,作者结婚了。故选A。
threw into扔进;turned into变成;dropped into掉进。根据下文“Me: ‘Hi, Dad.’ Him: ‘Hi, sweets. Here’s Mom.’”可知,作者和爸爸之间的谈话变成了六个字。故选B。
shared分享;found发现;fixed修理。根据“everything I needed to know”可知,此处表示作者的爸爸是否已经分享了她需要知道的一切。故选A。
everything一切;anything任何事情;nothing没有什么事情。根据上文“everything I needed to know”可知,此处表示作者和爸爸没什么好说的了。故选C。
mustn’t禁止;must必须;can’t不能。根据下文“I visited him often and talked about the things happened when I was young with him.”可知,作者意识到必须做些事情来改变这种情况。故选B。
31.C 32.C 33.A 34.B 35.C 36.C 37.C 38.B 39.A 40.B
better更好;sadder更悲伤;angrier更生气。根据前文“My anger finally burst out (爆发) when my son refused to go to the piano classes for the third time that day.”可知,作者是在生气,故选C。
pronunciation发音;request要求;voice嗓音。根据“I completely lost my temper (脾气) and shouted at the top of my...Enough! You are not my boy anymore!”可知,作者声嘶力竭地对儿子喊,故选C。
cry哭;shout喊叫;smile笑。根据“He used to cry violently and beg me to excuse him.”可知,他通常都会哭,此处是说这次没哭,故选A。
shock震惊;silence沉默;surprise惊讶。根据“He didn’t...or talk back to me.”可知,前面说他没有哭,此处是在无声地反抗,故选B。
35. 句意:他的大眼睛里闪烁着的无辜最终会将我心中的暴脾气野兽赶走。
look up查找;drop by顺便来访;drive away赶走。根据“ The innocence ( 无辜 ) shining in his big eyes would...that hot-tempered beast ( 野兽 ) in me in the end.”可知,孩子无辜的表情会驱走作者的暴脾气,drive sth. away意为“将……驱逐”,故选C。
process步骤;license执照;chance机会。根据“given him a...to be listened to”可知,此处指的是“给倾听的机会”,故选C。
went去;loved喜爱;refused拒绝。根据“just wanted to be”可知,他拒绝了这一切活动,故选C。
active积极的;alone独自;awful可怕的。根据“he...an outdoor walk, a ride in the park, and even his favorite games, and just wanted to be”可知,他只想独自待着,故选B。
closely紧密地;happily开心地;hardly几乎不。根据“I held his tiny trembling (发抖) body...in my arms, tears filling my eyes.”可知,作者很后悔,应该是紧紧地抱住了孩子,故选A。
body身体;soul灵魂;boy男孩。根据“Do not try this most powerful weapon against the people you love. It is sharp (锋利) enough to cut the deepest into”以及上文的描述可知,作者的话语刺痛了孩子的心,此处指的是会刺痛到灵魂深处,故选B。
41.B 42.C 43.B 44.B 45.C 46.B 47.C 48.A 49.A 50.C
mind介意;stand忍受;refuse拒绝。根据“Robert liked nothing more in the world than to win”可知他爱赢,可推测不能忍受输。can’t stand“不能忍受”,故选B。
bringing out充分发展;turning down拒绝;making use of利用。根据“Once he became the best chess player in his class by…all kinds of tricks”可知是靠利用花招才成为班上最好的棋手。故选C。
For对于;By靠,通过;Of……的。根据“…playing tricks, Robert won over and over again and he always laughed at Allen.”可知是靠玩花招,才一次又一次赢。故选B。
interested有趣的;bored无聊的;worried担心的。根据“He needed something more, so he decided to try out for the city chess competition.”可知他开始寻求新的地方的比赛,因此可推测出他对现在总是赢感到厌倦。故选B。
no one没人;nothing没什么;none没有。根据“The judges (裁判) stopped any of the tricks from working.”可知裁判不允许耍花招,因此罗伯特的花招全都没奏效。none of“没有一个”,故选C。
unluckily不幸地;surprisingly惊讶地;differently不同地。根据“Robert won over and over again and he always laughed at Allen.”可知之前总是罗伯特赢了艾伦,而这一次艾伦是最后的胜利者,因此是令人吃惊的。故选B。
worse差的;happier开心的;smarter聪明的。根据“Failures (失败) didn’t make Allen upset or lose confidence…he was learning something new each time.”可知每次艾伦都在失败中学习新的东西,因此他是聪明的。故选C。
experiences经历;mistakes错误;hobbies爱好。根据“And from these competition…he became a real winner.”可知是从这些比赛经历中,学习总结成为了最终赢家。故选A。
finding找到;wondering好奇;expecting期望。根据“Sometimes he was quite happy to lose because that was how he would learn to win on the really important events.”可知最后罗伯特不再计较输赢,输了反而觉得自己可以学习。故选C。
51.A 52.B 53.C 54.B 55.A 56.B 57.C 58.B 59.C 60.A
nice好看的;ugly丑陋的;common普通的。根据“you worked hard on the skirt and it looks very… ”可知,作者在这件裙子上制作得很认真,所以看起来很好看。故选A。
put on穿上;dress up打扮;cut up切碎。根据“Grandma decided to …my hair with some flowers.”可知,我的奶奶用花朵在装扮我的头发。故选B。
hated讨厌;refused拒绝;enjoyed享受。根据“ When Grandma finished, she was so happy.”可知,当我奶奶完成这个事情的时候,她是如此得开心,所以应该是享受做这个事情。故选C。
head头;heart心;hand手。根据下文“I knew everyone would laugh at my hair…”可知,我不喜欢我的新发型,所以心里不开心,心变凉了。故选B。
slowly缓慢地;quickly快地;happily开心地。根据“My best friend, Liu Mei, saw me and waved at me to go outside, but I couldn’t move.”可知,在我最好的朋友朝我挥手得时候,我不想过去,所以缓慢地朝门走过去。故选A。
what什么;how如何,怎样;that引导宾语从句,无意义。根据“but I couldn’t tell Grandma … I felt.”可知,我不能告诉奶奶我的感觉如何。故选B。
relaxed感到放松的;surprised感到惊讶的;scared感到害怕的。根据“ ‘Grandma, I don’t think the flowers in my hair look nice.’”可知,我要告诉奶奶,我认为我头上的花不好看,所以是不敢告诉,用害怕的声音说。故选C。
speak说语言;say指说的内容;tell告诉某人。根据“ but didn’t … a word”可知,一句话的内容都没有说。故选B。
after之后;with和;before之前。根据“I realized she loved me so deeply that she put my feelings … hers.”可知,我的奶奶非常爱我,所以会把我的感受放到首位,放到她前面。故选C。
changed改变;keep保持;break打破。根据前文“Could you change it ”可知,我乐意去改变裙子上的图案。故选A。
61.A 62.B 63.B 64.C 65.A 66.B 67.B 68.A 69.C 70.A
promised承诺;decided决定;discussed讨论。根据“Fox…his mother that he would catch Hen for dinner that night.”可知,晚上要抓一只母鸡做晚餐应是狐狸对妈妈的承诺。故选A。
So因此;But但是;Or或者。根据“Fox…his mother that he would catch Hen for dinner that night.”和“…Hen was smart and….”可知,狐狸承诺妈妈抓一只母鸡做晚餐和母鸡非常聪明这两句话之间存在转折关系,but表示转折。故选B。
creative创造性的;careful小心的;careless粗心的。根据“But. Hen was smart and…”可知,此处指的应是母鸡非常的聪明和小心。故选B。
plant植物;planet行星;plan计划。根据“Before breakfast, Hen ran to the outside to get some sticks. Hen wasn’t looking. Fox went into her house.”可知,狐狸趁着母鸡跑到外面去拾柴,溜进了她的房子。因此狐狸应是有了个计划。故选C。
quietly安静地;loudly大声地;quickly迅速地。根据“Soon he fell asleep and snored (打鼾)…Hearing that…”可知,狐狸睡着后的鼾声被母鸡听到,因此鼾声应是大声的。故选B。
difficulty困难;difference差异;disagreement分歧。根据“The rocks were as heavy as the hen, so he did not find the….”可知,因为石头和母鸡一样重,因此狐狸应是没发现差异。故选B。
prepared准备;predicted预测;polluted受污染的。根据“…the boiling water”可知,此处指的应是准备了热水。故选A。
rockets火箭;roles角色;rocks石头。根据“Then she placed two large rocks inside the bag. ”可知,母鸡在狐狸的袋子里放了石头,因此狐狸打开袋子,应是石头掉进了锅里。故选C。
fill填充;cover覆盖;help帮助。根据“…tomorrow we will…that pot with a big, juicy hen.”可知是用鸡装满锅,此处是一个常用动词短语fill…with…“用……装满……”。故选A。
71.B 72.B 73.B 74.B 75.A 76.A 77.B 78.A 79.C 80.A
looked看;heard听到,注重结果;listened听,注重过程。根据“The best answer I’ve ever...was ‘The meaning of life is to give life meaning.’”可知,此处是指听到的最好的答案,强调结果。故选B。
hardly几乎不;simply简单地;ever曾经。根据“When I was a young boy, I gave my life meaning by...playing, running, swimming, laughing and riding my bike.”可知,此处是指小时候只是通过简单地玩耍、跑步、游泳、大笑和骑自行车来赋予生命的意义。故选B。
down低落的;proud骄傲的;worried担心的。根据“When I went to school, I gave my life meaning by learning, studying hard, getting good grades and trying to make my mom and dad...”可知,此处是指让父母骄傲。故选B。
covered覆盖;found找到;watched看。根据“In college, I...meaning by deciding what I wanted to study and what career(职业) I wanted to...for.”可知,此处是指找到了生命的意义。故选B。
prepare准备;pay支付;provide提供。根据“In college, I...meaning by deciding what I wanted to study and what career(职业) I wanted to...for.”可知,此处是指为职业做准备。故选A。
open打开;keep保持;protect保护。根据“When I was working as a teacher, I found meaning by helping...young minds to new ideas and old wisdom.”可知,此处是指打开年轻人的思路。故选A。
mentioning提到;supporting支持;educating教育。根据“When I got married, I found meaning in protecting, providing for, and...my family.”可知,此处是指支持家人。故选B。
with带有;into到……里面;of属于……的。此处考查固定表达be born with“天生具有”。故选A。
sadder更伤心的;opener更开放的;older更老的。根据“As I got..., I began to realize that meaning isn’t something that comes and goes. ”可知,此处是指我越来越老。故选C。
creating创造;collecting收集;wasting浪费。根据“We are responsible(负责任的) for...our own meaning.”可知,此处是指创造自己的意义。故选A。
81.B 82.A 83.B 84.A 85.C 86.B 87.C 88.B 89.A 90.C
at在;in在……里面;on在……上面。根据“How much do you really know about the person...it ”可知,此处指对镜子里面的人了解多少。故选B。
easy简单的;outgoing外向的;able有才能的。根据“It’s not an...job to know ourselves.”可知,了解自己不容易。故选A。
parent父母;teacher老师;friend朋友。根据“Liu Yue, a...from Chengdu Yucai Middle School, gave her students a useful tool.”可知,此处指老师给了学生有用的工具。故选B。
four四;five五;six六。根据“It has...areas about one’s self: open area (that everyone knows about), hidden area (that only you know), blind spot (that everyone knows but you) ...unknown area (that nobody knows)”可知,后文提到了四个区域。故选A。
or或者,否则;but但是;and和。根据“It has...areas about one’s self: open area (that everyone knows about), hidden area (that only you know), blind spot (that everyone knows but you) ...unknown area (that nobody knows)”可知,前后为并列关系,应使用and。故选C。
Because因为;So因此;Although尽管。根据“....I did a survey with my friends.”可知,前后文为因果关系,此处应使用连词so,故选B。
is是;has有;was是,is的过去式。根据“When Sun started middle school, he...not good at math.”可知,此处应使用be动词,句子时态为一般过去时。故选C。
more更多的;better更好的;worse更坏的。根据“Now I’m much...at math. The unknown part of my math ability is getting clearer!”可知,现在数学好多了。故选B。
stood up站起;stood by站在一旁;stood for代表。根据“Then one classmate...and said his favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry.”可知,一个同学站起来说话。故选A。
him他,宾格;his他的,形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词;himself他自己。根据“He has the courage to be...”可知,此处指有做自己的勇气,应使用反身代词。故选C。
91.B 92.A 93.A 94.B 95.A 96.C 97.B 98.B 99.C 100.B
basketball篮球;soccer足球;tennis网球。根据后文“He loves playing soccer...”可知,梅西是足球运动员。故选B。
interesting有趣的;difficult困难的;boring无聊的。根据后文“He loves playing soccer...”可知,梅西喜欢踢足球,是因为足球有趣。故选A。
93.句意:他喜欢踢足球,因为他认为足球很有趣,而且他踢得很好。well好地;only仅仅;too太。根据“and now he is the super star in the world”可知,梅西足球踢得好。故选A。
94.句意:在5岁的时候,他很矮,但是他跑得很快。tidy整洁的;short矮的;nice好的。根据“he finds out that he has the dwarfism and will not grow taller any more.”可知,梅西很矮。故选B。
95.句意:他不能为他的球队踢足球。play踢球;take拿走;find找到。根据“But he doesn’t want to give up.”可知,梅西不能踢球,故选A。
96.句意:因为这件事,他很长一段时间都很难过。happy高兴的;useful有用的;bad糟糕的。根据“he finds out that he has the dwarfism and will not grow taller any more.”可知,梅西因为身高的原因感到很糟糕。故选C。
97.句意:他的父母帮助他,他的奶奶告诉他。teachers老师;parents父母;classmates同学。根据后文“With the support of...family”可知,梅西在家人的支持下,故选B。
99.句意:他和队友一起踢了21年。days天;hours小时;years年。根据“There, he gets many prizes”可知,梅西踢了很多年足球。故选C。
100.句意:在我的生活中,爱遍布世界各地。buy买;get获得;take拿走。根据“Thank you for giving me your love.”可知,梅西感谢别人给予爱,所以他获得了爱。故选B。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



