
Every morning at dog parks, you can find many people sitting and chatting with one another as their dogs run and chase each other around. Dog parks have become quite hot since 2009.
Dog parks sound like a good idea. According to a survey, 91 percent of Americans believe dog parks give dogs safe places to exercise. These parks, they say, also allow dogs to socialize(交际). However, are dog parks as good for dogs as people think Many dog experts(专家), including myself, have a different voice to offer.
To start with, “dog socialization” isn’t just dogs “socializing” with other dogs. Instead, it is the process of puppies(小狗) under 20 weeks going through new experiences. This process helps them to have more confidence. Dog parks are not safe places to “socialize” a young dog. An energetic, noisy greeter at the park may be enough to cause it to be afraid of everything. A park setting also allows dogs to pick up bad habits from one another.
Yet one of the biggest dangers of dog parks is that most dogs there don’t receive vaccines(疫苗). Some dog parks look clean, but it is still easy for dogs to spread diseases to each other. Moreover, dog parks often allow large and small dogs to be together. Sometimes, a large dog may easily hurt a smaller one seriously.
To conclude, it is far safer and more fun for your dog to keep away from dog parks and spend that time with you. You can also take your puppy to puppy classes. They are much better places for dogs to socialize than dog parks. There, your dog can meet playmates of similar ages.
1.What does the underlined word it refer to in Paragraph 3
A.A noisy dog. B.A young dog. C.An energetic dog. D.A sick dog.
2.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us
A.The rules of the dog parks. B.The risks of the dog parks.
C.The safety tips from the dog parks. D.The new experiences in the dog parks.
3.The purpose of this passage is to ________.
A.expect dog parks to have a stronger and better management
B.call on dog parks to offer different classes to different dogs
C.encourage more dog owners to take their dogs to dog parks
D.advise dog owners to find other ways to help dogs socialize
Nowadays, there are so many apps around us. They are not only tools but also part of our lives. Today I want to recommend some of them to you.
Grammarly All of us write sometimes. Grammarly is great for checking spelling and grammar mistakes. Just type your message, Grammarly will help to check the mistakes and show how to fix them. The basic functions are free. If you want to unlock more functions, you can pay money for it.
Fitbod Are there ways to exercise safely Fitbod is here to help! It can show you how to exercise correctly with videos and texts. Even if you have no equipment (器材), that’s OK! Fitbod will show how to do simple exercises and stretch (拉伸) after each exercise to meet your needs. You need to pay money to use the app, but the first three trainings are free.
Watoo We are all very busy. School, studies, family—so many things to do! How can we organize them better With its colorful faces, Watoo can help us plan what is important or urgent (紧急的). A big red face means a task is really important. A small, happy yellow face means we can take our time. Only 6 yuan, you can take this fun app home.
Mathway Do you always want to use a calculator (计算器) to help solve math problems Now there is an app that does even more for you than calculators. It is called Mathway. You only need to upload pictures of difficult math problems. It can show you how to solve them freely. If you need extra help, like explaining each step, you can choose monthly subscription (订阅) service.
4.According to the passage, which one is TRUE about the four apps
A.Mathway is more useful than a calculator.
B.Fitbod has strict limits on sports equipment.
C.The colorful faces in Watoo stand for the same urgency.
D.Grammarly has difficulty checking the spelling mistake.
5.Li Hua who will graduate in a week is in trouble now. There are so many things to be solved. Which app can help him
A.Grammarly. B.Fitbod. C.Watoo. D.Mathway.
6.Which of the following magazines can you read this article in
A.Fashion Design. B.Space Exploration.
C.Fans of Technology. D.Nature and Environment.
Marie didn’t like Eva’s friendship with Tom, so she told her husband that she didn’t want any smell of horses in the house. St Clare told Tom to stop working with the horses. Eva told her father she liked going for walks with Tom. So Tom had orders to leave what he was doing when Eva needed him. Eva and Tom spent a lot of time together.
Tom noticed that St Clare didn’t look after his money and his house very well, and that he spent too much money on the wrong things. He started making some suggestions, and soon St Clare understood that Tom’s business advice was very good. After some time Tom started to look after the house expenses(费用).
Tom also noticed that his master didn’t take anything seriously and didn’t live well, and this worried him. One night St Clare went to a party where he drank too much. He came home very late, and Tom and another slave(奴隶)had to help him to get into bed. Tom went into his room and prayed(祈祷)for his master.
The morning after, St Clare gave Tom some money to do some business for him. Tom took the money but he didn’t move.
“Well, Tom, what are you waiting for ” said St Clare. “Is everything alright ”
“I’m afraid not, Master,” said Tom.
“What’s the problem You look very serious.”
“I feel very bad, Master. I thought that Master was always going to be good to everybody.”
“Well, Tom, am I not Do you need anything ”
“No, Master is always good to me. But there is someone that Master isn’t good to.”
“What do you mean ”
“I thought about it last night. Master isn’t good to himself.”
St Clare felt his face become red, then he laughed. “Oh, Tom!” said St Clare, with tears in his eyes. “Well, you’re right. Never again, Tom, I promise.”
—Adapted from Uncle Tom’s Cabin
7.Tom was asked to, leave what he was doing to ________
A.work with horses B.go for walks with Eva
C.spend some time with St Clare D.look after money for St Clare
8.In Paragraph 3, the thing that worried Tom is ________.
A.St Clare asked Tom to look after his money
B.St Clare drank too much every day
C.St Clare didn’t look after himself well and didn’t live well
D.St Clare didn’t look after Tom well
9.The underlined word “himself ” in Paragraph 12 is ________.
A.Maria B.St Clare C.Eva D.Tom
10.According to the passage, the correct order of the story is ________.
a. Maria was unhappy with Eva’s friendship with Tom.
b. St Clare felt moved and joyful when he laughed.
c. St Clare gave Tom some money to do some business for him.
d. Tom’s master spent too much money on the wrong things.
A.adcb B.abcd C.badc D.dabc
11.From the passage, we know that Tom was a ________ person.
A.lazy but smart B.kind but stupid C.caring and brave D.lazy and stupid
In the Three-Body Problem books, Trisolarans(三体人), a type of alien can dehydrate(脱水) their bodies. They can then ride out terrible environments and come back to life again hundreds of years later. Is it possible that humans could be like that as well
Scientists have now found some clues by studying water bears. These microscopic organisms(微生物) can live without water for years, according to University of Tokyo biologist Takekazu Kunieda.
When water bears find themselves somewhere without water, they go into a form called a tun. In this form, there are no signs of life, and they can survive pretty much anything. Deep freezing, volcanic fire, the dark space… these tiny water bears just sleep it off and wake up once its safe again, said Science Alert.
But how do these little eight-legged water bears live without water Scientists may be onto the answer now.
“It’s thought that as water leaves a cell some kind of protein(蛋白质) must help the cell keep its strength to avoid breaking apart” said Kunieda. Now scientists have found proteins special to water bears. The proteins protect their cells against dehydration(脱水).
Scientists also put those proteins into human cells. They found these proteins can strengthen the human cell so that it won’t shrink(缩小) when losing water, said Science Alert.
With experiments using human cells showing successful results, Trisolarans might one day come to be a reality.
12.What can Trisolarans do in the books
A.They can protect themselves from dehydration.
B.They can live in water for hundreds of years.
C.They can dehydrate themselves and live in bad environments.
D.They can help other dead things come back to life.
13.When there is no water, a water bear ________.
A.gives up living B.cannot survive
C.goes to live near volcanic fire D.finds a dark space to sleep in
14.What is the key for water bears to live without water
A.Their special cells. B.A kind of protein in their bodies.
C.The strength of their bodies. D.Their way of dehydrating.
15.What is the passage mainly about
A.How humans can live underwater. B.What water bears can do for humans.
C.A scientific finding on water bears. D.The story of the Three-Body Problem books.
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms(节气). In the ancient days, they were important instructions for the farming production as well as people’s daily lives. Here are four solar terms and some details about them.
Spring Equinox(春分)
It starts around March 21st. During this time, swallows fly back to the north. It is also a good time for people to fly kites and eat spring vegetables. It is believed that if someone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the future. Some believe that the Spring Equinox is the best time to practice this game because on this day the axis of the earth is relatively balanced against the orbital plane of the earth’s rotation around the sun, which makes it easier to erect an egg.
Summer Solstice(夏至)
It begins around June 21st. To celebrate Summer Solstice, people often give colored fans to each other because fans can help them cool down. At this time, much of the northern hemisphere receives the most hours of daylight, but it does not bring the hottest temperatures which will come only 20 to 30 days later. People in different areas of Shandong province eat chilled noodles on this day. Other people around China, including those in Beijing, also have a tradition of eating noodles.
Autumn Equinox
It starts around September 23rd. From Autumn Equinox, most of the areas in China will enter the cool autumn. It is a season for people to eat crabs and enjoy chrysanthemums. When the cold air southward meets the declining warm and wet air, precipitation(降雨)is the result.
The temperature also drops often.
Winter Solstice
It begins around December 22nd. It marks the arrival of the coldest season in a year. People usually make and eat dumplings with their family members. During Winter Solstice in North China, eating dumplings is essential to the festival. There is a saying that goes “Have dumplings on the day of Winter Solstice and noodles on the day of Summer Solstice.”
16.To celebrate Summer Solstice, people ________.
A.eat spring vegetables B.give each other colored fans
C.enjoy chrysanthemums D.make and eat dumplings
17.The underlined word “chrysanthemums” may mean ________.
A.桃花 B.菊花 C.荷花 D.梅花
18.________ marks the arrival of the coldest season in the year.
A.Spring Equinox B.Summer Solstice
C.Autumn Equinox D.Winter Solstice
“He said I murdered him,” the captain said to Holroyd. “Someone had to go on board. I couldn’t. I’m the captain. What are we supposed to do Run away from the ants whenever we see them ”
Holroyd said nothing. He was thinking of the lieutenant’s(中尉)black dead body—full, he was sure, of poison.
“We’ll have to sink that boat,” the captain said after a long silence.
“And then what do we do ”
“I don’t know. Yes, I know. We’ll burn every ant on that boat.”
He ordered the crew(船员)to soak rags(浸泡抹布)with kerosene(煤油). Then, they threw the rags onto the small boat. There was a flash and a roar, almost immediately the boat was on fire.
“Let’s go on,” the captain said. He gave the order, and the gunboat(炮艇)continued up river towards Badama.
They arrived at the village later that day. There was no one to be seen. The village was deserted(遗弃).
“All the people have gone,” the captain said. “But just in case…”
He gave an order, and a crewman blew the ship’s whistle. No one came.
The gunboat was now near the jetty(码头). Holroyd studied it through the binoculars.
“I can see ants,” he said. “And there’s a human skeleton(骨骼)on the jetty.”
“Where are all the villagers ” the captain asked. “Have they run away If they have, we must find them, and get them to come onto the boat. We’ll take them away from here.”
Holroyd said nothing.
The captain said, “But how can I send men on shore. They will be attacked by the ants. They will be poisoned. They will die, blaming me…”
“Then what can we do ” Holroyd asked.
The captain thought about this. Then he said, “I shall fire our big gun.”
They shot the big gun again and again. It destroyed the village, but the ants were still there. The jetty was full of them.
“It’s no good,” the captain said to Holroyd. “There’s nothing I can do. We must go back and ask for instructions.”
The captain returned to England and told this story. From time to time, there was news about the ants. They were moving slowly towards the coast, taking over towns and villages. There seemed to be no way of stopping them. Soon they will control all of South America. And then How long before they take over the planet
19.Why did the captain order the crewman to sink the small boat
A.To bury the dead men. B.To obey an order.
C.To send signal to Badama. D.To kill the ants on board.
20.At Badama, why did the crewman blow the boat’s whistler
A.To frighten the ants. B.To see if anyone respond.
C.To signal that they needed help. D.To destroy the village.
21.What did the captain and Holroyd see on the jerry
A.A human skeleton. B.Crying children.
C.Hundreds of villagers. D.Alligators.
22.Why did the captain want to go back to England
A.He wanted further instructions. B.He needed to escape an ant attack.
C.He was afraid of his crew. D.He had defeated the ants.
Zibo City Becomes Famous for Barbecue
Zibo city in Shandong has unexpectedly become famous on Chinese social media since late February for its local barbecue specialty, and this trend (趋势) continues as the local government takes the chance to promote tourism and spending.
The latest promotion allows visitors to visit the places of interest in the city for free with their train tickets as long as their final destination is Zibo. This move followed another on March 31 under which the Jinan bureau of China Railway added a weekend special round-trip “barbecue tour” train between Jinan.
Passengers who get on the train are greeted by a banner reading “Welcome to the Special BBQ Train” at the entrance of the train. Many also took videos and posted them on social media, drawing more visitors.
Barbecue is popular in China, and Zibo’s barbecue has its own local features: it’s made on a stove, and is served with flatbread and dressings. The food is 70-80 percent cooked before it is brought to the table, where diners can finish cooking it on their own stoves. Diners are served with flatbreads, scallions (大葱) and other dressings (调料) at the table so they are able to make their own barbecue parcels, in much the same way Peking Duck is eaten.
The barbecue suddenly became famous after a group of college students shot videos of themselves enjoying a meal in Zibo and posted them on social media in late February. Since then, many people, mostly young, have come to the city from all over the country to try the dish.
On several streets, lines can be seen outside barbecue restaurants, which stretch for more than 100 meters on the weekend.
“Zibo barbecue is bringing more and more people to the city, and the local government needs to think about how to promote the city as a whole, its culture and tourism, as well as its living and business environment,” said Sun Xiaorong, an expert of tourism marketing and promotion. The trend will eventually end if the local government doesn’t take proper follow-up measures, he added.
23.What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about
A.Zibo city’s snacks. B.Zibo city’s places of interest.
C.The reasons why Zibo is famous recently. D.The challenges Zibo meets with at present.
24.What can we know about Zibo’s barbecue from Paragraph 4
A.It is very cheap and popular.
B.It is as delicious as Peking Duck.
C.It is totally toasted by the cook on the stove.
D.It is usually paired with flatbread and dressings.
25.What made Zibo’s barbecue suddenly well-known
A.Young people’s dreams.
B.Local government’s actions.
C.Barbecue restaurants in Zibo city.
D.Some college students’ videos.
26.What is Sun Xiaorong’s attitude towards the popularity of Zibo barbecue
A.Objective. (客观的) B.Hopeless. C.Curious. D.Doubtful.
Restaurants in Europe, America and Japan are trying to let people order their food directly from a screen at their tables instead of a waiter writing down their choices. We call that e-menu. In this way, the restaurants can not only save money but attract more younger people. All kinds of the photos of food such as steaks (牛排) and desserts (甜点) attract people to order more.
“It’s about impulse-buying,” said Adi Chitayat, Conceptic’s CEO. “If a person starts looking at pictures of chocolate cake, it means he wants it.” Frame, a restaurant in Tel Aviv with the system, he also said “The e-menu has helped us to make more money.” People often call ahead to order seats with screens, manager Natalie Edry told Reporters.
At one of the e-menu tables, IT worker Gil Uriel and his family are looking at the photos of the dishes. They felt interested and excited to make a decision on the screen. “It’s more visual (直观).” says Uriel, as his children could have their own choices and they order more food when looking at the photos. “We can still choose, we can still argue—but it’s much easier and interesting when we can all see it.”
27.Which is not the advantage (优势) of “restaurants with e-menus”
A.Eating there is cheaper.
B.The restaurants can save a lot of money.
C.They can attract more youngsters to the restaurants.
D.People may order more food because they can see the photos.
28.The underlined word “impulse-buying” means _________ in buying things.
A.having no idea B.losing interest
C.having no money D.being encouraged
29.The best title of this passage may be _________.
A.Computers in restaurants B.Restaurants try e-menus
C.Modern restaurants D.Great changes in food
A new kind of sea sponge (海绵) found in Norfolk, England, has been named by a nine-year-old girl after a competition for local schools.
The unique purple sponge, which had never been seen in other parts of the world, was first discovered by divers off the north Norfolk coast. Although found in 2011, it had been without a name for almost ten years. In January this year, the Marine Conservation Society(MCS)—a group of people who work to protect the UK’s seas and coasts—asked local schoolchildren to come up with suggestions.
Now the sponge has a name to be proud of: parpal dumplin, as suggested by nine-year-old Sylvie from Langham Village School. Sylvie said she came up with the name because “the sponge is purple and it looks like a dumpling”. Parpal dumplin is “purple dumpling” spoken in a Norfolk accent (口音). The judges all agreed that Sylvie’s suggestion should be the sponge’s name because “the spelling gives the sponge a strong connection to Norfolk”.
Sponges were once thought to be plants but they are actually simple sea animals. They feed on tiny things in sea water and help keep the water clean in the process (过程). Sponges have a very “lazy” lifestyle, with no means of moving themselves around. They are found on the seabed, rocks or even shells. They come in all kinds of different colors, shapes and sizes.
Parpal dumplin was first discovered in a place called the Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds as part of a project called Seasearch. When diver Dawn Watson showed sponge expert Clarie Goodwin what she found, Goodwin was sure that it was a kind of sponge unknown to science. Watson’s discovery is a special sponge, which takes the shape of whatever it covers. Parpal dumplin will now become its common name, and will be used until researchers have learned enough about it to suggest an official scientific one.
30.What does the underlined word “unique” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Strange and ugly. B.Special and unusual.
C.Soft and beautiful. D.Meaningful and important.
31.What can we learn about sponges from Paragraph 4
A.They help clean up sea water. B.They are of the same size.
C.They can only be found on beaches. D.They are actually sea plants.
32.Which is TRUE about parpal dumplin
A.It has many colors. B.It was found 20 years ago.
C.It was scientifically known before. D.It has only one shape.
33.What do we know from the last sentence
A.Parpal dumplin is a common sponge.
B.Parpal dumplin is the sponge’s official name.
C.There’s still a lot to be learned about parpal dumplin.
D.Researchers suggested an official name for the sponge.
Huck is my name, Huckleberry Finn. The story started when my best friend, Tom Sawyer and I found $12,000 in a cave. That money made us rich. We got $6,000 each. Judge Thatcher, an important man in St. Petersburg, put it in the bank, and now we get a dollar a day interest (利息).
Then a kind old lady called Douglas invited me to live with her because I haven’t got a family or a home. My mother died a long time ago, then my dad, Pap, disappeared. He was a violent (暴力的) man especially when he drank a lot, which was most of the time, and he often beat me. I was scared of him. I didn’t go to school like the other boys of my age. I lived on the streets and in the woods.
My life changed after I lived with Douglas. She gave me a bed to sleep in and bought new clothes for me. She read stories to me and taught me how to eat at a table. But then her sister Miss Watson arrived. She brought her black slave (奴隶) Jim with her. I liked Jim but I didn’t like Miss Watson very much. She often shouted at me.
Douglas sent me to school every day. I didn’t like going there at first because learning was very difficult. But when I could read and write a bit, I didn’t mind going.
The months passed and winter came. The weather got cold. One morning I woke up and there was snow on the ground. On my way to school I saw some footprints outside Douglas’s house. There was a cross on the heel (脚后跟) of the left one. My heart jumped. Only one person wore boots with a cross on the left heel! Pap!
“He’s heard about my ________” I thought. “And he wants it!”
That night I went to see Jim. Jim had a magic ball made of animal hair. There was a spirit inside the ball that could answer people’s questions about the future.
—Adapted from Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
34.How did Huck get the money which was put in the bank
A.Huck’s father gave it to him.
B.Huck’s mother left it to him before she died.
C.Douglas gave it to him.
D.He and Tom Sawyer found it in a cave.
35.How did Huck feel about the life with Douglas
A.He hated his new life. B.He didn’t mind his new life.
C.He felt satisfied with his new life. D.He wanted to get away from his new life.
36.Which word can be put in the “__________”
A.life B.spirit C.secret D.money
37.Which is the right order of what happened in the story
①Douglas sent Huck to school.
②Huck’s mother died.
③Douglas invited Huck to live with her.
④Douglas read stories to Huck.
A.③②④① B.②③④① C.③④②① D.②④③①
1.B 2.B 3.D
1.词义猜测题。根据第三段“ Dog parks are not safe places to“socialize”a young dog. An energetic, noisy greeter at the park may be enough to cause it to be afraid of everything. ”可知,狗狗公园不是让小狗“社交”的安全场所,公园里一个充满活力、吵闹的迎宾员可能会让它害怕一切。此处it指代的是前句提到的young dog。故选B。
2.主旨大意题。根据第四段“Yet one of the biggest dangers of dog parks is that most dogs there don’t receive vaccines”可知,然而狗狗公园最大的危险是大部分狗都没有接种疫苗。选项B“狗公园的风险”符合段落大意。故选B。
3.推理判断题。根据最后一段“To conclude, it is far safer and more fun...similar ages.”可知,总而言之,远离狗狗公园,和你在一起对你的狗来说是更安全更有趣的,你可以带它去小狗班,在那里你的狗可能会遇到年龄相仿的玩伴。所以作者不建议主人带狗去狗公园,而是建议他们用其他方法帮助狗狗社交。选项D表述符合写作目的。故选D。
4.A 5.C 6.C
4.细节理解题。根据第四个表格中“Now there is an app that does even more for you than calculators. It is called Mathway.”可知,Mathway比计算器更有用。故选A。
5.推理判断题。根据第三个表格中“How can we organize them better With its colorful faces, Watoo can help us plan what is important or urgent.”可知,Watoo可以帮助我们计划重要或紧急的事情,可推测即将毕业的李华有很多事情需要解决,可以使用Watoo帮助他/她规划事情。故选C。
6.推理判断题。根据第一段“Nowadays, there are so many apps around us. They are not only tools but also part of our lives. Today I want to recommend some of them to you.”和下文可知,本文主要介绍了四款好用的应用程序,这些应用程序属于科技,可推测文章可能来自科技爱好者杂志。故选C。
7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.C
【导语】本文节选自小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,主要讲述了Tom和St Clare之间发生的故事。
7.细节理解题。根据“Eva told her father she liked going for walks with Tom. So Tom had orders to leave what he was doing when Eva needed him. Eva and Tom spent a lot of time together.”可知,Eva喜欢和Tom散步,Tom被要求离开他正在做的事情和Eva去散步。故选B。
8.细节理解题。根据“Tom also noticed that his master didn’t take anything seriously and didn’t live well, and this worried him.”可知,St Clare对任何事情都不认真,生活不好,Tom很担心。故选C。
9.词义猜测题。根据最后两段对话可知,Tom觉得主人对他自己不好,St Clare也认为他说的对,由此可猜测出“himself”指代的是St Clare。故选B。
10.细节理解题。根据第一段“Marie didn’t like Eva’s friendship with Tom”可知a为第一句;根据第二段“Tom noticed that St Clare didn’t look after his money and his house very well, and that he spent too much money on the wrong things.”可知,d是第二句;根据“The morning after, St Clare gave Tom some money to do some business for him. ”可知,c为第三句;根据“St Clare felt his face become red, then he laughed.”可知,d为最后一句。故选A。
11.推理判断题。根据“He started making some suggestions, and soon St Clare understood that Tom’s business advice was very good.”和“Tom went into his room and prayed(祈祷)for his master.”可知Tom向主人提出建议并为主人祈祷,说明他勇敢并且有爱心。故选C。
12.C 13.D 14.B 15.C
12.细节理解题。根据第一段“Trisolarans, a type of alien, can dehydrate their bodies. They can then ride out terrible environments and come back to life again hundreds of years later”可知,三体人是一种外星人,可以使身体脱水,然后,它们可以安然度过可怕的环境,数百年后再次复活。故选C。
13.细节理解题。根据第三段“When water bears find themselves somewhere without water, they go into a form called a tun ... Deep freezing, volcanic fire, the dark space... these tiny water bears just sleep it off”可知,当水熊发现自己身处没有水的地方时,它们就会变成一种叫做“tun”的形状;严寒、火山大火、黑暗的空间……这些微小的水熊只是睡着了。由此可知,当没有水的时候,水熊会找到一个黑暗的空间睡觉。故选D。
14.细节理解题。根据第五段“It’s thought that as water leaves a cell, some kind of protein must help the cell keep its strength to avoid breaking apart ... Now scientists have found proteins special to water bears”可知,人们认为,当水离开细胞时,某种蛋白质必须帮助细胞保持强度,以避免分裂,现在科学家们发现了水熊特有的蛋白质。关键是水熊体内的一种蛋白质。即水熊能在没有水的情况下生存是因为它们体内的一种蛋白质。故选B。
16.B 17.B 18.D
16.细节理解题。根据“To celebrate Summer Solstice, people often give colored fans to each other because fans can help them cool down.”可知,为了庆祝夏至,人们经常互相赠送彩色扇子。故选B。
17.词句猜测题。根据“From Autumn Equinox, most of the areas in China will enter the cool autumn. It is a season for people to eat crabs and enjoy chrysanthemums.”和常识可知,秋天是人们吃螃蟹、赏菊花的季节,所以chrysanthemums含义为“菊花”。故选B。
18.细节理解题。根据“It marks the arrival of the coldest season in a year.”可知,冬至标志着一年中最冷的季节即将到来。故选D。
19.D 20.B 21.A 22.A
19.细节理解题。根据文中“We’ll burn every ant on that boat.”可知,船长命令船员击沉小船是为了杀死船上的蚂蚁,故选D。
20.细节理解题。根据文中“He gave an order, and a crewman blew the ship’s whistle. No one came.”可知,在巴达玛,船员吹口哨是为了看看是否有人回应,故选B。
21.细节理解题。根据文中“And there’s a human skeleton on the jetty.”可知,船长和Holroyd在码头看到了一具人体骨骼,故选A。
22.细节理解题。根据文中“There’s nothing I can do. We must go back and ask for instructions.”可知,船长回英国是想要进一步的指示,故选A。
23.C 24.D 25.D 26.A
23.主旨大意题。根据“Zibo city in Shandong has unexpectedly become famous on Chinese social media since late February for its local barbecue specialty, and this trend (趋势) continues as the local government takes the chance to promote tourism and spending.”可知,第一段主要讲述了淄博最近出名的原因。故选C。
24.推理判断题。根据第四段“Barbecue is popular in China, and Zibo’s barbecue has its own local features: it’s made on a stove, and is served with flatbread and dressings. The food is 70-80 percent cooked before it is brought to the table, where diners can finish cooking it on their own stoves. Diners are served with flatbreads, scallions (大葱) and other dressings (调料) at the table so they are able to make their own barbecue parcels, in much the same way Peking Duck is eaten.”可知,从第四段中我们可以知道淄博烧烤通常与面饼和调味品搭配。故选D。
25.细节理解题。根据第五段中“The barbecue suddenly became famous after a group of college students shot videos of themselves enjoying a meal in Zibo and posted them on social media in late February.”可知,一些大学生的推广让淄博的烧烤突然出名。故选D。
26.观点态度题。根据最后一段“‘Zibo barbecue is bringing more and more people to the city, and the local government needs to think about how to promote the city as a whole, its culture and tourism, as well as its living and business environment,’ said Sun Xiaorong, an expert of tourism marketing and promotion. The trend will eventually end if the local government doesn’t take proper follow-up measures, he added.”可推知,孙晓荣对淄博烧烤的态度是客观的。故选A。
27.A 28.D 29.B
27.细节理解题。根据第一段“In this way, the restaurants can not only save money but attract more younger people. All kinds of the photos of food such as steaks and desserts attract people to order more.”可知,这样一来,餐馆不仅可以省钱,还可以吸引更多的年轻人。各种各样的食物照片,如牛排和甜点,吸引着人们更多的点单。故选A。
28.词义猜测题。根据该段后文“The e-menu has helped us to make more money.”和“People often call ahead to order seats with screens”可知,电子菜单帮助我们赚了更多的钱;人们经常提前打电话订购带屏幕的座位。由此可以推测,电子菜单促进消费,impulse-buying的意思是“鼓励、促进”。故选D。
30.B 31.A 32.A 33.C
30.词义猜测题。根据“The unique purple sponge, which had never been seen in other parts of the world”可知,在世界其他地方从未见过的,可见它很特别,所以unique与“special and unusual”同义,故选B。
31.细节理解题。根据“They feed on tiny things in sea water and help keep the water clean in the process”可知海绵以海水中的微小生物为食,在这个过程里可以帮助保持海水清洁,故选A。
32.细节理解题。根据“They come in all kinds of different colors,”可知它有很多颜色。故选A。
33.推理判断题。根据“Parpal dumplin will now become its common name, and will be used until researchers have learned enough about it to suggest an official scientific one”可知,Parpal dumplin现在将成为它的通用名称,并将被使用,直到研究人员对它有足够的了解,从而提出一个官方的科学名称,所以关于它研究人员还有许多东西要去了解,故选C。
34.D 35.C 36.D 37.B
34.细节理解题。根据第一段“Tom Sawyer and I found $12,000 in a cave.”和“Judge Thatcher ... put it in the bank”可知,Tom Sawyer和“我”在一个洞穴中发现了12000美元,Judge Thatcher把钱放进银行。故选D。
35.推理判断题。根据第二段“a kind old lady called Douglas”,第三段“My life changed after I lived with Douglas.”和第四段“Douglas sent me to school every day.”等处可知,Douglas太太很善良,遇上她之后“我”的生活改变了,她还送“我”去上学。由此推知,他对自己的新生活感到满意。故选C。
36.推理判断题。根据第一段“We got $6,000 each.”和倒数第二段“And he wants it!”可知,“我”得到了一笔钱,“我”认为父亲是来要钱的。由此推知,父亲听说了“我”得到钱的事,故选D。
37.细节理解题。根据第二段“Then a kind old lady called Widow Douglas invited me to live with her because I haven’t got a family or a home. My mother died a long time ago ...”可知,因为妈妈很久以前都去世了(即②),爸爸暴力,所以Douglas邀请Hunk和她一起生活(即③);根据第三段“She read stories to me and taught me how to eat at a table.”可知,接下来是Douglas为Hunk读故事(即④);根据第四段“Widow Douglas sent me to school every day.”可知,然后Douglas每天送Huck去上学(即①)。因此故事发生的正确顺序为②③④①。故选B。
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