
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:100分)
第一部分 单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
1-5 DBACB 6-10 ABABB 11-15 CCABA
第二部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 21.B 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.C
第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
26.B 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.A
31.A 32.D 33.B 34.D 35.C
36.C 37.B 38.D 39.A 40.D
第四部分 词汇检测(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
第五部分 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
61. be able to
62. Some others
63. give thanks for
64. keep to yourself
65. advised to drink
第六部分 书面表达(共1题;满分15分)
Dear Laura,
I miss you so much. How is everything I’d like to share my new New Year’s resolutions.
First, I want to learn how to play an instrument because I like music very much. I’m going to practice it every day. Next, I want to get a lot of exercise to keep fit. I’m going to run every morning. Then, I want to improve my English because I want to get good grades. I’m going to read English books and write diaries in English. Finally, I want to be a school magazine’s reporter next term because I like talking with people. I’m going to write as many articles as possible.
I think I am able to keep them and I hope I am going to improve my life.
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:100分)
第I卷(选择题 共55分)
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1.Some people won’t realize the importance of their health they lose it.
A.because B.after C.when D.until
2.The twins look exactly the same. ________ of them are in my class.
A.Each B.Both C.Either D.None
3.—Mike, can you go and ________ how many flights (航班) there are from Beijing to Paris every day
—OK, wait a minute.
A.find out B.look out C.give out D.put out
4.—Where are you going this month
—We ________ go to Lanzhou, but we’re not sure.
A.needn’t B.must C.might D.mustn’t
5.The pop singer was busy ________ for his concert. He didn’t have enough time to take a rest.
A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepare D.prepared
6.David never makes plans ________ his homework. And he always has reasons ________it.
A.for; for B.of; of C.for; of D.of; for
7.________ it is raining heavily, the policemen are still working in the street.
A.Because B.Although C.If D.Before
8.The math problem is too difficult. The students don’t know ________ it.
A.how to solve B.what to solve C.when to solve D.why to solve
9.—Listen! The pop music is wonderful!
—Hush! Grandma is sleeping. You’d better ________ the radio.
A.turn up B.turn down C.turn on D.turn off
10.There _____ two pieces of bread on the table and there _____ some cheese on the slices.
A.are; are B.are; is C.is; is D.is; are
11.—Is Linda good at English
—Yes, she is. She studies English better than ________ in her class.
A.else anyone B.else someone C.anyone else D.someone else
12.—Can you bring Mona to my party ________ telling her so that she can be surprised
—No problem. She’s sure to come to your party.
A.against B.between C.without D.through
13.I will give him the book if I _____________ him next week.
A.meet B.met
C.meeting D.will meet
14.—If you don’t take your study ________, you must be sorry one day.
—I think I should follow your advice.
A.serious B.seriously C.most serious D.most seriously
15.—Can we meet at 5:00 p. m. this afternoon
—Sorry, I have to do my homework then. Let’s make it ________ time.
A.another B.other C.others D.the other
第二部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Rick was a young boy who was angry at everything around him. To calm Rick down, his mom came home with a canvas (画布) and 16 . “Whenever you feel bad about something, paint it instead of getting 17 .”
Though not that happy, Rick gave it a 18 . After creating many paintings, he took his artwork to his mom.
“Tell me, Rick. What are these paintings about ”
“The first is about how some kids show off their new clothes. The next is about my teacher who always tells me about 19 I’m doing things wrong. And the last painting is about how one of my schoolmates said I should change my attitude (态度). They all make me so angry.”
Rick’s mom took Rick 20 her side and told him, “Don’t you see, Rick You’re getting so angry but you never try to understand why.” Then she explained carefully, “All the people you were angry at did 21 wrong. The kids were showing off their good clothes but never laughed at you for being 22 . Your teacher scolded (责备) you but that was because you 23 trouble in class. And your schoolmate was only trying to help you 24 your mistakes.”
“Next time you get angry, take a deep breath and walk away for a couple of seconds. And when you come back, talk to the person you’re angry at. You might calm down in this way.”
Rick took his mom’s advice and became 25 angry. He even started to feel happy around other children.
16.A.glue B.cream C.tape D.paint
17.A.afraid B.angry C.happy D.patient
18.A.try B.plan C.decision D.beginning
19.A.what B.while C.how D.who
20.A.in B.of C.to D.by
21.A.anything B.nothing C.everything D.something
22.A.careful B.careless C.rich D.poor
23.A.happened B.caused C.solved D.led
24.A.correct B.collect C.make D.mix
25.A.more B.the most C.less D.the least
第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Hangzhou hosted the 19th Asian Games from Sept 23 to Oct 8. The Games are very “smart” with the use of many exciting technologies.
The venue for the tennis finals of the Hangzhou Asian Games is sometimes called the “Small Lotus(莲花)”. On the top of the field, there are eight “petals”(花瓣). They can open and close freely. It takes 15 minutes for each petal to open and close. It’s built this way for different kinds of weather.
Every dish at the Asian Games should be safe and healthy to eat. In the kitchen of the player’ village in Hangzhou, there is a special system that can tell people’s faces. If a “stranger” goes into the kitchen, an alarm will go off. The managers of the kitchen will also get messages on their phones. There’s also a system to keep an eye on the temperature of the fridges.
Want to walk around at the fields but can’t make it in person You can try the Hangzhou Asian Games’ metaverse(元宇宙)! There’s a mini program on Alipay. Inside, it’s like an online cartoon world. You can see the fields both from the outside and inside. Also, you can have your own character. You can choose clothes for your character who is able to “run” around the fields and even talk with other online users.
Say that you are in Hangzhou and going to watch one of the events. It will be sad if you can’t find your way. A mini program called the Hangzhou Asian Games AR service is here to help. You simply turn on your phone’s camera and it will see where you are and then show you the way. You can also get more information about the fields as you walk by.
26.What is the “Small Lotus” for
A.Showing the way to the venue. B.Changing the venue in different weather.
C.Showing what time it is. D.Moving heavy things quickly.
27.Why do people set an alarm in the kitchen
A.To send food messages to players’ phones. B.To check the temperature of fridges.
C.To watch cooks and managers there. D.To make sure the food is safe.
28.What can you do in Hangzhou Asian Games’ metaverse
A.Sell clothes. B.Watch cartoon movies.
C.Pay by Alipay. D.Talk with other online users.
29.Which of the following can help out people who are lost
A.The metaverse. B.The drones. C.The AR service. D.The alarm system.
30.What would be the best title of the passage
A.Technologies in the Games B.Small Lotus in the Games
C.Dishes at the Asian Games D.The AR service in the Games
Do you know what a shouzhang is It is a diary decorated with tapes, stickers, drawing and other things. It’s a part of Japanese popular culture and it also becomes popular in China.
In May, twin sisters from Zhejiang became “stars” online because of their interesting shouzhang. They are Lin Ting and Mao Yue—two 14-year-old eighth-graders from Wenhui Middle School in Hangzhou. They record (记录) things about food, travel, pets, school life, and other interesting things in their lives in their shouzhang.
The twins started to make their shouzhang about two years ago. “Nothing will be greater than to look back on these beautiful memories(回忆) when we get old,” Lin said.
They stay true to themselves—putting both small happiness and little frustrations into their diaries. For example, they often write funny stories about their two pet dogs Dabao and Gege. When Lin has too much homework to do, she writes about how she feels. “It makes me feel better,” Lin said.
They also write about their favourite foods and stars. Mao collected pictures of ice cream, coffee and her hero Zhang Yixing, and stuck them in her shouzhang. They always bring their shouzhang with them while travelling.
Both of them are good at drawing. And they also have a big box of tapes and stickers! So it’s a piece of cake for them to make their shouzhang beautiful.
31.What is a shouzhang
A.It’s a special diary with decorations. B.It’s a travelling book.
C.It’s a nice pet. D.It’s a record of only school life.
32.The twin sisters became famous on the Internet for ________.
A.their school B.their memories C.their home page D.their interesting shouzhang
33.In the twin sisters’ shouzhang, you may NOT see ________.
A.school life B.world news C.how they feel D.delicious food
34.The underlined word “frustrations” means _________ things.
A.useless B.amazing C.exciting D.unhappy
35.The passage mainly tells us ________.
A.what a shouzhang is B.when the twins make a shouzhang
C.what the twins put in their shouzhang D.why shouzhang is popular in China
Feeling hot So is Earth. Because of problems like climate change and bad ways of farming, much of the planet’s land is drying up. What can we do to solve this problem
One thing the United Nations did was to create a holiday. In 1994, the UN started World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (世界防治荒漠化和干旱日), to let more people know about desertification. It is on June 17 every year.
Desertification happens when healthy land — land full of water and nutrients (营养)— becomes desert, which is dry and unhealthy. Every year, 20,000 to 50,000 square kilometers of Earth’s land is lost to desertification. In Africa, scientists expect that two thirds of Africa’s healthy land will be lost by 2025.
Desertification sometimes happens because of climate change, as big, fast changes in temperature can kill plants and trees.
However, it also happens because people use land too much, and in bad ways, to grow food on their farms. Growing too many plants in the same soil, in too short a time, can take away the soil’s nutrients faster than the soil can make new ones. That can turn the soil into dry sand, like a desert.
The UN suggests some different actions to stop desertification. One is to teach people better ways of farming, including the use of better fertilizers (肥料). Another is reforestation which means planting more trees. One country that has done a lot of that is China. Today China has 61 million hectares of reforested land — more than anywhere else in the world.
36.What is land like if desertification happens
A.It is full of water. B.It has more nutrients.
C.It is dry and unhealthy. D.It is suitable to live on.
37.What do scientists predict about Africa in 2025
A.Growing plants will help Africa have more healthy land.
B.Most of Africa’s healthy land will get dry and unhealthy.
C.Africa will have about 50,000 square kilometers of healthy land.
D.Africa will have about 20,000 square kilometers of desertification.
38.Why isn’t it good to grow too many plants in the same soil
A.Because it can change the climate faster.
B.Because it can change plants into bad soil.
C.Because it can change healthy land into forests.
D.Because it can take away the soil’s nutrients faster.
39.Which of the following does not cause desertification
A.Reforestation. B.Using land too much.
C.Using poor fertilizers. D.Climate change.
40.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph
A.The causes of desertification. B.The importance of reforestation.
C.The UN’s plans for improving farming. D.The UN’s suggestions for fighting desertification.
第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共45分)
第四部分 词汇检测(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
A. 根据下列句子所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。
41.I don’t have (足够的) money to buy the new car.
42.I like this model car. (然而), I don't have money to buy it.
43.You can not (触摸) here with your hands. It’s dangerous.
44.The (魔术师) will give us a great show next week in our school.
45.My friend is very (有创造力的). She can turn waste paper into works of art.
46.The (环境) is getting worse and worse. We must do something for it.
47.Your article is too long. Please (删除) some words.
48.—What’s the matter with you
—I have a (流感).
49.—I can’t find my eraser, Jane. Could I use yours
— (当然). Here it is.
50.Friends should (信任) each other and are always caring about each other.
B. 用所给单词的正确形式填空,每空限填一词。
51.There are many different kinds of (activity) in our school.
52.Some of my classmates dream of being (write).
53.Paul is a lot (funny) than Carol.
54.You can buy clothes (cheap) on Double Eleven online.
55.My grandmother practices (send)emails every day.
56.I don’t understand the ( mean) of the three words.
57.Lucy and I are best friends, but I (agree) with her on this thing.
58.In most countries, people usually eat (tradition) food on special holidays.
59.He takes a shower (two) a week.
60.The (bad) thing is to do nothing when people have problems.
第五部分 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
I think he will keep on studying hard.
There are so many students on the playground. are playing football, and are playing volleyball.
You should the love of your family.
You shouldn’t your problems .
The doctor me more water.
第六部分 书面表达(共1题;满分15分)
66.新的一年,新的展望。请写一封信给你的好友Laura,谈一谈你的新年规划。结合自身发现的问题,分享一下你的新年决心, 并说明理由和实施计划。
Dear Laura,
I miss you so much. How is everything
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:100分)
【详解】句意:有些人直到失去健康才意识到健康的重要性。考查连词辨析题。because因为,表原因;本句不表原因,可排除A。after在……以后,表时间;when当……的时候,表时间。until直到,主句动词通常只能是延续性动词,不能是终止性动词;但在否定句中,主句动词可以是终止性动词,此时构成not…until/till…句式,表示动作在 until/till从句表示的时间开始发生,意为“直到……才……”。本句是否定结构,主句动词realize(意识)是非持续性动词,需用until引导时间状语从句;根据句意语境,可知选D。
考查不定代词。Each每一个;Both两者都;Either两者任意一个;None没有一个。根据“The twins look exactly the same.”及“are in my class”可知双胞胎是两个人,且此处谓语动词为are,是复数,因此使用both,故选B。
考查动词短语。find out查明;look out小心;give out分发;put out扑灭。根据“can you go and...how many flights (航班) there are from Beijing to Paris every day”可知,此处应是查清从北京到巴黎每天有多少次航班,find out符合题意。故选A。
考查情态动词。needn’t不必要;must必须;might可能;mustn’t不得。根据“but we’re not sure”可知,还不确定要去哪里,可能去兰州,故选C。
考查非谓语动词。prepare准备,preparing是动名词形式,to prepare是不定式结构,prepared是过去式。be busy doing忙于做某事,固定结构;根据句子结构,可知选B。
考查连词辨析。Because因为;Although尽管;If如果;Before在……之前。根据“it is raining heavily, the policemen are still working in the street.”可知,两句是让步关系,此处是although引导的让步状语从句,故选B。
考查疑问词+动词不定式结构。how to solve如何解决;what to solve解决的问题;when to solve什么时候解决;why to solve为什么要解决。根据“The math problem is too difficult.”可知,此处应指不知道如何解这道题。故选A。
考查动词短语。turn up调高;turn down调低;turn on打开;turn off关闭。根据“Hush! Grandma is sleeping. ”可知,奶奶在睡觉,所以收音机音量需要调低。故选B。
考查主谓一致。第一句是there be结构,因two pieces是复数形式,所以动词用复数are;第二句也是there be 结构,cheese是不可数名词,所以动词用单数is;故选B。
【点睛】动词be有三种形式am,is ,are,表达“是”;第一人称单数用am,例如:I am a student.第二人称和复数用are,例如:You are a good boy./You are students.第三人称单数和不可数名词用is,例如:He is my son./Milk is white.
考查不定代词。else anyone错误表达;else someone错误表达;anyone else其他任何人;someone else其他人。根据else修饰不定代词时,else要置后可知,排除A、B选项,根据“better than...in her class”可知此处表示“比班级里其他任何人都好”,用anyone else。故选C。
考查介词词义辨析。against反对,对抗,映衬;between在两者之间;without无,不,没有;through通过。根据“so that she can be surprised”可以判断,这是要求对方先暂时隐瞒一下,所以选择含有否定词义的介词。故选C。
考查词汇辨析。serious认真的;seriously认真地;most serious最认真的;most seriously最认真地。根据“take your study...”可知,此处是考查固定短语take sth seriously“认真对待某事”,句中不存在比较,所以用原级。故选B。
考查代词辨析。another另一个(三者以上);other其他的,后接复数名词;others其他人或物,后不接名词;the other另一个(两者之间)。根据“I have to do my homework then”以及“Let’s make it … time”可知,要另定时间,another time“另一个时间”,故选A。
16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 21.B 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.C
glue胶水;cream奶油;tape磁带;paint颜料。根据“his mom came home with a canvas (画布) and...”可知,带着画布和颜料,故选D。
afraid害怕的;angry生气的;happy开心的;patient耐心的。根据“Rick was a young boy who was angry at everything around him.”可知,里克很爱生气,故选B。
try尝试;plan计划;decision决定;beginning开始。根据“Though not that happy, Rick gave it a...”可知,里克决定试一下,故选A。
what什么;while当……时;how如何;who谁。根据“The next is about my teacher who always tells me about...I’m doing things wrong.”可知,此处是宾语从句,从句不缺成分,故选C。
in在里面;of……的;to到;by通过。根据“Rick’s mom took Rick...her side and told him”可知,妈妈把里克拉到身边,故选D。
anything任何事;nothing无事;everything每件事;something某事。根据“All the people you were angry at did...wrong.”可知,人家都没做错什么,故选B。
careful仔细的;careless粗心的;rich富有的;poor贫穷的。根据“The kids were showing off their good clothes but never laughed at you for being...”可知,没有嘲笑你穷,故选D。
happened发生;caused造成;solved解决;led领导。根据“Your teacher scolded (责备) you but that was because you...trouble in class.”可知,里克在课堂上制造麻烦,故选B。
correct纠正;collect收集;make制作;mix混合。根据“And your schoolmate was only trying to help you...your mistakes.”可知,同学只是想帮你改正错误。故选A。
more更多;the most最多;less更少;the least最少。根据“Rick took his mom’s advice and became...angry. He even started to feel happy around other children.”可知,里克没那么爱生气了,此处暗含与过去的比较,故选C。
26.B 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.A
26.细节理解题。根据“It’s built this way for different kinds of weather.”可知,是为了应对不同的天气,故选B。
27.推理判断题。根据“Every dish at the Asian Games should be safe and healthy to eat. In the kitchen of the players’ village ... an alarm will go off. The managers of the kitchen will also get messages on their phones.”可知,非指定人员进入厨房时会报警,所以警报是为了确保食品的安全和健康,故选D。
28.细节理解题。根据“You can choose clothes for your character who is able to ‘run’ around the fields and even talk with other online users.”可知,可以和其他在线用户交谈,故选D。
29. 细节理解题。根据“A mini program called the Hangzhou Asian Games AR service is here to help. You simply turn on your phone’s camera and it will see where you are and then show you the way. You can also get more information about the fields as you walk by.”(一个名为杭州亚运会AR服务的小程序可以提供帮助。你只要打开手机的摄像头,它就会知道你在哪里,然后给你指路。您还可以在经过时获得有关这些字段的更多信息)可知,这里的AR服务可以帮助走失的人们,故选C。
30.最佳标题题。根据“Hangzhou holds the 19th Asian Games from September 23rd to October 8th, 2023. The Games are very ‘smart’ thanks to the use of many exciting technologies.”及全文可知,文章主要介绍了杭州亚运会运用的先进技术,所以 A选项“亚运会科技”符合,故选A。
31.A 32.D 33.B 34.D 35.C
31.细节理解题。根据“It is a diary decorated with tapes, stickers, drawing and other things.”可知,手账是一种带有装饰的日记。故选A。
32.细节理解题。根据“In May, twin sisters from Zhejiang became ‘stars’ online because of their interesting shouzhang.”可知,这对双胞胎姐妹是因为她们的手账走红的。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据“They record things about food, travel, pets, school life, and other interesting things in their lives in their shouzhang.”和“...she writes about how she feels.”可知,在双胞胎姐妹的手账里看不到世界新闻。故选B。
34.词义猜测题。根据“They stay true to themselves—putting both small happiness and little frustrations into their diaries.”可推测,frustrations是happy的反义词,因此意为“不开心”。故选D。
36.C 37.B 38.D 39.A 40.D
36.细节理解题。根据第三段“Desertification happens when healthy land — land full of water and nutrients— becomes desert, which is dry and unhealthy. ”可知,土地是干燥和不健康的。故选C。
37.细节理解题。根据第三段“in Africa, scientists expect that two thirds of Africa’s healthy land will be lost by 2025.”可知,非洲三分之二的健康土地将会消失。故选B。
38.细节理解题。根据第五段“Growing too many plants in the same soil, in too short a time, can take away the soil’s nutrients faster than the soil can make new ones. That can turn the soil into dry sand, like a desert.”可知是因为它可以更快地带走土壤的养分。故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据最后一段“One is to teach people better ways of farming, including the use of better fertilizers. Another is reforestation which means planting more trees. One country that has done a lot of that is China.”可知联合国建议采取一些不同的行动来阻止沙漠化,包括使用更好的肥料,这意味着种植更多的树。故选A。
40.段落大意题。根据最后一段“The UN suggests some different actions to stop desertification. One is to teach people better ways of farming, including the use of better fertilizers. Another is reforestation which means planting more trees.”一个是教人们更好的耕作方法。另一个是重新造林。可知最后一段主要讲的是联合国防治荒漠化的建议。故选D。
【详解】句意:环境越来越差。我们必须为此做点什么。根据“We must do something for it.”可知,此处是“环境越来越差”,environment“环境”,是不可数名词。故填environment。
【详解】句意:——你怎么了?——我得了流感。“流感”英文表达是flu,have a flu“得了流感”,故填flu。
【详解】句意:我们学校有很多各种不同的活动。根据“There are many different kinds of”和所给词汇可知,空处应填名词复数,“activity”“活动”的复数形式是“activities”。故填activities。
【详解】句意:我的一些同学梦想成为作家。根据“dream of being”可知,此处指称为作家,writer“作家”,可数名词,根据“Some of my classmates”可知,此空应填名词复数形式,故填writers。
【详解】句意:我祖母每天练习发送电子邮件。固定短语practice doing sth“练习做某事”,故填sending。
【详解】句意:我不明白这三个词的意思。固定短语the meaning of“……的意思”。故填meaning。
【详解】句意:露西和我是最好的朋友,但在这件事上我不同意她的意见。根据“Lucy and I are best friends, but I...with her on this thing.”可知转折词后表示两人的意见有时不同,disagree“不同意”,句子用一般现在时,主语是I,谓语动词用原形。故填disagree。
【详解】句意:他一周洗两次澡。根据单词提示可知,此处是twice a week,意为“一周两次”,表示频率。故填twice。
【详解】句意:当人们遇到问题时,最糟糕的事情就是什么都不做。根据“thing is to do nothing”可知,最糟糕的事情就是什么都不做,故此空应填形容词bad的最高级,即worst。故填worst。
61. be able to
【详解】be able to do sth.“能够做某事”,助动词will后面跟动词原形。故填be;able;to。
62. Some others
【详解】“一些……,另一些……”some ... others ...,固定搭配。句子开头首字母大写。故填Some;others。
63. give thanks for
【详解】根据中英文可知,give thanks for“感谢……”,should为情态动词,后跟动词原形。故填give;thanks;for。
64. keep to yourself
【详解】由中英文对照可知,缺少“将……留给自己”。keep to oneself“保守秘密;不与人交流”与之对应;根据空前的“shouldn’t”可知,要用动词原形;主语为“you”,故oneself变为yourself。故填keep;to;yourself。
65. advised to drink
【详解】建议某人干某事:advise sb. to do sth.;喝:drink;结合语境可知,句子应是一般过去时,动词应用过去式advised。故填advised;to;drink。
Dear Laura,
I miss you so much. How is everything I’d like to share my new New Year’s resolutions.
First, I want to learn how to play an instrument because I like music very much. I’m going to practice it every day. Next, I want to get a lot of exercise to keep fit. I’m going to run every morning. Then, I want to improve my English because I want to get good grades. I’m going to read English books and write diaries in English. Finally, I want to be a school magazine’s reporter next term because I like talking with people. I’m going to write as many articles as possible.
I think I am able to keep them and I hope I am going to improve my life.
①keep fit保持健康
②as many as possible尽可能多的
①First, I want to learn how to play an instrument because I like music very much.(because引导的原因状语从句)
②I think I am able to keep them and I hope I am going to improve my life.(省略that的宾语从句)



