Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents Section B 3a-self check单词语法精练(含解析共2课时)人教版八年级下册

Unit 4Why don’t you talk to your parents同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第1课时
offer, provide
1.Linda     to give her seat to the old man on the bus yesterday.
2.I heard the company     your father a very good job.
3.—What else can we do to help the children in disaster areas
—I think we can     them with food and clothes.
communicate, communication
4.Sandy is very outgoing, and she is good at     with others.
5.Speech is the fastest way of     between two persons.
二 单项选择
( )1. Mr. Zhu looks very busy. We want to help him, but we don't know______ .
A. what to do B. how to do C. what to do it D. why to do
( )2. The two girls are good friends. They ______ with each other.
A. get on well B. get along well C. go on well D. A and B
( )3. You______ ask your parents for advice be-fore you make such a big decision.
A. should B. have to C. can D. will
( )4.I know the news you told me.
A. have;before B. will;if C. didn't;until D. was;unless
( )5. Parents are always comparing their children ______ other children.
A. to B. with C. for D. from
( )6.I find ______ hard to get along with him.
A. that B. this C. it D. is
( )7.______ are having breakfast.
A. The King B. Kings C. The King family D. The Kings
( )8.—Peter, let's go out and play games.
—Oh, Mike,I won't go out and play games______ I finish my homework.
A. after B. when C. until D. if
( )9. Xiao Mao is 9 years old. He is ______ to go to school.
A. old enough B. enough old C. older enough D. enough older
( )10. You are still a student, you______ often play computer games.
A. should B. could C. shouldn't D. couldn't
A:What's the matter, Mr. Brown Do you have a problem
B: Yes.1. ______ And I don't know what to do.
A: If it's a better job than you have now, take it.2. ______
B:It isn't as easy as that, John. I like the job I have now. The people in my office are very nice and my work is interesting.
A:3. ______ Would you get more money That's important for me when I have to make a decision.
B: Yes, the pay is better. If I accept the job,4. ______ What should I do I have to let them know my decision today.
A: You’ll have to decide for yourself.5.______
A. What about the pay B. That's OK.C. I have a chance(机会) to get another job.D. Please let me know what you decide.E. Are you interested in your own job F. That's my advice.G. I'll get more right away.
Alice had an argument with her best friend, Judy last Sunday. She thought 1______ was really difficult and wanted to copy Judy's homework. But Judy refused. They didn't talk to each other for a few days. Alice didn't know 2______ to face her math problems and she wondered if she could get on well with her friend again.
Yesterday afternoon, she saw a cool boy 3______ the violin happily by the road when she was walking home from school. The violin sounded so nice that she couldn't help stopping to listen to him. 4______ Alice didn't know what music he was playing, it made her feel better. After he finished the music, Alice walked over to him and said,“ Thank you 5______ your beautiful music. It gets me out of the really bad mood(心情)."Then she took out some 6______ and gave it to him. To her surprise, the boy asked her to take the money back. He explained that he wasn't making money by playing the violin. He just wan-ted to 7______ others. He hoped that the wonderful music could make people relaxed and happy. That's why he played it by the road. What a 8______ boy he was! Then Alice told him about her trouble.
He said,“You should learn to smile even if you are in difficulty. Listening to music is helpful. So why not listen to music as 9______ as possible Never lose heart! Believe in your friend!She has her reason. Believe in 10______ ! Everything will go well!”
Hearing these words, Alice went home with a smile. She believed she could make it.
( )1. A. Chinese B. math C. science D. physics
( )2. A. why B. how C. when D. where
( )3. A. carrying B. selling C. buying D. playing
( )4. A. Because B. When C. Though D. Whether
( )5. A. for B. with C. from D. except
( )6. A. music B. money C. food D. work
( )7. A. have B. leave C. give D. help
( )8. A. tall B. rich C. kind D. safe
( )9. A. often B. quickly C. soon D. loudly
( )10. A. myself B. herself C. yourself D. himself
Many people have a fear(害怕) of public speaking. According to a study, it has an influence on 3 in every 4 people. This fact is surprising and worrying, as most jobs require some speaking ability. The following will help you to make a speech better.
Write note cards. Write main ideas on your cards. Don't write details. Put in some fun facts questions, and other activities on the cards to share with the class. Don't look at your note cards for a long time while speaking. If necessary, you're only going to want to have a quick look at the card for information, not read every last word.
Smile at your class. When it comes time to speak, there's nothing that draws your class into your speach than a good old-fashioned smile. Be happy, because you're about to teach your class something they didn't know before. Studies have shown that smiles are infectious. That means once you smile, it's hard for everyone else not to smile. So if you want your speech to go off well, smile. That'll make everyone smile and maybe those smiles will make you actually smile.
Make eye contact. Nothing is more boring than listening to a speaker who looks at the floor or at note cards. Relax. Your class is made up of your friends and you talk to them all the time. Talk the same way now. Have a look at every person in the classroom at least once. That way, everyone will feel like you're communicating with them. Also, you'll look like you know what you're talking about.
Use hand motions. Move your hands along as you talk, using them to express your key points and keep the class interested. It will also lead your nervous energy in-to a better place.
( )1. According to the passage,______ of people might fear to speak in public.
A.100 percent B.75 percent
C.50 percent D.25 percent
( )2. In Paragraph 3 of the passage“smiles are infectious ” means ______ .
A. smiles can be passed on
B. it's hard to smile
C. smiles keep people fit
D. people should smile every day( )3. Which picture matches the last paragraph best
( )4. The passage mainly talks about______ .
A. A boy's speach in class
B. how to write note cards
C. the fear of public speaking
D. how to make a speach better
talk, give, with, communicate, skill, mean,say, second, other, follow
How many people do you communicate 1______ in a day Probably a lot more than you did ten years ago. Now we can “ 2______ ” to people in more and more ways, not just face-to-face and on the phone but also through the Internet. It is very important for everyone to try and improve their communication 3______ , so let's remember the four golden rules of good 4______ . Firstly, be as clear as you can. Misunderstandings happen if we don't say correctly what we 5______ . 6______ , we have to work hard at listening. Pay attention to what the other person is 7______ . Thirdly, ask 8______ people what they think, don't only tell them what you think. Fourthly, 9______ them time to say what they want, and show interest in what they say.
If you 10______ these rules, you will be a good communicator.
Unit 4Why don’t you talk to your parents同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第2课时
1. Why don’t you ask others for help (改为同义句)
______ ______ asking others for help
2. He should write his friend a letter.(改为否定句)
He ______ write his friend a letter.3. It's difficult for me to get on well with my new classmates.(改为同义句)
I found______ difficult______ ______ on well with my new classmates.
4. You should listen to some light music to relax.(对画线部分提问)
______ ______ you ______ to relax
5. Kate works very hard in order to find a good job in the future.(改为同义句)
Kate works very hard ______ ______ she can find a good job in the future.
6. These cakes are very     (quickly) and easy to make.
7.I spent the whole class     (copy) notes on the blackboard.
8.Parents watch the     (develop) of a baby with interest.
9. Jenny has to     (competition) with eight other people for the job.
10.You can eat     (what) you like.Please help yourself!
11.Their parents don't allow them     (swim) in the river because it's really dangerous.
  Jim and Cathy come from a typical American family. As the elder brother, Jim often 12.     (主动提出) to help Cathy work out problems. Jim plays 13.     (足球) with great skills. But there is a cloud hanging over Jim's development. His mother often 14.     (比较) Jim with other children. She always wants him to compete with others and win. This causes much 15.     (压力) for Jim. It also pushes Jim into a crazy and nervous place. Jim often argues with his mother and the 16.    (关系) between them are difficult. Jim doesn't want to 17.     (继续) practicing football anymore. I guess Jim wants to cut out all the matches.
In my opinion, everyone has his own world to look through. It's 18.     (错误的) to push Jim so hard. Perhaps they should deal with this problem. They should find a chance to explain to each other as quickly as possible. Firstly, as 19.     (成员) of a family, they should often communicate to get on well with each other. It's clear that parents can't give children too much pressure. 20.     (反而), they should allow their children to do whatever they like. 21.    (其次), parents should have proper communication with their children.
  Last night, a school night, my 11-year-old son's baseball team played a game that lasted until 9:30. By the time we got home and he had a quick dinner and shower, it was 10:30—an hour and a half later than a child who gets up at 6:30 should be going to bed. We love baseball. My son is having fun, getting exercise, and learning patience, teamwork and sports spirit. But the truth is that the game also influences his sleep.
As parents, we want good things for our children. We want them to be healthy both in body and in mind. To this end, we look for ways to help our kids grow and develop. We help them with their homework. We sign them up for dance, soccer and baseball. We encourage our kids to take honors courses(培优课程) or to have after-school jobs. And we praise them for hard-earned success and achievements.
However, the irony is that all of these activities and responsibilities that we are giving our children to make their lives colorful could be badly influencing their health and taking happiness away. Activities, responsibilities and goals are good. But if we want our kids to realize their full physical, learning and social ability, sleep is important. We have to start taking sleep seriously.
Parents make bedtime routines and carry out(执行) strict rules about nighttime. But in fact, these measures(措施) aren't enough because getting our kids enough sleep isn't just about carrying out stricter bedtime. It actually requires more than that. In order to ensure our kids get the sleep they need, both parents and schools should make an effort.
22.From the passage we know the writer's son     .
A.isn't good at sports B.wastes time every night
C.can't get enough sleep D.always hangs out with friends
23.What does the underlined word “irony” mean in Chinese
A.光荣 B.骄傲 C.讽刺 D.公正
24.What does the writer think of taking honors courses at last
A.Boring. B.Unnecessary.
C.Interesting. D.Enjoyable.
25.What would the writer probably talk about in the following paragraph
A.Advice on how to sleep well.
B.Ways of changing kids' education.
C.The importance of sleeping well.
D.Measures parents and schools should take.
Unit 4Why don’t you talk to your parents同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第1课时
一、1. offered 2. offered 3. provide
4. communicating 5. communication
1-5:ADACB 6-10: CDCAC
1-5;BBDCA 6-10:BDCAC
1. with 2. talk 3. skills 4. communication 5. mean
6. Secondly 7. saying 8. other 9.give 10. follow
Unit 4Why don’t you talk to your parents同步练习
Section B 3a-Self Check第2课时
1. What about
2. shouldn't 3. it to get
4. What should do t
5. so that
Ⅱ.6. quick 7. copying 8. development
9. compete 10. whatever 11. to swim Ⅲ.12.offers 13.football pares
15.pressure 16.relations 17.continue
18.wrong 19.members 20.Instead
Ⅳ.22.C 23.C 24.B 25.D 



上一篇:人教B版(2019)必修第二册《5.1.2 数据的数字特征》同步练习(含解析)
