
第一节 情景反应。
1. What do you think of a friend
2. Which is the worst clothes store in town
3. Do you like soap operas or comedies
4. You’d better not watch TV all day.
5. What’s the best radio station in the town
6.Would you like to go to the movies with me
第二节 对话理解。听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂。
7. W:Is that boy Mark
M: No, he's Jack. Mark is taller than him.
Q: Who is taller
8.W : How about watching this movie It's the latest and seems fun,
M: Good. Let's go to buy the ticket.
Q: Where are they maybe
9. M:I think bicycles are popular with more and more people.
W:I agree with you. Bicycles are much safer than cars.
Q: Why do more and more people like bicycles
10. M: Lily, how about riding bikes with me this afternoon
W:I'd like to, but I have to study for my English exam.
Q: What will Lily do this afternoon
11. W:Is Tom funnier than Sam
M: Yes, he is. But Sam is more outgoing than Tom.
Q: How is Sam
12. M: What do you think of the supermarket
W: Fantastic. You can buy the freshest food there, and the price is the cheapest.
Q: How is the food in the supermarket
第三节 长对话理解。
M: Hi, Liu Ying. Look at the three new students in front of your classroom. Do you know them
W: Yes. They are Lucy, Lily and Linda. They look the same because they are sisters.
M: Are there any differences between them
W: Sure. Lucy is a little taller than Lily. But she is younger. Linda is shorter than Lily. Lily is the quietest, and she doesn't like going out. She usually reads books at home. Lucy and Linda likes basketball very much.
M: I see. Lucy and Linda is more outgoing than Lily.
W: You are right, Mike.
M: Lisa, would you like to watch the show with me this afternoon
W: Yes, I'd love to. When does it begin, Tom
M: It begins at a quarter to three.
W: OK! Let's meet at the school gate at half past two.
第四节 短文理解。
Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He wants to lose some weight. He tries not to eat too much sugar because it will make him fat. He also exercises every day. He swims and runs about two miles a day. Now he is stronger than before. Susan, Henry's sister, is healthier than Henry. She is also younger and thinner than him. She exercises every day. She doesn't eat much meat,and she eats a lot of fruit and vegetables because she thinks they are better for her health.2023年春期学生自主学习单





超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效!! 2023年春期学生自主学习单 八年级英语(二)答题卡 !
学校 姓名 考生 禁填缺考考生,由监考员用2B铅笔填涂右面的缺考标记。 [ ]
填涂 样例正确填涂 ! 错误填涂 # $ %
注 意 事 项 1.答题前,考生务必清楚地将自己的姓名、学校填写在规定的位置。 2.监考教师核准条形码上的准考证号,并将条形码粘贴在规定的位置。 3.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用黑色水签字笔作答,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 4.考生必须在答题卡各题目的规定答题区域内答题,超出答题区域范围书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 5.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄皱,禁用涂改液,涂改胶条。 (
! 1 A B C 6 A B C 11 A B C 16 A B C !
! 2 A B C 7 A B C 12 A B C 17 A B C !
! 3 A B C 8 A B C 13 A B C 18 A B C !
! 4 A B C 9 A B C 14 A B C 19 A B C !
! 5 A B C 10 A B C 15 A B C 20 A B C !
! 21 A B C D 26 A B C D 31 A B C D 36 A B C D !
! 22 A B C D 27 A B C D 32 A B C D 37 A B C D !
! 23 A B C D 28 A B C D 33 A B C D 38 A B C D !
! 24 A B C D 29 A B C D 34 A B C D 39 A B C D !
! 25 A B C D 30 A B C D 35 A B C D 40 A B C D !
! 41 A B C D 46 A B C D 51 A B C D 56 A B C D !
! 42 A B C D 47 A B C D 52 A B C D 57 A B C D !
! 43 A B C D 48 A B C D 53 A B C D 58 A B C D !
! 44 A B C D 49 A B C D 54 A B C D 59 A B C D !
! 45 A B C D 50 A B C D 55 A B C D !
! 60 A B C D E F G !
! 61 A B C D E F G !
! 62 A B C D E F G !
! 63 A B C D E F G !
! 64 A B C D E F G !
VI.任务型阅读。(65-67每小题2分,68小题3分,共9分) 65. 66. 67. 68.
请在各题目的答题区域内作答 1 超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效!
! !
! !
VII. 完成句子。(每空1分,共15分) 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. VIII. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分) 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. IX.书面表达。(15分)
请在各题目的答题区域内作答 2 超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效!
! !二
1-6 CACAAB 7-12 ABCBCC 13-16 CCCA 17-20 BAAC
II. 单项选择
21-25 CCBDD 26-30 DBAAC
III. 完形填空
31-35 ABAAA 36-40 DBBAB
41-43 DCB 44-47 DDBA 48-51CDDA 52-55 BDAB 56-59 CCDB
V. 口语应用
60-64 FGDAB
65. Many years ago.
66. No./ No, he didn’t.
67. On the stone.
68. 言之有理即可
69. planned 70. many 71. worse 72. tallest 73. necessary
74. didn’t choose 75. How are 76. better than 77. came out 78. harder, better
79. so/as 80. others/anyone 81. wore 82. never
83. about 84. school 85. left 86. important2023 年秋期学生自主学习单
八年级英语 (二)
(Units 3-5)
第一部分 目标导航
1. 能够正确运用原级、比较级谈论人的个性特征;能简单比较人物特征。
2. 能够正确运用最高级就个人喜好进行讨论、比较。
3. 能够正确运用不定式做宾语,讨论对不同类型的电视节目或电影的看法与偏好,制定
I. 听力测试。
第一节 情景反应。
听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答
1. A. It was fantastic. B. I have some friends. C. A friend must be helpful.
2. A. Dream Clothes. B. On Green Street. C. It's not far.
3. A. Yes, I do. B. I can't stand them! C. Comedies
4. A. Sorry, I won't. B. Excuse me. C. I don't mind them.
5. A. 102.1FM. B.Town Cinema. C. Jane's Clothes Store.
6. A. No, I won't. B. Sure, I'd love to. C. Yes, please. I'd like some tea.
第二节 对话理解。
听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把
7. A. Mark. B. Jack. C. Frank.
8. A. In the restaurant. B. At the cinema. C. In the classroom.
9. A. Because bicycles are more popular. B. Because bicycles are cheaper.
C. Because bicycles are much safer.
10. A. Ride bikes. B. Study for an exam. C. Go fishing.
11. A. He is funnier thanTom. B. He is smarter than Tom. C. He is more outgoing.
12. A. The worst. B. The most delicious. C. The freshest.
第三节 长对话理解。
听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题
听第一段材料,回答第 13和 14小题。
13. What is Linda like
A. Tall and outgoing. B. Short and quiet. C. Short and outgoing.
14. What does Lucy like doing
A. Going out. B. Reading books. C. Playing basketball.
听第二段材料,回答第 15和 16小题。
15. What do Lisa and Tom want to watch
A. A game. B. A movie. C. A show.
16. When will the speakers meet
A. At 2:30. B. At 2:45. C. At 3:15.
八年级英语上 第 1页 共 8 页
第四节 短文理解。
听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答
17. Henry wants to be__________.
A. a little fatter B. a little thinner C. a little older
18. Is Susan thinner and healthier than Henry
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn't. C. We don't know. .
19. Susan is healthier than Henry because________.
A. she takes more exercise B. she always eats very little fruit C. she never eats meat
20. _______will make people healthy.
A. Meat and fruit B. Sugar and meat C. Fruit and vegetables
II. 单项选择
从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题
21. My idea is similar ________ mom's, but different ________ father's.
A. as; from B. to; as C. to; from D. from; as
22. — Now the air in our hometown is even ________ than it was before.
— So we must do something to stop it.
A. worst B. better C. worse D. more better
23. —Where is your father
—In the bedroom. He is ________ tired ________ he goes to bed early.
A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. so; but
24. Paris is one of ________ cities in the world. I hope to visit it next year.
A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. themost beautiful
25. —Miller's is a very good store, isn't it —Yes, it is. We can buy clothes ________ there.
A. cheaper B. the cheapest C. cheap D. the most cheaply
26. My computer is________ smaller than________.
A. many, my brother B. much, my brother
C. many, my brother 's D. much, my brother s
27. We_______outgoing and ___________swimming.
A. are both, like both B. are both, both like
C. both are, both like D. both are, like both
28. Cars started to be popular ________.
A. in the 1960s B. on the 1960s C. in the 1960 D. in 1960s
29. I ________ Jim here and there, but I didn't _______ him.
A. looked for; find B. found out; find C. looked for; find out D. found; find out
30. —Mary _______ painting as a hobby two months ago.
—Yes,but now she isn't interested in it.
A. dressed up B. grew up C. took up D. made up
Ⅲ. 完形填空。
根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,
“The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence (篱笆).” That's an old 31 in
English. It means (意思是) other places often look 32 , more interesting than the place you
live in. Some people worry that young Chinese are 33 to feel that way. They see young
Chinese ignoring (忽视) Chinese culture, and 34 Japanese cartoon books, watch Korean (韩
国的) soap operas and even celebrating (庆祝) foreign holidays.
Foreign books and soap operas are good, 35 Chinese writers and actors are just as
good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can 36 have the meaning for Chinese like
八年级英语上 第 2页 共 8 页
Spring Festival. And let's not forget 37 favorite part of Chinese culture-its friendliness.
Not all countries are as 38 as China.
It's good to enjoy other cultures and to learn 39 them, but they cannot replace (代替)
your own culture. It's good to look on the other side of the fence, but 40 you take a good
long look. You will find that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.
31. A. saying B. words C. voice D. talk
32. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse
33. A. beginning B. planning C. choosing D. expecting
34. A. read B. watch C. look D. seem
35. A. but B. so C. or D. because
36. A. always B. ever C. still D. never
37. A. my B. our C. me D. us
38. A. warmer B. warm C. cold D. colder
39. A. from B. with C. to D. over
40.A. make up B. make sure C. make up of D. be sure to
阅读下列材料,从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目
Shangying International Cinema: Never Say Never
Actors: Wang Baoqiang
Language: Chinese
Running time:1 hour 57 minutes
Price:Weekdays -$30 Half Price (children under 7)
Weekends-$40 Half Price (children under 7)
Film Reviews
James I really enjoyed this movie. It's an educational movie for the whole family.
Sam I would recommend this movie to everyone. In fact, when you go to see it together
with your family or friends, I think this movie has something you will really enjoy!
John I have seen some movies of this kind, but this one is not the best. It is not so well
made although some of the scenes are so moving.
Mary I went to see this movie with my nine-year-old daughter this Tuesday. I really didn't
know too much about it before. My daughter and I were surprised at how brave and
hard-working Su Mu was. I would recommend this movie to the whole family.
41.This movie lasts_________.
A. 57 minutes. B. 67 minutes. C. 77 minutes. D. 117 minutes.
42. According to the passage, maybe the movie tells a (an)______________ story.
A.sad B.funny C. educational D.terrible
43._________reviews the movie with a different idea from others
A. Mary B.John C.Sam D.James
I was the shiest person in the world. I hid (躲藏) behind my older sister whenever I had to
speak to a stranger. When I was asked to speak in class, I could hardly breathe (呼吸).
Then, in seventh grade, my sister suggested I took voice lessons.
I began a lot of exercises. By playing around with sound in the class, I became more
confident about one part of me — my voice.
A few months later, I was asked to sing for some old people. I thought I would do better
than before because of the voice lessons. I opened my mouth and — nothing. I couldn't
remember the words! My face turned red.
八年级英语上 第 3页 共 8 页
Then the thought came to my mind. I've embarrassed myself enough in front of the crowd.
There's really nothing else to lose. So, for my second song, I just relaxed and felt the energy of
the song. And I did much better.
After that, I started singing to myself as loudly as I could in my room. That's something I
had never done before.
I am not a shy person anymore. Singing has made me more outgoing.
44. The writer was __________ before.
A. She was very outgoing B. She was very brave
C. She was very happy D. She was very shy
45. The writer took voice lessons ________.
A. to do exercises B. to learn singing and dancing
C. to improve her study D. to make herself not as shy as before
46. The writer do a better job on the second song, because________.
A. she remembered the words better B. she felt more relaxed than before
C. the crowd didn't laugh at her first song D. she knew how to embarrass the crowd
47. What can we learn from the passage
A. We can try to make ourselves better. B. We should sing songs for old people.
C. We can become confident by singing. D. Everyone should take some voice lessons.
Stunt (特技) actors work in movies and television shows. They always take the real actors'
places to do some dangerous actions. Circus performers work just as hard as they could,
because they also want to be the stars of the show.
Life as a stunt performer
Stunt actors must be strong. Many of them start doing this from martial arts (武术) and
learn many other things such as horse riding and driving. Some become good at one thing, such
as stunt driving. They try to make their performances look real, just like real actors do that.
Stunt actors work wherever movies or television shows are made. As we all know,
Hollywood is the most famous film city of the world. And there are also other places working
with movies or television, such as Vancouver in Canada and Queensland in Australia. Also,
they often work in forests and mountains. Stunt actors left home to work for weeks or even
Circus (马戏团) life
Circus life is also busy. Performers need to be strong and flexible. Circus performers are
not shy people and they enjoy being the center of the whole performance.
Many circus performers travel from town to town. They stay for a week, and then move
on. And some performers even have no home. They live in large cars and go everywhere to
perform. Circus families often travel together. The children perform with their parents
sometimes. Circus children don't go to school. They study by the teachers' letters, or study with
a teacher who travels with them.
48. The third paragraph mainly tell us__________.
A. the stunt actor’ lives B. famous movie capitals of the world
C. where stunt actors work D. what stunt actors do at work
49. ________ might be a good stunt actor.
A. Jake——a shy, strong and flexible person
B. David——a boy who is good at horse riding
C. Judy——a person who like watching movie
D. Kate——a strong girl who likes to perform
八年级英语上 第 4页 共 8 页
50. When the circus performers work, their children __________.
A. go to school to study circus B. play with their teachers
C. prepare food for their parents D. join their parents' performances
51. What is the best title for the passage
A. Life of the stunt actors and circus performers.
B. How to become a good stunt actor.
C. How to become a circus performer.
D. How stunt actors become circus performers.
When you have a different opinion with your friend, what should you do One of the ways
is to talk to your friend and tell him or her how you're feeling. It's always important to share
your feeling with your friend.
Of course, sometimes friends do drift apart. As we grow older, our interests change and
sometimes this means that a friendship may not be as close as before. This also means that you,
too, may find a different group of friends to spend time with.
Then what should you do to keep friends One helpful thing is to be sure you let others
know you like them. Smile, talk to them, listen with interest and praise them for the things you
like about them .People naturally like to make friends with the people who understand and
enjoy them.
It's also important to remember that you should always be yourself. Sometimes when you
focus on “keeping friends”, you might begin to do things or act in some ways that you don’t
usually do. What's more, if your friend is unfriendly to you, that doesn't mean you should
become unkind to other people. If keeping a friendship means you have to become someone
who you aren't, that friendship isn't worth (值得) keeping.
52.When you have a different opinion with your friends, you should ____________.
A. keep quiet and have a good rest B. tell how you're feeling to them
C. keep away from them for days D. go to your parents for help
53.The underlined words "friends do drift apart" in the second paragraph mean ________.
A. friends often help each other
B. friends may fight with each other
C. your friends may make you sad or angry
D. the friendship between you and your friends ends
54.When keeping friends, you should_________.
A. praise and enjoy your friends B. do things just like your friends do
C. say something that is bad to your friends. D. try to do everything that your friends like
55.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.It's important to agree with our friends sometimes.
B. People shouldn't lose themselves to keep friends.
C. It isn't worth keeping a good friendship with others.
D. We are encouraged to be hurtful to unfriendly people.
①“I always do my homework before playing computer games”. “Your dress looks so
beautiful!”. “I didn’t spend all the money on drinks”. All lies(谎言)!
② Most of us tell a lie sometimes. However, a study found that telling lies can stop you
from doing other important things, and it’s not good for your brain.
③When you tell the truth, your brain doesn’t have to do any other work. But telling lies
takes much more work.
④Think about this. One day you are late for class and you want to tell a lie to the teacher.
So you say, “I picked up a book from the library.” Your teacher asks, “The book I talked about
last time ” If you say yes, the teacher might ask to see it. If you say no, you will have to think
八年级英语上 第 5页 共 8 页
of a name of another book. You can see it is too tiring for your brain.
⑤Using too much brainpower(脑力)for lies will also make you have only a little for
other important things.
⑥In our brain, the prefrontal cortex(前额皮质)does the work for lies. It also works for
remembering things and working out problems.
⑦Lies are especially difficult for young people because the prefrontal cortex grows up
well only after age 25. So when the young are busy telling lies, they may not do other things
well like eating a healthy meal. So next time think twice before you lie!
56. According to the study, telling lies ________ our brain.
A. is good for B. is useful for C. is bad for D. is important to
57. You can read the passage in ________.
A. a science newspaper B. a history book
C. a health guidebook D. a sports magazine
58. We can infer(推断)from the article that ________.
A. if you tell the truth, your brain will do much more work
B. the teacher keeps asking you because he/she knows you are telling lies
C. you can lie often if you exercise your brain often
D. children may not work out math problems well if they often lie
59. Which of the following shows the structure(结构)of the passage
A. B. C. D.
V. 口语应用
阅读下面对话,从方框内 7个选项中选择 5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡
A: Hi! I’m a reporter. Can I ask you some questions A. It’s popular, but it is the
B: Of course. most expensive.
A: 60 B. How do you often go to the
B: Yes, very much. And I watch them once a week. movies
A: 61 C. Do you often go to the
B: Wanda Cinema, I think. movies on weekends
A: 62 D. Why do you think so
B: Because it has the biggest screens and the best sound. E. What kind of movies do
A: Well, what do you think of Town Cinema you like
B: 63 F. Do you like watching
A: What about Movie Palace movies
B: It is the cheapest, but the movies there are always boring. G. What do you think is the
A: I see. 64 best movie theater in
B: I often take the subway. town
A: Thank you very much.
B: No problem.
VI. 任务型阅读
Many years ago, two friends, Mike and Jim, were walking through the desert. Somehow
they began to quarrel (争吵) about small matters. Suddenly, Mike hit Jim in the face. Jim was
hurt, but he said nothing. He just wrote in the sand: Today my best friend hit me in the face.
八年级英语上 第 6页 共 8 页
They kept on walking, and at last, they found a river. So they decided to take a bath.
Suddenly, Jim got stuck in the mire (陷在泥里). At that moment, Mike saved him. After Jim
felt better, he wrote on a stone: Today my best friend saved my life.
Mike saw this, and asked,“After I hut you, you wrote in the sand. After I saved you, you
wrote on a stone. Why ""
Jim answered,“When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand. Thus winds of
forgiveness (宽恕) can blow it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must
engrave (铭刻) it in stone, then no wind can ever blow it away."
65. When did the story happen
66. Did Jim say anything when he was hit
67. Where did Jim write after Mike saved him
68. Who do you think might be deeply moved at last Why
69. My brother ___________ (plan) to study computer science last year
70. I have as___________(many) books as you.
71. The poor man feels even_____________ ( bad) than before.
72. Li Ming is the second __________ (tall) in my class.
73. Do you think it___________ / nes s ri/ to have a friend who has cool clothes
74. I chose to go to college when I finished high school. (变否定句)
I _________ ________ to go to college when I finished high school.
75. The seats in this cinema are comfortable. (对画线部分提问)
_________ ________the seats in this cinema
76. My favorite color is white. (变同义句)
I like white _______ ________any other color.
77. 这部卡通片于 1928年 11月 28日在纽约上映。
This cartoon ________ ________ in New York on Nov. 18, 1928.
78. 你学习越努力,你会越来越好。(完成译句)
The_______ you work, the_______ you will be.
A little girl was unhappy. She thought she was not 79 beautiful as other girls, and
nobody liked her. She always stayed at home alone and didn't like to talk to 80 . However,
her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip (发夹). When she 81 it, she looked much more
beautiful than before. She decided to wear it to school.
On her way to school, she found that everyone smiled at her. Most of her classmates said
“hello” to her, but this 82 happened (发生 ) before. She was so happy about all of the
wonderful things. She didn't tell her classmates 83 her beautiful hair clip, but they all
wanted to know what had happened to her. When she went back home after 84 , her mother
asked her,“Did you know you 85 your hair clip at home I found it by the door this
morning.” She knew that she didn't wear the hair clip to school at all.
It is not 86 what we wear or how we look. The most important is how we think about
八年级英语上 第 7页 共 8 页
ourselves. If we want to do something successfully, first try to believe in ourselves. If we think
we can, we will make it.
79. __________ 80. __________ 81. __________ 82. __________
83. __________ 84. __________ 85. __________ 86. __________
IX 书面表达。
假如你是王丽,请根据表格中提供的信息,写一篇短文介绍你自己和好朋友 Jenny
相同点 同一班级 喜欢运动 喜欢帮助别人
Wang Li Jenny
14岁 13岁
不同点 班级最高 中等身高
喜欢英语,更擅长数学 喜欢科学
更外向,更友好 更稳重
Is it “斯” or “是” in the sentence “故天将降大任于是/斯人也” Recently, people had a
heated discussion online about this. Most people “clearly remember” it’s “斯”, but their
childhood textbooks(课本) say it’s “是”.
In fact, our memories(记忆) can often be wrong because many things can influence them.
Even though we can always hear people say that they are “pretty sure” or “absolutely
clear” about something happened before, their memories are often not so reliable. Sometimes,
“feeling sure” about a memory has nothing to do with the facts.
Once, scientists told two groups of students that a man walked out without paying a
50-dollar restaurant bill(账单). Then they told the first group the man did that because he “just
liked to do bad things”. However, the second group heard that the man left because he “got an
emergency(紧急) phone call”. One week later, the first group remembered a higher bill—10 to
25 percent more than the bill really was. The second group remembered a lower bill. The study
showed other people’s words could influence your memories.
Getting a wrong hint(暗示) could also make a memory change. In another study, people
watched a film and answered the question: “How fast was the white car going when it passed
the barn (谷仓) ” Actually there was no barn in the film. But about 20 percent of the students
said they saw the barn.
Memories also change because of other people' s examples in the discussion of “斯” or
“是”. Some people said it’s “斯” because they saw so many examples. In the examples, other
people used “斯” in their daily lives, on TV or on the Internet.
However, when they learned it for the first time on the textbook, it was really “是”.
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八年级英语上 第 8页 共 8 页
八年级英语 (二)
(Units 3-5)
第一部分 目标导航
1. 能够正确运用原级、比较级谈论人的个性特征;能简单比较人物特征。
2. 能够正确运用最高级就个人喜好进行讨论、比较。
3. 能够正确运用不定式做宾语,讨论对不同类型的电视节目或电影的看法与偏好,制定计划。
I. 听力测试。
第一节 情景反应。
1. A. It was fantastic. B. I have some friends. C. A friend must be helpful.
2. A. Dream Clothes. B. On Green Street. C. It's not far.
3. A. Yes, I do. B. I can't stand them! C. Comedies
4. A. Sorry, I won't. B. Excuse me. C. I don't mind them.
5. A. 102.1FM. B.Town Cinema. C. Jane's Clothes Store.
6. A. No, I won't. B. Sure, I'd love to. C. Yes, please. I'd like some tea.
第二节 对话理解。
7. A. Mark. B. Jack. C. Frank.
8. A. In the restaurant. B. At the cinema. C. In the classroom.
9. A. Because bicycles are more popular. B. Because bicycles are cheaper.
C. Because bicycles are much safer.
10. A. Ride bikes. B. Study for an exam. C. Go fishing.
11. A. He is funnier than Tom. B. He is smarter than Tom. C. He is more outgoing.
12. A. The worst. B. The most delicious. C. The freshest.
第三节 长对话理解。
13. What is Linda like
A. Tall and outgoing. B. Short and quiet. C. Short and outgoing.
14. What does Lucy like doing
A. Going out. B. Reading books. C. Playing basketball.
15. What do Lisa and Tom want to watch
A. A game. B. A movie. C. A show.
16. When will the speakers meet
A. At 2:30. B. At 2:45. C. At 3:15.
第四节 短文理解。
17. Henry wants to be__________.
A. a little fatter B. a little thinner C. a little older
18. Is Susan thinner and healthier than Henry
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn't. C. We don't know. .
19. Susan is healthier than Henry because________.
A. she takes more exercise B. she always eats very little fruit C. she never eats meat
20. _______will make people healthy.
A. Meat and fruit B. Sugar and meat C. Fruit and vegetables
II. 单项选择
21. My idea is similar ________ mom's, but different ________ father's.
A. as; from B. to; as C. to; from D. from; as
22. — Now the air in our hometown is even ________ than it was before.
— So we must do something to stop it.
A. worst B. better C. worse D. more better
23. —Where is your father
—In the bedroom. He is ________ tired ________ he goes to bed early.
A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. so; but
24. Paris is one of ________ cities in the world. I hope to visit it next year.
A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful
25. —Miller's is a very good store, isn't it —Yes, it is. We can buy clothes ________ there.
A. cheaper B. the cheapest C. cheap D. the most cheaply
26. My computer is________ smaller than________.
A. many, my brother B. much, my brother
C. many, my brother 's D. much, my brother s
27. We_______outgoing and ___________swimming.
A. are both, like both B. are both, both like
C. both are, both like D. both are, like both
28. Cars started to be popular ________.
A. in the 1960s B. on the 1960s C. in the 1960 D. in 1960s
29. I ________ Jim here and there, but I didn't _______ him.
A. looked for; find B. found out; find C. looked for; find out D. found; find out
30. —Mary _______ painting as a hobby two months ago.
—Yes,but now she isn't interested in it.
A. dressed up B. grew up C. took up D. made up
ⅢIII. 完形填空。
“The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence (篱笆).” That's an old 31 in English. It means (意思是) other places often look 32 , more interesting than the place you live in. Some people worry that young Chinese are 33 to feel that way. They see young Chinese ignoring (忽视) Chinese culture, and 34 Japanese cartoon books, watch Korean (韩国的) soap operas and even celebrating (庆祝) foreign holidays.
Foreign books and soap operas are good, 35 Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can 36 have the meaning for Chinese like Spring Festival. And let's not forget 37 favorite part of Chinese culture-its friendliness. Not all countries are as 38 as China.
It's good to enjoy other cultures and to learn 39 them, but they cannot replace (代替) your own culture. It's good to look on the other side of the fence, but 40 you take a good long look. You will find that the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.
31. A. saying  B. words   C. voice  D. talk
32. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse
33. A. beginning B. planning C. choosing D. expecting
34. A. read B. watch C. look D. seem
35. A. but B. so C. or D. because
36. A. always B. ever C. still D. never
37. A. my B. our C. me D. us
38. A. warmer B. warm C. cold D. colder
39. A. from B. with C. to D. over
40.A. make up B. make sure C. make up of D. be sure to
Shangying International Cinema: Never Say Never Actors: Wang Baoqiang Language: Chinese Running time:1 hour 57 minutes Price:Weekdays -$30 Half Price (children under 7) Film ReviewsJamesI really enjoyed this movie. It's an educational movie for the whole family. SamI would recommend this movie to everyone. In fact, when you go to see it together with your family or friends, I think this movie has something you will really enjoy!JohnI have seen some movies of this kind, but this one is not the best. It is not so well made although some of the scenes are so moving.MaryI went to see this movie with my nine-year-old daughter this Tuesday. I really didn't know too much about it before. My daughter and I were surprised at how brave and hard-working Su Mu was. I would recommend this movie to the whole family.
Weekends-$40 Half Price (children under 7)
41.This movie lasts_________.
A. 57 minutes. B. 67 minutes. C. 77 minutes. D. 117 minutes.
42. According to the passage, maybe the movie tells a (an)______________ story.
A.sad B.funny C. educational D.terrible
43._________reviews the movie with a different idea from others
A. Mary B.John C.Sam D.James
I was the shiest person in the world. I hid (躲藏) behind my older sister whenever I had to speak to a stranger. When I was asked to speak in class, I could hardly breathe (呼吸).
Then, in seventh grade, my sister suggested I took voice lessons.
I began a lot of exercises. By playing around with sound in the class, I became more confident about one part of me — my voice.
A few months later, I was asked to sing for some old people. I thought I would do better than before because of the voice lessons. I opened my mouth and — nothing. I couldn't remember the words! My face turned red.
Then the thought came to my mind. I've embarrassed myself enough in front of the crowd. There's really nothing else to lose. So, for my second song, I just relaxed and felt the energy of the song. And I did much better.
After that, I started singing to myself as loudly as I could in my room. That's something I had never done before.
I am not a shy person anymore. Singing has made me more outgoing.
44. The writer was __________ before.
A. She was very outgoing B. She was very brave
C. She was very happy D. She was very shy
45. The writer took voice lessons ________.
A. to do exercises B. to learn singing and dancing
C. to improve her study D. to make herself not as shy as before
46. The writer do a better job on the second song, because________.
A. she remembered the words better B. she felt more relaxed than before
C. the crowd didn't laugh at her first song D. she knew how to embarrass the crowd
47. What can we learn from the passage
A. We can try to make ourselves better. B. We should sing songs for old people.
C. We can become confident by singing. D. Everyone should take some voice lessons.
Stunt (特技) actors work in movies and television shows. They always take the real actors' places to do some dangerous actions. Circus performers work just as hard as they could, because they also want to be the stars of the show.
Life as a stunt performer
Stunt actors must be strong. Many of them start doing this from martial arts (武术) and learn many other things such as horse riding and driving. Some become good at one thing, such as stunt driving. They try to make their performances look real, just like real actors do that.
Stunt actors work wherever movies or television shows are made. As we all know, Hollywood is the most famous film city of the world. And there are also other places working with movies or television, such as Vancouver in Canada and Queensland in Australia. Also, they often work in forests and mountains. Stunt actors left home to work for weeks or even months.
Circus (马戏团) life
Circus life is also busy. Performers need to be strong and flexible. Circus performers are not shy people and they enjoy being the center of the whole performance.
Many circus performers travel from town to town. They stay for a week, and then move on. And some performers even have no home. They live in large cars and go everywhere to perform. Circus families often travel together. The children perform with their parents sometimes. Circus children don't go to school. They study by the teachers' letters, or study with a teacher who travels with them.
48. The third paragraph mainly tell us__________.
A. the stunt actor’ lives B. famous movie capitals of the world
C. where stunt actors work D. what stunt actors do at work
49. ________ might be a good stunt actor.
A. Jake——a shy, strong and flexible person
B. David——a boy who is good at horse riding
C. Judy——a person who like watching movie
D. Kate——a strong girl who likes to perform
50. When the circus performers work, their children __________.
A. go to school to study circus B. play with their teachers
C. prepare food for their parents D. join their parents' performances
51. What is the best title for the passage
A. Life of the stunt actors and circus performers.
B. How to become a good stunt actor.
C. How to become a circus performer.
D. How stunt actors become circus performers.
When you have a different opinion with your friend, what should you do One of the ways is to talk to your friend and tell him or her how you're feeling. It's always important to share your feeling with your friend.
Of course, sometimes friends do drift apart. As we grow older, our interests change and sometimes this means that a friendship may not be as close as before. This also means that you, too, may find a different group of friends to spend time with.
Then what should you do to keep friends One helpful thing is to be sure you let others know you like them. Smile, talk to them, listen with interest and praise them for the things you like about them .People naturally like to make friends with the people who understand and enjoy them.
It's also important to remember that you should always be yourself. Sometimes when you focus on “keeping friends”, you might begin to do things or act in some ways that you don’t usually do. What's more, if your friend is unfriendly to you, that doesn't mean you should become unkind to other people. If keeping a friendship means you have to become someone who you aren't, that friendship isn't worth (值得) keeping.
52.When you have a different opinion with your friends, you should ____________.
A. keep quiet and have a good rest B. tell how you're feeling to them
C. keep away from them for days D. go to your parents for help
53.The underlined words "friends do drift apart" in the second paragraph mean ________.
A. friends often help each other
B. friends may fight with each other
C. your friends may make you sad or angry
D. the friendship between you and your friends ends
54.When keeping friends, you should_________.
A. praise and enjoy your friends B. do things just like your friends do
C. say something that is bad to your friends. D. try to do everything that your friends like
55.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.It's important to agree with our friends sometimes.
B. People shouldn't lose themselves to keep friends.
C. It isn't worth keeping a good friendship with others.
D. We are encouraged to be hurtful to unfriendly people.
①“I always do my homework before playing computer games”. “Your dress looks so beautiful!”. “I didn’t spend all the money on drinks”. All lies(谎言)!
② Most of us tell a lie sometimes. However, a study found that telling lies can stop you from doing other important things, and it’s not good for your brain.
③When you tell the truth, your brain doesn’t have to do any other work. But telling lies takes much more work.
④Think about this. One day you are late for class and you want to tell a lie to the teacher. So you say, “I picked up a book from the library.” Your teacher asks, “The book I talked about last time ” If you say yes, the teacher might ask to see it. If you say no, you will have to think of a name of another book. You can see it is too tiring for your brain.
⑤Using too much brainpower(脑力)for lies will also make you have only a little for other important things.
⑥In our brain, the prefrontal cortex(前额皮质)does the work for lies. It also works for remembering things and working out problems.
⑦Lies are especially difficult for young people because the prefrontal cortex grows up well only after age 25. So when the young are busy telling lies, they may not do other things well like eating a healthy meal. So next time think twice before you lie!
56. According to the study, telling lies ________ our brain.
A. is good for B. is useful for C. is bad for D. is important to
57. You can read the passage in ________.
A. a science newspaper B. a history book
C. a health guidebook D. a sports magazine
58. We can infer(推断)from the article that ________.
A. if you tell the truth, your brain will do much more work
B. the teacher keeps asking you because he/she knows you are telling lies
C. you can lie often if you exercise your brain often
D. children may not work out math problems well if they often lie
59. Which of the following shows the structure(结构)of the passage
A. B. C. D.
V. 口语应用

s popular, but it is the most expensive.
How do you often go to the movies
Do you often go to the movies on weekends
Why do you think so
What kind of movies do you like
Do you like watching movies
What do you think is the best movie theater in town
A: Hi! I’m a reporter. Can I ask you some questions
B: Of course.
A: 60
B: Yes, very much. And I watch them once a week.
A: 61
B: Wanda Cinema, I think.
A: 62
B: Because it has the biggest screens and the best sound.
A: Well, what do you think of Town Cinema
B: 63
A: What about Movie Palace
B: It is the cheapest, but the movies there are always boring.
A: I see. 64
B: I often take the subway.
A: Thank you very much.
B: No problem.
VI. 任务型阅读
Many years ago, two friends, Mike and Jim, were walking through the desert. Somehow they began to quarrel (争吵) about small matters. Suddenly, Mike hit Jim in the face. Jim was hurt, but he said nothing. He just wrote in the sand: Today my best friend hit me in the face.
They kept on walking, and at last, they found a river. So they decided to take a bath. Suddenly, Jim got stuck in the mire (陷在泥里). At that moment, Mike saved him. After Jim felt better, he wrote on a stone: Today my best friend saved my life.
Mike saw this, and asked,“After I hut you, you wrote in the sand. After I saved you, you wrote on a stone. Why ""
Jim answered,“When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand. Thus winds of forgiveness (宽恕) can blow it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave (铭刻) it in stone, then no wind can ever blow it away."
65. When did the story happen
66. Did Jim say anything when he was hit
67. Where did Jim write after Mike saved him
68. Who do you think might be deeply moved at last Why
69. My brother ___________ (plan) to study computer science last year
70. I have as___________(many) books as you.
71. The poor man feels even_____________ ( bad) than before.
72. Li Ming is the second __________ (tall) in my class.
73. Do you think it___________ / nes s ri/ to have a friend who has cool clothes
74. I chose to go to college when I finished high school. (变否定句)
I _________ ________ to go to college when I finished high school.
75. The seats in this cinema are comfortable. (对画线部分提问)
_________ ________the seats in this cinema
76. My favorite color is white. (变同义句)
I like white _______ ________any other color.
77. 这部卡通片于1928年11月28日在纽约上映。
This cartoon ________ ________ in New York on Nov. 18, 1928.
78. 你学习越努力,你会越来越好。(完成译句)
The_______ you work, the_______ you will be.
A little girl was unhappy. She thought she was not 79 beautiful as other girls, and nobody liked her. She always stayed at home alone and didn't like to talk to 80 . However, her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip (发夹). When she 81 it, she looked much more beautiful than before. She decided to wear it to school.
On her way to school, she found that everyone smiled at her. Most of her classmates said “hello” to her, but this 82 happened (发生) before. She was so happy about all of the wonderful things. She didn't tell her classmates 83 her beautiful hair clip, but they all wanted to know what had happened to her. When she went back home after 84 , her mother asked her,“Did you know you 85 your hair clip at home I found it by the door this morning.” She knew that she didn't wear the hair clip to school at all.
It is not 86 what we wear or how we look. The most important is how we think about ourselves. If we want to do something successfully, first try to believe in ourselves. If we think we can, we will make it.
79. __________ 80. __________ 81. __________ 82. __________
83. __________ 84. __________ 85. __________ 86. __________
相同点 同一班级 喜欢运动 喜欢帮助别人
不同点 Wang Li Jenny
14岁 13岁
班级最高 中等身高
喜欢英语,更擅长数学 喜欢科学
更外向,更友好 更稳重
Is it “斯” or “是” in the sentence “故天将降大任于是/斯人也” Recently, people had a
heated discussion online about this. Most people “clearly remember” it’s “斯”, but their childhood textbooks(课本) say it’s “是”.
In fact, our memories(记忆) can often be wrong because many things can influence them.
Even though we can always hear people say that they are “pretty sure” or “absolutely clear” about something happened before, their memories are often not so reliable. Sometimes, “feeling sure” about a memory has nothing to do with the facts.
Once, scientists told two groups of students that a man walked out without paying a 50-dollar restaurant bill(账单). Then they told the first group the man did that because he “just liked to do bad things”. However, the second group heard that the man left because he “got an emergency(紧急) phone call”. One week later, the first group remembered a higher bill—10 to 25 percent more than the bill really was. The second group remembered a lower bill. The study showed other people’s words could influence your memories.
Getting a wrong hint(暗示) could also make a memory change. In another study, people watched a film and answered the question: “How fast was the white car going when it passed the barn (谷仓) ” Actually there was no barn in the film. But about 20 percent of the students said they saw the barn.
Memories also change because of other people' s examples in the discussion of “斯” or “是”. Some people said it’s “斯” because they saw so many examples. In the examples, other people used “斯” in their daily lives, on TV or on the Internet.
However, when they learned it for the first time on the textbook, it was really “是”.
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