Unit 5 Dinner is ready 英语素养综合评价(图片版 含答案及听力原文 无音频)

2023~2024 学年度第一学期
一、 Listen and number. 听音编号。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
二、Listen and tick. 听音,“√”出你听到的单词或数字。
1. A. morning B. afternoon C. dinner
2. A. pass B. try C. cut
3. A. hungry B. yourself C. please
4. A. 20 B. 8 C. 15
5. A. fish B. dish C. beef
三、Listen, choose and circle. 圈出你听到的单词,使句子意思完整。
1. Pass me the ( bowl fork ).
2. Would you like some ( juice soup )
3. Mum, I'm ( ready hungry ).
4. Try ( fork chopsticks ) for noodles.
班级 姓名 座号
5. Here's your ( bag bill ).
四、Listen and match. 听音,将动物与想吃的东西连线。
五、Listen and write. 根据拼读写出单词。
六、Listen and choose. 听音,选出合适的对答语,并将其编号填入括号里。
( ) 1. A.Your soup. B. Some soup and bread.
( ) 2. A. Here you are. B. You're welcome.
( ) 3. A.Thanks. B. No, thanks.
( ) 4. A. I'd like some beef. B. I'm hungry.
( ) 5. A. No,thank you. B. Here you are.
七、Listen and tick or cross. 听短文,用“√”或“×”判断下列说法是否
( ) 1. Zhang Peng and Chen Jie are from China.
( ) 2. Mike and Amy are from the UK.
( ) 3. Zhang Peng and Mike like noodles.
( ) 4. Chen Jie and Amy like vegetables and soup.
( ) 5. They all can use chopsticks.
一、Look and write. 看图,找出图画对应的单词,并正确地书写出来。
soup fruit vegetable bowl noodles spoon
二、Look, choose and write. 阅读对话,选择合适的单词写在四线上。
c hicken, chopsticks, knife, fork
Wu Binbin: Would you like a and
Sarah: No, thanks. I can use . Would you like some

Wu Binbin: Yes, please.
三、Think and choose. 选择正确的句子补充对话,并将编号写在横线上。
Mike: Good morning, John. Welcome to my home!
John: ________ Mike. Your home is so nice.
Mike: Thank you! ________
John: I'd like some water, please. A. Is that your family photo
Mike: Here you are. B. Is she your sister
John: Thanks. ________ C. Good morning.
Mike: Yes, it is. D. Who's he
John: ________ E. What would you like
Mike: He's my father. F. Your mother is so young!
John: ________
Mike: No, she is my mother. She has blue glasses.
John: Wow! ________
四、Read and and number. 读一读句子,用数字把句子连成对话。
( ) Thanks.
( ) No, thanks. I can use chopsticks.
( ) Yes, please.
( ) Would you like a knife and fork
( ) Would you like some soup
( ) Dinner's ready! Help yourself.
五、Read and choose. 看图片,把正确句子的编号写在横线上。
Hey! Mike!
A. What would you like
B. I'd like some fish and vegetables, please.
C. Dad.What's for dinner
D. Dinner's ready! Help yourself.
2023~2024 学年度第一学期
(听力材料每小题读 2 次)
1.Can I have some beef / Would you like some soup / I’d like some noodles,
please. / Do you like vegetables / Would you like some chicken
2.Pass me the fork, please. / I can use the knife. / Would you like a spoon /
Can you use chopsticks / This is a bowl.
3.Pass me the bowl. / Pass me the knife. / Cut the vegetables. / Use the spoon. /
Use the fork. / Now let’s try it.
1. Dinner is ready. 2. Cut the bread. 3. Help yourself.
4. Twenty yuan, please. 5. I'd like some fish.
1. Pass me the bowl. 2. Would you like some soup 3. Mum, I'm hungry.
4. Try chopsticks for noodles. 5. Here's your bill.
1. Hello, I'm Zip. I’d like some rice and vegetables.
2. Hi, I’m Miss Cat. I’d like some juice and cake.
3. Hi, I’m Mr Monkey. Can I have some water, please Pass me some bananas, too.
4. Mr Dog, have some eggs and milk, please.
5. I’m Miss Bird. I’d like some watermelon and strawberries.
1. [m]-[i:] 2. [r]-[ai]-[s] 3. [g]-[e]-[t] 4.[ ]- [i:] 5. [w]-[i:] 6.[r]-[e]-[d]
1. What’s for dinner 2. Thank you. 3. Help yourself.
4. What would you like for dinner 5. Would you like a knife and fork
Hello, Zhang Peng is from China. Chen Jie is from China, too. Mike is from
Canada. Amy is from the UK.Zhang Peng likes noodles and milk. Mike likes rice,
noodles and chicken.Chen Jie and Amy like vegetables and soup. They all can use
use chopsticks.
2023~2024 学年度第一学期
听力部分 ( 53% )
1. (1)(5)(4)(2)(3) 2. (4)(5)(1)(2)(3) 3. (1)(3)(5)(4)(6)(2)
1.C 2. C 3.B 4. A 5. A
三、圈出你听到的单词,使句子意思完整。( 5%)
1. bowl 2. soup 3. hungry 4. chopsticks 5. bill
四、听音,将动物与想吃的东西连线。(6%) 略
1.me 2. rice 3. get 4. she 5. we 6.red
1.B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A
1. √ 2. × 3. √ 4. √ 5. √
读写部分 (47%)
1. knife 2.fork 3.chopsticks 4.chicken
1.C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5. B 6.F
四、读一读句子,用数字把句子连成对话。 ( 12%)
从左到右依次是:CA B D



