
第I卷 客观题(共50分)
1. My parents lent me the money. _______, I couldn’t pay for the trip.
A .And B. But C. Otherwise D. However
2. They were all very tired, but ________ of them took a rest.
A .none B. all C. both D. either
3. Goldilocks decided ________ for a walk in the forest.
A. go B. to go C. going D. goes
4. Tell the children ________ unhealthy food. It’s bad for their health.
A.First of all B. After all C. As a result D. For example
5. —Mum, ________ I hang out with my friends now
—Sure, but you ________ clean up your bedroom first.
A.can; need B. may; have to C. must; need D. need; must
6. Yesterday Linda went shopping by herself ________ the first time.
A. with B. for C. in D. on
7. Soon the cocoon(茧) ________ a beautiful butterfly.
A. grew into B. made into C. came into D. grew up
8. Giant pandas are in danger. We should take action ________.
A. away right B. in the future C. right away D. in the past
9. People shouldn’t keep ________ animals.
A. protecting B. killing C. to kill D. to killing
10. —How do you like the book about animals — ________
A It’s wonderful. B. Yes, I like it. C. No, I don’t like it at all. D. What about you
While in Grade 8, Alice failed in some exams because she often played with some bad kids. One Sunday morning, when Alice prepared to go skating with those kids, her mother stopped her and said to her calmly, “Alice, you spent too much time ____1____, so you failed in the exams. I’m worried about your future.”
“What are you worried about Susan and Rose also ___2___, but they went skating as usual.” “My girl, you can’t think so.” Looking at Alice, her mother said lovingly, “There is a story in our hometown. I hope you can listen to it carefully.”
“There were two cats playing on the roof(屋顶). Suddenly, they ___3____ into the chimney(烟囱). They tried to get out of the chimney. In the end, they climbed out. It was interesting that one cat’s face was dirty ____4____ the other’s face was clean. Seeing the dirty-faced cat, the clean-faced one thought its own face was also dirty, so it ____5____ ran to the riverside and washed its face. The dirty-faced cat saw the clean-faced one, thinking its own face was clean as well so it walked happily in the street.”
“Alice, ____6____ can be your mirror(镜子). Only you are your own mirror. Some of the kids are not strict(严格的) with themselves. If you take them to be your mirror, even a ____7____ person may become foolish.” Hearing this, Alice was ashamed and went into her room.
After that, Alice often took herself as a mirror to be strict with herself “I am special, so I needn’t be as common as others.” This is ____8____ Alice was successful in her work later.1, 000 people have 1, 000 kinds of wishes in life. Different wishes will produce different ____9____ about life. You can learn from other people, but you can ____10____ follow others completely. You must see yourself clearly, and know what you want to get. Your future doesn’t depend on (取决于) how others act, but depends on what you are going to act.
1. A. playing B. working C. reading D. studying
2. A. lost B. failed C. dropped D. tried
3. A. jumped B. ran C. fell D. walked
4. A. so B. or C. while D. for
5. A. easily B. quickly C. quietly D. happily
6. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody. D.everybody
7. A. poor B. rich C. lazy D. clever
8. A. what B. when C. why D. how
9. A. ideas B. reasons C. mistakes D. secrets
10. A. sometimes B. often C. always D. never
Winter is cold in some places. Many plants do not grow during winter. Some plants die. Snow and ice may cover the ground. It can be hard for animals to find food during winter. Animals get through this time in many ways.
Birds and butterflies can fly. Many of them do not stick around for the winter. Instead, they go to a place with nice weather. Then they come home in the spring. We call this migration. Migrating is a good way to avoid the cold.
Another good way to avoid the cold is to sleep through it. Many animals hide during the winter. Their bodies slow down. They save their energy. They do not eat. They live off of their fat. They do this until food returns. We call this hibernation. Snakes, frogs, and bears hibernate.
Some animals store food in their homes. They do not sleep all winter, but they do much less. They live on what they saved in the summer and fall. This is what squirrels, beavers, and raccoons do. Skunks do this too.
Other animals live a hard life in winter. They do not leave. They do not hide. They must survive(生存). Sometimes nature helps them out. Some animals grow thicker fur in the winter. Other animals change colour. The arctic fox is brown in the summer. His fur turns white in the winter.
Winter may be pretty. It is nice to see snow on the trees. But it is dangerous too. People are also at risk. You can get frost bitten(冻伤) or worse. How do you beat the winter Do you wear a thick coat Do you stay inside Or do you live somewhere warm
1.Which of these animals sleep through the winter
A.Squirrels. B.Snakes. C.Skunks. D.Butterflies.
2.Which is NOT the way for animals to go through winter
A.Sleeping all winter. B.Storing food in homes.
C.Wearing thick fur coats. D.Changing their colours.
3.What is the main idea of this text
A.Animals do funny and interesting things.
B.Animals survive the winter in many ways.
C.We must prepare for the dangers of winter.
D.Most plants do not grow during the wintertime.
“Girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams(婴儿车). I wish there was someone to toll us e with me, Wendy.”
“But I can’t fly.”
“I’ll teach you.”
“Can you teach my brothers, too ”
“Oh, all right,” he replied.
She ran to John and Michael. “Wake up,” she cried, “Peter Pan is here, and he is going to teach us to fly.”
John rubbed his eyes. “Hello, Peter. Can you really fly ” he asked. Instead of answering, Peter flew around the room.
“Wow!” said Michael.
“How do you do it ” asked John.
“You just think lovely, wonderful thoughts,” Peter replied, “and they lift you up in the air.”
They all tried, but it didn’t happen. Peter was tricking them, because you need fairy dust to fly. He put some on them, and they all began flying around the room.
“I’m flying!” screamed Michael.
“Oh lovely!” cried Wendy. “Look at me!” cried John.
Up and down they went, and round and round.
“Let’s go out!”
Of course, this was exactly what Peter had wanted. The window opened and the children flew over the town and to the ocean. They flew for one day and one night. Sometimes, they would fall asleep and fall out of the sky like stones. Peter would dive down and save them one moment before they hit the water. After a long, long time, they saw the island of Neverland. All the children knew it. It was the island of their imaginations. Neverland was really fun in their minds, but now it was real, very dark and scary.
4.Which is the right order of the story
a. Children wanted to learn how to fly.
b. Children saw the island of Neverland.
c. Peter Pan played a trick on the children.
d. Peter Pan saved the children before they hit the water.
A.b-c-a-d B.c-a-b-d C.d-a-c-b D.a-c-d-b
5.What did children need to fly
A.Falling stones. B.Fairy dust. C.Lovely thoughts. D.Running water.
6.From the story, we can know that Peter Pan ________.
A.woke up John and Michael loudly B.was good at telling funny stories
C.built the island of Neverland alone D.went out with the children together
7.What was the island of Neverland like
A.Cute and bright. B.Fun and colourful. C.Dark and scary. D.Broken and dirty.
Very soon after Roberta wrote to the old gentleman, the three children were walking through the tunnel when they heard a cry.
The children ran deeper into the tunnel. Before long, they found a boy. He was lying on the ground.
“What happened ” Roberta asked him.
“I’m Jim. I was walking through the tunnel when I tripped(绊倒). I think I’ve broken my leg.” “The 11:15 train is due(到期)soon,” Peter said. “We must get you out of here.”
“I’ve been here for two hours,” the boy said. “I was on my way to the station to catch the train. It’s quicker through the tunnel than along the road.”
“It’s also more dangerous,” Roberta said.
Peter said. “We’ve got to get you out.” Then Peter and Phyllis helped Jim up. It was a difficult journey, but the children got there before the 11:15 train did. Finally, a signalman helped them and took Jim to Peter’s home.
Mother called for a doctor and helped Jim rest. The doctor said Jim needed to stay in bed for at least a month. Mother wrote a letter to Jim’s grandfather. She gave the letter to the doctor, who promised to post it.
“Can he stay with us ” Peter said. “We’d love to have a friend our own age.” “Sure,” said Mother.
A few days later, Jim’s grandfather came to take Jim home. The children were surprised to see him. “You’re our old gentleman!” they exclaimed.
“That’s right,” he said. “And I got your letter, Roberta.” “What letter ” Mother demanded.
“Roberta wrote to me about her father,” the old gentleman said. “I was not surprised by what she said. I have thought for a long time that he was innocent. It was not possible that a guilty(有罪的)man could have such wonderful children. I think I can help you. Your father, will soon be free again.”
Two weeks later, Father came back home.
—Taken from The Railway Children
8.Which of the following word best describes Peter in the passage
A.Helpful. B.Humorous. C.Good-looking. D.Careless.
9.Why was Jim in the tunnel
A.He wanted to look for the signalman. B.It was a faster way to get to the station.
C.He was trying to pick some wild cherries. D.He jumped off a train.
10.What does the underlined word “‘innocent” mean according to the passage
A.自私的 B.无情的 C.贪婪的 D.无辜的
11.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Jim needed to stay in bed for at least 2 weeks. B.Peter wrote a letter to the old gentleman.
C.Peter asked Mother to let Jim stay with them. D.Jim’s grandfather didn’t help the children.
On a hot summer day, you find the pond (池塘) has almost dried up. Where did the water go It goes into the air! Each drop of water is made of tiny (极小的) droplets (小水滴). When the sun warms them, they rise and become part of the air. However, do you know how rain is formed (形成)
High in the sky, the air is cooler. As the water in the air cools, it changes back into droplets. They get together to make clouds.
In the clouds, many, many droplets get together and grow bigger. When they are heavy enough, they fall from the sky as raindrops, or-if it’s very cold-snowflakes (雪花)! The water we have on Earth now has been moving and changing forever (永远)!
We’ve seen how the sun heats (加热) the water so it rises, cools, and becomes a cloud. In the cloud, droplets join together to become raindrops, and fall back to the earth. Some rainwater rises again soon, while some joins rivers, lakes, or the ocean. This is called the water cycle (循环).
Rain falls almost everywhere on Earth. One of the world’s rainiest places is Mount Waialeale in Hawaii. It rains about 350 days a year there. One of the driest places on Earth is the Atacama Desert in Chile. It has not rained in some part of this desert in hundreds of years.
12. Where does the water in the pond go in hot summer
A. Into the river. B. Into the lakes. C. Into the air. D. into the earth.
13. If many droplets in the clouds are heavy enough and very cold, they’ll fall from the sky as ________.
A. raindrops B. snowflakes C. pond D. water cycle
14. What do you know about the Mount Waialeale in Hawaii
A. It never rains. B. It is one of the driest places on Earth.
C. It is one of the coldest places in the world. D. It rains about 350 days a year.
15. What does the passage mainly tell us
A. The importance of water. B. How rain is formed.
C. Where the rainiest place in the world is. D. Where the driest place in the world is.
第II卷 主观题(共50分)
1. When we have problems with our homework, we can   (讨论) them with others.
2. Bears move around   (缓慢地) in the daytime and they sleep through the winter.
3. —Tom, can you   (描述) what you saw during your stay in France?
—Of course.
4. Everyone is a member of the    (社会). We are like a big family.
5. Yancheng Nature Reserve   (覆盖) an area of over 4,530 square kilometers.
6. As a guide, you have to take good care of all the   (tour) ID cards while traveling.
7. Simon was lucky not to hurt   (he) when he climbed the rocks.
8. This new pair of binoculars will help you see the birds   (clear).
9. Most children like winter. They are happy and playing    (noise) on snowy days.
10. She __________(bet)me $20 that I wouldn’t do it.
I 1 (dream) of visiting America since I was a little girl. So when I got on the plane to America 2 January 22, I was very excited.
We first arrived in New York and then Los Angeles with my parents. Los Angeles is the 3 (beautiful) city in America.
Our trip began in Disneyland. The park has many cartoon characters, such 4 Snow White, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck made by Walt Disney, a successful man. The ride on the roller coaster (过山车) was really fantastic! I liked the lovely Ghost House (鬼屋) best 5 it was exciting and it was not scary at all. And workers there organized us some funny 6 (activity). Everyone liked them.
We looked forward to 7 (know) more about their life, especially their culture, so we traveled to many other interesting places. We also 8 (fly) to many cities like San Francisco. I made many friends when traveling. We really enjoyed 9 (we) in America. So I 10 (actual) hope that I can go there again!
I am a Canadian. I started learning French when I was 10 years old. But my whole experience(经历)with the language was in the classroom. All of that changed, however, during my last summer of high school. As a 17-year-old girl, I flew across the country by myself for the first time! I headed for Quebec to live in the province with a French-speaking host family, who didn’t speak any English. And I would learn French at a local school.
On the first day of school the local school gave us students a test to determine(测定)our language level. We were required to speak only French all summer.
I made every effort to communicate(交流)in a second language by making new friends, seeing movies and even ordering food from restaurants in French. Though I couldn’t understand most of it at the very beginning, the whole experience was exciting and refreshing.
On weekends, my classmates and I took trips to different places around the province. On one trip, we went whale watching on the St. Lawrence River. Even though it was raining, we could see huge whales swimming around our boat. The most forgettable(令人难忘的)part of our trip was a visit to historic Quebec City. I walked along the stone street, took pictures of the European-style(欧式的)buildings, and learned some stories there.
Finally my efforts paid off! At the end of the summer, I was able to communicate pretty well. I couldn’t wait to go back to school and talk with my French teacher. Being lost in a French-speaking environment was a valuable learning experience. And it could be the main reason for my improvement(提高)in French.
1.When did the writer fly alone for the first time
2.How did the local school determine the students’ language level
Where did the writer take trips on weekends
4.What did the writer think of the visit to historic Quebec City
5.What do you think is the best way to learn a foreign language (请自拟一句话作答)
世界自然基金会将在中国征聘青少年加入Wild Animal Club。假如你是李华,想成为其中一员,请你根据以下要点,用英语写一封申请信。
个人信息 李华,男,14岁, 新华中学学生;
性格 积极的,参加各类活动, 有耐心,总是乐于助人;
能力 热爱并了解动物, 擅长英语,能用英语谈论动物;
希望 …… (至少两条)
(1) 词数80左右;
(2) 短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;
(3) 短文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息。
Dear Chairperson,
I would like to be a member of the Wild Animal Club. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua



