2023-2024山东省滨州市惠民县高三上学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

1. 本试卷由四个部分组成。其中第一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题, 第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题, 满分150分, 共11页。
2, 全部答案在答题卡上相应区域内完成, 在本试卷上作答无效。选择题请使用2B铅笔填涂, 非选择题请使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答。要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。
3.答题前, 请在答题卡规定的地方填写好个人信息, 并认真核对答题卡上所粘贴的条形码是否与本人的信息一致。
4.考试结束后, 将答题卡交回。
第一部分 听力
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例: How much is the shirt?
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What did the woman do yesterday
A She played football. B. She watched a game. C. She worked in the lab.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where is John’s father
A. In the dining room. B. In the living room. C. In the garden.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman say about the course
A. It is tough. B. It is bad. C. It is easy.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
When will the man leave for the airport
A. At 2: 30 pm. B. At 4: 30 pm C. At 6: 30 pm.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How will the speakers go to the exhibition
A. By bicycle. B. By subway. C. By car.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. An activity holiday. B. Their hobbies. C. The teamwork spirit.
7. What did the woman get a prize for
A. Climbing. B. Walking. C. Sailing.
8. What does the woman think of the book
A. It is boring. B. It is superb. C. It is serious.
9. Who wrote the book
A. Lori Gottlieb. B. Aaron Esterson. C. Erik Erikson.
10. What will the man probably do next
A. Read the book. B. Recommend the book. C. Find someone to consult.
11. What is the woman doing in Sydney
A. Traveling. B. Studying. C. Teaching.
12. What is purpose of the course
A. To evaluate students’ reading difficulty.
B To enhance teachers’ reading techniques.
C. To improve teachers’ ability to teach reading.
13. Why does the woman choose the course
A. It is multi-task. B. It is cost-effective. C. It is time-consuming.
14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Trainer and trainee. B. Boss and advisor. C. Host and guest.
15. Why does the woman mention losing weight
A. To show how to achieve a goal.
B. To stress the importance of healthy food.
C. To express her wish to improve her health.
16. What can friends do to help in goal-setting
A. Find problems. B. Tell the truth. C. Give support.
17. What makes most people do badly at reaching goals
A. Failing to keep focused.
B. Having many missions.
C. Losing their way.
18. What made Chai Lin get his first bike
A. His own efforts. B. His family’s help. C. His successful business.
19. What is the museum intended for
A. Education. B. Fame. C. Entertainment.
20 What does Chai Lin expect to do
A. Collect more antiques. B. Produce new brand bikes. C. Expand the exhibition area.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Considering the fast-changing world, it’s great to know the possible job options in the future. The occupations below are probably some of the most promising future careers.
Personal education guide
Compared with online programs today, education could better meet individual needs, even with improved convenience. Like an adviser, a personal education guide may assist people with on-demand course selection or the planning of personalized training.
Individualized body part maker
Doctors may expect individualized organs grown or 3D printed using their patients’ own cells. After all, scientists’ creation of hearts, kidneys, and livers has already had some success in the labs. Even external body parts including skin and ears have been grown.
Pharmaceutical artisan (制药师)
The increasing popularity of 3D printing may enable the quick production of the medicine based on individual needs. It’s possible that artisanal drugs would be created according to one’s unique genes, habits, and medical history.
Brain implant specialist
We are making greater progress in understanding how the complex human brain works, so it’s highly possible that we would create something amazing by combining the rapid advances in neuroscience (神经科学) with the advantages of computer technology. In the future, one can have a specialized computer chip put into his brain to treat certain health issues, such as diseases, mood disorders, and paralysis.
21. Who can help in a personalized course selection
A. An individualized body part maker. B. A brain implant specialist.
C. A personal education guide. D. A pharmaceutical artisan.
22. What do brain implant specialists mainly do
A. Improve human intelligence.
B. Change how the brain works.
C. Develop medicine for brain diseases.
D. Apply computer technology to brain health.
23. Which is the common feature of the four jobs
A. Online work. B. Personalized service.
C. Artificial technology. D. Medical knowledge.
Hangzhou, China—a stunning opening ceremony laden with Hangzhou characteristics amazed the world on Saturday, as President Xi Jinping declared the 19th Asian Games open.
With the city’s profound history, culture and its modern image presented in an eye-catching and high-tech fashion, the opening show helped to express the host’s warm hospitality and its wish to unite the world through sports. Following an opening performance depicting the autumn equinox (秋分), one of China’s 24 solar terms that celebrates the harvest season, over 50,000 spectators burst into cheers as Xi announced the opening of the Hangzhou Games, making the Zhejiang provincial capital the third Chinese city to host the continental sporting gala, following Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.
Wang Hao, president of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou Organizing Committee, said Hangzhou is honored to play host to such a grand event, which started on September 23rd. Raja Randhir Singh, the acting president of the Olympic Council of Asia, showed appreciation for the Chinese host’s meticulous (细心的) organization in his speech. “You have done a fantastic job in preparing for the Asian Games. The one-year postponement due to the pandemic was unprecedented in OCA history, but your diligence and determination will bear fruit over the next 16 days and you will be rewarded with the most magnificent and successful Asian Games ever,” said Singh.
Supported by new technologies, the Hangzhou ceremony boasted many historic firsts. For the first time in China, organizers switched from a traditional fireworks show to a virtual display, projected (放映) onto a giant curtain screen the size of nine IMAX screens.
To adhere to the principle of delivering the greenest possible Games, zero-emission methanol was used to fuel all of the torches and the main cauldron. For the finale, hundreds of millions of virtual sparks, each representing a participant of the online torch relay, formed the shape of a human torchbearer, who ran into the stadium to light the main cauldron together with the physical relay’s final bearer — Zhejiang native and Olympic champion swimmer, Wang Shun.
24. Why was the autumn equinox depicted at the beginning of the Hangzhou Asian Games Opening Ceremony
A. Because Hangzhou wants to show its warm hospitality.
B. Because Hangzhou wishes to unite the world through sports.
C. Because Hangzhou highlights the history of China.
D. Because Hangzhou wishes participants a good harvest in the game.
25. What is true about the Hangzhou Asian Games according to the second and third paragraphs
A. It is the fourth time that China has hosted the Asian Games.
B. The Asian Games was supposed to be held in 2022.
C. Wang Hao sang high praise for the organization of the game.
D. Raja Randhir Singh was responsible for the organization of the game.
26. How do the Hangzhou Asian Games attempt to cut the carbon footprints
A. By fueling all torches and the main cauldron with coal.
B. By displaying virtual fireworks and demonstrating the history of the city.
C. By employing zero-emission methanol and installing a giant curtain screen.
D. By representing a participant of the online torch relay
27. What is the best title for the passage
A. Technology and Tradition Combine for the Hangzhou Opening Gala
B. History Goes Down in the Hangzhou Opening Gala
C. Meticulous Organization is Praised by the World
D. Best Wishes are Conveyed in the Hangzhou Opening Gala
When we don’t regularly get enough sleep on weeknights, many of us hope to repay our sleep debt by sleeping late on weekends. Scientists have previously found that a lack of sleep increases the risk of being overweight. However, it was not clear whether sleeping more on the weekend could balance the books and prevent such an increase.
A team of researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder set out to find how a weekend of recovery sleep may influence an individual’s health. The study focused on 36 healthy young adults, who were divided into three groups. The first group got plenty of sleep each night for 9 nights, while the second group got just 5 hours of sleep each night for 9 nights. The third group of people slept 5 hours for 5 nights, slept as much as they wanted over the weekend, and then returned to 2 more days of limited sleep. All peoples’ eating patterns, weight gain, and changes in insulin (胰岛素) sensitivity are tracked throughout.
Compared to people who slept normally, those who only slept 5 hours a night snacked more after dinner and gained an average of about 3 pounds during the study. Their bodies’ sensitivity to insulin decreased by 13%over the two-week period. People in the third group experienced some mild improvement during the weekend: they were less likely to snack at night during the recovery period. But those benefits died out when they returned to their weekday sleep-restricted schedule. They also gained an average of about 3 pounds during the study and experienced a 27% decrease in insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, during the weekend, total sleep duration was lower in women than in men, and energy intake decreased to baseline levels in women but not in men.
The study suggests that weekend recovery sleep is not likely to be an effective measure regarding metabolic (新陈代谢) health. In the future, the research team aims to explore further whether or not catching up on sleep, including daytime napping, can completely change the damage of sleep loss, and if so, to what extent and under what conditions.
28. How did the researchers arrive at their conclusions?
A. By referring to previous studies.
B. By comparing experiment data.
C. By collecting people’s sleep records.
D. By interviewing healthy young adults.
29. What can we learn from the results of the study?
A. Sex differences were observed in recovery sleep.
B. Less food was eaten after the recovery period.
C. Recovery sleep contributed to less weight gain.
D. Insulin sensitivity got higher in most of the people.
30 Which of the following is the focus of future studies?
A. The effective measures against sleep loss.
B. The specific effects of recovery sleep strategies.
C. The damage of sleep loss to metabolic health.
D. The sleep study among various age groups.
31. What conclusion can we draw from the passage?
A. Weekend catch-up sleep is important.
B. Sleep debt on weekends can be paid back.
C. Weekend lie-ins don’t make up for sleep loss.
D. Weekend recovery sleep does damage metabolic health.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) advice is as influential as humans’, but positive crowd views still overpower.
In a study, researchers found that machines that make recommendations or AI experts were as influential as human experts when the AI experts recommended which photo users should add to their online business profiles. However, both AI and human experts failed to budge them if the feedback of both AI and human experts was negative and went against popular views among other users, said Sundar, a professor of Media Effects.
Because people are increasingly using social media to look for feedback, studies suggest that expert opinions and the bandwagon effect (从众效应) may be important factors in influencing decisions. “Nowadays, we often turn to online platforms for opinions from other people-like our peers and experts-before making a decision,” said Jinping Wang, a doctoral candidate in mass communication and first author of the study. AI experts are often less expensive than human experts and they can also work 24 hours a day, which, Wang suggests, might make them appealing to online businesses.
The researchers also found that the AI’s group status (群体地位) - in this case, national origin was pointed out-did not seem to affect a person’s acceptance of its recommendation. Among human experts, however, an expert from a similar national origin who offered a negative opinion of a photograph tended to be more influential than a human expert from an unknown country who offered a similar negative rating of a photograph.
While findings that suggest group status may not affect whether a person values the view of AI experts sound like good news, Sundar suggests that the same cultural biases (偏见) might still be at work in AI experts for they could be hidden in the programming and training data. “It can be both good and bad because it all depends on what you feed AI, ”said Sundar, “ While it is good to believe in AI’s ability to transcend (超越) cultural biases, we have to keep in mind that if you train the AI on pictures from one culture, they could give misleading recommendations on pictures meant for use in other cultural contexts.”
32. What do the underlined words “budge them” in paragraph 2 mean?
A. Raise users’ spirits. B. Satisfy users’ needs.
C. Change users’ ideas. D. Fire users’ imagination.
33. Why do users often turn to AI experts?
A AI experts are more knowledgeable.
B. AI experts are less influenced by feelings.
C. AI experts are so new as to be more attractive.
D. AI experts are on hand and cost less.
34. Which expert’s negative assessments is a person more likely to believe?
A. An expert from countries with similar cultures to his.
B. An expert who has great achievements in arts.
C. A foreign expert who is very popular worldwide.
D. An expert with better personality and attitude.
35. What did Sundar mean by the last paragraph?
A. People should have a mind of their own.
B. People should be able to tell good from bad.
C. People should know AI’s hidden cultural biases.
D. People should be trained how to use AI properly.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5 分, 满分12.5 分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
The Importance of Handwriting is Becoming Better Understood
As primary-school pupils and PhD hopefuls return for a new school year, many will study with reliance on computers to take notes and write papers. _______36_______University professors complain of rampant distractions in classrooms, with students reading and messaging instead of listening to lectures.
_________37_________ Studies have found that writing on paper can improve everything from recalling a random series of words to imparting a better conceptual grasp of complicated ideas.
The benefits of using a pen or pencil lie in how the motor and sensory memory of putting words on paper reinforces that material. The arrangement of squiggles (涂鸦) on a page feeds into visual memory. _________38_________
One of the best-demonstrated advantages of writing by hand seems to be in superior note-taking.When primary-school pupils and PhD hopefuls take notes, handwriting forces students to synthesise (合成) ideas into their own words. This aids conceptual understanding at the moment of writing. _________39_________
Many studies have confirmed handwriting’s benefits, and policymakers have taken note. Though America’s “Common Core” curriculum from 2010 does not require handwriting instruction past first grade (roughly age six), about half the states since then have required more teaching of it, thanks to campaigning by researchers and handwriting supporters. _________40_________ England’s national curriculum already prescribes teaching the rudiments of cursive by age seven.
A. However, note-taking by hand takes longer time.
B. One solution to the complaints may be handwriting.
C. A line of research shows the benefits of computers replacing handwriting.
D. Some parents are disturbed that their children are playing games on laptops in class.
E. And those taking notes by hand also perform better on tests when they review notes.
F. In Sweden there is a push for more handwriting and printed books and fewer devices.
G. People might remember a word they wrote down in class as being at the bottom-left on a page.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I take cold showers. Several years back, the water heater in my house broke, and for weeks, bathing in freezing water was my ____41____. Although it took some getting used to, I discovered that there was something ____42____ and energizing. Moreover, the cold shower has changed the way I ____43____ life.
The worst part about showering in cold water is the moment right before ____44____ a into the water. As soon as you hop in, though, your body quickly ____45____ to the temperature, and it’s not so bad the rest of the way. For me, stepping into the cold water means ____46____; it’s getting over the hesitation that comes from knowing I’m about to do something ____47____.
One of my first “cold shower'” moments came one day in my high school, when I ____48____ an internship after a career day presentation. One of the speakers was a manager at a large Silicon Valley venture capital firm. The more she talked about her job, the more I became ____49____. Since I had an interest in economics as well as technology, working at a venture capital firm seemed like the ____50____ place for me. So, I decided that I was going to ask the speaker if her company hired interns.
As I approached her, however, I was a bit upset. After all, why would a successful business woman offer a job to an ____51____ high schooler Still, gathering up my ____52____, I walked up to her, and introduced myself. We ended up having a wonderful conversation, and even better, she ____53____ to interview me for an internship. That summer, I ended up having the ____54____ to work for her firm. My “cold shower” experiences these years have ____55____ me that good things happen to those who are willing to step out of the comfort zone and challenge themselves for more possibilities.
41. A. desire B. reality C. loss D. target
42. A. demanding B. amusing C. refreshing D. discouraging
43. A. approach B. start C. ruin D. praise
44. A. wandering B. falling C. jumping D. sitting
45. A. adjusts B. contributes C. sticks D. objects
46. A. appreciation B. creation C. inspiration D. determination
47. A. shameful B. fortunate C. delightful D. uncomfortable
48. A. argued about B. turned down C. asked for D. joined in
49. A. confused B. fascinated C. concerned D. annoyed
50. A. dangerous B. realistic C. hopeless D. perfect
51. A. independent B. inexperienced C. incomparable D. inconsiderate
52. A. courage B. uncertainty C. concern D. practice
53. A. hesitated B. begged C. refused D. agreed
54. A. duty B. opportunity C. adventure D. failure
55. A. taught B. owed C. warned D. ordered
第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
At the academy’s annual conference on October 1, 2023 in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan (阿塞拜疆), the Chinese team ___56___ (award) the 2023 Laurels for Team Achievement Award.
As the academy’s highest team distinction, the award recognizes extraordinary ___57___ (perform) and achievement by a team of scientists, engineers and managers ___58___ the field of astronautics to foster ___59___ (it) peaceful and international use.
During the 23-day mission, the Chang’e-5 team ___60___ (successful) completed a complex mission including rocket launching, lunar surface take off and other processes, ___61___ obtained two types of lunar samples. In a statement published on Monday, the China National Space Administration said Chang’e-5 represented the nation’s self-reliance in science and technology and ___62___ (lay) a solid foundation for the country’s robotic lunar research station and ___63___ (man) missions to the moon.
The Chang’e-5 robotic mission was launched in November 2020.It was China’s first lunar sample-return mission and one of its most challenging space___64___ (effort). The landmark mission returned 1,731 grams of rocks and soil to Earth on Dec.17, 2020, ____65____ (present) the first lunar substances obtained since the Apollo era.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
66. 假设你是中学生李华,在英国学习,担任学校中国语言与文化社社长。近期,校学生会发布了举办“国际文化节”的通知,请结合通知要求写一封邮件申请参加此活动。
Announcement This is to inform that the annual International Cultural Festival is to be held on June 15th, 2022.Any student club that intends to join please send an email to Internationalculturalfestival@ by May 15th, 2022 to apply for a booth(摊位). The name of the booth and main activities should be included in the application. Student Union
Dear Student Union,
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
第二节(满分 25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Love Will Melt Your Heart
The day before my daughter Norah’s fourth birthday, something she said forecast remarkable event.I’d just picked her up from preschool when she cautioned me to mind the elderly person walking across the parking lot at a glacier’s pace. She went on to explain that she has a soft spot for mature folks: “I like old people the best because they walk slowly like I do and they have soft skin like me. They’re all going to die soon, so I’ll love them before they die.” I was struck by her thoughtfulness and empathy.
The following day — her birthday — again on the way home from school, she asked if we could stop at the grocery store to buy cupcakes. How do you say no to a birthday girl So we headed toward the bakery and picked up the cupcakes. As I was distracted by a clearance shelf, Norah was busy standing up in the cart, excitedly waving and joyfully proclaiming, “Hi, old person! It’s my birthday today!”
Before I could hush her, he stopped and turned to her. His expression softened as he replied, “Well, hello, little lady! Happy birthday!” They chatted for a few minutes. Then, Norah turned to me and asked, “Can I take a picture with him ” I told her we’d certainly ask. I approached him and asked if he’d take a photo with my daughter for her birthday. His expression changed from confused to stunned to delighted, “A photo With me ” he asked. “Yes, sure, for my birthday!” Norah answered. And so he did, I pulled out my iPhone, and they posed together. She placed her soft hand on top of his. He wordlessly stared at her with twinkling eyes as she kept his hand in hers, kissed the top of his hand and then placed it on her cheek. They were chatting like long-lost friends. I asked his name, and he told us to call him Dan. We were blocking other shoppers, but they didn’t care. There was magic happening in the grocery store that day, and we could all feel it.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
After a few minutes, I thanked Mr. Dan for spending a bit of his day with us.
Paragraph 2:
A few days later, we visited Mr. Dan’s tidy house.
1. 本试卷由四个部分组成。其中第一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题, 第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题, 满分150分, 共11页。
2, 全部答案在答题卡上相应区域内完成, 在本试卷上作答无效。选择题请使用2B铅笔填涂, 非选择题请使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答。要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。
3.答题前, 请在答题卡规定的地方填写好个人信息, 并认真核对答题卡上所粘贴的条形码是否与本人的信息一致。
4.考试结束后, 将答题卡交回。
第一部分 听力
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例: How much is the shirt?
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What did the woman do yesterday
A. She played football. B. She watched a game. C. She worked in the lab.
【原文】M: Our school football team played very well. Did you watch it yesterday
W: No, I couldn’t make it. I was stuck in the laboratory.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where is John’s father
A. In the dining room. B. In the living room. C. In the garden.
【原文】W: John, ask your father to come to have dinner now.
M: Alright. But where is he Is he in the living room
W: No, he must be watering the vegetables in the garden.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman say about the course
A. It is tough. B. It is bad. C. It is easy.
【原文】M: Is that physics course really as hard as everybody says
W: Worse, believe it or not.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
When will the man leave for the airport
A. At 2: 30 pm. B. At 4: 30 pm C. At 6: 30 pm.
【原文】W: Steven, what time is your flight
M: It leaves at 6: 30 this evening. I’m starting off at 4: 30 to avoid rush-hour traffic.
W: OK, but don’t forget your video conference with Mr. Brown at 2: 30 pm.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How will the speakers go to the exhibition
A. By bicycle. B. By subway. C. By car.
【原文】W: You know what An exhibition of Picasso’s paintings is being held in the Art Gallery. Do you want to go with me
M: How can I miss it But it is burning hot. We will melt if we cycle there.
W: So we have no choice but to take the subway. If only we had a car!
第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. An activity holiday. B. Their hobbies. C. The teamwork spirit.
7. What did the woman get a prize for
A. Climbing. B. Walking. C. Sailing.
【答案】6. A 7. B
【原文】M: How was the activity holiday
W: It really wore me out. There were many activities: climbing, walking, sailing and so on. Every day was somewhat different, and then on the last day they gave out prizes to the best people at each activity.
M: Did you get one
W: Yeah. I was surprised to get one. Climbing was awful — I couldn’t reach the top of the wall. My team was the best at the walking, though. We were left in a place and had to find our way back. We were first because luckily I could read the map.
8. What does the woman think of the book
A. It is boring. B. It is superb. C. It is serious.
9. Who wrote the book
A. Lori Gottlieb. B. Aaron Esterson. C. Erik Erikson.
10. What will the man probably do next
A. Read the book. B. Recommend the book. C. Find someone to consult.
【答案】8. B 9. A 10. A
【原文】M: What are you up to lately
W: I have been reading a book named Maybe You Should Talk to Someone.
M: How do you feel about it
W: It is wonderful. I got to this book by chance. Then I was attracted from the very first page.
M: Tell me more!
W: Lori Gottlieb, the writer, helps the readers become aware of his or her own barriers and strengths. I could even relate to some of the situations in the book. It is very real and not boring at all.
M: So it is nothing like the serious books written by Aaron Esterson or Erik Erikson.
W: You bet! Lori Gottlieb is an excellent storyteller. Plus, the chapters are bite-sized, both laugh out-loud funny and inspiring.
M:Sounds good. I will give it a shot.
W: I am sure you will find someone to talk to after reading the book.
11. What is the woman doing in Sydney
A. Traveling. B. Studying. C. Teaching.
12. What is purpose of the course
A. To evaluate students’ reading difficulty.
B. To enhance teachers’ reading techniques.
C. To improve teachers’ ability to teach reading.
13. Why does the woman choose the course
A. It is multi-task. B. It is cost-effective. C. It is time-consuming.
【答案】11. B 12. C 13. B
【原文】M: Are you traveling in Sydney, too
W: No. I’m here to attend a three-week course.
M: What are you studying, then
W: It’s more like a training course. I’m a school teacher, and the course is about a special teaching method. It’s for helping children who have difficulty in reading.
M: What does that mean
W: Well, it’s not that they don’t know how to read, but rather, they can’t understand what they read.
M: Okay. I thought it was for kids who can’t see clearly. Anyway, it sounds very meaningful.
W: Thanks.
M: Is Sydney the only place where you can take this course
W: No, but it’s much cheaper here. It also lasts longer, which means it provides more information.
14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Trainer and trainee. B. Boss and advisor. C. Host and guest.
15. Why does the woman mention losing weight
A. To show how to achieve a goal.
B. To stress the importance of healthy food.
C. To express her wish to improve her health.
16. What can friends do to help in goal-setting
A. Find problems. B. Tell the truth. C. Give support.
17. What makes most people do badly at reaching goals
A. Failing to keep focused.
B. Having many missions.
C. Losing their way.
【答案】14. C 15. A 16. C 17. A
【原文】M: Good morning. Today we’ll talk about goal-setting and we have a special guest here, Kate Warwick. Welcome to our program, Mrs. Warwick.
W: Thank you!
M:So Mrs. Warwick, can you tell us about your work in goal-setting
W: Well. When it comes to goal-setting, I’m really focused. For example, if I want to lose weight, I will get a group of close friends around me and tell them I want to lose weight and increase my health. Then I’ll take action to achieve this goal by stopping eating unhealthy foods, etc.
M: Why do you gather some close friends together
W: It is important for me because I need support. I know I can’t do it on my own. Also it helps, because I am able to share my problems with them. And by telling other people “I really want to do this and I seek your help”, they can keep you honest, I suppose.
M: And why is it that most people do so badly at reaching goals
W: They lose focus. Everybody’s life is busy. There is so much happening in everybody’s life that what happens is that they might have a goal, and then something will get in the road of that.
18. What made Chai Lin get his first bike
A. His own efforts. B. His family’s help. C. His successful business.
19. What is the museum intended for
A. Education. B. Fame. C. Entertainment.
20. What does Chai Lin expect to do
A. Collect more antiques. B. Produce new brand bikes. C. Expand the exhibition area.
【答案】18. B 19. A 20. C
【原文】How many bicycles do you need in your life For 67-year-old Chai Lin, the answer is 1, 300.Chai’s passion for bicycles dates back to the 1960s.However, a bicycle was very expensive then. Thanks to all the efforts and support in his family, Chai got his first bike in 1980.After becoming a successful businessman years later, Chai began to collect bikes of various brands and ages, especially antiques, from around the world. Hard-won items have brought Chai great satisfaction. With his collection growing, there was no space big enough to keep it. In 2009, he invested 200 million yuan for a museum just for his bikes.
After 10 years’ efforts, the Gansu Sanmu Bicycle Museum finally opened to the public in January 2019 free of charge. The museum stores not only bikes, some 200 years old, but also some 13, 500 bike-related parts, books and photos. The museum has been used as an off-campus research center for local primary and middle school students and is also popular with tourists. Chai has equipped the museum with the latest technology. Due to limited space, a large part of Chai’s collection is not yet exhibited. Chai hopes to enlarge the displaying area.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Considering the fast-changing world, it’s great to know the possible job options in the future. The occupations below are probably some of the most promising future careers.
Personal education guide
Compared with online programs today, education could better meet individual needs, even with improved convenience. Like an adviser, a personal education guide may assist people with on-demand course selection or the planning of personalized training.
Individualized body part maker
Doctors may expect individualized organs grown or 3D printed using their patients’ own cells. After all, scientists’ creation of hearts, kidneys, and livers has already had some success in the labs. Even external body parts including skin and ears have been grown.
Pharmaceutical artisan (制药师)
The increasing popularity of 3D printing may enable the quick production of the medicine based on individual needs. It’s possible that artisanal drugs would be created according to one’s unique genes, habits, and medical history.
Brain implant specialist
We are making greater progress in understanding how the complex human brain works, so it’s highly possible that we would create something amazing by combining the rapid advances in neuroscience (神经科学) with the advantages of computer technology. In the future, one can have a specialized computer chip put into his brain to treat certain health issues, such as diseases, mood disorders, and paralysis.
21. Who can help in a personalized course selection
A. An individualized body part maker. B. A brain implant specialist.
C. A personal education guide. D. A pharmaceutical artisan.
22. What do brain implant specialists mainly do
A. Improve human intelligence.
B. Change how the brain works.
C. Develop medicine for brain diseases.
D. Apply computer technology to brain health.
23. Which is the common feature of the four jobs
A. Online work. B. Personalized service.
C. Artificial technology. D. Medical knowledge.
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. B
细节理解题。根据Personal education guide下的“Like an adviser, a personal education guide may assist people with on-demand course selection or the planning of personalized training.(像顾问一样,个人教育指南可以帮助人们按需选择课程或制定个性化培训计划。)”可知,个人教育指南能在个性化课程选择方面提供帮助。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Brain implant specialist下的“In the future, one can have a specialized computer chip put into his brain to treat certain health issues, such as diseases, mood disorders, and paralysis.(在未来,人们可以在大脑中植入一种专门的计算机芯片来治疗某些健康问题,如疾病、情绪障碍和瘫痪。)”可知,大脑植入专家主要是将计算机技术应用于大脑健康。故选D。
推理判断题。根据Personal education guide下的“education could better meet individual needs,(教育可以更好地满足个人的需求)”;Individualized body part maker下的“Doctors may expect individualized organs grown or 3D printed using their patients’ own cells.(医生们可能期望用病人自己的细胞来培养或3D打印出个性化的器官。)”;Pharmaceutical artisan (制药师)下的“based on individual needs.(根据个人需求)”以及Brain implant specialist下的“a specialized computer chip put into his brain to treat certain health issues,(一个专门的电脑芯片植入他的大脑来治疗某些健康问题,)”可推知,这四种工作的共同特点是都具有个性化服务。故选B。
Hangzhou, China—a stunning opening ceremony laden with Hangzhou characteristics amazed the world on Saturday, as President Xi Jinping declared the 19th Asian Games open.
With the city’s profound history, culture and its modern image presented in an eye-catching and high-tech fashion, the opening show helped to express the host’s warm hospitality and its wish to unite the world through sports. Following an opening performance depicting the autumn equinox (秋分), one of China’s 24 solar terms that celebrates the harvest season, over 50,000 spectators burst into cheers as Xi announced the opening of the Hangzhou Games, making the Zhejiang provincial capital the third Chinese city to host the continental sporting gala, following Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.
Wang Hao, president of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou Organizing Committee, said Hangzhou is honored to play host to such a grand event, which started on September 23rd. Raja Randhir Singh, the acting president of the Olympic Council of Asia, showed appreciation for the Chinese host’s meticulous (细心的) organization in his speech. “You have done a fantastic job in preparing for the Asian Games. The one-year postponement due to the pandemic was unprecedented in OCA history, but your diligence and determination will bear fruit over the next 16 days and you will be rewarded with the most magnificent and successful Asian Games ever,” said Singh.
Supported by new technologies, the Hangzhou ceremony boasted many historic firsts. For the first time in China, organizers switched from a traditional fireworks show to a virtual display, projected (放映) onto a giant curtain screen the size of nine IMAX screens.
To adhere to the principle of delivering the greenest possible Games, zero-emission methanol was used to fuel all of the torches and the main cauldron. For the finale, hundreds of millions of virtual sparks, each representing a participant of the online torch relay, formed the shape of a human torchbearer, who ran into the stadium to light the main cauldron together with the physical relay’s final bearer — Zhejiang native and Olympic champion swimmer, Wang Shun.
24. Why was the autumn equinox depicted at the beginning of the Hangzhou Asian Games Opening Ceremony
A. Because Hangzhou wants to show its warm hospitality.
B. Because Hangzhou wishes to unite the world through sports.
C. Because Hangzhou highlights the history of China.
D. Because Hangzhou wishes participants a good harvest in the game.
25. What is true about the Hangzhou Asian Games according to the second and third paragraphs
A. It is the fourth time that China has hosted the Asian Games.
B. The Asian Games was supposed to be held in 2022.
C. Wang Hao sang high praise for the organization of the game.
D. Raja Randhir Singh was responsible for the organization of the game.
26. How do the Hangzhou Asian Games attempt to cut the carbon footprints
A By fueling all torches and the main cauldron with coal.
B. By displaying virtual fireworks and demonstrating the history of the city.
C. By employing zero-emission methanol and installing a giant curtain screen.
D. By representing a participant of the online torch relay
27. What is the best title for the passage
A. Technology and Tradition Combine for the Hangzhou Opening Gala
B. History Goes Down in the Hangzhou Opening Gala
C. Meticulous Organization is Praised by the World
D. Best Wishes are Conveyed in the Hangzhou Opening Gala
【答案】24. D 25. B 26. C 27. A
推理判断题。根据第二段“Following an opening performance depicting the autumn equinox (秋分), one of China’s 24 solar terms that celebrates the harvest season, over 50,000 spectators burst into cheers as Xi announced the opening of the Hangzhou Games, making the Zhejiang provincial capital the third Chinese city to host the continental sporting gala, following Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.(在一场描绘秋分(中国24节气之一,用来庆祝丰收的季节)的开场表演之后,当习宣布杭州奥运会开幕时,超过5万名观众爆发出欢呼声,使浙江省省会成为继1990年的北京和2010年的广州之后,第三个举办大陆体育盛会的中国城市)”可知,秋分是用来庆祝丰收的季节,所以秋分画在杭州亚运会开幕式的开头是因为杭州希望参与者在比赛中获得好收成。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“Raja Randhir Singh, the acting president of the Olympic Council of Asia, showed appreciation for the Chinese host’s meticulous (细心的) organization in his speech. “You have done a fantastic job in preparing for the Asian Games. The one-year postponement due to the pandemic was unprecedented in OCA history, but your diligence and determination will bear fruit over the next 16 days and you will be rewarded with the most magnificent and successful Asian Games ever,” said Singh.(亚洲奥林匹克理事会代理主席拉贾·兰迪尔·辛格在讲话中对中国东道主精心组织奥运会表示赞赏。“你们为亚运会做了出色的准备工作。由于疫情而推迟一年在亚奥理事会历史上是前所未有的,但你们的勤奋和决心将在未来16天结出果实,你们将获得有史以来最宏伟、最成功的亚运会。”)”可知,亚运会由于疫情而推迟一年,所以B项“亚运会原定于2022年举行”正确。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“For the first time in China, organizers switched from a traditional fireworks show to a virtual display, projected (放映) onto a giant curtain screen the size of nine IMAX screens.(在中国,组织者第一次从传统的烟花表演转变为虚拟表演,投影在一块有9块IMAX银幕那么大的巨型幕幕上)”以及最后一段“To adhere to the principle of delivering the greenest possible Games, zero-emission methanol was used to fuel all of the torches and the main cauldron.(为了坚持举办最环保奥运会的原则,所有火炬和主火炬都使用了零排放的甲醇)”可知,杭州亚运会通过使用零排放甲醇和安装一个巨大的帘幕来减少碳足迹。故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Hangzhou, China—a stunning opening ceremony laden with Hangzhou characteristics amazed the world on Saturday, as President Xi Jinping declared the 19th Asian Games open.(中国杭州,周六,当习近平主席宣布第19届亚运会开幕时,一场充满杭州特色的令人惊叹的开幕式震惊了世界)”可知,本文主要介绍了杭州亚运会的开幕式,以及第二段“With the city’s profound history, culture and its modern image presented in an eye-catching and high-tech fashion, the opening show helped to express the host’s warm hospitality and its wish to unite the world through sports.(开幕式以一种引人注目的高科技方式展示了这座城市深厚的历史、文化和现代形象,表达了东道主的热情好客和通过体育团结世界的愿望)”可知,开幕式以一种引人注目的高科技方式展示了这座城市深厚的历史、文化和现代形象,所以A项“Technology and Tradition Combine for the Hangzhou Opening Gala(科技与传统的结合——杭州开幕盛典)”是本文最好的标题。故选A项。
When we don’t regularly get enough sleep on weeknights, many of us hope to repay our sleep debt by sleeping late on weekends. Scientists have previously found that a lack of sleep increases the risk of being overweight. However, it was not clear whether sleeping more on the weekend could balance the books and prevent such an increase.
A team of researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder set out to find how a weekend of recovery sleep may influence an individual’s health. The study focused on 36 healthy young adults, who were divided into three groups. The first group got plenty of sleep each night for 9 nights, while the second group got just 5 hours of sleep each night for 9 nights. The third group of people slept 5 hours for 5 nights, slept as much as they wanted over the weekend, and then returned to 2 more days of limited sleep. All peoples’ eating patterns, weight gain, and changes in insulin (胰岛素) sensitivity are tracked throughout.
Compared to people who slept normally, those who only slept 5 hours a night snacked more after dinner and gained an average of about 3 pounds during the study. Their bodies’ sensitivity to insulin decreased by 13%over the two-week period. People in the third group experienced some mild improvement during the weekend: they were less likely to snack at night during the recovery period. But those benefits died out when they returned to their weekday sleep-restricted schedule. They also gained an average of about 3 pounds during the study and experienced a 27% decrease in insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, during the weekend, total sleep duration was lower in women than in men, and energy intake decreased to baseline levels in women but not in men.
The study suggests that weekend recovery sleep is not likely to be an effective measure regarding metabolic (新陈代谢) health. In the future, the research team aims to explore further whether or not catching up on sleep, including daytime napping, can completely change the damage of sleep loss, and if so, to what extent and under what conditions.
28. How did the researchers arrive at their conclusions?
A. By referring to previous studies.
B. By comparing experiment data.
C. By collecting people’s sleep records.
D. By interviewing healthy young adults.
29. What can we learn from the results of the study?
A. Sex differences were observed in recovery sleep.
B. Less food was eaten after the recovery period.
C. Recovery sleep contributed to less weight gain.
D. Insulin sensitivity got higher in most of the people.
30. Which of the following is the focus of future studies?
A. The effective measures against sleep loss.
B. The specific effects of recovery sleep strategies.
C. The damage of sleep loss to metabolic health.
D. The sleep study among various age groups.
31. What conclusion can we draw from the passage?
A. Weekend catch-up sleep is important.
B. Sleep debt on weekends can be paid back.
C. Weekend lie-ins don’t make up for sleep loss.
D. Weekend recovery sleep does damage metabolic health.
【答案】28. B 29. A 30. B 31. C
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The first group got plenty of sleep each night for 9 nights, while the second group got just 5 hours of sleep each night for 9 nights. The third group of people slept 5 hours for 5 nights, slept as much as they wanted over the weekend, and then returned to 2 more days of limited sleep. All peoples’ eating patterns, weight gain, and changes in insulin (胰岛素) sensitivity are tracked throughout.(第一组连续9晚每晚都有充足的睡眠,而第二组连续9晚每晚只睡5个小时。第三组人连续5个晚上睡5个小时,周末想睡多久就睡多久,然后再继续两天的有限睡眠。所有人的饮食模式、体重增加和胰岛素敏感性的变化都被全程跟踪。)”可知,研究者通过跟踪、分析不同睡眠时间小组成员的饮食模式、体重增加和胰岛素敏感性的变化来获得结论,由此可知,研究者采用了比较研究数据的方法。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Furthermore, during the weekend, total sleep duration was lower in women than in men, and energy intake decreased to baseline levels in women but not in men.(此外,在周末,女性的总睡眠时间比男性短,女性的能量摄入量降至基线水平,而男性则没有。)”可知,在研究中,女性总睡眠时间比男性短,女性能量摄入量降低,而男性没有降,由此可知,在研究中研究者得出的结论存在着男女性别差异。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据尾段“The study suggests that weekend recovery sleep is not likely to be an effective measure regarding metabolic (新陈代谢) health. In the future, the research team aims to explore further whether or not catching up on sleep, including daytime napping, can completely change the damage of sleep loss, and if so, to what extent and under what conditions.(该研究表明,周末恢复性睡眠不太可能是一种有效的代谢健康措施。未来,研究小组的目标是进一步探索补充睡眠,包括白天小睡,是否可以完全改变睡眠不足的损害,如果可以,在多大程度上,在什么条件下。)”可知,在未来研究团队的目标是进一步探索补偿性睡眠是否可以完全改变睡眠不足带来的损害,以及在多大程度上改变睡眠不足,由此可知,接下来研究的重点是恢复性睡眠策略的具体效果。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据首段中的“Scientists have previously found that a lack of sleep increases the risk of being overweight. However, it was not clear whether sleeping more on the weekend could balance the books and prevent such an increase.(科学家此前发现,睡眠不足会增加超重的风险。然而,目前尚不清楚周末多睡一觉是否能平衡收支,防止这种增长。)”可知,在首段提出周末多睡是否能平衡平时睡眠不足的问题,结合尾段中的“The study suggests that weekend recovery sleep is not likely to be an effective measure regarding metabolic (新陈代谢) health.(该研究表明,周末恢复性睡眠不太可能是一种有效的代谢健康措施。)”可知,研究结果表明睡眠缺失不能通过睡眠周末睡眠补偿,所以文章的出的结论是周末睡懒觉并不能弥补睡眠不足。故选C项。
Artificial Intelligence (AI) advice is as influential as humans’, but positive crowd views still overpower.
In a study, researchers found that machines that make recommendations or AI experts were as influential as human experts when the AI experts recommended which photo users should add to their online business profiles. However, both AI and human experts failed to budge them if the feedback of both AI and human experts was negative and went against popular views among other users, said Sundar, a professor of Media Effects.
Because people are increasingly using social media to look for feedback, studies suggest that expert opinions and the bandwagon effect (从众效应) may be important factors in influencing decisions. “Nowadays, we often turn to online platforms for opinions from other people-like our peers and experts-before making a decision,” said Jinping Wang, a doctoral candidate in mass communication and first author of the study. AI experts are often less expensive than human experts and they can also work 24 hours a day, which, Wang suggests, might make them appealing to online businesses.
The researchers also found that the AI’s group status (群体地位) - in this case, national origin was pointed out-did not seem to affect a person’s acceptance of its recommendation. Among human experts, however, an expert from a similar national origin who offered a negative opinion of a photograph tended to be more influential than a human expert from an unknown country who offered a similar negative rating of a photograph.
While findings that suggest group status may not affect whether a person values the view of AI experts sound like good news Sundar suggests that the same cultural biases (偏见) might still be at work in AI experts for they could be hidden in the programming and training data. “It can be both good and bad because it all depends on what you feed AI, ”said Sundar, “ While it is good to believe in AI’s ability to transcend (超越) cultural biases, we have to keep in mind that if you train the AI on pictures from one culture, they could give misleading recommendations on pictures meant for use in other cultural contexts.”
32. What do the underlined words “budge them” in paragraph 2 mean?
A. Raise users’ spirits. B. Satisfy users’ needs.
C. Change users’ ideas. D. Fire users’ imagination.
33. Why do users often turn to AI experts?
A. AI experts are more knowledgeable.
B. AI experts are less influenced by feelings.
C. AI experts are so new as to be more attractive.
D. AI experts are on hand and cost less.
34. Which expert’s negative assessments is a person more likely to believe?
A. An expert from countries with similar cultures to his.
B. An expert who has great achievements in arts.
C. A foreign expert who is very popular worldwide.
D. An expert with better personality and attitude.
35. What did Sundar mean by the last paragraph?
A. People should have a mind of their own.
B. People should be able to tell good from bad.
C. People should know AI’s hidden cultural biases.
D. People should be trained how to use AI properly.
【答案】32. C 33. D 34. A 35. C
词句猜测题。根据文章第二段“In a study, researchers found that machines that make recommendations-or AI experts-were as influential as human experts when the AI experts recommended which photo users should add to their online business profiles.(在一项研究中,研究人员发现,当人工智能专家建议哪些照片用户应该添加到他们的在线商业资料中时,提出建议的机器——或人工智能专家——的影响力与人类专家一样大。)以及However...if the feedback of both AI and human experts was negative and went against popular views among other users(但是……如果人工智能和人类专家的反馈是负面的,并且与其他用户的流行观点相悖)”可知,当反馈是负面的情况下,人工智能和人类专家都不能打动他们,即改变不了用户的观点,因此budge them的意思为“改变用户的观点”。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“AI experts are often less expensive than human experts and they can also work 24 hours a day, which, Wang suggests, might make them appealing to online businesses.(王表示,人工智能专家通常比人类专家更便宜,而且他们可以一天24小时工作,这可能会让他们对在线企业有吸引力。)”可知,用户经常寻求AI专家的帮助是因为AI专家便捷并且花费少。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Among human experts, however, an expert from a similar national origin who offered a negative opinion of a photograph tended to be more influential than a human expert from an unknown country who offered a similar negative rating of a photograph.(然而,在人类专家中,来自相似国家的专家如果对照片给出负面评价,往往比来自未知国家的专家给出相似负面评价的照片更有影响力。)”可知,来自相似文化背景的专家的负面评价更容易让人相信。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“While it is good to believe in AI’s ability to transcend (超越) cultural biases, we have to keep in mind that if you train the AI on pictures from one culture, they could give misleading recommendations on pictures meant for use in other cultural contexts.(虽然相信人工智能能够超越文化偏见是件好事,但我们必须记住,如果你用一种文化的图片来训练人工智能,它们可能会对其他文化背景下使用的图片给出误导性的建议。)”可推知,Sundar的意思是人们应该知道人工智能隐藏的文化偏见。故选C项。
第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5 分, 满分12.5 分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
The Importance of Handwriting is Becoming Better Understood
As primary-school pupils and PhD hopefuls return for a new school year, many will study with reliance on computers to take notes and write papers. _______36_______University professors complain of rampant distractions in classrooms, with students reading and messaging instead of listening to lectures.
_________37_________ Studies have found that writing on paper can improve everything from recalling a random series of words to imparting a better conceptual grasp of complicated ideas.
The benefits of using a pen or pencil lie in how the motor and sensory memory of putting words on paper reinforces that material. The arrangement of squiggles (涂鸦) on a page feeds into visual memory. _________38_________
One of the best-demonstrated advantages of writing by hand seems to be in superior note-taking.When primary-school pupils and PhD hopefuls take notes, handwriting forces students to synthesise (合成) ideas into their own words. This aids conceptual understanding at the moment of writing. _________39_________
Many studies have confirmed handwriting’s benefits, and policymakers have taken note. Though America’s “Common Core” curriculum from 2010 does not require handwriting instruction past first grade (roughly age six), about half the states since then have required more teaching of it, thanks to campaigning by researchers and handwriting supporters. _________40_________ England’s national curriculum already prescribes teaching the rudiments of cursive by age seven.
A. However, note-taking by hand takes longer time.
B. One solution to the complaints may be handwriting.
C A line of research shows the benefits of computers replacing handwriting.
D. Some parents are disturbed that their children are playing games on laptops in class.
E. And those taking notes by hand also perform better on tests when they review notes.
F. In Sweden there is a push for more handwriting and printed books and fewer devices.
G. People might remember a word they wrote down in class as being at the bottom-left on a page.
【答案】36. D 37. B 38. G 39. E 40. F
根据前文“As primary-school pupils and PhD hopefuls return for a new school year, many will study with reliance on computers to take notes and write papers.(随着小学生和有望获得博士学位的人在新学年的回归,许多人将依靠电脑来做笔记和写论文)”以及后文“University professors complain of rampant distractions in classrooms, with students reading and messaging instead of listening to lectures.(大学教授们抱怨说,学生们在课堂上分心的现象很普遍,他们阅读和发信息,而不是听讲座)”可知,空处应是过渡句,由用电脑来做笔记和写论文过渡到大学教授的抱怨,所以D项“Some parents are disturbed that their children are playing games on laptops in class.(一些家长对他们的孩子在课堂上玩笔记本电脑游戏感到不安)”符合文意,起到过渡作用。故选D项。
分析设空,位于段首,是本段的中心句,根据后文“Studies have found that writing on paper can improve everything from recalling a random series of words to imparting a better conceptual grasp of complicated ideas.(研究发现,写在纸上可以改善一切,从回忆一系列随机的单词到更好地理解复杂的概念)”可知,B项“One solution to the complaints may be handwriting.(解决这些抱怨的一个办法可能是手写)”符合文意,是本段的中心句,且和上文构成顺成关系。故选B项。
分析设空,位于段尾,是对前文的总结,根据前文“The benefits of using a pen or pencil lie in how the motor and sensory memory of putting words on paper reinforces that material. The arrangement of squiggles (涂鸦) on a page feeds into visual memory.(使用钢笔或铅笔的好处在于,把单词写在纸上的运动和感觉记忆是如何强化材料的。一页纸上潦草的字迹的排列形成了视觉记忆)”可知,G项“People might remember a word they wrote down in class as being at the bottom-left on a page.(人们可能会记得他们在课堂上写下的一个单词在页面的左下角)”符合本段主题,讲述手写会强化记忆。故选G项。
分析设空,位于段尾,是对前文的总结,根据前文“One of the best-demonstrated advantages of writing by hand seems to be in superior note-taking.When primary-school pupils and PhD hopefuls take notes, handwriting forces students to synthesise (合成) ideas into their own words. This aids conceptual understanding at the moment of writing.(用手写字的一个最明显的优点似乎是更容易记笔记。小学生和有望成为博士的学生在做笔记时,手写迫使他们把想法合成成自己的文字。这有助于在写作时理解概念)”可知,本段主要讲述了手写笔记对理解笔记的好处,所以E项“And those taking notes by hand also perform better on tests when they review notes.(手写笔记的学生在复习笔记时也会在考试中表现得更好)”符合文意。故选E项。
根据前文“Many studies have confirmed handwriting’s benefits, and policymakers have taken note. Though America’s “Common Core” curriculum from 2010 does not require handwriting instruction past first grade (roughly age six), about half the states since then have required more teaching of it, thanks to campaigning by researchers and handwriting supporters.(许多研究证实了手写的好处,政策制定者也注意到了这一点。尽管从2010年开始,美国的“共同核心”课程不要求一年级以上(大约六岁)的学生进行书写教学,但由于研究人员和书写支持者的努力,自那以后,大约有一半的州要求增加书写教学)”以及后文“England’s national curriculum already prescribes teaching the rudiments of cursive by age seven.(英国的国家课程已经规定在7岁之前教授草书的基本知识)”可知,本段主要讲述了各国对手写的规定,所以F项“In Sweden there is a push for more handwriting and printed books and fewer devices.(在瑞典,人们正在推动更多的手写和印刷书籍以及更少的电子设备)”符合本段主题。故选F项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I take cold showers. Several years back, the water heater in my house broke, and for weeks, bathing in freezing water was my ____41____. Although it took some getting used to, I discovered that there was something ____42____ and energizing. Moreover, the cold shower has changed the way I ____43____ life.
The worst part about showering in cold water is the moment right before ____44____ a into the water. As soon as you hop in, though, your body quickly ____45____ to the temperature, and it’s not so bad the rest of the way. For me, stepping into the cold water means ____46____; it’s getting over the hesitation that comes from knowing I’m about to do something ____47____.
One of my first “cold shower'” moments came one day in my high school, when I ____48____ an internship after a career day presentation. One of the speakers was a manager at a large Silicon Valley venture capital firm. The more she talked about her job, the more I became ____49____. Since I had an interest in economics as well as technology, working at a venture capital firm seemed like the ____50____ place for me. So, I decided that I was going to ask the speaker if her company hired interns.
As I approached her, however, I was a bit upset. After all, why would a successful business woman offer a job to an ____51____ high schooler Still, gathering up my ____52____, I walked up to her, and introduced myself. We ended up having a wonderful conversation, and even better, she ____53____ to interview me for an internship. That summer, I ended up having the ____54____ to work for her firm. My “cold shower” experiences these years have ____55____ me that good things happen to those who are willing to step out of the comfort zone and challenge themselves for more possibilities.
41. A. desire B. reality C. loss D. target
42. A. demanding B. amusing C. refreshing D. discouraging
43. A. approach B. start C. ruin D. praise
44. A. wandering B. falling C. jumping D. sitting
45. A. adjusts B. contributes C. sticks D. objects
46. A. appreciation B. creation C. inspiration D. determination
47. A. shameful B. fortunate C. delightful D. uncomfortable
48. A. argued about B. turned down C. asked for D. joined in
49. A. confused B. fascinated C. concerned D. annoyed
50. A. dangerous B. realistic C. hopeless D. perfect
51. A. independent B. inexperienced C. incomparable D. inconsiderate
52. A. courage B. uncertainty C. concern D. practice
53. A. hesitated B. begged C. refused D. agreed
54. A. duty B. opportunity C. adventure D. failure
55. A. taught B. owed C. warned D. ordered
【答案】41. B 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. D 47. D 48. C 49. B 50. D 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. A
考查名词词义辨析。句意:几年前,我家的热水器坏了,有几个星期,我只能在冰冷的水里洗澡。A. desire欲望;B. reality现实;C. loss失去;D. target目标。根据上文“bathing in freezing water was my”此处指在冰冷的水里洗澡是作者的现实,故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然这需要一段时间来适应,但我发现有一些东西让我耳目一新,充满活力。A. demanding要求高的;B. amusing有趣的;C. refreshing令人耳目一新的;D. discouraging令人沮丧的。根据后文“and energizing”可知洗冷水澡带给了作者一些好的体验,让作者耳目一新,充满活力。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,冷水澡已经改变了我对待生活的方式。A. approach对待,靠近;B. start开始;C. ruin毁灭;D. praise赞美。根据上文“has changed the way I”指对待生活的方式,应用approach。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:用冷水洗澡最糟糕的时候是在跳进水里之前。A. wandering闲逛;B. falling落下;C. jumping跳跃;D. sitting坐下。结合后文“As soon as you hop in”提到了跳入水中,可知本句是在说明入水之前,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:不过,只要你一跳进去,你的身体就会很快适应温度,剩下的过程也没那么糟糕。A. adjusts调整,适应;B. contributes有助于;C. sticks卡住,粘贴;D. objects反对。根据后文“to the temperature, and it’s not so bad the rest of the way”可知适应了温度后,就没那么糟了。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:对我来说,踏入冷水意味着决心;它是克服当我知道我将要做一些不舒服的事情时的犹豫。A. appreciation感激;B. creation创造;C. inspiration鼓舞;D. determination决心。根据后文“it's getting over the hesitation”可知进入冷水意味着决心,要克服犹豫。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对我来说,踏入冷水意味着决心;它是克服当我知道我将要做一些不舒服的事情时的犹豫。A. shameful丢脸的;B. fortunate幸运的;C. delightful令人高兴的;D. uncomfortable不舒服的。根据上文“it's getting over the hesitation that comes from knowing I'm about to do something”可知此处指克服做一些不舒服的事情时的犹豫,故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我第一次“洗冷水澡”是在高中的某一天,在一次职业介绍会之后,我申请了一份实习工作。A. argued about争论;B. turned down拒绝;C. asked for要求,请求;D. joined in加入。根据后文“an internship after a career day presentation”指申请实习工作,应用ask for。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她越谈她的工作,我就越感兴趣。A. confused困惑的;B. fascinated着迷的,感兴趣的;C. concerned关心的;D. annoyed生气的。根据后文“I had an interest in economics”可知作者很感兴趣。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:由于我对经济和技术都感兴趣,在一家风险投资公司工作似乎是我的完美选择。A. dangerous危险的;B. realistic实际的;C. hopeless绝望的;D. perfect完美的。根据上文“Since I had an interest in economics as well as technology, working at a venture capital firm seemed like the”可知,作者对经济和技术都感兴趣,所以在一家风险投资公司工作似乎是完美的选择。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:毕竟,为什么一个成功的女商人会给一个没有经验的高中生提供一份工作呢?A. independent独立的;B. inexperienced无经验的;C. incomparable无比的;D. inconsiderate轻率的。根据后文“high schooler”可知作者只是个高中生,没有经验。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我还是鼓足勇气,走到她面前,向她作了自我介绍。A. courage勇气;B. uncertainty犹豫;C. concern关心;D. practice实践。根据后文“I walked up to her, and introduced myself.”可知作者鼓起勇气去自我介绍。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们聊得很愉快,更棒的是,她同意面试我实习。A. hesitated犹豫;B. begged恳求;C. refused拒绝;D. agreed同意。根据后文“to work for her firm”可知对方同意作者面试实习,故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:那年夏天,我终于有机会为她的公司工作。A. duty义务;B. opportunity机会;C. adventure冒险;D. failure失败。根据后文“to work for her firm”可知作者得到了去她公司工作的机会。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些年来我的“冷水澡”经历教会我,好事总是发生在那些愿意走出舒适区,挑战自己以获得更多可能性的人身上。A. taught教学;B. owed拥有;C. warned警告;D. ordered命令。根据后文“good things happen to those who are willing to step out of the comfort zone and challenge themselves for more possibilities”是作者从“冷水澡”经历中学到的道理。故选A。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
At the academy’s annual conference on October 1, 2023 in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan (阿塞拜疆), the Chinese team ___56___ (award) the 2023 Laurels for Team Achievement Award.
As the academy’s highest team distinction, the award recognizes extraordinary ___57___ (perform) and achievement by a team of scientists, engineers and managers ___58___ the field of astronautics to foster ___59___ (it) peaceful and international use.
During the 23-day mission, the Chang’e-5 team ___60___ (successful) completed a complex mission including rocket launching, lunar surface take off and other processes, ___61___ obtained two types of lunar samples. In a statement published on Monday, the China National Space Administration said Chang’e-5 represented the nation’s self-reliance in science and technology and ___62___ (lay) a solid foundation for the country’s robotic lunar research station and ___63___ (man) missions to the moon.
The Chang’e-5 robotic mission was launched in November 2020.It was China’s first lunar sample-return mission and one of its most challenging space___64___ (effort). The landmark mission returned 1,731 grams of rocks and soil to Earth on Dec.17, 2020, ____65____ (present) the first lunar substances obtained since the Apollo era.
【答案】56. was awarded
57. performance
58. in 59. its
60. successfully
61. and 62. has laid
63. manned 64. efforts
65. presenting
考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:2023年10月1日,在阿塞拜疆首都巴库举行的科学院年会上,中国队获得了2023年“团队成就奖”。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,根据“on October 1, 2023”可知,时态应用一般过去时,award“授予”和主语the Chinese team之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,且主语应视为一个整体,be动词应用was。故填was awarded。
考查介词。句意同上。根据“the field of astronautics”可推知,此处表示“在航天领域”,和field搭配的介词通常是in。故填in。
考查动词时态。句意:在周一发布的一份声明中,中国国家航天局表示,嫦娥五号代表了我国在科技上的自力更生,为我国的机器人月球研究站和载人登月任务奠定了坚实的基础。空处作谓语,此处表示过去发生的事情对现在产生影响,使用现在完成时,主语为Chang’e-5,助动词用has。故填has laid。
考查形容词。句意同上。分析句子可知,空处作修饰missions的定语,man的形容词形式manned符合题意,意为“有人控制的,需人操纵的”,manned mission意为“载人任务”。故填manned。
考查名词。句意:这是中国第一次月球采样返回任务,也是最具挑战性的太空努力之一。one of后面需加可数名词复数形式。故填efforts。
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
66. 假设你是中学生李华,在英国学习,担任学校中国语言与文化社社长。近期,校学生会发布了举办“国际文化节”通知,请结合通知要求写一封邮件申请参加此活动。
Announcement This is to inform that the annual International Cultural Festival is to be held on June 15th, 2022.Any student club that intends to join please send an email to Internationalculturalfestival@ by May 15th, 2022 to apply for a booth(摊位). The name of the booth and main activities should be included in the application. Student Union
Dear Student Union,
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Student Union,
I am Li Hua, president of China language and Culture Society. I am glad to know that the annual International Cultural Festival is to be held on June 15th, 2022. I am writing to apply for a booth.
The name of the booth is Chinese Tea Art Show, where we will introduce different kinds of Chinese Tea and its benefits. Chinese tea is considered as the most beneficial drink with a long history of planting. It has become a green, healthy and popular drink in our daily life, through which we can enjoy a healthy and pleasant life. Besides students visiting our booth will enjoy drinking various Chinese tea.
I would appreciate it if you can take my application into account. Looking forward to your reply.
Sincerely yours,
Li Hua
开心做某事:be glad to do sth→be pleased to do sth
被认为是:be considered as→be though as
高兴的:pleasant →happy
各种各样的:various→ all kinds of
原句:Chinese tea is considered as the most beneficial drink with a long history of planting
拓展句:Chinese tea is considered as the most beneficial drink ,which has a long history of planting.
【点睛】【高分句型 1】The name of the booth is Chinese Tea Art Show, where we will introduce different kinds of Chinese Tea and their benefits. (运用了where引导的非限制性定语从句。)
【高分句型 2】It has become a green, healthy and popular drink in our daily life, through which we can enjoy a healthy and pleasant life.(运用了through which引导的非限制性定语从句。)
第二节(满分 25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Love Will Melt Your Heart
The day before my daughter Norah’s fourth birthday, something she said forecast remarkable event.I’d just picked her up from preschool when she cautioned me to mind the elderly person walking across the parking lot at a glacier’s pace. She went on to explain that she has a soft spot for mature folks: “I like old people the best because they walk slowly like I do and they have soft skin like me. They’re all going to die soon, so I’ll love them before they die.” I was struck by her thoughtfulness and empathy.
The following day — her birthday — again on the way home from school, she asked if we could stop at the grocery store to buy cupcakes. How do you say no to a birthday girl So we headed toward the bakery and picked up the cupcakes. As I was distracted by a clearance shelf, Norah was busy standing up in the cart, excitedly waving and joyfully proclaiming, “Hi, old person! It’s my birthday today!”
Before I could hush her, he stopped and turned to her. His expression softened as he replied, “Well, hello, little lady! Happy birthday!” They chatted for a few minutes. Then, Norah turned to me and asked, “Can I take a picture with him ” I told her we’d certainly ask. I approached him and asked if he’d take a photo with my daughter for her birthday. His expression changed from confused to stunned to delighted, “A photo With me ” he asked. “Yes, sure, for my birthday!” Norah answered. And so he did, I pulled out my iPhone, and they posed together. She placed her soft hand on top of his. He wordlessly stared at her with twinkling eyes as she kept his hand in hers, kissed the top of his hand and then placed it on her cheek. They were chatting like long-lost friends. I asked his name, and he told us to call him Dan. We were blocking other shoppers, but they didn’t care. There was magic happening in the grocery store that day, and we could all feel it.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
After a few minutes, I thanked Mr. Dan for spending a bit of his day with us.
Paragraph 2:
A few days later, we visited Mr. Dan’s tidy house.
【答案】Paragraph 1:
After a few minutes, I thanked Mr. Dan for spending a bit of his day with us. With tears in his eyes, he said, “No, thank you. This is the best day I’ve ever had in a long time.” With a kind and good-humored spirit, he turned to my daughter. “Look! How much pleasure you've brought to me, Miss Norah.” They gave each other a loving hug and Norah watched him until he was out of view. I was blown away by this meeting and posted the story and a photo of them on my Facebook. Later that night, I received a private message, from which I learned that Mr. Dan’s wife, Mary, had passed away six months earlier, and he had been lonely and depressed since then. I asked for Mr. Dan's phone number and planned to pay a visit some day.
Paragraph 2:
A few days later, we visited Mr. Dan’s tidy house. We spent nearly three hours with him that day. He was patient and kind with my talkative, constantly moving girl. Actually after the visit, Norah was still concerned about Mr. Dan, every day asking about his health and hoping that he could feel loved. So was Mr. Dan. During another recent visit, he told me that he had slept soundly every night since meeting my girl. “Norah has healed me,” he said. That left me speechless and my cheeks wet with tears. Seventy-eight years separate these two people in age. Somehow, their hearts and souls seem to have recognized each other from long ago.
Paragraph 1:
After a few minutes, I thanked Mr. Dan for spending a bit of his day with us. With tears in his eyes, he said, “No. thank you. This is the best day I’ve ever had.” He paused and after moment silence, he went ahead with mixed feelings, “Actually I haven’t felt so relaxed and pleased since my wife Mary passed away six months earlier.” The smile on his face shone like a diamond. I was certain Dan was so touched by my little girl that he would never forget her and was willingly to keep contact. So 1 asked for his phone number and address, and promised to take Norah to see him some day. He turned to my daughter then, “Look! How much pleasure you’ve brought to me, Miss Norah.” They hugged and said goodbye to each other. Norah watched him until he was out of view. I’d be lying to you if I said I wasn't a weepy mess after their encounter.
Paragraph 2:
A few days later, we visited Mr. Dan's tidy house. Reminders of Mary still proudly displayed everywhere. He had gotten a haircut, shaved, and put on slacks and worn shoes. He looked ten years younger. He’d set out a child's table, blank paper, and crayons for my little girl. He asked if she’d draw some pictures for him to display on his refrigerator. Norah excitedly agreed and went right to work. We ended up spending nearly three hours with Mr. Dan that day. Actually after the visit, Norah was still concerned about Mr. Dan, every day asking about his health and hoping that he could feel loved. So was Mr. Dan. During another recent visit, he told me that he had slept soundly every night since meeting my girl. “Norah has healed me,” he said. That left me speechless and my cheeks wet with tears. Seventy-eight years separate these two people in age. Somehow, their hearts and souls seem to have recognized each other from long ago.
①带来快乐:bring pleasure to/ bring happiness to
②拜访:pay a visit /visit/ call on sb.
③关心:be concerned about / care for/ take care of
①感谢:thank… for…/showing appreciation/show gratitude/be grateful
②孤独消极:be lonely and depressed/feel lonely and depressed
【点睛】[高分句型1]Later that night, I received a private message, from which I learned that Mr. Dan’s wife, Mary, had passed away six months earlier, and he had been lonely and depressed since then.(由关系代词which引导的定语从句和连接词since引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]So was Mr. Dan. During another recent visit, he told me that he had slept soundly every night since meeting my girl. (副词so位于句首的倒装句结构和that引导的宾语从句)



