2023-2024北京市重点中学高一上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

(考试时间:90 分钟 试卷满分:100 分)
第一部分知识运用 (共两节,30分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
An Unexpected Gift
Twelve-year-old Mathew Flores is different from other kids. He loves junk (垃圾) mail, and these advertisements were the only reading materials ___1___ to him. Once he asked his mailman if he could offer him some.
The question ___2___ the mailman. He asked the boy the reason, and then recorded his ___3___ in his Facebook. “Today while delivering mail, I saw a boy reading ads, and he asked me for extra mail. Actually he wants to go to the library, but his family is very poor and can’t ___4___ the bus.”
The mailman then asked his Facebook friends if they could ___5___ some books for the boy. He wrote, “Most kids want electronic products! But what he wants is books. It’s great to see his rare ___6___, and you may have seen him smile when I said I could help him!” “He is counting on me,” he concluded. “So I am counting on you!”
The mailman thought the Facebook post might ___7___ 50 to 60 books. But his ___8___ was passed on quickly. People from around the world, including the UK, Australia and India, have sent books. Hundreds of books have been delivered to the boy’s door, with hundreds more ___9___ on their way.
When books first started arriving, Flores was shocked by what happened. “I thought they were ____10____, but they indeed were for me.” He says that he can’t wait to share the books with other kids, and has promised to read every one.
1. A. natural B. available C. common D. familiar
2. A. frightened B. disappointed C. surprised D. amused
3. A. response B. effort C. decision D. comment
4. A. own B. take C. share D. afford
5. A. adjust B. examine C. spare D. publish
6. A. desire B. effect C. purpose D. value
7. A. give away B. bring in C. take on D. put up
8. A. belief B. spirit C. secret D. request
9. A. only B. nearly C. still D. thus
10. A. mistaken B. helpless C. unusual D. awkward
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A
【分析】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了邮递员无意间发现小男孩儿Mathew Flores因贫穷而只看不起书后,将他的故事发到在脸书上,网友们知道后,给小男孩送了好多爱心图书的故事。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他喜欢垃圾邮件,这些广告是他唯一能得到的阅读材料。A. natural 自然的;B. available可获得的; C. common共同的; D. familiar熟悉的。根据第二段中“but his family is very poor”可知小男孩之所以读这些垃圾邮件,是因为他的家庭太穷。所以这些广告是他唯一可获得的阅读材料。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个问题使邮递员大吃一惊。A. frightened害怕的;B. disappointed失望的; C. surprised 感到惊讶的;D. amused觉得好笑的。根据分析可知,垃圾邮件一向是人们不喜欢的,而小男孩却问邮递员要垃圾邮件,所以在下一句中 “He asked the boy the reason” 邮递员问小男孩这样做的原因。可知邮递员是感到惊讶的。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他问了男孩原因,然后在脸书上记录了他的回答。A. response回答; B. effort努力;C. decision决定;D. comment评论。根据前文 “He asked the boy the reason” 可知,他问了小男孩为什么要这些垃圾邮件,所以这里应该是将小男孩的回答发到了脸书上,故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:实际上他想去图书馆,但他的家庭很穷,付不起乘坐公共汽车的钱。A. own拥有; B. take 乘坐;C. share 分享;D. afford 付得起。根据“but his family is very poor”可知,小男孩的家庭很贫困,去图书馆但付不起乘坐公交车的钱。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,这位邮递员问他脸书上的朋友们是否可以匀出一些书给小男孩。A. adjust 调整;B. examine 检查;C. spare 匀出 D. publish出版。根据下句“Most kids want electronic products! But what he wants is books ”以及“ some books for the boy.”可知,由于小男孩想要书,所以邮递员想让脸书上的朋友们匀出一些自己的书给小男孩。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:遇见他这么罕见的心愿真是太好了,当我说我可以帮助他时,你可以想象他当时的笑容。A. desire心愿; B. effect 努力;C. purpose目的; D. value价值。根据上文中 “Most kids want electronic products! But what he wants is books”可知大部分的孩子都想要电子产品,而小男孩想要的却是书,他的愿望是很罕见的。故选A项。
考查动词词组辨析。句意:邮差本认为脸书上的帖子可能会收获50到60本书。A. give away 分发;B. bring in 收获;C. take on承担; D. put up张贴。根据下文“People from around the world, including the UK, Australia and India, have sent books.”以及“50 to 60 books. ”可知,脸书上的帖子让他收获了很多书。邮差本认为脸书上的帖子可能会收获50到60本书。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但他的请求在网上传播很快。A. belief 信仰;B. spirit 精神;C. secret 秘密;D. request请求。根据上文可知,邮递员向网友们请求捐一些书给小男孩,所以这里他发的帖子应该是请求帮助的,故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:数百本的书已经送到了男孩的门口,还有数百本的书仍然在路上。A. only仅仅; B. nearly差不多; C. still 仍然;D. thus因此。根据上文“Hundreds of books have been delivered to the boy’s door.”以及“on their way”可知,有很多书都已经送到了男孩儿的门口,但还有很多书还没有送到。依旧在路上。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当书开始陆续到达时,Flores被发生的事情震惊了:“我以为他们弄错了,但他们确实是送给我的。” A. mistaken 弄错的;B. helpless无用的; C. unusual 不寻常的;D. awkward尴尬的。根据本句中的连接词but表示转折,可知,弗洛雷斯一开始很惊讶,以为书是别人寄错了的。但后来知道书的确是送给他的。故选A项。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
Christmas was near. I walked away from my school and followed the worn path through the trees onto the street ____11____ Cole’s grocery store stood. In my pocket was a ____12____ (collect) of coins and bills I had earned the summer before. Cars ran down the street as I opened the door to the store. The noise of the cars disappeared when the door closed____13____me. I was a kid who felt out of place and on a mission. For the first time, I was going to buy a Christmas gift for my mum and dad.
【答案】11. where
12. collection
13. behind##after
考查时态。句意:我口袋里是我夏天前赚的一些硬币和纸币。不定冠词修饰单数名词,a collection of是固定短语,表示“一堆”,故填collection。
阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
A study found that adults aged 18 to 33 checked their smartphones 85 times a day, or once every 10 minutes. As I learned during my experiment, ___14___ (place) some distance between myself and my device helped me devote myself to my work more ___15___ (easy). By not having my smartphone, my distraction(消遣) time went down and thus my work time ___16___ (spend) more efficiently and effectively. On numerous occasions, I found ___17___ (I) wondering what to do with the afternoon since I had already completed my high-impact tasks for the day. With the extra time, I can finally enjoy the pleasures of life.
【答案】14. placing
15. easily 16. was spent
17. myself
考查副词。句意同上。修饰动词短语“devote myself to my work”用副词,故填easily。
考查时态语态。句意:由于没有手机,我分心的时间减少了,因此我的工作时间更有效率。陈述的是过去的事情,主语my work time与spend之间是被动关系,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,且谓语动词用单数,故填was spent。
Speaking of map apps, some users have found that they are useful for more than just finding one’s way. One man, San Francisco’s Lenny Maughan, uses them ____18____(make) works of art.
Lenny runs everywhere he can. Wherever he goes, he tracks his progress by using an app, such as Map MyRun or Strava. As he runs, the app traces a line along the path he follows. So, to make his runs more fun, Lenny decided to run in patterns that ____19____(create) amazing images. To date, he ____20____ (share) runs that have turned into images of a heart, a portrait of artist Frida Kahlo, and more.
【答案】18. to make
19. would create
20. has shared
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章通过描述Lenny Maughan使用地图应用来制作艺术品的事例来说明很多用户发现地图应用并不只是可以用来导航。
考查不定式。句意:旧金山的莱尼·莫恩(Lenny Maughan)用它们来制作艺术品。分析句子可知,use sth. to do sth.“用某物做某事”,是固定搭配,故填to make。
考查动词时态。句意:所以,为了让他的跑步更有趣,莱尼决定以能产生惊人图像的模式跑步。that引导定语从句,指代先行词patterns,在从句中作主语,根据“decided”和“amazing images”可知,此处使用过去将来时,表示相对于过去将来要发生的事情。故填would create。
考查时态和主谓一致。句意:到目前为止,他已经分享了一些跑步照片,这些照片已经变成了一颗心的图像,艺术家弗里达·卡罗(Frida Kahlo)的肖像等更多的图像。由时间状语To date可知,用现在完成时,表示从过去开始,一直持续到现在的动作,主语he是第三人称单数,故填has shared。
第一节(共14小题;每小题 2 分,共28分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The Education Outreach Section of the United Nations Department of Public Information invites young people from around the world between the ages of 15 and 24 to submit 10- to 15-second videos in English on how the Sustainable Development Goals can build peace. When making your videos, think about why ending poverty, addressing climate change, forging equality and ensuring access to education are important to creating a more peaceful world.
The most engaging videos will be featured on the United Nations International Day of Peace YouTube channel. Some will even be shown at an official event at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 16 September.
We will be posting selected clips at www./channel from 13 June (the start of the 100-day countdown) through 21 September, the International Day of Peace.
When you make your video, please state your name and country at the beginning. And remember that all videos should be appropriate for younger audiences.
We’ll be accepting your submissions from now until 1 September. So start sending your videos to unitednationspeaceday@ today!
Background: The International Day of Peace falls on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Every year on this day, the United Nations calls on the people of the world to remember their common humanity and join together to build a future free of conflicts. The theme for this year, “The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace”, highlights how ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for everyone all contribute to global harmony. The Sustainable Goals cover a broad range of issues, including poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, environment and social justice.
More information on the International Day of Peace and the Sustainable Development Goals: www.un.org/en/events/peaceday.
21. The participants should ______.
A. be at least twenty-four years old
B. upload clips onto the appointed website
C. come up with solutions to global problems
D. submit the videos no later than 1 September
22. What might be the proper words to start the video
A. My name is Jimena, and I’m from Peru.
B. Hello, I’d like to introduce the event first.
C. Today I want to say something to young audiences.
D. What is the key to creating a more peaceful world
23. Once chosen, the video will be ____.
A. put on a YouTube channel
B. posted on the web for one year
C. shown at the theater in New York
D. filmed on the International Day of Peace
24. What is the main purpose of the activity
A. To collect video materials for the websites.
B. To raise young people’s concern about world peace.
C. To draw attention to the education of the next generation.
D. To popularize the International Day of Peace among the youth.
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B
细节理解题。根据第五段第一句“We’ll be accepting your submissions from now until 1 September.(我们将从现在开始接受你们的投稿直到9月1日。)”可知,参加者应该不晚于9月1日提交视频。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第四段第一句“When you make your video, please state your name and country at the beginning.”可知,制作视频时,要在开头陈述你的姓名和国家。由此可推知,A项“我叫Jimena,来自秘鲁。”符合要求。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“The most engaging videos will be featured on the United Nations International Day of Peace YouTube channel.”可知,最优秀的视频将会在联合国国际和平日YouTube频道作为特别节目播放。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“The Education Outreach Section of the United Nations Department of Public Information invites young people from around the world between the ages of 15 and 24 to submit 10- to 15-second videos in English on how the Sustainable Development Goals can build peace.(联合国新闻部教育外联科邀请世界各地的15岁到24岁的年轻人提交10到15秒的英文视频,主题是关于可持续发展目标如何建立和平。)”可知,这次活动的主要目的是提高年轻人对世界和平的关注。故选B项。
About 20 years ago, Daniel Hoffman, a classically trained violinist met a young musician playing in the town square in Marrakech, an ancient city in Morocco. They communicated in the little French they both knew, but their main common language was music. On the back of a motorbike of the fellow violinist, Hoffman weaved through the back streets of the city and then learned his first lessons in Andalusian music, the classical music of North Africa.
That experience gave birth to an idea: What would it be like to try to learn how to play different violin styles around the world in just one week Oh. yes, and at the end of that week, play a concert. He even got a name for the concept “musical extreme sports”.
It took him almost two decades to launch that dream with a friend, who introduced him to the wonders of Kickstarter, a funding platform for creative projects. Up to now, the dream has taken the form of a new documentary currently airing on American public television stations called “Otherwise, It’s Just Firewood.”
In the documentary, Hoffman travels to County Clare, Ireland, where he takes lessons with James Kelly, a master Irish violin player, for less than a week and then performs together with him in front of an audience, many of whom are star Irish musicians.
The film is what Hoffman hopes will be the first of an eventual series of short documentaries, showing him learning to play the violin in a variety of styles, including the folk music of south India, Sweden, Greece, Romania, and West Virginia.
That would add to his extensive repertoire (全部曲目), which already includes Balkan, Middle Eastern, and Turkish styles. “The big joke is what’s the difference between the fiddle and the violin It’s the person who plays it,” says Niall Keegan, a traditional flute player. “It’s the music you make on it that makes it Irish or English or French or classical or jazz or whatever else. It’s how we imagine it and how we create through it that make it and give it character.”
“Otherwise, it’s just firewood,” he says, words that became the film’s title.
25. Where does Hoffman’s idea of musical extreme sports come from
A. His exploration of the local music.
B. His cooperation with the young violinist.
C. His sightseeing tour on a motorbike seat.
D. His constantly changing taste in violin styles.
26. According to the passage, the series of documentaries ________.
A. help Hoffman to become a master violin player
B. are funded by American public television stations
C. introduce different styles of musicians around the world
D. record Hoffman’s experience in learning various violin styles
27. The title of the documentary “Otherwise, It’s Just Firewood” is used to emphasize ________.
A. the power of diversified artistic expression
B. the pleasure in learning traditional music
C. the technique of instrument playing
D. the importance of famous artists
【答案】25. A 26. D 27. A
【导语】本文为一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了小提琴家Daniel Hoffman尝试学习如何演奏世界各地不同风格的小提琴,并将这段经历拍成了纪录片。
细节理解题。根据第一段“On the back of a motorbike of the fellow violinist, Hoffman weaved through the back streets of the city and then learned his first lessons in Andalusian music, the classical music of North Africa. (坐在小提琴手同伴的摩托车后座上,霍夫曼穿梭于城市的后街,然后开始学习安达卢西亚音乐,这是北非的古典音乐。)”和第二段“That experience gave birth to an idea: What would it be like to try to learn how to play different violin styles around the world in just one week Oh. yes, and at the end of that week, play a concert. He even got a name for the concept ‘musical extreme sports’. (这段经历让我产生了一个想法:在短短一周的时间里,尝试学习如何演奏世界各地不同风格的小提琴,会是什么感觉 哦。是的,在那个周末,开一场音乐会。他甚至为“音乐极限运动”这个概念取了个名字。)”可知,霍夫曼关于音乐极限运动的想法来自于对北非当地音乐的探索。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第五段“The film is what Hoffman hopes will be the first of an eventual series of short documentaries, showing him learning to play the violin in a variety of styles, including the folk music of south India, Sweden, Greece, Romania, and West Virginia. (霍夫曼希望这部电影能成为一系列短纪录片的第一部,展示他如何学习以各种风格拉小提琴,包括南印度、瑞典、希腊、罗马尼亚和西弗吉尼亚州的民间音乐。)”可知,这个系列纪录片记录了霍夫曼学习各种小提琴风格的经历。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第六段“‘The big joke is what’s the difference between the fiddle and the violin It’s the person who plays it,’ says Niall Keegan, a traditional flute player. ‘It’s the music you make on it that makes it Irish or English or French or classical or jazz or whatever else. It’s how we imagine it and how we create through it that make it and give it character.’ (“最大的笑话是fiddle和violin有什么区别 ”,传统长笛演奏家尼尔·基根说:“是你在上面演奏的音乐让它成为爱尔兰音乐、英国音乐、法国音乐、古典音乐、爵士乐或其他任何音乐。是我们如何想象它,如何通过它创造,成就并赋予了它个性。”)”可推知,小提琴的价值在于多元的艺术表现,你在上面演奏的音乐赋予它个性,“否则,它就是一根木柴”,所以纪录片的标题“Otherwise, It’s Just Firewood”强调了多元艺术表达的力量。故选A。
The Rise of Voice Technology
Voice technology has come a long way. Just a few years ago, it would have been unusable. But now, those who follow the technology know that it has got considerably better.
Writing with your voice raises several interesting questions. How difficult is it actually Human speech involves a lot more starting and stopping with errors and the need for repairing broken sentences than you may think. Even gifted speakers make mistakes. To turn the spoken word into reasonable writing requires lots of planning. You’ll need some kinds of notes or other organisers to make it work.
Another question turning speech into writing raises is the style. How would writing make the change that people speak their writing rather than type Chances are that it would come up with many more short sentences and more concrete language, which is good. It would probably also rely on prepared phrases a lot more often, which is not available when you are speaking quickly.
To confirm this, a column was not written, but dictated (听写). It was composed from brief notes written down for structure only, and it was edited for length, with all of the original errors kept in. Here were the results. The first was that the literal accuracy was extremely high. There weren’t many cases where the software had heard one word incorrectly and written down another. But the other result was that the readability of this column was rather bad. Obviously, the blame is not with the technology at all, which turns out to be rather good. Speaking into writing relies on a better human brain than the one we currently possess. Writing is hard. There’s a reason it can’t be done at the speed of speech, in real time.
To clarify the matter, this time paragraph breaks were added after the whole writing. Punctuations (标点) had to be spoken aloud, and after a full stop, the first word in the new sentence was capitalized automatically. Some minor punctuation marks were added to make it clearer. To improve accuracy, people “trained” the software beforehand, reading a prewritten passage aloud. Actually it turns out to be more effective. All of these ensure the satisfactory completion of turning speech into writing.
Language is the most important tool for human interaction, and voice is one beautiful part of language. With the maturity of modern technology, it has given birth to a great change in the human-computer voice interaction.
28. According to the passage, which helps to turn speech into writing in terms of style
A. There is careful planning in advance.
B. Errors and broken sentences are avoided.
C. People type words as fast as they say them.
D. The writing contains more prepared phrases.
29. To achieve better results, the author mentions some changes for ______.
A. processing errors in a column.
B. adding minor punctuation marks.
C. increasing the number of brief notes.
D. integrating short paragraphs in writing.
30. The author suggests that ______.
A. human brains are responsible for poor dictated writing.
B. writing with voice promises to improve the quality of writing.
C. writing is an unnatural act that can hardly be learned and improved.
D. technology has a long way to go in the human-computer voice interaction.
31. What is the passage mainly about
A Why people fully intend to turn speech into writing.
B. What role voice technology plays in improving readability.
C. Where the human-computer voice interaction is at an advantage.
D. How voice technology enables the change from speech into writing.
【答案】28. D 29. B 30. A 31. D
细节理解题。根据第三段“Another question turning speech into writing raises is the style. How would writing make the change that people speak their writing rather than type Chances are that it would come up with many more short sentences and more concrete language, which is good. It would probably also rely on prepared phrases a lot more often, which is not available when you are speaking quickly.(将语音转化为文字的另一个问题是文体。文字会如何改变人们用口语书写而不是打字 很有可能它会出现更多的短句和更具体的语言,这很好。也可能更多地依赖于准备好的短语,而当你的语速很快时,这就行不通了。)”可知文字中包含了更多已备好的短语会对按照文体方式把语音转化成文字有帮助,故选D项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Some minor punctuation marks were added to make it clearer.(添加了一些小标点符号以使其更清晰。)”可知为了达到更好的效果,作者提到了一些修改,添加次要标点符号。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第四段“Obviously, the blame is not with the technology at all, which turns out to be rather good. Speaking into writing relies on a better human brain than the one we currently possess.(很明显,责任完全不在技术上,事实证明这是相当好的。语音转换文字依赖于一个比我们现在拥有的更好的人脑。)可知语音转换文字过程中的听写问题不是技术造成,而是需要更好的人类大脑,由此可知,作者表明:人类的大脑是造成听写能力差的原因。故选A项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Voice technology has come a long way. Just a few years ago, it would have been unusable. But now, those who follow the technology know that it has got considerably better.(语音技术已经取得了长足的进步。就在几年前,它还无法使用。但是现在,那些关注这项技术的人知道它已经变得更好了。)”以及最后一段“With the maturity of modern technology, it has given birth to a great change in the human-computer voice interaction.(随着现代技术的成熟,人机语音交互发生了巨大的变化。)”结合全文内容描述语音转换文字技术的现状可知,本文的主旨是:语音技术如何实现从语音到文字的转变。故选D项。
Communities across the world are starting to ban facial recognition technologies. The efforts are well intentioned, but banning facial recognition is the wrong way to ght against modern surveillance (监视). Generally, modern mass surveillance has three broad components: identi cation, correlation and discrimination.
Facial recognition is a technology that can be used to identify people without their consent. Once we are identi ed, the data about who we are and what we are doing can be correlated with other data. This might be movement data, which can be used to “follow” us as we move throughout our day. It can be purchasing data, Internet browsing data, or data about who we talk to via email or text. It might be data about our income, ethnicity, lifestyle, profession and interests. There is an entire industry of data brokers who make a living by selling our data without our consent.
It’s not just that they know who we are; it’s that they correlate what they know about us to create pro les about who we are and what our interests are. The whole purpose of this process is for companies to treat individuals differently. We are shown different ads on the Internet and receive different offers for credit cards. In the future, we might be treated differently when we walk into a store, just as we currently are when we visit websites.
It doesn’t matter which technology is used to identify people. What’s important is that we can be consistently identi ed over time. We might be completely anonymous (匿名的) in a system that uses unique cookies to track us as we browse the Internet, but the same process of correlation and discrimination still occurs.
Regulating this system means addressing all three steps of the process. A ban on facial recognition won’t make any difference. The problem is that we are being identi ed without our knowledge or consent, and society needs rules about when that is permissible.
Similarly we need rules about how our data can be combined with other data, and then bought and sold without our knowledge or consent. The data broker industry is almost entirely unregulated now. Reasonable laws would prevent the worst of their abuses.
Finally, we need better rules about when and how it is permissible for companies to discriminate. Discrimination based on protected characteristics like race and gender is already illegal, but those rules are ineffectual against the current technologies of surveillance and control. When people can be identi ed and their data correlated at a speed and scale previously unseen, we need new rules.
Today, facial recognition technologies are receiving the force of the tech backlash (抵制), but focusing on them misses the point. We need to have a serious conversation about all the technologies of identi cation, correlation and discrimination, and decide how much we want to be spied on and what sorts of in uence we want them to have over our lives.
32. According to Para 2, with facial recognition, .
A. one’s lifestyle changes greatly B. one’s email content is disclosed
C. one’s profiles are updated in time D. one’s personal information is released
33. We can learn from the passage that .
A. discrimination based on new tech surveillance is illegal
B. different browsing data bring in different advertisements
C. using mobiles anonymously keeps us from being correlated
D. data brokers control the current technologies of surveillance
34. The author wrote this passage to .
A. call for banning facial recognition technologies
B. advocate the urgent need for changes in related laws
C. inform readers of the disadvantages of facial recognition
D. evaluate three broad components in modern mass surveillance
【答案】32. D 33. B 34. B
细节理解题。根据第2段中“It might be data about our income, ethnicity, lifestyle, profession and interests. There is an entire industry of data brokers who make a living by selling our data without our consent (它可能是关于我们的收入、种族、生活方式、职业和兴趣的数据。整个行业都有数据代理,他们在未经我们同意的情况下通过出售我们的数据谋生。)”可知,通过面部识别,一个人的个人信息会被泄露。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第3段中“The whole purpose of this process is for companies to treat individuals differently. We are shown different ads on the Internet and receive different offers for credit cards (这个过程的全部目的是让公司区别对待个人。我们在互联网上看到不同的广告,并收到不同的信用卡优惠。)”可知,不同的浏览数据带来不同的广告。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“Communities across the world are starting to ban facial recognition technologies. The efforts are well intentioned, but banning facial recognition is the wrong way to ght against modern surveillance (监视) (世界各地的社区都开始禁止面部识别技术。这些努力是出于善意,但禁止面部识别是对抗现代监控的错误方式。)”可知,禁止面部识别技术愿望是很好的,但禁止面部识别是错误的方式来对抗现代监控。另外通过第5段中的“Regulating this system means addressing all three steps of the process (规范这一系统意味着要解决这一过程的所有三个步骤。)”和第6段中的“Similarly, we need rules about how our data can be combined with other data (同样,我们需要关于如何将我们的数据与其他数据组合的规则)”可知,我们需要规则来规范。通过倒数第2段中“Finally, we need better rules about when and how it is permissible for companies to discriminate (最后,我们需要更好的规则来规定何时以及如何允许公司歧视)”可知,我们需要更好的规则来指导。故作者写这篇文章的目的是倡导修改相关法律。故选B项。
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
Is there a link between social media and depression Do social media have a negative impact on your mental health It’s complicated.
In a recent study, the investigators compared social media use and depression between teens.
___35___Specifically, for every hour per day that one teen spent on social media more than her peers, she likely had a 0.64 point higher depression score.
A different study published in 2018 identified five distinct types of social media users. The finding was that "problematic social media use" was one of the main themes for people whose mental health was affected by social media. You can have alcohol in your life without it being a problem, or your alcohol use may become problematic. ___36___
There's one important thing to remember about survey research just because two things happen together, it's not necessarily true that one causes the other. ___37___For all we know, it could be that people who are already more depressed choose to spend more time on social media.
___38___If you think that we shouldn't paint social media with one broad brush, you're on the right track. On the one hand, participants often described social media as a valuable way to cope with stress. On the other hand, cyberbullying via social media was also a common experience for participants. Some also said that constantly checking their own social media profile was stressful.
It’s certainly possible that experiences like cyberbullying, comparing yourself to idealized images, and constantly monitoring your profile, are bad for your mood. It's also true for many that social media offer community support and positive messages. Given the inconclusive research, it's safe to say that at least we shouldn't write off social media altogether. ___39___Anyway, you cannot use it as a crutch for coping with other stressors and mental health problems.
A. It's the same with social media.
B. Social media can be a double-edged sword.
C. People get more opinionated about the potential problems of social media.
D. They found that those who used social media more had higher depression scores.
E. They reviewed all existing research and found that there were both benefits and drawbacks.
F. The key to benefiting from social media may lie in using it in moderation and staying socially connected.
G. For example, just because higher social media use co-occurs with higher levels of depression doesn't mean social media use causes depression.
【答案】35. D 36. A 37. G 38. B 39. F
由下一句“具体来说,一个青少年每天花在社交媒体上的时间比她的同龄人多1个小时,她的抑郁得分可能高出0.64分。”可知,承接下文,D选项“他们发现使用社交媒体越多的人抑郁得分越高。”切题;该选项中的higher depression scores对应下文中的a 0.64 point higher depression score。故选D项。
由上一句“调查研究有一件重要的事情要记住,因为两件事同时发生,不一定一件事导致另一件事。”可知,承接上文,G选项“例如,仅仅因为较高的社交媒体使用量与较高的抑郁水平并存并不意味着社交媒体使用量会导致抑郁。”切题;该选项是对上文“it's not necessarily true that one causes the other.”的举例说明。故选G项。
由下文“一方面,参与者经常将社交媒体描述为应对压力的一种有价值的方式。另一方面,通过社交媒体进行网络欺凌也是参与者的常见经历。”可知,B选项“社交媒体可以是一把双刃剑。”切题;该选项中的a double-edged sword对应下文所提及的社交媒体的好坏两方面。故选B项。
由下一句“不管怎样,你不能把它作为一个依靠来应付其它的压力和心理健康问题。”可知,承接下文,F选项“从社交媒体中获益的关键可能在于适度使用社交媒体并保持社交联系。”切题;该选项中的using it in moderation and staying socially connected对应下文中的“不能把社交媒体作为应对压力和心理健康问题的一个依靠”。故选F项。
第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32 分)
第一节(共 4 小题;第 40、41 题各 2 分, 第 42 题 3 分, 第 43 题 5 分, 共 12 分)
The increase in online education has allowed a new type of teacher to emerge—an artificial one. But just how accepting students are of an artificial instructor remains to be seen. That’s why researchers at the University of Central Florida’s Nicholson School of Communication and Media are working to examine student perceptions of AI-based teachers. Some of their findings, published recently in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, indicate that for students to accept an AI teaching assistant, it needs to be effective and easy to talk to.
According to Jihyun Kim the lead author of the study, the hope is that by understanding how students relate to Al-teachers, engineers and computer scientists can design them to easily integrate into the education experience.
“To use machine teachers effectively, we need to understand students’ views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more,” Kim says. “This line of research is needed to design effective machine teachers that can actually facilitate positive learning experiences.”
AI teaching assistants can help ease a teacher's workload, such as by responding to commonly asked questions by students. These questions, which often appear each semester and become numerous in online classes with hundreds of students, can become a large task for a teacher. The quick delivery of answers also helps students.
An example of an AI teaching assistant is one named Jill Watson that was created by a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Jill was fed the thousands of questions and answers commonly asked in the researcher’s online class that he’d taught over the years. With some additional learning and adjustments, Jill was eventually able to answer the students’ commonly asked questions accurately without any human assistance as if she was one of the researcher’s human teaching assistants.
“I hope our research findings help us find an effective way to incorporate AI agents into education,” Kim says. “By adopting an AI agent as an assistant for a simple and repetitive task, teachers would be able to have more things scheduled such as meeting with students and developing teaching strategies.”
40. What kind of AI teaching assistants can students easily accept
41. What do researchers need to do to design effective AI teaching assistants
42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
With the help of Al-based teaching assistants, human teachers can not only be relieved from heavy work but also have more time to answer commonly asked questions by students.
43. Explain how AI technology can be used in a different field in our life. (about 40 words)
【答案】40. Ones that are effective and easy to talk to.
41. They need to understand students' views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more.
42. According to the passage, it is the AI-based teaching assistants rather than teachers that can answer commonly asked questions by students.
43. AI is widely used in the field of transportation. Using AI, the navigation systems in cars and on cellphones are able to recommend the best routes based on real time traffic data. Also, AI can be used to make self-driving vehicles more convenient and much safer.
考查细节理解。根据第一段“Some of their findings, published recently in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, indicate that for students to accept an AI teaching assistant, it needs to be effective and easy to talk to.(最近发表在《国际人机交互杂志》上的一些研究结果表明,要让学生接受人工智能教学助手,它必须是有效且容易交谈的。)”可知,那些有效且容易沟通的人工智能助教能让学生轻松接受。故答案为Ones that are effective and easy to talk to.
考查细节理解。根据第三段该研究的主要作者Kim说的话“To use machine teachers effectively, we need to understand students’ views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more(为了有效地使用机器教师,我们需要了解学生对机器教师的看法,他们与机器教师的学习经验,以及更多)”可知,研究人员需要了解学生对机器教师的看法,他们的学习经验和更多才能设计出有效的人工智能教学助手。故答案为:They need to understand students' views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more.
考查细节理解。根据第五段“AI teaching assistants can help ease a teacher's workload, such as by responding to commonly asked questions by students.(人工智能助教可以帮助减轻老师的工作量,比如回答学生常见的问题。)”可知,可以回答学生常见问题的是基于人工智能的教学助手,而不是教师。故答案为:
According to the passage, it is the AI-based teaching assistants rather than teachers that can answer commonly asked questions by students.
开放题。考生可自由发挥。本文讲述了人工智能在教育方面的渗入,这题要求考生描述人工智能技术是如何应用于我们生活的不同领域的,可从我们衣食住行各方面着手,言之有理即可。样例为AI is widely used in the field of transportation. Using AI, the navigation systems in cars and on cellphones are able to recommend the best routes based on real time traffic data. Also, AI can be used to make self-driving vehicles more convenient and much safer.
44. 假设你是红星中学高二学生李华。你与交换生Jim要共同完成一篇项目学习的论文,他建议用AI完成初稿。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
Dear Jim,
【答案】Dear Jim,
I hope this email finds you well. I appreciate your suggestion to use AI for our project-based learning paper. However, I decline the idea.
In my opinion, relying on AI would rob us of the opportunity to develop our critical thinking and analytical skills. Furthermore, it is important that we demonstrate our own understanding and originality in the paper.
Instead, I suggest that we each take responsibility for different sections of the paper and collaborate closely to ensure the final paper is comprehensive. We could also seek feedback from our teachers and peers to refine our work.
I am looking forward to working with you to create an excellent paper.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,假设你与交换生Jim要共同完成一篇项目学习的论文,他建议用AI完成初稿。要求考生用英语给他写一封电子邮件委婉拒绝,说明理由, 并分享自己的建议。
拒绝:decline→turn down/reject
而且:furthermore→in addition/what’ more
合作:work with→cooperate with
原句:We could also seek feedback from our teachers and peers to refine our work.
拓展句:It is also advisable that we should seek feedback from our teachers and peers to refine our work
【点睛】[高分句型1] Furthermore, it is important that we demonstrate our own understanding and originality in the paper.(运用了that引导的主语从句)
[高分句型2] Instead, I suggest that we each take responsibility for different sections of the paper and collaborate closely to ensure the final product is comprehensive and cohesive.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)北京理工大学附属中学高一英语12月月考试题
(考试时间:90 分钟 试卷满分:100 分)
第一部分知识运用 (共两节,30分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
An Unexpected Gift
Twelve-year-old Mathew Flores is different from other kids. He loves junk (垃圾) mail, and these advertisements were the only reading materials ___1___ to him. Once he asked his mailman if he could offer him some.
The question ___2___ the mailman. He asked the boy the reason, and then recorded his ___3___ in his Facebook. “Today while delivering mail, I saw a boy reading ads, and he asked me for extra mail. Actually he wants to go to the library, but his family is very poor and can’t ___4___ the bus.”
The mailman then asked his Facebook friends if they could ___5___ some books for the boy. He wrote, “Most kids want electronic products! But what he wants is books. It’s great to see his rare ___6___, and you may have seen him smile when I said I could help him!” “He is counting on me,” he concluded. “So I am counting on you!”
The mailman thought the Facebook post might ___7___ 50 to 60 books. But his ___8___ was passed on quickly. People from around the world, including the UK, Australia and India, have sent books. Hundreds of books have been delivered to the boy’s door, with hundreds more ___9___ on their way.
When books first started arriving, Flores was shocked by what happened. “I thought they were ____10____, but they indeed were for me.” He says that he can’t wait to share the books with other kids, and has promised to read every one.
1. A. natural B. available C. common D. familiar
2. A. frightened B. disappointed C. surprised D. amused
3. A. response B. effort C. decision D. comment
4. A. own B. take C. share D. afford
5. A. adjust B. examine C. spare D. publish
6. A. desire B. effect C. purpose D. value
7. A. give away B. bring in C. take on D. put up
8. A. belief B. spirit C. secret D. request
9. A. only B. nearly C. still D. thus
10. A. mistaken B. helpless C. unusual D. awkward
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
Christmas was near. I walked away from my school and followed the worn path through the trees onto the street ____11____ Cole’s grocery store stood. In my pocket was a ____12____ (collect) of coins and bills I had earned the summer before. Cars ran down the street as I opened the door to the store. The noise of the cars disappeared when the door closed____13____me. I was a kid who felt out of place and on a mission. For the first time, I was going to buy a Christmas gift for my mum and dad.
阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。
A study found that adults aged 18 to 33 checked their smartphones 85 times a day, or once every 10 minutes. As I learned during my experiment, ___14___ (place) some distance between myself and my device helped me devote myself to my work more ___15___ (easy). By not having my smartphone, my distraction(消遣) time went down and thus my work time ___16___ (spend) more efficiently and effectively. On numerous occasions, I found ___17___ (I) wondering what to do with the afternoon since I had already completed my high-impact tasks for the day. With the extra time, I can finally enjoy the pleasures of life.
Speaking of map apps some users have found that they are useful for more than just finding one’s way. One man, San Francisco’s Lenny Maughan, uses them ____18____(make) works of art.
Lenny runs everywhere he can. Wherever he goes, he tracks his progress by using an app, such as Map MyRun or Strava. As he runs, the app traces a line along the path he follows. So, to make his runs more fun, Lenny decided to run in patterns that ____19____(create) amazing images. To date, he ____20____ (share) runs that have turned into images of a heart, a portrait of artist Frida Kahlo, and more.
第一节(共14小题;每小题 2 分,共28分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The Education Outreach Section of the United Nations Department of Public Information invites young people from around the world between the ages of 15 and 24 to submit 10- to 15-second videos in English on how the Sustainable Development Goals can build peace. When making your videos, think about why ending poverty, addressing climate change, forging equality and ensuring access to education are important to creating a more peaceful world.
The most engaging videos will be featured on the United Nations International Day of Peace YouTube channel. Some will even be shown at an official event at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 16 September.
We will be posting selected clips at www./channel from 13 June (the start of the 100-day countdown) through 21 September, the International Day of Peace.
When you make your video, please state your name and country at the beginning. And remember that all videos should be appropriate for younger audiences.
We’ll be accepting your submissions from now until 1 September. So start sending your videos to unitednationspeaceday@ today!
Background: The International Day of Peace falls on 21 September. The General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Every year on this day, the United Nations calls on the people of the world to remember their common humanity and join together to build a future free of conflicts. The theme for this year, “The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace”, highlights how ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for everyone all contribute to global harmony. The Sustainable Goals cover a broad range of issues, including poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, environment and social justice.
More information on the International Day of Peace and the Sustainable Development Goals: www.un.org/en/events/peaceday.
21. The participants should ______.
A. be at least twenty-four years old
B. upload clips onto the appointed website
C. come up with solutions to global problems
D. submit the videos no later than 1 September
22. What might be the proper words to start the video
A. My name is Jimena, and I’m from Peru.
B. Hello, I’d like to introduce the event first.
C. Today I want to say something to young audiences.
D. What is the key to creating a more peaceful world
23. Once chosen, the video will be ____.
A. put on a YouTube channel
B. posted on the web for one year
C. shown at the theater in New York
D. filmed on the International Day of Peace
24. What is the main purpose of the activity
A. To collect video materials for the websites.
B. To raise young people’s concern about world peace.
C. To draw attention to the education of the next generation.
D. To popularize the International Day of Peace among the youth.
About 20 years ago, Daniel Hoffman, a classically trained violinist met a young musician playing in the town square in Marrakech, an ancient city in Morocco. They communicated in the little French they both knew, but their main common language was music. On the back of a motorbike of the fellow violinist, Hoffman weaved through the back streets of the city and then learned his first lessons in Andalusian music, the classical music of North Africa.
That experience gave birth to an idea: What would it be like to try to learn how to play different violin styles around the world in just one week Oh. yes, and at the end of that week, play a concert. He even got a name for the concept “musical extreme sports”.
It took him almost two decades to launch that dream with a friend, who introduced him to the wonders of Kickstarter, a funding platform for creative projects. Up to now, the dream has taken the form of a new documentary currently airing on American public television stations called “Otherwise, It’s Just Firewood.”
In the documentary, Hoffman travels to County Clare, Ireland, where he takes lessons with James Kelly, a master Irish violin player, for less than a week and then performs together with him in front of an audience, many of whom are star Irish musicians.
The film is what Hoffman hopes will be the first of an eventual series of short documentaries, showing him learning to play the violin in a variety of styles, including the folk music of south India, Sweden, Greece, Romania, and West Virginia.
That would add to his extensive repertoire (全部曲目), which already includes Balkan, Middle Eastern, and Turkish styles. “The big joke is what’s the difference between the fiddle and the violin It’s the person who plays it,” says Niall Keegan, a traditional flute player. “It’s the music you make on it that makes it Irish or English or French or classical or jazz or whatever else. It’s how we imagine it and how we create through it that make it and give it character.”
“Otherwise, it’s just firewood,” he says, words that became the film’s title.
25. Where does Hoffman’s idea of musical extreme sports come from
A. His exploration of the local music.
B. His cooperation with the young violinist.
C. His sightseeing tour on a motorbike seat.
D. His constantly changing taste in violin styles.
26. According to the passage, the series of documentaries ________.
A. help Hoffman to become a master violin player
B. are funded by American public television stations
C. introduce different styles of musicians around the world
D. record Hoffman’s experience in learning various violin styles
27. The title of the documentary “Otherwise, It’s Just Firewood” is used to emphasize ________.
A. the power of diversified artistic expression
B. the pleasure in learning traditional music
C. the technique of instrument playing
D. the importance of famous artists
The Rise of Voice Technology
Voice technology has come a long way. Just a few years ago, it would have been unusable. But now, those who follow the technology know that it has got considerably better.
Writing with your voice raises several interesting questions. How difficult is it actually Human speech involves a lot more starting and stopping with errors and the need for repairing broken sentences than you may think. Even gifted speakers make mistakes. To turn the spoken word into reasonable writing requires lots of planning. You’ll need some kinds of notes or other organisers to make it work.
Another question turning speech into writing raises is the style. How would writing make the change that people speak their writing rather than type Chances are that it would come up with many more short sentences and more concrete language, which is good. It would probably also rely on prepared phrases a lot more often, which is not available when you are speaking quickly.
To confirm this, a column was not written, but dictated (听写). It was composed from brief notes written down for structure only, and it was edited for length, with all of the original errors kept in. Here were the results. The first was that the literal accuracy was extremely high. There weren’t many cases where the software had heard one word incorrectly and written down another. But the other result was that the readability of this column was rather bad. Obviously, the blame is not with the technology at all, which turns out to be rather good. Speaking into writing relies on a better human brain than the one we currently possess. Writing is hard. There’s a reason it can’t be done at the speed of speech, in real time.
To clarify the matter, this time paragraph breaks were added after the whole writing. Punctuations (标点) had to be spoken aloud, and after a full stop, the first word in the new sentence was capitalized automatically. Some minor punctuation marks were added to make it clearer. To improve accuracy, people “trained” the software beforehand, reading a prewritten passage aloud. Actually it turns out to be more effective. All of these ensure the satisfactory completion of turning speech into writing.
Language is the most important tool for human interaction, and voice is one beautiful part of language. With the maturity of modern technology, it has given birth to a great change in the human-computer voice interaction.
28. According to the passage, which helps to turn speech into writing in terms of style
A. There is careful planning in advance.
B. Errors and broken sentences are avoided.
C. People type words as fast as they say them.
D The writing contains more prepared phrases.
29. To achieve better results, the author mentions some changes for ______.
A. processing errors in a column.
B. adding minor punctuation marks.
C. increasing the number of brief notes.
D. integrating short paragraphs in writing.
30. The author suggests that ______.
A. human brains are responsible for poor dictated writing.
B. writing with voice promises to improve the quality of writing.
C. writing is an unnatural act that can hardly be learned and improved.
D. technology has a long way to go in the human-computer voice interaction.
31. What is the passage mainly about
A. Why people fully intend to turn speech into writing.
B What role voice technology plays in improving readability.
C. Where the human-computer voice interaction is at an advantage.
D. How voice technology enables the change from speech into writing.
Communities across the world are starting to ban facial recognition technologies. The efforts are well intentioned, but banning facial recognition is the wrong way to ght against modern surveillance (监视). Generally, modern mass surveillance has three broad components: identi cation, correlation and discrimination.
Facial recognition is a technology that can be used to identify people without their consent. Once we are identi ed, the data about who we are and what we are doing can be correlated with other data. This might be movement data, which can be used to “follow” us as we move throughout our day. It can be purchasing data, Internet browsing data, or data about who we talk to via email or text. It might be data about our income, ethnicity, lifestyle, profession and interests. There is an entire industry of data brokers who make a living by selling our data without our consent.
It’s not just that they know who we are; it’s that they correlate what they know about us to create pro les about who we are and what our interests are. The whole purpose of this process is for companies to treat individuals differently. We are shown different ads on the Internet and receive different offers for credit cards. In the future, we might be treated differently when we walk into a store, just as we currently are when we visit websites.
It doesn’t matter which technology is used to identify people. What’s important is that we can be consistently identi ed over time. We might be completely anonymous (匿名的) in a system that uses unique cookies to track us as we browse the Internet, but the same process of correlation and discrimination still occurs.
Regulating this system means addressing all three steps of the process. A ban on facial recognition won’t make any difference. The problem is that we are being identi ed without our knowledge or consent, and society needs rules about when that is permissible.
Similarly, we need rules about how our data can be combined with other data, and then bought and sold without our knowledge or consent. The data broker industry is almost entirely unregulated now. Reasonable laws would prevent the worst of their abuses.
Finally, we need better rules about when and how it is permissible for companies to discriminate. Discrimination based on protected characteristics like race and gender is already illegal, but those rules are ineffectual against the current technologies of surveillance and control. When people can be identi ed and their data correlated at a speed and scale previously unseen, we need new rules.
Today, facial recognition technologies are receiving the force of the tech backlash (抵制), but focusing on them misses the point. We need to have a serious conversation about all the technologies of identi cation, correlation and discrimination, and decide how much we want to be spied on and what sorts of in uence we want them to have over our lives.
32. According to Para 2, with facial recognition, .
A. one’s lifestyle changes greatly B. one’s email content is disclosed
C. one’s profiles are updated in time D. one’s personal information is released
33. We can learn from the passage that .
A. discrimination based on new tech surveillance is illegal
B different browsing data bring in different advertisements
C. using mobiles anonymously keeps us from being correlated
D. data brokers control the current technologies of surveillance
34. The author wrote this passage to .
A. call for banning facial recognition technologies
B. advocate the urgent need for changes in related laws
C. inform readers of the disadvantages of facial recognition
D. evaluate three broad components in modern mass surveillance
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
Is there a link between social media and depression Do social media have a negative impact on your mental health It’s complicated.
In a recent study, the investigators compared social media use and depression between teens.
___35___Specifically, for every hour per day that one teen spent on social media more than her peers, she likely had a 0.64 point higher depression score.
A different study published in 2018 identified five distinct types of social media users. The finding was that "problematic social media use" was one of the main themes for people whose mental health was affected by social media. You can have alcohol in your life without it being a problem, or your alcohol use may become problematic. ___36___
There's one important thing to remember about survey research just because two things happen together, it's not necessarily true that one causes the other. ___37___For all we know, it could be that people who are already more depressed choose to spend more time on social media.
___38___If you think that we shouldn't paint social media with one broad brush, you're on the right track. On the one hand, participants often described social media as a valuable way to cope with stress. On the other hand, cyberbullying via social media was also a common experience for participants. Some also said that constantly checking their own social media profile was stressful.
It’s certainly possible that experiences like cyberbullying, comparing yourself to idealized images, and constantly monitoring your profile, are bad for your mood. It's also true for many that social media offer community support and positive messages. Given the inconclusive research, it's safe to say that at least we shouldn't write off social media altogether. ___39___Anyway, you cannot use it as a crutch for coping with other stressors and mental health problems.
A. It's the same with social media.
B. Social media can be a double-edged sword.
C. People get more opinionated about the potential problems of social media.
D. They found that those who used social media more had higher depression scores.
E. They reviewed all existing research and found that there were both benefits and drawbacks.
F. The key to benefiting from social media may lie in using it in moderation and staying socially connected.
G. For example, just because higher social media use co-occurs with higher levels of depression doesn't mean social media use causes depression.
第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32 分)
第一节(共 4 小题;第 40、41 题各 2 分, 第 42 题 3 分, 第 43 题 5 分, 共 12 分)
The increase in online education has allowed a new type of teacher to emerge—an artificial one. But just how accepting students are of an artificial instructor remains to be seen. That’s why researchers at the University of Central Florida’s Nicholson School of Communication and Media are working to examine student perceptions of AI-based teachers. Some of their findings published recently in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, indicate that for students to accept an AI teaching assistant, it needs to be effective and easy to talk to.
According to Jihyun Kim, the lead author of the study, the hope is that by understanding how students relate to Al-teachers, engineers and computer scientists can design them to easily integrate into the education experience.
“To use machine teachers effectively, we need to understand students’ views on machine teachers, their learning experiences with them and more,” Kim says. “This line of research is needed to design effective machine teachers that can actually facilitate positive learning experiences.”
AI teaching assistants can help ease a teacher's workload, such as by responding to commonly asked questions by students. These questions, which often appear each semester and become numerous in online classes with hundreds of students, can become a large task for a teacher. The quick delivery of answers also helps students.
An example of an AI teaching assistant is one named Jill Watson that was created by a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Jill was fed the thousands of questions and answers commonly asked in the researcher’s online class that he’d taught over the years. With some additional learning and adjustments, Jill was eventually able to answer the students’ commonly asked questions accurately without any human assistance as if she was one of the researcher’s human teaching assistants.
“I hope our research findings help us find an effective way to incorporate AI agents into education,” Kim says. “By adopting an AI agent as an assistant for a simple and repetitive task, teachers would be able to have more things scheduled such as meeting with students and developing teaching strategies.”
40. What kind of AI teaching assistants can students easily accept
41. What do researchers need to do to design effective AI teaching assistants
42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
With the help of Al-based teaching assistants, human teachers can not only be relieved from heavy work but also have more time to answer commonly asked questions by students.
43. Explain how AI technology can be used in a different field in our life. (about 40 words)
44. 假设你是红星中学高二学生李华。你与交换生Jim要共同完成一篇项目学习的论文,他建议用AI完成初稿。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
Dear Jim,



