北师大版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 12 Innovation Writing Workshop 课后练习题(含答案)

Writing Workshop & Viewing Workshop & Reading Club & Assessment
1.Water can be purified by      (煮沸) for five minutes.
2.They were clearing up when the second bomb e     .
3.The article is an      (准确的)reflection of events that day.
4.We went to London     (专门) to visit the British Museum.
5.All kinds of traditional craft industries are p      here.
6.The manufacturing methods will be         (说明) in the next chapter.
7.The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the s      from the sinking ship.
8.His visit is direct evidence of the i        in their relationship.
come about,be associated with,up and down,a variety of,for the purpose of,on the list of,rely on,in the area of
1.In the children’s minds,summer                picnics.
2.Having to wait hours came high                complaints.
3.She        her tough love to help him quit drinking last year.
4.Women are already well represented              TV drama.
5.I found him in the corridor nervously pacing             .
6.There are           treatments available for this condition.
7.He went over to America             studying medical science.
8.How did the differences between British and American English        
5.我有许多外语书,其中很多是世界名著。(most of which引导定语从句)
When I was a child,my father bought me a new toy every other week when he received his pay check.I loved to take the toys apart to learn their basic principles,and then put them back together.
Most of the time,the toys still worked,but I clearly remember getting a toy robot that would walk either forwards or backwards.I took the robot apart,but when I put it back together,it couldn’t walk any more.I figured out what was wrong with it but was not able to fix it.It was especially disappointing because I really liked the robot.
By the time I was ten or so,my parents allowed me to play outdoors alone.During the summer,on the junk day,I would check out what people were throwing away.People did not use garbage bags then,so all waste was in metal cans,which made it easy to check out what was in the waste.I took home some equipment,radios,and televisions.I took them apart and learned how they were built.
Through learning by myself,I built a telephone.I made my own microphone (扩音器) by taking apart old dry batteries and taking the carbon rods (碳棒) out of them.I then broke the rods into powder and used the carbon powder to make the microphone.I used the microphone in my home-made telephone.Later,I made another carbon microphone,which I connected in series with a speaker I took from an old radio.I put the speaker in a bush by the sidewalk and ran wires around the side of the house where the batteries and my home-made microphone were.I had much fun playing jokes on people walking by with that device (装置).
1.What happened when the author put back the toy robot together
A.It didn’t work normally.
B.It looked like a disappointing toy.
C.He found something was missing.
D.He didn’t know what was wrong with it.
2.How did the author get what he wanted after turning ten
A.Through checking garbage bags.
B.Through collecting them outdoors.
C.Through asking his parents for them.
D.Through borrowing them from his neighbours.
3.What did the author do to get the microphones he needed
A.He took apart an old telephone.
B.He looked for them everywhere.
C.He used old things to make them.
D.He took some carbon rods from a broken radio.
4.After reading the text,what can we learn about the author as a child
A.He didn’t know his interest.
B.He was laughed at by others.
C.He didn’t study hard at school.
D.He loved inventing new things.
I’m losing my hair.Don’t feel sorry.It will not be an explanation on how depressing it is that my body is submitting to the damages of time.It’s just a fact,and,honestly,I’m fine with it.Don’t get me wrong:had this happened when I was 25,I would have rushed to an Istanbul clinic with credit cards faster than you could say “Elton”.I would have had a baseball cap glued to my scalp(头皮).But I’m 40 now.
Hairdressers used to praise me on my “thick hair”,however,they’d make no obvious difference to my lion-like hairs.Therefore,this raises a question:why am I still spending £50 getting my hair cut The answer to this is,I suppose,“habit”.But if the pandemic has taught us anything,it’s that even our fundamental behaviors can be transformed when necessary.For decades,I’ve frequented salons(美发厅).I enjoyed the air conditioning and the coffee.But really,all I require these days is a short back and sides.So,for the first time,I’ve started going to my local barbershop.And...it’s great!For one thing,you don’t need to book an appointment.
The two guys are friendly,yet also business-like.Best of all,the cut costs £15,and my hair looks exactly the same as when it was done in the salon.The first time my barber placed a wet towel over my nose and mouth,I’ve come to appreciate the feeling of a freshly-shaved jaw.So yes,my hair is thinning:I am older.But also,I believe,wiser.
5.What do we know about the author from paragraph 1
A.He has a lot of credit cards.
B.He is fine with his thinner hair now.
C.He feels upset about losing his hair.
D.He likes gluing a baseball cap to his scalp.
6.Why does the author reject the salons he’s frequented
A.Because the salons charge too much.
B.Because he wants to change his hairstyle.
C.Because the hairdressers make his hair lion-like.
D.Because he has no habit of making appointments.
7.What does the author think of the local barbershop
A.Inspiring.   B.Challenging.
C.Satisfying. D.Disappointing.
8.What message does the author try to get through to us
A.It’s wise to accept changes owing to aging.
B.The old are more likely to have thinner hair.
C.Crucial behaviors can be changed if necessary.
D.Salons and barbershops make no big difference.
Have you ever made a promise to yourself that you didn’t keep Commonly,when the new year ticks over,we make resolutions:going to the gym,studying harder or giving up a bad habit.Sadly,not long after we’ve made the promise,we often end up breaking them. 1  Well,it’s possible,but willpower might not be the only thing you need.
The basic idea of a habit is something we do almost unconsciously,as if you’re on autopilot.An example of this would be having breakfast or saying “please” and “thank you”. 2  But if we don’t have those habits,how can we create them According to a study published by the European Journal of Social Psychology,it takes an average of 66 days to form a new habit.However,relying only on determination may not be the answer.
Questioning why you want something to be the norm(常态) rather than relying on your resolve could be the key. 3  The issue is,willpower could be subject to your mood—a bad mood may mean you don’t want to do something.
You should also avoid trying to change too much at once—remember that it’s a case of baby steps. 4 ,going to the gym,and stopping drinking at the same time will probably result in failure rather than sustainable practice.And don’t worry about failing—just start again! 5  If you hate mushrooms,don’t persevere and try to add them to your diet just to be healthier.Eat something you like!It might not be quick,but if you follow these tips,you may be able to change something for the better or kick a bad habit.
A.Giving up all your favourite foods
B.Working out as you please
C.But what if you want to create a new good habit
D.Good habits can be part of your daily routine.
E.Don’t do things outside your comfort zone.
F.To get rid of a bad habit is not as easy a thing as we sometimes think.
G.Do you want to lose weight because you want to be healthier or feel more attractive

I am Sadie.I love oceans,especially the one near my grandma’s house with beautiful shells.Why That’s what I am about to tell you.
It all started when my parents divorced a few weeks ago.I had remained silent since then.So my mother decided to send me to Florida to live with my grandma.
On the way to my grandma’s house,my mother said,“Sadie,I know we are not the best family you can have and I truly apologise.I just do not know how to be a mother.But remember,Sadie,whatever happened,I do love you.” These words made me sadder.
When we arrived,Grandma told me to go upstairs and unpack my things while she spoke to my mother.When I saw a blue-and-green-painted room with a huge window and a comfortable bed,I thought,“Moving to Florida might not be that bad.” I comforted myself as I walked towards the window.I opened the curtains and saw sky-blue waves slowly washing away the sand on the beach and sea birds flying in the clear sky.The ocean was only a few hundred metres away from here.
After my mother left,Grandma softly touched my shoulder,“I want to take you to the place I called ‘the Big Blue’.And I think you might like it.”
Before I stepped on the sand I could smell the ocean.Together we enjoyed the sunset with a whole lot of yellow and orange.Suddenly she picked out the most beautiful shell I had ever seen in my life.It was almost gold,shining in the sunlight.I couldn’t move my eyes off it.
“Want to know how I get through my parents’ divorce ” Grandma asked.

“The beautiful shells here gave me the courage to live on,” Grandma said.

Ⅰ.1.boiling 2.exploded 3.accurate 4.specifically 5.preserved 6.illustrated 7.sailors 8.improvement
Ⅱ.1.is associated with 2.on the list of 3.relied on 4.in the area of 5.up and down 6.a variety of 7.for the purpose of 8.come about
Ⅲ.1.You seem to be the only person to truly know him.
2.I reached the station only to be told that the train had already left.
3.There was a big fire last night,causing heavy losses.
4.Machines make it possible that people do more work with less energy.
5.I have many foreign language books,most of which are world famous works.
1.A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“I took the robot apart,but when I put it back together,it couldn’t walk any more.”可知,那个玩具机器人坏了。
2.B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“During the summer,on the junk day,I would check out what people were throwing away.”可知,作者在户外搜集可用的东西。
3.C 细节理解题。根据第四段的“I made my own microphone...to make the microphone.”可知,作者是用家里的旧物制作了自己所需要的扩音器。
4.D 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,作者喜欢搜集和拆卸旧东西,然后自己再做一些新东西。
5.B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I’m losing my hair.”和“It’s just a fact,and,honestly,I’m fine with it.”可知,作者不介意自己的头发变得稀疏。故选B项。
6.B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“But really,all I require these days is a short back and sides.So,for the first time,I’ve started going to my local barbershop.”可知,作者拒绝他经常光顾的沙龙是因为他想改变他的发型。故选B项。
7.C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“And...it’s great!For one thing,you don’t need to book an appointment.”和最后一段的“The two guys are friendly,yet also business-like.Best of all,the cut costs £15,and my hair...,I’ve come to appreciate the feeling of a freshly-shaved jaw.”可知,作者认为当地的理发店是令人满意的。故选C项。
8.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“So yes,my hair is thinning:I am older.But also,I believe,wiser.(所以,是的,我的头发变稀疏了:我老了。而且,我相信,我更明智了。)”可知,作者试图向我们传达的信息是接受衰老带来的变化是明智的。故选A项。
1.C 根据上文“Have you ever made a promise to yourself that you didn’t keep ...,we often end up breaking them.”以及下文“Well,it’s possible,but willpower might not be the only thing you need.”可知,本句与上文构成转折,指出希望养成好习惯的问题,下文对此提出建议。故C项“但是如果你想养成一个新的好习惯呢 ”符合语境,故选C项。
2.D 根据上文“The basic idea of a habit is something we do almost unconsciously,as if you’re on autopilot.An example of this would be having breakfast or saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.”可知,上文举出吃早饭或说“请”和“谢谢”的例子,即让好习惯成为你日常生活的一部分。故D项“好习惯可以成为你日常生活的一部分”符合语境,故选D项。
3.G 根据上文“Questioning why you want something to be the norm rather than relying on your resolve could be the key.”以及下文“The issue is,willpower could be subject to your mood—a bad mood may mean you don’t want to do something.”可知,本句举例说明问自己做某事的原因,故G项“你想减肥是因为你想变得更健康或更有吸引力吗 ”符合语境,故选G项。
4.A 根据上文“You should also avoid trying to change too much at once—remember that it’s a case of baby steps.”以及下文“going to the gym,and stopping drinking at the same time will probably result in failure rather than sustainable practice.And don’t worry about failing—just start again”可知,本句主要是在说明减肥的步骤,下文提到了去健身房,即本句说明要放弃喜欢的食物是第一步。故A项“放弃所有你喜欢的食物”符合语境,故选A项。
5.E 根据下文“If you hate mushrooms,don’t persevere and try to add them to your diet just to be healthier.Eat something you like!It might not...a bad habit.”可知,下文提到了吃自己喜欢的东西,强调不做舒适区以外的事。故E项“不要做超出你舒适区的事情”符合语境,故选E项。
Thomas Edison,born in America,was a great scientist and inventor.He was once considered as a boy who was not worth teaching.In fact,he was full of curiosity and imagination.
I admire him because of his contributions to the world.In his life,he was always trying out new ideas and had more than 1,000 inventions,many of which still have a great influence on our life today.He was also very diligent and believed that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.All these explained why he had so many great inventions and what he did inspires me to be creative in my work.
“Want to know how I get through my parents’ divorce ” Grandma asked.She smiled to me and continued,“In those days,I felt very sorrowful because neither of my parents cared about me,which made me want to end my life.But finally,I didn’t do like that.In order to kill time,I always went to the beach.Much to my surprise,I found that there were such beautiful shells on the beach.”
“The beautiful shells here gave me the courage to live on,” Grandma said.“Honey,you are still happy.Although your parents divorced,they both love you.Your mother rang me this morning,telling me that you love oceans.Therefore,I brought you here.Also I hope you can get inspiration and courage.” Hearing this I looked up at the blue sky and the vast sea.Suddenly,I felt a little relaxed and natural,and held the firm belief that I must cheer up,just like the most beautiful shell,full of colours.



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