
VI. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
队项目, 但目前的合作效果并不理想。项目负责人 Mr. Johnson 请你负责在中方同学的范围内调查原因。你发 现有些同学对团队中的角色分配不满意,有些同学觉得团队沟通存在问题。请给 Mr. Johnson 写 一封邮件,内容必须包括:
1. 简述同学们的反馈;
2. 向 Mr. Johnson 提出改进建议并说明理由。
VI. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
76. 假设你是明启中学高三学生徐晶,学校最近就如何组织好每天上午30分钟的大课间活动征求全校学生的意见。你给负责的王老师写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
VI. Guided Writing
76.Directions: Write an English composition in 120—150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 你的选择;
2. 你的理由。
VI. Guided Writing
Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
假如你是明启中学学生李华,你校正在举行青少年模拟政协(Model CPPCC) 提案征集活动,其中一项提案是将中国传统节日重阳节(The Double Ninth Festival) 设为国定假日请就该提案写一封信给模拟政协主席,内容需包含:
VI. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 描述一件你今年亲身经历且让你有所成长的事情;
2. 说明这件事对你的意义。
Dear Mr. Johnson,
I have investigated the reasons behind the lack of effectiveness in our team project with our international partner school, as requested. Feedback from my Chinese classmates suggests two main issues.
Firstly, some students are dissatisfied with the role allocation within the team. They feel that roles were not assigned based on individual strengths and abilities, leading to reduced motivation and productivity.
Secondly, there are communication problems within the team. Language barriers and cultural differences make it challenging to express ideas and understand each other’s perspectives.
To improve the situation, I recommend two actions. Firstly, conduct a thorough evaluation to reallocate roles based on each student’s expertise and skills. This will ensure that everyone feels valued and can contribute effectively. Secondly, organize team-building activities and workshops on cross-cultural communication to enhance understanding among team members.
Implementing these suggestions should address the current challenges we face. Thank you for considering my recommendations. I look forward to your guidance on how to proceed.
Zhao Lei
【导语】本篇是应用文写作。你们班最近与国际伙伴校的同学们共同开展了一个团队项目,但目前的合作效果并不理想。项目负责人Mr. Johnson请你负责在中方同学的范围内调查原因,要求考生给Mr. Johnson写一封邮件汇报调查结果和提出改进建议。
【详解】1. 词汇激活
首先:firstly→to begin with
确保:ensure→make sure
2. 句式拓展
原句:Secondly, organize team-building activities and workshops on cross-cultural communication to enhance understanding among team members.
拓展句:Secondly, organize team-building activities and workshops on cross-cultural communication, which can enhance understanding among team members.
【点睛】[高分句型1]They feel that roles were not assigned based on individual strengths and abilities, leading to reduced motivation and productivity.(that引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]This will ensure that everyone feels valued and can contribute effectively.(that引导的宾语从句)
76.One possible version:
Dear Mr. Wang,
I am Xu Jing, a senior student. I am writing to share some suggestions regarding how to organize our daily 30-minute mid-morning break activities.
I suggest incorporating a variety of activities during the break time. This could include physical activities like sports, dance or yoga sessions, as well as creative activities such as art workshops or music clubs. Providing diverse options would cater to different interests and allow students to choose activities that they enjoy and find beneficial. In addition, it would be great to involve student clubs and organizations in organizing these activities. This not only offers opportunities for student leadership and teamwork, but it also ensures a wider range of options and promotes a sense of belonging among students.
I believe implementing these suggestions would make our mid-morning break more enjoyable and productive. Thank you for taking the time to consider my suggestions.
Xu Jing
【详解】1. 词汇积累
关于:regarding→concerning/with regard to
各种各样的:a variety of→various/a wide range of
2. 句式拓展
原句:I suggest incorporating a variety of activities during the break time.
拓展句:It is suggested that a variety of activities during the break time should be incorporated.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Providing diverse options would cater to different interests and allow students to choose activities that they enjoy and find beneficial. (运用了动名词短语作主语、that引导限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] I believe implementing these suggestions would make our mid-morning break more enjoyable and productive. (运用了that引导宾语从句并被省略、动名词短语作从句的主语)
76.Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my opinion on the upcoming opening ceremony performance for our school's sports meet. I suggest that our class participate in the Chinese traditional instrument performance, such as playing guzheng or erhu.
Firstly, this choice will allow us to showcase our cultural heritage and appreciation for traditional Chinese music. Instruments like guzheng and erhu are emblematic of Chinese culture, and their unique sound and music have been popular around the world for generations. Secondly, the instrument performance will also provide a unique and exciting break from the usual sports-related activities.
In conclusion, I believe that our class participating in the Chinese traditional instrument performance will not only enrich the cultural diversity of the opening ceremony but also present a unique opportunity for us to share our cultural identity with the rest of the school. Thank you for considering my suggestion.
Li Hua
总之:in conclusion→in short
原句:Instruments like guzheng and erhu are emblematic of Chinese culture, and their unique sound and music have been popular around the world for generations.
拓展句:Not only are instruments like guzheng and erhu emblematic of Chinese culture, but also their unique sound and music have been popular around the world for generations.
【点睛】[高分句型1] I suggest that our class participate in the Chinese traditional instrument performance, such as playing the guzheng or erhu. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] In conclusion, I believe that our class participating in the Chinese traditional instrument performance will not only enrich the cultural diversity of the opening ceremony but also present a unique opportunity for us to share our cultural identity with the rest of the school. (运用了not only…but also…句型)
Dear Chairman of the Model CPPCC,
I am writing to express my support for the proposal of designating the Double Ninth Festival as a national holiday. As a student of Mingqi High School, I believe that this traditional Chinese festival holds significant cultural value and deserves more recognition and celebration.
Firstly, by establishing the Double Ninth Festival as a national holiday, we can preserve and promote our rich cultural heritage. This festival, also known as the Chongyang Festival, is not only a time for family reunions but also an to honor and respect the elderly. By granting it national holiday status, we can encourage families and communities to carry out traditional customs, such as visiting elders, climbing mountains, and appreciating chrysanthemums. This will contribute to the preservation and passing down of our traditional values to future generations.
Secondly, recognizing the Double Ninth Festival as a national holiday can enhance social harmony and cohesion. In today's fast-paced and modern society, many people are occupied with work and personal commitments, often neglecting the importance of spending quality time with family and showing filial piety to the elderly. Designating this festival as a holiday will create opportunities for people to pause, reflect, and reconnect with their roots. This can help strengthen family bonds, foster a sense of unity within communities, and ultimately contribute to a harmonious society.
In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support the proposal to make the Double Ninth Festival a national holiday. It is an excellent initiative to preserve our cultural heritage and promote traditional values while fostering social harmony. I urge the Model CPPCC to give due consideration to this proposal and make a collective effort to honor and celebrate our traditional festivals.
Yours sincerely, Li Hua
As a senior student at Mingqi High School, I have had numerous experiences this year that have contributed to my personal growth. However, there is one particular event that stands out above the rest.
Earlier this year, I participated in a volunteering program organized by our school. We visited a local orphanage and spent time with the children there. This experience had a profound impact on me. Interacting with those children who lacked the love and care of a family made me realize the importance of compassion and empathy.
The time spent at the orphanage taught me valuable life lessons. It taught me to appreciate what I have and not take it for granted. It also made me more aware of the inequalities in society and ignited a desire within me to contribute towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate world.
This experience has had a significant meaning in my life. It has helped me develop a sense of gratitude and compassion towards others. It has also motivated me to actively engage in community service and make a positive difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
In conclusion, the volunteering experience at the orphanage in 2023 has been a transformative journey for me. It has shaped my perspective on life and instilled in me the values of empathy and kindness. I am grateful for this opportunity to grow as an individual and contribute to making the world a better place.



上一篇:2023-2024人教版数学九年级上册第二十四章 圆 单元练习(含答案)
