2023-2024浙江省县域教研联盟高三上学期12月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版,有听力音频有听力原文)

英 语
1. 本卷满分 150分, 考试时间 120 分钟;
2. 答题前, 在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场、座位号及准考证号并核对条形码信息;
3. 所有答案必须写在答题卷上, 写在试卷上无效,考试结束后, 只需上交答题卷;
4. 参加联批学校的学生可关注“启望教育”公众号查询个人成绩分析。
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will the woman probably do next
A. Take a nap.
B. Prepare dinner.
C. Go to the bathroom.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the woman dissatisfied with about Linda
A. Her exam results.
B. Her learning attitude.
C. Her communication skills.
3. 此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Who is Scott
A. A salesman. B. A waiter. C. A student.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a restaurant.
B. At a furniture store.
C. At the woman’s home.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A trip. B. A TV show. C. A university.
第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What bothers the woman
A. She types too slowly.
B. She forgot to save her report.
C. Her computer doesn’t work well.
7. When is the woman’s report due
A. This Thursday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Tuesday.
8. What is the man reading
A. A poem. B. A novel. C. A magazine.
9. How does the woman feel about Mary Vanderbilt’s story
A. Angry. B. Curious. C. Indifferent.
10. How will Helen get to Chicago
A By rail. B. By plane. C. By car.
11. Where did Helen and Lisa first meet
A. At a camp.
B. At Lisa’s house.
C. At a swimming pool.
12. What will Helen probably do in Chicago
A. Go swimming. B. Collect stamps. C. Go to a concert.
13. Why can the woman speak English fluently
A. She has learned it for long.
B. She has a gift for languages.
C. She signed up for an English course.
14. What’s the man’s plan for next year
A. Joining a club. B. Touring Britain. C. Studying abroad.
15. Which of the woman’s suggestions does the man take
A. The first one. B. The second one. C. The third one.
16. What are the speakers going to do together this evening
A. See a film.
B. Clean the house.
C. Read English newspapers.
17. How much does it cost to buy an adult ticket and a child ticket
A. About$36. B. About$38. C. About $40.
18. What does the speaker think of whale-themed spaces
A. They’re confusing. B. They’re interesting. C. They’re special.
19. What is the attraction on the 120th floor
A. A small cafe. B. An outdoor balcony. C. A glass floor.
20. What does the speaker say about the restaurant
A. It’s on the 122 d floor.
B. Its food is inexpensive.
C. It has good natural light.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
The British government offers scholarships to outstanding graduates to pursue studies in the United Kingdom.You can search for the right scholarship below.
The three main UK government scholarships on offer are:
●GREAT Scholarships
GREAT Scholarships offer students from 14 countries the opportunity to have 10,000 towards their tuition fees for a wide range of one-year taught postgraduate courses. GREAT Scholarships are available to students from the following countries. To see which scholarships are on offer in your country, click on the links below:
Bangladesh; China; Egypt; Ghana; Kenya; India; Indonesia; Malaysia;
Mexico; Nigeria; Pakistan; Thailand; Turkey; Vietnam
●Chevening Scholarships
Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals with provable leadership potential and strong academic backgrounds. The scholarship offers full financial support to study for any qualified master’s degree at any UKuniversity.
Therearemorethan1,500scholarshipsonofferinsomecountriesforthe2023-24academicyear.Turn towww.chevening.org/applytocheckwhetheryourcountryisincluded.
●Commonwealth Scholarships
Commonwealth Scholarships are given to talented individuals with the potential to make a positive impact on the global stage. Each year around 800 students are given the chance to undertake postgraduate degrees. If you are from a Commonwealth country and believe you could have an influence on the world but you can’t afford to fund your UK studies on your own, then you could be the ideal candidate for a Commonwealth Scholarship.
To find out how to apply for each of the scholarships, please visit the CSC apply page.
21. Which of the following students may apply for GREAT Scholarships
A. An Indian student applying for undergraduate courses.
B. An Egyptian graduate pursuing a scholarship of 15,000.
C. A Canadian student having difficulty covering tuition fees.
D. A Mexican graduate intending to study further for one year.
22. What do the Chevening Scholarships and Commonwealth Scholarships have in common
A. They are targeted at graduates with specific potentials.
B. They cover full financial support to study and live in the UK.
C. They are available to students from Commonwealth countries.
D. They offer more than 1000 scholarships for candidates worldwide.
23. In which column of a website do you probably find the passage
A. Finance. B. Education. C. Science. D. Entertainment.
My phone rang after I boarded a plane. It was my PhD adviser calling to tell me there were identified flaws in the paper I had just published in Nature. My stomach dropped as he told me the authors of the critique(评论)were demanding a retraction(撤回). That day I spent the 16-hour flight processing a mix of emotions—disbelief, embarrassment, frustration.
After the plane landed, I immediately read the critique myself, which was harsh and thorough, pointing out several fundamental flaws in our methods and in the basic data. The fallout was swift and intense. I received a flood of emails and messages. Some were from supportive colleagues, but many were harshly critical of my work.I was depressed, wondering what this would mean for my career.
I wrote a response, correcting the apparent errors in the data set. When it became clear that the retraction was unavoidable, I formally offered my resignation to my department head. He didn’t accept it, saying a resignation wasn’t needed considering the errors in the paper were honest mistakes.
The experience helped me grow as a scientist. I know it is better to be open and accountable, even if it means admitting mistakes. I can’t expect myself to know everything as a scientist and my work will be stronger if I seek out diverse expertise and opinions.
The reality is that retractions are a necessary part of the scientific process—and one that shouldn’t be viewed only through a negative lens. Retractions can also be an opportunity to learn and improve. Honest mistakes happen, and researchers should be encouraged, not punished, for doing the right thing and retracting flawed work.
24. What happened to the author before the plane took off
A. He was filled with a mix of negative emotions.
B. His career was influenced by the errors in his paper.
C. His published paper was retracted because of some flaws.
D. He was informed some errors were found in his published paper.
25. What does the underlined word “fallout” in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Consequence. B. Conflict. C. Solution. D. Shame.
26. Why was the author’s resignation refused
A. He admitted the mistakes frankly. B. He treated the mistakes seriously.
C. He made the mistakes unintentionally. D. He corrected the mistakes carefully.
27. Which words can best describe the author
A. Bold and strict. B. Humble and responsible.
C Open and critical. D. Ambitious and hardworking.
“One more viewer, one less fraud victim.”With this slogan, a new Chinese film—“No More Bets”—has become a hit by tackling the issue of rampant(猖狂的) overseas cybercrimes.
Inspired by tens of thousands of real fraud cases across China, the movie offers a profound insight into the complex web of overseas cyber fraud, featuring realistic description of the industry’s inner workings.
No More Bets, directed by ShenAo, starred by ZhangYixing, JinChen and other actors revolves around a group of individuals who are tempted by lucrative(赚钱的) overseas job offers, only to fall into the trap of an overseas fraud scheme. They finally find themselves trapped in fraud factories, but are forced to engage in criminal activities to survive. The film unfolds from the perspectives of criminals, victims, and the police.
Online fraud has grown rampant in China over the last few years. According to the Xinhua News Agency,authorities resolved around 464,000 cases of telecommunications and online fraud in 2022, arresting 351 gang leaders and key members of criminal groups. Additionally, the Cyberspace Administration of China blocked799,000 overseas websites involved in fraud and 38,000 IP addresses. Recent data from the Chinese Anti-FraudCenter reveals that younger generations are now the primary target of online fraud. Despite being well-educated,many lack the necessary caution to be careful about increasingly complicated online scams(骗局).
At the same time, No More Bets led to widespread debate about overseas cyber fraud on social media, where dozens of people shared their experiences of being tricked by lucrative job offers. Many viewers also praised the film for educating people and helping prevent others from being cheated. It’s not one of those films where fans are just promoting it for box office numbers. It’s going to have a lasting social impact and pro found significance.
28. What can we learn about the movie
A. The plot is based on a true fraud case in China.
B. The movie is the first to dig deeply about cybercrimes.
C. The victims have to give in to the criminals to survive.
D. The movie is developed focusing on the angle of the police.
29. Why does the author list some statistics in paragraph 4
A. To illustrate criminals’ scams.
B. To show government’s effort.
C. To reveal the severe situation.
D. To prove the movie’s importance.
30. What makes the movie praised by many viewers
A. Its great story and quality.
B. Its educational significance.
C. Its high box office numbers.
D. Its famous director and stars.
31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Be Cautious about Overseas Cybercrimes
B. One More Viewer, One Less Fraud Victim
C. The Success of Chinese Anti-Fraud Movies
D. No More Bets:China’s New Runaway Hit Film
Today, being freelancers (自由职业者) is one of the most powerful trends in the way we work. According to a current study, there are 70.4 million freelancers in the US. By 2028, this number will increase to 90.1 million, or54% of the workforce, basically divided equally between genders.
It would appear to be solid guidance in today’s modern workforce to tell some one who wants the “3Fs”— flexibility, fulfillment, and financial independence — to “just go freelance”, right The large numbers and data support this direction and suggest that it could be regarded as safe and wise advice.
However, telling someone who is unhappy in their current professional situation to “just go freelance”, is like telling them to climb Mt Qomolangma without oxygen: 5% of climbers have succeeded, so it can be done, but there will be hardship and a much higher chance of failure. Just as one should weigh the risks of attempting to climb the 8848.86m mountain without essential supplies, the idea of being freelancers must be truly understood.
The number is increasingly growing, however, actually three quarters of self-described freelancers in the USare part-time, meaning the vast majority are using freelance work as a side hustle (副业). What’s more, research shows that 70% of full-time freelancers participated in upskilling training. Besides, more than half (58%) of freelancers have experienced non-payment from clients, and most do not have retirement plans or affordable health insurance. Many freelancers fail after the first year as a result of making avoidable mistakes with only a third making it.
We can’t simply tell people to “just go freelance” unless we also tell them to invest in training and cooperate with like-minded, supportive communities to strengthen industry rights before they start their journey to the summit as an individual, but never alone.
32. Which of the following is NOT a benefit as a freelancer
A. Flexible schedule.
B. Safer environment.
C. Less financial reliance.
D. A sense of achievement.
33. Why does the author mention “Mt Qomolangma” in paragraph3
A. To indicate a bright future of freelancers.
B. To show the determination of freelancers.
C. To highlight the challenge of reaching the top.
D. To emphasize the importance of weighing risks.
34. What’s the author’s attitude towards the growing number of freelancers
A. Concerned. B. Supportive. C. Understandable. D. Ambiguous.
35. What’s the main idea of the text
A. Most of the freelancers meet with failure.
B. Many Americans choose to be freelancers.
C Being a freelancer is not as easy as imagined.
D. Going freelance brings us a promising future.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Five Simple Ways to Make Your Life Together Better
The fast-paced life changed the way couples live together. Most of the time, people say they are feeling stressed. Experts say the following are some ways to improve life together.
Keep Track of the Good Stuff
What works Examples include compliments, goodbye kisses, buying flowers, and cooking meals. ____36____. Anger takes things downhill. Laughing, smiling, and saying nice things make disagreements easier to get past.
Hold Hands
____37____. Hand holding also lowers stress. Research shows that holding hands takes some stress away from the person in pain. Spend hand-holding time talking about things that are on your mind. It may be things like money, kids, or work.
Read to Each Other
Why People grow closer when they share thoughts and ideas. Reading aloud is a way to experience something new together. You will enjoy reading to someone and having them read to you. Each partner picks a favorite story. ____38____. Take note of your partner’s voice.
Write down one or two of your partner’s annoying habits. They may be small things like not paying bills or dropping clothes on the floor. Talk about those things, but do not be critical. Try to find reasons why they happen.Practice Gratitude Together.
Write down three things about your partner for which you feel grateful. Talk about these moments and how they make you feel more connected to each other. Showing gratitude is a common way to boost happiness and fitness. ____40____.
A Write to each other
B. Accept the Small Problems
C. Do not only listen to the words
D. Touching is a good way to connect
E. Positive words and actions work much better than negative ones
F. Take regular moments to show how thankful you are to your partner
G. It helps us get better sleep and can even sometimes reduce blood pressure
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题1分, 满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Growing up in poverty in rural Kenya, Nelly Cheboi watched her single mother work tirelessly so she could attend school.
From an early age, she realized that her family, along with others like hers in their village, was____41____ a cycle that left them little hope. Cheboi attended college ____42____ scholarship in the UnitedStates, worked odd jobs to support her family, and discovered her ____43____ for computer science. She____44____ the success in finding jobs to her computer literacy. She knew she wanted to share it with her____45____ back home.
Today, she’s giving 4,000 kids the chance for a ___46___ future through her nonprofit, TechLit Africa.The organization, whose name is short for Technologically Literate Africa, uses recycled ___47___ to create technology labs in schools in rural Kenya.
In 2018, she began ____48____ recycled computers. She started small, carrying the machines to Kenya in check-on bags and ___49___ customs fees and taxes herself. TechLit Africa now works with shipping companies to ___50___ the donated computers so it’s more cost ___51___.The donated hardware is ___52___ to partner schools in rural Kenya, where students aged 4 to 12 receive daily classes and frequent ____53____ to learn from professionals and gain skills that will help improve their education and prepare them for future jobs.
“My hope is that when the first TechLit kids graduate high school, they’re able to get a job online____54____ they will know how to code,”Cheboi said.“The world is your oyster when you are educated. By bringing the resources, by bringing these skills, we are ____55____ the world to them.”
A. stuck in B. applied to C. stricken by D. prohibited from
A. beyond B. on C. against D. for
A. appreciation B. sympathy C. passion D. attraction
A. praised B. credited C. strengthened D. admitted
A. family B. friends C. colleagues D. community
A. stable B. uncertain C. brighter D. peaceful
A. computers B. textbooks C. materials D. wastes
A. programming B. studying C. purchasing D. accepting
A. cutting B. handling C. collecting D. charging
A. transplant B. translate C. transport D. transform
A. efficient B. rewarding C. accessible D. reliable
A. attached B. committed C. contributed D. distributed
A. alternatives B. opportunities C. occasions D. meetings
A. because B. before C. so D. and
A. caring about B. turning on C. opening up D. showing off
第二节(共10小题; 每小题 1.5分, 满分 15分)
Volunteers from Beijing traveled to Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region to give performances _____56_____ demonstrate intangible cultural heritage recently.
The volunteer team performed operas and traditional music in Hotan and Kashgar. Local _____57_____ (art) also performed Uygur dance and music.
The presentation of intangible cultural heritage attracted the audience’s interest with the exquisite skills and _____58_____ wide range of works. _____59_____ (highlight) exhibits include the handmade kites, fine pieces of calligraphy and _____60_____ (delicate) crafted embroidery (刺绣) pillows. “The audiences are very curious and the most asked question is ‘Can such a small kite fly ’,” said Ha Xin, the craftsman _____61_____ made the kites.
Some experts gave lectures on the topics of dance, music, and pop creation and performance, _____62_____ (share) their experience and skills with cultural workers and art lovers in Xinjiang.
The event is part of Spring Rain campaign _____63_____ (organize) by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Ethnic Affairs Commission to carry out various cultural and tourism volunteer services in accordance _____64_____ the local traditions and people’s needs. In the future project, Beijing will also work with the Inner Mongolia autonomous region _____65_____ (enhance) the capacity of public cultural services for cultural workers and organize book donation activities.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分 15分)
66. 假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友Alex对中国文化很感兴趣,恰逢光明大剧院将举办一场精彩的京剧演出,请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,邀请他一起前往观看, 内容包括:
1. 演出时间、地点;
2. 京剧文化介绍;
3. 期待回复。
1. 写作词数应为 80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Alex,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分 25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“Where is papa going with that axe (斧子) ”Said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.
“Out to the hoghouse (猪圈),”replied Mrs. Arable. “Some pigs were born last night.”
“I don’t see why he needs an axe,” continued Fern, who was only eight.
“Well, ”said her mother, “one of the pigs is a runt (发育不良的小动物). It’s very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything. So your father has decided to do away with it.”
“Do away with it ” shouted Fern. “You mean kill it Just because it’s smaller than the others ”
“Don’t yell, Fern!” she said. “Your father is right. The pig would probably die anyway.”
Fern pushed a chair out of the way and ran outdoors. The grass was wet and the earth smelled springtime. Fern’s shoes were wetting by the time she caught up with her father.
“Please don’t kill it! It’s unfair,” she said.
Mr. Arable stopped.
“Fern,” he said gently, “you will have to learn to control yourself.”
“This is a matter of life and death, and you talk about controlling myself.”Tears ran down her cheeks and she took hold of the axe and tried to pull it out of her father’s hand.
“Fern,” said Mr. Arable, “I know more about raising a group of pigs than you do. A weak pig makes trouble.”
“But it’s unfair,” cried Fern. “The pig couldn’t help being born small. If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me ”
Mr. Arable smiled. “Certainly not,” he said, looking down at his daughter with love. “But this is different. A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another.”
“There is no difference,” replied Fern, still hanging on to the axe. “This is the most terrible case of injust ice Iever heard of.”
1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
An unusual look came over Mr. Arable’s face and he seemed almost ready to cry himself.
Paragraph 2:
When Fern saw her father back with a box, her eyes were shining with excitement.
英 语
1. 本卷满分 150分, 考试时间 120 分钟;
2. 答题前, 在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场、座位号及准考证号并核对条形码信息;
3. 所有答案必须写在答题卷上, 写在试卷上无效,考试结束后, 只需上交答题卷;
4. 参加联批学校的学生可关注“启望教育”公众号查询个人成绩分析。
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will the woman probably do next
A. Take a nap.
B. Prepare dinner.
C. Go to the bathroom.
【原文】W: I just wanted to take a nap, but it was dark when I woke up. It’s surprising!
M: Yeah. Well, I’ll prepare dinner. Do you want to help me
W: Sure. But I need to wash my face to clear my head first.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the woman dissatisfied with about Linda
A. Her exam results.
B. Her learning attitude.
C. Her communication skills.
【原文】M: Are you angry about Linda’s exam results
W: No. It’s just that she doesn’t study at all. She doesn’t take her studies seriously.
M: I’ll try communicating with her.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Who is Scott
A. A salesman. B. A waiter. C. A student.
【原文】M: Has Scott quit his job as a waiter
W: Yes. Now he sells books in a bookstore during the day and studies French at night.
M: He has been interested in French since he was at school.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a restaurant.
B. At a furniture store.
C. At the woman’s home.
【原文】M: The sofa looks so good. It will look great in your house.
W: Indeed. But its price tag says 5,000 yuan. How expensive it is! Well, forget it. I’m hungry. Let’s find a restaurant for lunch.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A trip. B. A TV show. C. A university.
【原文】W: My dream is to go to Harvard University for postgraduate study.
M: My sister is in that university. I went there on my trip to the United States last year.
W: Really I’ve only seen it on TV.
第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What bothers the woman
A. She types too slowly.
B. She forgot to save her report.
C. Her computer doesn’t work well.
7. When is the woman’s report due
A. This Thursday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Tuesday.
【答案】6 C 7. B
【原文】M: Jane, you look upset. What’s up
W: My computer is in the repair shop again.
M: What’s the problem this time
W: I don’t know exactly. There seems to be something wrong with the system. It restarted several times within an hour, and I was only halfway through my report. Luckily, I saved what I typed.
M: Your report isn’t due until next Tuesday. It’s Thursday today. You can make it.
W: It is due one day ahead of schedule. M: That’s too bad.
8. What is the man reading
A. A poem. B. A novel. C. A magazine.
9. How does the woman feel about Mary Vanderbilt’s story
A. Angry. B. Curious. C. Indifferent.
【答案】8. A 9. C
【原文】W: What are you reading, Nick
M: The latest volume of poetry by my favorite poet.
W: You really like poetry. I know you also like reading novels. I only like to read fashion magazines.
M: Because some poets are interesting. Well, have you heard of the story about the disabled poet named Mary Vanderbilt Some people feel angry with her. Some feel sympathetic towards her.
W: Hmm…I don’t care about her private life. Actually, I don’t know who she is.
10. How will Helen get to Chicago
A. By rail. B. By plane. C. By car.
11. Where did Helen and Lisa first meet
A. At a camp.
B. At Lisa’s house.
C. At a swimming pool.
12. What will Helen probably do in Chicago
A. Go swimming. B. Collect stamps. C. Go to a concert.
【答案】10. A 11. A 12. C
【原文】W: I’m really excited. I’m going to Chicago this Saturday.
M: What a coincidence! My roommate is also going there on that day. Are you flying there, Helen You two can go there together. I’d be happy to drive you to the airport.
W: Thanks, but I’ve bought my train ticket.
M: OK. Why are you going to Chicago
W: Remember I went to a music camp in Michigan I made a friend called Lisa there. She’s just moved to Chicago recently, so I will meet her at her new place first.
M: Great! Well, what is Lisa like
W: She’s very outgoing. She has lots of hobbies, including skiing, swimming, collecting stamps and...
M: And listening to music, right You two both went to the music camp.
W: You’re right. We’re planning to do something with music, such as going to the concert.
13. Why can the woman speak English fluently
A. She has learned it for long.
B. She has a gift for languages.
C. She signed up for an English course.
14. What’s the man’s plan for next year
A. Joining a club. B. Touring Britain. C. Studying abroad.
15. Which of the woman’s suggestions does the man take
A. The first one. B. The second one. C. The third one.
16. What are the speakers going to do together this evening
A. See a film.
B. Clean the house.
C. Read English newspapers.
【答案】13. A 14. C 15. B 16. A
【原文】M: It’s a little hard for me to learn English. I don’t think I have a gift for languages. Why can you speak English so well Did you sign up for an English course
W: No. But I have learned it for many years and I really work hard at it.
M: Well, I always handed in my homework on time and joined an English club, but I just made little progress. I’d like to attend university in Britain next year. What do you think would help with my English
W: Firstly, you can try reading some English newspapers. Secondly, try to talk to foreigners as much as possible, though sometimes it’s hard. Lastly, if I were you, I’d like to talk to the English teacher who might have some good ideas.
M: To tell the truth, I often read English newspapers and have also asked my teacher for help. You’re right. I do need to communicate more with native English speakers. Thank you very much.
W: Not at all. Well, don’t forget to come to my house tonight and watch an English movie together.
M: OK.
17. How much does it cost to buy an adult ticket and a child ticket
A. About$36. B. About$38. C. About $40.
18. What does the speaker think of whale-themed spaces
A. They’re confusing. B. They’re interesting. C. They’re special.
19. What is the attraction on the 120th floor
A. A small cafe. B. An outdoor balcony. C. A glass floor.
20. What does the speaker say about the restaurant
A. It’s on the 122 d floor.
B. Its food is inexpensive.
C. It has good natural light.
【答案】17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C
【详解】W: The airy 123F Lounge sits on the top floor of the Lotte World Tower in Seoul, 555 meters above ground. The tower is the tallest building in the country and the fifth tallest building in the world, according to its official site. After buying an entry ticket—KRW27,000 (roughly $20) for adults, and KRW24,000 (roughly$18) for children, visitors enter a waiting hall, full of blue light as whales swim across a giant screen on the ceiling. Several different rooms follow—some with opportunities for professional photos, others displaying the building materials that make up the tower before a puzzling series of whale-themed spaces. Each floor offers different attractions, such as small cafes on the 119th and 122nd floors. There’s the SkyDeckon the 118th floor, with a glass floor that lets you see all 478 meters between your shoes and the street far below. There’s the Sky Terrace on the 120th floor, an outdoor balcony with a perfect view of the winding Han River. Finally, visitors reach the restaurant on the 123rd floor. The restaurant is both large and pleasant, with lamps on each table and comfortable chairs. Windows make up an entire wall, stretching up to the high ceiling to flood the space with warm light during sunset. However, the menu is on the expensive side.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
The British government offers scholarships to outstanding graduates to pursue studies in the United Kingdom.You can search for the right scholarship below.
The three main UK government scholarships on offer are:
●GREAT Scholarships
GREAT Scholarships offer students from 14 countries the opportunity to have 10,000 towards their tuition fees for a wide range of one-year taught postgraduate courses. GREAT Scholarships are available to students from the following countries. To see which scholarships are on offer in your country, click on the links below:
Bangladesh; China; Egypt; Ghana; Kenya; India; Indonesia; Malaysia;
Mexico; Nigeria; Pakistan; Thailand; Turkey; Vietnam
●Chevening Scholarships
Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals with provable leadership potential and strong academic backgrounds. The scholarship offers full financial support to study for any qualified master’s degree at any UKuniversity.
Therearemorethan1,500scholarshipsonofferinsomecountriesforthe2023-24academicyear.Turn towww.chevening.org/applytocheckwhetheryourcountryisincluded.
●Commonwealth Scholarships
Commonwealth Scholarships are given to talented individuals with the potential to make a positive impact on the global stage. Each year around 800 students are given the chance to undertake postgraduate degrees. If you are from a Commonwealth country and believe you could have an influence on the world but you can’t afford to fund your UK studies on your own, then you could be the ideal candidate for a Commonwealth Scholarship.
To find out how to apply for each of the scholarships, please visit the CSC apply page.
21. Which of the following students may apply for GREAT Scholarships
A. An Indian student applying for undergraduate courses.
B. An Egyptian graduate pursuing a scholarship of 15,000.
C. A Canadian student having difficulty covering tuition fees.
D. A Mexican graduate intending to study further for one year.
22. What do the Chevening Scholarships and Commonwealth Scholarships have in common
A. They are targeted at graduates with specific potentials.
B. They cover full financial support to study and live in the UK.
C. They are available to students from Commonwealth countries.
D. They offer more than 1000 scholarships for candidates worldwide.
23. In which column of a website do you probably find the passage
A. Finance. B. Education. C. Science. D. Entertainment.
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B
细节理解题。根据GREAT Scholarships的“GREAT Scholarships offer students from 14 countries the opportunity to have 10,000 towards their tuition fees for a wide range of one-year taught postgraduate courses. GREAT Scholarships are available to students from the following countries. …Mexico…(GREAT奖学金为来自14个国家的学生提供10,000英镑的机会,用于支付各种一年制授课研究生课程的学费。来自以下国家的学生可以获得GREAT奖学金。墨西哥。)”可知,GREAT Scholarships适用于打算继续学习一年的墨西哥毕业生。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Chevening Scholarships 的“Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals with provable leadership potential and strong academic backgrounds.(志奋领奖学金颁发给具有可证明的领导潜力和强大学术背景的个人。) ”和Commonwealth Scholarships的“Commonwealth Scholarships are given to talented individuals with the potential to make a positive impact on the global stage.(英联邦奖学金授予有潜力在全球舞台上产生积极影响的人才。)”可知,Chevening Scholarships和Commonwealth Scholarships的共同之处在于它们针对的是具有特定潜力的毕业生。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第一段的“The British government offers scholarships to outstanding graduates to pursue studies in the United Kingdom. You can search for the right scholarship below. (英国政府为优秀毕业生提供奖学金,让他们到英国留学。你可以在下面搜索合适的奖学金。)”可知,你可能会在网站的教育栏目找到这篇文章。故选B。
My phone rang after I boarded a plane. It was my PhD adviser calling to tell me there were identified flaws in the paper I had just published in Nature. My stomach dropped as he told me the authors of the critique(评论)were demanding a retraction(撤回). That day I spent the 16-hour flight processing a mix of emotions—disbelief, embarrassment, frustration.
After the plane landed, I immediately read the critique myself, which was harsh and thorough, pointing out several fundamental flaws in our methods and in the basic data. The fallout was swift and intense. I received a flood of emails and messages. Some were from supportive colleagues, but many were harshly critical of my work.I was depressed, wondering what this would mean for my career.
I wrote a response, correcting the apparent errors in the data set. When it became clear that the retraction was unavoidable, I formally offered my resignation to my department head. He didn’t accept it, saying a resignation wasn’t needed considering the errors in the paper were honest mistakes.
The experience helped me grow as a scientist. I know it is better to be open and accountable, even if it means admitting mistakes. I can’t expect myself to know everything as a scientist and my work will be stronger if I seek out diverse expertise and opinions.
The reality is that retractions are a necessary part of the scientific process—and one that shouldn’t be viewed only through a negative lens. Retractions can also be an opportunity to learn and improve. Honest mistakes happen, and researchers should be encouraged, not punished, for doing the right thing and retracting flawed work.
24. What happened to the author before the plane took off
A. He was filled with a mix of negative emotions.
B. His career was influenced by the errors in his paper.
C. His published paper was retracted because of some flaws.
D. He was informed some errors were found in his published paper.
25. What does the underlined word “fallout” in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Consequence. B. Conflict. C. Solution. D. Shame.
26. Why was the author’s resignation refused
A. He admitted the mistakes frankly. B. He treated the mistakes seriously.
C. He made the mistakes unintentionally. D. He corrected the mistakes carefully.
27. Which words can best describe the author
A. Bold and strict. B. Humble and responsible.
C. Open and critical. D. Ambitious and hardworking.
【答案】24. D 25. A 26. C 27. B
细节理解题。根据第一段中的“My phone rang after I boarded a plane. It was my former PhD adviser calling to tell me an article had just been posted that identified errors in a paper we’d published in Nature. (我登上飞机后,电话响了。是我的前博士顾问打电话告诉我,刚刚发表了一篇文章,指出了我们在《自然》杂志上发表的一篇论文中的错误。)”可知,在飞机起飞前,作者被告知他发表的论文中发现了一些错误。故选D。
词义猜测题。根据第二段“I received a flood of emails and messages. (我收到了大量的电子邮件和信息。)”可知,作者下飞机后收到了大量的电子邮件和信息,由此可推测出,这篇文章被指出错误所带来的后果非常迅速而强烈。fallout意为“后果”与A项:Consequence(结果,后果)意思最接近。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第四段中的“He didn’t accept it, saying a resignation wasn’t needed considering the errors in the paper were honest mistakes.(他不接受,说考虑到论文中的错误是无心的错误,不需要辞职。)”可知,部门领导认为作者没必要辞职,因为论文中的错误是无心之失,即作者不是故意犯错的。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“I wrote a response, correcting the apparent errors in the data set. When it became clear that the retraction was unavoidable, I formally offered my resignation to my department head.(我写了一篇回复,纠正了数据集中明显的错误。当我意识到撤稿不可避免时,我正式向部门主管提出辞职)”以及倒数第二段“The experience helped me grow as a scientist. I know it is better to be open and accountable, even if it means admitting mistakes. I can’t expect myself to know everything as a scientist and my work will be stronger if I seek out diverse expertise and opinions. (这段经历帮助我成长为一名科学家。我知道开诚布公、负责任更好,即使这意味着承认错误。作为一名科学家,我不能期望自己什么都知道,如果我寻求不同的专业知识和意见,我的工作将会更加强大)”可知,作者对论文中被发现的错误及时纠正和承担责任,是非常的谦虚和负责的。故选B。
“One more viewer, one less fraud victim.”With this slogan, a new Chinese film—“No More Bets”—has become a hit by tackling the issue of rampant(猖狂的) overseas cybercrimes.
Inspired by tens of thousands of real fraud cases across China, the movie offers a profound insight into the complex web of overseas cyber fraud, featuring realistic description of the industry’s inner workings.
No More Bets, directed by ShenAo, starred by ZhangYixing, JinChen and other actors revolves around a group of individuals who are tempted by lucrative(赚钱的) overseas job offers, only to fall into the trap of an overseas fraud scheme. They finally find themselves trapped in fraud factories, but are forced to engage in criminal activities to survive. The film unfolds from the perspectives of criminals, victims, and the police.
Online fraud has grown rampant in China over the last few years. According to the Xinhua News Agency,authorities resolved around 464,000 cases of telecommunications and online fraud in 2022, arresting 351 gang leaders and key members of criminal groups. Additionally, the Cyberspace Administration of China blocked799,000 overseas websites involved in fraud and 38,000 IP addresses. Recent data from the Chinese Anti-FraudCenter reveals that younger generations are now the primary target of online fraud. Despite being well-educated,many lack the necessary caution to be careful about increasingly complicated online scams(骗局).
At the same time No More Bets led to widespread debate about overseas cyber fraud on social media, where dozens of people shared their experiences of being tricked by lucrative job offers. Many viewers also praised the film for educating people and helping prevent others from being cheated. It’s not one of those films where fans are just promoting it for box office numbers. It’s going to have a lasting social impact and pro found significance.
28. What can we learn about the movie
A. The plot is based on a true fraud case in China.
B. The movie is the first to dig deeply about cybercrimes.
C. The victims have to give in to the criminals to survive.
D. The movie is developed focusing on the angle of the police.
29. Why does the author list some statistics in paragraph 4
A. To illustrate criminals’ scams.
B. To show government’s effort.
C. To reveal the severe situation.
D. To prove the movie’s importance.
30. What makes the movie praised by many viewers
A. Its great story and quality.
B. Its educational significance.
C. Its high box office numbers.
D. Its famous director and stars.
31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A. Be Cautious about Overseas Cybercrimes
B. One More Viewer, One Less Fraud Victim
C. The Success of Chinese Anti-Fraud Movies
D. No More Bets:China’s New Runaway Hit Film
【答案】28. C 29. C 30. B 31. D
推理判断题。根据第三段“They finally find themselves trapped in fraud factories, but are forced to engage in criminal activities to survive. (他们最终发现自己身陷欺诈工厂,却被迫从事犯罪活动以求生存。)”可知,受害者必须向罪犯屈服才能生存。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第四段“Online fraud has grown rampant in China over the last few years. According to the Xinhua News Agency,authorities resolved around 464,000 cases of telecommunications and online fraud in 2022, arresting 351 gang leaders and key members of criminal groups. Additionally, the Cyberspace Administration of China blocked799,000 overseas websites involved in fraud and 38,000 IP addresses. (过去几年,网络欺诈在中国日益猖獗。据新华社报道,2022年,当局破获电信网络诈骗案件约46.4万起,抓获犯罪团伙头目和骨干成员351名。此外,国家网信办还封锁境外涉嫌诈骗网站79.9万个、IP地址3.8万个。)”可知,作者在第4段中列出了一些统计数据为了揭露严峻形势。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“ Many viewers also praised the film for educating people and helping prevent others from being cheated. It’s not one of those films where fans are just promoting it for box office numbers. It’s going to have a lasting social impact and pro found significance.(许多观众也称赞这部电影教育了人们,帮助防止其他人被欺骗。这不是影迷们为了票房而宣传的电影之一。它将产生持久的社会影响和深远的意义。)”可知,它的教育意义使得影片受到了很多观众的好评。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“‘One more viewer, one less fraud victim.’With this slogan, a new Chinese film—‘No More Bets’—has become a hit by tackling the issue of rampant(猖狂的) overseas cybercrimes.(“多一个观众,就少一个欺诈受害者。”凭借这一口号,一部新上映的中国电影——《孤注一掷》——以解决猖獗的海外网络犯罪问题而走红。)”可知,本文主要介绍了一部中国的新热门电影《孤注一掷》,引发对背后的电信诈骗和网络诈骗的关注,最佳标题是“中国的新热门电影《孤注一掷》”。故选D。
Today, being freelancers (自由职业者) is one of the most powerful trends in the way we work. According to a current study, there are 70.4 million freelancers in the US. By 2028, this number will increase to 90.1 million, or54% of the workforce, basically divided equally between genders.
It would appear to be solid guidance in today’s modern workforce to tell some one who wants the “3Fs”— flexibility, fulfillment, and financial independence — to “just go freelance”, right The large numbers and data support this direction and suggest that it could be regarded as safe and wise advice.
However, telling someone who is unhappy in their current professional situation to “just go freelance”, is like telling them to climb Mt Qomolangma without oxygen: 5% of climbers have succeeded, so it can be done, but there will be hardship and a much higher chance of failure. Just as one should weigh the risks of attempting to climb the 8848.86m mountain without essential supplies, the idea of being freelancers must be truly understood.
The number is increasingly growing, however, actually three quarters of self-described freelancers in the USare part-time, meaning the vast majority are using freelance work as a side hustle (副业). What’s more, research shows that 70% of full-time freelancers participated in upskilling training. Besides, more than half (58%) of freelancers have experienced non-payment from clients, and most do not have retirement plans or affordable health insurance. Many freelancers fail after the first year as a result of making avoidable mistakes with only a third making it.
We can’t simply tell people to “just go freelance” unless we also tell them to invest in training and cooperate with like-minded, supportive communities to strengthen industry rights before they start their journey to the summit as an individual, but never alone.
32. Which of the following is NOT a benefit as a freelancer
A. Flexible schedule.
B. Safer environment.
C. Less financial reliance.
D. A sense of achievement.
33. Why does the author mention “Mt Qomolangma” in paragraph3
A To indicate a bright future of freelancers.
B. To show the determination of freelancers.
C. To highlight the challenge of reaching the top.
D. To emphasize the importance of weighing risks.
34. What’s the author’s attitude towards the growing number of freelancers
A. Concerned. B. Supportive. C. Understandable. D. Ambiguous.
35. What’s the main idea of the text
A. Most of the freelancers meet with failure.
B. Many Americans choose to be freelancers.
C. Being a freelancer is not as easy as imagined.
D. Going freelance brings us a promising future.
【答案】32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C
推理判断题。由文章第三段“However, telling someone who is unhappy in their current professional situation to “just go freelance”, is like telling them to climb Mt Qomolangma without oxygen: 5% of climbers have succeeded, so it can be done, but there will be hardship and a much higher chance of failure. Just as one should weigh the risks of attempting to climb the 8848.86m mountain without essential supplies, the idea of being freelancers must be truly understood. (然而,告诉那些对目前的职业状况不满意的人“去做自由职业者吧”,就像告诉他们在没有氧气的情况下攀登珠穆朗玛峰:5%的登山者成功了,所以这是可以做到的,但会有困难,失败的可能性要高得多。就像一个人应该权衡在没有必要补给的情况下攀登8848.86米高的山峰的风险一样,作为自由职业者的想法必须得到真正的理解)”以及第四段中“Besides, more than half(58%) of freelancers have experienced non-payment from clients, and most do not have retirement plans or affordable health insurance. Many freelancers fail after the first year as a result of making avoidable mistakes with only a third making it. (此外,超过一半(58%)的自由职业者经历过客户不付款的情况,大多数人没有退休计划或负担得起的医疗保险。许多自由职业者在第一年就失败了,因为只有三分之一的人犯了可以避免的错误)”可推知,作为自由职业者没有更安全的环境。故选B。
推理判断题。由文章第三段中“However, telling someone who is unhappy in their current professional situation to “just go freelance”, is like telling them to climb Mt Qomolangma without oxygen: 5% of climbers have succeeded, so it can be done, but there will be hardship and a much higher chance of failure. Just as one should weigh the risks of attempting to climb the 8848.86m mountain without essential supplies, the idea of being freelancers must be truly understood. (然而,告诉那些对目前的职业状况不满意的人“去做自由职业者吧”,就像告诉他们在没有氧气的情况下攀登珠穆朗玛峰:5%的登山者成功了,所以这是可以做到的,但会有困难,失败的可能性要高得多。就像一个人应该权衡在没有必要补给的情况下攀登8848.86米高的山峰的风险一样,作为自由职业者的想法必须得到真正的理解)”可推知,作者将走自由职业者之路与攀登珠峰相比,主要是说明其成功率极低,强调权衡风险的重要性。故选D。
推理判断题。由文章第四段“The number is increasingly growing, however, actually three quarters of self-described freelancers in the USare part-time, meaning the vast majority are using freelance work as a side hustle (副业). What’s more, research shows that 70% of full-time freelancers participated in upskilling training. Besides, more than half(58%) of freelancers have experienced non-payment from clients, and most do not have retirement plans or affordable health insurance. Many freelancers fail after the first year as a result of making avoidable mistakes with only a third making it. (这个数字还在不断增长,然而,实际上在美国,自称为自由职业者的人中有四分之三是兼职的,这意味着绝大多数人都把自由职业作为副业。更重要的是,研究表明70%的全职自由职业者参加了技能提升培训。此外,超过一半(58%)的自由职业者经历过客户不付款的情况,大多数人没有退休计划或负担得起的医疗保险。许多自由职业者在第一年就失败了,因为只有三分之一的人犯了可以避免的错误)”可推知,作者认为,有关自由职业者增长的统计数据有危险的误导性,作者很担忧。故选A。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章最后一段“We can’t simply tell people to “just go freelance” unless we also tell them to invest in training and cooperate with like-minded, supportive communities to strengthen industry rights before they start their journey to the summit as an individual, but never alone. (我们不能简单地告诉人们“做自由职业者”,除非我们也告诉他们投资培训,并与志同道合的、支持他们的社区合作,在他们以个人身份开始他们的峰会之旅之前,加强行业权利,但绝不能独自一人)”可知,作者主要分析了从事自由职业所面临的种种困难和挑战,探讨了从事自由职业是否是一种明智的选择,告诫大家成为一名自由职业者并不像想象中那么容易,对此发表了自己的看法并给出了建议。故选C。
第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Five Simple Ways to Make Your Life Together Better
The fast-paced life changed the way couples live together. Most of the time, people say they are feeling stressed. Experts say the following are some ways to improve life together.
Keep Track of the Good Stuff
What works Examples include compliments goodbye kisses, buying flowers, and cooking meals. ____36____. Anger takes things downhill. Laughing, smiling, and saying nice things make disagreements easier to get past.
Hold Hands
____37____. Hand holding also lowers stress. Research shows that holding hands takes some stress away from the person in pain. Spend hand-holding time talking about things that are on your mind. It may be things like money, kids, or work.
Read to Each Other
Why People grow closer when they share thoughts and ideas. Reading aloud is a way to experience something new together. You will enjoy reading to someone and having them read to you. Each partner picks a favorite story. ____38____. Take note of your partner’s voice.
Write down one or two of your partner’s annoying habits. They may be small things like not paying bills or dropping clothes on the floor. Talk about those things, but do not be critical. Try to find reasons why they happen.Practice Gratitude Together.
Write down three things about your partner for which you feel grateful. Talk about these moments and how they make you feel more connected to each other. Showing gratitude is a common way to boost happiness and fitness. ____40____.
A. Write to each other
B. Accept the Small Problems
C. Do not only listen to the words
D. Touching is a good way to connect
E. Positive words and actions work much better than negative ones
F. Take regular moments to show how thankful you are to your partner
G. It helps us get better sleep and can even sometimes reduce blood pressure
【答案】36. E 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. G
前文“What works Examples include compliments, goodbye kisses, buying flowers, and cooking meals. (什么是有用的 例如赞美、吻别、买花和做饭。)”提到了一些具体的积极做法来让生活变得美好,后文“Anger takes things downhill.(愤怒会让事情每况愈下。)”提到消极的做法带来的不利影响,E项(积极的言行比消极的要有效得多)符合语境,选项中的积极言行指的是上文的具体做法,且引出下文“愤怒让情况变得更糟”。故选E项。
后文“Hand holding also lowers stress. Research shows that holding hands takes some stress away from the person in pain. (牵手也能降低压力。研究表明,牵手可以减轻疼痛者的压力。)提到了牵手的好处,D项(触摸是一种很好的沟通方式。)符合题意,即通过肢体接触来减压,故选D项。
前文“People grow closer when they share thoughts and ideas. Reading aloud is a way to experience something new together. You will enjoy reading to someone and having them read to you. Each partner picks a favorite story. (当人们分享思想和观点时,他们会变得更亲密。大声朗读是一种共同体验新事物的方式。你会喜欢读书给别人听,也会喜欢别人读给你听。每个伴侣选一个自己最喜欢的故事。)”提到了倾听对方阅读可以让人感觉舒适。后文“Take note of your partner’s voice. (注意你的伴侣的声音)”提到了伴侣声音的重要性,由此可知,听对方朗读时不要只注意内容,还要关注伴侣的声音。C项(不要只听话语内容)符合题意,承上启下。故选C项。
本段“Write down one or two of your partner’s annoying habits. They may be small things like not paying bills or dropping clothes on the floor. Talk about those things, but do not be critical. Try to find reasons why they happen. Practice gratitude together. (写下你的伴侣的一两个烦人的习惯。它们可能是小事,比如不付账单或把衣服扔在地板上。谈论这些事情,但不要吹毛求疵。试着找出它们发生的原因。一起练习感恩。)”提到了接受伴侣生活中存在的问题从而寻求解决的办法,B项(接受小问题)能够概括本段内容,适合作为段落标题,故选B项。
前文“Write down three things about your partner for which you feel grateful. Talk about these moments and how they make you feel more connected to each other. Showing gratitude is a common way to boost happiness and fitness. (写下三件你对你的伴侣感到感激的事情。谈谈这些时刻,以及它们是如何让你觉得彼此之间的联系更紧密的。表达感激之情是提升幸福感和健康的一种常见方式。)”提到了向伴侣表示感激之情的总体好处所在,G项(它可以帮助我们获得更好的睡眠,有时甚至可以降低血压。)承接上文,具体地指出了好处的表现,故选G项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题1分, 满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Growing up in poverty in rural Kenya, Nelly Cheboi watched her single mother work tirelessly so she could attend school.
From an early age, she realized that her family, along with others like hers in their village, was____41____ a cycle that left them little hope. Cheboi attended college ____42____ scholarship in the UnitedStates, worked odd jobs to support her family, and discovered her ____43____ for computer science. She____44____ the success in finding jobs to her computer literacy. She knew she wanted to share it with her____45____ back home.
Today, she’s giving 4,000 kids the chance for a ___46___ future through her nonprofit, TechLit Africa.The organization, whose name is short for Technologically Literate Africa, uses recycled ___47___ to create technology labs in schools in rural Kenya.
In 2018, she began ____48____ recycled computers. She started small, carrying the machines to Kenya in check-on bags and ___49___ customs fees and taxes herself. TechLit Africa now works with shipping companies to ___50___ the donated computers so it’s more cost ___51___.The donated hardware is ___52___ to partner schools in rural Kenya, where students aged 4 to 12 receive daily classes and frequent ____53____ to learn from professionals and gain skills that will help improve their education and prepare them for future jobs.
“My hope is that when the first TechLit kids graduate high school, they’re able to get a job online____54____ they will know how to code,”Cheboi said.“The world is your oyster when you are educated. By bringing the resources, by bringing these skills, we are ____55____ the world to them.”
A. stuck in B. applied to C. stricken by D. prohibited from
A. beyond B. on C. against D. for
A. appreciation B. sympathy C. passion D. attraction
A. praised B. credited C. strengthened D. admitted
A. family B. friends C. colleagues D. community
A. stable B. uncertain C. brighter D. peaceful
A. computers B. textbooks C. materials D. wastes
A. programming B. studying C. purchasing D. accepting
A. cutting B. handling C. collecting D. charging
A. transplant B. translate C. transport D. transform
A. efficient B. rewarding C. accessible D. reliable
A. attached B. committed C. contributed D. distributed
A. alternatives B. opportunities C. occasions D. meetings
A. because B. before C. so D. and
A. caring about B. turning on C. opening up D. showing off
【答案】41. A 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. D 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. C 51. A 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. C
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了尼莉·切博伊通过她的非营利组织TechLit Africa为肯尼亚农村的孩子们创造更加美好的未来。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:从小她意识到她的家庭和村里其他家庭陷入了一个让他们没有什么希望的恶性循环。A. stuck in被困在;B. applied to适用于;C. stricken by受...打击;D. prohibited from被禁止做某事。根据后文的“that left them little hope”可知,他们没有什么希望,即他们受困于这个贫穷的恶性循环。故选A项。
考查介词词义辨析。句意:Cheboi依靠奖学金在美国读大学,打零工养家,并发现了自己对计算机科学的热情。A. beyond超出;B. on在……上;C. against反对;D. for为了。根据前文的“Growing up in poverty in rural Kenya, Nelly Cheboi watched her single mother work tirelessly so she could attend school.”可知,在肯尼亚农村的贫困中长大,Nelly Cheboi看着她的单身母亲辛勤工作以便她能上学,因此她需要打零工和依靠奖学金才能上大学,on scholarship:依靠奖学金。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Cheboi通过奖学金在美国读大学,打工来支持家人,并发现了自己对计算机科学的热情。A. appreciation欣赏;B. sympathy同情;C. passion热情;D. attraction吸引。根据“finding jobs to her computer literacy”可知,她将找到工作归因于她的计算机技能,因此在上学期间她对计算机科学产生了热情。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她将成功找到工作归因于她的计算机技能。A. praised赞扬;B. credited归因于;C. strengthened加强;D. admitted承认。根据前文的“discovered her...for computer science”可知,她发现了自己对计算机科学有热情,因此她将找到工作归因于她的计算机技能,credit...to...:把……归因于……。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她知道自己想在回国后与社区的人们分享这种技能。A. family家人;B. friends朋友;C. colleagues同事;D. community社区。根据前文的“From an early age, she realized that her family, along with others like hers in their village, was...a cycle that left them little hope.”可知,从小她意识到她的家庭和村里其他家庭陷入了一个让他们没有什么希望的恶性循环,因此她想帮助社区的人们走出困境。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她通过非营利组织 TechLit Africa 为 4000 个孩子创造了更加光明的未来。A. stable稳定的;B. uncertain不确定的;C. brighter更加明亮的;D. peaceful和平的。根据前文的“She knew she wanted to share it with her...back home.”可知,她回国后与社区分的人们分享这种技能,这会给孩子们带去一个光明的未来,走出贫困。故选C项。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个组织利用回收的计算机在肯尼亚农村学校创建技术实验室。A. computers计算机;B. textbooks教科书;C. materials材料;D. wastes废物。根据下文的“recycled computers”可知,这个组织利用回收的计算机来创建技术实验室,computers是同词复现。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:2018年,她开始接受回收的电脑。A. programming编程;B. studying学习;C. purchasing购买;D. accepting接受。根据“She started small, carrying the machines to Kenya”可知,她开始少量地接受回收的二手电脑,将它们带到肯尼亚。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她从小做起,把机器装在托运行李里运到肯尼亚,自己处理海关费用和税款。A. cutting切割;B. handling处理;C. collecting收集;D. charging充电。根据“customs fees and taxes herself”可知,她亲自处理海关费用和税款。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:TechLit Africa 现在与船运公司合作运输捐赠的电脑,因此更具成本效益。A. transplant移植;B. translate翻译;C. transport运输;D. transform转化。根据前文的“shipping companies”可知,运输公司要对电脑进行运输,送到肯尼亚。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:TechLit Africa 现在与船运公司合作运输捐赠的电脑,因此更具成本效益。A. efficient高效的;B. rewarding有回报的;C. accessible可获得的;D. reliable可靠的。根据前文的“TechLit Africa now works with shipping companies to...the donated computers”可知,TechLit Africa与航运公司合作运输捐赠的电脑是为了降低成本。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:捐赠的硬件被分发给肯尼亚农村的合作学校,在那里,4至12岁的学生每天接受课程,并经常有机会向专业人士学习,获得技能,这将有助于提高他们的教育水平,为未来的工作做好准备。A. attached附加;B. committed承诺;C. contributed贡献; D. distributed分发。根据“partner schools in rural Kenya, where students aged 4 to 12 receive daily classes”可知,合作学校4至12岁的学生每天接受课程,说明电脑被分发到了各个合作学校。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:捐赠的硬件被分发给肯尼亚农村的合作学校,在那里,4至12岁的学生每天接受课程,并经常有机会向专业人士学习,获得技能,这将有助于提高他们的教育水平,为未来的工作做好准备。A. alternatives替代选择; B. opportunities机会; C. occasions场合;D. meetings会议。根据“learn from professionals and gain skills that will help improve their education and prepare them for future jobs”可知,让学生有机会向专业人士学习并获得技能,以帮助他们提高教育水平并为未来的工作做好准备,这是孩子们的学习机会。故选B项。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:Cheboi说,“我的希望是,当第一批TechLit的孩子高中毕业时,他们能够在网上找到工作,因为他们知道如何编程”。A. because因为;B. before在……之前;C. so所以;D. and和。根据“they’re able to get a job online...they will know how to code,”可知,“他们能够在线找到工作”与“学会如何编程”之间为因果关系。故选A项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:通过带来这些资源和技能,我们正在向这些孩子打开世界的大门。A. caring about关心;B. turning on打开;C. opening up开放,打开;D. showing off 炫耀。根据前文的“By bringing the resources, by bringing these skills”可知,Cheboi 认为通过带来这些资源和技能,孩子们能够走出贫穷,即他们正在向这些孩子打开走向世界的大门。故选C项。
第二节(共10小题; 每小题 1.5分, 满分 15分)
Volunteers from Beijing traveled to Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region to give performances _____56_____ demonstrate intangible cultural heritage recently.
The volunteer team performed operas and traditional music in Hotan and Kashgar. Local _____57_____ (art) also performed Uygur dance and music.
The presentation of intangible cultural heritage attracted the audience’s interest with the exquisite skills and _____58_____ wide range of works. _____59_____ (highlight) exhibits include the handmade kites, fine pieces of calligraphy and _____60_____ (delicate) crafted embroidery (刺绣) pillows. “The audiences are very curious and the most asked question is ‘Can such a small kite fly ’,” said Ha Xin, the craftsman _____61_____ made the kites.
Some experts gave lectures on the topics of dance, music, and pop creation and performance, _____62_____ (share) their experience and skills with cultural workers and art lovers in Xinjiang.
The event is part of Spring Rain campaign _____63_____ (organize) by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Ethnic Affairs Commission to carry out various cultural and tourism volunteer services in accordance _____64_____ the local traditions and people’s needs. In the future project, Beijing will also work with the Inner Mongolia autonomous region _____65_____ (enhance) the capacity of public cultural services for cultural workers and organize book donation activities.
【答案】56. and
57. artists
58. a 59. Highlighted
60. delicately
61. who##that
62. sharing
63. organized
64. with 65. to enhance
考查连词。句意:近日,来自北京的志愿者前往新疆维吾尔自治区进行表演和非物质文化遗产展示。空前的give performances和demonstrate intangible cultural heritage为并列关系,故填连词and,连接两个并列的成分。故填and。
考查名词。句意:当地艺术家也表演了维吾尔族舞蹈和音乐。根据空后“also performed Uygur dance and music (也表演了维吾尔族舞蹈和音乐)”可知,此处表示“艺术家”,故用名词artist,且不止一个艺术家,故用复数,作主语。故填artists。
考查冠词。句意:以其精湛的技艺和广泛的作品,非物质文化遗产的展示吸引了观众的兴趣。由空后的wide range of可知,本空填冠词a,a wide range of“广泛的”,固定短语。故填 a。
考查非谓语动词。句意:一些专家就舞蹈、音乐、流行创作和表演等话题进行了讲座,与新疆的文化工作者和艺术爱好者分享他们的经验和技能。分析句子结构可知,本句谓语为gave,故本空为非谓语,且Some experts与share“分享”为主动关系,故此处用动词现在分词sharing,作伴随状语。故填sharing。
考查非谓语动词。句意:此次活动是文化和旅游部、国家民族事务委员会组织的春雨活动的一部分,目的是根据当地的传统和人民的需要开展各种目的是根据当地的传统和人民的需要开展各种文化和旅游志愿服务。分析句子结构可知,本句谓语动词为is,故本空为非谓语,且Spring Rain campaign与organize“组织”为被动关系,故此处用动词过去分词organized,作后置定语,修饰Spring Rain campaign。故填organized。
考查介词。句意:此次活动是文化和旅游部、国家民族事务委员会组织的春雨活动的一部分,目的是根据当地的传统和人民的需要开展各种文化和旅游志愿服务。由空前的in accordance和句意可知,本空填介词with,in accordance with“根据”,固定短语。故填with。
考查非谓语动词。句意:未来项目中,北京还将与内蒙古自治区合作,以提高文化工作者的公共文化服务能力,并组织捐书活动。分析句子结构可知,本句谓语为will work,故本空为非谓语,故此处用动词enhance“提高”的不定式形式to enhance,作目的状语。故填to enhance。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分 15分)
66. 假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友Alex对中国文化很感兴趣,恰逢光明大剧院将举办一场精彩的京剧演出,请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,邀请他一起前往观看, 内容包括:
1. 演出时间、地点;
2. 京剧文化介绍;
3. 期待回复。
1. 写作词数应为 80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Alex,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Alex,
Knowing that you are an enthusiast for Peking Opera, I am writing to invite you to watch the performance staged in the newly built Guangming Grand Theater at 2:30 p.m. this Saturday.
With a history of nearly 200 years, Beijing Opera is regarded as the quintessence of Chinese culture. The performers dressed in ornate costume perform various stories that happened in history to audience by singing, dance and motions. I am convinced you will be impressed by its unique artistic charm.
Please drop me a line to let me know if you can come.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
爱好者:enthusiast → lover
被视作:be regarded as→ be considered as
表演者:performer→ actor
各种各样的:various→ a variety of
原句:Knowing that you are an enthusiast for Peking Opera, I am writing to invite you to watch the performance staged in the newly built Guangming Grand Theater at 2:30 p.m. this Saturday.
拓展句:Because I know that you are an enthusiast for Peking Opera, I am writing to invite you to watch the performance staged in the newly built Guangming Grand Theater at 2:30 p.m. this Saturday.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Knowing that you are an enthusiast for Peking Opera, I am writing to invite you to watch the performance staged in the newly built Guangming Grand Theater at 2:30 p.m. this Saturday.(运用了现在分词Knowing作状语以及that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】Please drop me a line to let me know if you can come.(运用了if引导的条件状语从句)
第二节 (满分 25 分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“Where is papa going with that axe (斧子) ”Said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.
“Out to the hoghouse (猪圈),”replied Mrs. Arable. “Some pigs were born last night.”
“I don’t see why he needs an axe,” continued Fern, who was only eight.
“Well, ”said her mother, “one of the pigs is a runt (发育不良的小动物). It’s very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything. So your father has decided to do away with it.”
“Do away with it ” shouted Fern. “You mean kill it Just because it’s smaller than the others ”
“Don’t yell, Fern!” she said. “Your father is right. The pig would probably die anyway.”
Fern pushed a chair out of the way and ran outdoors. The grass was wet and the earth smelled springtime. Fern’s shoes were wetting by the time she caught up with her father.
“Please don’t kill it! It’s unfair,” she said.
Mr. Arable stopped.
“Fern,” he said gently, “you will have to learn to control yourself.”
“This is a matter of life and death, and you talk about controlling myself.”Tears ran down her cheeks and she took hold of the axe and tried to pull it out of her father’s hand.
“Fern,” said Mr. Arable, “I know more about raising a group of pigs than you do. A weak pig makes trouble.”
“But it’s unfair,” cried Fern. “The pig couldn’t help being born small. If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me ”
Mr. Arable smiled. “Certainly not,” he said, looking down at his daughter with love. “But this is different. A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another.”
“There is no difference,” replied Fern, still hanging on to the axe. “This is the most terrible case of injust ice Iever heard of.”
1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
An unusual look came over Mr. Arable’s face and he seemed almost ready to cry himself.
Paragraph 2:
When Fern saw her father back with a box, her eyes were shining with excitement.
An unusual look came over Mr. Arable’s face and he seemed almost ready to cry himself. All right,” he said. “You go back to the house and I will bring the runt when I come in. I’ll let you raise it on a bottle, like a baby. Then you’ll see what trouble a pig can be ” When Mr. Arable returned the house half an hour later, he carried a box under his arm. He placed it on his daughter’s chair and walked to the sink to wash his hands.
When Fern saw her father back with a box, her eyes were shining with excitement. As she approach edit carefully, the box wobbled, and there was a scratching noise. Then she lifted the lid of the box. There inside, looking up at her, was the newborn pig. It was a white one. The morning light shone through its ears, turning them pink. “He’s yours”, said Mr. Arable. “And may the good Lord forgive me for this foolishness.” On hearing it, she jumped delightedly and kissed her father and mother, knowing that her insistence on justice had saved the little pig from death.
①回去:go back/ return
②抚养:raise/ bring up
③放置:place/ lay
①小心地:carefully/ warily
②高兴地:delightedly/ gladly
【点睛】【高分句型1】You go back to the house and I will bring the runt when I come in. ( 运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句型2】The morning light shone through its ears, turning them pink. (运用了现在分词turning作状语)



