
一、听录音 Gogo was busy last week.
1.(10分)任务一 请你根据录音内容将下列图片排序。
任务二 根据录音内容圈出合适的词语。
(1)Gogo    (was\was not )happy last week.
(2)Gogo played ping﹣pong on     (Saturday\Friday).
This morning I went to the(1)   .I rode my bike there.I then went(2)   at eleven o'clock.I read a book,and(3)   a letter to my friend.I had lunch with Jenny.We ate some salad,and(4)   some juice.
3.(12分)听录音 判断录音内容与图片是否相符,用"T"或"F"表示。
(1)What happened to Gogo yesterday?
A.lost his keys
B.went to the zoo
C.lost his bag
(2)Where did Xiaofang go last Sunday?
A.She went to the shopping mall.
B.She went to the hospital.
C.She went to the park.
(3)Why is Jenny tired?
A.washed the clothes
B.cleaned up the room
C.A and B
(4)What is Gogo doing?
A.He is painting.
B.He is cooking.
C.He is running.
(5)What time is it now?
A.It's five.
B.It's four thirty.
C.It's five thirty.
5.(1分) It's eleven thirty.I'm    .I want to have lunch.
6.(1分) I'm    .May I have a bottle of water?
7.(2分) We had a music class yesterday.We     and danced.We     very happy.
8.(1分) I am sad.Because I woke up late this morning and I    the bus.
9.(1分)I     a noise.Are there people talking?
10.(2分) ﹣What are you doing?﹣I'm___.I like ___.(  )
A. painting;painting B. painting;paint
C. paint;painting
11.(2分) It's 6:00 a.m.It's time to___.(  )
A. have dinner B. have breakfast
C. have lunch
12.(2分) ﹣﹣___ notebook is this?﹣﹣It's Jenny's.(  )
A. Who B. When C. Whose
13.(2分)﹣﹣ I have a stomachache.﹣﹣You should go to the ___.(  )
A. bank B. hospital
14.(2分)﹣﹣What ___ your bedroom like yesterday?﹣﹣It ___ clean.(  )
A. is;is B. was;was C. was;is
15.(2分)﹣﹣Does Jenny have a pink dress?
﹣﹣No,she doesn't.She ___ a red dress.(  )
A. had B.have C. has
16.(2分) ﹣﹣What did you eat this morning?﹣﹣I ___ cheese and chicken.(  )
A. ate B.eat C.eats
17.(2分)Lu Xun is a ___.(  )
A.driver B. worker C. writer
18.(2分)﹣﹣___ is he tired?﹣﹣Because he stayed up late last night.(  )
A. Why B. How C. What
19.(2分) I had a lucky day.I ___.(  )
A. forgot my homework B. won the game
C. hurt my knee
Is he scared?
What's she doing?
﹣What did she eat yesterday?
Can he pull the elephant?
Daming:Where's mum?
Simon:She's at the supermarket.She's going to buy things for your birthday party.
Daming:Oh!Am I going to have an American birthday this year?
Simon:Yes,you are!
Simon's mum:Who can help me?I can't carry all these things.
Simon:Sorry,I can't.I'm on the phone(电话).
Daming:I can help you.I can carry the box.
Simon's mum:Thank you,Daming.
Simon's mum:Be careful.That's the cake.Oh!The oranges are falling (落下).
Simon's mum:Come on,Simon!We need your help!
Daming:Simon,grab (抓住) the balloons!They're flying away!
Simon's mum:Too late!But look at the balloons!
Simon:Wow!They say, "Happy Birthday,Daming!"
Dear classmates,we're going to leave our primary school(小学)soon and start(开始) middle school(中学)this September.I'm excited,and also sad.
I'm excited because we're going to study Chinese,English,Maths.History(历史),Geography(地理),and learn lots of new things in middle school.We're also going to meet new friends there.
At the same time(同时),I'm very sad to say goodbye to you.We're going to different schools.My best(最好的)friends Sam and Amy are going back to the UK.They're going to a new school there.I am happy for them.Six years ago(以前),they spoke(说)only very little Chinese.Now they can speak a lot more.Keep on practising(练习)Chinese in the UK.And come back to China sometime!
My dear friends,I'll miss(思念)you all.Let's write lots of emails to each other!We'll always be friends.Thank you.And goodbye!
任务二 请你根据信的内容判断对错,用"T"或"F"表示。
(2)Lingling is excited,because she is going to study new subjects and meet new friends.    
(3)Sam and Amy are Lingling's best friends.    
(4)She is going to start middle school in August.    
任务三(5)In the letter,the word(单词) "different" means(意思是)    .
26.(10分)愉快的暑假即将开始。你还记得去年的暑假你去了哪里?做了些什么吗?请你写一写。"Last summer vacation"
一、听录音 Gogo was busy last week.
1.(10分)任务一 请你根据录音内容将下列图片排序。
任务二 根据录音内容圈出合适的词语。
(1)Gogo   (was\was not )happy last week.
(2)Gogo played ping﹣pong on    (Saturday\Friday).
This morning I went to the(1)  .I rode my bike there.I then went(2)  at eleven o'clock.I read a book,and(3)  a letter to my friend.I had lunch with Jenny.We ate some salad,and(4)  some juice.
3.(12分)听录音 判断录音内容与图片是否相符,用"T"或"F"表示。
(1)What happened to Gogo yesterday?
A.lost his keys
B.went to the zoo
C.lost his bag
(2)Where did Xiaofang go last Sunday?
A.She went to the shopping mall.
B.She went to the hospital.
C.She went to the park.
(3)Why is Jenny tired?
A.washed the clothes
B.cleaned up the room
C.A and B
(4)What is Gogo doing?
A.He is painting.
B.He is cooking.
C.He is running.
(5)What time is it now?
A.It's five.
B.It's four thirty.
C.It's five thirty.
5.(1分) It's eleven thirty.I'm  hungry .I want to have lunch.
【解答】句意为:现在是十一点半。我___。我想吃午饭。结合句意,横线处句子应表达"我饿了。"I'm=I am,be动词am后常跟形容词作表语,hungry"饥饿的"为形容词,符合。
6.(1分) I'm  thirsty .May I have a bottle of water?
【解答】句意为:我___。我可以喝一瓶水吗?结合句意,横线处句子应表达"我渴了。"I'm=I am,be动词am后常跟形容词作表语,thirsty"渴的"为形容词,符合。
7.(2分) We had a music class yesterday.We  sang  and danced.We  were  very happy.
【解答】从 yesterday判断句子使用一般过去时,从We had a music class yesterday判断应该是唱歌,sing,过去式是sang,happy是形容词,前面加be动词,主语是we,使用were。
8.(1分) I am sad.Because I woke up late this morning and I  missed the bus.
【解答】从woke 判断句子使用一般过去时,从Because I woke up late this morning 判断后面说的是错过班车,使用miss,过去式是missed。
9.(1分)I  hear  a noise.Are there people talking?
10.(2分) ﹣What are you doing?﹣I'm___.I like ___.(  )
A. painting;painting B. painting;paint
C. paint;painting
【解答】句子中I'm是I am的缩写,am后面跟动词的现在分词painting构成现在进行时;like后加动名词,表示喜欢做某事。paint动词原形。A选项符合。
11.(2分) It's 6:00 a.m.It's time to___.(  )
A. have dinner B. have breakfast
C. have lunch
【解答】根据题干,可知6 a.m指的是上午六点,是吃早饭的时间。选项A.have dinner吃晚饭,不符合题意。B.have breakfast吃早餐,符合题意。C.have lunch吃午饭,不符合题意。
12.(2分) ﹣﹣___ notebook is this?﹣﹣It's Jenny's.(  )
A. Who B. When C. Whose
13.(2分)﹣﹣ I have a stomachache.﹣﹣You should go to the ___.(  )
A. bank B. hospital
【解答】I have a stomachache.表明自己肚子疼,B选项hospital"医院"代入句意为"你应该去医院。"符合。A选项bank为"银行",C选项restaurant为"餐馆"。
14.(2分)﹣﹣What ___ your bedroom like yesterday?﹣﹣It ___ clean.(  )
A. is;is B. was;was C. was;is
15.(2分)﹣﹣Does Jenny have a pink dress?
﹣﹣No,she doesn't.She ___ a red dress.(  )
A. had B.have C. has
16.(2分) ﹣﹣What did you eat this morning?﹣﹣I ___ cheese and chicken.(  )
A. ate B.eat C.eats
【解答】this morning提示句子是一般过去时。eat吃,动词原形,过去式是ate,第三人称单数是eats。
17.(2分)Lu Xun is a ___.(  )
A.driver B. worker C. writer
18.(2分)﹣﹣___ is he tired?﹣﹣Because he stayed up late last night.(  )
A. Why B. How C. What
19.(2分) I had a lucky day.I ___.(  )
A. forgot my homework B. won the game
C. hurt my knee
【解答】根据题干,可知a lucky day(幸运的一天),可判断后面应表达的事情是好事,结合选项,forgot my homework忘了我的作业,won the game赢得比赛,hurt my knee伤到我的膝盖,所以B符合题意。
Is he scared?
 Yes,he is. 
【解答】图片是男孩害怕的表情,可知句意:他害怕吗?是的,他是。"是的,他是。"译为:Yes,he is.
故答案为:Yes,he is.
What's she doing?
 She is cleaning the windows. 
【解答】问句句意:她正在做什么?图示:是正在擦窗户。据此可确定答句的意思是:她正在擦窗户。译为:She is cleaning the windows.
故答案为:She is cleaning the windows.
﹣What did she eat yesterday?
﹣  She ate rice yesterday. 
故答案为:She ate rice yesterday.
Can he pull the elephant?
 No,he can't. 
【解答】问句句意:他能拉动大象吗?图示为拉不动,推测答语为否定回答:No,he can't.
故答案为:No,he can't.
Daming:Where's mum?
Simon:She's at the supermarket.She's going to buy things for your birthday party.
Daming:Oh!Am I going to have an American birthday this year?
Simon:Yes,you are!
Simon's mum:Who can help me?I can't carry all these things.
Simon:Sorry,I can't.I'm on the phone(电话).
Daming:I can help you.I can carry the box.
Simon's mum:Thank you,Daming.
Simon's mum:Be careful.That's the cake.Oh!The oranges are falling (落下).
Simon's mum:Come on,Simon!We need your help!
Daming:Simon,grab (抓住) the balloons!They're flying away!
Simon's mum:Too late!But look at the balloons!
Simon:Wow!They say, "Happy Birthday,Daming!"
排序:  (3)(1)(2) 
【解答】由Daming:Where's mum?(大明:妈妈在哪里?)
Simon:She's at the supermarket.She's going to buy things for your birthday party.(西蒙:她在超市。她要为你的生日聚会买东西。)可知大明和西蒙在讨论妈妈去了哪里,图片3符合。
由Simon's mum:Who can help me?I can't carry all these things.(西蒙的妈妈:谁能帮我一下?我拿不动这些东西。)
Simon:Sorry,I can't.I'm on the phone(电话).(西蒙:对不起,我不能帮忙。我正在打电话。)可知西蒙的妈妈买了东西,需要帮忙,西蒙在打电话,图片1符合。
由Daming:Simon,grab (抓住) the balloons!They're flying away!(大明:西蒙,抓住气球!它们飞走了!)可知气球飞走了。图片2符合。
Dear classmates,we're going to leave our primary school(小学)soon and start(开始) middle school(中学)this September.I'm excited,and also sad.
I'm excited because we're going to study Chinese,English,Maths.History(历史),Geography(地理),and learn lots of new things in middle school.We're also going to meet new friends there.
At the same time(同时),I'm very sad to say goodbye to you.We're going to different schools.My best(最好的)friends Sam and Amy are going back to the UK.They're going to a new school there.I am happy for them.Six years ago(以前),they spoke(说)only very little Chinese.Now they can speak a lot more.Keep on practising(练习)Chinese in the UK.And come back to China sometime!
My dear friends,I'll miss(思念)you all.Let's write lots of emails to each other!We'll always be friends.Thank you.And goodbye!
任务二 请你根据信的内容判断对错,用"T"或"F"表示。
(2)Lingling is excited,because she is going to study new subjects and meet new friends.  T 
(3)Sam and Amy are Lingling's best friends.  T 
(4)She is going to start middle school in August.  F 
任务三(5)In the letter,the word(单词) "different" means(意思是)  B .
(1)Lingling即将要毕业了,她此时的心情是:I'm excited,and also sad.(我既兴奋又难过。)故答案为:I'm excited,and also sad。
(2)由I'm excited because we're going to study Chinese,English,Maths.History(历史),Geography(地理),and learn lots of new things in middle school.We're also going to meet new friends there.(我很兴奋是因为我们将要学习语文、英语、数学、历史、地理等科目,并在初中学到很多新东西。我们还将在那里结识新朋友。)可知Lingling很兴奋,因为她要学习新科目,认识新朋友。故答案为:T。
(3)由My best(最好的)friends Sam and Amy are going back to the UK.(我最好的朋友Sam 和Amy 将回到英国。)可知Sam 和Amy 是Lingling最好的朋友。故答案为:T。
(4)由Dear classmates,we're going to leave our primary school soon and start(开始) middle school this September.(亲爱的同学们,我们很快就要离开小学,从九月开始上初中了。)可知Lingling将在九月开始上中学,而不是在八月开始上中学。故答案为:F。
(5)A危险的,B不同的,C更好的。根据We're going to different schools.(我们将去不同的学校。)可知在信中单词 "different" means意思是:"不同的"。故选:C。
26.(10分)愉快的暑假即将开始。你还记得去年的暑假你去了哪里?做了些什么吗?请你写一写。"Last summer vacation"
Last summer vacation
I went to Hangzhou last summer vacation.I went there by train.I went to the West Lake.I went boating.I took some pictures.I ate some fresh food.I bought some presents.I had a great time. 
Last summer vacation
I went to Hangzhou last summer vacation.I went there by train.I went to the West Lake.I went boating.I took some pictures.I ate some fresh food.I bought some presents.I had a great time.



上一篇:1.3氧化还原反应 同步练习(答案) 2023-2024高一上学期化学人教版(2019)必修第一册
