2023-2024江苏省连云港市高三上学期11月期中英语试题(含听力)(原卷版+ 解析版)

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the man going to do
A. Have a picnic. B. Go fishing. C. Take a drive.
【原文】W: Are you ready to go to the lake
M: Yes, I am. I already packed my fishing equipment. Did you make my lunch
W: I did. It’s in the backseat of the car.
M: Thanks, honey. I’ll see you later.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers mainly talking about io
A. The weather. B. Indoor activities. C. The woman’s illness.
【原文】W: Brrrr! I’m cold. I thought it was supposed to be sunny today.
M: Yeah, I thought so, too. That’s what the weatherman said.
W: It must be the wind that makes it so cold. I’m freezing! Let’s go indoors.
M: OK.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a bus station. B. At a train station. C. At an airport.
【原文】M: The announcement said passengers waiting to board should go to the ticket counter. I’ve got to go.
W: I’ll be seeing you. Have a smooth flight.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will the man do next
A. Put a job advertisement. B. Conduct an interview. C. Surf the Internet.
【原文】W: Put an ad on the Internet. We’ve got to find a person for this job.
M: Can you give me an idea about what sort of conditions we are offering
W: Just say salary negotiable based on qualifications and experience.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why does the man talk to the woman
A. To book a room. B. To confirm his fight. C. To reschedule a meeting.
【原文】M: Lucy, where is Todd
W: He’s in the conference room. He’s been waiting for you.
M: Could you tell him my flight has been delayed I need to change the meeting time for tomorrow.
W: OK. I’ll let him know.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Which place will be cleaned today
A. The hallways. B. The front office. C. The cafeteria.
7. What will the woman do next week
A. Design a schedule. B. Hold a meeting. C. Host a dinner.
【答案】6. A 7. B
【原文】M: After hours of conference, they’ve finally agreed on a cleaning schedule. They’re starting on the hallways this afternoon.
W: It’s about time. They’re dirty! What about the front office And the cafeteria
M: The front office is scheduled for cleaning on Wednesday. I don’t know about the cafeteria, but I suppose they’ll get to it someday soon.
W: Well, I hope they get to it before the end of next week. I’m giving a workshop that Friday, and I need to use the cafeteria space.
8. What did the speakers just do
A. They watched a show.
B. They performed in a musical.
C. They practiced dancing together.
9. What was the woman
A. A dancer. B. An actress. C. A musician.
【答案】8. A 9. A
【原文】M: What a fantastic performance! Thank you for inviting me to the musical.
W: You are welcome. I’m happy you enjoyed the show. The performances of the dancers were incredible. It reminds me of when I used to dance.
M: I know! You were such a talented ballerina. Do you miss dancing
W: Oh, that’s very kind of you, Shannon. I do miss it sometimes. I felt wonderful when I was on the stage. But I will always be a fan of the arts. That’s why I love going to musicals because it’s the perfect combination of song, dance and theater.
10. What do we know about the jacket
A. It was unsuitable for the man.
B. It was large for the man’s son.
C. It was bought at a reduced price.
11. What does the woman ask the man for
A. The jacket. B. The receipt. C. The credit card.
12. What will the man do next week
A. Get his money back. B. Take a credit note. C. Visit the store again.
【答案】10. C 11. B 12. C
【原文】W: Can I help you
M: Yes. I d like to return this jacket.
W: May I ask why you re returning it
M: I bought it for my son, but it s too small.
W: Do you have your receipt
M: Yes, here it is.
W: I m sorry. This jacket was on sale. We don’t return on sale items. You can exchange it for something else or we can give you a credit note.
M: Do you have the jacket in a larger size
W: Let me check ... I m afraid we re all sold out.
M: Okay, I ll take a credit note. How long is it good for
W: It s good for a year.
M: Okay. I ll come back next week and see if I can find something else he might like.
13. What did Paul do after he left school
A. He opened a supermarket.
B. He did several different jobs.
C. He worked as a chef in a restaurant.
14. What was Paul’s first restaurant job like
A. Beneficial. B. Well-paid. C. Enjoyable.
15. What does Paul’s current job involve
A. Assisting chefs.
B. Cooking every day.
C. Managing the kitchen.
16. What does Paul think makes a successful chef
A. Preparing food carefully.
B. Handling stressful situations.
C. Buying high-quality ingredients.
【答案】13. B 14. A 15. C 16. B
【原文】W: What does it take to be a head chef Paul Heaton is here to tell us all about it.
M: Thanks! After I left school, I tried a few other things, including the local supermarket, but nothing really interested me until I got a job as a kitchen assistant. It was hard, dirty work and the pay wasn’t great either. On the positive side, I was in a really busy kitchen where the top chefs were highly skilled and during my breaks I could watch and learn.
W: Those days are behind you now, aren’t they
M: Yes, these days I’m a head chef, so I’m responsible for organizing the kitchen. This includes preparing the menus, selecting and training staff and keeping the kitchen in good working order. And now I don’t have to cook every day, but can choose to do it when I really want to.
W: What advice would you give to anyone thinking of becoming a chef
M: You must be prepared to deal with stressful situations. And you have to be able to think quickly — if the fish you wanted to use for your main dish doesn’t arrive, you’ve got to invent something different. People think that preparing food in a first-class restaurant is a complicated and difficult thing to do. This is partly true. But the key to success is to buy the best and the freshest food available and keep things simple.
17. What is the speaker’s job related to
A. Medicine. B. Education. C. Artificial intelligence.
18. What was the main goal of Project Skylark
A. To create a system for healthcare.
B. To open up possibilities in finance.
C. To teach a machine to identify different birds.
19. What is the program MediScan used for
A. Storing data. B. Detecting diseases. C. Producing reports.
20. What does the speaker think of the future of AI
A. Fearful. B. Hopeful. C. Doubtful.
【答案】17. C 18. C 19. B 20. B
【原文】W: Hey welcome to today’s talk! I’m Emma Davis, an AI enthusiast who’s been exploring this since finishing at MIT. I’m excited to share my passion for the incredible world of artificial intelligence, or AI. I’ll kick things off with an awesome story from 2015, in Silicon Valley. Our project was called “Project Skylark” and with Dr. Jack Thompson, a Cornell University bird expert. We wanted to teach a machine to recognize different birds. It was amazing. “Avis”, the AI system, learnt to improve its accuracy over time. In six months, it could identify bird species better than human experts! This showed the incredible potential of AI! It’s come a long way since the 1950s with Alan Turing’s ideas. Modern systems can analyze data, spot patterns, and make decisions on their own. This power has opened up endless possibilities in areas like healthcare, finance, and transportation.
One inspiring example comes from Dr. Alice Chen, who in 2018 led a team at Stanford University to develop the computer program “MediScan” that analyzes images and detects early signs of diseases like cancer. MediScan’s accuracy and speed massively surpassed human capabilities, saving thousands of lives. However, it has its challenges and risks. A 2020 report showed concern of AI taking jobs and affecting economy. I love AI but there’s tough conversations about balancing progress, job security, privacy and security as systems get better. Together, we can create a future where AI helps us achieve our wildest dreams.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
The Concord Review
We need the best history papers and we welcome a chance to consider your best work. Essays are accepted on a “rolling admissions” basis and are qualified for the next four issues of the journal.
Essay Requirements
You must be the sole author. The paper must be in English.
Essays should be in the 5,000-9,000 word range with endnotes and bibliography (参考文献).
You may submit a paper to The Concord Review if you completed it before finishing secondary school.
Essays may be on any historical topic, ancient or modern, domestic or foreign, and must be submitted electronically.
The Concord Review does not publish charts, photos, graphs or other graphics in essays.
The paper may not have been previously published except in a publication of a secondary school that you attended.
Acceptance Procedure
Authors whose essays will be published are informed by letter the month before their paper comes out.
Author Benefits
Each author who submits a paper and submission fee, receives the next four issues of the journal in e-Book form. For an additional $30 plus shipping costs, authors may receive the print edition of the journal. The Concord Review is the first and only journal in the world which publishes the academic work of secondary students, so our reprints usually make an extraordinary contribution to an author’s college application materials.
Academic Standards
The best way to judge the quality of the history essays we have published is to read several of the issues of the journal. We advise that the author should prepare with considerable reading on the topic and that the essay go through at least one draft before it is polished and proofread for submission.
21. Which essay meets the submission requirements
A. One written in Spanish. B. One within 10,000 words.
C. One with charts and graphs. D. One never published before.
22. What can the author get after submitting a paper and submission fee
A. An additional $30. B. An academic certificate.
C. Four issues of e-journal. D. University application forms.
23. Who is the text intended for
A. News reporters. B. History teachers.
C. College students. D. High school students.
【答案】21. D 22. C 23. D
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了The Concord Review期刊的历史、投稿要求、作者福利和学术标准等内容。
细节理解题。根据文章Essay Requirements部分中的“The paper may not have been previously published except in a publication of a secondary school that you attended.(论文之前可能没有发表过,除非在你就读的中学的出版物上发表过。)”可知,提交的论文此前不可以被发表过。因此选项D“One never published before.(以前从未发表过。)”符合条件。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章Author Benefits部分中的“Each author who submits a paper and submission fee, receives the next four issues of the journal in e-Book form.(每位作者提交一篇论文并支付稿费,就会收到该杂志接下来四期的电子书。)”可知,作者在提交论文和提交费用后可以得到该杂志接下来四期的电子书。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章Author Benefits部分中的“The Concord Review is the first and only journal in the world which publishes the academic work of secondary students, so our reprints usually make an extraordinary contribution to an author’s college application materials.(《协和评论》是世界上第一个也是唯一一个发表中学生学术作品的期刊,因此我们的再版通常会对作者的大学申请材料做出非凡的贡献。)”可判断,这篇文章是为高中生而写的。故选D。
One day, while Will Allen was driving home from work, he spotted a For Sale sign on the last remaining farm in the city of Milwaukee. The place was small, only two acres (英亩), just a few greenhouses on a plot of land. An idea flashed through Will’s head. He could grow food here, without using chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
Will hired some neighborhood teenagers to help him get started. Their first job was to “grow” new soil by composting(堆肥).Will collected different kinds of food waste and piled it up until it rotted(腐烂) and turned into soil. Then he spread layers of worms between layers of compost. Amazingly, this worm poop(粪便) makes the best fertilizer in the world. With the preparations made, Will started growing food.
Today, years later, Growing Power Community Food Center becomes a strikingly productive model farm, growing enough food to feed 2,000 people on just two acres in the middle of a city. As Will’s organization, Growing Power, expands gradually, he hires more people and opens an office to manage three city farms. Will and his staff teach young people how to grow more than 150 varieties of vegetables. They also run garden projects in schools, where kids learn the basics of growing food and then get to farm their own plots. Will also travels across the world to help people grow food more efficiently.
“We’re in a worldwide food crisis right now,” Will says. “A lot of people are hungry. We need to grow food everywhere we can—in backyards, on rooftops, and even in buildings. Will’s vision for the city farm of the future is a multi-storied building, angled toward the sun. This idea, called” vertical farming”, is a new way to help feed more people.
“Growing food is powerful,” he says. “It can change the world!”
24. What inspired Will to grow food
A. Being tired of his work. B. Finding a farm for sale.
C. Being experienced at farming. D. Visiting a greenhouse on site.
25. What did Will do before growing food
A. Hire local adult farmers. B. Create soil with waste.
D. Buy chemical fertilizers.
C. Deal with worms in soil.
26. Why is Growing Power regarded as a model farm
A. It grows the best organic food.
B. It owns the latest farming techniques.
C. It helps more farmers to get employed.
D. It produces more food in a limited area.
27. Which best describes the development of Growing Power
A. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
B. All things are difficult before they are easy.
C. From a single spark may burst a mighty flame.
D. Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.
【答案】24. B 25. B 26. D 27. C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Will Allen如何将一个城市中的最后一个农场转变为一个高产的有机农场,并帮助人们更好地种植食物,缓解全球粮食危机。
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“One day, while Will Allen was driving home from work, he spotted a For Sale sign on the last remaining farm in the city of Milwaukee. The place was small, only two acres (英亩), just a few greenhouses on a plot of land. An idea flashed through Will’s head. He could grow food here, without using chemical pesticides and fertilizers.(一天,当Will Allen下班开车回家的时候,他在密尔沃基市仅存的一个农场上看到了一个“出售”的牌子。这个地方很小,只有两英亩,只有一小块土地上的几个温室。Will 脑子里闪过一个念头。他可以在这里种植食物,而不用化学杀虫剂和化肥。)”可知,Will Allen一次下班回家的路上看到了一个出售的农场激发了自己种植食物的想法。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Will hired some neighborhood teenagers to help him get started. Their first job was to “grow” new soil by composting(堆肥).Will collected different kinds of food waste and piled it up until it rotted(腐烂) and turned into soil. Then he spread layers of worms between layers of compost. Amazingly, this worm poop(粪便) makes the best fertilizer in the world.( Will雇了一些附近的青少年来帮他开始。他们的第一项工作是通过堆肥“培育”新土壤。Will收集不同种类的食物垃圾,堆起来,直到它腐烂,变成土壤。然后,他在堆肥层之间铺上一层又一层的蠕虫。令人惊讶的是,这种蠕虫粪便是世界上最好的肥料。)”可知,在种植食物前,Will先收集不同的垃圾培育新的土壤。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Today, years later, Growing Power Community Food Center becomes a strikingly productive model farm, growing enough food to feed 2,000 people on just two acres in the middle of a city.(多年后的今天,Growing Power社区食品中心成为了一个产量惊人的示范农场,在市中心仅两英亩的土地上种植了足够养活2000人的食物。)”可知,Growing Power社区食品中心被视为模范农场是因为它在仅两英亩的土地上种植了足够养活2000人的食物。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“As Will’s organization, Growing Power, expands gradually, he hires more people and opens an office to manage three city farms. Will and his staff teach young people how to grow more than 150 varieties of vegetables. They also run garden projects in schools, where kids learn the basics of growing food and then get to farm their own plots. Will also travels across the world to help people grow food more efficiently.(随着Will的组织“Growing Power”逐渐扩大,他雇佣了更多的人,并开设了一个办公室来管理三个城市农场。Will和他的员工教年轻人如何种植150多种蔬菜。他们还在学校开展园艺项目,让孩子们学习种植食物的基本知识,然后在自己的土地上耕种。Will还周游世界,帮助人们更有效地种植粮食。)”可知,Will的组织从最初的两英亩开始逐渐扩大。选项C“From a single spark may burst a mighty flame.(星星之火可以燎原。)”符合这一组织的发展变化。故选C。
We know our workplace clothing choices can affect what others think us and influence our success. Do those choices also shape productivity by affecting how we see ourselves
Researchers conducted two experiments in the United States and a field study in South Korea to investigate the meanings employees associate with their dress. In the first experiment, participants viewed photos of different outfits (套装) and indicated what they thought each would convey in a “business-casual” office. In the second, participants first changed into business-casual clothing and then into new business-casual outfits they selected to correspond with one of three randomly assigned characteristics: aesthetics (美学), conformity (一致性).uniqueness. A control group was asked to select an outfit similar to their first one. All participants were told to imagine that they worked at a company where people could generally wear what they wanted to and where most choose business-casual dress. After each clothing change they reported on how they would feel going to work in what they had on, what they thought their clothing would convey, and their level of self-esteem (自尊).
The experiments showed that people associate clothing high in aesthetics with personal attractiveness conforming clothing with a sense belong, and unique clothing with distinctiveness. and revealed that each of the three qualities raised self-esteem.
The field study involved 84 white-col1ar employees who worked on-site and were free to choose their clothes They filled out three questionnaires daily for 10days, reporting on what they were wearing, their self-esteem, their interactions with colleagues and their productivity. Aesthetic and unique clothing boosted self-esteem, which in turn boosted progress toward job goals and decreased social avoidance. Dress conformity had similar effects, but only when employees frequently interacted with colleagues.
“Investing a little extra time in the morning to prepare an outfit that is aesthetically pleasing and unique-and, if interactions with others are expected, highly conforming to organizational standards—can have a meaningful impact on how an employee feels about themselves throughout the workday,” the researchers write.
28. The researchers carried out the experiments to find out______.
A. what types of clothing employees like to wear
B. whether employees can choose the dress they like
C. why dress conformity is required in the workplace
D. how employees feel about their workplace clothing
29. What did all the participants do in the second experiment
A. Work at the same company.
B. View photos of different outfits.
C. Report their feelings about clothes.
D. Select dress from three types randomly.
30. What can we know about the findings in Paragraph 4
A. Three assigned types have the same effects.
B. Unique clothing can increase social avoidance.
C. Conforming clothing can strengthen coworkers’ bonds.
D. Aesthetic clothing has more advantages over other types.
31. What is the best title for the text
A. Try Different Dress Styles
B. Dress Up To Be More Attractive
C. Wear Proper Clothes To Fit In Society
D. Be Smart About Workplace Clothing
【答案】28 D 29. C 30. C 31. D
细节理解题。由文章第二段中“Researchers conducted two experiments in the United States and a field study in South Korea to investigate the meanings employees associate with their dress. (研究人员在美国进行了两项实验,在韩国进行了一项实地研究,以调查员工对着装看法。)”可知,研究人员进行实验以找出员工对工作服的看法。故选D。
细节理解题。由文章第二段中“ After each clothing change they reported on how they would feel going to work in what they had on, what they thought their clothing would convey, and their level of self-esteem (自尊). (每次换完衣服后,他们都会报告自己穿着衣服去上班的感觉,他们认为自己的衣服能传达什么信息,以及他们的自尊水平。)”可知,在第二个实验中,所有的参与者都要报告他们对衣服的感受。故选C。
细节理解题。由文章第四段中“Aesthetic and unique clothing boosted self-esteem, which in turn boosted progress toward job goals and decreased social avoidance. Dress conformity had similar effects, but only when employees frequently interacted with colleagues. (美观和独特的服装提升了自尊,这反过来又促进了工作目标的进步,减少了社交回避。着装规范也有类似的效果,但只有在员工经常与同事互动的情况下才会如此)”可知,关于第4段中的调查结果,我们能知道合身的衣服可以加强同事之间的联系。故选C。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段“We know our workplace clothing choices can affect what others think us and influence our success. Do those choices also shape productivity by affecting how we see ourselves (我们知道,我们在工作场所的着装选择会影响别人对我们的看法,影响我们的成功。这些选择是否也会通过影响我们对自己的看法来塑造生产力呢?)”可知,文章主要说明了在工作场所的着装选择会通过影响我们对自己的看法来塑造生产力,即在工作场合要明智地着装,以塑造自己的生产力。因此D项“工作场所着装要明智”可作为本文的最佳标题。故选D。
The house had been cleaned and staged elegantly. The air smelt fresh. Little labels on all we saw around the house provided important details: date of purchase and the current selling price. We were at a garage sale. There was no talking or bargaining. Buyers could pick up at the listed price.
All efforts that release cash that is locked into stuff touch me deeply. If they break conventional ideas, I will like them even more. It is my view that people love to follow suit and end up with emotions they ought to feel, rather than being true to themselves. To say that one does not care for one’s grandmother’s necklace is considered rude, so one would simply keep it in the locker and pass on the keys to the next generation.
No longer so, I am guessing.
It’s not always about money, but perhaps about considering one’s choices. My argument always is to use stuff, if you like it so much. Wear those pieces of jewellery; use those pieces of furniture; take home those piles of old-time bedsheets. But if none of them fit into your current home, allow someone else to take them home. Turn those properties over instead of leaving them unused.
Hoarding is not a virtue. It is a waste of the money that is locked into the property you are hoarding. I may use it sometime in the future, say some. Give that a time frame. If you are holding something you haven’t used even once in five years, ask yourself if someone else may need it. Don’t sell if you don’t care for money; but do give it away.
All else needs to earn their place for their value and usefulness for you. Celebrate the liberation from hoarding and let there be light!
32. Why does the author mention the grandmother’s necklace in Paragraph 2
A. It illustrates family love.
B. It illustrates collection value.
C. It shows people’s outdated ideas.
D. It shows people’s financial status.
33. What does the underlined word “hoarding” in Paragraph 5 probably mean
A. Keeping things unused at home. B. Giving away things to friends.
C. Passing things on to grandchildren. D. Buying things from the garage.
34. What may the author agree with
A. Selling unused furniture.
B. Keeping old-time bedsheets locked.
C. Wearing as much jewellery as possible.
D. Visiting garages as frequently as possible.
35. What is the purpose of the text
A. To advertise a product. B. To report an event.
C. To organize an activity. D. To advocate a lifestyle.
【答案】32. C 33. A 34. A 35. D
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“If they break conventional ideas, I will like them even more. It is my view that people love to follow suit and end up with emotions they ought to feel, rather than being true to themselves. To say that one does not care for one’s grandmother’s necklace is considered rude, so one would simply keep it in the locker and pass on the keys to the next generation.(如果他们打破传统的想法,我会更喜欢他们。我的观点是,人们喜欢效仿,最终会产生他们应该感受到的情绪,而不是真实地面对自己。说一个人不喜欢自己祖母的项链是不礼貌的,所以一个人只能把它放在柜子里,把钥匙传给下一代就行了。)”可知,作者在第二段提到了祖母的项链是为了告诉我们人们喜欢随大流,最终产生他们应该感受到的情绪,而不是真实的自己,也就是显示了人们过时的观念。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据划线单词下文“It is a waste of the money that is locked into the property you are hoarding. I may use it sometime in the future, say some. Give that a time frame. If you are holding something you haven’t used even once in five years, ask yourself if someone else may need it.(这是在浪费你囤积在房产上的钱。有些人说,我将来可能会用到它。给它一个时间框架。如果你手里拿着一件五年都没用过的东西,问问自己是否还有人需要它。)”可知,这里指的是将不需要使用的东西放在家中,所以hoarding为“囤积”之意。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第五段“If you are holding something you haven’t used even once in five years, ask yourself if someone else may need it. Don’t sell if you don’t care for money; but do give it away.(如果你手里拿着一件五年都没用过的东西,问问自己是否还有人需要它。如果你不在乎钱,就不要卖;但是一定要送人。)”可知,作者认为不使用的东西应该卖掉或送人。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“All else needs to earn their place for their value and usefulness for you. Celebrate the liberation from hoarding and let there be light!(所有其他的东西都需要为它们的价值和有用性赢得一席之地。庆祝从囤积中解放出来,让光明出现吧!)”以及全文内容可知,作者写这篇文章是倡导了一种新的生活方式。故选D。
第二节 (共5小题: 每小题25分, 满分125分)
At the age of 18, we become adults and are given the right to vote, to travel the world and to pursue our dreams. At 60, we enter a new phase of life. It marks the start of retirement for most of us. There are 42 years between these two major phases. Interestingly, the number 42 is also associated with marathons, which cover42 km.____36____ Let’s explore.
It takes time to prepare.
To run a full marathon, you need to train hard for months and even years, slowly building your endurance(耐力). The same goes for building a savings pool for retirement. ____37____ So, if you’re thinking about saving for retirement, don’t hesitate! Get started today.
Preparing for a marathon requires a well-rounded approach. Similarly, individuals building a retirement fund need to build a file that is diversified across different property classes. By diversifying your investments, you can survive market unstability and safeguard your hard-earned savings.
Every runner runs his own race.
Just like marathon runners focus on running and completing their own race, retirement planning for every individual is a personal endeavour. Trying to keep pace with another runner can damage one’s performance. Similarly, each person’s financial situation is unique and as such, each person’s approach to retirement planning will be too. ____39____
Are you serious about planning for your retirement ____40____ With a little hard work and dedication, you can cross the finish line with flying colours.
A. It makes sense to cover every aspect.
B. Starting small and starting young is essential.
C. Preparing for the race requires more than just physical training.
D. Take your time to dream big and plan carefully your retirement.
E. The key is to find what works best for you and remain committed to it.
F. If so, take a page out of the marathon runner’s playbook and begin training.
G. Are there lessons in training and running a marathon- that can be applied to retirement planning
【答案】36. G 37. B 38. A 39. E 40. F
根据前文“There are 42 years between these two major phases. Interestingly, the number 42 is also associated with marathons, which cover42 km.(这两个主要阶段之间相隔42年。有趣的是,42这个数字也与马拉松有关,全程42公里)”可知,此处指出从成年到退休是42年,马拉松全程也是42公里,二者之间是否有相关之处,后文应对此进行说明。G选项“Are there lessons in training and running a marathon- that can be applied to retirement planning (在训练和跑马拉松中,有什么经验可以应用到退休计划中吗?)”承接前文内容,提出疑问即马拉松的训练是否有什么经验可以应用到退休的计划中,符合语境。故选G。
根据前文“To run a full marathon, you need to train hard for months and even years, slowly building your endurance (耐力). The same goes for building a savings pool for retirement. (要跑完全程马拉松,你需要几个月甚至几年的艰苦训练,慢慢建立你的耐力。为退休建立一个储蓄池也是如此)”可知,跑马拉松则需要几个月甚至几年的艰苦训练,慢慢地建立耐力,退休也是如此需要为自己建立储蓄池,因此后文应该提出如何建立自己的储蓄池。B选项“Starting small and starting young is essential.(从小处做起,从小时做起是至关重要的。)”承接前文,指出通过从小处做起,从小时做起才能够建立自己的储蓄池,符合语境。故选B。
根据后文“Preparing for a marathon requires a well-rounded approach. Similarly, individuals building a retirement fund need to build a file that is diversified across different property classes.(准备马拉松需要一个全面的方法。同样,建立退休基金的个人也需要建立一个跨不同房地产类别的多元化档案)”可知,本段阐述的是准备马拉松需要全面的方法,建立退休金也需要全面的跨类别的多元化档案,即覆盖各个方面。A选项“It makes sense to cover every aspect.(覆盖各个方面是有意义的。)”概括本段内容,符合语境。故选A。
根据本段段旨“Every runner runs his own race.( 每个跑步者都有自己的比赛)”以及空前“Similarly, each person’s financial situation is unique and as such, each person’s approach to retirement planning will be too.(同样,每个人的财务状况都是独一无二的,因此,每个人的退休计划也将是独一无二的)”可知,此处强调每个人都有自己独一无二的财务状况,每个人都有自己的退休计划,设空处应该强调找到适合自己的退休计划并坚持下去。E选项“The key is to find what works best for you and remain committed to it.(关键是找到最适合你的,并坚持下去。)”承接前文,指出找到最适合自己的退休计划或退休准备,并坚持下去,符合语境。故选E。
根据前文“Are you serious about planning for your retirement (你真的在计划你的退休生活吗?)”以及后文“With a little hard work and dedication, you can cross the finish line with flying colours.( 只要稍加努力和奉献,你就能顺利地冲过终点线)”可知,此处强调你是否有在真正的计划自己的退休生活,如果是,后文应该指出具体的做法,并且通过该做法稍加努力和奉献,就一定会有回报。F选项“If so, take a page out of the marathon runner’s playbook and begin training.(如果是这样,那就向马拉松运动员学习,开始训练吧。)”承接前文,回答了前文的问题即如果你有在真正的计划自己的退休生活,那就应该向马拉松运动员学习,开始训练吧,经过努力和奉献,一定能够通过重点获得回报。故选F。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
Sometimes I have thought it would be excellent to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize ____41____ the values of life.
Those who have never____42____ the loss of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these capabilities. Their eyes and ears____43____ all sights and sounds hazily(模糊地), without concentration and with little____44____ . I have often thought it would be a good thing if each human being were stricken ____45____ and deaf for a few days at some time. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; ____46____ would teach him the joys of sound.
Recently I was visited by a good friend who had just ____47____ from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had ____48____ .“Nothing in particular,” she replied. How was it possible-walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing_____49_____ of notice I who cannot see find hundreds of things to ______50______ me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry (对称) of a leaf and I touch the ______51______ of trees hopefully in search of a bud(芽), the first sign of______52______ Nature after her winter’s sleep. The miracle of Nature is ______53______ to me and the changing seasons are an exciting and unending drama, the action of which streams through my______54______ .
If I can get so much pleasure from mere ______55______ , how much more beauty must be revealed by sight
41. A. constantly B. sharply C. deadly D. merely
42. A. treated B. restored C. suffered D. prevented
43. A. take in B. allow for C. smooth out D. brighten up
44. A. tension B. appreciation C. adaptation D. possession
45. A. disabled B. injured C. speechless D. blind
46. A. silence B. anxiety C. music D. voice
47 A. worked B. escaped C. struggled D. returned
48. A. predicted B. targeted C. observed D. left
49. A. full B. afraid C. free D. worthy
50 A. protect B. challenge C. interest D. tolerate
51. A. leaves B. branches C. fruits D. barks
52. A. exploring B. awakening C. drawing D. loving
53. A. revealed B. expanded C. created D. described
54. A. hair B. blood C. toes D. fingertips
55. A. touch B. smell C. taste D. hearing
【答案】41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. C 49. D 50. C 51. B 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. A
考查副词词义辨析。句意:这样一种态度会强烈地强调生命的价值。A. constantly经常地;不断地;B. sharply明显地;强烈地;急剧地;C. deadly致命地;D. merely仅仅。根据上文“Sometimes I have thought it would be excellent to live each day as if we should die tomorrow.”可知此处指的是一种每天觉得自己明天会死去的态度会让自己更强烈地强调生命的价值。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那些从未丧失视力或听力的人很少充分利用这些能力。A. treated治疗;对待;B. restored恢复健康;修复;C. suffered遭受;经历;D. prevented阻止;避免。根据空后“the loss of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these capabilities.”可知此处指的是从未遭受视力或听力丧失的人。故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们的眼睛和耳朵模糊地看到和听到所有的景象和声音,没有集中注意力,很少欣赏。A. take in吸收;理解;欺骗;B. allow for考虑到;容许;C. smooth out使平滑;使容易;D. brighten up使感到房间明亮或使人愉快。根据空后“all sights and sounds hazily”可知此处指的是眼睛和耳朵没有集中注意力去观察和倾听,所以就不能清晰地看到所有的景象和听到所有的声音,A项take in符合句意。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的眼睛和耳朵模糊地看到所有的景象和声音,没有集中注意力,很少欣赏。A. tension紧张;冲突;B. appreciation感激;欣赏;C. adaptation适应;改编;D. possession拥有;控制。根据前文“Those who have never ____2____ the loss of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these capabilities. Their eyes and ears ____3___ all sights and sounds hazily(模糊地)”可知此处指的是那些视力或听力没有损伤的人因为没有充分利用他们的视觉和听觉,所以对于周遭的景象不能很好地去欣赏。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我常常想,如果每个人在某个时候都失明或失聪几天,那将是一件好事。A. disabled残疾的;B. injured受伤的;C. speechless无语的;D. blind失明的。根据后文“Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight;”可知此处讲的是突然失明。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:黑暗会使他更加珍惜光明;沉默会教他懂得声音的乐趣。A. silence沉默;寂静;B. anxiety焦虑;渴望;C. music音乐;D. voice声音。根据前文“and deaf for a few days at some time.”以及空后“would teach him the joys of sound.”以及常识可知失聪后周遭的一切声音都是听不到的,即一切都陷入沉默。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最近,我的一位好朋友来看我,她刚在树林里走了很长时间,我问她看到了什么。A. worked工作;奏效;B. escaped逃离;逃跑;C. struggled奋斗;挣扎;斗争;D. returned返回;归还。根据后文“from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had ____8____ .”可知朋友刚从树林回来。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最近,我的一位好朋友来看我,她刚在树林里走了很长时间,我问她看到了什么。A. predicted预测;预报;B. targeted把……作为目标;C. observed看到;遵守;庆祝;D. left离开;剩下。根据后文““Nothing in particular,” she replied. ”可知此处指的是作者询问好朋友在树林里的所见。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:怎么可能——在树林里走了一个小时,却没有看到什么值得注意的东西?A. full满的;充分的;B. afraid担心的;害怕的;C. free免费的;自由的;空闲的;D. worthy值得的。根据空后“I who cannot see find hundreds of things to _____10_____ me through mere touch.”可知此处指的是值得注意的东西,worthy of“值得;配得上”,固定搭配。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我这个看不见的人,仅仅通过触摸就发现了数以百计的使我感兴趣的东西。A. protect保护;防守;B. challenge挑战;C. interest使感兴趣;D. tolerate忍受;容忍。根据后文“I feel the delicate symmetry (对称) of a leaf and I touch the _____11_____ of trees hopefully in search of a bud(芽), the first sign of _____12_____ Nature after her winter’s sleep.”可知作者通过触摸发现了很多让自己感兴趣的东西。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我感受着一片树叶的精致对称,满怀希望地触摸着树枝,寻找蓓蕾,那是大自然冬眠后苏醒的第一个迹象。A. leaves叶子;B. branches树枝;C. fruits果实;水果;D. barks树皮;狗吠。根据后文“of trees hopefully in search of a bud(芽), the first sign of _____12_____ Nature after her winter’s sleep.”可知作者是通过触摸来寻找树木枝条发芽的迹象。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我感受着一片树叶的精致对称,满怀希望地触摸着树枝,寻找蓓蕾,那是大自然冬眠后苏醒的第一个迹象。A. exploring探索;B. awakening唤醒;C. drawing画;D. loving热爱。根据空前“I touch the _____11_____ of trees hopefully in search of a bud(芽), the first sign of”以及空后“Nature after her winter’s sleep”可知此处指的是枝条的发芽标志着春天的到来,即唤醒自然。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:大自然的奇迹向我展现,四季的变换是一出激动人心的、永无止境的戏剧,它的动作从我的指尖流过。A. revealed揭露;揭示;B. expanded扩大;扩张;C. created创造;建立;D. described描述。根据后文“to me and the changing seasons are an exciting and unending drama, the action of which streams through my_____14_____ .”以及后文“how much more beauty must be revealed by sight ”可知大自然向我展示了一幅美丽的画卷。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:大自然的奇迹向我展现,四季的变换是一出激动人心的、永无止境的戏剧,它的动作从我的指尖流过。A. hair头发;B. blood血液;C. toes脚趾; D. fingertips指尖。根据上文“I who cannot see find hundreds of things to _____10_____ me through mere touch.”可知作为一个盲人,作者通过手指的触摸去感受大自然的美好。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我仅仅能从触摸中获得如此多的快乐,那么视觉还会显示出多少美呢?A. touch触摸;B. smell嗅觉;C. taste品尝;D. hearing听觉。根据上文“I who cannot see find hundreds of things to _____10_____ me through mere touch.”以及“The miracle of Nature is _____13_____ to me and the changing seasons are an exciting and unending drama, the action of which streams through my _____14_____ .”可知作为一个盲人,所有这些美好的的东西,作者都是通过触摸来获得的。故选A项。
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
The international federation (联合会) of pickleball, with 60 member countries and counting,____56____ (work) to make sure that pickleball will be part of the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
If you haven’t played it____57____ (you), you’ve probably at least heard of pickleball. Here’s____58____ the game is played.
Pickleball takes elements from tennis, badminton and table tennis. It’s played on a badminton-sized court with a slightly lowered tennis net, ____59____ (use)square paddles (球拍) and a holey plastic ball that’s similar ____60____ size to a tennis ball, but much lighter. Since the lighter ball doesn’t bounce as much, it’s____61____ (easy) to get a rally (back and forth hit) going.
Unlike tennis, you can score only when it’s your turn ____62____ (serve). The goal is to keep the ball in the air, and if your opponent (called the receiver) fails to return the ball over the net, either from the serve____63____ in a rally, you get the point. Matches can be played in doubles or singles, and games are played to 11 points.
People who are really into the sport can join tournaments at____64____ (vary)levels. The first World Pickleball Games____65____ (hold) next summer at the Austin Pickle Ranch in Austin, Texas. By 2030, pickleball is expected to have as many as 40 million players worldwide.
【答案】56. is working##has been working
57. yourself##yourselves
58. how 59. using
60. in 61. easier
62. to serve
63. or 64. varied##various
65. will be held
考查时态。句意:匹克球国际联合会有60个成员国,而且还在不断增加,正在努力确保匹克球成为2028年洛杉矶奥运会的一部分。空处为主句谓语动词,结合句意“正在努力”可知,主句可以用现在进行时,且主语The international federation为第三人称单数,故用is working。也可以理解为“一直在努力,现在仍在努力”,用现在完成进行时,主句谓语用has been working。故答案为is working或has been working。
考查非谓语动词。句意:它在一个羽毛球大小的场地上进行,网网稍微降低,使用方形球拍和一个与网球大小相似的有洞的塑料球,但要轻得多。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词is played,故本空为非谓语,且It与use“使用”为主动关系,故此处用现在分词using,作伴随状语。故填using。
考查非谓语动词。句意:不像网球,你只有在轮到你发球的时候才能得分。动词serve意为“发球”。one’s turn to do sth.“轮到某人做某事”,故此处用不定式。故填to serve。
考查时态和语态。句意:第一届世界匹克球运动会将于明年夏天在德克萨斯州奥斯汀的奥斯汀匹克牧场举行。由next summer可知,此处用一般将来时,且主语The first World Pickleball Games与hold“举行”之间是被动关系,所以用一般将来时的被动语态,故填will be held。
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
66. 假如你是李华,你校英文报“Opinions”栏目近期征文,本期话题为“Should high school students have a two-day weekend ”,请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
Should high school students have a two-day weekend
Should high school students have a two-day weekend
I don’t think it is a good idea. The reasons are as follows.
With a two-day weekend, students may spend too much time playing and fail to get enough rest. After all, not everyone is proud of their self-control. What’s more, the entertainments that they enjoy during weekends will somewhat distract them from their studies. Additionally, high school students need more time and efforts to advance academically or catch up with their schoolwork.
Therefore, a shorter school week doesn’t make sense.
为……感到骄傲:be proud of→ take pride in
足够的:enough→ adequate
使分心:distract→ divert
进步:advance→ progress
原句:With a two-day weekend, students may spend too much time playing and fail to get enough rest.
拓展句:If students have a two-day weekend, they may spend too much time playing and fail to get enough rest.
【点睛】【高分句型1】 What’s more, the entertainments that they enjoy during weekends will somewhat distract them from their studies. (运用了that引导的定语从句)
【高分句型2】 I don’t think it is a good idea. (运用了省略引导词that的宾语从句)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Imagine sitting at your breakfast table having a cup of coffee when all of a sudden you see someone about to die. What would you do Last Christmas, John Gelinne found out.
On Dec. 26, Gelinne, 60, was watching out the back windows of his home in Edgewater, Maryland, at frozen Beards Creek (河流). Children and grandchildren were running around the house. That’s when Gelinne looked up just in time to see a small plane a few hundred yards away, losing altitude (海拔高度).
As the plane disappeared behind the trees, Gelinne, a former Navy commander, realized it was going to land in the creek. He flashed on a moment from more than20 years earlier: Sept. 11, 2001. Gelinne was at work in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., when terrorists (恐怖分子) crashed a plane into the building. He escaped but has always wondered if he could have stayed inside and
“To the right was the crisis, and to the left was escape. I don’t even know if I could have gone right, but I went left,” he recalled. “I always second-guessed myself about that decision.”
On this day, Gelinne didn’t hesitate. He ran down to the waterfront. The plane had slipped to a stop on the broad, frozen creek, far from the shore. It was now sinking. The pilot was standing on the wing. Gelinne knew from his Navy training that even a few minutes in the icy water could kill the pilot.
Gelinne tested the ice with his foot and decided not to take any chances walking on it. So he and his son, John Ir., 37, pulled two kayaks(皮艇) out.
“I figured, if it can float on the water, it can slide on the ice,” Gelinne says. The kayaks’ paddles (桨) proved easily broken, so the pair tried using shovels (铁铲) to push the boats along. Their first attempts left them moving in circles. But with some muscle, they made progress.
The two men set off, pushing their boats across the ice.
They finally arrived at the shore with great efforts.
【答案】The two men set off, pushing their boats across the ice. When they reached the plane, the pilot was standing on the sinking wing, and the icy water was up to his chest. John Ir. tried to pull him onto his kayak, while Gelinne helped prevent their kayaks from turning over. It was hard work, but Gelinne knew that they had to hurry before the pilot got frozen. With great strength, they tried again and again, until they made it. They struggled their way back.
They finally arrived at the shore with great efforts. The pilot was still alive, but they were all tired. Gelinne’s family and people in the neighbourhood had come to the shore with blankets, applying first aid and the ambulance was waiting nearby. The pilot expressed his gratitude to Gelinne and his son for saving his life. “I’m 60 years old. It nearly killed me to get him to the shore.” Gelinne recalled. Still, he was satisfied that he’d gone the right way that day.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,60岁的前海军指挥官约翰·盖林恩在家中陪伴家人时,目睹一架小型飞机在低空飞行时失去高度并坠入附近的冰冻的Beards Creek河流中。盖林恩决定拯救飞行员并与儿子一起使用皮艇拯救了飞行员。尽管行动困难,盖林恩仍然感到满意,因为他相信这是正确的决定。
①到达:reach/get to
②不断地尝试:try again and again/keep trying
③实施急救:apply first aid/offer first aid
①感谢:express his gratitude/show his appreciation
②满足的:be satisfied/be content
【点睛】[高分句型1]When they reached the plane, the pilot was standing on the sinking wing, and the icy water was up to his chest. (由when引导时间状语从句和过去进行时)
[高分句型2]With great strength, they tried again and again, until they made it. (使用介词短语作状语以及until引导状语从句)2023~2024学年第一学期期中调研考试
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the man going to do
A. Have a picnic. B. Go fishing. C. Take a drive.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers mainly talking about io
A. The weather. B. Indoor activities. C. The woman’s illness.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a bus station. B. At a train station. C. At an airport.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will the man do next
A. Put a job advertisement. B. Conduct an interview. C. Surf the Internet.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why does the man talk to the woman
A. To book a room. B. To confirm his fight. C. To reschedule a meeting.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Which place will be cleaned today
A. The hallways. B. The front office. C. The cafeteria.
7. What will the woman do next week
A. Design a schedule. B. Hold a meeting. C. Host a dinner.
8. What did the speakers just do
A. They watched a show.
B. They performed in a musical.
C. They practiced dancing together.
9. What was the woman
A. A dancer. B. An actress. C. A musician.
10. What do we know about the jacket
A. It was unsuitable for the man.
B. It was large for the man’s son.
C. It was bought at a reduced price.
11. What does the woman ask the man for
A. The jacket. B. The receipt. C. The credit card.
12. What will the man do next week
A. Get his money back. B. Take a credit note. C. Visit the store again.
13. What did Paul do after he left school
A. He opened a supermarket.
B. He did several different jobs.
C. He worked as a chef in a restaurant.
14. What was Paul’s first restaurant job like
A. Beneficial. B. Well-paid. C. Enjoyable.
15. What does Paul’s current job involve
A. Assisting chefs.
B. Cooking every day.
C. Managing the kitchen.
16. What does Paul think makes a successful chef
A. Preparing food carefully.
B. Handling stressful situations.
C. Buying high-quality ingredients.
17. What is the speaker’s job related to
A. Medicine. B. Education. C. Artificial intelligence.
18. What was the main goal of Project Skylark
A. To create a system for healthcare.
B. To open up possibilities in finance.
C. To teach a machine to identify different birds.
19. What is the program MediScan used for
A. Storing data. B. Detecting diseases. C. Producing reports.
20. What does the speaker think of the future of AI
A. Fearful. B. Hopeful. C. Doubtful.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
The Concord Review
We need the best history papers and we welcome a chance to consider your best work. Essays are accepted on a “rolling admissions” basis and are qualified for the next four issues of the journal.
Essay Requirements
You must be the sole author. The paper must be in English.
Essays should be in the 5,000-9,000 word range with endnotes and bibliography (参考文献).
You may submit a paper to The Concord Review if you completed it before finishing secondary school.
Essays may be on any historical topic, ancient or modern, domestic or foreign, and must be submitted electronically.
The Concord Review does not publish charts, photos, graphs or other graphics in essays.
The paper may not have been previously published except in a publication of a secondary school that you attended.
Acceptance Procedure
Authors whose essays will be published are informed by letter the month before their paper comes out.
Author Benefits
Each author who submits a paper and submission fee, receives the next four issues of the journal in e-Book form. For an additional $30 plus shipping costs, authors may receive the print edition of the journal. The Concord Review is the first and only journal in the world which publishes the academic work of secondary students, so our reprints usually make an extraordinary contribution to an author’s college application materials.
Academic Standards
The best way to judge the quality of the history essays we have published is to read several of the issues of the journal. We advise that the author should prepare with considerable reading on the topic and that the essay go through at least one draft before it is polished and proofread for submission.
21. Which essay meets the submission requirements
A. One written in Spanish. B. One within 10,000 words.
C One with charts and graphs. D. One never published before.
22. What can the author get after submitting a paper and submission fee
A. An additional $30. B. An academic certificate.
C. Four issues of e-journal. D. University application forms.
23. Who is the text intended for
A. News reporters. B. History teachers.
C. College students. D. High school students.
One day, while Will Allen was driving home from work, he spotted a For Sale sign on the last remaining farm in the city of Milwaukee. The place was small, only two acres (英亩), just a few greenhouses on a plot of land. An idea flashed through Will’s head. He could grow food here, without using chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
Will hired some neighborhood teenagers to help him get started. Their first job was to “grow” new soil by composting(堆肥).Will collected different kinds of food waste and piled it up until it rotted(腐烂) and turned into soil. Then he spread layers of worms between layers of compost. Amazingly, this worm poop(粪便) makes the best fertilizer in the world. With the preparations made, Will started growing food.
Today, years later, Growing Power Community Food Center becomes a strikingly productive model farm, growing enough food to feed 2,000 people on just two acres in the middle of a city. As Will’s organization, Growing Power, expands gradually, he hires more people and opens an office to manage three city farms. Will and his staff teach young people how to grow more than 150 varieties of vegetables. They also run garden projects in schools, where kids learn the basics of growing food and then get to farm their own plots. Will also travels across the world to help people grow food more efficiently.
“We’re in a worldwide food crisis right now,” Will says. “A lot of people are hungry. We need to grow food everywhere we can—in backyards, on rooftops, and even in buildings. Will’s vision for the city farm of the future is a multi-storied building, angled toward the sun. This idea, called” vertical farming”, is a new way to help feed more people.
“Growing food is powerful,” he says. “It can change the world!”
24. What inspired Will to grow food
A. Being tired of his work. B. Finding a farm for sale.
C. Being experienced at farming. D. Visiting a greenhouse on site.
25. What did Will do before growing food
A. Hire local adult farmers. B. Create soil with waste.
D. Buy chemical fertilizers.
C. Deal with worms in soil.
26. Why is Growing Power regarded as a model farm
A. It grows the best organic food.
B. It owns the latest farming techniques.
C. It helps more farmers to get employed.
D. It produces more food in a limited area.
27. Which best describes the development of Growing Power
A. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
B. All things are difficult before they are easy.
C. From a single spark may burst a mighty flame.
D. Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.
We know our workplace clothing choices can affect what others think us and influence our success. Do those choices also shape productivity by affecting how we see ourselves
Researchers conducted two experiments in the United States and a field study in South Korea to investigate the meanings employees associate with their dress. In the first experiment, participants viewed photos of different outfits (套装) and indicated what they thought each would convey in a “business-casual” office. In the second, participants first changed into business-casual clothing and then into new business-casual outfits they selected to correspond with one of three randomly assigned characteristics: aesthetics (美学), conformity (一致性).uniqueness. A control group was asked to select an outfit similar to their first one. All participants were told to imagine that they worked at a company where people could generally wear what they wanted to and where most choose business-casual dress. After each clothing change they reported on how they would feel going to work in what they had on, what they thought their clothing would convey, and their level of self-esteem (自尊).
The experiments showed that people associate clothing high in aesthetics with personal attractiveness conforming clothing with a sense belong, and unique clothing with distinctiveness. and revealed that each of the three qualities raised self-esteem.
The field study involved 84 white-col1ar employees who worked on-site and were free to choose their clothes They filled out three questionnaires daily for 10days, reporting on what they were wearing, their self-esteem, their interactions with colleagues and their productivity. Aesthetic and unique clothing boosted self-esteem, which in turn boosted progress toward job goals and decreased social avoidance. Dress conformity had similar effects, but only when employees frequently interacted with colleagues.
“Investing a little extra time in the morning to prepare an outfit that is aesthetically pleasing and unique-and, if interactions with others are expected, highly conforming to organizational standards—can have a meaningful impact on how an employee feels about themselves throughout the workday,” the researchers write.
28. The researchers carried out the experiments to find out______.
A. what types of clothing employees like to wear
B. whether employees can choose the dress they like
C. why dress conformity is required in the workplace
D. how employees feel about their workplace clothing
29. What did all the participants do in the second experiment
A. Work at the same company.
B. View photos of different outfits.
C. Report their feelings about clothes.
D. Select dress from three types randomly.
30. What can we know about the findings in Paragraph 4
A. Three assigned types have the same effects.
B. Unique clothing can increase social avoidance.
C. Conforming clothing can strengthen coworkers’ bonds.
D. Aesthetic clothing has more advantages over other types.
31. What is the best title for the text
A. Try Different Dress Styles
B. Dress Up To Be More Attractive
C. Wear Proper Clothes To Fit In Society
D. Be Smart About Workplace Clothing
The house had been cleaned and staged elegantly. The air smelt fresh. Little labels on all we saw around the house provided important details: date of purchase and the current selling price. We were at a garage sale. There was no talking or bargaining. Buyers could pick up at the listed price.
All efforts that release cash that is locked into stuff touch me deeply. If they break conventional ideas, I will like them even more. It is my view that people love to follow suit and end up with emotions they ought to feel, rather than being true to themselves. To say that one does not care for one’s grandmother’s necklace is considered rude, so one would simply keep it in the locker and pass on the keys to the next generation.
No longer so, I am guessing.
It’s not always about money, but perhaps about considering one’s choices. My argument always is to use stuff, if you like it so much. Wear those pieces of jewellery; use those pieces of furniture; take home those piles of old-time bedsheets. But if none of them fit into your current home, allow someone else to take them home. Turn those properties over instead of leaving them unused.
Hoarding is not a virtue. It is a waste of the money that is locked into the property you are hoarding. I may use it sometime in the future, say some. Give that a time frame. If you are holding something you haven’t used even once in five years, ask yourself if someone else may need it. Don’t sell if you don’t care for money; but do give it away.
All else needs to earn their place for their value and usefulness for you. Celebrate the liberation from hoarding and let there be light!
32. Why does the author mention the grandmother’s necklace in Paragraph 2
A. It illustrates family love.
B. It illustrates collection value.
C. It shows people’s outdated ideas.
D. It shows people’s financial status.
33. What does the underlined word “hoarding” in Paragraph 5 probably mean
A. Keeping things unused at home. B. Giving away things to friends.
C. Passing things on to grandchildren. D. Buying things from the garage.
34. What may the author agree with
A. Selling unused furniture.
B. Keeping old-time bedsheets locked.
C. Wearing as much jewellery as possible.
D. Visiting garages as frequently as possible.
35. What is the purpose of the text
A. To advertise a product. B. To report an event.
C. To organize an activity. D. To advocate a lifestyle.
第二节 (共5小题: 每小题25分, 满分125分)
At the age of 18, we become adults and are given the right to vote, to travel the world and to pursue our dreams. At 60, we enter a new phase of life. It marks the start of retirement for most of us. There are 42 years between these two major phases. Interestingly, the number 42 is also associated with marathons, which cover42 km.____36____ Let’s explore.
It takes time to prepare.
To run a full marathon, you need to train hard for months and even years, slowly building your endurance(耐力). The same goes for building a savings pool for retirement. ____37____ So, if you’re thinking about saving for retirement, don’t hesitate! Get started today.
Preparing for a marathon requires a well-rounded approach. Similarly, individuals building a retirement fund need to build a file that is diversified across different property classes. By diversifying your investments, you can survive market unstability and safeguard your hard-earned savings.
Every runner runs his own race.
Just like marathon runners focus on running and completing their own race, retirement planning for every individual is a personal endeavour. Trying to keep pace with another runner can damage one’s performance. Similarly, each person’s financial situation is unique and as such, each person’s approach to retirement planning will be too. ____39____
Are you serious about planning for your retirement ____40____ With a little hard work and dedication, you can cross the finish line with flying colours.
A. It makes sense to cover every aspect.
B. Starting small and starting young is essential.
C. Preparing for the race requires more than just physical training.
D. Take your time to dream big and plan carefully your retirement.
E. The key is to find what works best for you and remain committed to it.
F. If so, take a page out of the marathon runner’s playbook and begin training.
G. Are there lessons in training and running a marathon- that can be applied to retirement planning
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
Sometimes I have thought it would be excellent to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize ____41____ the values of life.
Those who have never____42____ the loss of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these capabilities. Their eyes and ears____43____ all sights and sounds hazily(模糊地), without concentration and with little____44____ . I have often thought it would be a good thing if each human being were stricken ____45____ and deaf for a few days at some time. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; ____46____ would teach him the joys of sound.
Recently I was visited by a good friend who had just ____47____ from a long walk in the woods, and I asked her what she had ____48____ .“Nothing in particular,” she replied. How was it possible-walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing_____49_____ of notice I who cannot see find hundreds of things to ______50______ me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry (对称) of a leaf and I touch the ______51______ of trees hopefully in search of a bud(芽), the first sign of______52______ Nature after her winter’s sleep. The miracle of Nature is ______53______ to me and the changing seasons are an exciting and unending drama, the action of which streams through my______54______ .
If I can get so much pleasure from mere ______55______ , how much more beauty must be revealed by sight
41. A. constantly B. sharply C. deadly D. merely
42. A. treated B. restored C. suffered D. prevented
43. A. take in B. allow for C. smooth out D. brighten up
44 A. tension B. appreciation C. adaptation D. possession
45. A. disabled B. injured C. speechless D. blind
46. A. silence B. anxiety C. music D. voice
47. A. worked B. escaped C. struggled D. returned
48. A. predicted B. targeted C. observed D. left
49. A. full B. afraid C. free D. worthy
50 A. protect B. challenge C. interest D. tolerate
51. A. leaves B. branches C. fruits D. barks
52. A. exploring B. awakening C. drawing D. loving
53. A. revealed B. expanded C. created D. described
54. A. hair B. blood C. toes D. fingertips
55. A. touch B. smell C. taste D. hearing
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
The international federation (联合会) of pickleball, with 60 member countries and counting,____56____ (work) to make sure that pickleball will be part of the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
If you haven’t played it____57____ (you), you’ve probably at least heard of pickleball. Here’s____58____ the game is played.
Pickleball takes elements from tennis, badminton and table tennis. It’s played on a badminton-sized court with a slightly lowered tennis net, ____59____ (use)square paddles (球拍) and a holey plastic ball that’s similar ____60____ size to a tennis ball, but much lighter. Since the lighter ball doesn’t bounce as much, it’s____61____ (easy) to get a rally (back and forth hit) going.
Unlike tennis, you can score only when it’s your turn ____62____ (serve). The goal is to keep the ball in the air, and if your opponent (called the receiver) fails to return the ball over the net, either from the serve____63____ in a rally, you get the point. Matches can be played in doubles or singles, and games are played to 11 points.
People who are really into the sport can join tournaments at____64____ (vary)levels. The first World Pickleball Games____65____ (hold) next summer at the Austin Pickle Ranch in Austin, Texas. By 2030, pickleball is expected to have as many as 40 million players worldwide.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
66. 假如你是李华,你校英文报“Opinions”栏目近期征文,本期话题为“Should high school students have a two-day weekend ”,请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
Should high school students have a two-day weekend
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Imagine sitting at your breakfast table having a cup of coffee when all of a sudden you see someone about to die. What would you do Last Christmas, John Gelinne found out.
On Dec. 26, Gelinne, 60, was watching out the back windows of his home in Edgewater, Maryland, at frozen Beards Creek (河流). Children and grandchildren were running around the house. That’s when Gelinne looked up just in time to see a small plane a few hundred yards away, losing altitude (海拔高度).
As the plane disappeared behind the trees, Gelinne, a former Navy commander, realized it was going to land in the creek. He flashed on a moment from more than20 years earlier: Sept. 11, 2001. Gelinne was at work in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., when terrorists (恐怖分子) crashed a plane into the building. He escaped but has always wondered if he could have stayed inside and
“To the right was the crisis, and to the left was escape. I don’t even know if I could have gone right, but I went left,” he recalled. “I always second-guessed myself about that decision.”
On this day, Gelinne didn’t hesitate. He ran down to the waterfront. The plane had slipped to a stop on the broad, frozen creek, far from the shore. It was now sinking. The pilot was standing on the wing. Gelinne knew from his Navy training that even a few minutes in the icy water could kill the pilot.
Gelinne tested the ice with his foot and decided not to take any chances walking on it. So he and his son, John Ir., 37, pulled two kayaks(皮艇) out.
“I figured, if it can float on the water, it can slide on the ice,” Gelinne says. The kayaks’ paddles (桨) proved easily broken, so the pair tried using shovels (铁铲) to push the boats along. Their first attempts left them moving in circles. But with some muscle, they made progress.
The two men set off, pushing their boats across the ice.
They finally arrived at the shore with great efforts.



上一篇:辽师大版(三起)四年级上册 期末试题(无答案)
