2023-2024江西省宜春市高一上学期11月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版有听力音频无听力原文)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What can’t the woman do well in
A. Passing a ball. B. Hitting a ball. C. Catching a ball.
2. Who will probably pick up Helen tomorrow morning
A Larry. B. Bob. C. Mary.
3. What will the speakers do in the afternoon
A. Attend a meeting. B. Swim in a lake. C. Go to the top of a mountain.
4. When will the speakers leave work today
A. At 5:00 pm. B. At 6:00 pm. C. At 7:00 pm.
5. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a plane. B. At a park. C. On a train.
6. Why does the woman come here
A. To visit a patient. B. To see a doctor. C. To apply for a passport.
7. What does the woman need to provide
A. Her address. B. Her ID card. C. Her evidence of identity.
8. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Fellow workers. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.
9. What do we know about the man speaker
A. He has much work experience.
B. He is the same age as the woman.
C. He graduated from college this summer.
10. What is the headmaster like
A. Strict. B. Impatient. C. Easy-going.
11. What is the first book about
A. Honeybees. B. Different colors. C. Woodland animals.
12. What is Jorey Hurley
A. A writer. B. A painter. C. A bookseller.
13. How much will the speakers pay
A $7. B. $20. C. $38.
14. Why did Greyson start the organization
A. To reduce food waste.
B. To support his family.
C. To help people in need.
15. What was Greyson’s parents’ attitude towards his decision
A. Supportive. B. Worried. C. Uncaring.
16. What is Greyson’s dream
A. To start a larger activity. B. To become a Navy SEAL
C. To work as a firefighter.
17. What is the conversation mainly about
A. A firefight. B. A good family. C. A charity organization.
18. What did Chloe Kim realize after her first snowboarding
A. She found it boring.
B. She was interested in it.
C. She was afraid of competing.
19. Why did Chloe Kim choose to begin homeschooling
A. To avoid the tiring school life.
B. To have more time for training.
C. To enjoy her father’s company.
20. How old was Chloe Kim when she won a gold medal at the 2015 X Games
A. 14. B. 16. C. 18.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Kings Camps
About Our Camps
Kings Camps is part of the Kings Active Foundation and is devoted to helping young people reach their potential. We provide sports camps and summer camps at over 40 places across the UK for children aged 4-17. We bring together the very best parts of sports and holiday clubs to provide friendship, fun and exciting adventures for young people from the UK and around the world.
Why Choose Kings Camps
※Creative, inspiring camps: We have a strong belief that sport has an important role to play in a happy childhood and our not-for-money state enables us to provide some places and invest in new and creative ways to inspire.
※Learn important life skills: Kings Camps prepare children with important life skills and an understanding that being active is important to health and well-being.
※International students are welcome: We welcome children from outside of the UK who will make friends here by communicating with kids from different backgrounds, but we do require that they at least understand English to make sure of their safety and that of others, and of course their enjoyment.
Ryan has enjoyed every part. When we’ve asked about his day, he’s said it was “amazing and fantastic”. All the staff are extremely friendly, enthusiastic and have a true belief in what they are doing.
— Tracy Lee
Fantastic & friendly staff! It’s an action-packed week of multiple sports. My sweetheart made new friends, overcame swimming fears & came away more confident too! I cannot recommend it enough!
— Kay Court
1. What does Kings Camps aim to do
A. Mix sports and holiday clubs.
B. Get kids to play outdoors.
C. Provide adventurous and challenging camps.
D. Encourage kids to develop their potential.
2. What is necessary for international students
A. Awareness of safety.
B. Love for media.
C. Basic English ability.
D. Good communicating skills.
3. Who probably made the comments
A. Parents. B. Teachers. C. Campers. D. Staff.
They talk about the straw that broke the camel's back, but really it should be the password that wiped out my memory bank.
I was going along the -with instant recall of my bank PIN(密码), my mobile phone number and the date of my cousin's birthday before I downloaded a gas station payment app for its new customer discount. It asked me to create a password. When I typed in “gas 1”, it was rejected for not being complex enough. I tried again: “I Hate Hearless Oil Companies@”. But that was too long and didn’t include “at least one number”. But here is the thing: as soon as 1 added the fresh password into my memory, I instantly forgot all the others. My brain had hit its limit for passwords. I now know nothing.
I had entered some passwords in a notebook. Of course, I didn't write down the actual passwords, in case it fell into the wrong hands. Instead, I masked them in a way that only a family member could figure them out. For example, I combined my bank PIN with our postal code, then added it to a list of phone numbers. It would fool even Albert Einstein.
Maybe we need a system like the one we use to remember people's names. You know, you form an association between a person's characteristics and their name by whispering “Skinny George, Skinny George”in heart after meeting them. The risk is that, upon seeing him, you’ll burst out the phrase. “Skinny George” might not mind, but it’s possible “Boring Betty” will. As for remembering passwords as you change them, you could simply use the first and last letters of your favorite singer's greatest hits, together with the year of their release.
Maybe I’ll try that one out—but only after describing the system in the notebook. Then I'll hide it in a place so secret that I'll never remember where it is.
4. What can we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs
A. He fell for a marketing trick. B. He was driven mad by passwords.
C. He had a serious memory disorder. D. He was rejected by the gas station.
5. By mentioning Albert Einstein in paragraph 3, the author intends to ______ .
A. show how secure his passwords were
B. challenge the intelligence of scientists
C. prove the uselessness of his passwords
D. promote a more scientific password system
6. What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A. To encourage readers to use password notebooks.
B. To recommend a password-remembering method.
C. To complain about the trouble caused by passwords.
D. To point out the importance of using complex passwords.
7. What is the tone of the text
A. Inspiring. B. Indifferent. C. Humorous. D. Serious.
If you had boarded a passenger plane in 1950, you would have seen five people in the cockpit (驾驶舱): two pilots, a radio operator, a navigator and a flight engineer. Over the years, technical advances have gradually removed the need for the last three, leaving just two pilots. That has been the norm (标准) in commercial aviation for decades.
However, things could be simplified further — one of the two remaining pilots could soon go. Many military aircraft are already manned by a single pilot, and for commercial aviation this would mean stepping into a brave new world.
But how will airlines make this brave innovation come true One way is to greatly increase automation in the cockpit, devoting more tasks to computers. Another is to shift the same tasks from the cockpit to the ground. “The latter approach seems to be more workable, at least in the short term, because much of what is required already exists,” says Patrick Smith, an airline pilot flying Boeing 767 aircraft. “A trained ground operator could observe a number of flights at once and even fully control the plane remotely if needed.”
It’s true that single-pilot operations could help airlines save money, but there is another reason which makes them quicken their pace for this crucial breakthrough. Boeing predicts a need for 600,000 new pilots in the next two decades, but by some estimates, there will be a deficit (赤字) of at least 34,000 pilots globally by 2025. Reducing the number of pilots on some crews or aircraft could lessen the impact of this.
Perhaps the biggest barrier to a single pilot will be selling the idea to passengers. In 2019, Don Hairis, a professor at Coventry University, conducted a survey on the prospect of flying on an airliner with just one pilot. Just a minority of participants said they’d be willing to take that flight, and the general idea was that removing a pilot increased the possibility of accidents. In the study, Harris concluded that the single-crew airliner would be still probably 20 years away.
8. What is the potential trend in commercial aviation according to the text
A. It will make air travel eco-friendly.
B. It will switch to single-pilot operations.
C. It will tighten its flight control for safety concerns.
D. It will bring in many military aircraft to the industry.
9. What does Patrick Smith think is a quick way to realize airlines’ brave innovation
A. Raising the standards in admitting new pilots. B. Making pilots adaptable to different situations.
C. Using computers to automate the flight process. D. Gaining piloting support from ground operators.
10. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 4 refer to
A. The shortage of pilots. B. The need for new airlines.
C. The airlines’ brave innovation. D. The financial problem airlines face.
11. What can be inferred from Don Harris’ study
A. The prospect of single-crew airliners is bright.
B. It's urgent that airlines reduce airplane accidents.
C. Passengers are willing to try new types of airplanes.
D. Airlines have a long way to go before the innovation occurs.
The tomato leafminer moth originates from Peru and is common throughout South America. However, it has spread through Europe since 2007 and has become one of the largest pests in Mediterranean regions, threatening food supplies. Experts around the world are currently struggling with new ways to battle the moth, but it has developed resistance to pesticides (杀虫剂), leaving farmers helpless to stop the damage. Now a new study from the University of Portsmouth has shown that an answer may lie in the tropical tent-web spider.
Scientists carried out laboratory tests and found that the spiders banded together to form webs which easily caught the flying insects, which they then ate. The tropical tent-web spider operate in large groups and can create giant joined-up webs to capture bugs. Dr. Lena Grinsted, the lead author of the study, said, “Spiders can provide large surface areas of capture webs capable of catching insects in the air. This could potentially lead to a reduction of reliance on chemical pesticides, resulting in less pollution in soils, waterways and food chains in the future.”
Crop damage is also caused by the larvae (幼虫), which directly attack the tomato fruit, making the crop ugly and thus unmarketable. Larvae live inside the leaf until they begin the process of turning into a moth, making them difficult to control. However, scientists expect that by targeting the adult moth population, it will reduce the number of eggs being laid. In addition, the spiders build the biggest webs during the summer months, which will benefit the tomato planting and growing season in May and June.
The researchers said the study will “open doors for the use of group-living spiders to control agricultural pests”, but warned that more work was needed to check the spiders did not change the ecology of regions. Dr. Grinsted added, “Future studies are now needed to investigate whether the spiders may negatively impact crop pollination (授粉) by also catching bees and other key pollinators.”
12. Why is it difficult to get rid of the moth according to Paragraph 1
A. It is large in size. B. It is drug-resistant.
C. It spreads too quickly. D. It threatens food supply.
13. What makes using the spiders to control pests possible
A. Their ability to weave huge webs. B. The reduction of pest-control cost.
C. Their importance in the food chain. D. The pollution of chemical pesticides.
14. How do scientists plan to deal with the larvae
A. By destroying the eggs. B. By reducing food supply.
C. By controlling the source. D. By stopping them hatching.
15. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Moths: The Biggest Threat to Crops B. Moths: A Species Difficult to Control
C. Spiders: The Future of Modern Agriculture D. Spiders: An Eco-friendly Alternative to Drugs
第二节 (共5小题:每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
Rock climbing is the kind of sport you either love or you’re simply not interested in. For those who love it, there is great personal satisfaction. ____16____ It is a physical workout that requires strength, coordination, and perseverance. Regular climbing (2 or more times per week) can improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility. Mentally, you must confront (正视) your fears both of injuries and of heights and make good decisions because your life depends upon it.
_____17_____ You must be in good health and above average physical condition to go rock climbing, more so if you do this outdoors. You need to be flexible and agile (敏捷的), since climbing skills involve stretching, bending, and precise body positioning. And you must have the strength to hold yourself up by your arms and hands or even just your fingers.
You don’t have to climb Mount Qomolangma to enjoy the sport of rock climbing.
_____18_____ Some of these include traditional climbing, free solo climbing, ice climbing and indoor climbing.
If you think you may be interested in rock climbing, start by reading books or rock climbing publications.____19____ Others have essays written by climbers that can give you a feel for this sport. Publications are good sources of gear advice and reviews, technique and training tips, and rock climbing destinations.
If you’re passionate about rock climbing, you’ll want to find others who share your love of this sport. Ask about groups or clubs at a local rock climbing gym or search the Internet.____20____
A. There are many options.
B. Rock climbing isn’t for everyone.
C. Rock climbing has gained popularity in recent years.
D. Rock climbing involves both physical and mental challenges.
E. The more you learn, the more you’ll want to know and share!
F. Most of all, you need time and commitment to learn the skills.
G. There are many books available that outline the basics of rock climbing.
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I hate heights. I___21___when a hotel clerk places me higher than the third floor. On sightseeing trips, I need a lot of gentle ___22___from my companions before stepping onto the observation decks. Then I counted the minutes___23___, until their elevators returned me safely to the ground.
But I was___24___for parasailing. Each time I glance up to see someone___25___from beneath a brightly colored parachute (降落伞) I’d wave back with admiration,___26___: What would it be like to see the beach from high above I hope someday I can find the answer___27___ .
Years later, on a family trip to Lake Erie’s islands, we___28___to choose one thing we most wanted to do. Visit a museum Hear live music We surfed the internet, researching___29___. And then I remembered those___30___. We booked our reservation.
The next morning, I___31___with myself. Part of me wanted to___32___: “I just can’t.” But another part knew those___33___voices would never pipe down unless I made my dream true.
Then, I was high up in the sky. I kept waiting to___34___as I’d imagined it would be just like those horrible skyscraper visits. But it was the very___35___ . High above, I felt so calming and peaceful, surrounded by that blue.
21. A. show off B. turn up C. reach out D. back off
22. A. comment B. persuasion C. trust D. permission
23. A. nervously B. casually C. tentatively D. curiously
24. A. responsible B. desperate C. prepared D. unsuitable
25. A. skipping B. arguing C. waving D. slipping
26. A. wondering B. explaining C. whispering D. complaining
27. A. in advance B. in person C. at random D. on end
28. A. applied B. pretended C. agreed D. happened
29. A. limitations B. instructions C. options D. competitions
30. A. beach lovers B. pioneers C. attention seekers D. parasailers
31. A. cooperated B. corresponded C. compared D. struggled
32. A. contact B. relax C. quit D. change
33. A. sympathetic B. familiar C. thrilling D. discouraging
34. A. panic B. doubt C. respond D. test
35 A. extreme B. opposite C. expectation D. impression
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
In human history, many ancient and splendid civilizations were born and died. China is the only country with uninterrupted human civilization. Chinese civilization was born on both ___36___(shore) of the Yellow River in 2800 BC. And the rich land ___37___ Chinese civilization began is Henan Province.
In the long history of Chinese civilization, we may feel that the unique Chinese characteristics are all around us and all within us, ___38___(reflect)in Kungfu to a large extent.
Kungfu or martial arts can only ___39___(master)through hard work and practice, which contains rich yet profound Chinese philosophy, whether in curing diseases and improving health, ___40___ in conquering the enemy and preventing conflict. Kungfu can even have an effect on the daily lives of Kungfu fighters.
All styles or schools of martial art originate from Shaolin Temple. So far, Shaolin Kungfu ___41___(become)a window of Chinese culture to the world, which also turns Shaolin Temple into the most ___42___(influence) “holy land” of martial arts in the world.
Chinese civilization ___43___ its thousands of years of history is just like an old man, ___44___(remain)tough and intelligent. No matter what happens in the world, he is always standing there with a big smile and ___45___ inclusive attitude.
第四部分 写作(40分)
第一节 应用文(15分)
46. 针对目前学生们不重视体育锻炼的现象,你校英文报正在开展征文活动。请你写一篇文章投稿,内容包括:1.描述现状;2.论述观点;3.提出建议。
Reviving the Passion for Sports with Students
第二节 读后续写(25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Mr. Taylor checked again: water, food, bandage, medicines, a compass, and a map wrapped in plastic... Bingo! He put all that he prepared for the coming hiking into his backpack.
Mr. Taylor was fond of hiking this time in particular, for it was the first time for him to hike with his two sons, Harry and Joel. Joel liked reading books about explorers and Harry joined the hiking club in his school this term. It will be an unforgettable experience, definitely, he whispered to himself unconsciously a smile spreading over his face.
Harry and Joel, however, argued for the first three miles of their hiking trip. Harry accused Joel of wearing smelly old shoes. Joel blamed Harry for using all of the bug spray(喷雾防虫剂).Harry told Joel he smelled terrible. Joel called Harry a coward(懦夫).
“Will the two of you just quiet down and enjoy our hike together ” their father said. "You’re missing all of the beautiful scenery!"
It was true. Neither Joel nor Harry had taken notice of the bear their father had spied at the start of their trip. They hadn’t looked up at the eagle he pointed out overhead. Worst of all, they hadn’t paid any attention to the turns and twists along the way while they continued their argument.
“Joel threw a stick at me!” Harry screamed. "That’s not true!” Joel shouted back.
Mr. Taylor could no longer contain his anger. "And both of you need to stop arguing!" he erupted. As he turned to face them, his left foot caught on a root. He slipped backward and down muddy bank, falling into the river that ran alongside the path,
Harry and Joel raced to their father’s assistance. They helped him up out of the water, and then dragged his wet backpack up onto land.
Fortunately, their wet-through father found himself just slightly injured.
Paragraph 1:
But his glasses came off when he fell in the water.
Paragraph 2:
“Just calm down." Mr. Taylor shouted, "Without my glasses, we need to work together to find our way. "
听力:1—5 BACCA 6—10 BCAAC 11—15 CAACA 16—20 BCBBA江西省丰城九中、高安二中、万载中学、
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What can’t the woman do well in
A. Passing a ball. B. Hitting a ball. C. Catching a ball.
2. Who will probably pick up Helen tomorrow morning
A. Larry. B. Bob. C. Mary.
3. What will the speakers do in the afternoon
A. Attend a meeting. B. Swim in a lake. C. Go to the top of a mountain.
4. When will the speakers leave work today
A. At 5:00 pm. B. At 6:00 pm. C. At 7:00 pm.
5. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a plane. B. At a park. C. On a train.
6. Why does the woman come here
A. To visit a patient. B. To see a doctor. C. To apply for a passport.
7. What does the woman need to provide
A. Her address. B. Her ID card. C. Her evidence of identity.
8. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Fellow workers. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.
9. What do we know about the man speaker
A. He has much work experience.
B. He is the same age as the woman.
C. He graduated from college this summer.
10. What is the headmaster like
A. Strict. B. Impatient. C. Easy-going.
11. What is the first book about
A. Honeybees. B. Different colors. C. Woodland animals.
12. What is Jorey Hurley
A. A writer. B. A painter. C. A bookseller.
13. How much will the speakers pay
A. $7. B. $20. C. $38.
14. Why did Greyson start the organization
A. To reduce food waste.
B. To support his family.
C. To help people in need.
15. What was Greyson’s parents’ attitude towards his decision
A. Supportive. B. Worried. C. Uncaring.
16. What is Greyson’s dream
A. To start a larger activity. B. To become a Navy SEAL
C. To work as a firefighter.
17. What is the conversation mainly about
A. A firefight. B. A good family. C. A charity organization.
18. What did Chloe Kim realize after her first snowboarding
A. She found it boring.
B. She was interested in it.
C. She was afraid of competing.
19. Why did Chloe Kim choose to begin homeschooling
A. To avoid the tiring school life.
B. To have more time for training.
C. To enjoy her father’s company.
20. How old was Chloe Kim when she won a gold medal at the 2015 X Games
A. 14. B. 16. C. 18.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Kings Camps
About Our Camps
Kings Camps is part of the Kings Active Foundation and is devoted to helping young people reach their potential. We provide sports camps and summer camps at over 40 places across the UK for children aged 4-17. We bring together the very best parts of sports and holiday clubs to provide friendship, fun and exciting adventures for young people from the UK and around the world.
Why Choose Kings Camps
※Creative, inspiring camps: We have a strong belief that sport has an important role to play in a happy childhood and our not-for-money state enables us to provide some places and invest in new and creative ways to inspire.
※Learn important life skills: Kings Camps prepare children with important life skills and an understanding that being active is important to health and well-being.
※International students are welcome: We welcome children from outside of the UK who will make friends here by communicating with kids from different backgrounds, but we do require that they at least understand English to make sure of their safety and that of others, and of course their enjoyment.
Ryan has enjoyed every part. When we’ve asked about his day, he’s said it was “amazing and fantastic”. All the staff are extremely friendly, enthusiastic and have a true belief in what they are doing.
— Tracy Lee
Fantastic & friendly staff! It’s an action-packed week of multiple sports. My sweetheart made new friends, overcame swimming fears & came away more confident too! I cannot recommend it enough!
— Kay Court
1. What does Kings Camps aim to do
A. Mix sports and holiday clubs.
B. Get kids to play outdoors.
C. Provide adventurous and challenging camps.
D. Encourage kids to develop their potential.
2. What is necessary for international students
A. Awareness of safety.
B. Love for media.
C. Basic English ability.
D. Good communicating skills.
3. Who probably made the comments
A. Parents. B. Teachers. C. Campers. D. Staff.
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. A
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍的是Kings Camps的相关信息。
推理判断题。根据About Our Camps部分的“Kings Camps is part of the Kings Active Foundation and is devoted to helping young people reach their potential.(Kings Camps是Kings Active基金会的一部分,致力于帮助年轻人发挥他们的潜力)”可推知,Kings Camp的目标是鼓励孩子发展他们的潜能。故选D。
细节理解题。根据Why Choose Kings Camps部分第三段的“We welcome children from outside of the UK who will make friends here by communicating with kids from different backgrounds, but we do require that they at least understand English to make sure of their safety and that of others, and of course their enjoyment.(我们欢迎来自英国以外的孩子,他们可以在这里与来自不同背景的孩子交流,结交朋友,但我们确实要求他们至少懂英语,以确保他们和其他人的安全,当然也要确保他们的快乐)”可知,国际学生需要基本的英语能力。故选C。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“Ryan has enjoyed every part. When we’ve asked about his day, he’s said it was “amazing and fantastic”.(瑞恩喜欢每一个部分。当我们问他这一天过得如何时,他说“太棒了”)”和最后一段的“My sweetheart made new friends, overcame swimming fears & came away more confident too!(我的爱人交了新朋友,克服了游泳的恐惧,也更加自信了!)”里的名字Ryan和称呼“My sweetheart”以及文章开头第一段的“We provide sports camps and summer camps at over 40 places across the UK for children aged 4-17.(我们为4-17岁的儿童在英国的40多个地方提供运动营地和夏令营)”可知,这个营地是针对孩子的。由此推知,这两段评论是家长做出的。故选A。
They talk about the straw that broke the camel's back, but really it should be the password that wiped out my memory bank.
I was going along the -with instant recall of my bank PIN(密码), my mobile phone number and the date of my cousin's birthday before I downloaded a gas station payment app for its new customer discount. It asked me to create a password. When I typed in “gas 1”, it was rejected for not being complex enough. I tried again: “I Hate Hearless Oil Companies@”. But that was too long and didn’t include “at least one number”. But here is the thing: as soon as 1 added the fresh password into my memory, I instantly forgot all the others. My brain had hit its limit for passwords. I now know nothing.
I had entered some passwords in a notebook. Of course, I didn't write down the actual passwords, in case it fell into the wrong hands. Instead, I masked them in a way that only a family member could figure them out. For example, I combined my bank PIN with our postal code, then added it to a list of phone numbers. It would fool even Albert Einstein.
Maybe we need a system like the one we use to remember people's names. You know, you form an association between a person's characteristics and their name by whispering “Skinny George, Skinny George”in heart after meeting them. The risk is that, upon seeing him, you’ll burst out the phrase. “Skinny George” might not mind, but it’s possible “Boring Betty” will. As for remembering passwords as you change them, you could simply use the first and last letters of your favorite singer's greatest hits, together with the year of their release.
Maybe I’ll try that one out—but only after describing the system in the notebook. Then I'll hide it in a place so secret that I'll never remember where it is.
4. What can we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs
A. He fell for a marketing trick. B. He was driven mad by passwords.
C. He had a serious memory disorder. D. He was rejected by the gas station.
5. By mentioning Albert Einstein in paragraph 3, the author intends to ______ .
A. show how secure his passwords were
B. challenge the intelligence of scientists
C. prove the uselessness of his passwords
D. promote a more scientific password system
6. What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A. To encourage readers to use password notebooks.
B. To recommend a password-remembering method.
C. To complain about the trouble caused by passwords.
D. To point out the importance of using complex passwords.
7. What is the tone of the text
A. Inspiring. B. Indifferent. C. Humorous. D. Serious.
【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“They talk about the straw that broke the camel's back, but really it should be the password that wiped out my memory bank.(他们说的是压垮骆驼背的稻草,但实际上应该是密码毁掉了我的记忆库。)”以及第二段“as soon as 1 added the fresh password into my memory, I instantly forgot all the others. My brain had hit its limit for passwords. I now know nothing.(当我把新密码添加到我的记忆中时,我立刻忘记了所有其他密码。我的大脑已经达到了密码的极限。我现在什么都不知道。)”可知作者更新了密码之后却忘记了,被密码所累,分析四个选项,B项“He was driven mad by passwords(他被密码逼疯了)”表达的含义符合语境,故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段“I masked them in a way that only a family member could figure them out. For example, I combined my bank PIN with our postal code, then added it to a list of phone numbers. It would fool even Albert Einstein(我把密码设置了一种只有家庭成员才能认出的方式。例如,我将我的银行PIN与我们的邮政编码结合起来,然后将其添加到电话号码列表中。它甚至会愚弄阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦)”可知,下文是对上文中作者提到的密码设置很复杂进行说明,故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第一段“They talk about the straw that broke the camel's back, but really it should be the password that wiped out my memory bank.(他们说的是压垮骆驼背的稻草,但实际上应该是密码毁掉了我的记忆库。)”以及最后一段“Maybe I’ll try that one out—but only after describing the system in the notebook. Then I'll hide it in a place so secret that I'll never remember where it is.(也许我会试试这个——但只有在笔记本上描述了这个系统之后。然后我会把它藏在一个秘密的地方,我永远不会记得它在哪里。)”可知本文主要内容为作者抱怨密码设置带来的麻烦,故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第二段“as soon as 1 added the fresh password into my memory, I instantly forgot all the others. My brain had hit its limit for passwords. I now know nothing.(当我把新密码添加到我的记忆中时,我立刻忘记了所有其他密码。我的大脑已经达到了密码的极限。我现在什么都不知道。)”、第三段“I masked them in a way that only a family member could figure them out. For example, I combined my bank PIN with our postal code, then added it to a list of phone numbers. It would fool even Albert Einstein(我把密码设置了一种只有家庭成员才能认出的方式。例如,我将我的银行PIN与我们的邮政编码结合起来,然后将其添加到电话号码列表中。它甚至会愚弄阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦)”以及最后一段“Maybe I’ll try that one out—but only after describing the system in the notebook. Then I'll hide it in a place so secret that I'll never remember where it is.(也许我会试试这个——但只有在笔记本上描述了这个系统之后。然后我会把它藏在一个秘密的地方,我永远不会记得它在哪里。)”可知作者在本文中以一种幽默风趣的方式抱怨自己被各种各样的复杂密码所累,因此本文的风格是幽默诙谐,故选C项。
If you had boarded a passenger plane in 1950, you would have seen five people in the cockpit (驾驶舱): two pilots, a radio operator, a navigator and a flight engineer. Over the years, technical advances have gradually removed the need for the last three, leaving just two pilots. That has been the norm (标准) in commercial aviation for decades.
However, things could be simplified further — one of the two remaining pilots could soon go. Many military aircraft are already manned by a single pilot, and for commercial aviation this would mean stepping into a brave new world.
But how will airlines make this brave innovation come true One way is to greatly increase automation in the cockpit, devoting more tasks to computers. Another is to shift the same tasks from the cockpit to the ground. “The latter approach seems to be more workable, at least in the short term, because much of what is required already exists,” says Patrick Smith, an airline pilot flying Boeing 767 aircraft. “A trained ground operator could observe a number of flights at once and even fully control the plane remotely if needed.”
It’s true that single-pilot operations could help airlines save money, but there is another reason which makes them quicken their pace for this crucial breakthrough. Boeing predicts a need for 600,000 new pilots in the next two decades, but by some estimates, there will be a deficit (赤字) of at least 34,000 pilots globally by 2025. Reducing the number of pilots on some crews or aircraft could lessen the impact of this.
Perhaps the biggest barrier to a single pilot will be selling the idea to passengers. In 2019, Don Hairis, a professor at Coventry University, conducted a survey on the prospect of flying on an airliner with just one pilot. Just a minority of participants said they’d be willing to take that flight, and the general idea was that removing a pilot increased the possibility of accidents. In the study, Harris concluded that the single-crew airliner would be still probably 20 years away.
8. What is the potential trend in commercial aviation according to the text
A. It will make air travel eco-friendly.
B. It will switch to single-pilot operations.
C. It will tighten its flight control for safety concerns.
D. It will bring in many military aircraft to the industry.
9. What does Patrick Smith think is a quick way to realize airlines’ brave innovation
A. Raising the standards in admitting new pilots. B. Making pilots adaptable to different situations.
C. Using computers to automate the flight process. D. Gaining piloting support from ground operators.
10. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 4 refer to
A. The shortage of pilots. B. The need for new airlines.
C. The airlines’ brave innovation. D. The financial problem airlines face.
11. What can be inferred from Don Harris’ study
A. The prospect of single-crew airliners is bright.
B. It's urgent that airlines reduce airplane accidents.
C. Passengers are willing to try new types of airplanes.
D. Airlines have a long way to go before the innovation occurs.
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. D
细节理解题。根据第二段中“However, things could be simplified further — one of the two remaining pilots could soon go. Many military aircraft are already manned by a single pilot, and for commercial aviation this would mean stepping into a brave new world.(然而,事情可以进一步简化——剩下的两名飞行员中的一名可能很快就会离开。许多军用飞机已经由一名飞行员驾驶,对于商业航空来说,这将意味着步入一个美丽的新世界。)”可知,根据文章,商业航空的潜在趋势是它将转为单人驾驶。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“One way is to greatly increase automation in the cockpit, devoting more tasks to computers. Another is to shift the same tasks from the cockpit to the ground. ‘The latter approach seems to be more workable, at least in the short term, because much of what is required already exists,’ says Patrick Smith, an airline pilot flying Boeing 767 aircraft. (一种方法是大大提高驾驶舱的自动化程度,将更多的任务交给计算机。另一种方法是将同样的任务从驾驶舱转移到地面。‘后一种方法似乎更可行,至少在短期内是这样,因为所需的很多东西已经存在,’驾驶波音767飞机的飞行员Patrick Smith说。)”可知,Patrick Smith认为获得地面操作员的驾驶支持是实现航空公司大胆创新的快速方法。故选D项。
词句猜测题。划线词句前文“ Boeing predicts a need for 600,000 new pilots in the next two decades, but by some estimates, there will be a deficit(赤字)of at least 34,000 pilots globally by 2025. (波音公司预计,未来20年将需要60万名新飞行员,但据估计,到2025年,全球至少将出现3.4万名飞行员的缺口。)”说明飞行员短缺,从而推知划线词句“Reducing the number of pilots on some crews or aircraft could lessen the impact of this.(减少一些机组或飞机上的飞行员数量可以减轻这种影响。)”中划线词指的是“飞行员短缺”这一情况。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“In the study, Harris concluded that the single-crew airliner would be still probably 20 years away.(在这项研究中,Harris得出结论,单机组客机可能还需要20年的时间。)”可知,从Don Harris的研究中可以推断出在创新发生之前,航空公司还有很长的路要走。故选D项。
The tomato leafminer moth originates from Peru and is common throughout South America. However, it has spread through Europe since 2007 and has become one of the largest pests in Mediterranean regions, threatening food supplies. Experts around the world are currently struggling with new ways to battle the moth, but it has developed resistance to pesticides (杀虫剂), leaving farmers helpless to stop the damage. Now a new study from the University of Portsmouth has shown that an answer may lie in the tropical tent-web spider.
Scientists carried out laboratory tests and found that the spiders banded together to form webs which easily caught the flying insects, which they then ate. The tropical tent-web spider operate in large groups and can create giant joined-up webs to capture bugs. Dr. Lena Grinsted, the lead author of the study, said, “Spiders can provide large surface areas of capture webs capable of catching insects in the air. This could potentially lead to a reduction of reliance on chemical pesticides, resulting in less pollution in soils, waterways and food chains in the future.”
Crop damage is also caused by the larvae (幼虫), which directly attack the tomato fruit, making the crop ugly and thus unmarketable. Larvae live inside the leaf until they begin the process of turning into a moth, making them difficult to control. However, scientists expect that by targeting the adult moth population, it will reduce the number of eggs being laid. In addition, the spiders build the biggest webs during the summer months, which will benefit the tomato planting and growing season in May and June.
The researchers said the study will “open doors for the use of group-living spiders to control agricultural pests”, but warned that more work was needed to check the spiders did not change the ecology of regions. Dr. Grinsted added, “Future studies are now needed to investigate whether the spiders may negatively impact crop pollination (授粉) by also catching bees and other key pollinators.”
12. Why is it difficult to get rid of the moth according to Paragraph 1
A. It is large in size. B. It is drug-resistant.
C. It spreads too quickly. D. It threatens food supply.
13. What makes using the spiders to control pests possible
A Their ability to weave huge webs. B. The reduction of pest-control cost.
C. Their importance in the food chain. D. The pollution of chemical pesticides.
14. How do scientists plan to deal with the larvae
A. By destroying the eggs. B. By reducing food supply.
C. By controlling the source. D. By stopping them hatching.
15. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Moths: The Biggest Threat to Crops B. Moths: A Species Difficult to Control
C. Spiders: The Future of Modern Agriculture D. Spiders: An Eco-friendly Alternative to Drugs
【答案】12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D
细节理解题。根据第一段“Experts around the world are currently struggling with new ways to battle the moth, but it has developed resistance to pesticides (杀虫剂), leaving farmers helpless to stop the damage.( 世界各地的专家目前正在努力寻找新的方法来对抗这种蛾,但它已经对杀虫剂产生了耐药性,让农民无法阻止这种破坏。)”可知,难以除掉这种蛾的原因是它们产生了抗药性,故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Scientists carried out laboratory tests and found that the spiders banded together to form webs which easily caught the flying insects, which they then ate. The tropical tent-web spider operate in large groups and can create giant joined-up webs to capture bugs(科学家们进行了实验室测试,发现蜘蛛结合在一起形成网,很容易抓住飞行的昆虫,然后吃掉它们。热带帐篷蜘蛛以大群为单位活动,可以形成巨大的连接网来捕捉虫子)”可知,热带帐篷蜘蛛有能力形成巨大的连接网来捕捉虫子,这使得控制害虫有了可能性,故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第三段“However, scientists expect that by targeting the adult moth population, it will reduce the number of eggs being laid.(然而,科学家们认为以成年蛾种群为目标,将减少产卵数量。)”可推理出科学家认为可以通过控制来源的方式对付幼虫,故选C项。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Now a new study from the University of Portsmouth has shown that an answer may lie in the tropical tent-web spider.(现在,朴次茅斯大学大学的一项新研究表明,答案可能在于热带帐篷蜘蛛。)”、第二段“Scientists carried out laboratory tests and found that the spiders banded together to form webs which easily caught the flying insects, which they then ate(科学家们进行了实验室测试,发现蜘蛛结合在一起形成网,很容易抓住飞行的昆虫,然后吃掉它们。)”、倒数第二段“In addition, the spiders build the biggest webs during the summer months, which will benefit the tomato planting and growing season in May and June.(此外,蜘蛛在夏季会结出最大的网,这将有利于5月和6月的番茄种植和生长季节。)”以及最后一段“The researchers said the study will “open doors for the use of group-living spiders to control agricultural pests”(研究人员表示,这项研究将“为利用群居蜘蛛控制农业害虫打开大门”)”可知,本文主要讲的是科学研究发现采用热带帐篷蜘蛛替代杀虫剂控制害虫可能是一种重要方法,分析四个选项,D项“Spiders: An Eco-friendly Alternative to Drugs(蜘蛛:药物的环保替代品)”符合语境,故选D项。
第二节 (共5小题:每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
Rock climbing is the kind of sport you either love or you’re simply not interested in. For those who love it, there is great personal satisfaction. ____16____ It is a physical workout that requires strength, coordination, and perseverance. Regular climbing (2 or more times per week) can improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility. Mentally, you must confront (正视) your fears both of injuries and of heights and make good decisions because your life depends upon it.
_____17_____ You must be in good health and above average physical condition to go rock climbing, more so if you do this outdoors. You need to be flexible and agile (敏捷的), since climbing skills involve stretching, bending, and precise body positioning. And you must have the strength to hold yourself up by your arms and hands or even just your fingers.
You don’t have to climb Mount Qomolangma to enjoy the sport of rock climbing.
_____18_____ Some of these include traditional climbing, free solo climbing, ice climbing and indoor climbing.
If you think you may be interested in rock climbing, start by reading books or rock climbing publications.____19____ Others have essays written by climbers that can give you a feel for this sport. Publications are good sources of gear advice and reviews, technique and training tips, and rock climbing destinations.
If you’re passionate about rock climbing, you’ll want to find others who share your love of this sport. Ask about groups or clubs at a local rock climbing gym or search the Internet.____20____
A. There are many options.
B. Rock climbing isn’t for everyone.
C. Rock climbing has gained popularity in recent years.
D. Rock climbing involves both physical and mental challenges.
E. The more you learn, the more you’ll want to know and share!
F. Most of all, you need time and commitment to learn the skills.
G. There are many books available that outline the basics of rock climbing.
【答案】16. D 17. B 18. A 19. G 20. E
根据下文“It is a physical workout that requires strength, coordination, and perseverance.(这是一项需要力量、协调和毅力的体育锻炼。)”以及“Mentally, you must confront (正视) your fears both of injuries and of heights and make good decisions because your life depends upon it.(在精神上,你必须面对你对受伤和高度的恐惧,并做出正确的决定,因为你的生活取决于此。)”可知,攀岩是一项涉及体力和精神上的运动。D项“Rock climbing involves both physical and mental challenges. (攀岩包括身体和精神上的挑战。)”符合语境。故选D项。
根据下文“You must be in good health and above average physical condition to go rock climbing, more so if you do this outdoors. (你必须身体健康,身体状况在平均水平以上才能去攀岩,如果你在户外攀岩就更需要了。)”可知,攀岩需要健康的体魄,需要灵活敏捷,不一定适合每个人。B项“Rock climbing isn’t for everyone. (攀岩并不适合所有人。)”符合语境。故选B项。
根据上文“You don’t have to climb Mount Qomolangma to enjoy the sport of rock climbing.(你不必非得登上珠穆朗玛峰才能享受攀岩运动。)”以及下文“Some of these include traditional climbing, free solo climbing, ice climbing and indoor climbing.(其中包括传统攀岩、自由单人攀岩、冰上攀岩和室内攀岩。)”可知,你不必为了享受攀岩去爬珠穆朗玛峰,我们有很多的选择。A项“There are many options.(有很多的选择。)”符合语境。故选A项。
根据上文“If you think you may be interested in rock climbing, start by reading books or rock climbing publications.(如果你认为你可能对攀岩感兴趣,可以从阅读攀岩书籍或攀岩出版物开始。)”可知,如果对攀岩感兴趣,可以先看看书。G项“There are many books available that outline the basics of rock climbing.(有很多书都介绍了攀岩的基本知识。)”符合语境。故选G项。
根据上文“If you’re passionate about rock climbing, you’ll want to find others who share your love of this sport. Ask about groups or clubs at a local rock climbing gym or search the Internet.(如果你对攀岩充满热情,你会想找到和你一样热爱这项运动的人。询问当地攀岩馆的团体或俱乐部,或者上网搜索。)”可知,如果你对攀岩充满热情,你会想知道的越来越多。E项“The more you learn, the more you’ll want to know and share!(你学得越多,你就越想知道和分享!)”符合语境。故选E项。
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I hate heights. I___21___when a hotel clerk places me higher than the third floor. On sightseeing trips, I need a lot of gentle ___22___from my companions before stepping onto the observation decks. Then I counted the minutes___23___, until their elevators returned me safely to the ground.
But I was___24___for parasailing. Each time I glance up to see someone___25___from beneath a brightly colored parachute (降落伞), I’d wave back with admiration,___26___: What would it be like to see the beach from high above I hope someday I can find the answer___27___ .
Years later, on a family trip to Lake Erie’s islands, we___28___to choose one thing we most wanted to do. Visit a museum Hear live music We surfed the internet, researching___29___. And then I remembered those___30___. We booked our reservation.
The next morning, I___31___with myself. Part of me wanted to___32___: “I just can’t.” But another part knew those___33___voices would never pipe down unless I made my dream true.
Then, I was high up in the sky. I kept waiting to___34___as I’d imagined it would be just like those horrible skyscraper visits. But it was the very___35___ . High above, I felt so calming and peaceful, surrounded by that blue.
21. A. show off B. turn up C. reach out D. back off
22. A. comment B. persuasion C. trust D. permission
23. A. nervously B. casually C. tentatively D. curiously
24. A. responsible B. desperate C. prepared D. unsuitable
25. A. skipping B. arguing C. waving D. slipping
26. A. wondering B. explaining C. whispering D. complaining
27. A. in advance B. in person C. at random D. on end
28. A. applied B. pretended C. agreed D. happened
29. A. limitations B. instructions C. options D. competitions
30. A. beach lovers B. pioneers C. attention seekers D. parasailers
31. A. cooperated B. corresponded C. compared D. struggled
32. A. contact B. relax C. quit D. change
33. A. sympathetic B. familiar C. thrilling D. discouraging
34. A. panic B. doubt C. respond D. test
35. A. extreme B. opposite C. expectation D. impression
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. D 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
考查动词短语辨析。句意:当酒店职员把我安排在三楼以上时,我后退了。A. show off炫耀;B. turn up出现;C. reach out伸出;D. back off后退。根据上文“I hate heights”可知,作者恐高,当酒店职员把作者安排在三楼以上时,作者后退了。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在观光旅行中,在登上观景台之前,我需要同伴们的许多温柔劝说。A. comment评论;B. persuasion说服;C. trust信任;D. permission允许。根据“I hate heights”可知,作者恐高,所以在登上观景台之前,作者需要同伴劝才会愿意登上去。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后我紧张地数着时间,直到电梯把我安全送回地面。A. nervously紧张地;B. casually随意地;C. tentatively试验性地;D. curiously好奇地。根据上文“I hate heights”可知,作者恐高,所以很紧张地等着回到地面。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我非常想玩滑翔伞。A. responsible负责任的;B. desperate拼命的;C. prepared准备好的;D. unsuitable不适合的。根据下文“I’d wave back with admiration”可知,作者很羡慕玩儿滑翔伞的,可见作者非常想玩滑翔伞。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:每次我抬头看到有人在色彩鲜艳的滑翔伞下挥手时,我都会羡慕地向他挥手,心想:从高处看海滩会是什么样子?A. skipping跳过;B. arguing争论;C. waving挥动;D. slipping滑倒。根据下文“I’d wave back”可知,玩儿滑翔伞的人是给作者挥手。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:每次我抬头看到有人在色彩鲜艳的滑翔伞下挥手时,我都会羡慕地向他挥手,心想:从高处看海滩会是什么样子?A. wondering想知道;B. explaining解释;C. whispering低语;D. complaining抱怨。根据下文“What would it be like to see the beach from high above”可知,作者是在想这个问题,也就是想知道这个问题的答案。故选A。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:我希望有一天我能亲自找到答案。A. in advance提前;B. in person亲自;C. at random随机地;D. on end连续不断地。根据文章最后的“High above, I felt so calming and peaceful, surrounded by that blue”可知,作者自己去寻找答案。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:几年后,在一次前往伊利湖岛屿的家庭旅行中,我们同意选择一件我们最想做的事情。A. applied应用;B. pretended假装;C. agreed同意;D. happened发生。根据下文“We surfed the internet”可知,作者他们是同意选择一件自己最想做的事情。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们上网浏览,研究各种选择。A. limitations限制;B. instructions说明;C. options选择;D. competitions竞争。根据上文“Visit a museum Hear live music We surfed the internet”可知,作者他们在研究选什么事情,空格处“选择”。故选C。
考查名词短语辨析。句意:想起了那些滑翔伞。A. beach lovers爱沙滩的人;B. pioneers先锋;C. attention seekers寻求关注的人;D. parasailers滑翔伞。根据下文“Then, I was high up in the sky”和上文“Then, I was high up in the sky”可知,作者以前就想玩儿滑翔伞,后来真的去玩儿了,所以作者此时是想起了那些滑翔伞。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,我与自己斗争。A. cooperated合作;B. corresponded通信;C. compared比较;D. struggled斗争。根据下文“Part of me wanted to___12___: “I just can’t.” But another part knew those___13___voices would never pipe down unless I made my dream true”可知,作者很纠结,与自己作斗争。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的一部分想要放弃:“我就是做不到。”A. contact联系;B. relax放松;C. quit放弃;D. change改变。根据下文“I just can’t”可知,作者觉得自己做不到,所以想要放弃。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但另一方面,我知道那些令人沮丧的声音永远不会平息,除非我实现了自己的梦想。A. sympathetic同情的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. thrilling令人兴奋的;D. discouraging令人沮丧的。根据上文“I just can’t”和“those”可知,此处指上文像“I just can’t”这样的令人沮丧的声音。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一直等着恐慌,因为我想象这就像那些可怕的摩天大楼参观一样。A. panic恐慌;B. doubt怀疑;C. respond回答;D. test测试。根据上文“I hate heights”和“I’d imagined it would be just like those horrible skyscraper visits”可知,作者恐高,在空中的时候觉得自己肯定会觉得恐慌,所以就一直等着。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但事实恰恰相反。A. extreme极端;B. opposite对立面;C. expectation期待;D. impression印象。根据下文“I felt so calming and peaceful”和上文“I kept waiting to___14___as I’d imagined it would be just like those horrible skyscraper visits”可知,此处表示事实和作者想的相反,因此空格处是“对立面”。故选B。
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
In human history, many ancient and splendid civilizations were born and died. China is the only country with uninterrupted human civilization. Chinese civilization was born on both ___36___(shore) of the Yellow River in 2800 BC. And the rich land ___37___ Chinese civilization began is Henan Province.
In the long history of Chinese civilization, we may feel that the unique Chinese characteristics are all around us and all within us, ___38___(reflect)in Kungfu to a large extent.
Kungfu or martial arts can only ___39___(master)through hard work and practice, which contains rich yet profound Chinese philosophy, whether in curing diseases and improving health, ___40___ in conquering the enemy and preventing conflict. Kungfu can even have an effect on the daily lives of Kungfu fighters.
All styles or schools of martial art originate from Shaolin Temple. So far, Shaolin Kungfu ___41___(become)a window of Chinese culture to the world, which also turns Shaolin Temple into the most ___42___(influence) “holy land” of martial arts in the world.
Chinese civilization ___43___ its thousands of years of history is just like an old man, ___44___(remain)tough and intelligent. No matter what happens in the world, he is always standing there with a big smile and ___45___ inclusive attitude.
【答案】36. shores
37. where 38. reflected
39. be mastered
40. or 41. has become
42. influential
43. with 44. remaining
45. an
考查名词。句意:公元前2800年,中华文明诞生于黄河两岸。根据the Yellow River可知,一条河有两岸,此处用名词复数。故填shores。
考查定语从句。句意:而华夏文明发祥地便是河南省。分析句子可知,空处到began为定语从句,先行词the rich land作从句的地点状语,用where引导从句。故填where。
考查非谓语动词。句意:在漫长的中华文明史中,我们可能会感觉到,独特的中国特色围绕着我们,无处不在,很大程度上体现在功夫上。分析句子结构可知,空处作状语,unique Chinese characteristics与reflect构成逻辑上的被动关系,空处用过去分词。故填reflected。
考查被动语态。句意:功夫或武术只有通过努力和实践才能掌握,无论是在治疗疾病和改善健康方面,还是在征服敌人和防止冲突方面,都包含着丰富而深刻的中国哲学。can后缺少动词原形,主语“功夫或武术”与master构成被动关系,谓语用情态动词的被动语态。故填be mastered。
考查动词时态。句意:至今,少林功夫已成为中国文化向世界展示的窗口,这也使少林寺成为世界上最具影响力的武术“圣地”。空处缺少句子的谓语,根据So far可知,句子为现在完成时,主语Shaolin Kungfu为单数。故填has become。
考查介词。句意:有着几千年历史的中华文明就像一位老人,顽强而睿智。分析句子可知,空处缺少介词,根据be动词is可知,主语为Chinese civilization,此处表示“具有”,用介词with。故填with。
考查非谓语动词。句意:有着几千年历史的中华文明就像一位老人,顽强而睿智。分析句子结构可知,空处作状语,逻辑主语an old man与remain构成逻辑上的主动关系,用现在分词作状语。故填remaining。
第四部分 写作(40分)
第一节 应用文(15分)
46. 针对目前学生们不重视体育锻炼的现象,你校英文报正在开展征文活动。请你写一篇文章投稿,内容包括:1.描述现状;2.论述观点;3.提出建议。
Reviving the Passion for Sports with Students
【答案】Reviving the Passion for Sports with Students
Currently, many students attach little importance to doing sports due to heavy study schedules and lack of motivation for exercise.
In my view, taking regular exercise is of great significance. To begin with, it contributes to building up a strong and healthy body, which can reduce the risk of falling ill and improve our academic performance as well. Besides, working out regularly not only strengthens our willpower but also lightens our moods. Therefore, it is advisable to be engaged in a variety of activities we have passion for, ranging from jogging to playing basketball.
In conclusion, reviving passion for sports is essential for our present and future development. I do hope that everyone can be healthy both in body and in mind.
不多:little→not much
由于:due to→because of
原句:In my view, taking regular exercise is of great significance.
拓展句:In my view, taking regular exercise is significant.
【点睛】【高分句型1】To begin with, it contributes to building up a strong and healthy body, which can reduce the risk of falling ill and improve our academic performance as well. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Therefore, it is advisable to be engaged in a variety of activities we have passion for, ranging from jogging to playing basketball. (运用了it作形式主语,非谓语动词不定式作真正主语等)
第二节 读后续写(25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Mr. Taylor checked again: water, food, bandage, medicines, a compass, and a map wrapped in plastic... Bingo! He put all that he prepared for the coming hiking into his backpack.
Mr. Taylor was fond of hiking, this time in particular, for it was the first time for him to hike with his two sons, Harry and Joel. Joel liked reading books about explorers and Harry joined the hiking club in his school this term. It will be an unforgettable experience, definitely, he whispered to himself unconsciously a smile spreading over his face.
Harry and Joel however, argued for the first three miles of their hiking trip. Harry accused Joel of wearing smelly old shoes. Joel blamed Harry for using all of the bug spray(喷雾防虫剂).Harry told Joel he smelled terrible. Joel called Harry a coward(懦夫).
“Will the two of you just quiet down and enjoy our hike together ” their father said. "You’re missing all of the beautiful scenery!"
It was true. Neither Joel nor Harry had taken notice of the bear their father had spied at the start of their trip. They hadn’t looked up at the eagle he pointed out overhead. Worst of all, they hadn’t paid any attention to the turns and twists along the way while they continued their argument.
“Joel threw a stick at me!” Harry screamed. "That’s not true!” Joel shouted back.
Mr. Taylor could no longer contain his anger. "And both of you need to stop arguing!" he erupted. As he turned to face them, his left foot caught on a root. He slipped backward and down muddy bank, falling into the river that ran alongside the path,
Harry and Joel raced to their father’s assistance. They helped him up out of the water, and then dragged his wet backpack up onto land.
Fortunately, their wet-through father found himself just slightly injured.
Paragraph 1:
But his glasses came off when he fell in the water.
Paragraph 2:
“Just calm down." Mr. Taylor shouted "Without my glasses, we need to work together to find our way. "
【答案】Para 1
But his glasses came off when he fell in the water. Harry and Joel waded back into the river. Twigs and leaves swirled around their ankles before floating away on the current. No glasses! Hairy thought they might have been swept downstream, without which Mr. Taylor couldn’t see. Everything was a blur to him now. How could they get home “Oh great! Now we’re lost,” groaned Joel,"and it might be days before someone finds us.” "No thanks to you.” Harry blamed.
Para 2
"Just calm down." Mr. Taylor shouted, "Without my glasses, we need to work together to find our way." Mr. Taylor fumbled in his backpack and pulled the map and the compass out. Luckily, Joel learned how to read a map from his books, and Harry knew how to use a compass from his hiking club. They stopped arguing, looked down at the map, so that they searched for the river and used the compass to find the direction. In relief, Mr. Taylor beamed proudly, "You two will save the day. You’re pretty good hiking partners!”
①寻找:search for/look for
②抱怨:complain/grumble/murmur at
③摸索:grope/feel about/try to find out
④使用:make use of/apply
⑤赞扬:praise/compliment/speak highly of
Harry thought they might have been swept downstream, without which Mr. Taylor couldn’t see. (运用“介词+关系代词”引导非限制性定语从句。)
They stopped arguing and looked down at the map, so that they could search for the river and used the compass to find the direction. (运用so that引导目的状语从句。)
听力:1—5 BACCA 6—10 BCAAC 11—15 CAACA 16—20 BCBBA



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