2023-2024江苏省宿迁市沭阳县高一上学期期中调研测试英语试卷(含听力)(原卷版+ 解析版 含听力音频)

(考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the man like about the new science building
A. The inside colors. B. The paintings. C. The outside design.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a street. B. In a museum. C. In a shop.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Who is Laura
A. The speakers’ workmate. B. A restaurant owner. C. A delivery woman.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What do we know about the woman
A. She keeps a work-life balance.
B. She will find a new job.
C. She has to work hard.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A A building. B. A fire. C. Air pollution.
6. What might the woman be
A. A reporter. B. A bank clerk. C. A policewoman.
7. What does the man need to do
A. Identify the robber. B. Draw a picture of the robber. C. Offer his personal information.
8. Where are the speakers
A. On top of a mountain.
B. On the way up a mountain.
C. At the bottom of a mountain.
9. How does the woman sound at first
A. Delighted. B. Nervous. C. Relaxed.
10. Why was John Lake built
A. To store more water. B. To attract more tourists. C. To restore the ecosystem.
11. When was the flight scheduled to arrive in Chicago
A At about 1:30 p.m. B. At about 3:30 p.m. C. At about 4 p.m.
12. What does the woman do for the man
A. Recommend an airline.
B. Book him another flight.
C. Add him to the waiting list.
13. What does the man mean in the end
A. He will cancel his conference.
B. He will have a special experience.
C. He will never fly Flyaway Airlines again.
14. What did the man do 10 days ago
A. He had an interview. B. He changed his job. C. He asked for a promotion.
15. What is the man weak at
A. Writing reports. B. Using office software. C. Working with others.
16. What did the woman suggest the man do
A. Dress formally. B. Get rid of the tie. C. Stay calm.
17. Who is the speaker
A. A tour guide. B. An official. C. A farmer.
18. What are the listeners visiting
A. A farm. B. A museum. C. A workshop.
19. What will the listeners do next
A. Go to the garden. B. View the farmhouse. C. Learn the history of the place.
20. Whom does the Johnson’s Village belong to
A. The Johnson family. B. Gorden’s Milk Company. C. The local government.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Four Women Who Made Scientific History
Katherine Johnson (1918-2020)
Katherine Johnson was a black mathematician and one of the first African-American women to work as a NASA scientist. As a mathematician, she calculated (计算) and analyzed the flight paths of NASA spacecraft. She is best known for making the calculations that allowed the first Americans to enter Earth’s orbit and set foot on the moon. The 2016 movie Hidden Figures records Johnson’s life and work at NASA.
Sally Ride (1951-2012)
Sally Ride was important in creating career and educational opportunities for women and girls in science and mathematics. As an astronaut, she became the first American woman in space in 1983. On NASA’s second and third Space Shuttle missions, her job was to work the robotic arm, which she used to put satellites into space. After she stopped working for NASA, she founded NASA’s EarthKAM project, which provided students the opportunity to take pictures of the Earth and then study them. In 2003, she was added to the Astronaut Hall of Fame.
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)
Ada Lovelace is regarded as the world’s first computer programmer. She helped develop the idea for a computing machine, and invented an algorithm (算法) for a computer. To honor her contributions, the U.S. Department of Defense named a new computer language “Ada” in the 1980s.
Mae Jemison (1956- )
Mae Jemison is a doctor, engineer, and former NASA astronaut. In 1992, she became the first Black woman to travel into space. Jemison excels in many scientific fields, has authored several books, and even appeared on an episode (一集) of Star Trek: The Next Generation. She was included in the National Women’s Hall of Fame the International Space Hall of Fame. Currently, she leads the 100 Year Starship project through the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. This project is devoted to ensuring that human travel to another star is possible in the next 100 years.
21. What did Katherine Johnson and Sally Ride have in common
A. They both did teaching jobs. B. They both traveled to space.
C. They both worked for NASA. D. They both spoke up for women’s rights.
22. Whose name was used to name a computer language
A. Katherine Johnson’s. B. Sally Ride’s.
C. Ada Lovelace’s. D. Mae Jemison’s.
23. What is Mae Jemison doing at present
A. Writing a book. B. Leading a project.
C. Starring in a TV series. D. Working as an astronaut.
When I suggested my 13-year-old try tennis she quickly refused me. “I’m not sporty; stop trying to get me to do sports,” Julianna said. I had suggested it because some of my happiest recent memories were of playing ping-pong with her. Tennis seemed like a natural progression from ping-pong and a great way to work out some of her growing pains on a larger playing field. But my suggestion was always refused by her.
Still, I was undeterred. I believed that doing some sports would help Julianna manage her emotions. I’ve seen how sports help with stress. It worked for me when I was a teenage girl.
Midway into summer, we stayed at home, and Julianna and I felt really bored. “Do you want to play tennis ” I asked her at lunch one afternoon. Sure, she said. At that time, we were both eager to spend as much time as possible out of the house.
Arriving at the court, we set down our bags, picked up our rackets (球拍), and headed to our sides of the court. The net was like the growing divide between us — I desiring connection and my teenage daughter longing for independence.
I started by hitting a ball over the net, and Julianna took a big swing and missed. We repeated this several more times. I didn’t tell her she was holding the racket too close to the neck or she should step more into her forehand. My daughter wanted the chance to figure these things out for herself. We repeated the pattern of me hitting the ball and her missing it a few times before she finally got it back over the net. “This is fun,” she said with a mixture of surprise and delight and then she smiled widely.
Now we always find time to play tennis. We’re both eager for an activity that can ease tensions between us in daily life. It’s nice to have a place where both of us can release our negative moods and let them go.
24. Why did the author persuade her daughter to play tennis
A. Tennis was as popular as ping-pong.
B. They had a good time playing tennis together.
C. It would help her daughter make more like-minded friends.
D. It would be good for her daughter’s emotional management.
25. What does the underlined word “undeterred” mean in paragraph 2
A. Not dishonest. B. Not sure. C. Not discouraged. D. Not surprised.
26. What did the author do when her daughter missed the ball
A. She stood close to the net. B. She repeated hitting the ball.
C. She changed ends with her daughter. D. She instructed her daughter immediately.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Mom Coaches Teen Daughter in Tennis
B. Mom Helps Teen Daughter Express Her Emotions
C. Mom Encourages Teen Daughter to Be Independent
D. Mom and Teen Daughter Find Some Peace on the Tennis Court
Most people tend to take a high-pitched (声调高的), sing-song tone when speaking to animals and human babies. Although the research before has suggested that such “baby talk” is more likely to catch dogs’ attention, less was known about how cats react to being spoken to in this way.
To find out the truth, Charlotte de Mouzon and her team members watched how 16 cats responded to hearing pre-recorded sentences spoken by their owner or a stranger, by recording changes in their behaviour, such as moving their ears or tails, or suddenly stopping what they were doing — any of which could show that a sound had caught their attention.
They found that the cats often made no response to hearing a stranger’s voice calling their name, but when their owner did it, 10 of the 16 cats showed a series of behaviors suggesting increased attention. Cats also showed more signs of interest when they heard their owner speaking sentences in a tone usually used to talk to their cats - but not when a stranger used this tone, or when their owner spoke the same sentence as if talking to a fellow adult human.
“For a long time it has been thought that cats are very independent animals, only interested in humans for food and shelter (庇护),” de Mouzon said. “But our research supports the idea that they are attached. It brings further evidence to encourage humans to consider cats as sensitive and communicative individuals,” she added. “The fact that, in return, cats show a greater reaction when their humans specifically address them brings a new dimension to previous considerations of this interactive relationship.”
Considering these findings, de Mouzon said cat owners shouldn’t feel shy about the way they speak to their pets. “I also talk to my two cats as if they were children and they do respond,” she said. “People may be shy about admitting this, but I think it can help to strengthen the bond between cats and their owners. They know that we are giving them attention.”
28. How did de Mouzon’s team carry out their study
A. By recording the sounds that caught cats’ attention.
B. By listing the causes of cats’changes in behaviors .
C. By watching the reaction of cats to different recordings.
D. By studying the interaction between cats and their owners.
29. What can be learned about most cats in the study
A. They liked hearing people calling their name.
B. They were able to tell their owner’s voice from a stranger’s.
C. They had a greater reaction when their owner talked to other cats.
D. They showed more interest when a stranger imitated their owner’s tone.
30. What do de Mouzon’s words in paragraph 4 indicate
A. Cats aren’t as independent as believed. B. Cats aren’t eager to please their owners.
C. Cats see their owners as a food provider. D. Cats are sensitive and like interacting with people.
31. What did de Mouzon encourage cat owners to do
A. Give more attention to their cats. B. Treat their cats like their children.
C. Admit that they are a cat person. D. Talk to their cats using baby talk.
A surprising discovery was reported by a team of South Korean researchers in late July. They said that they had created LK-99, a superconductor (超导体) that works at room temperatures and normal pressure levels.
When electricity travels through wires (电线), it loses some energy and heats up along the way because of resistance (电阻). Superconductors can let electricity flow through without any resistance. However, according to Science Daily, they usually only work at very low temperatures, around -200℃. It makes them difficult to produce and use.
After the team’s report, LK-99 became the center of discussion. Scientists around the world began to copy the steps. However, as of mid-August, researchers had published several new reports showing that LK-99 is not a superconductor at room temperature. It was rather a magnetic material that has some characteristics of superconductors, said The New York Times.
Early in March, US scientists also said they had created such material, but the research is still waiting to be proved. Why have superconductors been a key focus of world science
It could make the energy systems more efficient. Currently, around 8 to 15 percent of electricity is lost between the generator (发电站) and the user, according to China’s CHINT Group, a leading new energy company with a global presence. Superconductors ensure that the loss will be no more. Each wire can carry much more electricity. ”The electricity prices for everyone may be reduced to one-tenth of the current prices, Xu Qingjin at the Chinese Academy of Sciences told China Daily.
With superconductors, smartphones can be charged in a very short time, maybe just seconds. Electronic cars can travel longer distances, and drivers don’t need to worry about running out of electricity in the middle of their trip. Since superconductors don’t heat up, the power grid (电网) will be safer. We can have thinner phones and laptops because fans won’t be needed to cool them.
“The development of all future technology needs the support of energy,” wrote Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Security Group. “The problem of energy should be considered first, rather than just creating better technology.”
32. What normally makes superconductors hard to use
A. Their working temperature. B. Their limited availability.
C. Their zero resistance. D. Their high cost.
33. What did researchers discover about LK-99 by mid-August
A. It is a confirmed superconductor. B. It turned out to be a magnetic material.
C. It has no potential for superconductivity. D. Its superconductivity is still not certain.
34. What do paragraphs 5 and 6 mainly talk about
A. Current electricity shortages. B. Progress in energy technology.
C. Benefits of using superconductors. D. Difficulties in developing superconductors.
35. What does Zhou think of the development of technology
A. People should spare no effort to achieve it. B. It requires support from various aspects.
C. It will help solve energy issues eventually. D. It should come after solving energy problems.
A report by the World Health Organization concludes a majority of teenagers worldwide aren’t physically active enough. Many children don’t participate in any extracurricular (课外的)activities. ____36____ In fact, participating in high-quality PE classes provides numerous benefits for students. Now let’s take a look at some of them.
A PE class is the ideal setting for developing healthy habits and acquiring an understanding of one’s own body. Daily physical education encourages children to be physically active and develop abilities and skills which are beneficial for them both physically and emotionally throughout their lives.
Helping reduce stress and anxiety.
____38____ When kids are allowed to be active and move their bodies at school, it becomes a natural body and mind energizer that makes the rest of the day far more enjoyable. Physical activity can help to improve mood and emotional stability, and prevent anxiety disorders as well.
Boosting academic learning.
Numerous studies have shown that there is a strong link between physical activity and academic achievement. PE can improve concentration, attention, and memory, as well as reduce stress and fatigue(疲劳). It can also help to improve mood and energy levels in kids. ____39____
Strengthening relationships with others.
In PE lessons, students are frequently asked to work together to complete certain tasks. This allows them to strengthen relationships with their classmates. ____40____ PE can also teach students how to better manage conflict and help develop communication skills. These factors contribute to the development of strong, healthy relationships with others.
A. Encouraging physical activity for life.
B. Developing a strong sense of teamwork.
C. In some cases, these relationships can last a lifetime.
D. All of these factors can lead to improved grades and test scores.
E. PE can be the perfect means for students to take the pressure off.
F. Students can also learn how to handle winning and losing gracefully.
G. What would happen if teenagers were no longer given access to quality PE
第三部分 完形填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)
“What are you doing ” my fifth-grade teacher asked as I bent over the side of my desk. “I’m ____41____ my schoolbag. The bell rings in a few minutes.”
“Don’t pack your homework. You still have five minutes. We ____42____ until the bell rings. The more you do here in class, the less you have to do at home,” she said. She was a very kind woman, but I knew she was ____43____ this time.
Having no choice, I ____44____ pulled my math homework back out and ____45____ one problem at a time as the minutes on the clock ticked away. The bell finally ____46____, and I put my homework into my schoolbag as ____47____ as possible and ran out.
I cannot remember how many times per day she would say, “Use your time wisely.” It worked. It became second ____48____ for me to work until the bell rang. In middle school, I continued the ____49____ she taught me. I worked on my homework until the bell rang. And she was ____50____. The more I did in class, the more time off I had at home for projects and hobbies. I used that mindset in nearly every ____51____ of my adult life: my education, my career, and my family.
At age ten, I didn’t ____52____. I do now. Learning how to use your time wisely also means learning what’s ____53____ to you and being able to make your life better. It’s not just a ____54____ in using the time you have, but in enjoying those moments and ____55____ the time spent with loved ones.
41. A. picking B. showing C. packing D. searching
42. A. count B. repeat C. talk D. work
43. A. relaxed B. serious C. anxious D. confused
44. A. secretly B. suddenly C. unexpectedly D. unwillingly
45. A. finished B. discovered C. shared D. created
46. A. disappeared B. dropped C. rang D. broke
47. A. quickly B. early C. directly D. strongly
48. A. language B. nature C. choice D. job
49. A. adventure B. mystery C. curiosity D. practice
50. A. right B. ready C. busy D. alone
51. A. project B. claim C. aspect D. relationship
52. A. remember B. pass C. care D. understand
53. A. new B. important C. common D. special
54. A. routine B. requirement C. lesson D. duty
55. A. measuring B. treasuring C. saving D. imagining
Wu Yanni, ____56____ young hurdler (跨栏运动员), has run into the hearts of Chinese people and became an internet hit. On Aug 4, 2023, Wu won the silver medal with a personal best of 12.76 seconds in the women’s 100m hurdles at the FISU World University Games, ____57____ (help) her get into the Paris Olympics in 2024.
Despite her athletic achievements, some online comments moved to ____58____ (she) style. Wu wears light makeup and ties her hair into small twist braids, unlike ____59____(tradition) image of athletes. In response ____60____ this, however, Wu told CGTN that she believes “it is my muscles ____61____ make me widely known, not my face. Ability is the most important. The battle for strength is my fashion.”
As an athlete, Wu looks much more at ease than many of her peers and becomes ____62____ (strong) when facing challenges. Before each competition, she ____63____ (see) turning her head around and pointing her index fingers at the sky. She explained that the gesture shows her ambition for the coming Paris Olympics. Wu told China Daily that she got ____64____ (inspire) from Liu Xiang. She desires to stand out in women’s hurdles on the global stage. “It’s not just about me; I want Chinese female hurdlers _____65_____ (gain) more international recognition,” she emphasized.
66. Successful people usually have a positive ________(态度) to life. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
67. Living away from our parents will make us much more ________(独立的). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
68. To fully realize your ________ (潜力;可能性), it is important for you to make the most of our school resources. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
69. It’s common for teenagers to have a heated ________(argue)with their parents. (所给词的适当形式填空)
70. Laura wishes her parents could be more ________(灵活的) so that she can make her own choices. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
71. Learning English well is ________ (benefit) to us in the future. (所给词的适当形式填空)
72. Never give up! ________(失败)is the mother of success. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
73. They should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay ________ (energy) and fit. (所给词的适当形式填空)
74. Class discussion is very important in the UK, but I can’t make a great ________ (contribute) because sometimes I wasn’t able to express myself clearly in English. (所给词的适当形式填空)
75. ______ (fortunate),my teachers and classmates were always helpful and gave me lots of encouragement. (所给词的适当形式填空)
76. Jennifer has ________(skip)breakfast for the last few months. She said she had trouble focusing her attention in class. (所给词适当形式填空)
77. Jack drew some money out of his bank ________(账户)to pay the rent. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
78. We should never _________ (评判) a person when we meet him for the first time. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
79. As a primary school teacher, dealing with children is the most important ________(内容) of my work. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
80. You may feel ________ (anxiety) that you are developing at a different rate to your friends, shooting up in height or getting left far behind. (所给词的适当形式填空)
81. With so much noise going on, I can’t ________ (concentration) on my work. (所给词的适当形式填空)
82. Although there was not as much homework as I used to get in China, it was still ________(challenge)for me to study in the UK. (所给词的适当形式填空)
83. Good study habits, useful skills and a positive mind are ________(equal)important. (所给词的适当形式填空)
84. In order to achieve success, you must be ________(confidence) in yourself.(所给词的适当形式填空)
85. All the people taking part in this activity are ________(志愿者) who deserve our respect. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
86. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Johnson来信告诉你他最近感觉身体虚弱,希望你给他提出一些强身健体的建议。请你用英语给他写一封回信,提出你的建议和理由。
Dear Johnson,
Li Hua2023~2024学年度第一学期期中调研测试
(考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the man like about the new science building
A. The inside colors. B. The paintings. C. The outside design.
【原文】M: What do you think of the new science building
W: The colors inside are nice and those paintings make it look really modern.
M: I don’t think we share the same taste in colors and paintings, but I’m really impressed with the design of the outside.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a street. B. In a museum. C. In a shop.
【原文】W: I’m sorry sir, but we simply can’t allow you to do that here. You see the flash troubles other visitors and damages the coloring in our paintings.
M: Well, what about that man over there
W: I think you will find that he is not using a flash.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Who is Laura
A. The speakers’ workmate. B. A restaurant owner. C. A delivery woman.
【原文】W: I have a feeling that this meeting today is gonna take a while.
M: Why do you say that
W: Well, I stopped by Laura’s office and she’s ordering lunch from Mary’s Pizza, so I assume that’s for us.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What do we know about the woman
A. She keeps a work-life balance.
B She will find a new job.
C. She has to work hard.
【原文】M: How’s your new job going these days
W: We have to meet strict demands from customers and are always running out of time
M: Can you cut back on your hours
W: Not if I want to get ahead in this industry.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A building. B. A fire. C. Air pollution.
【原文】W: Jack, look up! Can you see smoke coming out from that tall building
M: Yes, I can see the flames.
W: Let’s report it quickly!
6. What might the woman be
A. A reporter. B. A bank clerk. C. A policewoman.
7. What does the man need to do
A. Identify the robber. B. Draw a picture of the robber. C. Offer his personal information.
【答案】6. C 7. A
【原文】W: How can I assist you today Do you have an issue to report
M: I need to file a report.
W: What is the report about
M: I was robbed.
W: When did it occur
M: It happened this morning, ma’am.
W: Where did it happen
M: Outside the bank on West Street.
W: What items were taken
M: My wallet and cell phone.
W: Okay, I’ve put down all these information. And did you get a good look at that guy
M: I sure did.
W: Would you be able to pick him out of a line-up
M: That shouldn’t be a problem. I have a clear picture of his appearance in my mind.
8. Where are the speakers
A. On top of a mountain.
B. On the way up a mountain.
C. At the bottom of a mountain.
9. How does the woman sound at first
A. Delighted. B. Nervous. C. Relaxed.
10. Why was John Lake built
A. To store more water. B. To attract more tourists. C. To restore the ecosystem.
【答案】8. B 9. B 10. C
【原文】M: It’s about a three-minute ride up to the top of the Mount Rock.
W: This thing is safe, right
M: Yes, you don’t have anything to worry about. We do about 100 trips a day up the mountain, and these tours have been going on for over ten years without any accidents.
W: That’s a relief. What’s that lake down there
M: That’s John Lake. It’s actually a man-made pond. During the 70’s there was a lot of clear cutting of forests in the area, and much of the wildlife was lost. Since John Lake was built, ducks, swans, and geese have returned to the area.
11. When was the flight scheduled to arrive in Chicago
A. At about 1:30 p.m. B. At about 3:30 p.m. C. At about 4 p.m.
12. What does the woman do for the man
A. Recommend an airline.
B. Book him another flight.
C Add him to the waiting list.
13. What does the man mean in the end
A. He will cancel his conference.
B. He will have a special experience.
C. He will never fly Flyaway Airlines again.
【答案】11. A 12. C 13. C
【原文】M: Excuse me, I’m on the flight to Chicago. When will it take off
W: It looks like it’ll be delayed for two hours.
M: I have a 4 o’clock conference in Chicago. If the flight gets in at 3:30, there’s no way I’ll make it.
W: Sorry, but there’s nothing I can do.
M: Are there any other flights to Chicago
W: Yes, there’s a 1 p.m. one, but it’s fully booked.
M: Can you put me on the waiting list
W: I’ll add you to the list, but don’t hold your breath. There are quite a few people already on the list.
M: Can I fly another airline
W: Other airlines won’t honor your Flyaway Airlines ticket.
M: Oh, let me give you a piece of my mind. This will be my final experience with Flyaway Airlines.
14. What did the man do 10 days ago
A. He had an interview. B. He changed his job. C. He asked for a promotion.
15. What is the man weak at
A. Writing reports. B. Using office software. C. Working with others.
16. What did the woman suggest the man do
A. Dress formally. B. Get rid of the tie. C. Stay calm.
【答案】14. A 15. B 16. A
【原文】W: Hey, Adam, did you get that position
M: I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything yet, and it’s been 10 days now!
W: Don’t worry. Sometimes it can take ages before you hear anything. How do you think it went
M: I think it went okay. I seemed to have most of the qualities they were looking for. The only thing is I haven’t had much experience with Excel, and that’s what they use for all their reports.
W: Well, that’s something you can learn. It’s actually pretty easy to work with. I can show you sometime if you’d like. I use it all the time in my job.
M: Thanks. I’ll take you up on that if they offer me the job.
W: By the way, what did you wear
M: I took your advice and wore a jacket and tie. Hey, maybe they didn’t like my tie!
17. Who is the speaker
A. A tour guide. B. An official. C. A farmer.
18. What are the listeners visiting
A. A farm. B. A museum. C. A workshop.
19. What will the listeners do next
A. Go to the garden. B. View the farmhouse. C. Learn the history of the place.
20. Whom does the Johnson’s Village belong to
A. The Johnson family. B. Gorden’s Milk Company. C. The local government.
【答案】17. A 18. B 19. A 20. C
【原文】M: Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the Johnson’s Village. I’m Jack, and I’ll be taking you on the tour today. The wonderful place that you are going to see today was originally a farm which was established in 1834 by Mr. Hank Johnson, who was the first dairy farmer in this area. The farm was run and managed by the Johnson family until 1937, when it was sold to the Gorden’s Milk Company. After the war, Gorden’s Milk went out of business and the local government turned the farm into the working museum you will see today. Keep in mind that all of the buildings, including the famous farmhouse itself, have been restored to their original appearance. But first, we’ll head out to the garden before taking a look inside the farmhouse.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Four Women Who Made Scientific History
Katherine Johnson (1918-2020)
Katherine Johnson was a black mathematician and one of the first African-American women to work as a NASA scientist. As a mathematician, she calculated (计算) and analyzed the flight paths of NASA spacecraft. She is best known for making the calculations that allowed the first Americans to enter Earth’s orbit and set foot on the moon. The 2016 movie Hidden Figures records Johnson’s life and work at NASA.
Sally Ride (1951-2012)
Sally Ride was important in creating career and educational opportunities for women and girls in science and mathematics. As an astronaut, she became the first American woman in space in 1983. On NASA’s second and third Space Shuttle missions, her job was to work the robotic arm, which she used to put satellites into space. After she stopped working for NASA, she founded NASA’s EarthKAM project, which provided students the opportunity to take pictures of the Earth and then study them. In 2003, she was added to the Astronaut Hall of Fame.
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)
Ada Lovelace is regarded as the world’s first computer programmer. She helped develop the idea for a computing machine, and invented an algorithm (算法) for a computer. To honor her contributions, the U.S. Department of Defense named a new computer language “Ada” in the 1980s.
Mae Jemison (1956- )
Mae Jemison is a doctor, engineer, and former NASA astronaut. In 1992, she became the first Black woman to travel into space. Jemison excels in many scientific fields, has authored several books, and even appeared on an episode (一集) of Star Trek: The Next Generation. She was included in the National Women’s Hall of Fame the International Space Hall of Fame. Currently, she leads the 100 Year Starship project through the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. This project is devoted to ensuring that human travel to another star is possible in the next 100 years.
21. What did Katherine Johnson and Sally Ride have in common
A. They both did teaching jobs. B. They both traveled to space.
C. They both worked for NASA. D. They both spoke up for women’s rights.
22. Whose name was used to name a computer language
A. Katherine Johnson’s. B. Sally Ride’s.
C. Ada Lovelace’s. D. Mae Jemison’s.
23. What is Mae Jemison doing at present
A. Writing a book. B. Leading a project.
C. Starring in a TV series. D. Working as an astronaut.
【答案】21. C 22. C 23. B
细节理解题。根据Katherine Johnson (1918-2020)中的“Katherine Johnson was a black mathematician and one of the first African-American women to work as a NASA scientist.(Katherine Johnson是一名黑人数学家,也是第一批担任NASA科学家的非裔美国女性之一)”和Sally Ride (1951-2012)中的“As an astronaut, she became the first American woman in space in 1983. On NASA’s second and third Space Shuttle missions, her job was to work the robotic arm, which she used to put satellites into space.(作为一名宇航员,她于1983年成为第一位进入太空的美国女性。在美国宇航局的第二次和第三次航天飞机任务中,她的工作是操纵机械臂,她用它把卫星送入太空)”可知,Katherine Johnson和Sally Ride都为美国航空航天局工作。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)中的“To honor her contributions, the U.S. Department of Defense named a new computer language “Ada” in the 1980s.(为了纪念她的贡献,美国国防部在20世纪80年代将一种新的计算机语言命名为“Ada”)”可知,Ada Lovelace的名字被用来命名一种计算机语言。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Mae Jemison (1956- )中的“Currently, she leads the 100 Year Starship project through the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. This project is devoted to ensuring that human travel to another star is possible in the next 100 years.(目前,她通过美国国防高级研究计划局领导100年星际飞船项目。这个项目致力于确保人类在未来100年内前往另一个星球成为可能)”可知,现在Mae Jemison正在领导一个项目。故选B。
When I suggested my 13-year-old try tennis, she quickly refused me. “I’m not sporty; stop trying to get me to do sports,” Julianna said. I had suggested it because some of my happiest recent memories were of playing ping-pong with her. Tennis seemed like a natural progression from ping-pong and a great way to work out some of her growing pains on a larger playing field. But my suggestion was always refused by her.
Still, I was undeterred. I believed that doing some sports would help Julianna manage her emotions. I’ve seen how sports help with stress. It worked for me when I was a teenage girl.
Midway into summer, we stayed at home, and Julianna and I felt really bored. “Do you want to play tennis ” I asked her at lunch one afternoon. Sure, she said. At that time, we were both eager to spend as much time as possible out of the house.
Arriving at the court, we set down our bags, picked up our rackets (球拍), and headed to our sides of the court. The net was like the growing divide between us — I desiring connection and my teenage daughter longing for independence.
I started by hitting a ball over the net, and Julianna took a big swing and missed. We repeated this several more times. I didn’t tell her she was holding the racket too close to the neck or she should step more into her forehand. My daughter wanted the chance to figure these things out for herself. We repeated the pattern of me hitting the ball and her missing it a few times before she finally got it back over the net. “This is fun,” she said with a mixture of surprise and delight and then she smiled widely.
Now we always find time to play tennis. We’re both eager for an activity that can ease tensions between us in daily life. It’s nice to have a place where both of us can release our negative moods and let them go.
24. Why did the author persuade her daughter to play tennis
A. Tennis was as popular as ping-pong.
B. They had a good time playing tennis together.
C. It would help her daughter make more like-minded friends.
D. It would be good for her daughter’s emotional management.
25. What does the underlined word “undeterred” mean in paragraph 2
A. Not dishonest. B. Not sure. C. Not discouraged. D. Not surprised.
26. What did the author do when her daughter missed the ball
A. She stood close to the net. B. She repeated hitting the ball.
C. She changed ends with her daughter. D. She instructed her daughter immediately.
27. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Mom Coaches Teen Daughter in Tennis
B. Mom Helps Teen Daughter Express Her Emotions
C. Mom Encourages Teen Daughter to Be Independent
D. Mom and Teen Daughter Find Some Peace on the Tennis Court
【答案】24. D 25. C 26. B 27. D
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“I believed that doing some sports would help Julianna manage her emotions. I’ve seen how sports help with stress. It worked for me when I was a teenage girl.(我相信做一些运动可以帮助朱莉安娜控制自己的情绪。我知道运动是如何缓解压力的。当我还是个小女孩的时候,这对我很有效。)”可知,作者认为进行体育运动有助于女儿管理情绪,青少年时期的作者深有体会,由此可知,作者之所以要说服女儿从事体育运动是因为她认为体育运动对她女儿的情绪管理有好处。故选D项。
词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“But my suggestion was always refused by her.(但我的建议总是被她拒绝。)”可知,作者建议女儿从事体育运动的建议总是被拒绝,根据划线单词前的still可知,此处意为“然而”,与上文为转折关系,结合下文中的“I believed that doing some sports would help Julianna manage her emotions.(我相信做一些运动可以帮助朱莉安娜控制自己的情绪。)”可知,作者认为运动可以帮助女儿管理情绪,所以很坚持要女儿从事运动;由此可知,划线单词undeterred的意思是“不泄气”,与C选项Not discouraged的意义相近。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“I started by hitting a ball over the net, and Julianna took a big swing and missed. We repeated this several more times. I didn’t tell her she was holding the racket too close to the neck or she should step more into her forehand.(我一开始把球打过了网,朱莉安娜挥了一大步,没打中。我们又重复了几次。我没有告诉她,她把球拍拿得离脖子太近,或者她应该更多地用正手击球。)”可知,在作者女儿Julianna没有击中球,他们又重复了几次,而且作者并没有告诉她应该如何击球,由此可知,在作者女儿没有击中球的时候,作者重复击球。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据尾段“Now we always find time to play tennis. We’re both eager for an activity that can ease tensions between us in daily life. It’s nice to have a place where both of us can release our negative moods and let them go.(现在我们总是找时间打网球。我们都渴望一项活动,可以缓解我们在日常生活中的紧张关系。能有个地方让我们俩都能释放负面情绪,让它们散去,真是太好了。)”可知,现在作者与女儿经常找时间去打网球,这样缓解了他们在日常生活中的紧张关系,还可以释放负面情绪,结合上文讲述的女儿拒绝从事运动的建议到后来开始喜欢上打网球的经历可知,本文主要讲述的是一位妈妈与十几岁的女儿从事网球运动帮助他们解决了她们之间的一些紧张关系,D选项“Mom and Teen Daughter Find Some Peace on the Tennis Court(妈妈和十几岁的女儿在网球场上找到了一些平静)”能够概括本文主旨,适合作为最佳标题。故选D项。
Most people tend to take a high-pitched (声调高的), sing-song tone when speaking to animals and human babies. Although the research before has suggested that such “baby talk” is more likely to catch dogs’ attention, less was known about how cats react to being spoken to in this way.
To find out the truth, Charlotte de Mouzon and her team members watched how 16 cats responded to hearing pre-recorded sentences spoken by their owner or a stranger, by recording changes in their behaviour, such as moving their ears or tails, or suddenly stopping what they were doing — any of which could show that a sound had caught their attention.
They found that the cats often made no response to hearing a stranger’s voice calling their name, but when their owner did it, 10 of the 16 cats showed a series of behaviors suggesting increased attention. Cats also showed more signs of interest when they heard their owner speaking sentences in a tone usually used to talk to their cats - but not when a stranger used this tone, or when their owner spoke the same sentence as if talking to a fellow adult human.
“For a long time it has been thought that cats are very independent animals, only interested in humans for food and shelter (庇护),” de Mouzon said. “But our research supports the idea that they are attached. It brings further evidence to encourage humans to consider cats as sensitive and communicative individuals,” she added. “The fact that, in return, cats show a greater reaction when their humans specifically address them brings a new dimension to previous considerations of this interactive relationship.”
Considering these findings, de Mouzon said cat owners shouldn’t feel shy about the way they speak to their pets. “I also talk to my two cats as if they were children and they do respond,” she said. “People may be shy about admitting this, but I think it can help to strengthen the bond between cats and their owners. They know that we are giving them attention.”
28. How did de Mouzon’s team carry out their study
A. By recording the sounds that caught cats’ attention.
B. By listing the causes of cats’changes in behaviors .
C. By watching the reaction of cats to different recordings.
D. By studying the interaction between cats and their owners.
29. What can be learned about most cats in the study
A. They liked hearing people calling their name.
B. They were able to tell their owner’s voice from a stranger’s.
C. They had a greater reaction when their owner talked to other cats.
D. They showed more interest when a stranger imitated their owner’s tone.
30. What do de Mouzon’s words in paragraph 4 indicate
A. Cats aren’t as independent as believed. B. Cats aren’t eager to please their owners.
C. Cats see their owners as a food provider. D. Cats are sensitive and like interacting with people.
31. What did de Mouzon encourage cat owners to do
A. Give more attention to their cats. B. Treat their cats like their children.
C. Admit that they are a cat person. D. Talk to their cats using baby talk.
【答案】28. C 29. B 30. D 31. A
细节理解题。根据第二段“To find out the truth, Charlotte de Mouzon and her team members watched how 16 cats responded to hearing pre-recorded sentences spoken by their owner or a stranger, by recording changes in their behaviour, such as moving their ears or tails, or suddenly stopping what they were doing—any of which could show that a sound had caught their attention. (为了找出真相,Charlotte de Mouzon和她的团队成员观察了16只猫在听到主人或陌生人说的预先录制好的句子时的反应,通过记录它们的行为变化,比如移动耳朵或尾巴,或者突然停止它们正在做的事情——任何一种都可能表明某个声音引起了它们的注意。)”可知,de Mouzon的团队通过观察猫对不同录音的反应来进行他们的研究。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段“They found that the cats often made no response to hearing a stranger’s voice calling their name, but when their owner did it, 10 of the 16 cats showed a series of behaviors suggesting increased attention. (他们发现,猫在听到陌生人叫它们名字时通常没有反应,但当它们的主人叫它们名字时,16只猫中有10只表现出了一系列表明注意力增加的行为。)”可知,大多数猫能分辨出主人和陌生人的声音。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第四段““But our research supports the idea that they are attached. It brings further evidence to encourage humans to consider cats as sensitive and communicative individuals,” she added. “The fact that, in return, cats show a greater reaction when their humans specifically address them brings a new dimension to previous considerations of this interactive relationship.” (“但我们的研究支持了这一观点,即它们是相互依赖的。它提供了进一步的证据,鼓励人类将猫视为敏感和健谈的个体,”她补充说。“作为回报,当人类专门对猫说话时,猫会表现出更大的反应,这一事实为之前对这种互动关系的考虑带来了新的维度。”)”可推知,猫很敏感,喜欢和人交往。故选D。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Considering these findings, de Mouzon said cat owners shouldn’t feel shy about the way they speak to their pets. “I also talk to my two cats as if they were children and they do respond,” she said. “People may be shy about admitting this, but I think it can help to strengthen the bond between cats and their owners. They know that we are giving them attention.” (考虑到这些发现,de Mouzon说猫主人不应该对他们和宠物说话的方式感到害羞。她说:“我也把我的两只猫当作孩子一样和它们说话,它们也会回应。人们可能羞于承认这一点,但我认为这有助于加强猫和主人之间的联系。他们知道我们在关注他们。”)”可知,Mouzon鼓励猫主人多关心他们的猫。故选A。
A surprising discovery was reported by a team of South Korean researchers in late July. They said that they had created LK-99, a superconductor (超导体) that works at room temperatures and normal pressure levels.
When electricity travels through wires (电线), it loses some energy and heats up along the way because of resistance (电阻). Superconductors can let electricity flow through without any resistance. However, according to Science Daily, they usually only work at very low temperatures, around -200℃. It makes them difficult to produce and use.
After the team’s report, LK-99 became the center of discussion. Scientists around the world began to copy the steps. However, as of mid-August, researchers had published several new reports showing that LK-99 is not a superconductor at room temperature. It was rather a magnetic material that has some characteristics of superconductors, said The New York Times.
Early in March, US scientists also said they had created such material, but the research is still waiting to be proved. Why have superconductors been a key focus of world science
It could make the energy systems more efficient. Currently, around 8 to 15 percent of electricity is lost between the generator (发电站) and the user, according to China’s CHINT Group, a leading new energy company with a global presence. Superconductors ensure that the loss will be no more. Each wire can carry much more electricity. ”The electricity prices for everyone may be reduced to one-tenth of the current prices, Xu Qingjin at the Chinese Academy of Sciences told China Daily.
With superconductors, smartphones can be charged in a very short time, maybe just seconds. Electronic cars can travel longer distances, and drivers don’t need to worry about running out of electricity in the middle of their trip. Since superconductors don’t heat up, the power grid (电网) will be safer. We can have thinner phones and laptops because fans won’t be needed to cool them.
“The development of all future technology needs the support of energy,” wrote Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Security Group. “The problem of energy should be considered first, rather than just creating better technology.”
32. What normally makes superconductors hard to use
A. Their working temperature. B. Their limited availability.
C. Their zero resistance. D. Their high cost.
33. What did researchers discover about LK-99 by mid-August
A. It is a confirmed superconductor. B. It turned out to be a magnetic material.
C. It has no potential for superconductivity. D. Its superconductivity is still not certain.
34. What do paragraphs 5 and 6 mainly talk about
A. Current electricity shortages. B. Progress in energy technology.
C. Benefits of using superconductors. D. Difficulties in developing superconductors.
35. What does Zhou think of the development of technology
A. People should spare no effort to achieve it. B. It requires support from various aspects.
C. It will help solve energy issues eventually. D. It should come after solving energy problems.
【答案】32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D
细节理解题。根据第二段“However, according to Science Daily, they usually only work at very low temperatures, around -200℃. It makes them difficult to produce and use. (然而,据《每日科学》报道,它们通常只能在极低的温度下工作,大约在-200℃左右。这使得它们难以生产和使用)”可知,通常是工作温度让超导体难以使用。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段“However, as of mid-August, researchers had published several new reports showing that LK-99 is not a superconductor at room temperature. It was rather a magnetic material that has some characteristics of superconductors, said The New York Times.(然而,截至8月中旬,研究人员发表了几篇新报告,表明LK-99在室温下不是超导体。《纽约时报》称:“这是一种具有超导体特性的磁性材料。”)”可知,到8月中旬,研究人员发现LK-99原来是一种磁性材料。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第五段“It could make the energy systems more efficient. Currently, around 8 to 15 percent of electricity is lost between the generator (发电站) and the user, according to China’s CHINT Group, a leading new energy company with a global presence. Superconductors ensure that the loss will be no more. Each wire can carry much more electricity. ”The electricity prices for everyone may be reduced to one-tenth of the current prices, Xu Qingjin at the Chinese Academy of Sciences told China Daily.(它可以使能源系统更有效率。根据中国正泰集团(一家领先的全球新能源公司)的数据,目前,在发电机和用户之间,大约有8%到15%的电力损失。超导体保证损耗不会再增加。每根电线可以输送更多的电。”中国科学院的徐庆进在接受《中国日报》采访时表示,每个人的电价可能会降至目前价格的十分之一)”以及第六段“With superconductors, smartphones can be charged in a very short time, maybe just seconds. Electronic cars can travel longer distances, and drivers don’t need to worry about running out of electricity in the middle of their trip. Since superconductors don’t heat up, the power grid (电网) will be safer. We can have thinner phones and laptops because fans won’t be needed to cool them.(有了超导体,智能手机可以在很短的时间内充满电,也许只有几秒钟。电动汽车可以行驶更远的距离,司机不必担心在旅途中耗尽电力。由于超导体不会发热,电网将更加安全。我们可以拥有更薄的手机和笔记本电脑,因为不需要风扇来冷却它们)”可知,第5段和第6段主要讲了使用超导体的好处。故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“The problem of energy should be considered first, rather than just creating better technology.(首先应该考虑的是能源问题,而不仅仅是创造更好的技术)”可知,周认为科技的发展应该在解决能源问题之后。故选D。
A report by the World Health Organization concludes a majority of teenagers worldwide aren’t physically active enough. Many children don’t participate in any extracurricular (课外的)activities. ____36____ In fact, participating in high-quality PE classes provides numerous benefits for students. Now let’s take a look at some of them.
A PE class is the ideal setting for developing healthy habits and acquiring an understanding of one’s own body. Daily physical education encourages children to be physically active and develop abilities and skills which are beneficial for them both physically and emotionally throughout their lives.
Helping reduce stress and anxiety.
____38____ When kids are allowed to be active and move their bodies at school, it becomes a natural body and mind energizer that makes the rest of the day far more enjoyable. Physical activity can help to improve mood and emotional stability, and prevent anxiety disorders as well.
Boosting academic learning.
Numerous studies have shown that there is a strong link between physical activity and academic achievement. PE can improve concentration, attention, and memory, as well as reduce stress and fatigue(疲劳). It can also help to improve mood and energy levels in kids. ____39____
Strengthening relationships with others.
In PE lessons, students are frequently asked to work together to complete certain tasks. This allows them to strengthen relationships with their classmates. ____40____ PE can also teach students how to better manage conflict and help develop communication skills. These factors contribute to the development of strong, healthy relationships with others.
A. Encouraging physical activity for life.
B. Developing a strong sense of teamwork.
C. In some cases, these relationships can last a lifetime.
D. All of these factors can lead to improved grades and test scores.
E. PE can be the perfect means for students to take the pressure off.
F. Students can also learn how to handle winning and losing gracefully.
G. What would happen if teenagers were no longer given access to quality PE
【答案】36. G 37. A 38. E 39. D 40. C
根据上文“A report by the World Health Organization concludes a majority of teenagers worldwide aren’t physically active enough. Many children don’t participate in any extracurricular (课外的)activities.(世界卫生组织的一份报告得出结论,世界上大多数青少年身体活动不足。许多孩子不参加任何课外活动。)”可知,上文提出了青少年课外活动不足的现状,空处承接上文,提出如果青少年不再有高质量的体育课会发生什么。G项中的“quality PE”和下文中的“high-quality PE classes”对应。G项:What would happen if teenagers were no longer given access to quality PE (如果青少年不再有机会参加高质量的体育运动,会发生什么?)符合语境。故选G。
空处为段落小标题。根据下文“A PE class is the ideal setting for developing healthy habits and acquiring an understanding of one’s own body. Daily physical education encourages children to be physically active and develop abilities and skills which are beneficial for them both physically and emotionally throughout their lives.(体育课是培养健康习惯和了解自己身体的理想场所。日常体育教育鼓励孩子们积极锻炼身体,发展对他们一生的身体和情感都有益的能力和技能。)”可知,本段提出高质量的体育课鼓励终生体育锻炼。A项中的“Encouraging”和下文中的“encourages”对应,“for life”和下文中的“throughout their lives”对应。A项:Encouraging physical activity for life.(鼓励终生体育锻炼。)符合语境。故选A。
根据段落小标题“Helping reduce stress and anxiety.(帮助减轻压力和焦虑。)”可知,空处解释说明体育课是减轻学生压力的一个好方法。E项中的“take the pressure off”和标题中的“reduce stress”对应。E项:PE can be the perfect means for students to take the pressure off.(体育是学生减压的最佳方式。)符合语境。故选E。
根据上文“PE can improve concentration, attention, and memory, as well as reduce stress and fatigue(疲劳). It can also help to improve mood and energy levels in kids.(体育运动可以提高注意力、注意力和记忆力,还可以减轻压力和疲劳。它还可以帮助改善孩子们的情绪和能量水平。)”可知,上文提到了很多有助于改善学习成绩的因素,空处进行总结,说明这些因素对于学习的作用。D项:All of these factors can lead to improved grades and test scores.(所有这些因素都能提高成绩和考试分数。)符合语境。故选D。
根据段落小标题“Strengthening relationships with others.(加强与他人的关系。)”可知,本段的关键词是“relationships”,C项:In some cases, these relationships can last a lifetime.(在某些情况下,这些关系可以持续一生。)符合语境。故选C。
第三部分 完形填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)
“What are you doing ” my fifth-grade teacher asked as I bent over the side of my desk. “I’m ____41____ my schoolbag. The bell rings in a few minutes.”
“Don’t pack your homework. You still have five minutes. We ____42____ until the bell rings. The more you do here in class, the less you have to do at home,” she said. She was a very kind woman, but I knew she was ____43____ this time.
Having no choice, I ____44____ pulled my math homework back out and ____45____ one problem at a time as the minutes on the clock ticked away. The bell finally ____46____, and I put my homework into my schoolbag as ____47____ as possible and ran out.
I cannot remember how many times per day she would say, “Use your time wisely.” It worked. It became second ____48____ for me to work until the bell rang. In middle school, I continued the ____49____ she taught me. I worked on my homework until the bell rang. And she was ____50____. The more I did in class, the more time off I had at home for projects and hobbies. I used that mindset in nearly every ____51____ of my adult life: my education, my career, and my family.
At age ten, I didn’t ____52____. I do now. Learning how to use your time wisely also means learning what’s ____53____ to you and being able to make your life better. It’s not just a ____54____ in using the time you have, but in enjoying those moments and ____55____ the time spent with loved ones.
41. A. picking B. showing C. packing D. searching
42. A. count B. repeat C. talk D. work
43. A. relaxed B. serious C. anxious D. confused
44. A. secretly B. suddenly C. unexpectedly D. unwillingly
45. A. finished B. discovered C. shared D. created
46. A. disappeared B. dropped C. rang D. broke
47. A. quickly B. early C. directly D. strongly
48. A. language B. nature C. choice D. job
49. A. adventure B. mystery C. curiosity D. practice
50. A. right B. ready C. busy D. alone
51. A. project B. claim C. aspect D. relationship
52. A. remember B. pass C. care D. understand
53. A. new B. important C. common D. special
54. A. routine B. requirement C. lesson D. duty
55. A. measuring B. treasuring C. saving D. imagining
【答案】41. C 42. D 43. B 44. D 45. A 46. C 47. A 48. B 49. D 50. A 51. C 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在收拾书包。A. picking捡起;B. showing展示;C. packing收拾(行李);D. searching搜索。根据后文“Don’t pack your homework. You still have five minutes.(不要收拾作业。你还有五分钟)”可知,作者在收拾书包。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们一直学习到下课铃响。A. count计算;B. repeat重复;C. talk谈话;D. work工作,学习。根据后文“The more you do here in class, the less you have to do at home(你在课堂上做得越多,在家要做的就越少)”可知,此处指要一直学习到下课铃响。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她是一个非常善良的女人,但我知道她这次是严肃的。A. relaxed放松的;B. serious严肃的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. confused困惑的。根据上文“She was a very kind woman, but I knew she was”中but表示转折,说明虽然善良,但这次是认真严肃的。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:别无选择,我不情愿地把数学作业拿回来,随着时间的流逝,一次完成一道题。A. secretly秘密地;B. suddenly突然;C. unexpectedly意外地;D. unwillingly不情愿地。根据上文可知作者已经在收拾书包了,结果老师要自己把作业拿出来,所以是不情愿地。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:别无选择,我不情愿地把数学作业拿回来,随着时间的流逝,一次完成一道题。A. finished结束;B. discovered发现;C. shared分享;D. created创造。根据后文“one problem at a time”指作者一次写完一道题,故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:铃声终于响了,我尽可能快地把作业放进书包里,然后跑了出去。A. disappeared消失;B. dropped落下;C. rang响起;D. broke打破。呼应上文“until the bell rings”指下课铃响了,故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:铃声终于响了,我尽可能快地把作业放进书包里,然后跑了出去。A. quickly快速地;B. early早地;C. directly直接地;D. strongly强烈地。根据后文“as possible and ran out”可知,作者动作很快,尽可能快地把作业放进书包里,然后跑了出去。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:学习到下课铃响,这成了我的第二天性。A. language语言;B. nature自然,天性;C. choice选择;D. job工作。根据后文“for me to work until the bell rang”可知,学习到下课铃响已经成了作者的习惯,即成了第二天性。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在中学,我继续她教我的去实践。A. adventure冒险;B. mystery神秘;C. curiosity好奇心;D. practice实践。此处指上文“work until the bell rang”老师教作者的做法:学习到下课铃响。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她是对的。A. right正确的;B. ready准备好的;C. busy忙碌的;D. alone单独的。根据后文“The more I did in class, the more time off I had at home for projects and hobbies.(我在课堂上做得越多,我在家做项目和爱好的时间就越多)”可知,老师的做法是正确的。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把这种心态用在了我成年生活的方方面面:我的教育、我的事业和我的家庭。A. project项目;B. claim声称;C. aspect方面;D. relationship关系。根据后文“my education, my career, and my family”可知,作者把这种心态用在成年生活的方方面面。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:十岁的我不懂。A. remember记得;B. pass通过;C. care关心;D. understand理解。根据上文“At age ten, I didn’t”可知,作者十岁的时候不理解老师的做法,但如今理解了。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:学习如何明智地利用你的时间也意味着学习什么对你来说是重要的,并且能够让你的生活更美好。A. new新的;B. important重要的;C. common普通的;D. special特别的。根据上文“Learning how to use your time wisely”可知,学习如何明智地利用你的时间也意味着学习什么对你来说是重要的,故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不仅仅是一堂利用你所拥有的时间的课,也是一堂享受这些时刻、珍惜与亲人共度时光的课。A. routine常规;B. requirement要求;C. lesson课程;D. duty义务。根据后文“in using the time you have”以及上文老师让作者合理利用时间,即不仅仅是一堂利用你所拥有的时间的课,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这不仅仅是一堂利用你所拥有的时间的课,也是一堂享受这些时刻、珍惜与亲人共度时光的课。A. measuring测量;B. treasuring珍爱;C. saving拯救;D. imagining想象。与上文“enjoying those moments(享受这些时刻)”对应的是:珍惜与亲人共度时光的课。故选B。
Wu Yanni, ____56____ young hurdler (跨栏运动员), has run into the hearts of Chinese people and became an internet hit. On Aug 4, 2023, Wu won the silver medal with a personal best of 12.76 seconds in the women’s 100m hurdles at the FISU World University Games, ____57____ (help) her get into the Paris Olympics in 2024.
Despite her athletic achievements, some online comments moved to ____58____ (she) style. Wu wears light makeup and ties her hair into small twist braids, unlike ____59____(tradition) image of athletes. In response ____60____ this, however, Wu told CGTN that she believes “it is my muscles ____61____ make me widely known, not my face. Ability is the most important. The battle for strength is my fashion.”
As an athlete, Wu looks much more at ease than many of her peers and becomes ____62____ (strong) when facing challenges. Before each competition, she ____63____ (see) turning her head around and pointing her index fingers at the sky. She explained that the gesture shows her ambition for the coming Paris Olympics. Wu told China Daily that she got ____64____ (inspire) from Liu Xiang. She desires to stand out in women’s hurdles on the global stage. “It’s not just about me; I want Chinese female hurdlers _____65_____ (gain) more international recognition,” she emphasized.
【答案】56. a 57. helping
58. her 59. traditional
60. to 61. that
62. stronger
63. was seen
64. inspiration
65. to gain
考查冠词。句意:吴燕妮,一个年轻的跨栏运动员,已经进入了中国人的心,成为了网络红人。分析句子结构可知,此空所在的短语为同位语对Wu Yanni进行解释,hurdler为可数名词单数,其前无限定词,所以此处使用冠词,结合句意可知,此处表示“一个年轻的跨栏运动员”表示泛指,所以使用不定冠词,young的首个音素为辅音。故填a。
考查介词。句意:对此,吴燕妮在接受中国国际电视台采访时表示,她认为“是我的肌肉让我广为人知,而不是我的脸。能力是最重要的。为力量而战是我的时尚。”分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语in response to意为“作为对……的回应”符合句意。故填to。
考查强调句型。句意:对此,吴燕妮在接受中国国际电视台采访时表示,她认为“是我的肌肉让我广为人知,而不是我的脸。能力是最重要的。为力量而战是我的时尚。”分析句子结构可知,此处为强调句型“it is+被强调部分+that+其它”结构,强调的是句子主语my muscles,所以此处应为that。故填that。
考查形容词比较级。句意:作为一名运动员,吴燕妮看起来比她的许多同龄人更轻松,在面对挑战时变得更强大。分析句子结构可知,此处为形容词作表语,根据句意和上文中的“much more at ease”可知,此处应使用形容词的比较级,表示在面对挑战时,她变得“更强大”符合语境。故填stronger。
考查谓语动词。句意:每次比赛前,她都会被看见转头,用食指指着天空。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,根据时间状语Before each competition可知,此处讲述的是过去发生的事情,所以此处使用一般过去时,see与句子she之间为被动关系,且句子主语为第三人称单数。故填was seen。
考查动词不定式。句意:她强调,“这不仅仅是关于我;我希望中国女子跨栏运动员获得更多的国际认可。”分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作宾语补足语,根据want sb. to do sth.可知,此处应使用动词不定式形式,结合句意,gain与宾语Chinese female hurdlers之间为主动关系。故填to gain。
66. Successful people usually have a positive ________(态度) to life. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
67. Living away from our parents will make us much more ________(独立的). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
68. To fully realize your ________ (潜力;可能性), it is important for you to make the most of our school resources. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
69. It’s common for teenagers to have a heated ________(argue)with their parents. (所给词的适当形式填空)
70. Laura wishes her parents could be more ________(灵活的) so that she can make her own choices. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
71. Learning English well is ________ (benefit) to us in the future. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查形容词。句意:学好英语对我们将来是有好处的。is为系动词,后面接形容词beneficial,作表语,be beneficial to为固定搭配,意为“对……有益”。故填beneficial。
72. Never give up! ________(失败)is the mother of success. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
73. They should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay ________ (energy) and fit. (所给词的适当形式填空)
74. Class discussion is very important in the UK, but I can’t make a great ________ (contribute) because sometimes I wasn’t able to express myself clearly in English. (所给词适当形式填空)
【详解】考查名词。句意:课堂讨论在英国非常重要,但我不能做出很大贡献,因为有时我无法用英语清楚地表达自己。分析句意可知,动词contribute“贡献”要使用名词形式,作宾语,构成make a contribution 结构,表示“做出贡献”。故填contribution。
75. ______ (fortunate),my teachers and classmates were always helpful and gave me lots of encouragement. (所给词的适当形式填空)
76. Jennifer has ________(skip)breakfast for the last few months. She said she had trouble focusing her attention in class. (所给词的适当形式填空)
77. Jack drew some money out of his bank ________(账户)to pay the rent. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:杰克从他的银行账户里取出一些钱来付房租。根据句意及汉语提示,可知为account。形容词性物主代词his后接名词形式在句中作宾语,根据“drew some money(取出一些钱)” 可知,设空处应用名词单数的形式,故填account。
78. We should never _________ (评判) a person when we meet him for the first time. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
79. As a primary school teacher, dealing with children is the most important ________(内容) of my work. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
80. You may feel ________ (anxiety) that you are developing at a different rate to your friends, shooting up in height or getting left far behind. (所给词的适当形式填空)
81. With so much noise going on, I can’t ________ (concentration) on my work. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查动词。句意:吵闹声这么大,我无法专心工作。分析句子结构可知,此空位于情态动词之后,所以应为动词原形,concentration的动词为concentrate意为“全神贯注”,concentrate on意为“专注于”。故填concentrate。
82. Although there was not as much homework as I used to get in China, it was still ________(challenge)for me to study in the UK. (所给词的适当形式填空)
83. Good study habits, useful skills and a positive mind are ________(equal)important. (所给词的适当形式填空)
84. In order to achieve success, you must be ________(confidence) in yourself.(所给词的适当形式填空)
85. All the people taking part in this activity are ________(志愿者) who deserve our respect. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:所有参加这次活动的人都是志愿者,他们值得我们尊敬。根据汉语提示“志愿者”可知,此处为名词volunteer,作表语,结合“all the people”可知,此处为名词复数形式。故填volunteers。
86. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Johnson来信告诉你他最近感觉身体虚弱,希望你给他提出一些强身健体的建议。请你用英语给他写一封回信,提出你的建议和理由。
Dear Johnson,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Johnson,
Learning that you’ve been feeling weak recently, I’m writing to offer you some suggestions about how to get into shape.
To begin with, a good lifestyle, like taking exercise regularly and having enough sleep, is of great importance. Additionally, you’d better keep a balanced diet, eating more vegetables and fruits which will provide you with a lot of nutrition. Last but not least, you’d better have a good mood every day, because laughter is the best medicine.
Following my advice, you will feel better. Hope everything goes on well with you.
Li Hua
提供:give → offer
此外:besides → additionally
首先:first →to begin with
遵循:keep to→ follow
原句:Following my advice, you will feel better.
拓展句:If you follow my advice, you will feel better.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Additionally, you’d better keep a balanced diet, eating more vegetables and fruits which will provide you with a lot of nutrition.(运用了which引导的限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Last but not least, you’d better have a good mood every day, because laughter is the best medicine.(运用了because引导的原因状语从句)



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