2023-2024江苏省南京市高二上学期期中学情调研测试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版 内嵌听力音频)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B. C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will Linda do
A. Drive to the supermarket. B. Buy things for the man. C. Lend the man her car.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What makes the man unwilling to attend the party
A. A rude friend. B. A late invitation. C. His father’s presence.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers talking about
A. A subway trip. B. A former workmate. C. A new project.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a school. B. In a shop. C. In a car museum.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
When did the man first meet his wife
A. 20 years ago. B. 21 years ago. C. 22 years ago.
第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟: 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Trainer and trainee. B. Husband and wife. C. Waiter and customer.
7. Where will the speakers have dinner tonight
A. In an Italian restaurant. B. In a bar. C. At home.
8. What makes the man upset
A. Too much noise. B. A hot room. C. A broken window.
9. What’s the woman’s offer
A. To fix the air conditioner.
B. To give the man a discount.
C. To get the man an electric fan.
10. How does the man sound at the end of the conversation
A. Satisfied. B. Annoyed. C. Stressed.
11. Why does the man want to buy a car
A. To go to work. B. To pick up his uncle. C. To travel on weekends.
12. What is the man’s comment on German cars
A. Expensive. B. Trustworthy. C. Big-sized.
13. What docs the woman advise the man to do
A. Buy a brand new car. B. Call his wife for advice. C. Speak to a car salesman.
14. What did the man do last Saturday
A. He visited his grandma.
B. He went to see a doctor.
C. He attended the sports meeting.
15. How does the woman feel about the opening ceremony
A. It’s boring. B. It’s plain. C. It’s amazing.
16. How many gold medals did the class win this year
A. Two. B. Three. C. Eight.
17. What might the man do next
A. Sign up for the events. B. Take photos of athletes. C. Read blog posts.
18 Who is the speaker
A. An award winner. B. A news reporter. C. A journal editor.
19. What did Lin Sen want to express
A. Professional awards have improved editors’ life.
B. Working experience is a must in journal editing.
C. Editors are devoted to their work despite difficulties.
20. What do we know about the Baihua Literature Awards
A. It was first held in the 1980s.
B. It favours science fiction writers.
C. It faces pressure from online readers.
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
Calling All High School Students
Apply to The Daily’s Summer 2023 Journalism Workshop!!
Click here for an application form
The application deadline has been extended to June 2 at 11:59 pm.
Join us for our annual summer eight-week journalism workshop! The program runs from June26 to August 18, 2023.
In our program, we’ll teach high schoolers the fundamentals through real-world reporting tasks. Some writers may even get the opportunity to publish their work on The Stanford Daily’s website as they receive one-on-one guidance from Daily editors in weekly check-in meetings and lessons.
Even if you’ve done a program with us before, you’re sure to learn new skills, encounter new challenges, and level up your journalistic skills! We have all-new content and guest speakers with fresh and exciting perspectives to bring to the table.
It is open to participants of all skill levels — our editors will work with you at whatever pace you’re comfortable with and get you up to speed regardless of your level of experience.
Over the course of the eight-week journalism workshop, participants will get hands-on experience in the end-to-end process of news reporting, including:
How to find stories and assess (评估) their newsworthiness
How to identify and interview sources
How to create well-structured, interesting news pieces
How to write breaking news
In addition to writing, students will have the opportunity to learn multimedia and digital skills, ultimately gaining exposure to the complete, real, end-to-end experience of working in journalism.
21. What is the purpose of the journalism workshop
A. To expose high schoolers to the real world.
B. To bring The Stanford Daily to a larger audience.
C. To select potential writers for The Stanford Daily.
D. To equip high schoolers with skills of news reporting.
22. What can participants do in the workshop
A. Start up a news writing website.
B. Chair weekly meetings of Daily’s editors.
C. Assess the work of Daily’s journalists.
D. Get personalized guidance from professionals.
23. What is the text
A. An activity schedule. B. An online advertisement.
C. A course review. D. An academic article.
When the fifth grade school year was almost over, all the girls made autograph (签名) books. As I signed my classmates’ books, I noticed their moms had written in them, too. “I couldn’t be prouder of you. Can’t wait to see how you like junior high!” “Congratulations! We love you and know you have a bright future!”
I asked my mother to sign mine, too. When she handed it back to me, I was anxious to see what she had written. This is what I found on the page:
When a thing is first begun
Never leave it till it’s done.
Be the labor great or small.
Do it well or not at all.
That was it I was frozen. It was an indication to me that, if I couldn’t be perfect, I wasn’t good enough. I held back my tears, left the page in but secretly hoped my classmates wouldn’t read it.
Do it well or not at all. For years, I battled perfectionism and never felt good enough for most of my life.
When my mother was in her eighties, I gave her a book to fill out so we could know more about her. It had questions at the top of each page and then blank space to respond. I secretly hoped she’d been working on it all along. Sadly, not long after, my mother passed away. When I sorted out her belongings, what I wanted more than anything was that book. What I found stopped me short. On page ten, the question was, “What’s the best advice you got from your parents ” Her response was what she had written in my autograph book. Even though I’d memorized it years ago, I read it at a slower pace now, seeing it in a new light.
It was written to her by her mother, and she was passing it down to her daughter in the same way. A gift from her to me. She was giving me treasured, valuable advice when all I was thinking about were words of praise. I understand it now.
24. In paragraph 1 the author found that words from other classmates’ moms ________.
A. contained reflection on life
B. expressed their thankfulness
C. showed pride in their children
D. featured a formal writing style
25. Seeing her mom’s words on the autograph book, how did the author feel
A. Disappointed. B. Motivated. C. Hopeful. D. Anxious.
26. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 5 imply
A. The author memorized the words from her mom.
B. The author was surprised to see the same words again.
C. The author found it easy to see the words clearly under the light.
D. The author began to have a new understanding of her mom’s words.
27. What gift did the author’s mom give her
A. A vision of a perfect world.
B. Encouragement to do things well.
C. Her mom’s wisdom of loving yourself.
D. Her mom’s advice on living at a slow pace.
Solar panels—also known as “photovoltaic” panels—are used to turn sunlight into electricity. Most solar panels are placed on land in large collections called solar farms. But recently people have begun to explore putting floating solar panels on waler. Because these panels float, some people call them “floatovoltacs”.
The idea isn’t as unusual as it might seem. After all, any solar panel has to be waterproof, since it will be out in the rain. There are already several large floatovoltaic farms in Asia. On land, so panels are held up by special frames (框架). On the water, foatovotaicis are placed on a floating platfom attached to the boto of a lake or reservoir (水库). Floating solar panels cost about 25% more than those placed on land.
The researchers behind the new study looked at 14.5555 reservoirs worldwide. They used computer progams to figure out how much electricity could be produced yearly by covering 30% of these reservoirs with floating solar panels. The answer was surprisingly large—more than twice the amount of energy the United States generates in a year And 10 times as much energy as all the solar power currently being generated in the world.
Floatovoltaics can also help save water by limiting evaporation (蒸发) from reservoirs. The scientists say that solar panels covering just 30% of the reservoirs’ surfaces could save as much water as 300 million people would use in a year. There are several other reasons that make floatovoltaics a good idea. Photovoltaic panels work better when they’re not extremely hot. The water helps cool the panels so that they create more energy.
Floatovoltaics aren’t perfect. Covering too much of a reservoir with panels could affect the plants and animals in the water. The scientists say it will be important to study how floating panels will affect water in each reservoir. Focusing first on man-made reservoirs will avoid some of those problems.
28. What is the purpose of paragraph 2
A. To list solar panels’ unusual functions.
B. To show disadvantages of solar panels on land.
C. To introduce the workability of floating solar panels.
D. To make a comparison between different solar panels.
29. How did researchers carry out the new study
A. By looking at reservoirs worldwide.
B. By making computer-aided estimates.
C. By building floatovoftaic farms in the US.
D. By processing data given by specialists.
30. What do we know about floating solar panels
A. They are perfect except for the high cost.
B. They function well in extreme hot weather.
C. They will eventually replace photovoltaic panels.
D. They may cause potential harm to water ecosystem.
31. What is the suitable title for the text
A. Floating Solar Panels—Making Energy, Saving Water
B. Floating Solar Panels—A New Way to Cool the Planet
C. Floating Solar Panels: Our Final Choice
D. Floating Solar Panels Take Us Back to Water
In the lab, most mice go as far as to take electric shocks in their desperation to consume sugar. Mice aren’t alone. Humans do something similar. Daily snacking on processed foods, recent studies show, rewires the brain’s reward circuits(回路).
Ashley Gearhardt, a clinical psychologist at the University of Michigan, argues that highly Processed foods, very high in fat and carbohydrate, don’t exist naturally. “They’re designed by food scientists to look a certain way, feel a certain way in your mouth, smell a certain way when you open the package.” she says, “People aren’t losing control over beans.”
In highly processed snacks, sugar often goes together with fat-a combination that could make such foods even more addictive. For a 2023 study, DeFeliceantonio’s team asked 82 people to snack on either high-fat, high-sugar yogurts or low-sugar, low-fat ones for eight weeks. The scientists discovered not only that the first group’s preference for the healthier yogurts decreased after the trial but that their brain activation patterns changed, too. When tasting fatty, sugary milkshakes, they had an increased response in their reward circuits. “Highly processed foods are controlling the brain in a way you’d see with addiction to drugs,” DeFeliceantonio says.
In 2022,Gearhardt and DeFeliccantonio published an opinion piece in the journal Addiction arguing that highly processed foods should be classified(分类) as addictive. Hebebrand, a psychiatrist at the University of Duisburg-Essen, however, worries that rushing to classify certain foods as addictive could let the sugar industry make an easy escape. It may be following “the playbook of the tobacco industry.” After all, there was no clear proof that nicotine(尼古丁) was addictive, either: researchers didn’t know the dosage(剂量) at which it became addictive. As a result, the addictive nature of tobacco was opposed for decades. Considering highly processed foods’ harmful health effects, Gearhardt argues that it’s better to risk misclassifying highly processed foods as addictive than to fail to label (贴标签) them as such. “It’s cigarettes all over again.” She says.
32. What does paragraph 2 suggest
A. Processed foods are tastier than natural ones.
B. Beans are much healthier than processed foods.
C. People can become addicted to processed foods.
D. The design of processed foods takes great effort.
33. According to the 2023 study, those eating high-fat, high-sugar yogurts have ________.
A. decreased response to healthy foods in reward system
B. increased likelihood of developing addiction to drugs
C. increased difficulty in activating the brain with drugs
D. decreased interest in highly processed snacks
34. What is Hebebrand ‘s attitude towards classifying sugar addictive
A. Supportive. B. Cautious. C. Unconcerned. D. Unclear.
35. What does Gearhardt mean by saying “It’s cigarettes all over again.”
A. It’s time we labeled tobacco as addictive.
B. The market will be filled with processed foods.
C. we should classify sugar as addictive before it’s too late.
D. It’s a mistake to have misclassified cigarettes as addictive.
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
There you were, sitting in a classroom, practicing writing letters and words. Maybe you were printing (手写印剧字体) them, or maybe you were learning cursive (草体). At some point, you probably asked yourself, “Why do I need to know how to write when all 1 need is to press the keys on a computer ” ___36___ It also helps you remember the information that you write down.
___37___ Actually, beginner printing is usually very messy, and sometimes we cannot even tell what the letters are. Also, the shape of each letter can change each time a child tries to write it. But remember that every time a child sees a letter that looks a little different but still has the same name, it helps the child’s brain to learn that letter.
Research has also shown that if you wrote something by hand, you would remember it better than if you typed it on your computer! Why does this happen ___38___ But speed may be the problem! When we type information, we tend to type exactly what the teacher is saying. Without thinking about it. Writing by hand takes longer, so we cannot record everything the teacher says. When writing, we tend to put things into our own words or summarize what the teacher says. ___39___
In summary, writing by hand can help you learn new things like letters, but it also allows you to remember information better than if you typed it. It does not matter how you write—printing, cursive, abbreviations (宿写).___40___ So, keep writing!
A. That makes things a lot easier.
B. It just matters that you write by hand.
C. Surely it is quicker to type during a lecture than to write, right
D. What did your printing look like when you first started to write
E. In a way, taking notes by hand is a way of studying while we are learning!
F. Well, in short, writing by hand helps you learn a set of symbols more easily.
G. When people write letters, they actively see and feel the letters being written.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题: 每小颜1分,满分15分)
Every June, our children are given bowls to collect leaves. They leave bowls full of leaves on the doorstep and we go for a ___41___. When we return, we find fairies (仙子) have ___42___ the leaves into ice cream.
“When are the fairies coming ” five-year-old Anna had been asking all last June, with___43___ Meanwhile, Joshua, ten, was___44___ fairies and such silly things. He found Mom would always. ___45___ something and return home during our walk.
The evening arrived and we followed the tradition. Halfway, I said that I had forgotten my keys and needed to___46___.
Joshua, smiled as if he ___47___ everything. “Wait,” I added. “I’ve found them! I don’t have to go back.” Joshua got a bit ___48___. When we were back, the bowls were still there. ___49___, it was filled with ice cream.
Anna accepted all this with complete___50___, excited to eat. But Joshua was surprised. He looked up at me and looked around in___51___.
Joshua was quiet the entire evening. But at 2 a.m., he crawled (爬) into my bed. “Mommy,” he___52___. “How did you do it ”
For a ten-year-old, you need to tell him the___53___. A neighbour helped me. Joshua smiled and___54___ me for telling him. Then he fell asleep. And just at that moment, I believed in ___55___ too.
A. walk B. talk C. snack D. ride
A. poured B. added C. turned D. threw
A. satisfaction B. doubt C. pride D. expectation
A. getting wise to B. getting used to C. looking forward to D. looking up to
A. purchase B. restore C. forget D. consume
A. lie down B. set off C. go back D. look around
A. hid B. prepared C. controlled D. knew
A. bitter B. confused C. worried D. enthusiastic
A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Instead
A. determination B. ignorance C. courage D. curiosity
A. horror B. relief C. hesitation D. amazement
A. responded B. declared C. shouted D. whispered
A. truth B. plot C. evidence D. phenomenon
A. forgave B. rewarded C. thanked D. touched
A. strength B. magic C. trust D. motivation
第二节 (共10小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
The sheepskin raft, the oldest ferry tool along the Yellow River, has a history of nearly 2.000 years. The airbag of the raft is made of a whole sheepskin and experiences processes that include___56___(heat), soaking, sewing, drying and blowing. Afterwards, the airbags are attached ___57___ a wooden stand, enabling its use for transporting people and goods across the water.
It is said that the___58___ (large) sheepskin raft in old times consisted of more than 600 sheepskin airbags, with an impressive length of 22 meters and a ___59___ (wide) of 7 meters.
___60___ railways were not yet in operation and road traffic was inconvenient in the early 20th century, the sheepskin raft ___61___(serve) as the most important means of transportation for residents nearby.
However, with the rapid development of society, the sheepskin raft has finished ___62___ (it) historical task in transporting people and goods. Nowadays, it can only be found in several cities. It has become a tool for people ___63___ (go) sightseeing along the river.
Today only some of the older generation of rafters still operate the traditional sheepskin rafts,___64___ are struggling to make a living. ___65___(surprising), the younger generations prefer to pursue other business opportunities on the riverbank rather than continue the operation.
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66. 假定你是李华,你校外教Chris在口语课上无意中提到自己背部不适,疼痛难忍。请你给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
Dear Chris,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When I was four, my seven-year-old brother received a baseball glove for his birthday. Every night. as we went to sleep. I’d listen to him throwing a ball into the glove over and over to soften the leather. I wanted a glove so much that I almost cried. But, back then, girls didn’t play sports; they played with dolls (洋娃娃).
Fast-forward twenty-six years. Now a thirty-year-old mother of two boys and a girl, I happened to sec a notice in my local paper: “Women’s Baseball League opens soon. Anyone interested, sign up at the community service center.” I cut it out and set it on the kitchen table, Could I After all these years
I looked at that notice on my table every day. l thought of a thousand reasons I couldn’t play. But the idea of playing baseball stuck in my head and wouldn’t go away. Finally, 1 gathered up my courage and signed up. Since I wasn’t a member of any team, they told me I’d be assigned (分配) to one. Two weeks passed before they gave me the name of the team to look for. Since my husband worked Monday nights, I arranged for a babysitter. It was a luxury (奢侈) but, at that moment in my life, a necessity.
On Monday, heart pounding, I walked through the park filled with women of all ages practicing. It took me a while to find my team. They were all high-school girls, seventeen and eighteen years old! I waited a couple of minutes before approaching the coach. He had put together top athletes for his team, and he didn’t want some old lady messing things up. He looked me over. His girls had fine gloves and metal cleats (棒球钉鞋). They looked like players. I had no glove and wore an old T-shirt and gym shoes. I didn’t care. I wanted to play. That first day, he had me run bases (跑垒). I never got a chance to bat or play the field. I just ran bases all night. The next morning, I could hardly stand.
When I showed up the next Monday, the coach was clearly surprised.
“Impressive catch!” my teammates cheered for my performance after the training.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B. C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What will Linda do
A. Drive to the supermarket. B. Buy things for the man. C. Lend the man her car.
【原文】M: Could I borrow your car, Linda There’s a newly opened supermarket outside the city. Things there are much cheaper. I can also help you pick up something.
W: Well, why don’t we shop together I can drive you there.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What makes the man unwilling to attend the party
A. A rude friend. B. A late invitation. C. His father’s presence.
【原文】M: I really can’t tolerate the way David talks to us. He is always trying to control the conversation and cuts in wherever he wants. So, if he is invited to your party tomorrow, I just won’t show up.
W: I’m sorry you feel that way but my dad insists that he come.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What are the speakers talking about
A. A subway trip. B. A former workmate. C. A new project.
【原文】M: I met Jack on the subway this morning.
W: Wow, you mean the big Jack who quitted last month
M: Yes. He told me he had been busy with a new project recently.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a school. B. In a shop. C. In a car museum.
【原文】M: Good afternoon, madam. What can I do for you
W: Well, my son is graduating from college next month and I’m getting him a car.
M: No problem. This way, please.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
When did the man first meet his wife
A. 20 years ago. B. 21 years ago. C. 22 years ago.
【原文】W: Hey, Daddy. You have been married with mommy for 20 years!
M: Yes. I would never forget the first day I met your mom. She was so sweet and we got married two years later. One year after that, you were born.
W: Wow! We need a big celebration!
第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟: 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Trainer and trainee. B. Husband and wife. C. Waiter and customer.
7. Where will the speakers have dinner tonight
A. In an Italian restaurant. B. In a bar. C. At home.
【答案】6. B 7. B
【原文】M: Let’s eat out tonight How about the Italian restaurant you mentioned last time
W: Wonderful, I’d love to.
M: So when will you finish your workout
W: You can pick me up in half an hour. Wait, it’s September 23rd! The Hangzhou Asian Games!
M: Exactly! Then we should head straight home and watch the opening ceremony.
W: I know a better place, a bar, where we can watch the ceremony while having dinner.
8. What makes the man upset
A. Too much noise. B. A hot room. C. A broken window.
9. What’s the woman’s offer
A. To fix the air conditioner.
B. To give the man a discount.
C. To get the man an electric fan.
10. How does the man sound at the end of the conversation
A. Satisfied. B. Annoyed. C. Stressed.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A
【原文】W: Front desk, may I help you
M: This is Room 806. It’s so hot here and we don’t see an air conditioner.
W: Oh, sorry. But here in Denmark we rarely equip our rooms with air conditioners because we don’t have many hot days.
M: Interesting! But how are you going to fix the problem here
W: Hmm, how about changing to another room with a big window to get a little fresh air moving in
M: Will it be noisy with the window open What bad luck we have! We shouldn’t have come in such peak season.
W: Well sir, you are very 1ucky actually because you can enjoy the most beautiful sunny days in northern Europe.
M: Really But we paid twice as much as usual Is it possible for us to get a discount
W: Sorry sir, perhaps we couldn’t do that but we can get you an electric fan and some fruits.
M OK. That’s good. Thank you.
11. Why does the man want to buy a car
A. To go to work. B. To pick up his uncle. C. To travel on weekends.
12. What is the man’s comment on German cars
A. Expensive. B. Trustworthy. C. Big-sized.
13. What docs the woman advise the man to do
A. Buy a brand new car. B. Call his wife for advice. C. Speak to a car salesman.
【答案】11. C 12. B 13. C
【原文】M: Well, I’m considering buying a car.
W: Oh, so you’re planning to drive to work every day
M: No, just for weekend trips with my wife.
W: Sounds good. Then have you settled on a specific brand or mode1
M Not really: My uncle told me that German cars are of high quality and I prefer a small one. I think it’s easier to drive a small car in big cities.
W: True. I have a friend selling cars. You can get one from him at a reasonable price. Here’s his phone number.
M: Nice. But what if I don’t buy from him Would it be a trouble for you
W: Oh, no. There is nothing to worry about. I bet he will be happy to offer advice.
14. What did the man do last Saturday
A. He visited his grandma.
B. He went to see a doctor.
C. He attended the sports meeting.
15. How does the woman feel about the opening ceremony
A. It’s boring. B. It’s plain. C. It’s amazing.
16. How many gold medals did the class win this year
A. Two. B. Three. C. Eight.
17. What might the man do next
A. Sign up for the events. B. Take photos of athletes. C. Read blog posts.
【答案】14. A 15. C 16. A 17. C
【原文】W: Did you participate in the sports meeting at the Olympic Center last Saturday
M: No, I went to my grandma’s. She was ill and doctors asked her to stay in bed for another week.
W: Sorry to hear that. I hope she will recover soon.
M: Thank you so much. I heard some classmates talking about the opening ceremony. How did it go
W: It was impressive. Short but exciting. You know what This year our school invited a famous athlete to declare the meeting open.
M: What a pity that I missed it! Then how about our classmates’ performance in the events
W: Good as always. We topped the medal table again—11 in total, three more than last year. The two gold medals are both from men’s running.
M: So proud of them. Did anyone take photos of them
W: Well, you can access our schools website or just have a 1ook at Miss Lin’s blog. She must have posted a lot.
M: Okay. Thank you.
18. Who is the speaker
A. An award winner. B. A news reporter. C. A journal editor.
19. What did Lin Sen want to express
A. Professional awards have improved editors’ life.
B. Working experience is a must in journal editing.
C Editors are devoted to their work despite difficulties.
20. What do we know about the Baihua Literature Awards
A. It was first held in the 1980s.
B. It favours science fiction writers.
C. It faces pressure from online readers.
【答案】18. B 19. C 20. A
【原文】W: The prize-giving ceremony of the 20th Baibua Literature Awards was held in Tianjin on Tuesday. Thirty-nine works received awards in seven categories, including short stories, novels, science fiction and online literature. Additionally, 18 editors from literary journals received the Editor’s Award, while 30 readers from both China and abroad received the Reader’s Award. Lin Sen, representative of the award-winning editors, said: “I have been working in journal editing for more than 15 years, and I deeply understand that life has not been easy for us editors recently. We need to put our whole heart into work but receive few professional rewards and face pressure from all sides.” As the first literary award in China to be selected by readers, the Baibua Literature Awards is held once every two years. During the past four decades, the Baibua Awards has continuously expanded its areas of interest. In 2019. the science fiction award was introduced. This year, the online literature award was also added. I’m Li Hua, from CGTN.
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
Calling All High School Students
Apply to The Daily’s Summer 2023 Journalism Workshop!!
Click here for an application form
The application deadline has been extended to June 2 at 11:59 pm.
Join us for our annual summer eight-week journalism workshop! The program runs from June26 to August 18, 2023.
In our program, we’ll teach high schoolers the fundamentals through real-world reporting tasks. Some writers may even get the opportunity to publish their work on The Stanford Daily’s website as they receive one-on-one guidance from Daily editors in weekly check-in meetings and lessons.
Even if you’ve done a program with us before, you’re sure to learn new skills, encounter new challenges, and level up your journalistic skills! We have all-new content and guest speakers with fresh and exciting perspectives to bring to the table.
It is open to participants of all skill levels — our editors will work with you at whatever pace you’re comfortable with and get you up to speed regardless of your level of experience.
Over the course of the eight-week journalism workshop, participants will get hands-on experience in the end-to-end process of news reporting, including:
How to find stories and assess (评估) their newsworthiness
How to identify and interview sources
How to create well-structured, interesting news pieces
How to write breaking news
In addition to writing, students will have the opportunity to learn multimedia and digital skills, ultimately gaining exposure to the complete, real, end-to-end experience of working in journalism.
21. What is the purpose of the journalism workshop
A. To expose high schoolers to the real world.
B. To bring The Stanford Daily to a larger audience.
C. To select potential writers for The Stanford Daily.
D. To equip high schoolers with skills of news reporting.
22. What can participants do in the workshop
A. Start up a news writing website.
B. Chair weekly meetings of Daily’s editors.
C. Assess the work of Daily’s journalists.
D. Get personalized guidance from professionals.
23. What is the text
A. An activity schedule. B. An online advertisement.
C. A course review. D. An academic article.
【答案】21. D 22. D 23. B
推理判断题。根据第六段“Even if you’ve done a program with us before, you’re sure to learn new skills, encounter new challenges, and level up your journalistic skills!(即使你以前和我们一起做过一个项目,你一定会学到新的技能,遇到新的挑战,并提高你的新闻技能!)”可知,新闻研讨会的目的是培养中学生新闻报道技能。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第五段“Some writers may even get the opportunity to publish their work on The Stanford Daily’s website as they receive one-on-one guidance from Daily editors in weekly check-in meetings and lessons.(一些作者甚至有机会在《斯坦福日报》的网站上发表他们的作品,因为他们在每周的签到会议和课程中得到《日报》编辑的一对一指导)”可知,参加者可以在工作坊中获得专业人士的个性化指导。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第二段“Click here for an application form(按此索取申请表格)”可推知,本文是一篇网上的广告。故选B。
When the fifth grade school year was almost over, all the girls made autograph (签名) books. As I signed my classmates’ books, I noticed their moms had written in them, too. “I couldn’t be prouder of you. Can’t wait to see how you like junior high!” “Congratulations! We love you and know you have a bright future!”
I asked my mother to sign mine, too. When she handed it back to me, I was anxious to see what she had written. This is what I found on the page:
When a thing is first begun,
Never leave it till it’s done.
Be the labor great or small.
Do it well or not at all.
That was it I was frozen. It was an indication to me that, if I couldn’t be perfect, I wasn’t good enough. I held back my tears, left the page in but secretly hoped my classmates wouldn’t read it.
Do it well or not at all. For years, I battled perfectionism and never felt good enough for most of my life.
When my mother was in her eighties, I gave her a book to fill out so we could know more about her. It had questions at the top of each page and then blank space to respond. I secretly hoped she’d been working on it all along. Sadly, not long after, my mother passed away. When I sorted out her belongings, what I wanted more than anything was that book. What I found stopped me short. On page ten, the question was, “What’s the best advice you got from your parents ” Her response was what she had written in my autograph book. Even though I’d memorized it years ago, I read it at a slower pace now, seeing it in a new light.
It was written to her by her mother, and she was passing it down to her daughter in the same way. A gift from her to me. She was giving me treasured, valuable advice when all I was thinking about were words of praise. I understand it now.
24. In paragraph 1, the author found that words from other classmates’ moms ________.
A. contained reflection on life
B. expressed their thankfulness
C. showed pride in their children
D. featured a formal writing style
25. Seeing her mom’s words on the autograph book, how did the author feel
A. Disappointed. B. Motivated. C. Hopeful. D. Anxious.
26. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 5 imply
A. The author memorized the words from her mom.
B. The author was surprised to see the same words again.
C. The author found it easy to see the words clearly under the light.
D. The author began to have a new understanding of her mom’s words.
27. What gift did the author’s mom give her
A. A vision of a perfect world.
B. Encouragement to do things well.
C. Her mom’s wisdom of loving yourself.
D. Her mom’s advice on living at a slow pace.
【答案】24. C 25. A 26. D 27. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“ I noticed their moms had written in them, too. “I couldn’t be prouder of you. Can’t wait to see how you like junior high!” “Congratulations! We love you and know you have a bright future!”(我注意到他们的妈妈也在上面写了字。“我为你感到无比骄傲。等不及想看看你的初中生活了!”“恭喜你!我们爱你,知道你有一个光明的未来!”)”可知,在第一段中,作者发现其他同学妈妈的话是以他们的孩子为傲。故选C。
推理判断题。根据正文第三段“That was it I was frozen. It was an indication to me that, if I couldn’t be perfect, I wasn’t good enough. I held back my tears, left the page in but secretly hoped my classmates wouldn’t read it.(就这样?我僵住了。这对我来说是一种暗示,如果我不能做到完美,我就不够好。我强忍着眼泪,留下了那一页,但心里暗暗希望同学们不要看。)”可知,看到妈妈在签名簿上写的字,作者是失望的,故选A。
词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段“Even though I’d memorized it years ago, I read it at a slower pace now, seeing it in a new light.(尽管我多年前就已经记住了,但我现在读它的速度变慢了,以一种新的眼光看待它。)”和最后一段“I understand it now.(我现在明白了。)”可知,第5段划线的句子表示作者开始对她妈妈的话有了新的理解。故选D。
推理判断题。根据作者妈妈写的话“When a thing is first begun, Never leave it till it’s done. Be the labor great or small. Do it well or not at all.(当一件事刚开始时,不做完就不要离开。无论劳动是大是小。要么做好,要么不做。)”以及最后一段的“It was written to her by her mother, and she was passing it down to her daughter in the same way. A gift from her to me.(这封信是她母亲写给她的,她正以同样的方式传给女儿。是她送给我的礼物。)”可知,作者的妈妈写的这些话就是给作者的礼物,从这些话可知,作者的妈妈鼓励作者把事情做好,故选B。
Solar panels—also known as “photovoltaic” panels—are used to turn sunlight into electricity. Most solar panels are placed on land in large collections called solar farms. But recently people have begun to explore putting floating solar panels on waler. Because these panels float, some people call them “floatovoltacs”.
The idea isn’t as unusual as it might seem. After all, any solar panel has to be waterproof, since it will be out in the rain. There are already several large floatovoltaic farms in Asia. On land, so panels are held up by special frames (框架). On the water, foatovotaicis are placed on a floating platfom attached to the boto of a lake or reservoir (水库). Floating solar panels cost about 25% more than those placed on land.
The researchers behind the new study looked at 14.5555 reservoirs worldwide. They used computer progams to figure out how much electricity could be produced yearly by covering 30% of these reservoirs with floating solar panels. The answer was surprisingly large—more than twice the amount of energy the United States generates in a year And 10 times as much energy as all the solar power currently being generated in the world.
Floatovoltaics can also help save water by limiting evaporation (蒸发) from reservoirs. The scientists say that solar panels covering just 30% of the reservoirs’ surfaces could save as much water as 300 million people would use in a year. There are several other reasons that make floatovoltaics a good idea. Photovoltaic panels work better when they’re not extremely hot. The water helps cool the panels so that they create more energy.
Floatovoltaics aren’t perfect. Covering too much of a reservoir with panels could affect the plants and animals in the water. The scientists say it will be important to study how floating panels will affect water in each reservoir. Focusing first on man-made reservoirs will avoid some of those problems.
28. What is the purpose of paragraph 2
A. To list solar panels’ unusual functions.
B. To show disadvantages of solar panels on land.
C. To introduce the workability of floating solar panels.
D. To make a comparison between different solar panels.
29. How did researchers carry out the new study
A. By looking at reservoirs worldwide.
B. By making computer-aided estimates.
C. By building floatovoftaic farms in the US.
D. By processing data given by specialists.
30. What do we know about floating solar panels
A. They are perfect except for the high cost.
B. They function well in extreme hot weather.
C. They will eventually replace photovoltaic panels.
D. They may cause potential harm to water ecosystem.
31. What is the suitable title for the text
A. Floating Solar Panels—Making Energy, Saving Water
B. Floating Solar Panels—A New Way to Cool the Planet
C. Floating Solar Panels: Our Final Choice
D. Floating Solar Panels Take Us Back to Water
【答案】28. C 29. B 30. D 31. A
推理判断题。根据第二段“The idea isn’t as unusual as it might seem. After all, any solar panel has to be waterproof, since it will be out in the rain. There are already several large floatovoltaic farms in Asia. On land, so panels are held up by special frames (框架). On the water, foatovotaicis are placed on a floating platfom attached to the boto of a lake or reservoir (水库). Floating solar panels cost about 25% more than those placed on land.(这个想法并不像看起来那么不寻常。毕竟,任何太阳能电池板都必须是防水的,因为它会在雨中使用。亚洲已经有几个大型的浮动光伏电站。在陆地上,太阳能板由特殊框架支撑。在水面上,浮动太阳能电池板被放置在附着在湖底或水库底部的浮动平台上,浮动太阳能电池板的成本比放置在陆地上的太阳能电池板高出25%左右。)”可知,第2段的目的是介绍浮动太阳能电池板的可操作性。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段“They used computer progams to figure out how much electricity could be produced yearly by covering 30% of these reservoirs with floating solar panels.(他们用计算机程序计算出,如果在30%的水库上安装浮动太阳能电池板,每年可以产生多少电力。)”可知,研究人员是通过计算机辅助估算来进行这项新研究的。故选B。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Covering too much of a reservoir with panels could affect the plants and animals in the water.(用面板覆盖太多的水库可能会影响水中的植物和动物。)”可知,浮动太阳能电池板可能对水生态系统造成潜在危害。故选D。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是倒数第三段“The answer was surprisingly large—more than twice the amount of energy the United States generates in a year And 10 times as much energy as all the solar power currently being generated in the world.(答案惊人地大——是美国一年发电量的两倍多,是目前世界上所有太阳能发电量的10倍。)”和倒数第二段“Floatovoltaics can also help save water by limiting evaporation (蒸发) from reservoirs.(浮动光伏还可以通过限制水库的蒸发来帮助节约用水。)”可知,本文主要介绍的是主要介绍了浮动太阳能电池板的优势——既能发电又能节约水,因此最好的题目是A选项“Floating Solar Panels—Making Energy, Saving Water(浮动太阳能电池板——发电,节水)”。故选A。
In the lab, most mice go as far as to take electric shocks in their desperation to consume sugar. Mice aren’t alone. Humans do something similar. Daily snacking on processed foods, recent studies show, rewires the brain’s reward circuits(回路).
Ashley Gearhardt, a clinical psychologist at the University of Michigan, argues that highly Processed foods, very high in fat and carbohydrate, don’t exist naturally. “They’re designed by food scientists to look a certain way, feel a certain way in your mouth, smell a certain way when you open the package.” she says, “People aren’t losing control over beans.”
In highly processed snacks, sugar often goes together with fat-a combination that could make such foods even more addictive. For a 2023 study, DeFeliceantonio’s team asked 82 people to snack on either high-fat, high-sugar yogurts or low-sugar, low-fat ones for eight weeks. The scientists discovered not only that the first group’s preference for the healthier yogurts decreased after the trial but that their brain activation patterns changed, too. When tasting fatty, sugary milkshakes, they had an increased response in their reward circuits. “Highly processed foods are controlling the brain in a way you’d see with addiction to drugs,” DeFeliceantonio says.
In 2022,Gearhardt and DeFeliccantonio published an opinion piece in the journal Addiction arguing that highly processed foods should be classified(分类) as addictive. Hebebrand, a psychiatrist at the University of Duisburg-Essen, however, worries that rushing to classify certain foods as addictive could let the sugar industry make an easy escape. It may be following “the playbook of the tobacco industry.” After all, there was no clear proof that nicotine(尼古丁) was addictive, either: researchers didn’t know the dosage(剂量) at which it became addictive. As a result, the addictive nature of tobacco was opposed for decades. Considering highly processed foods’ harmful health effects, Gearhardt argues that it’s better to risk misclassifying highly processed foods as addictive than to fail to label (贴标签) them as such. “It’s cigarettes all over again.” She says.
32 What does paragraph 2 suggest
A. Processed foods are tastier than natural ones.
B. Beans are much healthier than processed foods.
C. People can become addicted to processed foods.
D. The design of processed foods takes great effort.
33. According to the 2023 study, those eating high-fat, high-sugar yogurts have ________.
A. decreased response to healthy foods in reward system
B. increased likelihood of developing addiction to drugs
C. increased difficulty in activating the brain with drugs
D. decreased interest in highly processed snacks
34. What is Hebebrand ‘s attitude towards classifying sugar addictive
A. Supportive. B. Cautious. C. Unconcerned. D. Unclear.
35. What does Gearhardt mean by saying “It’s cigarettes all over again.”
A. It’s time we labeled tobacco as addictive.
B. The market will be filled with processed foods.
C. we should classify sugar as addictive before it’s too late.
D. It’s a mistake to have misclassified cigarettes as addictive.
【答案】32. C 33. A 34. B 35. C
推理判断题。根据第二段“Ashley Gearhardt, a clinical psychologist at the University of Michigan, argues that highly Processed foods, very high in fat and carbohydrate, don’t exist naturally. “They’re designed by food scientists to look a certain way, feel a certain way in your mouth, smell a certain way when you open the package.” she says, “People aren’t losing control over beans.””(密歇根大学临床心理学家阿什利·吉尔哈特(Ashley Gearhardt)认为,高脂肪和高碳水化合物的高度加工食品并不是自然存在的。“它们是由食品科学家设计的,当你打开包装时,它们看起来有某种特定的方式,在嘴里有某种特定的感觉,闻到某种特定的味道。她说,“人们并没有失去对豆子的控制。”)并联系第三段的“In highly processed snacks, sugar often goes together with fat-a combination that could make such foods even more addictive. (在高度加工的零食中,糖经常和脂肪混在一起,这一组合会使这些食物更容易上瘾。)”可以推断出人们会对加工食品上瘾。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“For a 2023 study, DeFeliceantonio’s team asked 82 people to snack on either high-fat, high-sugar yogurts or low-sugar, low-fat ones for eight weeks. The scientists discovered not only that the first group’s preference for the healthier yogurts decreased after the trial but that their brain activation patterns changed, too.When tasting fatty, sugary milkshakes, they had an increased response in their reward circuits.”(在2023年的一项研究中,DeFeliceantonio的团队要求82人在八周内食用高脂肪、高糖的酸奶或低糖、低脂的酸奶。科学家们发现,不仅第一组人对健康酸奶的偏好在试验后下降了,而且他们的大脑活动模式也发生了变化。当品尝高脂肪、含糖的奶昔时,他们的奖励回路反应增强。)可知,根据2023年的研究,那些吃高脂肪、高糖酸奶的人对奖励系统中健康食品的反应降低。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Hebebrand, a psychiatrist at the University of Duisburg-Essen, however, worries that rushing to classify certain foods as addictive could let the sugar industry make an easy escape. It may be following “the playbook of the tobacco industry.” After all, there was no clear proof that nicotine(尼古丁) was addictive, either: researchers didn’t know the dosage(剂量) at which it became addictive. As a result, the addictive nature of tobacco was opposed for decades.”(然而,杜伊斯堡-埃森大学的精神病学家Hebebrand担心,急于将某些食物归类为成瘾食品可能会让制糖业轻松逃脱。它可能是在遵循“烟草业的剧本”。毕竟,没有明确的证据表明尼古丁会上瘾,研究人员也不知道尼古丁上瘾的剂量。因此,烟草的成瘾性被反对了几十年。)可推知,Hebebrand对糖上瘾归类的态度是谨慎的。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Considering highly processed foods’ harmful health effects, Gearhardt argues that it’s better to risk misclassifying highly processed foods as addictive than to fail to label (贴标签) them as such. “It’s cigarettes all over again.” She says.”(考虑到深加工食品对健康的有害影响,Gearhardt认为,与其不给深加工食品贴上这样的标签,还不如冒险将其错误地归类为成瘾性食品。“香烟又来了。”她说。)可推知,Gearhardt说的“香烟又来了”意思是我们应该趁早把糖归类为成瘾性食物。故选C项。
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
There you were, sitting in a classroom, practicing writing letters and words. Maybe you were printing (手写印剧字体) them, or maybe you were learning cursive (草体). At some point, you probably asked yourself, “Why do I need to know how to write when all 1 need is to press the keys on a computer ” ___36___ It also helps you remember the information that you write down.
___37___ Actually, beginner printing is usually very messy, and sometimes we cannot even tell what the letters are. Also, the shape of each letter can change each time a child tries to write it. But remember that every time a child sees a letter that looks a little different but still has the same name, it helps the child’s brain to learn that letter.
Research has also shown that if you wrote something by hand, you would remember it better than if you typed it on your computer! Why does this happen ___38___ But speed may be the problem! When we type information, we tend to type exactly what the teacher is saying. Without thinking about it. Writing by hand takes longer, so we cannot record everything the teacher says. When writing, we tend to put things into our own words or summarize what the teacher says. ___39___
In summary, writing by hand can help you learn new things like letters, but it also allows you to remember information better than if you typed it. It does not matter how you write—printing, cursive, abbreviations (宿写).___40___ So, keep writing!
A. That makes things a lot easier.
B. It just matters that you write by hand.
C. Surely it is quicker to type during a lecture than to write, right
D. What did your printing look like when you first started to write
E. In a way, taking notes by hand is a way of studying while we are learning!
F. Well, in short, writing by hand helps you learn a set of symbols more easily.
G. When people write letters, they actively see and feel the letters being written.
【答案】36. F 37. D 38. C 39. E 40. B
空前“At some point, you probably asked yourself, “Why do I need to know how to write when all 1 need is to press the keys on a computer ”(在某些时候,你可能会问自己,“当我所需要的只是按电脑上的键时,为什么我需要知道如何写?”)”说明我们需要用手写字,空后“It also helps you remember the information that you write down.(它还可以帮助你记住你写下的信息。)”说明了用手写字的好处,由also可知,空格处也应该讲用手写字的一个好处,F选项“Well, in short, writing by hand helps you learn a set of symbols more easily.(简而言之,手写可以帮助你更容易地学习一组符号。)”是用手写的一个好处,也是空前那个问题的回答,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
空后“Actually, beginner printing is usually very messy, and sometimes we cannot even tell what the letters are.(实际上,初学字体通常很乱,有时我们甚至不知道字母是什么。)”说明了初学者写的字很乱,空格处应该是问“你刚开始学写字时写的字是什么样的”,D选项“What did your printing look like when you first started to write (当你第一次开始写作时,你的字体是什么样子的?)”提出你刚学写字时的字体是什么样的这个问题,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选D。
空前“Research has also shown that if you wrote something by hand, you would remember it better than if you typed it on your computer!(研究还表明,如果你手写一些东西,你会比在电脑上把它们打出来记得更好!)”说明手写有利于记住东西,空后“But speed may be the problem!(但速度可能是问题所在!)”说明了速度快反而是问题,空格处应该指出在电脑上打字更快,C选项“Surely it is quicker to type during a lecture than to write, right (上课时打字肯定比写字快,对吧?)”说明了在电脑上打字更快,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
空前“When we type information, we tend to type exactly what the teacher is saying. Without thinking about it. Writing by hand takes longer, so we cannot record everything the teacher says. When writing, we tend to put things into our own words or summarize what the teacher says.(当我们输入信息时,我们倾向于准确地输入老师所说的内容。想都不用想。手写需要更长的时间,所以我们不能把老师说的每一句话都记录下来。在写作时,我们倾向于用自己的话来表达,或者总结老师所说的话。)”说明我们手写时倾向于用自己的话来表达,或者总结老师所说的话,这说明手写更有利于学习,E选项“In a way, taking notes by hand is a way of studying while we are learning!(在某种程度上,手写笔记是我们学习的一种学习方式!)”说明了手写笔记是学习的一种方式,承接上文,符合语境,故选E。
空前“In summary, writing by hand can help you learn new things like letters, but it also allows you to remember information better than if you typed it. It does not matter how you write—printing, cursive, abbreviations (宿写).(总之,手写可以帮助你学习新的东西,比如字母,但它也能让你比打字更好地记住信息。不管你怎么写,印刷体,草书,缩写。)”说明了手写是很有好处的,空后“So, keep writing!(所以,继续写!)”说明了要继续写,因此空格处应该说手写是重要的,B选项“It just matters that you write by hand.(重要的是你要手写。)”说明了手写很重要,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选B。
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题: 每小颜1分,满分15分)
Every June, our children are given bowls to collect leaves. They leave bowls full of leaves on the doorstep and we go for a ___41___. When we return, we find fairies (仙子) have ___42___ the leaves into ice cream.
“When are the fairies coming ” five-year-old Anna had been asking all last June, with___43___ Meanwhile, Joshua, ten, was___44___ fairies and such silly things. He found Mom would always. ___45___ something and return home during our walk.
The evening arrived and we followed the tradition. Halfway I said that I had forgotten my keys and needed to___46___.
Joshua, smiled as if he ___47___ everything. “Wait,” I added. “I’ve found them! I don’t have to go back.” Joshua got a bit ___48___. When we were back, the bowls were still there. ___49___, it was filled with ice cream.
Anna accepted all this with complete___50___, excited to eat. But Joshua was surprised. He looked up at me and looked around in___51___.
Joshua was quiet the entire evening. But at 2 a.m., he crawled (爬) into my bed. “Mommy,” he___52___. “How did you do it ”
For a ten-year-old, you need to tell him the___53___. A neighbour helped me. Joshua smiled and___54___ me for telling him. Then he fell asleep. And just at that moment, I believed in ___55___ too.
A. walk B. talk C. snack D. ride
A. poured B. added C. turned D. threw
A. satisfaction B. doubt C. pride D. expectation
A. getting wise to B. getting used to C. looking forward to D. looking up to
A. purchase B. restore C. forget D. consume
A. lie down B. set off C. go back D. look around
A. hid B. prepared C. controlled D. knew
A. bitter B. confused C. worried D. enthusiastic
A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Instead
A. determination B. ignorance C. courage D. curiosity
A horror B. relief C. hesitation D. amazement
A. responded B. declared C. shouted D. whispered
A. truth B. plot C. evidence D. phenomenon
A. forgave B. rewarded C. thanked D. touched
A. strength B. magic C. trust D. motivation
【答案】41. A 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. C 46. C 47. D 48. B 49. A 50. B 51. D 52. D 53. A 54. C 55. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们把装满树叶的碗放在门阶上,我们出去散步。A. walk走路;B. talk谈话;C. snack吃点心;D. ride骑车。根据后文“during our walk”可知,孩子把装满树叶的碗放在门阶上,然后去散步。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们回来时,我们发现仙女们把树叶变成了冰淇淋。A. poured倾倒;B. added增加;C. turned转弯;D. threw扔。根据后文“the leaves into ice cream”可知,此处表示“把……变成……”,短语为turn sth. into sth.。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“仙女们什么时候来?”去年六月,五岁的安娜一直怀着期待问这个问题。A. satisfaction满意;B. doubt怀疑;C. pride骄傲;D. expectation期待。根据上文“When are the fairies coming ”可知,安娜期待仙女的到来。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:与此同时,十岁的约书亚开始对仙女和这种愚蠢的东西有了认识。A. getting wise to意识到;B. getting used to习惯于;C. looking forward to期待;D. looking up to尊敬。根据后文十岁的约书亚面对作者的谎言笑而不语,由此可知,他知道冰淇淋是作者变的。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他发现妈妈总是在我们散步的时候忘记什么东西就回家了。A. purchase购买;B. restore恢复;C. forget忘记;D. consume消耗。根据后文“I had forgotten my keys”指借口忘记带东西,然后回家。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:中途,我说我忘记带钥匙了,需要回去。A. lie down躺下;B. set off出发;C. go back回去;D. look around环顾四周。根据后文“I don’t have to go back.”可知,作者谎称自己忘了带钥匙,要回家去。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:约书亚笑了,好像他什么都知道似的。A. hid隐藏;B. prepared准备;C. controlled控制;D. knew知道。根据上文“fairies and such silly things”可知,十岁的约书亚知道是作者变出来的冰淇淋,故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:约书亚有点困惑。A. bitter苦涩的;B. confused困惑的;C. worried担心的;D. enthusiastic热情的。上文““Wait,” I added. “I’ve found them! I don’t have to go back.”(“等等,”我补充道。“我找到了!我不需要回去。”)”提到作者说自己找到钥匙了,不需要回去,约书亚对作者这一改变感到困惑。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,里面装满了冰淇淋。A. However然而;B. Otherwise否则;C. Therefore因此;D. Instead反而。结合前后文语境可知,此处为转折关系,应用however。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:安娜完全无知地接受了这一切,兴奋地吃着。A. determination决心;B. ignorance无知;C. courage勇气;D. curiosity好奇心。根据上文“Anna accepted all this with complete”可知,安娜对发生的事情一无所知,兴奋地吃着冰淇淋。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他抬头看着我,惊奇地环顾四周。A. horror恐怖;B. relief宽慰;C. hesitation犹豫;D. amazement惊讶。根据上文“But Joshua was surprised.(但是约书亚很惊讶)”可知,此处指约书亚惊奇地环顾四周。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他低声说:“妈妈,你怎么办到的?”A. responded回答;B. declared宣布;C. shouted叫喊;D. whispered低语。根据上文“Joshua was quiet the entire evening. But at 2 a.m., he crawled into my bed.(约书亚整个晚上都很安静。但在凌晨两点,他爬上了我的床)”可知,约书亚一整晚都在思考作者是怎么办到的,于是晚上爬上作者的床,悄悄询问作者。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于一个10岁的孩子,你需要告诉他真相。A. truth真理;B. plot情节;C. evidence证据;D. phenomenon现象。根据后文“A neighbour helped me.(一位邻居帮助了我)”可知,作者告诉了约书亚真相。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:约书亚笑了,感谢我告诉他。A. forgave原谅;B. rewarded奖励;C. thanked感谢;D. touched触动。根据后文“me for telling him”可知,约书亚为妈妈告诉自己真相而感谢妈妈。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在那一刻,我也相信了魔法。A. strength力量;B. magic魔法;C. trust信任;D. motivation动机。根据文章内容可知,作者的孩子安娜相信是仙女们把树叶变成了冰淇淋,而十岁的孩子约书亚半夜两点在得知真相后才睡去,结合选项只有magic与文章中“仙女”的主题相关联。故选B。
第二节 (共10小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
The sheepskin raft, the oldest ferry tool along the Yellow River, has a history of nearly 2.000 years. The airbag of the raft is made of a whole sheepskin and experiences processes that include___56___(heat), soaking, sewing, drying and blowing. Afterwards, the airbags are attached ___57___ a wooden stand, enabling its use for transporting people and goods across the water.
It is said that the___58___ (large) sheepskin raft in old times consisted of more than 600 sheepskin airbags, with an impressive length of 22 meters and a ___59___ (wide) of 7 meters.
___60___ railways were not yet in operation and road traffic was inconvenient in the early 20th century, the sheepskin raft ___61___(serve) as the most important means of transportation for residents nearby.
However, with the rapid development of society, the sheepskin raft has finished ___62___ (it) historical task in transporting people and goods. Nowadays, it can only be found in several cities. It has become a tool for people ___63___ (go) sightseeing along the river.
Today only some of the older generation of rafters still operate the traditional sheepskin rafts,___64___ are struggling to make a living. ___65___(surprising), the younger generations prefer to pursue other business opportunities on the riverbank rather than continue the operation.
【答案】56. heating
57. to 58. largest
59. width 60. When##Where##As##Since
61. served 62. its
63. to go 64. who
65. Unsurprisingly
考查动名词。句意:筏子的安全气囊由整张羊皮制成,经过加热、浸泡、缝制、干燥、吹气等工序。由soaking, sewing, drying and blowing可知,空格处用动名词作宾语,故填heating。
考查介词。句意:之后,安全气囊被连接到一个木制支架上,使其能够在水上运输人员和货物。be attached to是固定短语,意为“附属于”,因此空格处是介词to,故填to。
考查时态。句意:20世纪初,在铁路尚未开通、公路交通不便的时候,羊皮筏是附近居民最重要的交通工具/20世纪初,在铁路尚未开通,公路交通不便的地方,羊皮筏成为附近居民最重要的交通工具/20世纪初,由于铁路尚未开通,公路交通不便,羊皮筏成为附近居民最重要的交通工具。由in the early 20th century可知,句子描述过去的事情,时态用一般过去时,空格处用过去式,故填served。
考查物主代词。句意:然而,随着社会的飞速发展,羊皮筏已经完成了它在运送人和货物方面的历史任务。it和historical task之间是所属关系,因此空格处用形容词性物主代词its,故填its。
考查不定式。句意:它已经成为人们沿河观光的工具。a tool for sb. to do意为“某人做某事的工具”,因此空格处用不定式to go,故填to go。
考查定语从句。句意:今天,只有一些老一代的筏夫还在经营传统的羊皮筏,他们正在努力谋生。空格处引导的是非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,先行词older generation of rafters是人,因此空格处用who,故填who。
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
66. 假定你是李华,你校外教Chris在口语课上无意中提到自己背部不适,疼痛难忍。请你给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
Dear Chris,
Li Hua
【答案】One possible version:
Dear Chris,
I’m sorry to learn you’re suffering from extreme back pain. I’ve been there too and would like to recommend you a traditional Chinese therapy—acupuncture.
Acupuncture is widely used in China. During the treatment, you’ll have stainless steel needles pushed into the skin at certain points to ease your backache. It may sound scary to you, but it doesn’t hurt much.
If you are interested, I can also introduce you to a local reputable acupuncturist. Hope you’ll be fine soon.
Li Hua
原句:During the treatment, you’ll have stainless steel needles pushed into the skin at certain points to ease your backache. It may sound scary to you, but it doesn’t hurt much.
拓展句:During the treatment, you’ll have stainless steel needles pushed into the skin at certain points to ease your backache, which may sound scary to you, but it doesn’t hurt much.
【点睛】【高分句型1】 During the treatment, you’ll have stainless steel needles pushed into the skin at certain points to ease your backache.(运用了过去分词作宾语补足语)
【高分句型2】 If you are interested, I can also introduce you to a local reputable acupuncturist. (运用了if引导条件状语从句)
第二节 (满分25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When I was four, my seven-year-old brother received a baseball glove for his birthday. Every night. as we went to sleep. I’d listen to him throwing a ball into the glove over and over to soften the leather. I wanted a glove so much that I almost cried. But, back then, girls didn’t play sports; they played with dolls (洋娃娃).
Fast-forward twenty-six years. Now a thirty-year-old mother of two boys and a girl, I happened to sec a notice in my local paper: “Women’s Baseball League opens soon. Anyone interested, sign up at the community service center.” I cut it out and set it on the kitchen table, Could I After all these years
I looked at that notice on my table every day. l thought of a thousand reasons I couldn’t play. But the idea of playing baseball stuck in my head and wouldn’t go away. Finally, 1 gathered up my courage and signed up. Since I wasn’t a member of any team, they told me I’d be assigned (分配) to one. Two weeks passed before they gave me the name of the team to look for. Since my husband worked Monday nights, I arranged for a babysitter. It was a luxury (奢侈) but, at that moment in my life, a necessity.
On Monday, heart pounding, I walked through the park filled with women of all ages practicing. It took me a while to find my team. They were all high-school girls, seventeen and eighteen years old! I waited a couple of minutes before approaching the coach. He had put together top athletes for his team, and he didn’t want some old lady messing things up. He looked me over. His girls had fine gloves and metal cleats (棒球钉鞋). They looked like players. I had no glove and wore an old T-shirt and gym shoes. I didn’t care. I wanted to play. That first day, he had me run bases (跑垒). I never got a chance to bat or play the field. I just ran bases all night. The next morning, I could hardly stand.
When I showed up the next Monday, the coach was clearly surprised.
“Impressive catch!” my teammates cheered for my performance after the training.
【答案】One possible version:
When I showed up the next Monday, the coach was clearly surprised. “Are you here to run bases again ” he joked. I stood tall, determined to prove myself. “Coach,” I said confidently, “I may not have the experience or the equipment, but I have the passion to learn.” The coach paused for a moment and then nodded, allowing me to join the team and giving me a borrowed glove. I caught an impossibly high ball and enjoyed a real training I desired to have for so long.
“Impressive catch!” my teammates cheered for my performance after the training. The coach, with a smile on his face, approached me and said, “You’ve got some skills. Keep pushing yourself and you’ll surprise everyone.” Their words meant the world to me. As I stepped off the field that day, I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself. I decided to reward myself for all the hard work and dedication. I would buy a baseball glove I had always longed for since I was four years old.
①出现:show up/appear/turn up
②靠近:approach/get close to
②为……感到自豪:feel proud of/take pride in
【点睛】[高分句型1] When I showed up the next Monday, the coach was clearly surprised.(运用了从属连词when引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] The coach paused for a moment and then nodded, allowing me to join the team and giving me a borrowed glove.(运用了现在分词作伴随状语)
[高分句型3] I would buy a baseball glove I had always longed for since I was four years old.(运用了从属连词since引导时间状语从句)



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