2023-2024吉林省松原市前郭尔罗斯县高三上学期第三次考试英语试卷(原卷版+ 解析版)

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman imply
A. For the first time the team has become the league champion.
B. The team did a good job again this time.
C. The team has little chance to win this time.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What program does the man generally listen to
A. News B. Talk shows. C. Education program.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where is the conversation taking place
A. In a park. B. In a museum. C. In a pet store.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How does Mike feel
A. Satisfied. B. Puzzled. C. Worried.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman mean
A. She doesn’t understand the man.
B. She gave the change to someone else.
C. She’s unable to help the man.
6. Why is the woman talking to the man
A. Because of the poor quality of the goods she bought.
B. Because of not getting the promised discount.
C. Because of the impolite attitude of the salesgirl.
7. What will the man give to the woman
A. Some money. B. A letter of apology. C. A new product.
8. Which place would the man like to go
A. An exciting modern city. B. A popular tourist attraction. C. A quiet and far-away place.
9. What does the woman worry about
A. The weather. B. The food and water. C. The language.
10. What does the woman plan to do now
A. Travel with the man. B. Do some gardening. C. Go to the travel agency. .
11. How often does the man contact his aunt
A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Seldom.
12. Why didn’t his aunt chat with him online
A. Her kids keep her busy all the time.
B. She does not have a computer in her house.
C. She’s not interested in using the computer.
13. What will he do next
A. Ask his cousins for help. B. Teach his aunt himself. C. Ask his uncle for help.
14. Who is the woman
A. A police officer. B. An immigration official. C. An air hostess.
15. Which line is for the residents
A. The line on the man’s right.
B. The line on the woman’s left.
C. The line on the woman’s right.
16. How long will the man study in the UK
A. For a few months. B. For a year. C. For two years.
17. How will the man pay for living costs and tuition fees
A. His father has paid for that in advance.
B. He has won a scholarship.
C. He will take a part-time job to pay for that.
18. What is the talk mainly about
A. How to keep young. B. How to improve memory. C. How to open our mind.
19. What is the key to achieving this goal
A. Going back to school.
B. Paying no attention to age.
C. Using the mind as much as possible.
20. What did the man who entered school at 70 become later
A. An active lawyer. B. A successful doctor. C. A highly paid artist.
第二部分阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
Great Apps That’ll Make Your Life Easier
1. Freedom
One-sentence Benefit: Have a distraction-free workday by blocking websites.
Freedom prevents the guilty pleasures that we all have of checking our emails social media, or other websites that distract us from getting things done. What’s useful about this productivity app is that you can use it on any of your devices(i. e., mobile, tablet, desktop), and it allows you to schedule blocked-off times ahead of time.
2. Hemingway App
One-sentence Benefit: It’s basically your personal editor.
Hemingway has been a dear friend of mine ever since I’ve started blogging back in 2013.Whenever I write an important post for my blog, I go to Hemingway to make sure my writing is error-free.
All you have to do is copy and paste your article into Hemingway, and it will analyze your writing from its readability, grammar errors, alternative suggestions, and so on.
3. Wunderlist
One-sentence Benefit: Meet the ultimate to-do list organizer.
I used to have one giant to-do list, where I would write down all of my tasks for the week. It didn’t quite occur in my mind that I should be creating different categories within my to-do list, in order to keep it organized and focused, until my friend recommended Wunderlist.
Now I have over 15 different lists, from personal, work, health, and so on, and it certainly gives me a peace of mind.
4. News Feed Eradicator
One-sentence Benefit: Replace your friend’s vacation photos with inspirational quotes.
Scrolling (滚屏) through your Facebook News Feed can be a workout on its own. While I love staying up-to-date with my friends, I haven’t felt the need to depend on Facebook to do this.
While there’s no data to back this up, my level of productivity and overall happiness seems to have increased since I’ve stopped consuming what others are up to, and started focusing on what I want to do.
21. Which of the following apps can help you organize your tasks
A. Freedom. B. Hemingway App.
C. Wunderlist. D. News Feed Eradicator.
22. What is an advantage of Hemingway App
A. It helps polish your writing. B. It increases your reading fluency.
C. It offers a sample writing for your essay. D. It provides you with inspirational quotes.
23. What do Freedom and News Feed Eradicat or have in common
A They are designed to block posts. B. They can improve your efficiency.
C. They remind you of important tasks. D. They can only be used on the computer.
Every November, as Thanksgiving Day approaches, one memory comes to my mind. At my big Turkish family’s get-togethers, baklava (果仁蜜饼) is the norm at the dessert table. There’s rolled baklava, nut-filled baklava and chocolate-dipped baklava.
One year, though, back when I was in high school, my cousin Johnny decided to change things up a bit. He showed up at my parents’ house for Thanksgiving with two items that had never been served before--apple pie and a can of cream.
Those two items caused one of the biggest arguments. I distinctly remember my mom and aunts whispering in the kitchen.
“Apple pie ” one of my aunts said. “What to do with this ”
I can still recall my mom’s puzzled expression at it all. If there’s one thing in this world my mom distrusts it’s fruit-filled desserts, a no-no in our cuisine culture. “Why would you bake fruits into a dessert when you can eat them fresh ” she often says.
The cream only made things worse. My mom didn’t want to hurt Johnny’s feelings. In a true act of love, she put the pie out on the dining room table, accompanied by the cream. It went mostly untouched.
Nowadays, things are different. We actually have pie at Thanksgiving--my mom regularly makes pie (the fear of fruit-filled sweets continues, but desserts topped with fruits or nuts have been given the okay). We still laugh about the drama caused by Johnny’s apple pie. I’ll never forget it. It wasn’t just about the pie for me. Growing up, I sometimes felt like an outsider because of my culture. That Thanksgiving, though, was one of the first times I realized that my family’s oddness was actually a good thing. It’s what made us.
What about you Which Thanksgiving sticks out as your most memorable one
24. The purpose of the first paragraph is to introduce ________.
A. the unique family tradition B. the background of the story
C. different kinds of baklava D. the customs of Thanksgiving Day
25. Johnny’s apple pie ________.
A. ruined the festival atmosphere B. challenged family traditions
C. resulted in a family quarrel D. contributed to a heavy meal
26. Which of the following is the best description of the author’s mom
A. Serious and honest. B. Generous and strict.
C. Humorous and caring. D. Considerate and flexible.
27. What does the underlined sentence “It’s what made us.” in Paragraph 7 imply
A. The author is at ease with his family members.
B. The author is aware of the importance of customs.
C. Cuisine culture helps shape our identity.
D. Culture shocks make a harmonious family.
The “diet” in diet drinks maybe a false promise for some soda lovers. True, they deliver the taste of a soda experience, without the calories. Yet, new research shows they can also leave people with increased appetite.
A study published recently in JAMA Network open adds to the evidence that drinks made with sucralose, an artificial sweetener (甜味剂), may increase the appetite among some people. “We found females and overweight people had greater brain reward activity after consuming the artificial sweetener,” says study author Katie Page, a physician at the University of Southern California. Both groups ate more food after consuming drinks with sucralose, compared with after regular sugar-sweetened drinks. In contrast, the study found males and people of healthy weight did not have an increase in either brain reward activity or hunger response, suggesting they’re not affected in the same way.
One theory is that it’s not the artificial sweetener itself that has a direct effect on the body. The idea is that artificial sweeteners may confuse the body by tricking it into thinking sugar is coming. “You are supposed to get sugar after something tastes sweet,” explains Swithers, “Your body has been used to that.” But the sugar never arrives, which may lead to the body’s less efficiency in processing sugar that s consumed later.
Swithers’ lab has also documented that when animals with a history of consuming artificial sweeteners get real sugar, their blood sugar levels rise higher than those of animals not fed artificial sweeteners. “It’s a small effect, but overtime this could contribute to potentially significant consequences,” she says. If this is happening in some people who consume diet soda, it could add to the risk of Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病), because when blood sugar rises, the body has to release more insulin (胰岛素) to absorb the sugar. “So what you’re doing is that you are kind of pushing the system harder,” Swithers says.
28. What can we learn from Katie page’s study
A. Females enjoying diet drinks consume more food.
B. Artificial sweeteners help males with better appetite.
C. Diet drinks increase hunger response of healthy people.
D. people consuming sucralose have greater brain reward activity.
29. What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to
A. The effect of sugar. B. Response to sweetness.
C. Artificial sweetener. D. The absence of sweetness.
30. What can we infer from Susan Swithers’words in the last paragraph
A More insulin release helps sugar level rise.
B. people drinking diet soda hardly absorb sugar.
C. Type 2 diabetes mainly results from artificial sweeteners.
D. Consuming artificial sweeteners might cause health problems.
31. What does the passage mainly talk about
A. The potential of artificially-sweetened drinks.
B. The wisdom of choosing healthy sweet drinks.
C. The underlying link between diet drinks and health.
D. The differences among artificially-sweetened drinks.
Desperately ill and seeking a miracle, David Bennett Sr. took the last bet on Jan. 7. when be became the first human to be successfully transplanted with the heart of a pig. “It creates the beat; it creates the pressure; it is his heart,” declared Bartley Griffith, director of the surgical team that performed the operation at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Bennett, 57, held on through 60 tomorrows, far longer than any previous patient who’d received a heart from another species. His remarkable run offered new hope that such procedures, known as xenotransplantation (异种移植), could help relieve the shortage of replacement organs, saving thousands of lives each year.
The earliest attempts at xenotransplantation of organs, involving kidneys from rabbits, goats, and other animals, occurred in the early 20th century, decades before the first successful human-to-human transplants. Rejection, which occurs when the recipient’s body system recognizes the donor organ as a foreign object and attacks it, followed within hours or days. Results improved after some special drugs arrived in the 1960s, but most recipients still died after a few weeks. The record for a heart xenotransplant was set in 1983, when an infant named Baby Fae survived for 20 days with an organ from a baboon (狒狒).
In recent years, however, advances in gene editing have opened a new possibility: re-edit some genes in animals to provide user-friendly spare parts. Pigs could be ideal for this purpose, because they’re easy to raise and reach adult human size in months. Some biotech companies. including Revivicor, are investing heavily in the field. The donor pig was offered by Revivicor from a line of animals in which 10 genes had been re-edited to improve the heart’s condition. Beyond that, the pig was raised in isolation and tested regularly for viruses that could infect humans or damage the organ itself.
This medical breakthrough provided an alternative for the 20% of patients on the heart transplant waiting list who die while waiting or become too sick to be a good candidate.
32. What does the underlined word “run” in paragraph 2 refer to
A. Donating his heart to a patient.
B. Performing the heart operation.
C. Living for 60 days after the operation.
D. Receiving a new heart from a pig.
33. Which aspect of xenotransplantation does paragraph 3 mainly focus on
A. Its history. B. Its procedure. C. Its consequence. D. Its significance.
34. What makes pigs ideal for providing spare parts in xenotransplantation
A. Their growth rate and health condition.
B. Their life pattern and resistance to viruses.
C. Their easiness of keeping and rapid growth.
D. Their investment value and natural qualities.
35. Why was Bennett’s operation regarded as a breakthrough
A. It introduced new medications to prevent organ rejection.
B. It proved the potential for using organs from various animals.
C. It guaranteed a sufficient supply of donor pigs for transplants.
D. It offered a prospect of replacement organs through gene editing.
Everyone knows about straight-A students. Many straight-A students actually put in fewer hours of homework time than their low-scoring classmates. Here are some secrets of the young study champions.
Top students bear no breaks on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is booted up, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, and snacks ignored. Study is business; business comes before recreation.
Get organized.
Paul Melendres, a straight-A freshman from New Mexico, keeps two folders — one for the day’s assignments, another for papers completed and graded. _____37_____. Melendres’ methods have actually proven effective. Even students who don’t have a private study area remain organized to cut down time-wasting searches.
Clean up your act.
Neat papers are likely to get higher grades than sloppy ones. “The student who turns in a neat paper,” says Claude Olney, an Arizona State University business professor, “is already on the way to an A. It’s like being served a cheeseburger. _____38_____.”
Speak up.
“If I don’t understand what my teacher is explaining, I asked him to repeat it,” says Christopher Campbell. Class participation goes beyond merely asking questions, though. ______39______. “Better academic grades come from better understanding.” says Campell. “I don’t want to memorize information for tests only.”
Test yourself.
As part of her note-taking, Domenica Roman emphasizes points that she thinks may be covered during exams. ____40____. Later she gives herself a written examination before test day. “If I can’t answer the questions satisfactorily, I will go back and review.” she says.
A. Set priorities.
B. Schedule your time.
C. She designs test questions based on them.
D. It’s a matter of showing intellectual curiosity.
E. A bag or drawer keeps essential supplies together.
F. Hard work isn’t the whole story behind their academic grades.
G. You can’t believe it tastes good if it’s presented on a dirty plate.
If you need courage when facing a challenge, learn from Jessica Cox. Born in February 1983 in Sierra Vista, Arizona, Jessica Cox ____41____ her parents. Why She had no arms. As Cox grew up, her mother ____42____ that her daughter had the ____43____ to live a normal life by doing things differently.
____44____ independent at a young age, Cox learned to tie her shoes, get dressed and take a ____45____. She also got prosthetic (假体的) arms then and used them for 11 years, all the time ____46____ why. Getting called names like “Robot Girl” made her ____47____ and quiet. But at age 14,everything changed.
Cox remembers boarding the bus on the first day of 8th grade with a ____48____ by Eleanor Roosevelt running through her mind. “No one can make you feel inferior (卑微的) without your ____49____.” She decided to embrace her _____50_____ and removed her prosthetic arms for good. Cox says that it is not until we are _____51_____ to ourselves that we are able to overcome our challenges. That year, she also _____52_____ her black belt from the International Taekwondo Federation!
After college, Cox was _____53_____ by Arizona Daily Star, which kick-started her career. She has spoken to audiences in over 26 countries since then. Cox often _____54_____ people through humor.
Cox conquered her greatest fear-flying-and in 2011 became the world’s first armless pilot. She uses her feet to fly the plane! _____55_____ learn from Jessica Cox - challenges are opportunities.
A. annoyed B. shocked C. discouraged D. touched
A. concluded B. advocated C. claimed D. convinced
A. right B. challenge C. choice D. fear
A. Merely B. Patiently C. Fiercely D. Hardly
A. bath B. break C. course D. trip
A. wondering B. telling C. expecting D. digesting
A. decent B. considerate C. shy D. sensible
A. saying B. note C. warning D. quote
A. announcement B. pride C. comment D. permission
A. philosophy B. difference C. strength D. reputation
A. grateful B. true C. unique D. close
A. removed B. attempted C. acquired D. purchased
A. informed B. called C. improved D. reported
A relates to B. reflects on C. corresponds with D. holds back
A. Or B. Otherwise C. So D. And
The 13th United Nations Chinese Language Day under the theme of “Chinese Language: Together for a Bright Future” has taken place,____56____includes a series of events in celebration of the third International Chinese Language Day. Beijing Dance Academy ____57____(launch) an online event to mark the day on April 20, featuring six original dance works of different____58____(style), such as ballet, contemporary dance and classic Chinese dance.
Six art schools from five countries joined in the online event with dance works ____59____ (specific) created for the special occasion. One of the highlights is ___60___new dance piece, titled Tong, or Together, which was created and performed by Beijing Dance Academy and dancers from Brazil, South Africa, Kazakhstan and Poland. It was inspired by the classic Confucius philosophy of datong, ____61____ (refer) to great unity and grand harmony.
Language Days at the United Nations seek____62____ (promote) equal use of all six official languages throughout the organization as well as to celebrate multilingualism and cultural ____63____(diverse). Under the initiative, UN duty stations around the world celebrate six separate days, each devoted _____64_____ one of the organizations’ six official languages. The date for the Chinese day ______65______ (select) from Grain Rain, which is the sixth of 24 solar terms in the traditional Chinese calendars.
第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40分)
66. 假定你是校学生会主席李华,上周末学生会举办了中国诗词翻译大赛(Chinese Poem Translation Competition),得到了外教Thomas的大力帮助,请你给Thomas写一封邮件,表示感谢,内容包括:
1. 感谢外教的帮助;
2. 同学们的收获。
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The Right Thing
My mother worked as a housekeeper and she was often given used toys as well as many other goodies by her clients. My elder sister and I always loved sharing the recycled books and board games brought home by my beloved mom, which we considered great gifts life presented us.
The long-awaited Christmas finally approached. One December day, an old model toy car arrived in the load of goods. It was as long as my forearm and took both hands to lift. My sister didn’t want it, so it was all mine. I immediately set down to wiping it clean and polishing it to a bright candy-apple red. It turned to be a thing of beauty, and I became overjoyed at possessing it. My elder sister was amazed at the newly-polished, refreshing toy car, with a hint of regret and envy in her eyes.
As was planned, our relatives from France came to visit us that Christmas. It was a time when the family bond got strengthened. I shared the prized toy car with Alex, my young French cousin. Eyes glued to it, he fell in love with the wonderful, shiny red automobile the instant he saw it. It was a rare moment to see him feeling so relieved and happy. He’d been unlucky so far in life, suffering severe, life-threatening illnesses as a child, leaving him mentally and physically stuck and the family starved of cash. Of course, such lovely toys like my dear model car were unreachable dreams for him.
Seeing Alex’s consuming thrill brought by the red car, I was seized by immense joy as well. But contrary to Alex’s excitement, a voice inside me constantly reminded, “Watch out! He’d keep it for himself.”, which got me faintly worried. I followed my cousin for fear of something.
My mother also noticed Alex’s fondness for the car. Approaching me, she asked gently in a low voice, “Would you like to give it to Alex ”
Giving or keeping I struggled with myself.
In the moment of parting, my model car went with Alex.
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman imply
A. For the first time the team has become the league champion.
B. The team did a good job again this time.
C. The team has little chance to win this time.
【原文】M: Our football team has just won the championship match!
W: Wow, we have become the league champion for the fourth time!
M: Cheers!
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What program does the man generally listen to
A. News B. Talk shows. C. Education program.
【原文】W: Do you often listen to the radio
M: Yeah. I listen to the radio every morning.
W: What programs do you usually listen to
M: Programs about what happened at home and abroad.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where is the conversation taking place
A. In a park. B. In a museum. C. In a pet store.
【原文】W: Look at those colorful birds over there. I think you can teach them to sing.
M: But look at the price! I’d rather have a cat.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How does Mike feel
A. Satisfied. B. Puzzled. C. Worried.
【原文】W: Mike, how are you getting along with your homework
M: I have been doing it for two hours. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get it finished.
W: Take it easy.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What does the woman mean
A. She doesn’t understand the man.
B. She gave the change to someone else.
C. She’s unable to help the man.
【原文】M: Pardon me, Miss. Do you have change for a dollar
W: I’m afraid not you’ll have to ask someone else.
6. Why is the woman talking to the man
A. Because of the poor quality of the goods she bought.
B. Because of not getting the promised discount.
C. Because of the impolite attitude of the salesgirl.
7. What will the man give to the woman
A. Some money. B. A letter of apology. C. A new product.
【答案】6. B 7. A
【原文】W: Excuse me, I’m looking for the …are you the manager
M: Yes, I am. What can I do for you
W: I bought this yesterday, but I didn’t look at the receipt until today—and I’m shocked that I didn’t get the discount that you were advertising. I thought that this item would be 25% off!
M: May I have a look Hmm…it says it was checked out on register four-that’s Heather. She is new on staff, so she probably didn’t know about the sale. I’m very sorry about that. I’ll fix the problem right away and get you some cash.
W: Thanks very much. I’ll just be waiting over there.
8. Which place would the man like to go
A. An exciting modern city. B. A popular tourist attraction. C. A quiet and far-away place.
9. What does the woman worry about
A. The weather. B. The food and water. C. The language.
10. What does the woman plan to do now
A. Travel with the man. B. Do some gardening. C. Go to the travel agency. .
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. B
【原文】M: Oh, dear, I suppose it’s time to start thinking about the summer holidays again. The papers are full of travel articles.
W: They always are at this time of year. Do you have somewhere in mind
M: I just think it would be nice to go somewhere different, for example, Tibet.
W: Where Tibet But it is quite far away. It will cost a lot.
M: But I’d like to go somewhere out-of-the-way. Somewhere where there aren’t many tourists. I haven’t been to Tibet, but some people I know told me it’s a wonderful place for a holiday.
W: You might have trouble with food and water.
M: Oh, that won’t be a problem. I can get some information from the travel agency and see what they are offering. Are you coming with me
W: I’d be quite happy to stay at home and work in the garden. I want to build a path.
11 How often does the man contact his aunt
A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Seldom.
12. Why didn’t his aunt chat with him online
A. Her kids keep her busy all the time.
B. She does not have a computer in her house.
C. She’s not interested in using the computer.
13. What will he do next
A. Ask his cousins for help. B. Teach his aunt himself. C. Ask his uncle for help.
【答案】11 A 12. C 13. A
【原文】W: Do you keep in touch with your aunt in America
M: Sure, I usually call her once a month.
W: That sounds kind of expensive.
M: Yeah, a little, I guess.
W: Do you ever have the desire to chat online
M: Sure. But my aunt is a little older and not really into using the computer.
W: But surely she would want to save a little money. You said she has kids. They must have a computer in the house. You could get one of her kids to teach her how to use the Internet.
M: Yeah, I guess I never really thought about it. I kind of like hearing the sound of her voice. It feels a little closer and more personal.
W: Yeah, I understand. I like hearing my parents’ voices too, but I don’t feel like I need to hear them every time we talk.
M: Hmm. Maybe I will get her kids to help. It’s a good idea.
14. Who is the woman
A. A police officer. B. An immigration official. C. An air hostess.
15. Which line is for the residents
A. The line on the man’s right.
B. The line on the woman’s left.
C. The line on the woman’s right.
16. How long will the man study in the UK
A. For a few months. B. For a year. C. For two years.
17. How will the man pay for living costs and tuition fees
A. His father has paid for that in advance.
B. He has won a scholarship.
C. He will take a part-time job to pay for that.
【答案】14. B 15. C 16. B 17. A
【原文】W: Can I see your passport, please
M: Is this line for non-residents
W: Yes it is. Residents can queue up in the lines to my right.
M: OK. Here’s my passport.
W: What’s the expiration date on your passport
M: I think it’s coming up, maybe in a few months. It was renewed in Beijing, so the new expiration date is on the last page.
W. I see. Yes, you’ll need to renew your passport in a few months. Make sure you don’t let it expire while you are in the UK.
M: I won’t.
W: Do you have anything to declare
M: No, I don’t have anything to declare.
W: How long will you be staying in the UK
M: I’ll be here about a year.
W: What is the purpose of your stay
M: I’ll be studying. I’m doing an MBA at Nottingham University.
W: Where will you be staying
M: I have a housing contract with the university. I’ll be in a dorm room on campus.
W: How do you plan on paying for your living costs and tuition fees while you are here
M: My father has already paid for that in advance. Here are the receipts.
W: OK. Have a good stay. Here’s your passport and your documents.
M: Thank you very much.
18. What is the talk mainly about
A. How to keep young. B. How to improve memory. C. How to open our mind.
19. What is the key to achieving this goal
A. Going back to school.
B. Paying no attention to age.
C. Using the mind as much as possible.
20. What did the man who entered school at 70 become later
A. An active lawyer. B. A successful doctor. C. A highly paid artist.
【答案】18. A 19. C 20. B
【原文】My way to stay young is simple: Give full attention to the part of you that’s young and growing-your brain. Keep your mind active and your body will stay young, too. These are exciting times. Take an interest in the world around you, and make a point of learning one new thing every day.
Never think about your age, it’s not too late to make your life more interesting. I know a house wife who became a famous industrial designer; I know a retired electrical engineer who has become a highly paid artist.
Get over the idea that you are too old to go back to college. I know I man who entered medical school at 70. He got his degree with honors and became a top doctor. Another man went to law school at 71 and is now an active lawyer.
Even if you are getting on in years, staying young is easy for those who live for the future. You can do it if you care enough to try. Keep your mind alive and active; this is the key to staying young, and it will certainly work.
第二部分阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
Great Apps That’ll Make Your Life Easier
1. Freedom
One-sentence Benefit: Have a distraction-free workday by blocking websites.
Freedom prevents the guilty pleasures that we all have of checking our emails, social media, or other websites that distract us from getting things done. What’s useful about this productivity app is that you can use it on any of your devices(i. e., mobile, tablet, desktop), and it allows you to schedule blocked-off times ahead of time.
2. Hemingway App
One-sentence Benefit: It’s basically your personal editor.
Hemingway has been a dear friend of mine ever since I’ve started blogging back in 2013.Whenever I write an important post for my blog, I go to Hemingway to make sure my writing is error-free.
All you have to do is copy and paste your article into Hemingway, and it will analyze your writing from its readability, grammar errors, alternative suggestions, and so on.
3. Wunderlist
One-sentence Benefit: Meet the ultimate to-do list organizer.
I used to have one giant to-do list, where I would write down all of my tasks for the week. It didn’t quite occur in my mind that I should be creating different categories within my to-do list, in order to keep it organized and focused, until my friend recommended Wunderlist.
Now I have over 15 different lists, from personal, work, health, and so on, and it certainly gives me a peace of mind.
4. News Feed Eradicator
One-sentence Benefit: Replace your friend’s vacation photos with inspirational quotes.
Scrolling (滚屏) through your Facebook News Feed can be a workout on its own. While I love staying up-to-date with my friends, I haven’t felt the need to depend on Facebook to do this.
While there’s no data to back this up, my level of productivity and overall happiness seems to have increased since I’ve stopped consuming what others are up to, and started focusing on what I want to do.
21. Which of the following apps can help you organize your tasks
A. Freedom. B. Hemingway App.
C. Wunderlist. D. News Feed Eradicator.
22. What is an advantage of Hemingway App
A. It helps polish your writing. B. It increases your reading fluency.
C. It offers a sample writing for your essay. D. It provides you with inspirational quotes.
23. What do Freedom and News Feed Eradicat or have in common
A. They are designed to block posts. B. They can improve your efficiency.
C. They remind you of important tasks. D. They can only be used on the computer.
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B
细节理解题。根据3. Wunderlist部分中“One-sentence Benefit: Meet the ultimate to-do list organizer.(一句话的好处:遇见终极任务清单组织者)”以及“It didn't quite occur in my mind that I should be creating different categories within my to-do list,in order to keep it organized and focused, until my friend recommended Wunderlist.(我从来没有想过我应该在我的待办事项列表中创建不同的类别,以保持它的组织性和重点,直到我的朋友推荐了Wunderlist)”可知,Wunderlist 这一应用可以帮助我们整理任务。故选C。
细节理解题。根据2. Hemingway App部分中“All you have to do is copy and paste your article into Hemingway, and it will analyze your writing from its readability, grammar errors, alternative suggestions, and so on.(你所要做的就是把你的文章复制粘贴到海明威网站上,它就会从可读性、语法错误、替代建议等方面分析你的文章)”可知,Hemingway App可以帮助我们对文章进行润色。故选A。
细节理解题。根据1. Freedom部分中“One-sentence Benefit: Have a distraction-free workday by blocking websites.(一句话好处:屏蔽网站,让你的工作日不受干扰)”和4. News Feed Eradicator部分中“While there's no data to back this up, my level of productivity and overall happiness seems to have increased since I've stopped consuming what others are up to, and started focusing on what I want to do.(虽然没有数据支持这一点,但自从我不再关注别人在做什么,开始专注于我想做的事情以来,我的生产力和整体幸福感似乎都有所提高)”可知,这两个应用的相似之处为都可以帮助我们提高效率。故选B。
Every November, as Thanksgiving Day approaches, one memory comes to my mind. At my big Turkish family’s get-togethers, baklava (果仁蜜饼) is the norm at the dessert table. There’s rolled baklava, nut-filled baklava and chocolate-dipped baklava.
One year, though, back when I was in high school, my cousin Johnny decided to change things up a bit. He showed up at my parents’ house for Thanksgiving with two items that had never been served before--apple pie and a can of cream.
Those two items caused one of the biggest arguments. I distinctly remember my mom and aunts whispering in the kitchen.
“Apple pie ” one of my aunts said. “What to do with this ”
I can still recall my mom’s puzzled expression at it all. If there’s one thing in this world my mom distrusts, it’s fruit-filled desserts, a no-no in our cuisine culture. “Why would you bake fruits into a dessert when you can eat them fresh ” she often says.
The cream only made things worse. My mom didn’t want to hurt Johnny’s feelings. In a true act of love, she put the pie out on the dining room table, accompanied by the cream. It went mostly untouched.
Nowadays, things are different. We actually have pie at Thanksgiving--my mom regularly makes pie (the fear of fruit-filled sweets continues, but desserts topped with fruits or nuts have been given the okay). We still laugh about the drama caused by Johnny’s apple pie. I’ll never forget it. It wasn’t just about the pie for me. Growing up, I sometimes felt like an outsider because of my culture. That Thanksgiving, though, was one of the first times I realized that my family’s oddness was actually a good thing. It’s what made us.
What about you Which Thanksgiving sticks out as your most memorable one
24. The purpose of the first paragraph is to introduce ________.
A. the unique family tradition B. the background of the story
C. different kinds of baklava D. the customs of Thanksgiving Day
25. Johnny’s apple pie ________.
A. ruined the festival atmosphere B. challenged family traditions
C. resulted in a family quarrel D. contributed to a heavy meal
26. Which of the following is the best description of the author’s mom
A. Serious and honest. B. Generous and strict.
C. Humorous and caring. D. Considerate and flexible.
27. What does the underlined sentence “It’s what made us.” in Paragraph 7 imply
A. The author is at ease with his family members.
B. The author is aware of the importance of customs.
C. Cuisine culture helps shape our identity.
D. Culture shocks make a harmonious family.
【答案】24. B 25. B 26. D 27. C
推理判断题。根据文章第一段内容“Every November, as Thanksgiving Day approaches, one memory comes to my mind. At my big Turkish family’s get-togethers, baklava(果仁蜜饼)is the norm at the dessert table. There’s rolled baklava, nut-filled baklava and chocolate-dipped baklava.(每年11月,随着感恩节的临近,一段记忆浮现在我的脑海里。在我的土耳其大家庭聚会上,果仁蜜饼是甜点桌上的标配。有卷果仁蜜饼、坚果果仁蜜饼和巧克力果仁蜜饼。)”以及第二段首句“One year, though, back when I was in high school, my cousin Johnny decided to change things up a bit.(然而,有一年,当我还在上高中的时候,我的堂兄Johnny决定做一些改变。)”以及下文对这个感恩节的讲述可知,第一段主要是为了介绍故事发生的背景。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“He showed up at my parents’ house for Thanksgiving with two items that had never been served before--apple pie and a can of cream.(他出现在我父母家,带来了两件以前从未供应过的东西——苹果派和一罐奶油。)”以及第五段“I can still recall my mom’s puzzled expression at it all. If there’s one thing in this world my mom distrusts, it’s fruit-filled desserts, a no-no in our cuisine culture.(我还记得妈妈看到这一切时困惑的表情。如果说这个世界上有什么东西是我妈妈不信任的,那就是水果甜点,这在我们的饮食文化中是禁忌。)”可知,作者的堂兄Johnny带来的苹果派挑战了作者家的家庭传统。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章第六段“My mom didn’t want to hurt Johnny’s feelings. In a true act of love, she put the pie out on the dining room table, accompanied by the cream. It went mostly untouched.(我妈妈不想伤害Johnny的感情。出于真正的爱,她把派和奶油一起放在餐桌上。)”可知,作者的妈妈是个体贴的人;根据文章第七段“Nowadays, things are different. We actually have pie at Thanksgiving---my mom regularly makes pie (the fear of fruit-filled sweets continues, but desserts topped with fruits or nuts have been given the okay)(如今,情况不同了。事实上,我们在感恩节会吃馅饼——我妈妈经常做馅饼(对水果馅的甜食的恐惧仍然存在,但水果或坚果馅的甜点已经被允许了)。)”可知,作者的妈妈是个容易变通的人。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据划线句子上文“I’ll never forget it. It wasn’t just about the pie for me. Growing up, I sometimes felt like an outsider because of my culture. That Thanksgiving, though, was one of the first times I realized that my family’s oddness was actually a good thing.(我永远不会忘记那个苹果派。对我来说不仅仅是派的问题。在成长过程中,由于我的文化,我有时觉得自己像个局外人。不过,那个感恩节是我第一次意识到我家的古怪其实是件好事。)”可推测,作者明白了正是自己家族的饮食文化才塑造了自己的家族。故选C。
The “diet” in diet drinks maybe a false promise for some soda lovers. True, they deliver the taste of a soda experience, without the calories. Yet, new research shows they can also leave people with increased appetite.
A study published recently in JAMA Network open adds to the evidence that drinks made with sucralose, an artificial sweetener (甜味剂), may increase the appetite among some people. “We found females and overweight people had greater brain reward activity after consuming the artificial sweetener,” says study author Katie Page, a physician at the University of Southern California. Both groups ate more food after consuming drinks with sucralose, compared with after regular sugar-sweetened drinks. In contrast, the study found males and people of healthy weight did not have an increase in either brain reward activity or hunger response, suggesting they’re not affected in the same way.
One theory is that it’s not the artificial sweetener itself that has a direct effect on the body. The idea is that artificial sweeteners may confuse the body by tricking it into thinking sugar is coming. “You are supposed to get sugar after something tastes sweet” explains Swithers, “Your body has been used to that.” But the sugar never arrives, which may lead to the body’s less efficiency in processing sugar that s consumed later.
Swithers’ lab has also documented that when animals with a history of consuming artificial sweeteners get real sugar, their blood sugar levels rise higher than those of animals not fed artificial sweeteners. “It’s a small effect, but overtime this could contribute to potentially significant consequences,” she says. If this is happening in some people who consume diet soda, it could add to the risk of Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病), because when blood sugar rises, the body has to release more insulin (胰岛素) to absorb the sugar. “So what you’re doing is that you are kind of pushing the system harder,” Swithers says.
28. What can we learn from Katie page’s study
A. Females enjoying diet drinks consume more food.
B. Artificial sweeteners help males with better appetite.
C. Diet drinks increase hunger response of healthy people.
D. people consuming sucralose have greater brain reward activity.
29. What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to
A. The effect of sugar. B. Response to sweetness.
C. Artificial sweetener. D. The absence of sweetness.
30. What can we infer from Susan Swithers’words in the last paragraph
A. More insulin release helps sugar level rise.
B. people drinking diet soda hardly absorb sugar.
C. Type 2 diabetes mainly results from artificial sweeteners.
D. Consuming artificial sweeteners might cause health problems.
31. What does the passage mainly talk about
A. The potential of artificially-sweetened drinks.
B. The wisdom of choosing healthy sweet drinks.
C. The underlying link between diet drinks and health.
D. The differences among artificially-sweetened drinks.
【答案】28. A 29. B 30. D 31. C
细节理解题。由第二段中“We found females and overweight people had greater brain reward activity after consuming the artificial sweetener (我们发现,女性和超重者在食用人造甜味剂后,大脑的奖励活动更大)”和“Both groups ate more food after consuming drinks with sucralose, compared with after regular sugar-sweetened drinks. In contrast, the study found males and people of healthy weight did not have an increase in either brain reward activity or hunger response, suggesting they’re not affected in the same way. (与常规加糖饮料相比,两组人在饮用含有三氯蔗糖的饮料后都吃了更多的食物。相比之下,研究发现,男性和体重健康的人的大脑奖励活动或饥饿反应都没有增加,这表明他们没有受到同样的影响)”可知,女性相比于男性来说,在喝了无糖饮料后更容易吃得更多。故选A项。
词句猜测题。由第三段中“The idea is that artificial sweeteners may confuse the body by tricking it into thinking sugar is coming. “You are supposed to get sugar after something tastes sweet,” explains Swithers, “Your body has been used to that.”(这种想法是,人造甜味剂可能会诱使身体认为糖即将到来,从而误导身体。Swithers解释道:“你应该在尝到甜的东西后得到糖。你的身体已经习惯了that。”)”可知,人造甜味剂可能会误导身体,让它误以为糖来了,说明人的身体已经习惯尝到了甜的东西后一定会得到糖,这是身体对糖的反应,that指代“对甜味的反应”。故选B项。
推理判断题。由最后一段中““It’s a small effect, but overtime this could contribute to potentially significant consequences,” she says. If this is happening in some people who consume diet soda, it could add to the risk of Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病), because when blood sugar rises, the body has to release more insulin (胰岛素) to absorb the sugar. (她说:“这是一个小影响,但随着时间的推移,这可能会产生潜在的重大后果。”如果这种情况发生在一些喝无糖汽水的人身上,可能会增加患2型糖尿病的风险,因为当血糖升高时,身体必须释放更多的胰岛素来吸收糖)”可知,摄入人工甜味剂可能会导致重大的健康问题。故选D项。
Desperately ill and seeking a miracle, David Bennett Sr. took the last bet on Jan. 7. when be became the first human to be successfully transplanted with the heart of a pig. “It creates the beat; it creates the pressure; it is his heart,” declared Bartley Griffith, director of the surgical team that performed the operation at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Bennett, 57, held on through 60 tomorrows, far longer than any previous patient who’d received a heart from another species. His remarkable run offered new hope that such procedures, known as xenotransplantation (异种移植), could help relieve the shortage of replacement organs, saving thousands of lives each year.
The earliest attempts at xenotransplantation of organs, involving kidneys from rabbits, goats, and other animals, occurred in the early 20th century, decades before the first successful human-to-human transplants. Rejection, which occurs when the recipient’s body system recognizes the donor organ as a foreign object and attacks it, followed within hours or days. Results improved after some special drugs arrived in the 1960s, but most recipients still died after a few weeks. The record for a heart xenotransplant was set in 1983, when an infant named Baby Fae survived for 20 days with an organ from a baboon (狒狒).
In recent years, however, advances in gene editing have opened a new possibility: re-edit some genes in animals to provide user-friendly spare parts. Pigs could be ideal for this purpose, because they’re easy to raise and reach adult human size in months. Some biotech companies. including Revivicor, are investing heavily in the field. The donor pig was offered by Revivicor from a line of animals in which 10 genes had been re-edited to improve the heart’s condition. Beyond that, the pig was raised in isolation and tested regularly for viruses that could infect humans or damage the organ itself.
This medical breakthrough provided an alternative for the 20% of patients on the heart transplant waiting list who die while waiting or become too sick to be a good candidate.
32. What does the underlined word “run” in paragraph 2 refer to
A. Donating his heart to a patient.
B. Performing the heart operation.
C. Living for 60 days after the operation.
D. Receiving a new heart from a pig.
33. Which aspect of xenotransplantation does paragraph 3 mainly focus on
A. Its history. B. Its procedure. C. Its consequence. D. Its significance.
34. What makes pigs ideal for providing spare parts in xenotransplantation
A. Their growth rate and health condition.
B. Their life pattern and resistance to viruses.
C. Their easiness of keeping and rapid growth.
D. Their investment value and natural qualities.
35. Why was Bennett’s operation regarded as a breakthrough
A. It introduced new medications to prevent organ rejection.
B. It proved the potential for using organs from various animals.
C. It guaranteed a sufficient supply of donor pigs for transplants.
D. It offered a prospect of replacement organs through gene editing.
【答案】32. C 33. A 34. C 35. D
词句猜测题。根据第二段中“Bennett, 57, held on through 60 tomorrows, far longer than any previous patient who’d received a heart from another species. His remarkable run offered new hope that such procedures, known as xenotransplantation, could help relieve the shortage of replacement organs, saving thousands of lives each year.(57岁的贝内特坚持了60个明天,比以往任何接受过其他物种心脏移植的病人都要长得多。他的出色表现给人们带来了新的希望,即这种被称为异种移植的手术可以帮助缓解替代器官的短缺,每年挽救数千人的生命)”可知,His remarkable run指的是上文提到的“57岁的贝内特坚持了60个明天”,即手术后活了60天。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据第三段中的“The earliest attempts at xenotransplantation of organs, involving kidneys from rabbits, goats, and other animals, occurred in the early 20th century, decades before the first successful human-to-human transplants. Rejection, which occurs when the recipient’s body system recognizes the donor organ as a foreign object and attacks it, followed within hours or days. Results improved after some special drugs arrived in the 1960s, but most recipients still died after a few weeks. The record for a heart xenotransplant was set in 1983, when an infant named Baby Fae survived for 20 days with an organ from a baboon.( 最早的异种器官移植尝试发生在20世纪初,涉及兔子、山羊和其他动物的肾脏,比第一次成功的人对人移植早了几十年。当受者的身体系统将供体器官识别为异物并对其进行攻击时,就会发生排异反应,排异反应会在数小时或数天内发生。20世纪60年代,一些特殊药物问世后,效果有所改善,但大多数接受者仍在几周后死亡。异种心脏移植的记录是在1983年创造的,当时一个名叫“费伊宝宝”(Baby Fae)的婴儿用狒狒的器官存活了20天)”可知,第三段主要介绍了异种移植的历史。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Pigs could be ideal for this purpose, because they’re easy to raise and reach adult human size in months.(猪可能是这个目的的理想选择,因为它们很容易饲养,几个月内就能达到成年人的体型)”可知,猪易养且生长速度快,是异种移植的理想供给品。故选C。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“In recent years, however, advances in gene editing have opened a new possibility: re-edit some genes in animals to provide user-friendly spare parts.(然而,近年来,基因编辑的进步开辟了一种新的可能性:重新编辑动物的一些基因,以提供用户友好的备件)”及最后一段“This medical breakthrough provided an alternative for the 20% of patients on the heart transplant waiting list who die while waiting or become too sick to be a good candidate.(这一医学突破为20%在心脏移植等待名单上的患者提供了另一种选择,这些患者在等待期间死亡或因病情严重而无法成为良好的候选者)”可推知,贝内特的手术被认为是一个突破,因为它提供了通过基因编辑替代器官的前景。故选D。
Everyone knows about straight-A students. Many straight-A students actually put in fewer hours of homework time than their low-scoring classmates. Here are some secrets of the young study champions.
Top students bear no breaks on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is booted up, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, and snacks ignored. Study is business; business comes before recreation.
Get organized.
Paul Melendres, a straight-A freshman from New Mexico, keeps two folders — one for the day’s assignments, another for papers completed and graded. _____37_____. Melendres’ methods have actually proven effective. Even students who don’t have a private study area remain organized to cut down time-wasting searches.
Clean up your act.
Neat papers are likely to get higher grades than sloppy ones. “The student who turns in a neat paper,” says Claude Olney, an Arizona State University business professor, “is already on the way to an A. It’s like being served a cheeseburger. _____38_____.”
Speak up
“If I don’t understand what my teacher is explaining, I asked him to repeat it,” says Christopher Campbell. Class participation goes beyond merely asking questions, though. ______39______. “Better academic grades come from better understanding.” says Campell. “I don’t want to memorize information for tests only.”
Test yourself.
As part of her note-taking, Domenica Roman emphasizes points that she thinks may be covered during exams. ____40____. Later she gives herself a written examination before test day. “If I can’t answer the questions satisfactorily, I will go back and review.” she says.
A. Set priorities.
B. Schedule your time.
C. She designs test questions based on them.
D. It’s a matter of showing intellectual curiosity.
E. A bag or drawer keeps essential supplies together.
F. Hard work isn’t the whole story behind their academic grades.
G. You can’t believe it tastes good if it’s presented on a dirty plate.
【答案】36. A 37. E 38. G 39. D 40. C
下文“Top students bear no breaks on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is booted up, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, and snacks ignored. Study is business; business comes before recreation. (优等生在学习时间上不受任何打扰。一旦打开书或启动电脑,电话就无人接听,电视节目不看,零食也不吃了。学习是事业;学习重于娱乐。)”说明优等生都是优先考虑学习,选项A“设定优先顺序。”符合本段主题,适合做小标题。故选A项。
上文“Paul Melendres, a straight-A freshman from New Mexico, keeps two folders — one for the day’s assignments, another for papers completed and graded. (Paul Melendres是新墨西哥州的一名优等生,他有两个文件夹,一个放当天的作业,另一个放已完成并评分的论文。)”说明要把必须完成的作业放在一起,不能和已完成的混在一起,选项E“用一个袋子或抽屉把必需品放在一起。”承接上文,建议把必需的东西放在一起。故选E项。
上文“The student who turns in a neat paper is already on the way to an A. (交了一份整洁的试卷的学生,就已经在拿A的路上了。)”说明整洁的试卷容易得到好评,上文“It’s like being served a cheeseburger. (这就像被端上一个芝士汉堡。)”和选项G“如果把它放在脏盘子里,你不会相信它很好吃。”承接上文,用比喻的手法,说明试卷就像汉堡,如果不整洁,就不愿意吃。故选G项。
上文“If I don’t understand what my teacher is explaining, I asked him to repeat it.(如果我不明白老师在解释什么,我会让他重复一遍。)”说明要积极的寻求知识,而上文“Class participation goes beyond merely asking questions, though. (然而,课堂参与不仅仅是提问。)”说明课堂参与不仅仅是提问,选项D“这是表现出求知欲的问题。”承接上文,说明学生的提问是求知欲的表现。故选D项。
小标题“Test yourself.(自我测试)”和上文“As part of her note-taking, Domenica Roman emphasizes points that she thinks may be covered during exams. (作为笔记的一部分,Domenica Roman强调了她认为考试中可能会涉及的要点。)”说明要进行自我测试,找出自己认为考试中可能涉及的要点,选项C“她根据它们设计试题。”承接上文,说明根据自己找到的要点,设计自测的试题。故选C项。
If you need courage when facing a challenge, learn from Jessica Cox. Born in February 1983 in Sierra Vista, Arizona, Jessica Cox ____41____ her parents. Why She had no arms. As Cox grew up, her mother ____42____ that her daughter had the ____43____ to live a normal life by doing things differently.
____44____ independent at a young age, Cox learned to tie her shoes, get dressed and take a ____45____. She also got prosthetic (假体的) arms then and used them for 11 years, all the time ____46____ why. Getting called names like “Robot Girl” made her ____47____ and quiet. But at age 14,everything changed.
Cox remembers boarding the bus on the first day of 8th grade with a ____48____ by Eleanor Roosevelt running through her mind. “No one can make you feel inferior (卑微的) without your ____49____.” She decided to embrace her _____50_____ and removed her prosthetic arms for good. Cox says that it is not until we are _____51_____ to ourselves that we are able to overcome our challenges. That year, she also _____52_____ her black belt from the International Taekwondo Federation!
After college, Cox was _____53_____ by Arizona Daily Star, which kick-started her career. She has spoken to audiences in over 26 countries since then. Cox often _____54_____ people through humor.
Cox conquered her greatest fear-flying-and in 2011 became the world’s first armless pilot. She uses her feet to fly the plane! _____55_____ learn from Jessica Cox - challenges are opportunities.
A. annoyed B. shocked C. discouraged D. touched
A. concluded B. advocated C. claimed D. convinced
A. right B. challenge C. choice D. fear
A. Merely B. Patiently C. Fiercely D. Hardly
A. bath B. break C. course D. trip
A. wondering B. telling C. expecting D. digesting
A. decent B. considerate C. shy D. sensible
A. saying B. note C. warning D. quote
A. announcement B. pride C. comment D. permission
A. philosophy B. difference C. strength D. reputation
A. grateful B. true C. unique D. close
A. removed B. attempted C. acquired D. purchased
A. informed B. called C. improved D. reported
A. relates to B. reflects on C. corresponds with D. holds back
A. Or B. Otherwise C. So D. And
【答案】41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. A 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. B 51. B 52. C 53. D 54. A 55. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:1983年2月,出生在亚利桑那州的塞拉维斯塔的杰西卡·考克斯使她的父母震惊。A. annoyed使恼怒;B. shocked使震惊;C. discouraged使泄气;D. touched使感动。根据下文中的“Why She had no arms.”可知,她没有胳膊,所以使她父母震惊。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着考克斯的成长,她的母亲确信她的女儿有权利过正常人的生活,只要做些与众不同的事情。A. concluded推断,得出结论;B. advocated倡导;C. claimed声称;D. convinced使信服,说服。根据下文中的“Cox learned to tie her shoes, get dressed and take a ____5____.”可知,她母亲相信她能过上正常人的生活。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. right权利;B. challenge挑战;C. choice选择;D. fear害怕。根据下文中的“to live a normal life by doing things differently.”可知,过正常的生活是人们的权利。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:考克斯很小的时候就非常独立,她学会了系鞋带、穿衣服和洗澡。A. Merely仅仅;B. Patiently有耐心地;C. Fiercely猛烈地,非常;D. Hardly几乎不。根据下文中的“at a young age, Cox learned to tie her shoes, get dressed and take a ____5___.”可知,考克斯很小就会自己系鞋带等,说明她非常独立。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. bath洗澡;B. break休息;C. course课程;D. trip旅行。根据上文中的“Cox learned to tie her shoes, get dressed and”可知,此处与系鞋带,穿衣服等日常生活并列,所以此处指洗澡。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那时她还装了假肢,用了11年,一直在想为什么。A. wondering想知道;B. telling告诉;C. expecting期待;D. digesting消化。根据下文中的“why”可知,此处表示想知道为什么。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:被称为“机器人女孩”让她变得害羞和安静。A. decent体面的;B. considerate体贴的;C. shy害羞的;D. sensible理智的。根据上文中的“Getting called names like “Robot Girl””以及常识可知,被人起外号会让人害羞。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:考克斯记得八年级的第一天登上公共汽车时,埃莉诺·罗斯福的一句话在她脑海中回荡。A. saying谚语;B. note笔记,便条;C. warning警告;D. quote引语。根据下文中的“No one can make you feel inferior (卑微的) without your____9____.”可知,此处指的是引语。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“没有你的允许,任何人都不能让你感到自卑。”A. announcement宣告;B. pride自豪;C. comment评论;D. permission允许。根据上文中的“No one can make you feel inferior (卑微的)”以及语境可知,此处表示“未经你的许可”,没人能让你感到自卑。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她决定接受自己的不同,并永远摘除了假肢。A. philosophy哲学;B. difference区别,不同;C. strength优点,力量;D. reputation声誉。根据上文中的“She had no arms.”和“removed her prosthetic arms for good.”可知,此处指的是接受自己的不同。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:考克斯说,只有当我们面对真实的自己时,我们才能克服我们的挑战。A. grateful感激的;B. true真实的;C. unique独特的;D. close亲近的。根据下文中的“we are able to overcome our challenges.”可知,只有忠于自己,才能战胜挑战。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那一年,她还获得国际跆拳道联合会的黑带!A. removed移除;B. attempted尝试;C. acquired获得;D. purchased购买。根据“her black belt from the International Taekwondo Federation!”可知,此处讲述的是她克服挑战所取得的成绩,所以此空指的是她获得了跆拳道黑带。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:大学毕业后,考克斯被《亚利桑那每日星报》报道,从此开启了她的职业生涯。A. informed通知;B. called呼唤;C. improved提高,改善;D. reported报道。根据下文中的“Arizona Daily Star”为媒体可知,此处指的是她的事迹被该媒体报道。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:考克斯经常通过幽默与人交往。A. relates to与……有关;B. reflects on反思;C. corresponds with符合;D. holds back抑制。根据上文中的“She has spoken to audiences in over 26 countries since then.”可知,她在26个以上的国家演讲,所以此处指的是她用幽默的方式与人关联起来,即与人交流。故选A。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:所以向杰西卡·考克斯学习吧——挑战就是机遇。A. Or或者;B. Otherwise否则;C. So因此;D. And和。根据下文中的“challenges are opportunities.”以及全文对考克斯事迹的介绍可知,此处呼吁大家向她学习,所以此处与上文为因果关系。故选C。
The 13th United Nations Chinese Language Day under the theme of “Chinese Language: Together for a Bright Future” has taken place,____56____includes a series of events in celebration of the third International Chinese Language Day. Beijing Dance Academy ____57____(launch) an online event to mark the day on April 20, featuring six original dance works of different____58____(style), such as ballet, contemporary dance and classic Chinese dance.
Six art schools from five countries joined in the online event with dance works ____59____ (specific) created for the special occasion. One of the highlights is ___60___new dance piece, titled Tong, or Together, which was created and performed by Beijing Dance Academy and dancers from Brazil, South Africa, Kazakhstan and Poland. It was inspired by the classic Confucius philosophy of datong, ____61____ (refer) to great unity and grand harmony.
Language Days at the United Nations seek____62____ (promote) equal use of all six official languages throughout the organization as well as to celebrate multilingualism and cultural ____63____(diverse). Under the initiative, UN duty stations around the world celebrate six separate days, each devoted _____64_____ one of the organizations’ six official languages. The date for the Chinese day ______65______ (select) from Grain Rain, which is the sixth of 24 solar terms in the traditional Chinese calendars.
【答案】56. which
57 launched
58. styles 59. specifically
60. a 61. referring
62. to promote
63. diversity
64. to 65. was selected
考查定语从句。句意:第13届联合国中文日以“中文语言:共创美好未来”为主题,已经举行,包括一系列庆祝第三个国际中文日的活动。分析句子,设空处引导的是非限制性定语从句,引导词在从句中作主语,修饰先行词The 13th United Nations Chinese Language Day,为物,故使用which。故填which。
考查动词。句意:北京舞蹈学院于4月20日在网上举办了一场活动来纪念这一天,活动中展示了六部不同风格的原创舞蹈作品,如芭蕾、现代舞和中国古典舞。分析句子,设空处使用动词作谓语,根据时间标志on April 20,可知句子表述过去事实,故使用一般过去时。故填launched。
考查冠词。句意:其中一个亮点是由北京舞蹈学院和来自巴西、南非、哈萨克斯坦和波兰的舞者共同创作和表演的新舞蹈作品《一起》。句中dance piece为可数名词,设空处使用冠词,此处表示泛指,同时修饰词new的首字母为辅音字母。故填a。
考查非谓语动词。句意:它的灵感来自于经典的孔子大同哲学,指的是大团结和大和谐。分析句子,句中was为谓语动词,设空处应该使用非谓语动词,此处Confucius philosophy of datong与refer之间是主动关系,故使用现在分词作状语。故填referring。
考查非谓语动词。句意:联合国的语言日旨在促进组织内六种官方语言的平等使用,并庆祝多语言和文化多样性。句中seek to do sth为固定短语,意为“试图做某事,旨在做某事”,使用不定式结构作宾语。故填to promote。
考查名词。句意:同上。分析句子,设空处使用diverse的名词diversity作宾语。cultural diversity意为“文化多样性”。故填diversity。
考查动词。句意:“中文日”的日期是根据中国传统日历上的二十四节气中的“谷雨”节气而选定的,谷雨是第六个节气。分析句子,设空处使用动词作谓语,根据句意,“中文日”的日期选定是过去事实,故使用一般过去时;同时the date和select之间是被动关系,故使用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was selected。
第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40分)
66. 假定你是校学生会主席李华,上周末学生会举办了中国诗词翻译大赛(Chinese Poem Translation Competition),得到了外教Thomas的大力帮助,请你给Thomas写一封邮件,表示感谢,内容包括:
1. 感谢外教的帮助;
2. 同学们的收获。
【答案】Dear Thomas,
I’m writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude to you for your enormous help in the Chinese Poem Translation Competition, in which we have gained quite a lot.
It’s so kind of you to have taught us some basic translation skills and techniques before the competition. Under your professional guidance, the participants presented many brilliant translated poems. Meanwhile, not only did we realize the beauty of translation but also improved our ability to appreciate poems. Most importantly, this activity has stimulated our passion for learning poems from different various perspectives.
Many thanks for your valuable time and support! Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want me to do something for you help.
Li Hua
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给外教Thomas写一封邮件,对其在学生会举办的中国诗词翻译大赛(Chinese Poem Translation Competition)中给予的大力帮助表示感谢。
意识到:realize→be aware of
原句:Under your professional guidance, the participants presented many brilliant translated poems.
拓展句:Since you offered professional guidance, the participants presented many brilliant translated poems.
【点睛】[高分句型1]I’m writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude to you for your enormous help in the Chinese Poem Translation Competition, in which we have gained quite a lot.(运用了“介词+关系代词”引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]Meanwhile, not only did we realize the beauty of translation but also improved our ability to appreciate poems.(运用了部分倒装结构)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The Right Thing
My mother worked as a housekeeper and she was often given used toys as well as many other goodies by her clients. My elder sister and I always loved sharing the recycled books and board games brought home by my beloved mom, which we considered great gifts life presented us.
The long-awaited Christmas finally approached. One December day, an old model toy car arrived in the load of goods. It was as long as my forearm and took both hands to lift. My sister didn’t want it, so it was all mine. I immediately set down to wiping it clean and polishing it to a bright candy-apple red. It turned to be a thing of beauty, and I became overjoyed at possessing it. My elder sister was amazed at the newly-polished, refreshing toy car, with a hint of regret and envy in her eyes.
As was planned, our relatives from France came to visit us that Christmas. It was a time when the family bond got strengthened. I shared the prized toy car with Alex, my young French cousin. Eyes glued to it, he fell in love with the wonderful, shiny red automobile the instant he saw it. It was a rare moment to see him feeling so relieved and happy. He’d been unlucky so far in life, suffering severe, life-threatening illnesses as a child, leaving him mentally and physically stuck and the family starved of cash. Of course, such lovely toys like my dear model car were unreachable dreams for him.
Seeing Alex’s consuming thrill brought by the red car, I was seized by immense joy as well. But contrary to Alex’s excitement, a voice inside me constantly reminded, “Watch out! He’d keep it for himself.”, which got me faintly worried. I followed my cousin for fear of something.
My mother also noticed Alex’s fondness for the car. Approaching me, she asked gently in a low voice, “Would you like to give it to Alex ”
Giving or keeping I struggled with myself.
In the moment of parting, my model car went with Alex.
【答案】Giving or keeping I struggled with myself. Giving it Hardly could I imagine life without the model car! After all, it was my most precious treasure, which I had been proud of. My heart kept aching at the prospect of giving it away. Nope! I shook my head determinedly. Glancing at my mother’s expectant eyes, I couldn’t help sobbing. Keeping it Definitely, it would otherwise upset Alex. Torn between the two tough choices, I was totally at a loss. Nevertheless, deep down, I could feel my affection to Alex. Yep! I resolved to do the right thing.
In the moment of parting, my model car went with Alex. Though I was crushed to see it go, my heart sang when I saw his beaming face as he tightly clutched it. Seeing the thumbs-up from my mother and sister, I did swell with relief, pride and joy, for I knew it was not a gift; to some extent, it was our concern and love for him. Plus, sharing the model car also strengthened our bond, which, I was fully convinced, would always uplift him. An effort made for the happiness of others lifted us above ourselves as well.
①.哭泣:sob/weep/burst into tears/burst out crying
②.快乐:joy/delight/be wild with joy
【点睛】[高分句型1]. After all, it was my most precious treasure, which I had been proud of. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]. Seeing the thumbs-up from my mother and sister, I did swell with relief, pride and joy, for I knew it was not a gift; to some extent, it was our concern and love for him. (运用了现在分词作状语以及for连接的因果关系的并列句)
[高分句型3]. Plus, sharing the model car also strengthened our bond, which, I was fully convinced, would always uplift him. (运用了动名词短语作主语以及which引导的非限制性定语从句)



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