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1.The Shenzhou-16 manned spaceship returned to Earth safely ________ the morning of October 31.
A.on B.at C.in D.by
2.If one of your friends sends you a text message to borrow money, you’d better phone him ________ first to make sure it is real.
A.finally B.hardly C.directly D.recently
3.What information can you get according to the notice on the right
Dear Tom and Kate, Welcome to join our school trip next Monday. Unluckily, Nanjing Museum is closed that day. But we’ll go to Nanjing City Wall Museum instead. It’s free to visit it, so the trip will only cost 20 each. Arrival and leaving times are the same. Mr. Wang
A.A school trip will take place next Monday.
B.There is a change in arrival and leaving times.
C.The ticket for Nanjing City Wall Museum is 20.
D.Nanjing City Wall Museum is closed next Monday.
4.To our joy, China has made great ________ in various fields over the past five years.
A.progress B.result C.suggestions D.works
5.You won’t have a better view of the village ________ you reach the top of the hill.
A.because B.unless C.when D.if
6.________ great success, you need to work hard and not let anything get in your way.
A.Achieving B.Achieve C.To achieve D.Achieves
7.The boy felt ________ sleepy in class because of staying up to watch the football match last night.
A.a lot B.a little bit C.a few D.a lot of
8.To show the students the strong local color of ________, Ms Cathy brought them to a concert in the afternoon.
A.rock B.country music C.folk D.classical music
9.Scarves, snow and frozen lakes... all these ________ us that winter has arrived.
A.remain B.remind C.record D.represent
10.If you ________ nervous before exams, you can take a deep breath and calm yourself down.
A.is getting B.will get C.get D.got
11.Our teachers always encourage us to ________ more challenges and improve our skills.
A.take off B.take on C.take in D.take away
12.—Bob, what else do you want to know about Nanjing
—I am wondering ________ Nanjing is one of China’s safest cities.
A.that B.whether C.what D.where
13.The food in the restaurant is ________ cheap ________ delicious as the advertisement says. I will never go there again.
A.both; and B.either; or C.neither; nor D.not only; but also
14.Which of the following sentences has a relative clause
A.He wants to be the kind of actor that keeps his roles interesting.
B.I believe that working should be like a poem, full of love and beauty.
C.She started to learn Qinqiang Opera from her mother at the age of four.
D.If you lose hope for the future, watch the movie The Shawshank Redemption.
15.—I believe this is the best movie of the year.
—Well, ________. Anyway, the ending is OK.
A.that’s a good idea B.I think you’re right
C.I don’t like it actually D.that may not be a good idea
Larry seemed always silent and didn’t have any friend. His teacher Mr. Brown 16 this. One day, he asked Larry to meet him after class. Mr. Brown said, “I see that you don’t talk to anyone or show any interest in anything. What’s wrong ” Larry replied, “Sir, I have a very 17 life. I have to face some very sad incidents and I keep 18 them. Because of this, I can’t focus my attention on anything and don’t even feel like talking to anybody.”
Mr. Brown listened carefully, thought for a while and said, “Would you like some lemonade ” Larry felt a little 19 and nervously replied, “Yes, thank you!”
While 20 lemonade, Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. Larry made a 21 face as soon as he drank a sip of that lemonade. Seeing this, Mr. Brown asked. “You don’t like it ”
“Um... it’s just there is a bit too much 22 in it” Larry answered.
Mr. Brown stopped him, “Oh, it doesn’t matter. I will throw it away.” As the teacher was lifting the glass to take it away, Larry stopped him and said. Sir please don’t throw it away. 23 we put a little more sugar in the lemonade, it will be fine to drink.”
Hearing this, Mr. Brown said 24 , “This is what I want to hear from you. To improve the taste of lemonade, we don’t need to remove the salt from it, we can just add some sugar to it. Similarly, we cannot remove sad things that have 25 happened to us, but we can add sweetness of good experiences in our life. If you keep on crying about your past, neither your present will be right nor the future will be bright.”
Larry realized his problem and promised to live a positive life.
16.A.directed B.believed C.noticed D.forgot
17.A.simple B.common C.pleasant D.difficult
18.A.thinking about B.learning from C.laughing at D.looking for
19.A.tired B.surprised C.bored D.shamed
20.A.buying B.cooking C.preparing D.drinking
21.A.serious B.strange C.patient D.friendly
22.A.sugar B.salt C.water D.lemonade
23.A.Since B.Unless C.Although D.If
24.A.bravely B.impatiently C.happily D.angrily
25.A.already B.never C.hardly D.seldom
三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。
London Bridge Michael Fiandaca Age 7·Illinois Best Friends Best friends have magic, not the kind you see. If you want to see it, love is the key. Eddie Schiller Age 9·New York
Singing Irene Lu Age 8·Shanghai
Home Home, a place to go after a day of fun. Home, a place to go after work is done. Home, a place where family gathers. Home, to be another place I would not rather. Jack Stewart Age 9·New Jersey
26.This is probably a page taken from _________.
A.a magazine for children B.a magazine for adults
C.a comic book for children D.a comic book for adults
27.All the four children _________.
A.are from the US B.write poems well C.are under age 10 D.draw pictures well
28.Who described a place of interest
A.Michael Fiandaca. B.Eddie Schiller. C.Jack Stewart. D.Irene Lu.
Hangzhou Asian Games close with great success
The 19th Asian Games ended on Oct 8. Over the 16-day Games, around 12,000 players from 45 countries and regions(地区) shared great times in Hangzhou.
The games had 40 sports, 61 disciplines(分项) and 481 events. China got 201 golds, 111 silvers and 71 bronzes.
According to the Olympic Council of Asia(OCA), over 60 percent of the teams in the Asian Games won gold medals, while 85 percent reached the podium(领奖台).
The closing ceremony gave the watching world something special. The Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium turned into a great garden with flowers made with AR technology.
At the closing ceremony, OCA acting president Raja Randhir Singh said that Hangzhou was “the perfect host that the OCA will never forget”.
“We have had the most successful Asian Games in history,” said Chen Weiqiang from the organizing committee. “It is an important chance for the city to take off,” he added.
29.When did the 19th Asian Games start
A.On Oct 8. B.On Oct 16. C.On Sept 23. D.On Sept 19.
30.How many medals did China get in all
A.201. B.111. C.71. D.383.
31.What did Raja Randhir Singh think of Hangzhou according to the article
A.It is an important chance for the city to take off.
B.It hosted the most successful Asian Games in history.
C.It was the perfect host that the OCA will never forget.
D.It was turned into a great garden with flowers.
“Just because you can’t see something, that doesn’t mean it’s not there. ”
This old saying is quite meaningful for British sculptor Willard. The items he creates are so small that most of them fit on the head of a pin. You can see them clearly only through a microscope.
Many people want to own his art pieces. He’s been honored by the Queen of England for his great art achievements. At every one of his exhibitions, the question is always the same. __________
The answer is very, very carefully. So carefully, in fact, that he actually slows his breathing down and works in between breaths. Willard usually works under a microscope using special tools that he creates. To paint his works, he uses the hair from a fly as a paintbrush.
Creating these detailed works is a very long and difficult process, and it isn’t always enjoyable. “It is a terrible dream when I start but a nice dream when I finish,” he says. A single item can take at least several weeks to complete, which usually sit on a pin. Even the sound caused by traffic outside can influence Willard’s work, so he often works through the night.
People have asked Willard why he chose to do something that needed effort and took time. His interest in creating small things began when he was five. He started creating houses and playgrounds for ants. Willard was not a strong student. He had difficulty in reading and spelling words. Some kids used to call him a loser. This made him feel small, so focusing on little things helped him to feel big. The smaller his work got, the bigger he felt. A newspaper reporter said, “Willard has shown the world that he is special. Though his works are small, he is great. ”
32.Why is the sentence “Just because you can’t see something, that doesn’t mean it’s not there. ” mentioned at the beginning of the passage
A.To lead in Willard and his special work.
B.To introduce the tool of creating something small.
C.To advise people to experience Willard’s dream.
D.To show how to see something through a microscope.
33.Which question is the most suitable for the blank at the end of the Paragraph 2
A.How does he do it B.Why does he do it
C.What does he do D.When does he do it
34.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 mean
A.The single item. B.The long process.
C.The terrible dream. D.The detailed work.
35.What is the last paragraph mainly about
A.The suggestions for reporting a sculptor.
B.The steps of creating these detailed works.
C.The reasons for doing something difficult.
D.The difficulties in reading and spelling words.
Scene l
(Later that night in Princess Ann’s bedroom. She picks up the skirt of her nightgrown and drops it.)
ANN: (brushing her hair) I hate this nightgown(睡袍). I hate all my nightgowns.
COUNTESS: (coming over to her bed) My dear, you have lovely things.
ANN: But I’m not two hundred years old! Why can’t I seep in comfortable clothes
COUNTESS: Comfortable clothes!
ANN: Yes. Did you know there are people who sleep with absolutely nothing on at all
COUNTESS: I am lucky to say that I did not. Now your milk and biscuits. They’ll help you to sleep.
ANN (stubbornly): I’m too tired to sleep—can’t sleep a wink.
COUNTESS: (putting on her glasses, taking a diary from the bed table) Now my dear, if you don’t mind, please check tomorrow’s schedule(日程表). (Running through the items with a pen) Eight thirty, breakfast here with officers; nine o’clock, we leave for the Polinory Car Factory where you’ll be presented with a small car.
ANN (uninterested): (absently playing with biscuits) Thank you.
COUNTESS: Which you will not accept
ANN: No, thank you.
COUNTESS: Ten thirty-five, Food and Agricultural Organization will present you with an olive tree.
ANN: No, thank you.
COUNTESS: Which you will accept
ANN: Thank you.
COUNTESS: Ten fifty-five, the New foundling Home For Orphans. You will make a speech; same speech as last Monday. Eleven forty-five, back here to rest. No, that’s wrong…Eleven forty-five, have a meeting here with a number of reporters.
ANN: Oh, my god, I would be mad.
COUNTESS (patiently): One o’clock, lunch with the Foreign Ministry. You will wear your white dress and carry small pink roses. Three-five, presentation of a medal. Four-ten, review special guard of Police. Four forty-five back here to change to your uniform to meet the international…
ANN: (screaming at the Countess) STOP!! (Looking away her hair covering her face) Please stop! Stop…!
COUNTSS (getting the tray back) It’s alright, dear, it didn’t spill(溢出)(she places the tray on the table.)
ANN: I don’t care if it’s spilled or not. I don’t care if I’m drown in it! (throws her head into the pillow die in it.)
COUUNTESS: (putting her hands on her shoulders to comfort her) My dear, you’re ill. I’ll send for Doctor Bonnachoven.
36.Where does the scene take place
A.In a car factory. B.In the bedroom. C.In the dining room. D.In the sitting room.
37.Which of the following words is used to help readers know the feeling of Ann
A.Amazed. B.Scared. C.Patient. D.Uninterested.
38.The words in brackets, such as “(putting on her glasses, asking a diary from the bed table)” tell ________.
A.what the play is about
B.what the writer acts in the play
C.what the characters are saying to each other
D.what the characters are doing and how they are acting
39.Which of the following shows the order in which the events happened in the play
a. Ann will be presented with an olive tree.
b. Ann will lunch with the Foreign Ministry.
c. Ann will leave for the Polinory Car Factory.
d. Ann will wear her uniform to meet the international guests.
e. Ann will make a speech at the New foundling Home For Orphans.
A.e—b—a—d—c B.d—a—b—c—e
C.c—a—e—b—d D.a—d—b—e—c
40.What may happen next according to Scene l
A.Ann will go to sleep. B.Ann will drink up the milk.
C.Ann will be checked by a doctor. D.Ann will continue checking her schedule.
41.The Great Wall is one of the (奇迹) in the world. We’re proud of it.
42.I (高度地) recommend the novels written by Mo Yan to you.
43.Playing too many online games is just a (浪费) of time.
44.The (人口) on Earth is increasing quickly. Now the Earth is becoming more crowded.
45.You can improve your English (发音) by talking with native people.
46.The police are (certain) about how the murderer killed the man and they are working on it.
47.The man sat down and started to get even (mad) about the little boy’s questioning.
48.Although my grandfather is in his (eighty), he still works as a volunteer in the society.
49.—Can we talk about the problem (peace)
—OK. I’m tired of arguing with you all day.
50.Nanjing is an ancient city of culture and well worth (visit).
lasting ancient through turns out plenty of
Stories speak of our dreams, hopes, and futures. Some writers have spent 51 time writing them. They should be enjoyed slowly. Long before there was TV, the Internet or even the telephone, people shared ideas, information and memory 52 stories. However, modern society is getting noisier. It moves us faster and faster beyond time and space. Sometimes it’s good with something slower. It 53 that reading slowly is a gift, because it leads to a life of looking closely at the world.
Sometimes we read to understand the future or the past. We read to forget the hard times we’re living in, to remember people in 54 times, who met something more difficult. We read slowly to respect the writer and the story’s 55 power. And reading slowly helps to get away from the noise and remember those who came before us. They were probably the earliest people who finally learned to use fire and found their new power of light and heat.
五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
How would you feel if your school banned phones in class
In February, the Ministry of Education announced that mobile phones should, in principle(原则上), be banned(禁止) in primary and secondary schools. This aims to protect students’ eyesight, make sure they focus on their schoolwork and won’t become addicted(上瘾的) to the Internet and online games.
Xu Xiaohe, a 13-year-old from Zhejiang, is a supporter of the policy. “In fact, my school has never allowed us to bring our mobile phones,” Xu said “It’s a distraction(干扰)from our work. Even adults can’t control themselves, let alone kids like us.”
Li Zihan from Beijing, however, feels differently. The 13-year-old believes that a mobile phone ban is too simplistic(简单化的) for a generation that have grown up with mobile phones. "Students should be taught self-management skills, as well as learn how to use their phones well to help with their studies,” “Li said. “That might be the best way to deal with technology(技术) in modern times.”
For Ge Ziqi, the problem with banning mobile phones has more to do with life outside of school. The 13-year-old Beijinger uses a bike-sharing app every day to travel between her home and school. “Today, phones are used everywhere, from taking a bus to buying food,” she said. “If I can’t take my phone with me, I will have to buy my own bicycle.”
Some schools have come up with ideas to solve problems like Ge’s. At Shanghai Shatian School, for example, students are asked to put their phones in special lockers(储物柜) during school hours. The students call these lockers the “phone farm” or “phone tarmac”(停机坪).
School ban phones
The policy It was announced that mobile phones should, in principle, be banned in primary and secondary schools.
56 to protect students’ eyesight. to make sure students pay all the 57 to their work to 58 students from becoming addicted to the Internet and online games
Different 59 on banning phones Xu Xiaohe The 13-year-old boy 60 the policy of banning phones in schools. Adults can’t control themselves, 61 can kids.
Li Zihan A mobile phone ban might be a simplistic way to deal with 62 in modern times. Students should learn how to 63 and how to use their phones effectively to help with their studies.
Ge Ziqi Banning phones has more 64 on her life outside of school. 65 her phone, she can’t use a bike-sharing app to travel between her home and school.
An idea to solve the problems Shanghai Shatian School asks the students to put their phones in special lockers during school hours.
Like William Shakespeare, poet Du Fu has the same importance to Chinese literary tradition. To introduce the charm and beauty of traditional Chinese literature to viewers all a 66 the world, a BBC documentary invited a famous British actor to read 15 poems of Du’s that have been t 67 into English.
The documentary describes the poet’s life e 68 in detail. Born in 712, Du lived under the reign (统治) of the Tang Emperor Xuanzong (713-756), a time which was marked by richness and cultural achievement. However, as the An Lushan Rebellion (叛乱) of 755 floored the empire, Du suffered a lot. T 69 he went through ups and downs, the poet never stopped writing and about 1, 500 poems have been kept over the ages. In these poems, he used to express his w 70 about his country and the poor people.
Chinese people really value the recording of history, which we can always read and f 71 from Du’s poetry. That’s because lots of historical events are mirrored (反映) in his own life and spiritual journey. Though he never took a very h 72 position in the government, Du cared much about common people. That’s why he was c 73 as a Poet-Sage (诗圣) by later generations (后代). A difficult life and his spirit of caring about the people helped him create so many great works. Du is a cultural symbol of a 74 China, but his works and spirits have also encouraged people outside China. As the documentary noted, his works represent a valuable cultural heritage for the w 75 world, not just China.
Dear Mike, I am the monitor in my class. However, when I try to organize class activities, my classmates aren’t as helpful as I’d like them to be. What can I do I think maybe they think I’m too serious. I want to be funny, but I’m not! A boy in my class is very funny. Everybody likes him and supports him. I want to be as funny as him, but I don’t know how. Can you help me Yours, Bob
1. 文中不得出现你的真是姓名和学校名称;
2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;
3. 词数80左右,文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Bob,
Thank you for writing this letter to me. I hope I can offer you some useful suggestions.
Yours sincerely,
考查时间介词。on在具体某天;at在具体时刻;in在较长的一段时期;by截止到。根据“the morning of October 31”可知,此处指在具体某天的早上,用介词on,故选A。
考查副词辨析。finally最后;hardly几乎不;directly直接地;recently最近。根据“If one of your friends sends you a text message to borrow money, you’d better phone him...first to make sure it is real.”可知,遇到朋友借钱,要直接打电话确认。故选C。
考查常识。根据“Welcome to join our school trip next Monday...But we’ll go to Nanjing City Wall Museum instead.”可知,下周一会进行学校旅行。故选A。
考查名词辨析。progress进步;result结果;suggestions建议;works作品。根据“China has made great ... in various fields”可知,中国在各个领域取得了巨大进步。故选A。
考查非谓语动词。“you need to work hard and not let anything get in your way.”的目的是“achieve success”,作目的状语用动词不定式。故选C。
考查短语辨析。a lot非常,修饰动词;a little bit有点,修饰形容词;a few少许,修饰可数名词;a lot of许多,修饰名词。空后“sleepy”是形容词,应用a little bit修饰。故选B。
考查名词辨析。rock摇滚乐;country music乡村音乐;folk民间音乐;classical music古典音乐。根据“the strong local color”可知,有很强的地方色彩的是民间音乐。故选C。
考查动词辨析。remain保持不变;remind提醒;record记录;represent代表。根据“Scarves, snow and frozen lakes... all these ... us that winter has arrived.”可知,围巾、雪和结冰的湖泊等提醒着我们冬天到来了。故选B。
考查动词短语。take off脱下;take on接受;take in领悟;take away拿走。根据“encourage us to ... more challenges”可知,此处应是鼓励我们接受更多挑战。故选B。
考查连词辨析。both…and两者都;either…or或者……或者;neither…nor既不……也不;not only…but also不仅……而且。根据“I will never go there again.”可知食物既不便宜,又不好吃,故选C。
考查定语从句。A选项中,“that keeps his roles interesting”是定语从句;B选项中,“ that working should be like a poem, full of love and beauty”是宾语从句;C选项不是复合句;D选项中,“If you lose hope for the future”是条件状语从句。故选A。
考查情景交际。that’s a good idea那是一个好主意;I think you’re right我认为你是正确的;I don’t like it actually其实我不喜欢;that may not be a good idea那可能不是个好主意;根据“Anyway, the ending is OK.”可知,这里应该说的是与前文相反的意思,选项C符合语境,故选C。
16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.B 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.A
directed指导;believed相信;noticed注意到;forgot忘记。根据“didn’t have any friend.”可知,注意到他没有朋友这一点,故选C。
simple简单的;common共同的;pleasant愉快的;difficult困难的。根据“I have to face some very sad incidents”可知,生活艰难,故选D。
thinking about考虑;learning from向……学习;laughing at嘲笑;looking for寻找。根据“I have to face some very sad incidents and I keep…them.”可知,忍不住一直想悲伤的事情,故选A。
buying买;cooking做饭;preparing准备;drinking喝。根据“Would you like some lemonade”可知,布朗先生去准备柠檬水,故选C。
serious严肃的;strange奇怪的;patient耐心的;friendly友好的。根据“Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. ”可知,多盐少糖,所以味道很奇怪,故选B。
sugar糖;salt盐;water水;lemonade柠檬水。根据“Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. ”可知,多盐,所以很咸,故选B。
Since因为;Unless除非;Although虽然;If如果。“we put a little more sugar in the lemonade”是“it will be fine to drink”的条件,用if引导条件状语从句,故选D。
bravely勇敢地;impatiently不耐烦地;happily开心地;angrily生气地。根据“This is what I want to hear from you.”可知,布朗先生得到了想要的回答,所以很开心,故选C。
already已经;never从不;hardly几乎不;seldom很少。根据“we cannot remove sad things that have…happened to us”可知,已经发生的事不能更改,故选A。
26.A 27.C 28.A
26.推理判断题。根据“Age 7”、“Age 9”、“Age 8”等可知,本文介绍了孩子们创作的作品,包括诗歌和画作,故文章可能节选自儿童杂志。故选A。
27.细节理解题。根据“Age 7”、“Age 9”、“Age 9”、“Age 8”可知,四个孩子都不到10岁。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据“London Bridge Michael Fiandaca”可知,Michael Fiandaca画了一个名胜:伦敦桥。故选A。
29.C 30.D 31.C
29.推理判断题。根据“The 19th Asian Games ended on Oct 8. Over the 16-day Games”可知,第19届亚运会于10月8日落下帷幕,为期16天,由此可知它在9月23日开始。故选C。
30.推理判断题。根据“China got 201 golds, 111 silvers and 71 bronzes.”可知,中国获得201枚金牌、111枚银牌和71枚铜牌,一共有383块奖牌。故选D。
31.细节理解题。根据“OCA acting president Raja Randhir Singh said that Hangzhou was ‘the perfect host that the OCA will never forget’.”可知,Raja Randhir Singh认为杭州是亚奥理事会永远不会忘记的完美东道主。故选C。
32.A 33.A 34.D 35.C
32.推理判断题。根据“This old saying is quite meaningful for British sculptor Willard. The items he creates are so small that most of them fit on the head of a pin. You can see them clearly only through a microscope.”可知,这句谚语对Willard相当有意义,他创作的物品非常小以致于大部分都可以放到大头针上。你只能通过显微镜才能看清楚,所以可推测原文划线这句“仅仅因为你看不到东西,并不意味着它不在那里。”具有引起下文的作用,引出Willard及他特殊的作品。故选A。
33.推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句“The items he creates are so small that most of them fit on the head of a pin. You can see them clearly only through a microscope.”及第四段开头“The answer is very, very carefully. So carefully, in fact, that he actually slows his breathing down and works in between breaths.”可知,空处应询问的是方法。故选A。
34.词句猜测题。根据“Creating these detailed works is a very long and difficult process, and it isn’t always enjoyable.”可知,创作这些精细作品是一个非常漫长和困难的过程,它并不总是愉快的,所以“它”应指前面的创作这些精细作品的工作。故选D。
35.主旨大意题。根据“People have asked Willard why he chose to do something that needed effort and took time.”并通读这一整段可知,本段围绕本段第一句叙述了Willard为什么选择这么需要精力又需时间的事情,也就是非常难的事情,所以选项C“做困难事情的理由”符合主旨。故选C。
36.B 37.D 38.D 39.C 40.C
36.细节理解题。根据“Later that night in Princess Ann’s bedroom.”可知,这一幕发生在安妮公主的卧室。故选B。
37.细节理解题。根据“ANN (uninterested): (absently playing with biscuits) Thank you.”可知,安妮心不在焉地玩着饼干,其中“uninterested”一词表示了安妮公主对所听到的行程安排毫无兴趣。故选D。
38.推理判断题。根据“COUNTESS: (putting on her glasses, taking a diary from the bed table) Now my dear, if you don’t mind, please check tomorrow’s schedule(日程表).”可知,伯爵夫人戴上她的眼镜,从床头柜上拿出了一本日志本,开始跟安妮公主确认第二天的行程,由此可知“putting on her glasses, taking a diary from the bed table”表示角色在做什么以及如何表演。故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据“nine o’clock, we leave for the Polinory Car Factory where you’ll be presented with a small car.”可知,九点时,她们要出发去Polinory汽车厂。根据“Ten thirty-five, Food and Agricultural Organization will present you with an olive tree.”可知,十点五分,食品和农业组织将向公主赠送一棵橄榄树。根据“Ten fifty-five, the New foundling Home For Orphans. You will make a speech”可知,十点五十五分,纽荷兰孤儿院,公主将发表演讲。根据“One o’clock, lunch with the Foreign Ministry.”可知,一点钟,公主将与外交部长共进午餐。根据“Four forty-five back here to change to your uniform to meet the international…”可知,四点四十五分,公主将回来换制服去……由此可知,这些事件的排列顺序应是c—a—e—b—d。故选C。
40.推理判断题。根据“COUUNTESS: (putting her hands on her shoulders to comfort her) My dear, you’re ill. I’ll send for Doctor Bonnachoven.”可知,伯爵夫人以为安妮公主生病了,要给她请医生,由此可知,接下来,公主应是会被医生检查身体。故选C。
【详解】句意:长城是世界奇迹之一。我们为此感到自豪。wonder“奇迹”,可数名词;one of后面跟可数名词复数wonders。故填wonders。
【详解】句意:警方不确定凶手是如何杀死这名男子的,他们正在调查此事。根据“they are working on it”可知,警方正在调查此事,说明目前凶手是不确定的,uncertain“不确定的”,为形容词。故填uncertain。
【详解】句意:虽然我爷爷已经八十多岁了,但他仍然在社会上做志愿者。“in one’s+整十基数词复数”表示“在某人几十岁的时候”,eighty的复数形式eighties。故填eighties。
【详解】句意:——我们可以和平地谈论这个问题吗?——好的。 我厌倦了整天和你争论。此处修饰动词talk,用副词peacefully“和平地”。故填peacefully。
【详解】句意:南京是一座文化古城,非常值得参观。visit“参观”,worth +doing sth表示“值得去做”。故填visiting。
51.plenty of 52.through 53.turns out 54.ancient 55.lasting
51.句意:一些作家花了大量的时间来写它们。time前缺少定语,此处表示花费多少时间写故事,备选词plenty of意为“许多”,符合语境。故填plenty of。
52.句意:在电视、互联网甚至电话出现之前,人们通过故事来分享想法、信息和记忆。根据“people shared ideas, information and memory ... stories”可知此处讲人们通过故事分享想法、信息和记忆,through通过,符合语境。故填through。
53.句意:事实证明,慢慢阅读是一种礼物,因为它会让你一生都在仔细观察这个世界。It turns out that ... 原来……,结果证明……。故填turns out。
54.句意:我们读书是为了忘记我们所处的艰难时代,是为了记住古代的人们,他们遇到了更困难的事情。根据“to remember people in ... times”可知此处指记住某个时代的人们,备选词ancient意为“古代的”,符合语境。故填ancient。
55.句意:我们慢慢地阅读,以尊重作者和故事的持久力量。根据“the story’s ... power”可推出此处指故事的某种力量,结合备选词可知lasting持久的,符合语境,此处讲故事的持久力量。故填lasting。
56.Aims/Purposes/Goals 57.attention 58.stop/prevent/keep 59.opinions/ideas 60.supports 61.neither/nor 62.technology 63.manage/control 64.influence/influences 65.Without
57.根据“make sure they focus on their schoolwork”可知,确保他们专注于学业,pay attention to“关注”,故填attention。
58.根据“won’t become addicted to the Internet and online games”可知,防止学生沉迷于网络和网络游戏,stop/prevent/keep...from...“阻止……”,故填stop/prevent/keep。
60.根据“Xu Xiaohe, a 13-year-old from Zhejiang, is a supporter of the policy.”可知,徐晓河支持该政策,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单。故填supports。
61.根据“Even adults can’t control themselves, let alone kids like us.”可知,连成年人都控制不了自己,更别说像我们这样的孩子了。此处表示“也不”,故填neither/nor。
62.根据“That might be the best way to deal with technology in modern times.”可知,这可能是现代处理科技问题的最佳方式。故填technology。
63.根据“Students should be taught self-management skills, as well as learn how to use their phones well to help with their studies”可知,学生应该被教导自我管理技能,以及学习如何使用他们的手机来帮助他们的学习。manage/control“管理”,用于“疑问词+to do”结构中,故填manage/control。
64.根据“For Ge Ziqi, the problem with banning mobile phones has more to do with life outside of school.”可知,对葛子奇来说,禁止使用手机的问题更多地与校外生活有关。has...to do with“与……有关”可替换为has influence(s) on“对……有影响”。故填influence(s)。
65.根据“If I can’t take my phone with me, I will have to buy my own bicycle.”可知,如果我不能带手机,我就得自己买自行车了。所以没有手机,她就不能使用自行车共享应用程序往返于家和学校之间。 故填Without。
66.(a)round 67.(t)ranslated/(t)urned 68.(e)xperiences/(e)xperience 69.(T)hough 70.(w)orry/(w)orries 71.(f)eel/(f)ind 72.(h)igh 73.(c)onsidered 74.(a)ncient 75.(w)hole
66.句意:为了向全世界的观众介绍中国传统文学的魅力和美丽,BBC的一部纪录片邀请了一位著名的英国演员朗读了杜的15首被翻译成英文的诗。all around the world表示“全世界”,是固定搭配,故填(a)round。
67.句意:为了向全世界的观众介绍中国传统文学的魅力和美丽,BBC的一部纪录片邀请了一位著名的英国演员朗读了杜的15首被翻译/转换成英文的诗。由本句的English可知,此处表示杜甫的诗被翻译成了英文,be translated into表示“被翻译成”,be turned into表示“变成”,两者均可,故填(t)ranslated/(t)urned。
73.句意:这就是为什么后人认为他是诗圣。be considered as表示“被认为、被当做”,是固定搭配。故填(c)onsidered。
75.句意:正如纪录片所指出的那样,他的作品不仅是中国的,也是全世界的宝贵文化遗产。the whole world表示“全世界”,是固定搭配。故填(w)hole。
Dear Bob,
Thank you for writing this letter to me. I hope I can offer you some useful suggestions. It’s true that working as the monitor of a class is a tough job. Because sometimes you do need to depend on others or worry about what others are thinking or doing. But whether it’s in your class or in a workplace, you’re going to have to learn how to work with others. And others are not always going to do things the way you’d like them to. Perhaps you can talk to your teacher and see if you can reward students who actively take part when you organize activities. If other students see that they can be rewarded, maybe they’ll be more willing to take part.
As for being serious or funny, it’s no wonder that your classmates like the funny boy in your class. But being funny doesn’t come easily to everyone. Everyone has a different sense of humor—something that seems funny to you might not be funny to someone else. We don’t need to envy others. If we aren’t great joke-tellers, we can be great listeners or show some other talent. What counts is that humor makes us laugh, no matter whether you’re the one telling the joke or not.
Hope my advice is of some help to you.
Yours sincerely,




下一篇:第一章 集合与常用逻辑用语(A卷)——2023-2024高一数学人教A版(2019)寒假轻松衔接(含解析)