
全卷分试卷和答卷。试卷 4 页,答卷 2 页,共 6 页。考试时间120 分钟,满分 150 分。
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. How does the woman want her meat cooked
A. Rare. B. Medium-rare. C. Well done.
2. Which place will the man go to this weekend
A. A concert hall. B. A stadium. C. A gallery.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A. Polite greetings. B. Table manners. C. Body language.
4. What are the speakers doing
A. Taking a picture. B. Having a haircut. C. Looking at a photo.
5. What will the man do after he gets home
A. Drive to a furniture store. B. Buy the woman a new table. C. Borrow a truck from the woman.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What does the woman think of electronic music
A. It is clever. B. It is loud. C. It is modern.
7. How old was the woman when attending a classical concert
A. 16. B. 17. C. 18.
8. Why does the man turn to the woman
A. He has to work late. B. He has to get groceries. C. He has a package to come.
9. What is the man getting
A. A box of fruit. B. Some alcohol. C. Some sports equipment.
10. What do we know about the speakers’ kids
A. They are under the age of 21. B. They’ll return home by 3:00 p.m. C. They’ll practice soccer at 5:00 p.m.
11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Father and daughter. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.
12. What does the woman want to become
A. A security guard. B. A computer security expert. C. A computer science teacher.
13. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Do well in math. B. Major in math. C. See math as a career.
Where does the conversation take place
A. At school. B. At the zoo. C. At an amusement park.
15. Why is Lisa surprised
A. John was busy. B. John arrived late. C. John changed his mind.
16. Why did John lie to Lisa
A. He wanted to come alone. B. He was afraid of roller coasters. C. He wanted to give her a surprise.
17. What does John say about Lisa
A.Considerate. B.Brave. C.Reliable.
18. Why did the speaker buy a new umbrella
A. His old one was damaged. B. He really loved that one. C. He failed to bring one.
19. What is the main advantage of the hotel’s location
A. It is beside the Eiffel Tower. B. It is very close to a bakery. C. It is within walking distance to Louvre.
20. Why did the speaker go to Paris
A. To see some artworks. B. To eat some French food. C. To meet some good friends.
第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
To the book lovers, nothing beats walking through a bookshop and looking at all the covers, picking large heavy books up and turning them over, the smell of ink on paper, conversations with strangers about authors. With the coming of the online book buying and e-books, many have predicted that the bookstores will disappear. And we’re grateful that there are plenty of beautiful bookstores still out there.
El Ateneo Grand Splendid
Designed for Max Glucksmann, a pioneer of the music and film industries, this wonderful theater space was opened in 1919. The former theater now serves as a flagship store; more than 1 million people visit El Ateneo Grand Splendid every year.
The Book Barge
The Book Barge is a 60-foot canal boat bookshop. Inspired by the Slow Food movement, the operator Sarah Henshaw says, “We hope to help develop a less hurried lifestyle of leisurely pleasures, cups of tea, conversations, culture and something like these.”
Selexyz Dominicanen
For those who regard bookstores with great respect, welcome to Selexyz Dominicanen, which now offers many kinds of books. The big space was used to store bicycles not long ago. But then the building was given interior decoration, and the result is really a great surprise.
La Caverne aux Livres
Few things make as romantic a pairing as books and trains. At La Caverne aux Livres in Auvers-sur-Oise, northwestern of Paris, an old postal train station and several train cars have become home to used books for sale. Visitors often spend hours looking at them, surrounded by an atmosphere of old letters and dreams of faraway places.
21.What do the book lovers care much about in bookstores
A.Getting certain experiences. B.Having many more choices.
C.Getting the best service. D.Finding the latest bestsellers.
22.Which of the following encourages a slow lifestyle
A.The Book Barge. B. La Caverne aux Livres.
C. El Ateneo Grand Splendid. D. Selexyz Dominicanen.
23.What is special about La Caverne aux Livres
A.It is set up on a boat. B.It is a car-themed bookstore.
C.It mainly sells second-hand books. D.Its decoration style is modern.
I major in Mechanical Engineering and Political Science. When someone hears what I study, I'm usually met with two reactions. First up is a small smile with the word "overachiever" on the tip of their tongue. The second is a look of confusion, followed by an exaggerated (夸张的) "why ". The short answer: I want to be a problem solver, and engineering teaches me how to become that type of person. In addition, I also want to be able to look at the bigger picture.
It's the beginning of a new year, and a lot of first-years have plans for double or triple majors. However, as most of us quickly realize after that first fall semester, college is a lot! We are unavoidably forced to make choices - do we keep trying to make our double or triple majors work or do we completely switch gears The thing I wished someone told me on day one is if you're passionate about something, it's not going to feel like work. Political Science can be challenging, but to me, it's fun to read the Constitution (宪法) and see the impact each word has on our interpretation.
This may sound hard to accept, but if you are double or triple majoring because you think you're in a race with your peers, you're only running yourself into the ground. Don't double or triple major if you are doing it for a mark on your resume, because then your life will be a living hell for the next four years. What is going to make you impressive is the passion that you have - whether it be in your study, career, or something else your career and study will enable you to do.
Always think about your "why" when it comes to the schedule a double or triple major entails. Because at the end of the day, it's going to be you doing the homework - so try to enjoy what you're doing along the ride for what it's worth.
24. How do people tend to feel about the writer's majors
A. Satisfied or confused. B. Ashamed or challenged.
C. Impressed or puzzled. D. Amazed or concerned.
25. What enables the writer to enjoy learning Political Science
A. The value of studying the Constitution. B. His enthusiasm for the major.
C. His career planning for the future. D. The influence of learning engineering.
26. According to the author, what causes multiple majors' hard situation in college
A.Estimating the difficulty of multiple majoring inaccurately.
B. Adjusting the schedule for majors constantly.
C. Making random choices without sufficient consideration.
D. Pursuing multiple majors out of competitive motivation.
27.What is the author's purpose of writing the text
A. To promote the concept of multiple majoring.
B. To stress the significance of passion in multiple majoring.
C. To compare the gains and losses of multiple majoring.
D. To explain the reasons for choosing a double major.
The beautiful island country of Madagascar has a serious school shortage. About a third of Malagasy children have no access to education because the schools are too far away or severely overcrowded. Thinking Huts, a non- profit dedicated to increasing global access to education,plans to tackle the issue with a series of 3D-printed schools,the first of which was completed in April 2022.
The 765-square-feet structure,named Bougainvillea, will house 30 students. The construction began with the printer pouring a cement-like(水泥状)mixture in a pattern to create the walls. The entire process took just 18 hours! The roof, doors and windows were locally sourced,and the walls were made of a cement mixture that can resist big environmental pressures in the area. Bougainvillea was 3D printed by 14 Trees,a company with experience printing buildings throughout Kenya and Malawi.
Maggie Grouts,the 22-year-old founder of Thinking Huts,is a senior at the University of Colorado and was just 15 when she started Thinking Huts. Adopted from a rural village in China when she was 18 months old,Grout realized that not all kids were as fortunate as her and wanted to help. The idea for the 3D-printed schools came to her after brainstorming with her father on ways to use the technology for the greater good.
The 3D printing approach shrinks the construction turnaround time from months to days,as well as the cost.This allow more schools to be built in less time and reduces the building’s carbon footprints. And these savings in time, cost and materials meet a real need for education infrastructure(基础设施)to help bridge the global opportunity gap.
“Thinking Huts hopes to have a Thinking Hut in every community where children do not have a place for education and is fundraising to develop this goal. By using 3D printing,we are combining the potential of technology with architectural solutions that tackle real problems the world faces within education," says Grouts.
28. What are 3D-printed schools intended for?
A. Reducing construction wastes. B. Providing high-quality education for local students.
C. Helping deal with a shortage of schools. D. Drawing public attention to 3D-printing technology.
29.What do we know about Bougainvillea?
A. It features strong resistance to bad weather. B.It is built with the help of the local government.
C. It can hold more students than traditional schools. D.It has a complex architectural structure.
30.What can we infer about Maggie Grouts from the text
A. She raised money for kids from rural areas in China. B. She is devoted to designing 3D-printed products.
C.She had no access to school as a child. D. She is truly creative and warmhearted.
31.What does the author mainly want to tell us in paragraph 4
A. The significance of narrowing the global opportunity gap.
B.The wide popularity of 3D-printing technology.
C. The advantages of 3D-printed schools.
D. The impact of 3D-printed buildings on the environment.
Much like people whose relatives or friends have died, orphaned(成为孤儿的) elephants get by with a little help from their friends, according to a study.
Scientists in the United States and Kenya analysed stress hormones(激素) in the baby elephants whose mothers had died, expecting to find higher levels. Instead, the support of their peers appeared to reduce the orphans' level of anxiety.
The study, published last week in the journal Communications Biology, concluded that social relationships have a psychological impact on the young elephants. Elephants have strong familial and group ties. Before the age of nine, baby elephants rarely move away more than 30 feet (nine metres) from their mothers, and even a few hours of separation lead to joyous reunion. The bond between female elephants and their young has long been thought to reduce stress.
Expecting to find that the orphaned elephants, which tend to die early at a higher rate than those whose mothers are still alive, would be more depressed, the team analysed stress hormone levels in the waste matter of 36 young elephants in the nature reserves in northern Kenya between 2015 and 2016. Twenty-five of the elephants had lost their mothers to drought or hunting between 2009 and 2013, when a rise in the demand for ivory left many elephants on the reserves motherless.
However, the researchers were surprised to find that long-term stress hormone levels were similar among orphans and elephants with living mothers. Jenna Parker, the study’s main author and a professor at Colorado State University, said their unexpected resilience is directly linked to social support from other elephants, specifically companions of a similar age. Those with more “friends”had significantly lower stress hormone levels. The results may encourage elephant orphanages to pair up animals to help them to recover from loss and adapt to future threats.
It could be a timely move as interactions between humans and elephants are on the rise, thanks in part to drought related to climate change. Experts say the increased conflict is a threat to Kenya’s 36,000 strong elephant population.
32. What did the scientists focus on about orphaned elephants in the study
A. Their peers. B. Their psychology. C. Their family. D. Their growth.
33. What can we learn from paragraph 3
A. Separation is necessary for younger elephants. B. Young elephants are attached to their mothers.
C. Younger elephants are fond of wandering alone. D. Female elephants dominate young elephants’ life.
34. What does the underlined word “resilience” probably mean in paragraph 5
A. Recovery. B. Anxiety. C. Difference. D. Result.
35. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.Orphaned Elephants Have Been Suffering a Lot. B. Elephants Have a Strong Bond with Mothers.
C. Stress Levels are Higher in Young Elephants. D. Orphaned Elephants Find Relief in Friends.
第二节: (共5个小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Much of the work in today’s world is accomplished in teams. Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most talented individuals. 36 Companies spend millions hiring top business people. Is their money well spent?
37 They focused on football,basketball and baseball. The results are mixed. For football and basketball,adding talented players to a team proves a good method,but only up to the point where 70% of the players are top talent;above that level, the team’s performance begins to decline. Interestingly,this trend isn’t evident in baseball. where additional individual talent keeps improving the team’s performance.
To explain this phenomenon,the researchers explored the degree to which a good performance by a team requires its members to coordinate(协调)their actions. 38 In baseball, the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates. They conclude that when task interdependence is high, team performance will suffer when there is too much talent, while individual talent will have positive effects on team performance when task interdependence is lower. If a basketball star is, for example,trying to gain a high personal point total,he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate,affecting the team's performance. Young children learning to play team sports are often told, “There is no I in TEAM.” 39
Another possibility is that when there is a lot of talent on a team,some players may make less effort. Just as in a game of tug-of-war(拔河),whenever a person is added,everyone else pulls the rope with less force.
40 __ .An A-team may require a balance-not just A players, but a few generous B players as well.
A. Stars apparently do not follow this basic principle of sportsmanship.
B. Building up a dream team is more complex than simply hiring the best talent.
C. The group interaction and its effect drew the researchers' attention.
D.This task interdependence distinguishes baseball from football and basketball.
E. Several recent studies examined the role of talent in the sports world.
F. Sports team owners spend millions of dollars attracting top talent.
G. It's not a simple matter to determine the nature of talent.
Several years ago, a neighbor kid kicked a football and broke a basement window of my house. Due to financial problems, I 41 it up, thinking I’d get to it someday.
Over the year, I had planned to upgrade to energy-efficient windows. But with the frame (窗框) rusted (锈) and firmly 42 in the foundation, whoever did it would need to chisel (凿) it out by hand. It would be a 43 process and there were six of those windows in the house. The cost was estimated at $15,000. It was simply 44 .
Honestly, the thought of that window 45 me for years. I knew I needed to fix it, but I had built up the 46 so much in my mind that I put it off again and again.
Then I had a job change and needed to sell the house before moving away. But it was almost 47 to find a buyer if there was a broken window. So I pulled off the boards to face this thing head-on. I grabbed some rust remover, spread it around the frame of the window, 48 gave it a pull. To my astonishment, it easily 49 . I took the window downtown. It only cost me $12. I could have 50 the problem for only $12 when it occurred, but I let it bother me for five years!
51 , this isn’t just about my window. Many of us live with broken windows of one type or another. They are things that seriously affect our 52 of life. If you recognize your broken window, don’t 53 to mend it. It may turn out to be 54 than expected. Usually we suffer more in a(n) 55 than in reality.
41.A.tore B.boarded C.packed D.stirred
42.A.lost B.mixed C.buried D.stuck
43.A.labor-consuming B.brain-burning C.energy-wasting D.risk-taking
44.A.in a mess B.beyond control C.out of reach D.beyond description
45.A.failed B.evaluated C.rewarded D.disturbed
46.A.difficulty B.confidence C.confusion D.harm
47.A.realistic B.impossible C.abnormal D.unfair
48.A.yet B.or C.and D.but
49.A.broke B.moved C.fell D.missed
50.A.considered B.ignored C.delayed D.handled
51.A.Luckily B.Consequently C.Actually D.Unexpectedly
52.A.quality B.pace C.way D.meaning
53.A.attempt B.hesitate C.guarantee D.pretend
54.A.rarer B.tougher C.easier D.worse
55.A.practice B.memory C.principle D.imagination
第二节:语法填空(共10个小题; 每题1.5分, 满分15分)
Lucy Black recently became the youngest person to travel to every country in the world. By the age of 23, she has visited all the countries in an effort to challenge 56 (she) and push the limits of 57 she believed was possible for a female traveler.
Lucy 58 (primary) used planes, boats, and trains to get around. It was not all plain sailing and there were many difficulties Lucy met, arranging visas to enter some countries 59 (include). But the challenges 60 (outweigh) by the memorable experiences on her way. “There’re so many incredible experiences that can come out of traveling alone because you are more open to the connections with the 61 (local) than you would be in a big group,” she said.
Lucy had the pleasure of meeting 62 range of people and experiencing different cultures. But the most 63 (value) experience of all was discovering a new sense of independence, she said.
For Lucy, nothing beats traveling, which she described 64 her favorite part of being alive. “ 65 I would be lying if I said I was enjoying taking a long time to recover from all the wear and tear I have done to my body over the past three years,” she added.
第一节 应用文(满分15分)
1. 描述照片内容; 2. 选择该照片的理由; 3. 表达入选期望。
注意: 1.写作词数应为 80 个左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答
Dear English Club,
I’m Li Hua from Class 1,
Senior 2.
Attached is the photo. Best wishes!
Li Hua
I’m Li Hua from Class 1,Senior 3.
第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
“Mom!” I screamed as I looked through the window, “Why is my Ink Spot sitting in Mrs. Cleary’s window "
Mom pushed past me to confirm it. Sure enough, across the street was Ink Spot cleaning himself in the window of Mrs. Cleary’s sitting room. I couldn’t believe my eyes. He was my cat, not Mrs. Cleary’s. She had already adopted ten cats. Why must she keep my cat I could feel anger boiling up inside me. Meanwhile, Ink Spot’s leaving without any signs upset me. A sense of being left out hit me hard.
Ink Spot was special for me. After my baby sister’s birth, “my” parents’ time was taken by her. It seemed no one in the family cared about or even noticed me. Worse still, I was packed off to a kindergarten. I hated being left out from the bottom of my heart.
It was when mom noticed me weeping in a corner one night that things began to change. After that, Ink Spot came into my life. Every night, he curled up beside me in bed and he was there for me after school when I raced home just to be with him.
I fell in love with Ink Spot the first time I saw this tiny black and white kitten, for which I called him Ink Spot. Mom and daddy beamed with pleasure as my eyes danced with joy again. It was the first time that I had smiled since my little baby sister came into the family. As for me he was more than a cat. Actually, he was my life.
But today when I came home, Ink Spot was in Mrs. Cleary’s window. I wanted him back. But mom insisted that if Ink Spot stayed at Mrs. Cleary’s, that meant it was where he wanted to be. “No! Mom, Ink Spot is my cat!” I protested wildly but I had to admit the truth of mom’s words. Standing on the sidewalk, I was at a loss as to what to do. Staring at Ink Spot for a while, I couldn't stand the anger any longer.
Para 1:I walked towards Mrs. Cleary’s house hurriedly and knocked at the door angrily.______________
Para2: Upon seeing me, Ink Spot jumped off the window, running towards me in a flash. _______________湖州市重点中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月第二次阶段检测
答 案
一、听力(每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
1-5 BCBCA 6-10 BACBA 11-15 ABACC 16-20 BACBA
二、阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节 (共15题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)
21-23 AAC 24-27 CBDB 28-31 CADC 32-35 BBAD
第二节(每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)
36-40 FEDAB
第一节(每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
41—45 BDACD 46—50 ABCBD 51—55 CABCD
第二节(每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
56 herself 57 what 58 primarily 59 included 50 were outweighed
51 locals 52 a 53 valuable 54 as 55 But/Yet
One possible version:
I’m Li Hua from Class 1, Senior 2. Thrilled to know that your club is collecting photos with the aim of welcoming the visitors from Ireland sister school, I can hardly wait to share a precious photo with you.
Shot during the summer camp in Ireland, the photo shows a warm scene--- an Irish girl and I were picking up trash when we participated in the Irish cross-country race. The reason why I choose it is that it shows not only the friendship between transnational countries but also the responsibility of mankind --- to protect our common home --- the earth that is the home of human beings and animals.
I’d appreciate it if you could make my photo into exhibition. I bet it will be a big hit. Looking forward to your positive reply.
Attached is the photo. Best wishes!
Li Hua
I walked towards Mrs. Clearys house hurriedly and knocked at the door angrily. The moment she opened the door, I asked Mrs. Cleary with watery eyes, “Why is my cat in your window ” With a confusing expression , Mrs. Cleary responded ,“Honestly I had no idea he was yours. I had just thought he was another abandoned pathetic cat so I took him in just like I took in all the rest. If what I did has hurt you, I am awfully apologetic.“ Without the slightest hesitation, she led me directly to the sitting room, where cats were playing happily.
Upon seeing me, Ink Spot jumped off the window, running towards me in a flash. A flood of excitement passed through my body. I immediately scooped him up in my arms and held him close as he rubbed beneath my chin, purring contentedly. Seeing my cat well taken care of, it dawned on me that I had misunderstood my caring neighbor. Now my anger gave way to gratitude. I extended my appreciation to her again and again before I took Ink Spot home, where I thought he should belong. The lost and found companion made me feel I was someone again.
Text 1
M: How would you like your meat cooked, ma’am We can do anything from rare to well done.
W: I’d like it medium-rare with spicy sauce on the side, please.
Text 2
W: I thought you were going to that concert this weekend. Shouldn’t you be on your way to the
stadium by now
M: That’s next weekend. This weekend I will enjoy an art exhibition with my mom in town.
Text 3
M: Bobby, can you stop talking when your mouth is full And can you sit up in your chair, please
W: And how many times have your father and I told you Don’t eat with your hands!
Text 4
W: Grandpa, how come your hair looks so different in this picture
M: Well, because I was a lot younger then. You see, when you get older, you start losing your hair. Don’t worry, though. It’s different with girls.
Text 5
W: I need your help moving my new table into the apartment this weekend.
M: I’ll be back at my place on Sunday. Will we need to pick it up with my truck
W: Yes. They’re holding it at the furniture store where I bought it from.
Text 6
W: Why do you listen to that music Why not listen to classical music
M: Classical music is the music of the past and this is the music of the present.
W: But can’t you turn it down It hurts my ears.
M: It’s electronic music. We live in an electronic age. I do like some classical music. Some of it is very clever.
W: I don’t understand your music.
M: When you were 18, you probably liked the music of your time. Things change.
W: When I was 16, a year younger than you, I attended a classical concert. I’ve loved that music ever since.
Text 7
[M: Are you going to be home at 3:00 p.m. today, or are you staying late at work
W: I’m not staying late, but I was going to stop by the grocery store on my way home. Why
M: I have something being delivered around 5:00 p.m., and I want to make sure someone is there to receive it.
W: Oh, okay. I can be home by 5:00 p.m., but the kids will both be home from soccer practice by then. One of them could sign for it.
M: No, they can’t, because it is a box of wine. The delivery person will need to see identification
to make sure the person signing is over 21 years old. Our kids are not old enough yet.
W: Fine. I will hurry home before the wine arrives.
Text 8
W: I think I want to become an expert on computer safety, but the schools that I want to apply to don’t have that major. I know that there are some private colleges that offer it. Should I send applications to those places, too
M: I don’t think that’s a good idea, honey. You can consider that as a career, but I think you should study a broader subject in school.
W: Like what
M: Well, what would be a learning requirement for a computer security job
W: Computer science!
M: Definitely. But let’s go even further. Do you know what you should learn well in order to be good at computer science
W: Math
M: Yes!
W: But… I don’t know if I want to major in math. It seems like it would be so hard!
M: It’s okay, honey. You don’t have to only study math. But you do need to have a solid background in it. Choosing computer science as your major is good, but you should also take plenty of math classes. No matter what you plan to do, I’m behind you, my little girl.
Text 9
M: Hey, Lisa. I am glad I catch you before you go in. Now we can go in together.
W: Hey, John. I’m surprised to see you here. What made you come tonight I thought you said you were busy when I asked yesterday. Did you plan to go to your grandparents’ house change
M: Well, I did say that originally. However, I want to be honest now and tell you that I lied to you.
I really wanted to come tonight, but I was scared. I have never been on a roller coaster before.
W: Don’t apologize for that. I’m sorry that I put you into that position. I wouldn’t have invited you
if I had known you were scared. I never meant to make tonight stressful.
M: No, it’s my fault. I really never had the opportunity to fix my problem before, so I didn’t know
what to do. But I came tonight to face my fears directly!
W: That is very brave of you. I’m glad to be here with you while you do that. Besides, the town’s
holiday celebrations have much smaller rides. It is a good place to start. Let’s buy some tickets
and enjoy the celebrations.
M: Thank you for being so understanding. You are a really great friend. Let me buy the tickets for
us to thank you.
Text 10
M: Today is the third day of my week’s holiday in Paris. The journey here was very long and I felt tired because I didn’t get much sleep on the plane. But I was excited when I got in the taxi and I could see the Eiffel Tower from the window. It really is quite an impressive sight. The weather here is a little bit cold, and sometimes rainy. So I had to buy a new umbrella because I forgot to bring one. The traffic is very bad, so usually I like to walk if I can. But it’s a big city, so it can get very tiring after a few hours. The food here is delicious, but I don’t like the breakfast served at the hotel. However, I am so lucky because there is a nice bakery close to where I am staying. They have fresh bread every morning and the shopkeeper always greets me with a big smile. I have
visited most of the famous places, but I couldn’t get into the Louvre, because I went too late last
night and the tickets were all sold out. I really hope I can go today, because I’m a big fan of art
galleries and I must see the painting of Mona Lisa. It’s the real reason I came here.




下一篇:2022-2023贵州遵义市正安县八年级物理沪科版 第一学期期末监测试题(word版含答案)