2023-2024上海市徐汇区高三上学期一模英语试卷(原卷版+ 解析版)

1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。
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I. Listening Comprehension
Section A Short Conversations
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A Painting. B. Photography. C. Playing guitar. D. Cooking.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Rainy days. B. Sunny days. C. Cloudy days. D. Snowy days.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Graduated. B. Got married. C. Bought a house. D. Got promoted.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Paris B. Tokyo C. Rome D. Athens
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Shopping B. Eating C. Reading D. Working out
6. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Travel plans B. Career goals C. Relationship status D. Hobbies
7. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Dragon Rolls B. Sashimi C. Salmon Rolls D. Tempura Rolls
8. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Business Administration B. Environmental Science C. Computer Science D. Psychology
9. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Entertainment only B. Medical purposes C. Education and training D. Virtual tourism
10. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Improving health B. Building muscle C. Flexibility D. Weight loss
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
11. A. Once a day B. Twice a day C. Three times a day D. Every other day
A. To improve digestion.
B. To prevent bad breath.
C. To enhance tooth surface.
D. To reduce the risk of decayed tooth.
A. Early detection of issues.
B. Emergency tooth extraction.
C. Teeth whitening procedures.
D. Improving gum health.
A. Cooking at home with the help of family
B. Quick and convenient access to favorite meals
C. Dining out regularly so as to have balanced nutrition
D. Avoiding all junk food which only tastes nice
A. Slow preparation and nice cooking.
B. Accurate delivery time estimates.
C. Quick preparation and delivery.
D. Unlimited menu options to be confusing.
A. Limited choices.
B. Providing various tastes and preferences.
C. Only offering pizza and burgers.
D. Exclusively featuring local foods.
A. Keep all copies in hotel safe for important documents
B. Make copies and leave one set with someone back home
C. Don’t make copies to avoid misplacement
D. Share copies with fellow travelers
A. Use local SIM cards so as to get touch with family quickly
B. Check in only when changing countries
C. Use messaging apps and a local SIM card for emergencies
D. Avoid communication to focus on the trip
A. Always carry large amounts of cash
B. Use RFID-blocking wallets and backpacks
C. Avoid crowded areas entirely
D. Trust strangers to watch your belongings
A. Avoid vaccinations and bring your own food for health purpose.
B. Eat and drink anything available, especially those with local flavors.
C. Explore information on vaccinations and health guidelines.
D. Don’t worry about staying thirsty.
II. Grammar and vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Perhaps even more incredible is that it’s smack bang in the middle of Kentucky.
Mammoth Cave National Park preserves this unique and historical natural wonder. As large as the limestone cave system is, park officials, estimate there ___21___ be another 600 miles of cave passageways that have yet to be explored.
___22___ those unexplored, more than 200 caves exist in the park that are disconnected from the larger system.
The incredible rock formations have resulted in the park ___23___ (recognize) as a World Heritage Site, thanks to its extraordinary size and scientific importance — making it one of only 13 natural US sites with that title.
The caves were created naturally by the process of limestone erosion, which is known as “karst topography”. Rain and rivers slowly dissolve and shape soft limestone, which creates the vast underground network. The system is still being shaped and carved today. Not only are they a stunning destination to visit, but the system also provides drinking water for roughly 40% of the US population — and they’re ___24___ historical significance too.
The caves act as a time capsule that preserve over 5,000 years of human history — and the caves’ first explorers were Native Americans, who ___25___ (mine) the upper levels of Mammoth Cave. Thanks to the cave system’s atmosphere and natural protection from any kind of human disturbance, the archaeological sites have been left in great shape. Several sets of Native American remains have been recovered, ___26___ (provide) fascinating evidence of pre-Columbian funerary practices.
Mammoth Cave was established as a national park thanks to strong local support. Back in the 1920s, Secretary of the Interior Hubert Work created the Southern Appalachian National Park Commission in 1925 to survey ___27___ (propose) park sites, including the caves. After years of work acquiring the land for the park, as well as building roads, trails, and public facilities, Mammoth Cave National Park was established on July 1, 1941.
Pioneering African Americans were some of the first cave guides, and are responsible for some of the more recently discovered passageways. Stephen Bishop, who was a slave, worked in the cave from 1838 to 1856 and ventured beyond the tour routes that ___28___ (establish). He crossed a terrifying drop called the “bottomless pit” to discover unmapped areas of the cave system. Although they were unrecognized at the time, pioneers like Bishop helped spark the golden age of cave exploration.
The park now receives around 2 million visitors a year, with roughly a quarter taking a tour of the caves – everything from a cultural tour to the more adventurous scrambling tours on offer. The cave supports more than 130 wildlife species, such as the eyeless cavefish, ___29___ has adapted to the lightless environment by no longer growing eyes, and the cave crayfish.
Mammoth Cave National Park is also much more than just a cave; its surrounding forest contains one of ___30___ (diverse) habitats in the country. There are miles of trails open for horseback riding, with kayak and canoe trails and great fishing spots. There are also more than 1,300 flowering species in the forest, and animals like wood warblers, thrushes, and bald eagles can regularly be spotted.
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A attraction B. waiting C. mystery D. unique E. simply F. originally G. stable H. popularity I. donating J. searching K. interfere
There’s a rarely-visited, dusty corner of the world where something magical happens. The place, which looks like Mars with its red rock landscape, is the Tatacoa Desert, in Colombia.
Tatacoa is located in the region of Huila, south of the country’s capital Bogotá. Although Tatacoa, with its protruding cacti and red rippled rocks, is called a desert, it is in fact a dry tropical forest. But the exciting, and very ___31___, feature of this desert, is what happens above it, at night.
Thanks to its remote location–it’s almost 30 miles and an hour’s drive over bumpy winding roads to the nearest town–Tatacoa has no light pollution to ___32___ with the night sky.
Up to 88 constellations (星座) are visible on a clear night, as well as both hemispheres – something that happens nowhere else in the world.
The warm and dry climate helps with stargazing; a ___33___ atmosphere, which happens in dry spots or places of high elevation, decreases something called scintillation, which is when a star’s light rises and falls rapidly. It’s why stars twinkle, which looks beautiful but isn’t so great for astronomers.
Not only is Tatacoa a natural wonder but the DIY observatory that’s run by a Colombian man named Javier Fernanda Rua Restrepo has become a star ___34___ too. In fact, this humble building attracts stargazers from all over the world, from China to Iceland to Australia. And Restrepo has also become well-known in astronomer circles, with a few scientists ___35___ their own telescopes to support the grassroots observatory.
The Colombian, who is ___36___ from Cali, fell in love with the stars thanks to his father’s interest in astronomy and science, and first visited Tatacoa in 1997, to try to see the Comet Hale-Bopp. He stayed for a couple of days before heading back to his hometown. But within a month, he returned to Tatacoa–and never left, camping out for weeks on end ___37___ for the night to come so that he could watch the stars.
At first Restrepo had worked at the Colombian government’s observatory, which he helped staff for 15 years. But after budget cuts meant he lost his job, he figured he would ___38___ build his own.
In 2015, Restrepo opened the doors to his observatory–Tatacoa Astronomia–with just one telescope. Now, as Colombia has grown in ___39___ as a tourist destination, hundreds flock to Restrepo’s star party, which he holds once a year in July.
Tatacoa Astronomia is only open on starry nights, and Restrepo remains the sole employee. But that doesn’t distract from the intimacy and the specialness of the place. The structure sits on a small patch of land that Restrepo bought himself, and is cordoned (隔离) off by tarpaulin (油布) to add an extra sense of ____40____ and intrigue (阴谋) for visitors.
“The stars… they put my life into its tiny perspective,” he says, “and they constantly remind me there are greater things out there.”
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Acupuncture(针灸), an ancient Chinese medical practice, has been the remedy for countless patients for thousands of years. Before modern medicine came to life, ancient Chinese used stone tools to ___41___ pain. Over time, this primitive practice ___42___ evolved into a comprehensive and profound medical system and ___43___ the root of acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a treatment that aims to ___44___ the body’s self-regulating functions. Its therapeutic principles are in line with the ___45___ concepts of traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes all-inclusive treatment, meridian(经络) adjustment, balance of bodily functions and overall physiological well-being.
Practices can ___46___ in forms, including needle insertion, cupping and scraping. Needle insertion, the most common method, is___47___ by inserting hair-thin needles into meridians, ___48___ specific points on the body that ___49___ vital energy (the qi). Practitioners lift, twirl and rotate needles to unblock the flow of energy; ___50___ yin and yang balance; and stimulate the body’s innate ___51___ to heal itself.
Looking beyond China, acupuncture has become a global ___52___. Over the years, acupuncture has seen many advancements in scientific research and modern medicine. It is now a mainstream ___53___ and complementary treatment for a variety of weaknesses. According to a 2019 WHO report, acupuncture is used in 113 of its 120 member countries, ___54___ its widespread recognition and application.
As an ancient Chinese medical ___55___ with a rich history and deep cultural significance, acupuncture is an embodiment of profound cultural heritage and a holistic path to healing.
41. A. relieve B. resume C. release D. rebel
42. A. radically B. gradually C. reluctantly D. randomly
43. A. cultivated B. evaluated C. shaped D. eliminated
44. A. promote B. reflect C. alternate D. perform
45. A. occasional B. philosophical C. considerable D. mechanical
46. A. arise B. heal C. vary D. survive
47 A. taken over B. ended up C. figured out D. carried out
48. A. or B. and C. while D. with
49. A. block B. generate C. motivate D. channel
50. A. terrify B. stimulate C. reserve D. restore
51. A. willingness B. instinct C. potential D. nutrient
52. A. liberty B. therapy C. curiosity D. wonderland
53. A. proportion B. alternative C. procedure D. affection
54. A. illustrating B. predicting C. featuring D. nominating
55. A. assessment B. occupation C. practice D. obedience
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
Han Guorui, a folk artist specializing in making Dongming grain pictures, is generally busy in autumn as he needs to collect materials for his work. This year, he has been even busier, as he has attended fairs to demonstrate his skills and promote grain art.
The grain pictures, which take their name from Dongming county in Heze, Shandong province, are a traditional folk craft with a history of more than 200 years. The practice was listed as a provincial intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) in 2016 by the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.
After being treated to prevent decay and insect infestation, grains, grass and vegetable seeds are glued together to form a picture.
“We use the different shapes and colors of grains and seeds, which are all collected from the field,” says Han.
Born in Dongming, a county along the banks of the Yellow River, he attended a regional fair in mid-October. His pictures attracted many children who asked questions, such as, “will these seeds sprout”, and “can these grains be eaten ”
Han answered the children’s questions while showing them how to use grains and seeds to make a picture.
“Only now, when food is sufficient, can people make a picture with surplus grain,” he says.
To make pictures that more people like, Han works in the style of Chinese ink and Western oil paintings. Now his grain pictures are not only sold in cities across China, but also to overseas markets, including some European countries, South Korea and Japan, he says.
“Grain pictures have become a cultural product that is helping to enrich farmers living on the Yellow River plain,” says Han.
The Yellow River, the country’s second longest, is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization. For thousands of years, the people living along its banks have nurtured rich and vibrant cultures that have endured to this day.
To give people the opportunity to familiarize themselves with its rich culture and plentiful products, Shandong province has organized fairs named after the river throughout the year, with some events held in communities to involve more people.
At the fairs, intangible cultural heritage items, handicrafts, local delicacies, performances, and agricultural products are available.
At one fair in a community in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong, in late October, more than 10 types of handicrafts were on show, including gourd-carving, paper-cutting, textiles and hemp rope weaving.
“The fair builds a bridge between intangible cultural heritage producers and consumers. Using items that are embodied with traditional culture is a good way to pass on culture,” says Sun Xicai, deputy director of Jinan Folk Literature and Art Association.
At the fair, 60-something Yu Shaoqing, who was selling animal-shaped textile products, attracted a lot of buyers.
“Many young people show an interest in my products. They buy them to decorate their rooms and cars,” says Yu.
Yu, who worked in embroidery design before retiring, designs her products, which take the shape of animals like tigers, rabbits and ducks. Currently, she is working on a dragon design for next year to welcome the Year of the Dragon.
56. What do the grains undergo before being used in the artwork
A. Grains are carefully selected, painted in various colors and air-dried.
B. Grains and seeds are bonded following certain preservative treatment.
C. Grains and seeds are well preserved so that they will spout.
D. Grains are carved and then assembled into a picture.
57. People make grain pictures ________.
A. due to advancements in technology
B. because of nurtured rich and vibrant cultures along the Yellow River
C. in situations where there is a sufficient and excessive supply of grains
D. as a result of government’s financial supports for local artists
58. What types of products and cultural elements were available at the fairs organized by Shandong province throughout the year
A. Electronics and fashion items; performances showcasing modern technology
B. Handicrafts, local delicacies, performances, and items embodied with traditional culture
C. Industrial machinery and tools; demonstrations of manufacturing processes
D. Luxury goods and designer fashion; fashion shows featuring international designers
Persistently engaging in negative thinking patterns may raise the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, finds a new UCL-led study.
In the study of people aged over 55, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, researchers found ‘repetitive negative thinking’ (RNT) is linked to subsequent cognitive decline as well as the deposition (沉积) of harmful brain proteins linked to Alzheimer’s.
Lead author Dr Natalie Marchant (UCL Psychiatry) said: “Depression and anxiety in mid-life and old age are already known to be risk factors for dementia(痴呆). Here, we found that certain thinking patterns implicated in depression and anxiety could be an underlying reason why people with those disorders are more likely to develop dementia.
“We hope that our findings could be used to develop strategies to lower people’s risk of dementia by helping them to reduce their negative thinking patterns.”
For the Alzheimer’s Society-supported study, the research team from UCL, INSERM and McGill University studied 292 people over the age of 55 who were part of the PREVENT-AD cohort study, and a further 68 people from the IMAP+ cohort.
Over a period of two years, the study participants responded to questions about how they typically think about negative experiences, focusing on RNT patterns like rumination (沉思) about the past and worry about the future. The participants also completed measures of depression and anxiety symptoms.
Their cognitive function was assessed, measuring memory, attention, spatial cognition, and language. Some (113) of the participants also underwent PET brain scans, measuring deposits of tau and amyloid, two proteins which cause the most common type of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, when they build up in the brain.
The researchers found that people who exhibited higher RNT patterns experienced more cognitive decline over a four-year period, and declines in memory (which is among the earlier signs of Alzheimer’s disease), and they were more likely to have amyloid and tau deposits in their brain.
“We propose that repetitive negative thinking may be a new risk factor for dementia as it could contribute to dementia in a unique way,” said Dr Marchant.
The researchers suggest that RNT may contribute to Alzheimer’s risk via its impact on indicators of stress such as high blood pressure, as other studies have found that physiological stress can contribute to amyloid and tau deposition.
Co-author Dr Gael Chételat commented: “Our thoughts can have a biological impact on our physical health, which might be positive or negative. Mental training practices such as meditation might help promoting positive- while down-regulating negative-associated mental schemes.
“Looking after your mental health is important, and it should be a major public health priority, as it’s not only important for people’s health and well-being in the short term, but it could also impact your eventual risk of dementia.”
59. Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is linked to ________.
A. thinking approach improvement in later years
B. later cognitive decline and the deposit of harmful brain proteins.
C. anxiety disorders which occurs in females solely
D. individuals of younger age, which is turning into a trend
60. According to Dr. Natalie Marchant, certain thinking patterns ________.
A. have no substantial impact on dementia
B. are primary contributors to depression and anxiety disorders
C. could be a reason why some people are more likely to get dementia.
D. Relevant primarily in mid-life, not in old age
61. In the study over a period of two years, the participants were asked about their ________.
A. favorite personal experiences
B. daily routines and habits
C. typical thinking about negative experiences
D. perspectives on various mental health practices
62. What do the researchers propose as a potential new risk factor for dementia
A. Depression and anxiety disorders
B. Accumulation of amyloid and tau deposits in the brain
C. Repetitive positive thinking patterns
D. Repetitive negative thinking patterns
Zion National Park in Utah has plenty of trails, but Angels Landing may be the most breathtaking. Picture this. You begin the hike on the wide and well-maintained West Rim Trail. It follows the river and then crosses the bottom of the canyon, surrounded by 270-million-year-old layers of rock. Relaxing, right Just wait for it. The trail then starts to climb via a series of switchbacks (急转弯) leading up the side of the mountain. Then more switchbacks: 21 tighter turns, called “Walter’s Wiggles,” where elevation levels rapidly increase. Your heartbeat is probably rapidly increasing at this point, too.
On top of Walter’s Wiggles, you can stop for a stunning view (perhaps with a marriage proposal) and a restroom stop while you contemplate (仔细考虑) the final stretch of the hike. If you’re afraid of heights, it’s best to turn back now. The last stretch is the real test of bravery.
The last half mile of the hike is what really ranks it as one of the nation’s most dangerous. Angels Landing itself is a fin-like formation jutting (突出) 1,500 feet out of the canyon, and this is where you make the final 500-foot climb. Guardrails and chains bolted (拴住) into the cliff help you keep from tumbling over the extremely steep ledge. You’re literally living on the edge, and you don’t want to trust the “angels” down there to catch you. Once you reach the top, however, it’ll all be worth it: 360-degree views of the canyon make a great backdrop for kicking back and having a meal before you come back down the way you came.
Angels Landing might be dangerous, but thankfully, not too many people have had fatal falls. According to the park website, seven people have died in the 100 years the park has existed. Still, this is a very vigorous hike. If you’re out of shape, bringing young children along, feel ill or prone to fainting, or are just plain afraid of heights, opt for an easier trail.
Angel’s Landing is a great hike for most of the year, besides the cold winter months when the trails could become dangerously slippery. Summer is the most popular time of year — and therefore the most crowded — but it can also get extremely hot, so opt for an early morning hike while the temperatures are still mild.
Sure, it’s dangerous, but there’s a reason this is one of Zion ‘s most popular hikes. If you’re up for the challenge, Angels Landing will definitely deliver rewards.
This article first appeared on Curiosity.com.
63. What geological feature surrounds the hiker during the initial part of the hike
A. Plenty of trails in the park. B. Mountain Peaks.
C. 270-million-year-old layers of rock. D. Grass Meadows.
64. What is the main attraction and appeal of Angels Landing
A. The challenging hike with switchbacks.
B. The 360-degree views of the canyon.
C. The well-maintained West Rim Trail.
D. The river crossing and rock formations.
65. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage
A. If a tourist is afraid of heights, it’s best to turn back onto Angels Landing.
B. Seven people have died so far due to slippery trails in winter.
C. Bringing young kids along to climb onto Angels Landing will be appreciated.
D. Taking a break with the views of the canyon as background is absolutely worth the trip.
66. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage
A. Unveiling the Hidden Beauty: Exploring Zion National Park’s Trails
B. Zion’s Ultimate Thrill: The Adrenaline-Pumping Angels Landing Expedition
C. Chasing Heights: Angels Landing Adventure in Utah’s Zion National Park
D. Angels Landing: Conquering Utah’s Breathtaking and Daring Hike in Zion National Park
Section C
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
The rate of childhood obesity in the U.S. has tripled over the past 50 years. But what this trend means for children’s long-term health, and what to do about it (if anything), is not so clear.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) made waves this year by recommending that doctors put obese kids as young as two years old on intensive, family-oriented lifestyle and behavior plans. ___67___ This advice marks a shift from the organization’s previous stance of “watch and wait,” and it reflects the AAP’s belief that obesity is a disease and the group’s adoption of a more proactive position on childhood obesity.
Yet the lifestyle programs the AAP recommends are expensive, inaccessible to most children and hard to maintain — and the guidelines acknowledge these barriers. Few weight-loss drugs have been approved for older children, although many are used off-label. ___68___ And surgery, while becoming more common, has inherent risks and few long-term safety data — it could, for instance, cause nutritional deficits in growing children. Furthermore, it’s not clear whether interventions in youngsters help to improve health or merely add to the stigma overweight kids face from a fat-phobic society. This stigma can lead to mental health problems and eating disorders.
Rather than fixating on numbers on a scale, the U.S. and countries with similar trends should focus on an underlying truth: we need to invest in more and safer places for children to play where they can move and run around, climb and jump, ride and skate.
___69___In 2020 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found, unsurprisingly, that kids’ sports participation increases with their parents’ incomes: about 70 percent of kids whose families earn more than $105,000 a year participate in sports, but only 51 percent of middle-class kids and 31 percent of children at or below the poverty line do. This disparity hurts people of color the most. More than 60 percent of white children, for instance, participate in athletics, but only 42 percent of Black children and 47 percent of Hispanic children do. Experts blame these problems on the privatization of sports — as public investment in school-based athletics dwindles, expensive private leagues have grown, leaving many kids out.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, children between ages six and 17 should get at least an hour of moderate to intense physical activity every day. Yet only 21 to 28 percent of U.S. kids meet this target, two government-sponsored surveys found. The nonprofit Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance evaluates physical activity in American children, and in 2022 the group gave the U.S. a grade of D–.
Why is it so hard to get kids moving In addition to fewer opportunities at school, researchers cite increased screen time, changing norms around letting kids play outdoors unsupervised, and a lack of safe places for them to play outside the home.
New York City, for example, had 2,067 public playgrounds as of 2019 — a “meager” amount for its large population, according to a report from the city comptroller — and inspectors found hazardous equipment at one quarter of them. In Los Angeles in 2015, only 33 percent of youths lived within walking distance of a park, according to the L.A. Neighborhood Land Trust. Lower-income neighborhoods tend to have the fewest public play spaces, despite often having a high population density. ___70___
Kids everywhere need more places to play: trails, skate parks and climbing walls, gardens and ball fields, bike paths and basketball courts. Vigorous public funding to build and keep up these areas is crucial, but other options such as shared-use agreements can make unused spaces available to the public.
A. Moving more may not prevent a child from becoming overweight, but studies show clearly that it helps both physical and mental health.
B. And although rural areas have more undeveloped outdoor space, they often lack playgrounds, tracks and exercise facilities
C. A lack of safe places for them to play outside the home also contributes to kids obesity.
D. It also suggested prescribing weight-loss drugs to children 12 and older and surgery to teens 13 and older.
E. Increased screen time and changing norms around letting kids play outdoors are unsupervised.
F. They have significant side effects for both kids and adults.
IV. Summary Writing
71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
There are many reasons why some cats are bad-tempered; their temperament can be influenced by their upbringing or they are simply born that way. However, even the sweetest, most affectionate cats can suddenly become bad-tempered and behave out of character. According to veterinarian Dr Katrina Warren, the problem can generally be solved, but you’ll need to look for underlying issues.
Changes in a cat’s behaviour can often be explained by a health problem. Pain can cause cats to behave very differently, and it’s easy to mistake a problem as behavioural, when in fact it is medical. Should you observe a significant change in your cat’s behaviour, then a visit to the vet is the best place to start Watch out for changes in eating, drinking or litter-box habits. Also hiding and avoiding being touched. Be sure to report all changes to your vet. There are many cat health problems that can be readily treated to ease symptoms and pain for your cat.
It pays to remember that cats don’t like to share or queue. Sharing of ‘resources’ such as litter trays and foodbowls can cause stress and anxiety for many cats. It’s always a good idea to provide each cat with their own litter box, food, water bowls and bed as a minimum. One litter box for each cat plus a spare is even better, as are multiple sleeping spots and extra scratching posts. A lack of space to hide from or avoid other cats, competition for territory and lack of individual attention can also add to household friction. If your cat is feeling anxious, offering it an elevated place to sit, such as a climbing tree, can be helpful.
Moving to a new house, the arrival of a new baby, new pets and other types of change can seriously impact cat behaviour. Cats are creatures of habit and tend to be territorial, so a change in routine may cause them to react in a number of ways, including withdrawal or aggression. Try to keep your cat’s environment as calm as possible and make sure there are places where they feel safe. Sometimes confining them to a single room with a litter box, bedding and home comforts can help them to settle.
Some cats simply do not like being touched and handled. These are often cats that received limited socialisation with humans when they were kittens. These cats do best in a quiet household without children and need understanding and patience to help build their confidence.
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 直到医生偶然发现了这种抗病毒药物,人们才正真相信它的存在。(by) (汉译英)
73. 与我个人的成长经历相比,这个西北小村庄的发展更加令人感动。(compare) (汉译英)
74. 只要这项研究的结果能够应用于新技术的开发,我们的努力就会得到回报。(so long as) (汉译英)
75. 离职,不管是什么工作,是一个艰难的改变,即使对于那些期待退休的人来说也是如此。(no matter) (汉译英)
VI. Guided Writing
76. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 选择一项中国传统节日和一项西方节日进行对比;
2. 谈谈你对中国传统文化的理解。
1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。
2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。
3. 答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,在答題纸反面清楚地填写姓名。
I. Listening Comprehension
Section A Short Conversations
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Painting. B. Photography. C. Playing guitar. D. Cooking.
【原文】M: Hey, I heard you’re into photography. What got you into it
W: Yeah, I love capturing moments. It started as a hobby, and now I can’t get enough.
Q: What is the woman’s hobby
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Rainy days. B. Sunny days. C. Cloudy days. D. Snowy days.
【原文】M: The weather is gloomy today. I love rainy days, though. How about you
W: Rainy days are cozy, but I prefer the sun. It lifts my mood.
Q: What does the woman prefer
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Graduated. B. Got married. C. Bought a house. D. Got promoted.
【原文】M: I heard you got a promotion. Congratulations! How’s the new role
W: Thanks! It’s challenging but exciting. Learning a lot.
Q: What recently happened to the woman
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Paris B. Tokyo C. Rome D. Athens
【原文】M: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go
W: I’ve always dreamed of exploring the ancient ruins in Greece.
Q: What is the woman’s probable dream travel destination
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Shopping B. Eating C. Reading D. Working out
【原文】M: I saw you at the gym yesterday. Are you into fitness
W: Yeah, trying to stay healthy. Do you work out too
Q: What did the man see the woman doing
6. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Travel plans B. Career goals C. Relationship status D. Hobbies
【原文】M: Where do you see yourself in five years
W: Hopefully, running my own business. How about you
Q: What do they discuss regarding the woman’s future
7. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Dragon Rolls B. Sashimi C. Salmon Rolls D. Tempura Rolls
【原文】M: I tried this amazing sushi place downtown. Do you like sushi
W: Oh, I love sushi! Did you try the dragon rolls
M: Yes, they were delicious. What’s your favorite type of sushi
W: I’m a fan of sashimi, especially salmon. Have you been to any other good sushi spots
Q: What is the woman’s favorite type of sushi
8. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Business Administration B. Environmental Science C. Computer Science D. Psychology
【原文】W: I’ve been thinking about furthering my studies. Considering a master’s degree.
M: That’s a big decision. What field are you thinking of
W: I’m leaning towards environmental science. It matches my love for sustainability.
M: That’s great! It seems that environmental biology and environmental chemistry are popular nowadays.
Q: What field is the woman considering for her master’s degree
9. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Entertainment only B. Medical purposes C. Education and training D. Virtual tourism
【原文】W: Have you seen the latest advancements in virtual reality
M: Yeah, it’s mind-blowing. Have you tried any VR games or experiences
W: Not yet, but I’m curious. What do you think VR will be used for in the future
M: I think it has potential in education and training. Imagine virtual classrooms or simulations.
Q: What does the man think virtual reality will be used for in the future
10. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
A. Improving health B. Building muscle C. Flexibility D. Weight loss
【原文】M: I’ve started a new fitness routine, focusing on strength training.
W: That’s great! What’s your goal with the new routine
M: I want to build muscle and improve overall strength. How about you Any fitness goals
W: I’m into yoga for flexibility. My goal is to master some advanced poses. Do you do any flexibility exercises
Q: What is the woman’s fitness goal in yoga
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
11. A. Once a day B. Twice a day C. Three times a day D. Every other day
A. To improve digestion.
B. To prevent bad breath.
C. To enhance tooth surface.
D. To reduce the risk of decayed tooth.
A. Early detection of issues.
B. Emergency tooth extraction.
C. Teeth whitening procedures.
D. Improving gum health.
【答案】11. B 12. D 13. A
【原文】Welcome to today’s discussion on the importance of tooth protection for maintaining ideal oral health. Taking care of your teeth is not just about achieving a bright smile; it’s a crucial aspect of overall well-being. Let’s explore some key strategies for effective tooth protection.
Firstly, regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste is a cornerstone of good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime, helps remove a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if not properly addressed.
In addition to brushing, integrating dental floss into your daily routine is essential. Dental floss helps clean between teeth, where toothbrush hairs might not reach. This helps prevent the risk of developing tooth decay in those hard-to-reach areas.
Furthermore, being aware of your diet plays a significant role in tooth protection. Limiting the consumption of sugary foods and soft drinks is crucial, as sugar provides a breeding ground for harmful bacteria that erode tooth enamel. Choose a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to promote strong and healthy teeth.
For individuals involved in sports or physical activities, wearing a mouthguard is a positive measure for tooth protection. Mouthguards act as a cushion, absorbing the impact of blows to the face and preventing dental injuries such as chipped or knocked-out teeth.
Lastly, regular dental check-ups are vital. Dentists can identify early signs of dental issues, allowing for timely intervention and preventing the progression of problems. Professional cleanings and examinations are key components of practical tooth protection.
1. How often is it recommended to brush your teeth for effective tooth protection
2. Why is limiting the consumption of sugary foods and soft drinks important for tooth protection
3. What is the significance of regular dental check-ups in tooth protection
A. Cooking at home with the help of family
B. Quick and convenient access to favorite meals
C. Dining out regularly so as to have balanced nutrition
D. Avoiding all junk food which only tastes nice
A. Slow preparation and nice cooking.
B. Accurate delivery time estimates.
C. Quick preparation and delivery.
D. Unlimited menu options to be confusing.
A. Limited choices.
B. Providing various tastes and preferences.
C. Only offering pizza and burgers.
D. Exclusively featuring local foods.
【答案】14. B 15. C 16. B
【原文】In the fast-paced world we live in today, the convenience of fast food delivery has become an essential part of our food culture. The ability to enjoy our favorite meals without leaving the comfort of our homes has transformed the way we approach dining. Let’s explore the various aspects that make fast food delivery a popular and efficient choice for many.
Firstly, the convenience factor cannot be overstated. With just a few taps on a mobile app or a quick phone call, you can have a variety of delicious dishes delivered right to your doorstep. This convenience is particularly appreciated on busy days when cooking or going out for a meal may not be practical.
Speed is another key element of fast food delivery services. Many restaurants are laying great emphasis on quick preparation and delivery, ensuring that your food arrives hot and fresh. This is made possible by advanced supply chain and technology, allowing for efficient order processing and accurate delivery time estimates.
Diversity in menu options is a significant advantage of fast food delivery. Whether you’re longing for pizza, burgers, sushi, or even some local flavours, you can explore a diverse range of choices from various restaurants without leaving your home. This variety meets the need of different tastes and preferences, making fast food delivery a versatile option for individuals and families.
While fast food delivery offers many advantages, it’s essential to strike a balance and maintain a healthy approach to food choices. Balancing between home-cooked meals and the occasional fast food treat makes sure your food experience is enjoyable and varied.
1. What is a significant advantage of fast food delivery in today’s busy world
2. How do many fast food delivery services ensure food arrives hot and fresh
3. What is a notable advantage of the diverse menu options in fast food delivery
A. Keep all copies in hotel safe for important documents
B. Make copies and leave one set with someone back home
C. Don’t make copies to avoid misplacement
D. Share copies with fellow travelers
A. Use local SIM cards so as to get touch with family quickly
B. Check in only when changing countries
C. Use messaging apps and a local SIM card for emergencies
D. Avoid communication to focus on the trip
A. Always carry large amounts of cash
B. Use RFID-blocking wallets and backpacks
C. Avoid crowded areas entirely
D. Trust strangers to watch your belongings
A. Avoid vaccinations and bring your own food for health purpose.
B. Eat and drink anything available, especially those with local flavors.
C. Explore information on vaccinations and health guidelines.
D. Don’t worry about staying thirsty.
【答案】17. B 18. C 19. B 20. C
【原文】W: Mark, I’m so excited about our trip to Europe, but I’ve been thinking a lot about staying safe while we’re there. Any tips
M: Absolutely, Lisa. Safety is a top priority. First things first, make copies of your important documents, like passports and travel insurance. Keep one set with you and leave another with someone you trust back home. And it’s unacceptable to share copies with fellow travelers.
W: That’s a good idea. I’ve heard about travel insurance, but I’m not sure what it covers.
M: Travel insurance is a lifesaver. It typically covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and even lost baggage. It’s a small investment for peace of mind.
W: Great advice. What about staying connected with our families
M: We should have a plan for communication. We can use messaging apps with Wi-Fi, but it’s also wise to have a local SIM card for emergencies. And don’t forget to check in regularly, especially when we change locations.
W: True. Now, what about our belongings I’ve read about pickpocketing being common in some places.
M: Absolutely. Invest in some anti-theft gear, like RFID-blocking wallets and backpacks. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas, and use hotel safes for valuables.
W: Good point. Now, what about health precautions I’ve heard stories about travelers getting sick.
M: Research vaccinations and health recommendations for our destination. Pack a small first aid kit with essentials, and be cautious about what you eat and drink. It’s crucial to drink enough water every day.
W: Thanks, Mark. These are all excellent tips. I feel more prepared now.
M: No problem, Lisa. It’s all about being proactive and aware. Now, let’s enjoy our coffee and finalize our itinerary.
17. What does Mark suggest about important documents like passports
18. How does Mark recommend staying connected with family during the trip
19. What precautionary measures does Mark suggest for avoiding pickpocketing
20. What health precautions does Mark advise for the trip
II. Grammar and vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Perhaps even more incredible is that it’s smack bang in the middle of Kentucky.
Mammoth Cave National Park preserves this unique and historical natural wonder. As large as the limestone cave system is, park officials, estimate there ___21___ be another 600 miles of cave passageways that have yet to be explored.
___22___ those unexplored, more than 200 caves exist in the park that are disconnected from the larger system.
The incredible rock formations have resulted in the park ___23___ (recognize) as a World Heritage Site, thanks to its extraordinary size and scientific importance — making it one of only 13 natural US sites with that title.
The caves were created naturally by the process of limestone erosion, which is known as “karst topography”. Rain and rivers slowly dissolve and shape soft limestone, which creates the vast underground network. The system is still being shaped and carved today. Not only are they a stunning destination to visit, but the system also provides drinking water for roughly 40% of the US population — and they’re ___24___ historical significance too.
The caves act as a time capsule that preserve over 5,000 years of human history — and the caves’ first explorers were Native Americans, who ___25___ (mine) the upper levels of Mammoth Cave. Thanks to the cave system’s atmosphere and natural protection from any kind of human disturbance, the archaeological sites have been left in great shape. Several sets of Native American remains have been recovered, ___26___ (provide) fascinating evidence of pre-Columbian funerary practices.
Mammoth Cave was established as a national park thanks to strong local support. Back in the 1920s, Secretary of the Interior Hubert Work created the Southern Appalachian National Park Commission in 1925 to survey ___27___ (propose) park sites, including the caves. After years of work acquiring the land for the park, as well as building roads, trails, and public facilities, Mammoth Cave National Park was established on July 1, 1941.
Pioneering African Americans were some of the first cave guides, and are responsible for some of the more recently discovered passageways. Stephen Bishop, who was a slave, worked in the cave from 1838 to 1856 and ventured beyond the tour routes that ___28___ (establish). He crossed a terrifying drop called the “bottomless pit” to discover unmapped areas of the cave system. Although they were unrecognized at the time, pioneers like Bishop helped spark the golden age of cave exploration.
The park now receives around 2 million visitors a year, with roughly a quarter taking a tour of the caves – everything from a cultural tour to the more adventurous scrambling tours on offer. The cave supports more than 130 wildlife species, such as the eyeless cavefish, ___29___ has adapted to the lightless environment by no longer growing eyes, and the cave crayfish.
Mammoth Cave National Park is also much more than just a cave; its surrounding forest contains one of ___30___ (diverse) habitats in the country. There are miles of trails open for horseback riding, with kayak and canoe trails and great fishing spots. There are also more than 1,300 flowering species in the forest, and animals like wood warblers, thrushes, and bald eagles can regularly be spotted.
【答案】21. may
22. Besides
23. being recognized
24. of 25. mined
26. providing
27. proposed
28. had been established
29. which 30. the most diverse
考查非谓语动词。句意:由于其巨大规模和科学重要性,令人难以置信的岩层使该公园被认定为世界遗产,使其成为美国仅有的13个拥有世界遗产称号的自然遗址之一。分析句子结构可知,in后接“名词+动名词”构成的动名词复合结构,逻辑主语park和recognize“承认;(正式)认可”之间是被动关系,用动名词的被动式being recognized,作介词in的宾语。故填being recognized。
考查介词。句意:它们不仅是一个令人惊叹的旅游目的地,而且该系统还为大约40%的美国人口提供饮用水——它们也具有历史意义。结合句意和空前的are,可知本空填介词of,be of“有……的”。故填of。
考查时态。句意:这些洞穴就像一个时间胶囊,保存了5000多年的人类历史——洞穴的第一批探险者是美洲原住民,他们在猛犸洞的上层开采。分析句子结构可知,此处是定语从句的谓语动词,主语who代指先行词Native Americans,且与谓语动词mine“开采”是主动关系,再结合语境可知,此处描述的是过去的事情,故填过去式mined,构成一般过去时。故填mined。
考查非谓语动词。句意:已经发现了几组美洲原住民遗骸,为前哥伦布时代的丧葬习俗提供了令人着迷的证据。分析句子结构可知,本句谓语为have been recovered,故本空为非谓语,且Several sets of Native American remains与provide“提供”为主动关系,故此处用动词现在分词,作状语。故填providing。
考查非谓语动词。句意:早在20世纪20年代,内政部长休伯特·沃克于1925年成立了南阿巴拉契亚国家公园委员会,负责调查包括洞穴在内的拟建公园地点。分析句子结构可知,本句谓语为created,故本空为非谓语,且park sites与propose“建议”为被动关系,故此处用动词过去分词,作定语,proposed (被建议的)是由过去分词转化而来的形容词,修饰park sites。故填proposed。
考查时态和语态。句意:从1838年到1856年,奴隶斯蒂芬·毕晓普在洞穴里工作,并在已经建立的旅游路线之外冒险。分析句子结构可知,本空为that引导的定语从句的谓语,并且动词establish“建立”发生在谓语动词ventured之前,故定语从句用过去完成时,且从句关系词代替tour routes在定语从句中作主语,且与动词establish为被动关系,故从句用过去完成时的被动语态。故填had been established。
考查形容词最高级。句意:猛犸洞国家公园也不仅仅是一个洞穴;它周围的森林包含了该国最多样化的栖息地之一。根据句意可知,本空填形容词diverse“多种多样的”的最高级,且最高级前通常加the。故填the most diverse。
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. attraction B. waiting C. mystery D. unique E. simply F. originally G. stable H. popularity I. donating J. searching K. interfere
There’s a rarely-visited, dusty corner of the world where something magical happens. The place, which looks like Mars with its red rock landscape, is the Tatacoa Desert, in Colombia.
Tatacoa is located in the region of Huila, south of the country’s capital Bogotá. Although Tatacoa, with its protruding cacti and red rippled rocks, is called a desert, it is in fact a dry tropical forest. But the exciting, and very ___31___, feature of this desert, is what happens above it, at night.
Thanks to its remote location–it’s almost 30 miles and an hour’s drive over bumpy winding roads to the nearest town–Tatacoa has no light pollution to ___32___ with the night sky.
Up to 88 constellations (星座) are visible on a clear night, as well as both hemispheres – something that happens nowhere else in the world.
The warm and dry climate helps with stargazing; a ___33___ atmosphere, which happens in dry spots or places of high elevation, decreases something called scintillation, which is when a star’s light rises and falls rapidly. It’s why stars twinkle, which looks beautiful but isn’t so great for astronomers.
Not only is Tatacoa a natural wonder, but the DIY observatory that’s run by a Colombian man named Javier Fernanda Rua Restrepo has become a star ___34___ too. In fact, this humble building attracts stargazers from all over the world, from China to Iceland to Australia. And Restrepo has also become well-known in astronomer circles, with a few scientists ___35___ their own telescopes to support the grassroots observatory.
The Colombian, who is ___36___ from Cali, fell in love with the stars thanks to his father’s interest in astronomy and science, and first visited Tatacoa in 1997, to try to see the Comet Hale-Bopp. He stayed for a couple of days before heading back to his hometown. But within a month, he returned to Tatacoa–and never left, camping out for weeks on end ___37___ for the night to come so that he could watch the stars.
At first Restrepo had worked at the Colombian government’s observatory, which he helped staff for 15 years. But after budget cuts meant he lost his job, he figured he would ___38___ build his own.
In 2015, Restrepo opened the doors to his observatory–Tatacoa Astronomia–with just one telescope. Now, as Colombia has grown in ___39___ as a tourist destination, hundreds flock to Restrepo’s star party, which he holds once a year in July.
Tatacoa Astronomia is only open on starry nights, and Restrepo remains the sole employee. But that doesn’t distract from the intimacy and the specialness of the place. The structure sits on a small patch of land that Restrepo bought himself, and is cordoned (隔离) off by tarpaulin (油布) to add an extra sense of ____40____ and intrigue (阴谋) for visitors.
“The stars… they put my life into its tiny perspective,” he says, “and they constantly remind me there are greater things out there.”
【答案】31. D 32. K
33. G 34. A
35. I 36. F
37. B 38. E
39. H 40. C
考查动词短语。句意:由于地理位置偏远,距离最近的城镇大约30英里,在崎岖曲折的道路上开车需要一个小时,所以塔塔科阿没有光污染干扰夜空。分析句子可知,此处为动词和空后的with,构成动词短语,interfere with“干扰、阻碍”为动词短语,符合句意,结合空前为不定式to,此处为动词原形。故选K项。
考查名词。句意:塔塔科阿不仅是一个自然奇观,而且由哥伦比亚人哈维尔·费尔南达·鲁阿·雷斯特雷波经营的DIY天文台也成为了一个明星景点。分析句子可知,空前为冠词a,此处应为名词形式,attraction“景点”为名词,和空前star构成名词短语star attraction“明星景点”,符合句意。故选A项。
考查非谓语动词。句意:雷斯特雷波在天文学家圈子里也很有名,一些科学家捐赠了自己的望远镜来支持这个基层天文台。分析句子可知,此处为with的复合结构,其中的动词应为非谓语形式,donating“捐赠”为非谓语动词,和a few scientists为主动关系,所以为现在分词形式,符合句意。故选I项。
考查动名词。句意:但不到一个月,他就回到了塔塔科阿——再也没有离开过,一连几个星期都在外面露营,等待夜幕降临,这样他就可以看星星了。分析句子可知,空前为介词on,所以此处为动名词形式,和后面的for构成动词短语,waiting for“等待”为动名词短语,符合句意。故选B项。
考查介词短语。句意:现在,随着哥伦比亚作为一个旅游目的地越来越受欢迎,数百人涌向雷斯特雷波的明星派对,他每年7月举办一次。分析句子可知,空前为介词in,此处为名词形式,和in构成介词短语,in popularity“受欢迎”,符合句意。故选H项。
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Acupuncture(针灸), an ancient Chinese medical practice, has been the remedy for countless patients for thousands of years. Before modern medicine came to life, ancient Chinese used stone tools to ___41___ pain. Over time, this primitive practice ___42___ evolved into a comprehensive and profound medical system and ___43___ the root of acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a treatment that aims to ___44___ the body’s self-regulating functions. Its therapeutic principles are in line with the ___45___ concepts of traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes all-inclusive treatment, meridian(经络) adjustment, balance of bodily functions and overall physiological well-being.
Practices can ___46___ in forms, including needle insertion, cupping and scraping. Needle insertion, the most common method, is___47___ by inserting hair-thin needles into meridians, ___48___ specific points on the body that ___49___ vital energy (the qi). Practitioners lift, twirl and rotate needles to unblock the flow of energy; ___50___ yin and yang balance; and stimulate the body’s innate ___51___ to heal itself.
Looking beyond China, acupuncture has become a global ___52___. Over the years, acupuncture has seen many advancements in scientific research and modern medicine. It is now a mainstream ___53___ and complementary treatment for a variety of weaknesses. According to a 2019 WHO report, acupuncture is used in 113 of its 120 member countries, ___54___ its widespread recognition and application.
As an ancient Chinese medical ___55___ with a rich history and deep cultural significance, acupuncture is an embodiment of profound cultural heritage and a holistic path to healing.
41. A. relieve B. resume C. release D. rebel
42. A. radically B. gradually C. reluctantly D. randomly
43. A. cultivated B. evaluated C. shaped D. eliminated
44. A. promote B. reflect C. alternate D. perform
45. A. occasional B. philosophical C. considerable D. mechanical
46. A. arise B. heal C. vary D. survive
47. A. taken over B. ended up C. figured out D. carried out
48. A. or B. and C. while D. with
49. A. block B. generate C. motivate D. channel
50. A. terrify B. stimulate C. reserve D. restore
51. A. willingness B. instinct C. potential D. nutrient
52. A. liberty B. therapy C. curiosity D. wonderland
53. A. proportion B. alternative C. procedure D. affection
54. A. illustrating B. predicting C. featuring D. nominating
55. A. assessment B. occupation C. practice D. obedience
【答案】41. A 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. C 47. D 48. A 49. D 50. D 51. C 52. B 53. B 54. A 55. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在现代医学出现之前,古代中国人使用石器来缓解疼痛。A. relieve缓解;B. resume恢复职位;C. release释放;D. rebel反叛。根据上文“Before modern medicine came to life, ancient Chinese used stone tools to”以及后文“pain”此处指用石器来缓解疼痛,故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,这种原始的做法逐渐演变成一个全面而深刻的医疗体系,并形成了针灸的根源。A. radically根本上;B. gradually逐渐地;C. reluctantly不情愿地;D. randomly随机地。根据上文“Over time”可知,这是一个逐渐演变的过程,故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的推移,这种原始的做法逐渐演变成一个全面而深刻的医疗体系,并形成了针灸的根源。A. cultivated培养;B. evaluated评估;C. shaped塑造;D. eliminated消灭。根据后文“ evolved into a comprehensive and profound medical system”可知,用石器来缓解疼痛的做法形成了针灸的根源。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:针灸是一种旨在促进身体自我调节功能的治疗方法。A. promote促进;B. reflect反射;C. alternate交替;D. perform表演。根据后文“Its therapeutic principles are in line with the___5_____concepts of traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes all-inclusive treatment, meridian(经络) adjustment, balance of bodily functions and overall physiological well-being.”可知,针灸旨在促进身体自我调节功能。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它的治疗原则符合中医的哲学理念,强调包罗万象的治疗,经络调节,身体功能平衡和整体生理健康。A. occasional偶尔的;B. philosophical哲学的;C. considerable相当大的;D. mechanical机械的。根据后文“emphasizes all-inclusive treatment, meridian adjustment, balance of bodily functions and overall physiological well-being”可知,中医,强调包罗万象的治疗,经络调节,身体功能平衡和整体生理健康,属于哲学理念层面。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:实践的形式多种多样,包括插针、拔罐和刮痧。A. arise产生;B. heal治愈;C. vary变化;D. survive生存。根据后文“including needle insertion, cupping and scraping”可知,针灸实践的形式多种多样,包括插针、拔罐和刮痧。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:针刺是最常见的方法,是将头发细的针插入经络,或身体上输送生命能量(气)的特定点。A. taken over接管;B. ended up结束;C. figured out弄清楚;D. carried out实施。根据后文“by inserting hair-thin needles into meridians”可知,针灸的实施方法最常见的是将头发细的针插入经络,故选D。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:针刺是最常见的方法,是将头发细的针插入经络,或身体上输送生命能量(气)的特定点。A. or或者;B. and和;C. while当……时候;D. with和。此处指经络或者是身体上输送生命能量(气)的特定点,为选择关系,故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:针刺是最常见的方法,是将头发细的针插入经络,或身体上输送生命能量(气)的特定点。A. block阻塞;B. generate产生;C. motivate激励;D. channel引导。根据后文“vital energy (the qi)”可知,这些穴位是用来输送生命能量的。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:医生举起、捻弄和旋转针来疏通能量的流动;恢复阴阳平衡;刺激身体天生的自我治愈的潜力。A. terrify使害怕;B. stimulate刺激;C. reserve预定;D. restore恢复。根据后文“yin and yang balance”可知,针灸是为了恢复阴阳平衡。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:医生举起、捻弄和旋转针来疏通能量的流动;恢复阴阳平衡;刺激身体天生的自我治愈的潜力。A. willingness愿意;B. instinct本能;C. potential潜能;D. nutrient营养。根据上文“and stimulate the body’s innate”可知,针灸主要是刺激身体天生的自我治愈的潜力。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:放眼中国以外,针灸已经成为一种全球疗法。A. liberty自由;B. therapy治疗;C. curiosity好奇心;D. wonderland仙境。根据后文“Over the years, acupuncture has seen many advancements in scientific research and modern medicine.(多年来,针灸在科学研究和现代医学中取得了许多进步)”可知,针灸是一种治疗方法。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,它已成为治疗各种虚弱的主流替代疗法和辅助疗法。A. proportion份额;B. alternative替代物;C. procedure程序;D. affection喜爱。根据后文“and complementary treatment”针灸如今被作为替代疗法和辅助疗法。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:根据世卫组织2019年的一份报告,在其120个成员国中,有113个国家使用针灸,这表明针灸得到了广泛的认可和应用。A. illustrating解释,表明;B. predicting预测;C. featuring以……为特色;D. nominating提名。根据上文“acupuncture is used in 113 of its 120 member countries”可知,针灸疗法的广泛应用表明针灸得到了广泛的认可和应用。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:针灸作为一种具有悠久历史和深厚文化内涵的中国古代医学实践,体现了深厚的文化底蕴和整体的治疗途径。A. assessment评估;B. occupation职业;C. practice实践;D. obedience服从。呼应上文“Over time, this primitive practice”指针灸是一种具有悠久历史和深厚文化内涵的中国古代医学实践,故选C。
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
Han Guorui, a folk artist specializing in making Dongming grain pictures, is generally busy in autumn as he needs to collect materials for his work. This year, he has been even busier, as he has attended fairs to demonstrate his skills and promote grain art.
The grain pictures, which take their name from Dongming county in Heze, Shandong province, are a traditional folk craft with a history of more than 200 years. The practice was listed as a provincial intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) in 2016 by the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.
After being treated to prevent decay and insect infestation, grains, grass and vegetable seeds are glued together to form a picture.
“We use the different shapes and colors of grains and seeds, which are all collected from the field,” says Han.
Born in Dongming, a county along the banks of the Yellow River, he attended a regional fair in mid-October. His pictures attracted many children who asked questions, such as, “will these seeds sprout”, and “can these grains be eaten ”
Han answered the children’s questions while showing them how to use grains and seeds to make a picture.
“Only now, when food is sufficient, can people make a picture with surplus grain,” he says.
To make pictures that more people like, Han works in the style of Chinese ink and Western oil paintings. Now his grain pictures are not only sold in cities across China, but also to overseas markets, including some European countries, South Korea and Japan, he says.
“Grain pictures have become a cultural product that is helping to enrich farmers living on the Yellow River plain,” says Han.
The Yellow River, the country’s second longest, is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization. For thousands of years, the people living along its banks have nurtured rich and vibrant cultures that have endured to this day.
To give people the opportunity to familiarize themselves with its rich culture and plentiful products, Shandong province has organized fairs named after the river throughout the year, with some events held in communities to involve more people.
At the fairs, intangible cultural heritage items, handicrafts, local delicacies, performances, and agricultural products are available.
At one fair in a community in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong, in late October, more than 10 types of handicrafts were on show, including gourd-carving, paper-cutting, textiles and hemp rope weaving.
“The fair builds a bridge between intangible cultural heritage producers and consumers. Using items that are embodied with traditional culture is a good way to pass on culture,” says Sun Xicai, deputy director of Jinan Folk Literature and Art Association.
At the fair, 60-something Yu Shaoqing, who was selling animal-shaped textile products, attracted a lot of buyers.
“Many young people show an interest in my products. They buy them to decorate their rooms and cars,” says Yu.
Yu, who worked in embroidery design before retiring, designs her products, which take the shape of animals like tigers, rabbits and ducks. Currently, she is working on a dragon design for next year to welcome the Year of the Dragon.
56. What do the grains undergo before being used in the artwork
A. Grains are carefully selected, painted in various colors and air-dried.
B. Grains and seeds are bonded following certain preservative treatment.
C. Grains and seeds are well preserved so that they will spout.
D. Grains are carved and then assembled into a picture.
57. People make grain pictures ________.
A. due to advancements in technology
B. because of nurtured rich and vibrant cultures along the Yellow River
C. in situations where there is a sufficient and excessive supply of grains
D as a result of government’s financial supports for local artists
58. What types of products and cultural elements were available at the fairs organized by Shandong province throughout the year
A. Electronics and fashion items; performances showcasing modern technology
B. Handicrafts, local delicacies, performances, and items embodied with traditional culture
C. Industrial machinery and tools; demonstrations of manufacturing processes
D. Luxury goods and designer fashion; fashion shows featuring international designers
【答案】56. B 57. C 58. B
细节理解题。根据第三段中“After being treated to prevent decay and insect infestation, grains, grass and vegetable seeds are glued together to form a picture.(经过防腐和防虫处理后,谷物、草和蔬菜种子被粘在一起形成一幅画)”可知,谷物和种子在被做成艺术品之前,经过一定的防腐处理后才结合在一起。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第七段中““Only now, when food is sufficient, can people make a picture with surplus grain,” he says.(他说:“只有现在,当食物充足时,人们才能用剩余的粮食来描绘”)”可知,人们在粮食供应充足和过量的情况下制作粮食画。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第十二段中“At the fairs, intangible cultural heritage items, handicrafts, local delicacies, performances, and agricultural products are available.(展览会上有非物质文化遗产、手工艺品、当地美食、表演和农产品)”可知,手工艺品、当地美食、表演和体现传统文化的物品都会出现在展览会上。故选B。
Persistently engaging in negative thinking patterns may raise the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, finds a new UCL-led study.
In the study of people aged over 55, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, researchers found ‘repetitive negative thinking’ (RNT) is linked to subsequent cognitive decline as well as the deposition (沉积) of harmful brain proteins linked to Alzheimer’s.
Lead author Dr Natalie Marchant (UCL Psychiatry) said: “Depression and anxiety in mid-life and old age are already known to be risk factors for dementia(痴呆). Here, we found that certain thinking patterns implicated in depression and anxiety could be an underlying reason why people with those disorders are more likely to develop dementia.
“We hope that our findings could be used to develop strategies to lower people’s risk of dementia by helping them to reduce their negative thinking patterns.”
For the Alzheimer’s Society-supported study, the research team from UCL, INSERM and McGill University studied 292 people over the age of 55 who were part of the PREVENT-AD cohort study, and a further 68 people from the IMAP+ cohort.
Over a period of two years, the study participants responded to questions about how they typically think about negative experiences, focusing on RNT patterns like rumination (沉思) about the past and worry about the future. The participants also completed measures of depression and anxiety symptoms.
Their cognitive function was assessed, measuring memory, attention, spatial cognition, and language. Some (113) of the participants also underwent PET brain scans, measuring deposits of tau and amyloid, two proteins which cause the most common type of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, when they build up in the brain.
The researchers found that people who exhibited higher RNT patterns experienced more cognitive decline over a four-year period, and declines in memory (which is among the earlier signs of Alzheimer’s disease), and they were more likely to have amyloid and tau deposits in their brain.
“We propose that repetitive negative thinking may be a new risk factor for dementia as it could contribute to dementia in a unique way,” said Dr Marchant.
The researchers suggest that RNT may contribute to Alzheimer’s risk via its impact on indicators of stress such as high blood pressure, as other studies have found that physiological stress can contribute to amyloid and tau deposition.
Co-author Dr Gael Chételat commented: “Our thoughts can have a biological impact on our physical health, which might be positive or negative. Mental training practices such as meditation might help promoting positive- while down-regulating negative-associated mental schemes.
“Looking after your mental health is important, and it should be a major public health priority, as it’s not only important for people’s health and well-being in the short term, but it could also impact your eventual risk of dementia.”
59. Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is linked to ________.
A. thinking approach improvement in later years
B. later cognitive decline and the deposit of harmful brain proteins.
C. anxiety disorders which occurs in females solely
D. individuals of younger age, which is turning into a trend
60. According to Dr. Natalie Marchant, certain thinking patterns ________.
A. have no substantial impact on dementia
B. are primary contributors to depression and anxiety disorders
C. could be a reason why some people are more likely to get dementia.
D. Relevant primarily in mid-life, not in old age
61. In the study over a period of two years, the participants were asked about their ________.
A. favorite personal experiences
B. daily routines and habits
C. typical thinking about negative experiences
D. perspectives on various mental health practices
62. What do the researchers propose as a potential new risk factor for dementia
A. Depression and anxiety disorders
B. Accumulation of amyloid and tau deposits in the brain
C. Repetitive positive thinking patterns
D. Repetitive negative thinking patterns
【答案】59. B 60. C 61. C 62. D
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“In the study of people aged over 55, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, researchers found ‘repetitive negative thinking’ (RNT) is linked to subsequent cognitive decline as well as the deposition (沉积) of harmful brain proteins linked to Alzheimer’s.(发表在《阿尔茨海默病与痴呆症》杂志上的一项针对55岁以上人群的研究发现,“重复性消极思维”(RNT)与随后的认知能力下降以及与阿尔茨海默病相关的有害大脑蛋白质沉积有关。)”可知,重复消极思维(RNT)与后来的认知能力下降和有害大脑蛋白质的沉积有关。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Here, we found that certain thinking patterns implicated in depression and anxiety could be an underlying reason why people with those disorders are more likely to develop dementia.(在这里,我们发现与抑郁和焦虑有关的某些思维模式可能是患有这些疾病的人更容易患上痴呆症的潜在原因。)”可知,根据Natalie Marchant博士的说法,某些思维模式可能是一些人更容易患痴呆症的原因。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第六段“Over a period of two years, the study participants responded to questions about how they typically think about negative experiences, focusing on RNT patterns like rumination (沉思) about the past and worry about the future.(在两年的时间里,研究参与者回答了他们通常如何看待负面经历的问题,重点关注RNT模式,如对过去的沉思和对未来的担忧。)”可知,在为期两年的研究中,参与者被问及他们对负面经历的典型思考。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第九段““We propose that repetitive negative thinking may be a new risk factor for dementia as it could contribute to dementia in a unique way,” said Dr Marchant.( 马尚特博士说:“我们认为,重复的消极思维可能是痴呆症的一个新的风险因素,因为它可能以一种独特的方式导致痴呆症。”)”可知,研究人员认为痴呆的潜在新危险因素是重复的消极思维模式。故选D。
Zion National Park in Utah has plenty of trails, but Angels Landing may be the most breathtaking. Picture this. You begin the hike on the wide and well-maintained West Rim Trail. It follows the river and then crosses the bottom of the canyon, surrounded by 270-million-year-old layers of rock. Relaxing, right Just wait for it. The trail then starts to climb via a series of switchbacks (急转弯) leading up the side of the mountain. Then more switchbacks: 21 tighter turns, called “Walter’s Wiggles,” where elevation levels rapidly increase. Your heartbeat is probably rapidly increasing at this point, too.
On top of Walter’s Wiggles, you can stop for a stunning view (perhaps with a marriage proposal) and a restroom stop while you contemplate (仔细考虑) the final stretch of the hike. If you’re afraid of heights, it’s best to turn back now. The last stretch is the real test of bravery.
The last half mile of the hike is what really ranks it as one of the nation’s most dangerous. Angels Landing itself is a fin-like formation jutting (突出) 1,500 feet out of the canyon, and this is where you make the final 500-foot climb. Guardrails and chains bolted (拴住) into the cliff help you keep from tumbling over the extremely steep ledge. You’re literally living on the edge, and you don’t want to trust the “angels” down there to catch you. Once you reach the top, however, it’ll all be worth it: 360-degree views of the canyon make a great backdrop for kicking back and having a meal before you come back down the way you came.
Angels Landing might be dangerous, but thankfully, not too many people have had fatal falls. According to the park website, seven people have died in the 100 years the park has existed. Still, this is a very vigorous hike. If you’re out of shape, bringing young children along, feel ill or prone to fainting, or are just plain afraid of heights, opt for an easier trail.
Angel’s Landing is a great hike for most of the year, besides the cold winter months when the trails could become dangerously slippery. Summer is the most popular time of year — and therefore the most crowded — but it can also get extremely hot, so opt for an early morning hike while the temperatures are still mild.
Sure, it’s dangerous, but there’s a reason this is one of Zion ‘s most popular hikes. If you’re up for the challenge, Angels Landing will definitely deliver rewards.
This article first appeared on Curiosity.com.
63. What geological feature surrounds the hiker during the initial part of the hike
A. Plenty of trails in the park. B. Mountain Peaks.
C. 270-million-year-old layers of rock. D. Grass Meadows.
64. What is the main attraction and appeal of Angels Landing
A. The challenging hike with switchbacks.
B. The 360-degree views of the canyon.
C. The well-maintained West Rim Trail.
D. The river crossing and rock formations.
65. Which of the following statement is true according to the passage
A. If a tourist is afraid of heights, it’s best to turn back onto Angels Landing.
B. Seven people have died so far due to slippery trails in winter.
C. Bringing young kids along to climb onto Angels Landing will be appreciated.
D. Taking a break with the views of the canyon as background is absolutely worth the trip.
66. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage
A. Unveiling the Hidden Beauty: Exploring Zion National Park’s Trails
B. Zion’s Ultimate Thrill: The Adrenaline-Pumping Angels Landing Expedition
C. Chasing Heights: Angels Landing Adventure in Utah’s Zion National Park
D. Angels Landing: Conquering Utah’s Breathtaking and Daring Hike in Zion National Park
【答案】63 C 64. B 65. D 66. D
【导语】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了Zion国家公园Angels Landing路段有令人惊叹的美景,且该路段比较危险,在此徒步旅行,将会是一次大胆且非常有活力的经历。
细节理解题。根据第一段中“You begin the hike on the wide and well-maintained West Rim Trail. It follows the river and then crosses the bottom of the canyon, surrounded by 270-million-year-old layers of rock.(你开始在宽阔和维护良好的西部边缘小径徒步旅行。它沿着河流,然后穿过峡谷底部,被2.7亿年前的岩层包围着。)”可知,在徒步旅行的最初路段,2.7亿年前的岩层包围着徒步旅行者,故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Once you reach the top, however, it’ll all be worth it: 360-degree views of the canyon make a great backdrop for kicking back and having a meal before you come back down the way you came.(然而,一旦你到达了山顶,这一切都是值得的:360度的峡谷景色为你在回来之前放松身心、吃顿饭提供了绝佳的背景。)”可知,Angels Landing最吸引人的是360度的峡谷景色,故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Once you reach the top, however, it’ll all be worth it: 360-degree views of the canyon make a great backdrop for kicking back and having a meal before you come back down the way you came.(然而,一旦你到达了山顶,这一切都是值得的:360度的峡谷景色为你在回来之前放松身心、吃顿饭提供了绝佳的背景。)”可知,以峡谷的景色作为背景休息一下绝对值得一游,D正确。故选D。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中“Zion National Park in Utah has plenty of trails, but Angels Landing may be the most breathtaking.(犹他州的钖安国家公园有很多路径,但是Angels Landing可能是最令人激动的。)”可知,文章主要介绍了Zion国家公园Angels Landing路段有令人惊叹的美景,且该路段比较危险,在此徒步旅行,将会是一次大胆且非常有活力的经历,D“Angels Landing:在锡安国家公园征服犹他州的惊险徒步”。故选D。
Section C
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
The rate of childhood obesity in the U.S. has tripled over the past 50 years. But what this trend means for children’s long-term health, and what to do about it (if anything), is not so clear.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) made waves this year by recommending that doctors put obese kids as young as two years old on intensive, family-oriented lifestyle and behavior plans. ___67___ This advice marks a shift from the organization’s previous stance of “watch and wait,” and it reflects the AAP’s belief that obesity is a disease and the group’s adoption of a more proactive position on childhood obesity.
Yet the lifestyle programs the AAP recommends are expensive, inaccessible to most children and hard to maintain — and the guidelines acknowledge these barriers. Few weight-loss drugs have been approved for older children, although many are used off-label. ___68___ And surgery, while becoming more common, has inherent risks and few long-term safety data — it could, for instance, cause nutritional deficits in growing children. Furthermore, it’s not clear whether interventions in youngsters help to improve health or merely add to the stigma overweight kids face from a fat-phobic society. This stigma can lead to mental health problems and eating disorders.
Rather than fixating on numbers on a scale, the U.S. and countries with similar trends should focus on an underlying truth: we need to invest in more and safer places for children to play where they can move and run around, climb and jump, ride and skate.
___69___In 2020 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found, unsurprisingly, that kids’ sports participation increases with their parents’ incomes: about 70 percent of kids whose families earn more than $105,000 a year participate in sports, but only 51 percent of middle-class kids and 31 percent of children at or below the poverty line do. This disparity hurts people of color the most. More than 60 percent of white children, for instance, participate in athletics, but only 42 percent of Black children and 47 percent of Hispanic children do. Experts blame these problems on the privatization of sports — as public investment in school-based athletics dwindles, expensive private leagues have grown, leaving many kids out.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, children between ages six and 17 should get at least an hour of moderate to intense physical activity every day. Yet only 21 to 28 percent of U.S. kids meet this target, two government-sponsored surveys found. The nonprofit Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance evaluates physical activity in American children, and in 2022 the group gave the U.S. a grade of D–.
Why is it so hard to get kids moving In addition to fewer opportunities at school, researchers cite increased screen time, changing norms around letting kids play outdoors unsupervised, and a lack of safe places for them to play outside the home.
New York City, for example, had 2,067 public playgrounds as of 2019 — a “meager” amount for its large population, according to a report from the city comptroller — and inspectors found hazardous equipment at one quarter of them. In Los Angeles in 2015, only 33 percent of youths lived within walking distance of a park, according to the L.A. Neighborhood Land Trust. Lower-income neighborhoods tend to have the fewest public play spaces, despite often having a high population density. ___70___
Kids everywhere need more places to play: trails, skate parks and climbing walls, gardens and ball fields, bike paths and basketball courts. Vigorous public funding to build and keep up these areas is crucial, but other options such as shared-use agreements can make unused spaces available to the public.
A. Moving more may not prevent a child from becoming overweight, but studies show clearly that it helps both physical and mental health.
B. And although rural areas have more undeveloped outdoor space, they often lack playgrounds, tracks and exercise facilities
C. A lack of safe places for them to play outside the home also contributes to kids obesity.
D. It also suggested prescribing weight-loss drugs to children 12 and older and surgery to teens 13 and older.
E. Increased screen time and changing norms around letting kids play outdoors are unsupervised.
F. They have significant side effects for both kids and adults.
【答案】67. D 68. F 69. A 70. B
根据下文“This advice marks a shift from the organization’s previous stance of ‘watch and wait,’ and it reflects the AAP’s belief that obesity is a disease and the group’s adoption of a more proactive position on childhood obesity.(这一建议标志着该组织之前‘观望和等待’的立场发生了转变,它反映了美国儿科学会认为肥胖是一种疾病,并在儿童肥胖问题上采取了更积极的立场)”可知,空处是关于对肥胖的治疗建议,D项“它还建议给12岁及以上的儿童开减肥药,给13岁及以上的青少年开手术”符合语境,故选D。
上文“Few weight-loss drugs have been approved for older children, although many are used off-label.(很少有减肥药被批准用于年龄较大的儿童,尽管许多减肥药是在标签外使用的)”提到,很少有减肥药被批准用于年龄较大的儿童,F项“它们对儿童和成人都有明显的副作用”说明不批准减肥药用于儿童的原因,故选F。
根据下文“In 2020 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found, unsurprisingly, that kids’ sports participation increases with their parents’ incomes: about 70 percent of kids whose families earn more than $105,000 a year participate in sports, but only 51 percent of middle-class kids and 31 percent of children at or below the poverty line do.(2020年,美国疾病控制与预防中心发现,孩子们的体育参与程度随着父母收入的增加而增加,这并不令人意外:年收入超过10.5万美元的家庭中,约有70%的孩子参加体育运动,但只有51%的中产阶级孩子和31%的处于贫困线或贫困线以下的孩子参加体育运动)”可知,本段是描述运动和肥胖之间的关系,A项“多运动也许不能防止孩子变胖,但研究清楚地表明,多运动有助于身心健康”符合语境。故选A。
根据上一段末“and a lack of safe places for them to play outside the home(他们在家以外的范围缺乏安全的玩耍场所)”以及本段中“In Los Angeles in 2015, only 33 percent of youths lived within walking distance of a park, according to the L.A. Neighborhood Land Trust. Lower-income neighborhoods tend to have the fewest public play spaces, despite often having a high population density.(根据洛杉矶社区土地信托的数据,2015年,洛杉矶只有33%的年轻人住在步行可达的公园内。低收入社区往往拥有最少的公共游戏空间,尽管那里的人口密度通常很高)”可知,本段是对上一段提到的“孩子们在家以外的范围缺乏安全的玩耍场所”举例说明,B项“尽管农村地区有更多未开发的户外空间,但他们往往缺乏操场、跑道和锻炼设施”符合语境,故选B。
IV. Summary Writing
71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
There are many reasons why some cats are bad-tempered; their temperament can be influenced by their upbringing or they are simply born that way. However, even the sweetest, most affectionate cats can suddenly become bad-tempered and behave out of character. According to veterinarian Dr Katrina Warren, the problem can generally be solved, but you’ll need to look for underlying issues.
Changes in a cat’s behaviour can often be explained by a health problem. Pain can cause cats to behave very differently, and it’s easy to mistake a problem as behavioural, when in fact it is medical. Should you observe a significant change in your cat’s behaviour, then a visit to the vet is the best place to start Watch out for changes in eating, drinking or litter-box habits. Also hiding and avoiding being touched. Be sure to report all changes to your vet. There are many cat health problems that can be readily treated to ease symptoms and pain for your cat.
It pays to remember that cats don’t like to share or queue. Sharing of ‘resources’ such as litter trays and foodbowls can cause stress and anxiety for many cats. It’s always a good idea to provide each cat with their own litter box, food, water bowls and bed as a minimum. One litter box for each cat plus a spare is even better, as are multiple sleeping spots and extra scratching posts. A lack of space to hide from or avoid other cats, competition for territory and lack of individual attention can also add to household friction. If your cat is feeling anxious, offering it an elevated place to sit, such as a climbing tree, can be helpful.
Moving to a new house, the arrival of a new baby, new pets and other types of change can seriously impact cat behaviour. Cats are creatures of habit and tend to be territorial, so a change in routine may cause them to react in a number of ways, including withdrawal or aggression. Try to keep your cat’s environment as calm as possible and make sure there are places where they feel safe. Sometimes confining them to a single room with a litter box, bedding and home comforts can help them to settle.
Some cats simply do not like being touched and handled. These are often cats that received limited socialisation with humans when they were kittens. These cats do best in a quiet household without children and need understanding and patience to help build their confidence.
【答案】One possible version:
Cats’ temperament is linked to their upbringing or innate traits. Health issues may also affect behavior, requiring vet’s attention. Stress from sharing resources like litter trays is highlighted, suggesting individual essentials. Environmental changes, like moving or having new comers, can impact cats, urging a calm environment. Cats not liking touch might stem from limited socialization, needing patience in quiet homes.
①There are many reasons why some cats are bad-tempered; their temperament can be influenced by their upbringing or they are simply born that way.
②Changes in a cat’s behaviour can often be explained by a health problem. Should you observe a significant change in your cat’s behaviour, then a visit to the vet is the best place to start
③Sharing of ‘resources’ such as litter trays and food bowls can cause stress and anxiety for many cats. It’s always a good idea to provide each cat with their own litter box, food, water bowls and bed as a minimum.
④Moving to a new house, the arrival of a new baby, new pets and other types of change can seriously impact cat behaviour. Try to keep your cat’s environment as calm as possible and make sure there are places where they feel safe.
⑤Some cats simply do not like being touched and handled. These cats do best in a quiet household without children and need understanding and patience to help build their confidence.
Cats’ temperament is linked to their upbringing or innate traits.
Health issues may also affect behavior, requiring vet’s attention.
Stress from sharing resources like litter trays is highlighted, suggesting individual essentials.
Environmental changes, like moving or having new comers, can impact cats, urging a calm environment.
Cats not liking touch might stem from limited socialization, needing patience in quiet homes.
【点睛】[高分句型1]Health issues may also affect behavior, requiring vet’s attention. (运用现在分词作状语,将第二段信息进行概括,现在分词短语作状语表达高级)
[高分句型2]Cats not liking touch might stem from limited socialization, needing patience in quiet homes. (运用现在分词作定语和作状语,将第五段信息进行概括,现在分词的否定形式作后置定语表达高级)
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
72. 直到医生偶然发现了这种抗病毒药物,人们才正真相信它的存在。(by) (汉译英)
【答案】By the time doctors accidentally discovered this antiviral drug (antivirus drug), the people truly believed in its existence (people began to know it).
【详解】考查介词短语、副词、动词和时态。根据句意以及句子提示词可知,表示“直到……时候”应为介词短语By the time;表示“偶然”为副词accidentally;表示“发现”为动词discover;表示“这种抗病毒药物”为名词this antiviral drug;表示“真正地”为副词truly;表示“相信”为动词短语believe in;表示“它的存在”为名词its existence;结合句意可知,该句应为陈述过去发生的事情,为一般过去时。故翻译为:By the time doctors accidentally discovered this antiviral drug (antivirus drug), the people truly believed in its existence (people began to know it)。
73. 与我个人的成长经历相比,这个西北小村庄的发展更加令人感动。(compare) (汉译英)
【答案】Compared to my personal growth experiences, the development of this northwest village is more touching.
【详解】考查非谓语和时态。表示“与……相比”短语为compare to,此处过去分词作状语;表示“我个人的成长经历”短语为my personal growth experiences;主语为the development of this northwest village;表示“更加令人感动”应用比较级be more touching。为一般现在时。故翻译为Compared to my personal growth experiences, the development of this northwest village is more touching。
74. 只要这项研究的结果能够应用于新技术的开发,我们的努力就会得到回报。(so long as) (汉译英)
【答案】So long as the results of this research can be applied to the development of new technologies, our efforts will be rewarded.
【详解】考查状语从句和动词。表示“只要”用so long as,其引导条件状语从句,时态符合“主将从现”。表示“研究的结果”用the results of this research;表示“能够应用于新技术的开发”用can be applied to the development of new technologies,此处构成情态动词的被动语态;表示“我们的努力就会得到回报”用our efforts will be rewarded,此处表示将来发生的动作,故使用一般将来时,同时our efforts与reward之间是被动关系,故使用一般将来时的被动语态。故翻译为So long as the results of this research can be applied to the development of new technologies, our efforts will be rewarded.
75. 离职,不管是什么工作,是一个艰难的改变,即使对于那些期待退休的人来说也是如此。(no matter) (汉译英)
【答案】Quitting a job, no matter what it is, is a difficult change, and it is same even for those looking forward to retirement.
【详解】考查状语从句和非谓语动词。此处陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时;表示“离职”应用quit a job,此处为动名词短语作主语;表示“不管是什么工作”应用no matter what it is,no matter what引导让步状语从句;表示“是”应用be,动名词作主语,be动词用is;表示“一个艰难的改变”应用a difficult change;表示“那些”应用those;表示“期待”应用look forward to,此处作定语修饰those,look forward to和those之间为主动关系,应用



