Unit 2 School life Grammar易错题精练(含答案共2课时)牛津译林版八年级上册

Unit 2 School life- Grammar
1. Daniel has the __________________ CDs of all of them. (few)
2. His cousin spent __________________ time on English than on Chinese. (much)
3. Jay Chou has __________________ fans than me. (few)
4. Who drank __________________ orange juice, Millie or Kitty (little)
5. My shoes are the same as __________________. (she)
6. He has the __________________ money of all his friends. (little)
7. His schoolbag is different from __________________. (I)
8. The twins were as tall as I __________________ last year. (be)
9. Mary ate the __________________ bananas of the three. (many)
10. We should eat __________________ food than the fat boy. (health)
二 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. Amy swims __________(fast) in her class.
2. Dick ate __________(few) oranges than Mike.
3. He did __________(little) of the work, but he got the most of the money.
4. Tony got ___________(few) points of the three.
5. Tom gets up __________(early) than Sam.
6. What’s the matter with you You seem much __________(ill).
7. Kitty sings __________(beauty) than Millie.
8. In the reading class, the more careful you are, the __________(easy) you can find answers in the passage.
9. Amy does everything the __________(careful) in our class.
10. Millie did quite __________ in the English test, I did even __________.
A.better; well B.well; well C.well; better D.better; better
11. There are __________ sharing bikes in many cities. So there will be __________ pollution.
A.less and less; more and more B.less and less; fewer and fewer
C.more and more; less and less D.fewer and fewer; less and less
12. __________you are, __________mistakes you’ll make.
A.The more careful; the less B.The more careful; the fewer
C.The more careless; the less D.The more careless; the fewer
13. In order to keep healthy, you should eat __________ fast food, __________ fresh vegetables and take enough exercise.
A.fewer; fewer B.less; more C.less; less D.fewer; more
14. Lucy is __________ of the twins.
A.lazy B.lazier C.the lazier D.the laziest
15. She is better at English than __________ in the class.
A.any other student B.the other student
C.the one of any other student D.any other students
16. Sam writes __________than any other of her classmates. He writes __________ in his class.
A.quickly; more quickly B.more quickly; very quick C.most quickly; more quickly D.more quickly; the most quickly
17. —Safety is the first. You are driving too fast.
—Sorry. I’ll drive __________.
A.more slowly B.much slowly C.most slowly D.more quickly
18. My mother cooks best in my family.(同义句转换)
My mother coos __________ __________other people in my family.
19. Jim has less water than any other student in his class.(同义句转换)
Jim has ________ ________ water in his class.
20. Tom studies less carefully than Jack.(同义句转换)
Jack studies ________ ________ than Tom.
21. Lily scored 9 points. Lucy scored 7 points. I scored 6 points.(合并句子)
Lily scored ________ ________ points ________ us three.
I scored ________ ________ points ________ us three.
22. Daniel got to school earlier than any other students.(同义句转换)
Daniel got to school ________ of all the students.
23. 我今年在衣服上花的钱比去年少。
This year I ________ ________ ________ ________ clothes than last year.
24. 我比他喝的牛奶多。她喝得最多。
I drink ________ ________ ________ he does. She ________ ________ ________.
25. 这个瓶子里的水最少。
There ________ ________ ________ water in this bottle.
26. 她游泳游得比她班里其他任何同学都快。
She swam ________ than ________ ________ ________ in her class.
27. 站得越高,看得越远。
________ ________ you stand, ________ ________ you see.
Unit 2 School life- Grammar
He went to England for f__________ study.
I’m very tired. I can’t go any __________(更远).
The __________(努力)you work, the __________(好)harvest you’ll have.
What happened It’s too __________(吵闹的)outside.
You should speak l__________ and listen m__________.
We are in the same school. But we are in __________(不同的)class.
Which do you think is more important, __________(健康)or money
Who got the __________(最少的)marks in your class
1. I got 3 books on Children’s Day. She got 5 books on Children’s Day.
(1) I got __________________ books __________________ she on Children’s day.
(2) She got __________________ books __________________ I on Children’s Day.
2. Kitty has less food than any other student in her class.
Kitty has __________________ food in her class.
3. Tom scored 9 points. Mike scored 8 points. I scored 5 points.
(1) Tom scored ________________ _________________ points ________________ us three.
(2) I scored _________________ __________________ points _________________ us three.
1. There are _____________ advertisements on Channel 1 than on Channel 3.
A. few B. little C. fewer D. less
2. I have _____________ money than you, but I have _____________ friends than you.
A. more; less B. less; more C. fewer; more D. more; more
3. How smart Mary is! Of all the students in her class, he usually spends the _____________ time and makes the _____________ mistakes (错误) in her homework.
A. least; fewest B. least; least C. fewest; least D. most; fewest
4. --- Look! We have _____________ salt. --- Really Let’s go and buy some.
A. few B. little C. a little D. a few
5. Little Tom has _____________ friends, so he often plays alone.
A. more B. a little C. many D. few
6. I bought _____________ exercise-books with _____________ money.
A. a few; a few B. a few; a little
C. a little; a few D. a little; a little
7. Which is ______________ to learn skating or swimming
A. easy B. easier C. the easiest D. more easily
8. The buildings of New York are _____________ than _____________.
A. much higher; those of Wuxi B. more higher; that of Wuxi
C. much more; Wuxi D. many more; Wuxi
9. At last he began to cry______________.A. hard and hard B. more hard and more hard
C. harder and harder D. less hard and less harder
10. Nanjing is bigger than____________ in Guizhou and bigger than ____________ in Jiangsu.
A. any city; any city B. any city; any other city is
C. any other city; the other cities D. any other city; any city1.
11. China is developing(发展) ______________ of all the countries in the world.
A. fast B. the fastest C. faster D. the most fast
12. She always does her homework _____________ than her brother.
A. more carefully B. most carefully C. more careful D. carefully
1. Andy is _______________ (tall) than Sandy. Sandy is the______________ (short)of us all.
2. When I got to the hospital, the old man got even______________ (bad)
3. Simon runs as _____________ fast as Daniel.
4. I have _____________ (many) books than my brother.
5. There is______________ (little) bread in the box than in the fridge.
6. The _____________ (little) you eat, the _____________ (thin) you will be.
7. In the English exam, I got the ________ (many) points, but Beibei got the ______ (few) points.
8. Simon and Andy have _____________ (much) time than Daniel. Daniel has _____________ (little) time of the three.
9. Yao Ming is the best player in the game. He scored the_____________ (many) points.
10. Which sport do you like _____________ (much) swimming, running or playing football 五、完成句子
Unit 2 School life- Grammar
1. fewest 2. more 3. fewer 4. less 5. hers
6. least 7. mine 8. was 9. most 10. healthier
the fastest
the least
the fewest
more beautifully
more easily
most carefully
better than any
the least
more carefully
the most; of; the fewest; of
spent less money on
more milk than; drinks the least
is the least
faster; any other student/the other students
The higher; the farther
Unit 2 School life- Grammar
1. further
2. farther
3. harder; better
4. noisy
5. less; more
6. different
7. health
8. fewest
1. (1) fewer; than (2) more; than 2. the least 3 (1) the most; of (2) the fewest; of
1.C2.B3.A4.B5.D6.B7.B8.A9.C10.B 11.B 12.A
1. taller; shortest 2. worse 3. fast 4.more 5.less
6.less; thinner 7. most; fewest 8. more; the least 9. most 10. most
1. I have more apples than Amy.
2. Sandy has more juice than Helen.
3. Kitty joins fewer clubs than Daniel.
4. My brother has less money than my cousin.
5. I have the most free time in my family.
6. He has the fewest flowers of us four.
7. Millie has the most bananas in our class.
8. He has the least money in his family.
9. His books are more than mine
10. GrammarThis book is more interesting than that one.



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