
21-25 CBDDA 26-30 BDCCA
31-35 BCDDB 36-40 BACDA
41-43 ADC 44-46 ACD 47-49 DCA 50-53 DCAB 54-58 GADFC
59. counting 60. tourists 61. perfect 62. Sadly 63. fishermen’s
64. making 65. beginning 66. illness 67. natural 68. caught
69. In fact (1’)
70. finished/completed (0.5’) a report on giant pandas (0.5’)
71. advising (0.5’) us not to make (0.5’)
72. (to) understand the importance(0.5’) of protecting (0.5’)
73. share 74. went 75. home 76. friendly 77. sitting
78. However 79. danger 80. number 81. killing 82. action
Sample Writing:
I would like to join the Helping Wildlife Society.
First, let me introduce myself. I am a Grade 8 student at Sunshine Middle School. My
favourite subject is Biology. I am very interested in learning about different kinds of animals. I
enjoy the natural world.
I will be very happy if I can become a member of the Helping Wildlife Society. Among all
the wildlife, I like wolves best. Wolves are not very big. They have thick fur. They often eat
animals. They can see, hear and smell things far away. They can also run for hours without
stopping. Wolves often work as a team and they never kill for fun. Wolves are facing serious
problems now. They are losing their living areas. So we had better build more reserves for them
and make laws to protect them.
(考试时间:100 分钟 满分:110 分)
第 I 卷 客观题(共 76 分)
一、听力测试(本大题共 20 分,每小题 1 分)
第一部分 听对话回答问题(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分)
1. Where would Jim like to go if he gets enough money
A. B. C.
2. What kind of book is Mary reading
A. B. C.
3. Which kind of fruit is the cheapest
A. B. C.
4. Who wants to know how to search the Internet
A. B. C.
5. What is the weather like tomorrow
A. B. C.
6. How long does Mary spend on her hobbies now
A. About two hours. B. About an hour. C. About half an hour.
7. When was Jane born
A. In 1992. B. In 1991. C. In 1993.
8. Why does Sam have few friends
A. Because he is careful. B. Because he is helpful. C. Because he is unhelpful.
9. Whose pencil box is green
初二年级英语学科阶段性练习 第 1 页 共 8 页
A. John’s. B. Amy’s. C. Mary’s.
10. Why did Mrs. Li say sorry
A. Because she knew his English was very poor.
B. Because she thought she was speaking too fast.
C. Because she didn’t know she was speaking too fast.
第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分)
听一段对话,回答第 11 至 12 小题。
11. What’s going on this evening
A. A football match. B. A volleyball match. C. A basketball match.
12. Why does the girl agree to go at last
A. Because the boy is going to do her homework.
B. Because she is going to do the homework together with the boy.
C. Because the boy is going to help her do the housework.
听第一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。
Ways of growing strong
Wrong way 13. __________
Right ways eat healthy food
do enough activities
14. __________
15. __________
13. A. eat some fruits B. eat a lot of foods C. have sports
14. A. live healthily B. drink well C. sleep well
15. A. do exercise B. see a doctor C. lose weight
听第二篇短文,回答第 16-20 小题。
16. Whose house was the hole
A. A mouse’s.
B. The little mouse’s.
C. The snake’s.
17. What were the snakes doing
A. They were sleeping.
B. They were chatting.
C. They were eating.
18. How did the little mouse’s mother feel
A. She felt sleepy.
B. She felt afraid of the snakes.
C. She wasn’t afraid of the snakes.
19. When did the story take place
A. On a winter afternoon.
B. On an autumn afternoon.
C. On a spring afternoon.
20. What can we learn from the story
A. Snakes never eat mice.
B. Snakes usually sleep in winter.
C. Mice like to live next to snakes.
初二年级英语学科阶段性练习 第 2 页 共 8 页
二、单项填空 在 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答案写在答题卷相应
的题号下面。(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分)
21. --It's great pity that David failed the English exam again.
--We'd better take pity on him and help him instead of laughing at him.
A./ ; a B./ ; the C. a ; / D. the ; a
22. Wild animals are in danger. Wearing clothes made of fur is a .
A. result B. shame C. culture D. secret
23. If more people know about that, then they will do something to help.
A. may be B. might be C. may D. maybe
24. --Mom, how many pieces of bread do we have
--Sorry, there is left. There is to eat at home. We need to eat out today.
A. none; none B. nothing; none
C. nothing; nothing D. none; nothing
25. The government is building some dining rooms to healthier and nicer dishes for old people.
A. provide B. prevent C. protect D. pull
26. The doctor did everything he could the sick people.
A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved
27. The number of giant pandas is becoming because there are living areas for wildlife.
A. fewer and fewer; less and less
B. smaller and smaller; less and less
C. fewer and fewer; smaller and smaller
D. smaller and smaller; fewer and fewer
28. 40% of the students going to have lunch in that restaurant, but there is little food .
A. is; left B. is; leaving
C. are; left D. are; leaving
29. Tom is a big fan of Chinese kung fu. , he is crazy about Beijing Opera.
A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Otherwise
30. --May I use the mobile for a while, Mum
-- . You even haven't started doing your homework!
A. No way B. I quite agree
C. I'm afraid so D. No problem
三、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处
的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷相应的题号下面。(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分)
Ivan sat on the floor covered with sand deep down in the sea. He was 31 and unhappy. He watched
other pretty fish swimming in and out of rocks. They were laughing and dancing in the sea. He said to himself,
“Why am I so 32 ”
“You are an octopus(章鱼), Ivan. That is special.” The sweet 33 of Peter, a beautiful white dolphin,
made Ivan feel better. Ivan looked up at the white dolphin and smiled. Peter said, “Let’s play games together.”
They were having a lot of 34 and they didn’t know they swam far from home. Suddenly Peter saw a
large shark swimming next to them. “It is Big White…the biggest, most 35 shark in the sea,” he shouted to
Ivan. Peter looked at Big White 36 . Peter was very afraid and he couldn’t swim. Just at this moment, Big
White rushed down towards them. An idea came to Ivan. He quickly sprayed(喷)a very dark cloud of black water
to the shark’s eyes. Then Ivan and Peter swam away 37 got home safely.
“Are you OK ” asked Ivan. “Yes. That was the most interesting trip ever! You saved me just now, I am lucky
to have you as my 38 !” Ivan’s face turned red. “I guess being different from others can be so 39
sometimes,” Ivan said. “That is 40 I try to tell you,” Peter said.
初二年级英语学科阶段性练习 第 3 页 共 8 页
31. A. boring B. bored C. exciting D. excited
32. A. lazy B. ugly C. different D. difficult
33. A. language B. noise C. shout D. voice
34. A. trouble B. care C. rest D. fun
35. A. important B. terrible C. friendly D. handsome
36. A. hopefully B. hopelessly C. carefully D. carelessly
37. A. and B. but C. or D. after
38. A. pet B. family C. friend D. listener
39. A. bad B. sad C. dangerous D. cool
40. A. what B. how C. when D. which
第一节 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。(本大题共 26
分,每小题 2 分)
We are losing home! Elephants mostly live on the plain of Africa and in
Like many other animals, we live in the trees. the forests of Asia. But today, they are facing a serious
However, millions of trees are being cut down every problem: large numbers are being killed for meat and
year to make paper for humans. In this way, a lot of skin, especially for ivory. They are in danger! Only when
animals’ homes are lost! Is it right to make animals we stop buying elephant products can we stop the killing
homeless so that humans can have more paper and save them. Let’s say NO to sale!
41. This may be part of _________.
A. a poster B. a story C. a fact sheet D. an application form
42. The reading material is mainly about _________.
A. recording the animals’ poor life B. asking questions about animals
C. introducing two lovely animals D. describing two animals in danger
43. Why does the mother koala bear hold the tree tightly (紧紧地) in the left poster
A. Because she carries a baby on the back. B. Because she needs to look for food.
C. Because she doesn’t want to lose home. D. Because she is afraid of falling down.
“Telephone Doctor” Nancy Friedman has noticed several types of “cell phones personalities.” Which of these
types have you seen around?
An impolite cell phone user usually talk louder than necessary. He seems to think everyone has a hearing
problem. Doesn’t he know the phone already has a build﹣in microphone to raise his voice
初二年级英语学科阶段性练习 第 4 页 共 8 页
This person makes and takes calls anytime, anywhere. She’ll chat in restaurants, at movie theaters, and even
at funerals (葬礼). When her cell phone rings, she looks at you and says insincerely, “Oh, sorry about you.”
The Careless Driver
Drive or use the phone. Don’t do both at the same time. This can be dangerous. It’s really scary to see a truck
in the back view mirror with a driver who is talking on a phone behind the wheel.
These are the people who aren’t willing to change their ring tone. Sometimes, one phone rings and ten people
check to see if it’s theirs. Hang on, I think that’s my phone!
The Useless Phone Calls
This person makes small and unimportant phone calls, one after another, after another. It makes others a little
bit angry. On airplanes, you’ll overhear her saying things like, “Hi, we haven’t left yet,” or “Hi, we just landed. OK,
see you in a minute.”
A. The Shouter
B. The Angry Phone Maker
C. The I﹣Talk﹣Anywhere
D. The Same Phone Ring
“Somebody just died,” my daughter Katy begins.
“Somebody was just born,” I answer, smiling.
“Somebody is crying,” she replies.
“Somebody is laughing.”
I remembered this game yesterday as Molly, my 15﹣year﹣old pet dog, lay beside me. Molly was not only a
pet for me but part of me. But she was dying.
Molly, two﹣month﹣old, was given to me after I graduated (毕业) from college and has been by my side ever
since. But she started to walk slowly and fell down when I took her out the other day.
“She’s getting ready to go,” I told my husband, bravely.
One day, I walked through a forest, thinking the magic of it is not all the green leaves or colorful plants. It is
the decay (糜烂) that makes the color stand out. Katy's game rang in my mind 一 something is dying, something is
We chose to keep Molly at home instead of sending her to the animal doctor. Our task was to stay with her and
make sure she was comfortable. When I tried to leave the kitchen, she tried to pick up her head to find me. So I
stayed. The kitchen became like the forest, like Katy’s game. Someone was crying. Someone was dying. Someone
was cooking...
Molly raised her head with a sudden jerk (抽搐). I dropped the cup I was holding and rushed to her. I took hold
of her and placed my fingers over her beating heart. I kept them there until it stopped. I didn’t think it could stay.
That would have been foolish. But it didn’t mean I didn’t cry. The girls hugged me, more frightened (受惊) by my
sadness than by the loss of the dog.
“Mommy! Say you’ll be happy again,” Katy cried.
“Remember the game ” I said quietly. “Where sometimes somebody is happy and somebody else is sad ” Katy
“Right now, it’s my turn to be sad. And you just have to let me. But that doesn’t mean it’ll never be happy,
OK ”
For now, I’m just somebody sad. Somebody who cries. Somebody who loves. Maybe tomorrow, or the day
after, it will be somebody who laughs.
初二年级英语学科阶段性练习 第 5 页 共 8 页
47. How did the writer feel before Molly died
A. She couldn’t accept that Molly would leave her.
B. She thought it possible to save Molly’s life.
C. She felt very worried when she saw Molly dying.
D. She thought it better to stay with Molly to make her comfortable.
48. What can we infer from the passage about Molly
A. Molly was too sick to live on.
B. Molly was a gift to the writer from her parents.
C. Molly meant a lot to the writer and her family.
D. Molly was sure to be happy forever after it died.
49. Which is the best title for the story
A. Life must go on B. Life is a long journey
C. Life is like a game D. Life is a box of feelings
A hungry fly rushes through a forest. It smells nectar (花蜜)and lands on a
green leaf. It starts to drink the sweet liquid (液体). Suddenly, the fly’s world
turns green. The two sides of the leaf close against each other. Long green teeth
lock together around it. The fly has been caught by Venus flytrap. There is no
way to run away alive.
The Venus flytrap is perhaps the most famous killer plant. However,
scientists have only recently started to understand how it hunts and eats. After
years of study, plant scientist Alexander Volkov believes he now knows the Venus flytrap’s secret. “This,” says
Volkov, “is an electrical plant.”
There are three small hairs along each of the Venus flytrap’s two leaves. When an insect touches a hair, it makes
an electrical signal (信号) in the leaf. The insect can go on feeding﹣for now. But if it touches another hair within
20 seconds, the leaf traps (陷阱) suddenly closed.This helps the plant to tell the difference between a drop of water,
for example, and a moving insect.
Once caught , an insect has little chance of staying alive. Instead of nectar, the Venus flytrap now gave off a
different liquid﹣that slowly eats away at the insect. Ten days later, almost nothing is left. The plant’s leaves open
again, and the Venus flytrap is ready for its next meal.
50. What does “the fly’s world turns green” really mean
A. The fly lands on a green leaf. B. The fly got lost in the forest.
C. The fly drinks the green nectar. D. The fly is caught by the leaf.
51. What makes the leaf close
A. The drop of water. B. The smell of the insect.
C. The touches on the hairs. D. The hunger of the plant.
52. What can we learn about the flytrap
A. It uses electrical signals. B. Its trap closes very slowly.
C. It makes three kinds of liquid. D. It eats with its long teeth.
53. The main purpose of the article is to _________.
A. show the importance of protecting a fly B. introduce a plant called the Venus flytrap
C. teach the readers to be careful in the forests D. ask readers to be careful with killer plant.
第二节 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有
两项为多余选项。(本大题共 10分,每小题 2 分)
Diana: Welcome to Teens Talk. 54 Mary, what’s your dream job
初二年级英语学科阶段性练习 第 6 页 共 8 页
Mary: I want to be a pilot(飞行员) because the job has a special place in my heart. My father is a great pilot.
He practises hard to perfect his skills of flying different planes. He is busy, but he keeps learning and
has even got a doctor’s degree. He’s my hero! 55
Diana: That’s the spirit(精神).. What about you, Cindy
Cindy: I’ve always wanted to work in an art museum since I visited the Louvre Museum in 2018. 56
I wrote six articles about it last year.
Diana: 57 Leo, you plan to be a musician, don’t you
Leo: Yes. For me, music is a way to show my feelings. I write down what I see or feel in my daily life. Every
Sunday, I put my ideas to music. 58
Diana: Surely you will be a good musician! Next week, we will meet more teenagers. They’ll share their dream
jobs with us. Goodbye for now.
A. I believe I can be someone like him.
B. Today let’s discuss teenagers’ interests and hobbies.
C. And I spend hours singing my new songs and playing the piano.
D.I was so amazed by the collections that I started studying art history.
E. However, I have little time to practice it.
F. Great! You work towards your dream at such an early age.
G. Today we’ll talk about teenagers’ dream jobs.
第Ⅱ卷 主观题(共 34 分)
五、词汇运用(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分)
59. The girl is (计算) the gifts from her friends now.
60. Thousands of (旅行者,观光者) come to the Great Wall every year.
61. In order to be (完美的), you need enough practice.
62. (令人遗憾地), we didn’t win the football match at last.
63. Could you please tell me all these (渔民) names
64. Today, society is much ( free ) than before.
65. In the very (begin), the boy was very excited about the strange place.
66. Many people went to visit Dr. Ma during his (ill).
67. The book is about something interesting of the (nature) world
68. The hunter (catch) a wolf in the forest but let it go finally.
六、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成句子,并将答案写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。
(本大题共 4 分,每小题 1 分)
, tigers are facing a more serious problem in the wild.
Daniel _______________________________________________ last week.
Teachers keep ___________________________________ the same mistake.
The report can help people ______________________________ the animals.
七、综合填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处根据所给首字母填入一个单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分)
What does it feel like to have a giraffe eat breakfast with you Sofya Phillippova from Russia can tell you.
初二年级英语学科阶段性练习 第 7 页 共 8 页
Phillippova is a 24-year-old travel blogger(博主). Her job is to travel around the world and s 73 her
experiences with others. This time, Phillippova 74 (go) to a giraffe hotel in Kenya, Africa.
This hotel is h 75 to many giraffes. They are 76 (friend) to people. When travelers eat outside,
the giraffes will turn their heads toward them and ask for some food. When Phillippova was at the hotel, she enjoyed
77 (sit) on a tree swing while greeting and feeding the giraffes.
It seems that giraffes are everywhere. People can see them in zoos too. 78 , this kind of animal is facing
serious problems. They are in d 79 now. The n 80 of the giraffes has gone down by more than 40
percent in the past 30 years. The reason is that people are 81 (kill) giraffes for their bones and fur. People
are also taking away their homes to build more houses. It is time to take a 82 to protect the giraffes before it
is too late.
八、书面表达(本大题共 10 分)
“Helping Wildlife Society”正在招收新成员,你想加入该协会。请你根据以下图片中的内容,用英语写一份
1. 短文必须包括所有要点,并适当发挥,要求语句通顺;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
3. 词数 90 字左右,首句已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Chairperson:
I would like to join the Helping Wildlife Society.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
初二年级英语学科阶段性练习 第 8 页 共 8 页
1.W:where would you like to go if you get enough money, Jim
M:I’d like to go to the opera house in Sydney.
2.M:What is your favorite book Mary
W:I like storybooks best. But now I’m reading a book about history. It’s also
very interesting.
3.M:how much is the fruit
W:The apples are¥4 a kilo. The pears are¥3 a kilo. The bananas are¥2 a
4.W:who called you just now Mike.
M:Grandma. She wants to know how to search the internet. May I go and help
her mom
5.W:Is it a fine day tomorrow
M:Yes, it’s sunny. I’m going riding with my friends.
6.M:Mary, how long do you spend on your hobbies
W:I spent 2 hours before, but now about half an hour, I have too much work
to do.
7.M:I was born in July 1992. What about Jane
W:oh I’m 1 year older than you.
8.W:Why does Sam have few friends
M:He is never helpful. He always only thinks of himself.
9.M:Look at the yellow pencil box. Is it yours, Amy
W:No, mine is green. It must be John’s. He likes yellow best.
10.M:Would you please speak more slowly Mrs. Li.
W:Sorry. If you can’t follow me, please let me know.
M:there’s a football match this evening.
W:Are you going to watch it
M:Yes, Jack and I will go together. Would you like to go with us
W:Sorry I don’t care for football.
M:Are you sure
W:In fact, I have to finish my homework.
M:that doesn’t matter. After the game, we can do it together.
W:all right Let’s go.
Think kids always want to know how to make their bodies strong. Most
of them think the best way is to eat a lot of foods, but that is wrong. The best
advice for them is the same as the health advice for all kids. Eat healthy foods,
do enough exercise and sleep well. Think kids need to exercise. A lot of fat
people do exercise to become thinner. Enough exercise can help your body
get stronger too. So most of time think kids don’t need to see a doctor.
One winter afternoon, a little mouse went out for a walk. Suddenly the mouse
saw a hole, he thought it must be his friends. so He went into it to his surprise,
it wasn’t a mouse’s house, but a snakes, several snakes were sleeping there.
When they saw the little mouse that didn’t pay attention to him or try to catch
him. They just went on sleeping. The little mouse was afraid and ran away
after he got home. He told his mother what he had seen, his mother said,
don’t be afraid. Snakes are our enemies. but They can’t catch you now. It’s
time for their winter sleep during their winter sleep, snake slaver harm others.



