
一、单句填空选择题(共 10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)
1. How did the students react ______ the monitor’s proposal
A. by B. in C. with D. to
2. They must face the likelihood ______ the newspaper may go bankrupt.
A. whether B. that C. what D. why
3. A person’s success is greatly relevant ______ his diligence.
A. with B. about C. to D. of
4. Driving in Singapore is a pleasure and if you like to travel ______ your own pace, renting a car is a good choice.
A. to B. in C. at D. on
5. You can imagine ______ it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour.
A. what B. how C. that D. why
6. As I began the new task, I was filled with the fear that I would ______ the same difficulties that beat me before.
A. get over B. run into C. look for D. put aside
7. As well as looking at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations (模拟) and imagine ______ living at a different time in history.
A. themselves B. they C. them D. theirs
8. Good teachers have to guarantee ______adequate amount of input in English.
A. an B. a C. the D. 不填
9. China’s industrialized grape wine production didn’t start ______ 1892, when a successful Chinese businessman founded a company in Yantai, Shandong.
A. in B. on C. until D. since
10. Following his late father’s will, he gave up going abroad for further study to ______ all businesses as a chief executive officer.
A. turn over B. turn in C. take in D. take over
11. ______ is predicted that there will be 5 scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century.
12. It is evident that Joe is unconscious of the potential risks ______ (associate) with the drug.
13. This lesson can result in us spending more time with our ______ (remain) loved ones.
14. We are trying to solve the problems ______ (arise) from the lack of communication.
15. She returned home, only to find the door open and a number of things ______ (go).
16. So ______ (impress) are the film’s special effects that they leave a strong and vivid impression on us.
17. The official ______ (employ) rate rose slightly to 6.1 percent, which was alarming.
18. ______ (walk) along the street for a mile, and you’ll see a cafe on your right.
19. People with low EQs often have a harder time ______ (adjust) in life and in their careers.
20. Currently, there are many more ______ (retire) workers than those who pay into (存入) the pension system.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,20小题;每题2.5分,满分50分)
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21. How can you become a member of the Metropolis Book Club
A. By ordering a watch free of charge.
B. By sending the advertisement to the club.
C. By choosing books with special prices.
D. By returning the completed order form.
22. What information does the monthly magazine give members
A. The percentage saved on each book.
B. The names of all the books sold by the club.
C. The list of the newest books available to buy.
D. The books that can be swapped by club members.
23. What can we infer from the last part of the passage
A. At least four books should be bought each year.
B. Members can look at the books before they buy them.
C. Members need to buy the “Book of the Month”.
D. The more books bought, the higher the member’s grade.
Heroic deeds come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them require bravery in the face of danger, others result from a simple random act of compassion. Natalie Fernando was taking her 5-year-old autistic (自闭) son Rudy for a seaside walk when the little boy got into a meltdown, a breakdown of self-control.
“My son loves to walk, but he hates to turn around and walk back, we usually try to walk in a circuit (环形路线) to avoid this but on his favourite walk with the boats we have no choice but to turn back. This will often lead to a meltdown, one which I can normally handle but not for today,” Fernando explained on her Facebook page, Better to Be Different.
The area at Southend-on-Sea is a popular walking spot in Essex, England. Knowing she and Rudy were drawing attention and that her son’s outburst might go on for an hour, Fernando was apologetic but she soon found herself subjected to the blaming stares and comments of passers-by.
That’s when a total stranger named Ian stopped to ask if she was okay. When Fernando explained what was going on, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do, he lay down on the ground close to Rudy and engaged him in conversation. The calming behavior quickly turned the situation around. After Rudy became calm, Ian walked Rudy and his mom back to their car.
“I wish there were more of this man around and I am deeply thankful,” Fernando said. “I will not forget his kindness… Thanks, Ian from Southend Sea Front, you truly are a kind man.”
In addition to her gratitude, Fernando hopes Ian’s unselfish behavior might inspire others to look deeper before making social judgments themselves. “It’s said a lot at the moment, ‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind,’ ”she wrote. “Words are easy, these actions are not always so easy. This man is living the words and I couldn’t be more grateful. “If you see a parent struggling, take the time to say, ‘Are you OK ’ Don’t judge the parenting, try not to judge the child, just be kind.”
We’re all walking our own path and navigating the journey the best we can. Sometimes it takes a moment of kindness from a complete stranger to completely change your day.
24. What caused Rudy’s meltdown during the walk on the seaside
A. Tiredness from walking. B. Repeating the same path.
C. His mom’s impatience. D. Walking in a circuit.
25. What was the attitude of most passers-by to Rudy’s mom during his meltdown
A. Apologetic. B. Disapproving. C. Sympathetic. D. Tolerant.
26. What did Ian do to turn the situation around
A. He lay down to communicate with Rudy.
B. He bent down to ask Rudy questions.
C. He walked Rudy and his mom to the car.
D. He played interesting games with Rudy.
27. What’s the purpose of writing the text
A. To judge people who are indifferent.
B. To express thanks of a helpless mother.
C. To call on people to follow Ian’s example.
D. To inform people of ways to deal with autism.
Some talk of building settlements on the moon or Mars to help make sure humanity survives long into the future. Others have their sights set closer to home: on future cities under the ocean.
“Technologically speaking, it is absolutely possible to colonize the bottom of the sea,” says Fabien Cousteau, a well-known ocean explorer who once spent 31 days living in what is now the world’s only functioning undersea habitat, Aquarius. It’s about the size of a school bus and located 62 feet below the ocean surface off the Florida Keys.
Just as astronauts test what it would be like to live in space, aquanauts (海底观察员) try out undersea living with an eye on the future. Escaping from disasters such as climate change, wars, or pandemics is one reason to live under the sea. Others include studying, exploring, or appreciating the ocean. It’s costly and expensive to constantly keep up an ocean habitat which must make its own air, electricity, and fresh water. Residents have to deal with high pressure. And infections can develop rapidly due to high humidity (湿度).
Despite the challenges, several new ocean habitats and cities are under construction. A series of space station-like undersea living areas for aquanauts called Proteus are scheduled to be completed by 2025 off Curacao, an island in South America. Meanwhile, an undersea city called Ocean Spiral in Japan would link its surface to the deep sea, using the difference in pressure to generate energy and produce fresh water. This sounds amazing, but it would be extremely expensive and remains just a design.
Not everyone agrees that building homes in the ocean is a good idea. This type of development could place even more pressure on ecosystems that are already struggling with pollution and climate change. It’s important to make sure that any construction is done carefully, says Susanne Menden-Deuer, an oceanographer at the University of Rhode Island. Wild undersea habitats should be treated as “the precious, irreplaceable resource that they are,” she says.
28. What do we know about Aquarius
A. It is still under construction.
B. It functions as an undersea school bus.
C. It is the only ocean habitat in operation.
D. It only allows a person to live there for 31 days.
29. What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. The present and future of living under the sea.
B. The reasons and challenges of living under the sea.
C. The purpose and cost of building undersea settlements.
D. The problems and findings of building undersea settlements.
30. What would be the result of building homes in the ocean according to the text
A. Rapid development of undersea habitats.
B. Protection of irreplaceable ocean resource.
C. Negative impacts on undersea ecosystems.
D. Struggles with pollution and climate change.
31. What does the underlined word “colonize” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Build up. B. Settle in. C. Think up. D. Take in.
If you’ve got more than one kid, you’re showing favoritism, whether you know it or not.
“Parents may favor one child over another, for a lot of reasons. The child may have an easy temperament (性情) or might behave particularly well or may look like you,” says Susan Newman, a psychologist.“But regardless of the reason, every child must be made to feel loved and special, in order to fully develop.” Newman warns that favoring one child over their siblings(兄弟姐妹)publicly can have a significantly negative effect.
“The unfavored child can feel defeated, and unmotivated, as a result of working hard to get parental support, with no success,” says Yelena Gidenko, a licensed counselor (顾问). “He or she may also suffer from depression and become angry, bitter, or jealous,”she adds. Children feeling this way may act out, in an effort to get their parent’s attention, making matters worse. They may also behave inappropriately, becoming the black sheep, which they believe their parents already see. “Unfavored children may have a hard time accepting who they are, since they do not feel accepted by their parents,” adds Gidenko.
Favoritism is not exactly a boon for the favored child, either. Kids who feel that they are their parent’s favorite sometimes translate that into a go pass for their behavior in future relationships. “Favored children may feel a sense of entitlement, and that rules do not apply to them,” says Gidenko. This can negatively affect the way they act in school, at work, and in their friendships.
It may seem unreasonable, but the opposite can also occur. Favored children may experience anxiety and insecurity, resulting from their favorite child status. “Children are observant. They know when they are getting praise for things they have not earned, such as being your favorite. For this reason, they know, and fear, that these things might be taken away from them at any time, for any reason,” says Gidenko.
Newman urges parents to remember that it’s not possible to treat children equally because they are all different. What parents can, and should do is talk to their kids about how, and why, they treat them the way they do. “According to research, parents don’t talk about this. They don’t say why one child gets more time than another. If they do, they are preserving their bond with each child,” says Newman.
32. What can we learn about unfavored children
A. They want to please their parents.
B. They care little about their siblings.
C. They tend to lack a sense of identity.
D. They hope to be the black sheep of the family.
33. What does the underlined word “boon” in paragraph 4 mean
A. Blessing. B. Challenge. C. Honor. D. Burden.
34. What does Newman suggest parents do in the last paragraph
A. Treat their children equally
B. Explain themselves to their children
C. Strengthen their bond with their children
D. Remove the differences between their children
35. What is the text mainly about
A. The solutions to parental favoritism
B. The consequences of parental favoritism
C. An analysis of why parents play favorites
D. A contrast between favored and unfavored children
第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分)
Over the last few years, there has been a trend to focus on gratitude. We can buy different kinds of gratitude journals, or download some apps to write down our blessings. 36 “We should also bear in mind that gratitude is free.” says Laurie Santos, who teaches a course on the science of well-being and happiness at Yale University.
37 Studies have found that keeping a gratitude journal can decrease materialism and enhance generosity among adolescents. Giving thanks can help people sleep better, lower stress and improve interpersonal relationships. 38 “It is one practice that really wins out from the field of positive psychology.” she says. Her students, in addition to keeping gratitude journals, are asked to write a thank-you letter and then read it out loud to the recipient(收信人). “They show measurable improvements in well-being even a month after they’ve done this.” she says.
What works for some people may not work for others. There’s a lack of research on how gratitude exercises help people with anxiety or clinical depression. Indeed, for all the research on the broad benefits of expressing gratitude, it is not for everyone. 39 It can’t make injustice, loss or pain disappear.
During really tough times, like when she suffers from poor health, Santos feels like she is reaching for reasons to be grateful. But she still tries to find some. “I’m grateful for the sun that’s shining or being able to wake up.” she says. 40
A. That is, it’s not a cure-all.
B. So it does not feel pleasant.
C. Gratitude allows her to remember what is going well.
D. Those products just remind us to take time to be grateful.
E. Noting down gratitude and expressing it seem to pay off.
F. Practicing too much gratitude may have undesired effects.
G. That’s why gratitude features heavily in Santos’ happiness class.
第三部分 英语知识运用
第一节 完形填空(共15 小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
One spring evening, I was incredibly worn after a long day of school. I wished for 41 but I had to drag my heavy feet to the violin studio.
I was playing Moldau to Kate, my teacher. I simply couldn’t play with 42 , though. While I followed all the 43 on the sheet music, I still 44 to make music describing spring with full-blown flowers sound like flowers dying a bitter death. Kate 45 attentively and then frowned (皱眉), asking me what the piece’s mood was. I stared at her, 46 .
Pulling out paper and a pencil, she asked, “Can you 47 an image of what you think a typical day in the forest during spring would look like ” Hesitantly, I started to let my 48 fly. Soon a scenic forest full of life was 49 in my mind.
Minutes later, I completed my drawing. “Now, play the piece again with this 50 imagery in your mind,” Kate said. I closed my eyes and began to play, just as its theme was introduced, with 51 expression I had never done before.
As I 52 the piece, there followed a short silence before Kate said, “That’s the best playing I’ve ever heard from you.” Her eyes were shining. “Who knew painting the scenery would help you better 53 the music Sometimes all we need is to use our creativity and try different methods when facing difficulties.”
The 54 violin lesson taught me more than just music. I also learnt a valuable 55 skill, which I applied to my daily life.
41. A. care B. relaxation C. freedom D. motivation
42. A. courage B. concern C. wisdom D. emotion
43. A. numbers B. standards C. notes D. lines
44. A. failed B. desired C. managed D. offered
45. A. watched B. listened C. performed D. prayed
46. A. blankly B. angrily C. enviously D. gratefully
47. A. shoot B. evaluate C. sculpt D. draw
48. A. personality B. imagination C. ambition D. curiosity
49. A. pictured B. replaced C. identified D. explored
50. A. messy B. amusing C. vivid D. strange
51. A. common B. brief C. childish D. exceptional
52. A. wrapped up B. took down C. reflected on D. set about
53. A. preserve B. spread C. interpret D. compose
54. A. inspiring B. confusing C. shameful D. adventurous
55. A. information-sorting B. problem-solving
C. critical-thinking D. decision-making
第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)
Despite its rapid industrialization, there are still some corners in China that have maintained its original color.
Ancient towns and villages in China are places 56 traditions are well preserved in terms of architecture, lifestyle and folk customs. All of these can be found in Huangyao Ancient Town, one of the most-visited tourist 57 (spot) in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
58 (cover) an area of 3.6 square kilometers, Huangyao has a history of nearly 1,000years 59 its origins dating back to the Song Dynasty. People 60 (carry) on traditional festivals and customs here for hundreds of years up to now. During Chinese Lunar New Year, over 20 traditional performances 61 (hold), including the dragon dance and suona horn show. On July 14 in the Chinese lunar calendar, residents often come to the riverbank and put lanterns into the river 62 (celebrate) Zhongyuan Jie, the Hungry Ghost Festival.
Black soybean is often added to its local food to create an 63 (extreme) distinctive flavor. When you visit, Huangyao tofu is 64 must-try local dish as it is sold only in this town.
It usually takes a day or two to tour around the old town due to its small size, but you can always stay 65 (long) to experience more of its local hospitality and culture.
第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
1.自我介绍 2.参加意图 3.希望获准
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
I’ll admit it. I can be a complainer. After all, there’s so much in this life to complain about: the dirty clothes that don’t make it into the basket, that annoying neighbor’s loud music, my husband’s shoes spread out at the front door, rainy days, traffic...
Complaining is a habit I cultivated since childhood, a skill I developed through the years. My parents didn’t seem to mind— they were great complainers, too— though I do recall some eye-rolling and long-drawn sighs from friends and schoolmates when I would voice my negative opinions. In fact, I can distinctly recall the exact moment when I first realized my complaining habit reached its expert level.
One day, as I reminded my husband once again to remove his bills from the dining-room table, put his shoes away, and lower that bothersome radio, he put up his hand. “Stop! I’m tired of your complaining. It’s driving me crazy.”
I looked at him blank-eyed. He took a deep breath. “You never hear me complaining, do you ” “Well,” I answered, “you’re complaining about my complaining, so actually, yes, I am hearing you complaining right now.” His eyes widened. A drop of sweat formed his upper lip. Then he grabbed his car keys and ran out of the door.
Perhaps I’d gone too far, I thought. Maybe I really did complain too much. But, what to do about it After all, it had been a lifetime habit. And habits are hard*to break. I took a break and sat down to think about solution. When I felt annoyed, I could lock myself in the bathroom and scream. No. The neighbors would probably hear me. Phone a friend She probably wouldn’t be a friend for very long. Then it hit me.
I’d been in the habit of keeping a journal for most of my life. It provided a sort of timeline for me, and I liked to review past entries occasionally to review the path I had been on at that point. Journaling kept me honest with myself, and I liked it for that reason. Perhaps, I thought, a complaint journal might be the answer I was seeking.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
That day, I decided to give it a try. ______________________________________________________________
Besides the improved relationship with my husband, I saw other effects soon. ____________________________
一、 单句填空选择题(共 10 小题, 每小题 1.5 分, 共 15 分)
1-5 DBCCA 6-10 BAACD
二、 单句语法填空(共 10 小题, 每小题 1.5 分, 共 15 分)
11. It 12.associated 13.remaining 14.arising 15.gone 16.impressive 17. unemployment 18.Walk 19. adjusting 20.retired
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 20 小题; 每题 2.5 分, 满分 50 分)
21-23DCB 24-27BBAC 28-31CBCB 32-35CABB 36-40DEGAC
第三部分 英语知识运用
第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)
41-45 BDCCB 46-50ADBAC 51-55DACAB
第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题, 每小题 1.5 分, 共 15 分)
56.where 57. spots 58. Covering 59. with 60. have carried/have been carrying
61. are held 62. to celebrate 63. extremely 64. a 65. longer
【B 篇分析】 文章讲述了患有自闭症的鲁迪在沙滩上患病哭闹, 母亲费尔南多一筹莫展, 大部分路人给予指责, 伊恩安慰了鲁迪, 扭转了局面, 母亲很感激。 作者认为陌生人的善意是伟大的, 可以改变一个人的一天。
【24 题详解】细节理解题。 根据第二段的“My son loves to walk......one which I can normally handle but not for today(我儿子喜欢走路, 但他讨厌转身走回去, 我们通常尽量走圈避免这种情况, 但在他最喜欢的乘船散步时, 我们别无选择, 只能转回去。 这通常会导致崩溃, 我通常可以处理,但今天无法处理)”可知, 重复同一条路导致了鲁迪在海边散步时的崩溃。 故选 B 项。
【25 题详解】推理判断题。 根据第三段的“Knowing she and Rudy were drawing attention...she soon found herself subjected to the blaming stares and comments of passers-by.(知道她和鲁迪吸引了大家的注意, 她儿子的情绪可能会持续一个小时, 费尔南多很抱歉, 但她很快发现自己遭受了路人指责的目光和评论)”可推断, 大部分的路人对鲁迪的妈妈不满。 故选 B 项。
【 26 题详解】 细节理解题。 根据第四段的“When Fernando explained what was going on...The calming behavior quickly turned the situation around.(当费尔南多解释发生了什么, 好像这是世界上最自然的事情, 他躺在地上, 靠近鲁迪, 与他进行交谈。 平静的行为很快就扭转了局面)”可知, 伊恩躺下来与鲁迪交流, 扭转了情况。 故选 A 项。
【27题详解】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“In addition to her gratitude...making social judgments themselves.(除了她的感激, 费尔南多还希望伊恩的无私行为能激励其他人在做出社会判断之前更深入地观察)”以及倒数第一段的“We’re all walking our own path and navigating the journey the best we can. Sometimes it takes a moment of kindness from a complete stranger to completely change your day.(我们都走着自己的道路, 尽可能地一路前行。 有时需要一个完全陌生人的善意完全改变你的一天)”可推断, 文章的写作目的是为了号召人们学习伊恩。 故选 C 项。
【C 篇分析】 本文是一篇说明文。 主要介绍未来海底城市的展望以及建立海底城市存在的问题。
【28 题详解】 细节理解题。 根据第二段中的“Fabien Cousteau, a well-known ocean explorer who once spent 31 days living in what is now the world’s only functioning undersea habitat, Aquarius.(著名的海洋探险家 Fabien Cousteau 曾经在现在世界上唯一一个正常运作的海底栖息——Aquarius内生活了 31 天。 )”可知, Fabien Cousteau 说他在唯一一个正常运作的海底栖息地——Aquarius内生活了 31 天, 由此可知, Aquarius 是现在唯一一个正常运作的海底栖息地。 故选 C 项。
【29 题详解】 主旨大意题。 根据第三段中的“Escaping from disasters such as climate change, wars, or pandemics is one reason to live under the sea. Others include studying, exploring, or appreciating the ocean. It’s costly and expensive to constantly keep up an ocean habitat which must pump in or make its own air, electricity, and fresh water.(逃避气候变化、 战争或流行病等灾难是人们生活在海底的原因之一。 其他包括学习、 探索或欣赏海洋。 持续维持海洋栖息地是昂贵的, 它必须自己泵入或制造空气、 电力和淡水。 居民们必须应对高压。 )”可知, 人们之所以生活在海底是为了逃避气候变化、 战争或流行病等灾难, 而且维持海洋栖息地是非常昂贵的, 由此可知, 第三段讲述了人们生活在海底的原因以及所面临的挑战。 故选 B 项。
【30 题详解】 细节理解题。 根据尾段中的“Not everyone agrees that building homes in the ocean is a good idea. This type of development could place even more pressure on ecosystems that are already struggling with pollution and climate change.( 并不是每个人都同意在海洋里建房子是个好主意。这种发展可能会给已经在与污染和气候变化作斗争的生态系统带来更大的压力。 )”可知, 并非所有人都赞成在海洋里建房子, 因为在海底建房子会使得与污染和气候变化作斗争的生态系统带来更大的压力, 由此可知, 在海底建房子会对海底的生态系统造成负面的影响。 故选 C 项。
【31 题详解】 词句猜测题。 根据后文 “a well-known ocean explorer who once spent 31 days living in what is now the world’s only functioning undersea habitat, Aquarius.”可知, 应该是“居住在、 移民在” 的意思。 A 项 build up 意为“创建, 开发; 加大, 增多”, B 项 settle in 意为“定居, 移民在”, C 项 think up 意为“想出”, D 项 take in 意为“领会, 理解” =absorb。 故选 B 项。
【D 篇分析】 本文是一篇说明文, 指出在有多个孩子的家庭中, 父母很可能会出现对某个孩子的偏爱, 无论他们自己是否意识到。
【32 题详解】推理判断题。 根据第三段“ ‘The unfavored child can feel defeated, and unmotivated, as a result of working hard to get parental support, with no success,” says Yelena Gidenko, a licensed counselor. “He orshe may also suffer from depression and become angry, bitter, or jealous,” she adds Children feeling this way may act out, in an effort to get their parent’s attention, making matters worse. They may also behave inappropriately, becoming the black sheep, which they believe their parents already see. “Unfavored children may have a hard time accepting who they are, since they do not feel accepted by their parents,” adds Gidenko.(持证心理咨询师叶莲娜·吉登科(Yelena Gidenko)说: “不受宠爱的孩子会感到挫败, 没有动力, 因为他们努力获得父母的支持, 却没有成功。 ”她补充说: “他或她也可能患有抑郁症, 变得愤怒、 痛苦或嫉妒。 ”有这种感觉的孩子可能会采取行动, 试图引起父母的注意, 使事情变得更糟。 他们也可能表现得不得体, 成为害群之马,他们认为父母已经看到了这一点。 “不受宠爱的孩子可能很难接受自己, 因为他们觉得自己不被父母接受, ”金登科补充道。 )”可推知, 不受宠爱的孩子他们往往缺乏认同感, 所以试图引起父母的注意。 故选 C 项。
【33 题详解】 词句猜测题。 根据后文“Kids who feel that they are their parent’s favorite sometimes translate that into a go pass for their behavior in future relationships. “Favored children may feel a sense of entitlement, and that rules do not apply to them,” says Gidenko. This can negatively affect the way they act in school, at work, and in their friendships.”(那些觉得自己是父母最爱的孩子有时会把这种感觉转化为他们在未来关系中的行为。 “受宠的孩子可能会有一种权利感, 觉得规则不适用于他们, ”金登科说。 这会对他们在学校、 工作和友谊中的表现产生负面影响)可知, 本段主要讲述了偏袒对被偏爱的孩子来说, 也不完全是好处, 所以推知 boon 意为“益处”和 A 项意思相近。 故选 A 项。
【34 题详解】 细节理解题。 根据最后一段“Newman urges parents to remember that it’s not possible to treat children equally because they are all different. What parents can, and should do is talk to their kids about how, and why, they treat them the way they do. “According to research, parents don’t talk about this. They don’t say why one child gets more time than another. If they do, they are preserving their bond with each child,” says Newman (纽曼敦促父母记住, 不可能平等对待孩子,因为他们都是不同的。 父母能做的, 也应该做的, 是告诉他们的孩子, 他们是如何对待他们的,以及为什么要这样对待他们。 “根据研究, 父母不会谈论这个问题。 他们没有说为什么一个孩子比另一个孩子得到更多的时间。 如果他们这样做, 他们就保留了与每个孩子的联系, ”纽曼说)”可知, 纽曼在本段建议父母加强他们与孩子的联系。 故选 B 项。
【35 题详解】 主旨大意题。 根据第二段““Parents may favor one child over another, for a lot of reasons. The child may have an easy temperament (性情) or might behave particularly well or may look like you,” says Susan Newman, a psychologist. “But regardless of the reason, every child must be made to feel loved and special, in order to fully develop.” Newman warns that favoring one child over their siblings (兄弟姐妹) publicly can have a significantly negative effect.(“出于很多原因, 父母可能会偏爱一个孩子。 这个孩子可能性情随和, 或者表现得特别好, 或者长得像你, ”心理学家苏珊·纽曼(Susan Newman)说。 “但不管是什么原因, 为了全面发展, 每个孩子都必须感受到爱和特别。 ”纽曼警告说, 公开地偏爱一个孩子而不是他们的兄弟姐妹会产生明显的负面影响)”以及纵观全文可知, 本文主要讲述了父母偏爱的后果。 故选 B 项。
【七选五分析】 本文为一篇说明文。 文章说明了感恩逐渐成为一种趋势及感恩的重要性。
36. 空前说“We can buy different kinds of gratitude journals, or download some apps to write down our blessings.(我们可以买各种各样的感恩日记, 或者下载一些应用程序来记下我们的祝福。 )”, 空格处应该解释为什么要买这些东西, D 选项“Those products just remind us to take time to be grateful.(这些产品只是提醒我们要花时间去感恩。 )”说明了这些产品提醒我们要花时间去感恩, 也就是解释了为什么要买这些东西, 因此承接上文, 符合语境, 故选 D。
37. 空后说“Studies have found that keeping a gratitude journal can decrease materialism and enhance generosity among adolescents. Giving thanks can help people sleep better, lower stress and improve interpersonal relationships.(研究发现, 在青少年中, 写感恩日记可以减少物质主义, 增强慷慨。 感恩可以帮助人们睡得更好, 减轻压力, 改善人际关系。 )”, 说明写感恩日记有很多好处, E 选项“Noting down gratitude and expressing it seem to pay off.(记下感激之情并表达出来似乎是有回报的。 )”说明了写感恩日记是有好处的, 位于空格处可以引出下面具体的好处, 因此引起下文, 符合语境, 故选 E。
38. 空前说“Studies have found that keeping a gratitude journal can decrease materialism and enhance generosity among adolescents. Giving thanks can help people sleep better, lower stress and improve interpersonal relationships. (研究发现, 在青少年中, 写感恩日记可以减少物质主义, 增强慷慨。 感恩可以帮助人们睡得更好, 减轻压力, 改善人际关系。 )”,说明的是写感恩日记的好处, 空后说“ “It is one practice that really wins out from the field of positive psychology.” she says. Her students, in addition to keeping gratitude journals, are asked to write a thank-you letter and then read it out loud to the recipient (收信人). “They show measurable improvements in well-being even a month after they’ve done this.” she says. (“这是一个在积极心理学领域脱颖而出的实践”, 她说。 她的学生除了记感恩日记外, 还被要求写一封感谢信,然后大声念给收信人听。 “即使在这样做一个月后, 他们的幸福感也有了明显的改善。 ”她说。 )”, 说明她很重视写感恩日记, G 选项“That’s why gratitude features heavily in Santos’ happiness class.(这就是为什么感恩在 Santos 的幸福课上占据重要地位。 )”说明了 Santos 在她的课上很重视感恩, 因此承上启下, 符合语境, 故选 G。
39. 空前说“There’s a lack of research on how gratitude exercises help people with anxiety or clinical depression. Indeed, for all the research on the broad benefits of expressing gratitude, it is not for everyone.(关于感恩练习如何帮助焦虑或临床抑郁症患者的研究还很缺乏。 事实上,尽管所有关于表达感激的广泛好处的研究都表明, 这并不适用于所有人。 )”, 这说明感恩也不是适合每一个人, A 选项“That is, it’s not a cure-all.(也就是说, 它不是万灵药。 )”说明感恩不是适合每一个人, 因此承接上文, 符合语境, 故选 A。
40. 空前说“During really tough times, like when she suffers from poor health, Santos feels like she is reaching for reasons to be grateful. But she still tries to find some. “I’m grateful for the sun that’s shining or being able to wake up.” she says.(在非常艰难的时期, 比如她身体不好的时候, Santos 觉得她在寻找感恩的理由。 但她仍然试图找到一些。 “我很感激太阳还在照耀,我还能醒来。 ”她说。 )”说明她在身体不好时也试图找可感恩的事情, 空格处应该说这种做法给她带来了什么好处, C 选项“Gratitude allows her to remember what is going well.(感激之情让她记起顺利的事情。 )”说明了感恩给她带来的好处, 因此承接上文, 符合语境, 故选 C。
【完形填空分析】 这是一篇记叙文。 作者完成了一天的学习之后, 在很疲惫的状态下去上音乐课, 弹奏的曲子很不理想, 凯特老师让他画出春天森里的美景, 并用这种感情去弹奏, 结果却弹奏出了从来没有过的高水平。
41. 考查名词词义辨析。 句意: 我想放松一下, 但我不得不拖着沉重的脚步去小提琴工作室。A. care 关心; B. relaxation 放松; C. freedom 自由; D. motivation 动机。 根据上文“I was incredibly worn after a long day of school(在漫长的一天学习之后, 我非常疲惫)”可知, 作者经过了一整天的学习, 感到很疲惫, 所以渴望放松休息, 故选 B 项。
42. 考查名词词义辨析。 句意: 不过, 我就是不能感情用事。 A. courage 勇气; B. concern 关心;C. wisdom 智慧; D. emotion 情绪。 根据上文“I wished for relaxation but I had to drag my heavy feet to the violin studio(我想放松一下, 但我不得不拖着沉重的脚步去小提琴工作室)”虽然作者很疲惫, 但是仍然坚持上课, 可推理出作者认为自己不能感情用事, 故选 D 项。
43. 考查名词词义辨析。 句意: 虽然我遵循了乐谱上的所有音符, 但我仍然设法把描述春天的音乐演奏得听起来像是花朵要在苦涩中死去。 A. numbers 数字; B. standards 标准; C. notes 音符; D. lines 队伍; 根据下文“on the sheet music(乐谱上的)”可知, 乐谱上内容是音符, 故选 C 项。
44. 考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 同上。 A. failed 失败; B. desired 希望; C. managed 设法做某事;D. offered 提供。 根据下文“make music describing spring with full-blown flowers sound like flowers dying bitter deaths(把描述春天的音乐演奏得听起来像是花朵要在苦涩中死去)”可知, 但我仍然设法把描述春天的音乐演奏得听起来像是花朵要在苦涩中死去, 故选 C 项。
45. 考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 凯特聚精会神地听着, 然后皱着眉头, 问我用什么心情弹这首曲子的。 A. watched 观看; B. listened 听; C. performed 演奏; D. prayed 祈祷。 根据下文“asking me what the piece’s mood was(问我用什么心情弹这首曲子的)”可知, 凯特问我用什么心情弹这首曲子的, 可推理出凯特听了我的演奏, 故选 B 项。
46. 考查副词词义辨析。 句意: 我一脸茫然地盯着他。 A. blankly 茫然地; B. angrily 生气地; C. enviously 满怀嫉妒地; D. gratefully 感激地。 根据上文“Kate listened attentively and then frowned (皱眉), asking me what the piece’s mood was.( 凯特聚精会神地听着, 然后皱着眉头, 问我用什么心情弹这首曲子的)”可知, 老师问我用什么心情弹这首曲子的, 可推理出老师在批评, 分析四个选项, A 项“blankly(茫然地)”表达的含义符合语境, 放在句子中含义为“我一脸茫然地盯着他”,符合语境, 故选 A 项。
47. 考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 你能画出一幅你认为春天森林里典型的一天会是什么样子的图画吗? A. shoot 开枪; B. evaluate 评估; C. sculpt 雕刻; D. draw 画。 根据下文“an image of what you think a typical day in the forest during spring would look like(一幅你认为春天森林里典型的一天会是什么样子的图画)”可知, 下文说的是一幅画, 可推理出上文老师拿出纸和笔是让作者画一幅画, 故选 D 项。
48. 考查名词词义辨析。 句意: 犹豫之下, 我开始放飞自己的想象力。 A. personality 性格; B. imagination 想象力; C. ambition 雄心壮志; D. curiosity 好奇心。 根据下文“Soon a scenic forest full of life was pictured in my mind(很快, 我脑海中浮现出一片充满生机的风景如画的森林)”可知,作者脑海里浮现出了一片充满生机的风景如画的森林, 可知这是作者想象的结果, 空白处应填表示“想象力”含义的名词, 故选 B 项。
49. 考查动词词义辨析。句意: 很快, 我脑海中想象出一片充满生机的风景如画的森林。A. pictured想象; B. replaced 代替; C. identified 识别; D. explored 探索。 根据上文“a scenic forest full of life(一片充满生机的风景)”可知, 作者在放飞自己的想象力之后, 想象出了一片充满生机的风景, 空白处应填表示“想象”含义的动词, 故选 A 项。
50. 考查形容词词义辨析。 句意: 现在, 带着你生动的想象再次演奏这首曲子。 A. messy 凌乱的; B. amusing 有趣的; C. vivid 生动的; D. strange 奇怪的。 根据上文“Soon a scenic forest full of life was pictured in my mind(很快, 我脑海中想象出一片充满生机的风景如画的森林)”可知充满生机的风景如画的森林是作者想象出来的, 很生动, 故选 C 项。
51. 考查形容词词义辨析。 句意: 就在主题介绍时, 我闭上眼睛用以前从来都没有过的超常感情的开始演奏。 A. common 常见的; B. brief 短暂的; C. childish 孩子气的; D. exceptional 超常的。 根据下文“I had never done before(以前从来都没有过的)”可知, 现在作者投入的感情是以前从来都没有过的, 是超常的, 故选 D 项。
52. 考查动词短语辨析。 句意: 当我结束这首曲子时, 沉默了一会儿, 凯特说: “这是我从你那里听到的最好的演奏”。 A. wrapped up 圆满完成; B. noted down 记下; C. reflected on 回忆; D. set about 开始做。 根据下文“That’s the best playing I’ve ever heard from you(这是我从你那里听到的最好的演奏)”可知, 这计划是凯特老师对作者的演奏的评价, 可推理出曲子演奏结束, 故选 A项。
53. 考查动词词义辨析。 句意: 谁知道把风景画出来能帮助你更好地领会音乐呢? A. preserve 保护; B. spread 展开; C. interpret 解读; 领会; D. compose 创作。 根据上文“painting out the scenery(把风景画出来)”可知, 作者把风景画出来, 并带着这种心情弹奏出了之前从来都没有过的最好的曲子, 可推理出绘画帮助作者更好地领会了音乐, 故选 C 项。
54. 考查形容词词义辨析。 句意: 鼓舞人心的小提琴课教给我的不仅仅是音乐。 A. inspiring 鼓舞人心的; B. confusing 令人困惑的; C. shameful 可耻的; D. adventurous 大胆的。 根据上文“That’s the best playing I’ve ever heard from you(这是我从你那里听到的最好的演奏)”可知这是老师给作者的很高的评价, 使作者深受鼓舞, 故选 A 项。
55. 考查名词短语辨析。 句意: 我还学到了一项有价值的问题解决技能, 并将其应用到了我的日常生活中。 A. information-sorting 信息分类; B. problem-solving 问题解决; C. critical-thinking 批判性思维; D. decision-making 决策。 根据上文“Sometimes all we need is to use our creativity and try different methods when facing difficulties(有时, 我们所需要的只是发挥我们的创造力, 在面临困难时尝试不同的方法)”可知, 作者明白了我们所需要的只是发挥我们的创造力, 在面临困难时尝试不同的方法, 可推理出作者学会的是解决问题的能力, 故选 B 项。
第四部分 书面表达(共两节, 满分 40 分)
第一节 (满分 15 分)
Dear sir/madam,
I am Li Hua, presently a student studying in a senior high school in China. Having known with delight that you are scheduled to hold a summer camp in London, I am writing with the intention of applying for an opportunity to join you.
First and foremost, not only do I have a good command of English writing, but I can also speak English with fluency and accuracy, thus making it easy for me to communicate with others in English. In addition, outgoing and considerate, I’m confident that I can get along well with others. By participating in it, I can gain a deeper insight into a wide range of cultures and make the acquaintance of friends from various countries, which I’m firmly convinced is of great significance.
Should you grant me this invaluable chance, I would be extremely grateful.
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
That day, I decided to give it a try. Without hesitation, I got a pen in my hand and unloaded all my dissatisfaction and disappointment about my husband onto the paper. It felt so good and relaxing to say exactly what was on my mind without anyone judging me or my thoughts. With the last word put down, I felt relieved as if a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulder. Later, each time I found myself feeling the urge to voice a petty irritation (烦心事), I promised myself to write it in my complaint journal that evening. Gradually, without fear of triggering a quarrel, my reserved husband opened up to me more and our relationship got better.
Besides the improved relationship with my husband, I saw other effects soon. Old friendships became deeper, and new friendships appeared. Neighbors became more neighborly. Altogether, I started to feel happier and less stressed. When I looked back on some of my initial entries, I had to laugh out loud. Some of my complaints appeared truly ridiculous when read later. Those few moments when I could sit down and free myself of whatever is bothering me made a big difference for the better in my life. Reflecting on this experience, I hold the firm belief that with determination and smart approaches, I could not only break a bad habit but also achieve anything.



