九年级英语Review of Units 1-7(无答案)

九年级英语Review of Units 1-7
1. — I can’t decide     or not I should encourage my son to be a volunteer.
— Why not It will make him more helpful.
A. if B. whether C. how D. why
2. — So, can you tell me      here at noon
— Well, a car hit a bike while I was walking down Center Street.
A. what did you see B. what you saw
C. when did you see it D. when you saw
3. — Excuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting      on time
— It depends. If it     tomorrow, we’ll have to put it off.
A. will start; rains B. starts; rains
C. will start; will rain D. starts; will rain
4. --- What did the young man say to you
--- He asked me ______ the way to the Sun Cinema.
A. if I knew B. if did I know C. if I know D. if do I know
5. --- What did our teacher say just now
--- He asked ______.
if we needed any help or not
B. whether we had any questions
C. which question we can’t understand
D. that we could finish
6. ______ a fresh spring morning it is!
A. Who B. What C. How D. When
7. --- Could you please spare me a few minutes, Mr. Wang
--- ______. But I hope “a few minutes” will not turn into an hour.
A. I’m afraid not B. I guess not C. I don’t think so D. No problem
8. I need a ________ to post a letter.
A. postcard B. stamp C. clerk D. staff
9. —Do you know ________
—He is a dentist.
A. where he is from B. where is he from
C. what does his father do D. what his father is
10. ---Mr. Lee said he ______ teaching English because he loved children.
---Yes. And his love for children and teaching makes him a great teacher.
A. turned up B.gave up C.took up D. set up
Jeff , a thirteen-year-old boy, thought he had grown up and become a man. But his parents told him, “You won't be a real man until you begin to 1 helping others.”
One morning ,his parents gave him some money to 2 some milk for them. Outside a shop he saw a homeless old man who looked very 3 . Jeff went to him and asked, “What's wrong with you ”
The old man answered, “I’m hungry. I haven't had any food for two days.” At the thought of his parents’ words, Jeff said to the old man , “Let's go to the 4 .” When they got there, Jeff asked the waiter to bring out bread and coffee to the old man. The old man finished the meal quickly. After the waiter 5 the plate and the cup , the old man said , “Sorry for giving you so much 6 . I'm fine now. I'll 7 forget your kindness! You are a very good young man.”
Jeff was 8 when he heard this. Just when he wanted to pay for the meal, the waiter came. Jeff and the old man learned 9 that the food was free 10 it was the birthday of the boss,and that they were the first customers that day.
A.go on B. depend on C.give up D.think about
2. A.drink B.buy C.lend D.borrow
3. A. afraid B.sick C.glad D.angry
4. A.bank B.library C.restaurant D.hospital
5. A.took away B. got down C.gave back D.sent out
6. A. excuse B.advice C.trouble D.difficulty
7. A. usually B.always C.never D. sometimes
8. A. worried B. pleased C.sorry D.shy
9. A. in surprise B. as usual C.once again D.at last
10. A.because B. until C.if D.when
Teachers’ Day is a good chance(机会)for students to say thanks to their teachers. But this day doesn’t fall on the same day around the world.
In China, Teachers’ Day is on Sept. 10. In the US, teachers got a whole week to celebrate it. The first week of May is Teacher Appreciation(感谢)Week.
American schools hold parties with gifts(礼物)and food that week. There are also “Thank you” signs(标牌)everywhere to show love for teachers.
American students give small gifts to their teachers to show their thanks. These could be simple(简单的)gifts, like a thank-you note. American teachers love these because they are heartfelt. They also enjoy getting arts and handy crafts from children. Small gifts like cookies are good too.
But students don’t have to wait until Teachers’ Day. Thank your teachers all the time! They love to hear this from their students.
1. When do American teachers celebrate Teachers’ Day
A. On September 10. B. On May 1.
C. On December 25. D. In the first week of May.
2. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Teachers’ Day is on the same day everywhere.
B. American students give expensive gifts to their teachers.
C. Teachers make “Thank you” signs for their students.
D. American schools like to hold parties to celebrate Teachers’ Day.
3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about
A. What surprises Chinese students give their teachers.
B. What gifts American students give their teachers.
C. How to make Teachers’ Day gifts.
D. How to show students’ love.
4. The underlined word “heartfelt” means “______” in Chinese.
A. 可爱的 B. 勤快的 C. 真诚的 D. 礼貌的
5. In the last paragraph, the writer thinks that ______.
A. Teachers’ Day is the best time for students to thank teachers
B. students could show their thanks to teachers all the time
C. teachers shouldn’t wait for special days to give gifts
D. students should give gifts to their teachers every day
A: Welcome to Harbin. __1___
B: Yes. I heard Harbin was also called Ice City. Why
A: ___2___ The ice lanterns(灯)here are very beautiful. There are a lot of cartoon characters(人物)that are made of ice and snow.
B: __3___
A: Yes. Its name is Zhaolin Park.
B: ___4___
A: Yes, you are right. Let’s visit it.
B: By the way, where is the Ice and Snow World
A: On the Sun Island. __5___ It is a fantastic world.
B: I also want to go there.
A: Sure. We can go there tomorrow.
A. That’s all right. B. It seems like a park. C. Because it is cold in winter. D. Because Harbin is famous for ice and snow. E. It is a good place in winter to enjoy ice and snow, isn’t it F. Is this your first time to come here G. I went there last winter holiday.
1. I don't dare _________ (talk) in front of class.
2.You should try to get over your _________ (shy) .
3. The tower looks so _____ (interest). Let’s go to have a look.
4. Do you know if there is a park in the _____(center) part of the city
5. Tom promised _____ (go) to visit Mount Tai with us.
1. 请你告诉我动物园在哪儿好吗?
Could you please tell me ________ ________ ________ ________
2. 你知道今天图书馆几点关门吗?
Do you know ________ ________ ________ ________ today
Mario ______ at an animal hospital because he wants to learn about ______ ______ ______ ______ animals.
4. 在动物医院做志愿者对我来说就是梦想成真。
______ at an animal hospital _____ a dream ______ ______ for me.
I think the volunteer work will ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ our world.
你的英国笔友Tom想要了解你最喜爱的中国节日,请你写一封回信,从下面几个方面向他介绍一个中国传统节日。字数70词以上。What is the name of the festival When is it What do people eat What do people do Why do you like it so much
Dear Tom,
How’s it going Now let me tell you my favorite Chinese festival. _____________________



