

It's hard to turn down a tasty banana.They tasto good and you don't havo to wash them before cating them.However.
British scientists sny that the frult may disappear by 2050
One renson for this is climate change.Scientists at the Unlversity of Exeter collected data()from 27 countriez that
produce 86 percent of the world's bananas.They found that climate change has improved growing conditions in 21 of these
countrics.In the past60 yenrs,.the average yield乎均产f)hn9 reaohed I37 tons of bananas per hectarer公顷)
However.if temperatures keep rising.this advantage will disappear.Ten of the countries.including india.the world's
biggest producer of bananas.will produce fewer bananas.By 2050.the fruit may dic out.
Shouldn't bananas grow more easily if it's hotter outside In fact,the perfect temperaturo range()for growing
bananas is between 24 C and 32C.If temperatures get too high.they will stop growing
Diseases are another danger to bananas.Unlike other plants,the bananas we grow come from shoot cuttings()rather
than seeds.This means that all banana plants have the same genotype().In other words,if a disease is able to kill one
plant it could kill them all.
One serious disease is called Panama.Caused by fungi()in the soil,it spreads easily.It has spread across South Asia.
Africa.the Middle East and Australia.If one banana plantation(suffers from the disease.it will take 30 years unti!it is
able to grow bananas again.Scientists haven't found a cure for this disease yet.
】.What does the underlined word"his"in Paragraph2 refer to(指)?
A.A banana tastes great.B.A banana will die out by 2050.C.A banana is convenient to be eaten.
2.From the passage.we can learn that
A.in the las:60 years.the average yicld of bananas has increased
B.Panama has killed all the bananas in some areas like South Asia
C.the higher the temperature is,the better bananas will grow
What does the passage mainly talk about
.A.The difficulties of growing bananas.B.The perfect conditions of growing bananas.
C.The reasons for the disappearance of bananas.
4.How is the passage organized
Over5 million shared bikes in China are using services offered by Beidou Navigation Satellite System(北斗卫星导航系
s统).These shared bikes all use Beidou based positioning chips(芯片).
The chips have high qualities.They can deal with information accurately and quickly.They feature low power
consumption.They provide a better user experience and easier management for the local companies.Now.several new models
of shared electric bikes with Beidou-based chips have also started to be produced and put into market.Besides positioning and
navigation,the chips will help users and bike companies record user speed and battery condition of an electrie bike.The
possible crimes during the bike using will also be recorded.
in fact,years ago,shared bike companies began to use positioning chips which worked well with both GPS and Beidou
services.After the Beidou system became fully in use in the summer of 2020,shared bike companies started installing
Beidou-based chips on more bikes in more areas.The latest chips which are popular with bike companies are smaller and have
more advantages over the old types.
Since 2000,a total of 59 Beidou satellites have been lifted from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province.
After the final satellite was lifted in 2020,the system was completed and started providing global services.Beidou Satellite
System is designed and developed by China and it is one of four global navigation networks,along with the United States'GPS.
Russia's GLONASS and the European Union's Galileo.



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