七年级英语上册(牛津译林版)Unit 7 Shopping 单元话题短文首字母填空练习(含解析)

Unit 7 Shopping
It’s December 20th. Christmas is c 1 . Ma Li is in a c 2 shop. She wants to b 3 a blouse for her mother. She is happy because she wants a blue blouse. It looks p 4 . She thinks it m 5 her mother’s trousers well, so she asks the shopkeeper what the p 6 is.
“198 yuan,” says the shopkeeper. Ma Li is surprised(吃惊的), “Too e 7 ! What’s it made of ” The shopkeeper tells her the blouse is made of silk. “Good things always c 8 much,” he says.
“But I have only 190 yuan. Can it be cheaper I buy it for my mother.”
“Sorry. 198 yuan is the last price. But I will l 9 you 8 yuan.”
“W 10 We don’t know each other.”
“Because I love my mother, too,” says the shopkeeper with a smile.
May 10 is China Brand (品牌) Day. People c 11 the day by having different activities to make Chinese brands known by more people. In fact, many Chinese brands are popular at h 12 and abroad (国外). Here are some examples.
Technology (技术)
From cellphones to drones (无人机), the world is c 13 because of Chinese technology. Huawei, for example, is the w 14 second largest cellphone company and more than 170 countries use its cellphones. Huawei is also a leader in 5G technology.
F 15
Back in 2011, Chinese fashion brands Feiyue, Huili and Li-Ning became world-famous. The shoes are cheap, fashionable and c 16 to wear. Many Westerners like the shoes very much.
Makeup (化妆品)
Chinese makeup products (产品) are having their moment. People from o 17 100 countries buy Huaxizi makeup products and its lipstick (口红) is a 18 the bestsellers in the online shops in Japan.
What’s one of the most popular apps in the US It’s TikTok (抖音). Some 50 million US users spend about 46 minutes w 19 videos on it every day. But it’s not j 20 a time-killer. People can buy things on it too.
There is a new shopping mall near my school. It is very e 21 to find because it is not f 22 away from the bus station. The mall is very big and it has many f 23 . On the ground floor, there are lots of clothes shops. This is g 24 news for girls. However, there are not many shops for b 25 . There is only one sports shop for them. I think the mall n 26 some more. There is also a big c 27 on the second floor and I often watch films there. I do not like the computer games centre on the third floor. It is small and there are too m 28 people. I like the toy shop on the top floor very much. There are some nice toys in it and I want to buy a toy car for my brother as his birthday p 29 .
The mall is a good place to meet f 30 . It is a really fun place to go.
Our school will have a school s 31 next weekend. We want to raise money (筹款) for the p 32 students. Sally will s 33 her toys. She has them f 34 many years, but they are new. Bill w 35 to sell his bike. He has it for nine years and it is t 36 small for him now. Eric wants to sell his storybooks. He has them for a 37 five years. Marina has a beautiful clock and she likes it very much. She has it for j 38 a month. But she wants to sell it this t 39 .
What will our teachers sell Look! Too m 40 things!
Do you like going shopping My friend Mrs. Green likes shopping a lot. Today is S 41 the last day of the week. She wants to buy a s 42 for herself. Now she is in a store. She sees a red sweater and she wants to have a try. So she asks the salesgirl, “How much is it ”
“It’s on s 43 now. You can get it for only thirty d 44 , so you can save twenty today.” the salesgirl a 45 .
“Can I try it on, please ” Mrs. Green asks.
“S 46 . The dressing room is over there. This way, please.” the salesgirl says.
After Mrs. Green c 47 out of the dressing room, the salesgirl says, “You l 48 ten years younger in this sweater.”
But Mrs. Green says, “Then I can’t take the sweater b 49 I don’t want to look ten years older after I take it off.” After that, Mrs. Green leaves the store and goes into another one. She tries many different sweaters there and buys a beautiful y 50 sweater.
Hello! My name is Bill. I’m an English boy. Now I’m in China with my sister Sally, my p 51 Jack and Helen. November 11th is a shopping day h 52 . On that day many people buy a lot of things o 53 Taobao. This year, my mother Helen buys s 54 things for us. They are a schoolbag, two j 55 , two cups and a pen. The y 56 schoolbag is for Sally. I like the blue jacket very much, but my father likes the red one. The two cups are for my mother and m 57 . The black pen is for Jack.
My mother l 58 shopping online. She s 59 it’s convenient (方便的). She doesn’t need to go out to f 60 things.
There is a shop n 61 my home. The people in the shop are friendly. O 62 Saturday afternoon, we often go s 63 there. It opens a 64 nine in the morning and closes l 65 in the evening. So people can go there after they come back from work. You can buy l 66 of things in the shop. You can buy food, clothes, school things and many o 67 things. B 68 there are no books there. Now we are in the shop. My mother wants to buy a shirt f 69 my father. Then we’d like to d 70 some orange juice.
We go shopping almost every day. We have many choices of the places to b 71 things. Supermarket is the r 72 place for you. There are some g 73 points buying things at the supermarket.
You buy things at the supermarket at a low(低的)p 74 . You p 75 much more in the big store to buy the same goods(物品).
You decide what to buy all by y 76 at the supermarket. And you don’t have troubles from the shop assistant at the b 77 store.
There are more choices of goods to buy at the supermarket. You can buy many things for a week’s use at a t 78 : it saves us much m 79 and time.
In a word, it is b 80 to buy things at a supermarket.
1.(c)oming 2.(c)lothes 3.(b)uy 4.(p)retty 5.(m)atches 6.(p)rice 7.(e)xpensive 8.(c)ost 9.(l)end 10.(W)hy
1.句意:圣诞节快到了。根据“It’s December 20th.”可知圣诞节即将来临,这里用现在进行时表示将来,空处应填coming。故填(c)oming。
2.句意:马丽在一家服装店。根据后文“She wants to…a blouse for her mother.”可知,她在服装店。故填(c)lothes。
3.句意:她想给她妈妈买一件衬衫。短语want to do sth.“想做某事”,可知空处填动词,结合首字母提示可知填动词buy“购买”,buy sth. for sb.“给某人买某物”。故填(b)uy。
4.句意:它看起来很漂亮。根据“She is happy because she wants a blue blouse.”可知她很高兴,结合首字母提示可知,此处指的是衬衫看起来很漂亮。pretty“漂亮的”,形容词作表语。故填(p)retty。
5.句意:她认为它很适合妈妈。根据“She thinks it…her mother’s trousers well”可知此句是宾语从句,空处应填动词,结合首字母可知填动词match,match sb. well“很适合某人”,从句的主语“it”是第三人称单数,主谓一致,match的第三人称单数形式是matches。故填(m)atches。
6.句意:所以她问店主价格是多少。根据后文“198 yuan”可知,询问的是价格,结合首字母,可知填price“价格”。故填(p)rice。
7.句意:太贵了!根据“Ma Li is surprised”及首字母提示可知,她认为太贵了。expensive“贵的”,形容词。故填(e)xpensive。
8.句意:好东西总是要花很多钱。根据“Good things always…much”可知空处应填动词,结合首字母,可知填动词cost“花费”,此句主语“Good things”是第三人称复数,谓语动词用原形。故填(c)ost。
9.句意:但我会借给你8元钱。根据“Sorry. 198 yuan is the last price”可知,这里表示抱歉,198元是最低的价格。结合首字母,可知填动词lend“借”,放在“will”后用动词原形。故填(l)end。
10.句意:为什么?根据“But I will lend you 8 yuan.”及“We don’t know each other.”可知,这里问的是“为什么”。Why“为什么”,特殊疑问词,用于询问原因。故填(W)hy。
11.(c)elebrate 12.(h)ome 13.(c)hanging 14.(w)orld’s 15.(F)ashion 16.(c)omfortable 17.(o)ver 18.(a)mong 19.(w)atching 20.(j)ust
11.句意:人们通过不同的活动来庆祝这一天,让更多的人知道中国品牌。根据“People … the day by having different activities”及首字母可知,通过不同的活动来庆祝,celebrate“庆祝”,句子是一般现在时,主语people是复数形式,动词用原形,故填(c)elebrate。
12.句意:事实上,许多中国品牌在国内外都很受欢迎。根据“at … and abroad”及首字母可知,此处指在国内外,英文表达为at home and abroad,故填(h)ome。
13.句意:从手机到无人机,中国的技术正在改变世界。根据“the world is … because of Chinese technology”及首字母可知,因为高科技,世界在改变,change“改变”,is与现在分词构成现在进行时结构,故填(c)hanging。
14.句意:例如,华为是世界第二大手机公司,有170多个国家使用它的手机。根据“Huawei, for example, is the … second largest cellphone company”及首字母可知,华为是世界第二大手机公司,world“世界”,此空用名词所有格修饰名词company,故填(w)orld’s。
15.句意:时尚。根据“Back in 2011, Chinese fashion brands Feiyue, Huili and Li-Ning became world-famous.”可知,本段介绍的是时尚方面的变化,fashion“时尚”,故填(F)ashion。
16.句意:鞋子便宜、时尚、穿着舒适。根据“The shoes are cheap, fashionable and …to wear”及首字母可知,鞋子穿着舒适,comfortable“舒服的”,故填(c)omfortable。
17.句意:来自100多个国家的人们购买花西子化妆品,其口红在日本的网上商店中是最畅销的。根据“100 countries”及首字母可知,此处指超过100多个国家,over“超过”,故填(o)ver。
18.句意:来自100多个国家的人们购买花西子化妆品,其口红在日本的网上商店中是最畅销的。根据“the bestsellers in the online shops in Japan”及首字母可知,此处指在日本的网上商店中是最畅销的,among“在……之间”,故填(a)mong。
19.句意:大约5000万美国用户每天花46分钟在它上面看视频。根据“spend about 46 minutes … videos on it every day.”及首字母可知,花46分钟观看视频,watch“观看”,spend+时间+doing sth“花费时间做某事”,故填(w)atching。
20.句意:但它不仅仅是一个时间杀手。根据“But it’s not … a time-killer.”及首字母可知,不仅仅是一个时间杀手,just“仅仅”,故填(j)ust。
21.(e)asy 22.(f)ar 23.(f)loors 24.(g)ood 25.(b)oys 26.(n)eeds 27.(c)inema 28.(m)any 29.(p)resent 30.(f)riends
21.句意:它很容易找到。系动词be后用形容词,根据“There is a new shopping mall near my school .”可知,此处表达的是它很容易找到,故填(e)asy。
22.句意:因为它离汽车站不远。根据前一句句意 “这家商场很容易找到”可知,此处应是“它离汽车站不远”,far away from 意为“离……远”,故填(f)ar。
23.句意:这个商场很大,并且它有很多层楼。根据前文“The mall is very big”并结合下文分层介绍以及首字母可知,此处应表示这个商场有很多层楼。floor是可数名词, 应该用复数形式,故填(f)loors。
24.句意:这对女孩们来讲真是个好消息。根据“There are lots of clothes shops.”并结合首字母可知,此处应表达的是“好消息”。故填(g)ood。
26.句意:我认为这个商场需要更多的商店。根据“There is only one sports shop.”可知,商场还需要更多这样的商店,主语为the mall,为单数,应填need的第三人称单数形式,故填(n)eeds。
27.句意:在二楼也有一个很大的电影院。根据“I often watch films there.”可知,此处应是有一个电影院,其前有不定冠词a,此处应用其单数形式,结合首字母,故填(c)inema。
28.句意:它地方很小,人太多了。根据上文“I do not like the computer games centre on the third floor. It is small...”可知,游戏厅地方小,人太多,people为可数名词,结合首字母,故填(m)any。
29.句意:我想买一辆玩具车给我哥哥作为他的生日礼物。结合语境和首字母,此处应该是生日礼物birthday present,且根据前文“a toy car”可知,只有一个礼物,所以应该用present的单数形式,故填(p)resent。
31.(s)ale 32.(p)oor 33.(s)ell 34.(f)or 35.(w)ants 36.(t)oo 37.(a)bout 38.(j)ust 39.(t)ime 40.(m)any
31.句意:我们学校下周末将举行学校大减价。根据“raise money”可知是学校有售卖会,sale“售卖”。故填(s)ale。
32.句意:我们想为贫困学生筹集资金。根据“raise money”可知是为贫穷的学生筹钱,poor“穷的”。故填(p)oor。
33.句意:莎莉将卖掉她的玩具。根据“her toys”可知是卖掉她的玩具,sell“卖”,will后加动词原形。故填(s)ell。
35.句意:比尔想卖掉他的自行车。根据“to sell his bike”可知是想卖掉自行车,want“想要”,句子用一般现在时,主语是Bill,谓语动词用单三。故填(w)ants。
36.句意:现在对他来说太小了。根据“small for him”可知是对他来说太小了,too“太”。故填(t)oo。
37.句意:他拥有它们大约五年了。根据“five years”可知是大约五年,about“大约”。故填(a)bout。
38.句意:她只拥有它一个月的时间。根据“a month”可知是只有一个月,just“仅仅”。故填(j)ust。
39.句意:但她这次想把它卖掉。根据“wants to sell it this...”可知是这次把它卖掉,time“次”。故填(t)ime。
41.(S)aturday 42.(s)weater 43.(s)ale 44.(d)ollars 45.(a)nswers 46.(S)ure 47.(c)omes 48.(l)ook 49.(b)ecause 50.(y)ellow
41.句意:今天是星期六,一周的最后一天。根据“the last day of the week”可知,一周的最后一天是“星期六”,英语表达为Saturday。故填(S)aturday。
42.句意:她想给自己买一件毛衣。根据下文“She sees a red sweater and she wants to have a try”可知,她想买一件“毛衣”,英语表达为sweater。故填(s)weater。
43.句意:“现在正在打折。你只要花30美元就能买到,所以你今天可以省20美元。”女售货员回答。根据“You can get it for only thirty d..., so you can save twenty today”可知,毛衣正在“打折”,英语表达为on sale。故填(s)ale。
44.句意:“现在正在打折。你只要花30美元就能买到,所以你今天可以省20美元。”女售货员回答。根据“thirty d...”可知,此处需填单位,表示30“美元”,英语表达为dollar,此处需填复数dollars。故填(d)ollars。
45.句意:“现在正在打折。你只要花30美元就能买到,所以你今天可以省20美元。”女售货员回答。根据上文格林太太问的问题“How much is it ”可知,此处为女售货员“回答道”,英语表达为answer,整篇文章以一般现在时为主,主语salesgirl为三单,因此用answers。故填(a)nswers。
46.句意:“当然。更衣室在那边。请这边走。”女售货员说。根据“The dressing room is over there. This way, please”可知,需填肯定回答。结合首字母可知,此处为“当然”,英语表达为sure。故填(S)ure。
47.句意:格林太太从试衣间出来后,女售货员说:“你穿这件毛衣看起来年轻了十岁。”根据“The dressing room is over there. This way, please”可知,格林太太进试衣间试衣服,因此“After Mrs. Green c...out of the dressing room,”为格林太太从试衣间“出来”后,英语表达为come,主语为三单,因此用comes。故填(c)omes。
48.句意:格林太太从试衣间出来后,女售货员说:“你穿这件毛衣看起来年轻了十岁。”根据“You l...ten years younger in this sweater.”可知,你穿这件毛衣“看起来”年轻了十岁,英语表达为look,主语为you,因此用原形。故填(l)ook。
49.句意:但是格林太太说:“那我不要这件毛衣了,因为我不想脱下后看起来老十岁。”根据“Then I can’t take the sweater b...I don’t want to look ten years older after I take it off.”可知,前后句子之间为因果关系,我不要这件毛衣了,“因为”我不想脱下后看起来老十岁,英语表达为because。故填(b)ecause。
50.句意:她在那里试了很多不同的毛衣,买了一件漂亮的黄色毛衣。根据“She tries many different sweater there and buys a beautiful y...sweater.”可知,此处需填形容词。她买了一件漂亮的“黄色”毛衣。英语表达为yellow。故填(y)ellow。
51.(p)arents 52.(h)ere 53.(o)n 54.(s)ome 55.(j)ackets 56.(y)ellow 57.(m)e 58.(l)ikes/(l)oves 59.(s)ays 60.(f)ind
51.句意:现在我和我的妹妹萨莉,我的父母杰克和海伦在中国。根据“my sister Sally my p...Jack and Helen”可知杰克和海伦是比尔的父母,parents“父母”,故填(p)arents。
52.句意:11月11日是这里的购物节。根据“November 11th is a shopping day h...”可知在这里,双十一是购物节,here“这里”,副词,故填(h)ere。
53.句意:在那一天,许多人在淘宝上买很多东西。根据“buy a lot of things o...Taobao.”可知是在淘宝上买了很多东西,on“在……上”,介词,故填(o)n。
54.句意:今年,我妈妈海伦给我们买了一些东西。根据“This year, my mother Helen buys s...things for us. ”可知是指一些东西,some“一些”,故填(s)ome。
55.句意:它们是一个书包,两件夹克,两个杯子和一支钢笔。根据下文“I like the blue jacket very much,”可知是指夹克,jacket“夹克”,可数名词,被two修饰,应用复数,故填(j)ackets。
56.句意:黄色的书包是给萨莉的。根据“The y...schoolbag is for Sally. I like the blue jacket”可知是指黄色,yellow“黄色的”,形容词,故填(y)ellow。
57.句意:这两个杯子是给我妈妈和我的。根据“The two cups are for my mother and m...”可知此处是指我,应用宾格代词me作宾语,故填(m)e。
58.句意:我妈妈喜欢网上购物。根据“My mother l...shopping online”可知妈妈喜欢网上购物,like/love“喜欢”,是动词,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式,故填(l)ikes/(l)oves。
59.句意:她说这样很方便。根据“She s...it’s convenient (方便的).”可知妈妈说网购很方便,say“说”,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式,故填(s)ays。
60.句意:她不需要出去找东西。根据“She doesn’t need to go out to f...things.”可知是指find“寻找”,空前有不定式符号,动词用原形,故填(f)ind。
61.(n)ear 62.(O)n 63.(s)hopping 64.(a)t 65.(l)ate 66.(l)ots 67.(o)ther 68.(B)ut 69.(f)or 70.(d)rink
61.句意:我家附近有一家商店。根据There is a shop...my home“”可知是指商店在家附近,near“在……附近”,介词,故填(n)ear。
62.句意:星期六下午,我们经常去那里购物。根据“Saturday afternoon,”可知是用介词on,故填(O)n。
63.句意:星期六下午,我们经常去那里购物。根据“we often go...”可知是购物,go shopping“购物”,故填(s)hopping。
64.句意:它早上九点开门,晚上很晚才关门。根据“It opens...nine”可知具体时刻前用at,故填(a)t。
65.句意:它早上九点开门,晚上很晚才关门。根据“closes...in the evening”可知是指关门晚,late“晚”,副词,故填(l)ate。
66.句意:你可以在商店里买很多东西。固定短语lots of“许多”,故填(l)ots。
69.句意:我妈妈想给爸爸买一件衬衫。固定短语buy sth for sb“为某人买某物”,故填(f)or。
70.句意:然后我们想喝一些橙汁。根据“some orange juice”可知是指喝橙汁,空前有不定式符号to,动词用原形,故填(d)rink。
71.(b)uy 72.(r)ight 73.(g)ood 74.(p)rice 75.(p)ay 76.(y)ourself 77.(b)ig 78.(t)ime 79.(m)oney 80.(b)etter
71.句意:我们有很多地方可以选择买东西。根据“have many choices of the places to...things”及首字母提示可知,此处是buy“买”,空前有to,动词用原形,故填(b)uy。
72.句意:超市是适合你的地方。根据首字母提示及“There are some...points buying things at the supermarket.”可知,此处指的是right“合适的”,是形容词作表语,修饰其后的名词,故填(r)ight。
74.句意:你在超市以低价买东西。根据“a low”及首字母提示可知,此处是price“价格”,故填(p)rice。
75.句意:你在大商店买同样的商品要花更多的钱。根据“You buy things at the supermarket at a low...”及首字母提示可知,在大商店买同样的东西要花费更多的钱,pay“支付”,主语是you,动词用原形,故填(p)ay。
76.句意:你自己决定在超市买什么。根据“And you don’t have troubles from the shop assistant”及首字母提示可知,买东西是自己决定的,此处应用反身代词yourself“你自己”,故填(y)ourself。
77.句意:你也不会在大商店里遇到来自店员的麻烦。根据“in the big store”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是big store“大商店”,故填(b)ig。
78.句意:你一次可以买很多东西用一个星期。根据“You can buy many things for a week’s use”及首字母提示可知,此处表示“一次性买一周的东西”,at a time“一次”,故填(t)ime。
79.句意:这为我们节省了很多金钱和时间。根据“saves us much...and time.”及首字母提示可知,此处是money“钱”,故填(m)oney。
80.句意:总之,在超市买东西更好。根据“it is...to buy things at a supermarket.”及首字母提示可知,此处是better“更好的”,隐含着与其他地方购物进行比较,故填(b)etter。



