Unit 1 What's the matter (Section A 3a-3c)补充精练(2课时无答案)

Unit 1 What’s the matter 同步练习
Section A 3a-3c 第1课时
1. 幸亏;由于 ________________ 2. 及时 ________________
3. 立即:马上 ________________ 4. 在路边 ________________
5. 等待 ________________ 6. shout for help ________________
7. act quickly ________________ 8. save a life ________________
9. fall down ________________ 10. think about ________________
He didn't reply to her question _________.
They caught the bus _________ .
My best friend is ______________ girl.
____________________, my room looks much tidier.
You will _______________ if you play basketball here.
___________________, Jack passed the math exam.
___________________everyone s help, the poor girl can continue to go to school.
Jim ___________________ and hurt his leg when he played soccer yesterday.
You are terribly ill and you need to go to the hospital ___________________.5.如果有人陷入困境,我们应该帮助他/她摆脱困境。
If someone ___________________, we should help him or her out.
1.Steven should eat fruit and vegetables more often.(对画线部分提问)
          Steven      more often
2.The boy should take some medicine.(改为否定句)
The boy                medicine.
3.He should eat something and rest.(改为一般疑问句)
     he eat     and rest
4.You shouldn′t spend so much time on computer games.(改为同义句)
You                spend so much time on computer games.
Where will you          the bus
2.令我吃惊的是, 吉米通过了考试并且上了大学。
              , Jimmy passed the exams and went to university.
Don't do like that, or you'll               .
         your help, my room looks much tidier.
When I passed the music room, I     Cathy     the piano.
Unit 1 What’s the matter 同步练习
Section A 3a-3c 第2课时
1. I’ll (下车)the bus at the next stop.  
2. My mother never (考虑)herself.
3. She doesn't want to (找麻烦) .
4.You should (躺下)and have a rest.
5. The old man was taken to the hospital ___________________.(及时)
1. ---What's the matter ______ your personal computer
---It doesn’t work. I will have it repaired.
A. with B. for C. in D.on
2. Nick agreed ______ me with my math.
A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help
3. The man didn’t think about himself. He only thought about ______ the baby's life.
A. save B. saves C. to save D. saving
4. ---Should we learn to help people ______ ---Of course.
A. in trouble B. in troubles C. in the trouble D. in a trouble
5. The man found his ID card ______ on the floor when he opened the door.
A. lay B. lying C. lie D. lies
Wang Ping, a bus driver, was going 1_________ Zhonghua Road when he saw an old man
2_________ (lie) on the side of the road and a woman next to him shouting for help. He stopped the bus without 3_________(think) twice. He got off and asked the woman 4_________ happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Wang Ping told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected the passengers 5_________(get) off and
6_________(wait) the next bus. But to 7_________ (he) surprise, they all agreed to go with him and some passengers helped him move the man 8_________ the bus. 9_________ (thank) to these people, the man was saved 10_________ time.
四、完成句子。(每题不超过4 个单词)。
1. 所有的父母期望他们的孩子努力学习。(work)
All parents expect their kids __________________.
2. 多亏了你的建议,我按时完成了项目。(thank)
_______________ your advice , I finished the project on time .
3. ---Jack 怎么了 ---他嗓子疼。(have)
---What's the matter with Jack -He has __________________.
4. ---我感到非常疲劳。 ---请躺下休息一下。(lie)
---I feel very tired. ---Please _______________ and have a rest .
Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day. Our body turns what we eat into energy(能量). If we don't eat when we get up, our store of energy will be low. We won't think or work well and our stomach will keep letting us know that it is waiting for food!
Here are some breakfast ideas. Bread, cereals (谷类食物) and eggs can give us the energy our body needs to get through the morning. And milk is very good for growing bodies.
But some kids don't eat before they go to school There may be lots of ▲. Maybe there is no food for them at home or maybe they just get up late and have no time to eat. So some schools have a breakfast program where kids can get something from the canteen (食堂) before school or at the morning break. Some schools have a "Brain Food " project. Each class takes a break about an hour after starting school. During this break kids have a healthy snack, like fruit, vegetables or yogurt.
1. What does the underlined word “it” refer to
A. Breakfast. B. Energy. C. The meal. D. The stomach.
2. What is the first paragraph mainly about
A. Breakfast is important to us. B. Most people don't eat breakfast. C. What breakfast is. D. When we should have breakfast.
3. _______ is/are very good for children according to the passage.
A. Bread B. Cereals C. Milk D. Eggs
4. Which of the following can be put in ▲
A. meanings B. reasons C. promises D. plans
5. “Brain Food" is a project to _______.
A. improve children's health by giving them free milk
B. teach students how to cook healthy food by themselves
C. give money and food to poor children at school
D. give kids some time to eat healthy food in the morning




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