
  Everyone likes to have fun, but not everyone can spend much money on it. Here are some free or cheap ways for you to enjoy yourselves.
  Try a hobby
  While you're out, take pictures of things you find. Taking pictures can make you notice the beauty around you. And you'll get interesting photos. If you don't have a camera or a mobile phone that can take pictures, you can try drawing. Drawing only needs a pencil and paper.
  Get outside
  Going outside in good weather can be fun, especially when you go with a friend. Go hiking or ride a bicycle in a park. If you live in a city, you can also go window shopping.
  Find an event
  Libraries often hold free public events. Stop by one to find out what's going on. And while you're there, borrow a book or magazine for free. Museums and universities also hold free events.
  Meet a friend
  Friendships are the best things in life. Whatever you do, find someone to share it with. Invite a friend for a walk, an event or a time working on your hobbies. If your friend comes in the afternoon, you don't have to serve a meal. You can sit and talk, play computer games, play card games or watch a movie.
1.How many ways are there in the passage for us to enjoy ourselves
2.What can make you notice the beauty around
3.Which places can hold free events
4.What are the best things in our life according to the writer
5.What do you think of these ways
  All over the world people enjoy sports and take part in different kinds of sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.
  Many people like to watch others play games.They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games.Often they get very excited when “their” player or team wins.
  Sports change with seasons.People play different games in winter and summer.Swimming is more comfortable in warm weather,but skating is more fun in winter.
  Sports and games often grow out of people's work and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their daily life. They use them in their sports,too. It is the same with people in Xinjiang. Millions of people hunt and fish for a living, and hunting and fishing are very good sports,too.
  Some sports or games go back thousands of years,like running or jumping. Chinese Wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.
  People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train a person's character. The more you do sports, the healthier and happier you become.
6.Do people all over the world enjoy sports
7.What do sports change with
8.Where do sports and games often grow out of
9.【新考法·开放性试题】What sports do you often do What can you get from doing the sports (Give at least two good points.)
  Many people don't start a day without a cup of coffee. Coffee is popular all over the world.
  Coffee is a cold or hot drink made from coffee beans. Coffee beans are not really beans but berries from the coffee tree bush. There are at least 500 types of coffee trees in the world. The coffee tree needs warm climate. More than 1,000 million hectares(公顷) of coffee trees are grown all over the world.
  There are different types of coffee drinks. Black coffee is coffee with no milk in it. Espresso is very strong coffee. Cappuccino is espresso with milk. Latte is made like cappuccino but with more milk and a very thin layer of foam(泡沫).
  Coffee has a long history. No one knows exactly how or when coffee was discovered(被发现). A legend(传说) said that, before about 900, a shepherd(牧羊人) named Kaldi noticed that his sheep seemed more energetic(精力充沛的) after eating some berries, and some of them even didn't want to sleep at night. Then people made the tea of these beans and found it could help people stay up late.
  Drinking coffee brings some advantages for people. The caffeine(咖啡因) can make people feel energetic and less tired. That's why some people drink coffee when they are studying or working. Also, it acts on the brain to improve memory. However, drinking coffee in the evening makes it difficult for some people to fall asleep.Also,too much caffeine is dangerous for kids.
  Next time you feel tired during the day,try a cup of coffee! But always remember not to drink too much.
10.Are coffee beans really beans
11.How many coffee trees are grown all over the world
12.According to the legend,when was coffee discovered
13.Why do some people drink coffee when they are studying or working
14.What does the passage mainly talk about
[语篇解读] 本文介绍了一些不用花钱获取快乐的方法。
1.Four./4. 通读全文可知,本文一共介绍了四种娱乐方式。
2.Taking pictures. 根据Try a hobby描述中的“Taking pictures can make you notice the beauty around you.”可知,拍照能让我们发现身边的美。
3.Libraries, museums and universities. 根据Find an event描述中的“Libraries often hold free public events.”和“Museums and universities also hold free events.”可知,图书馆、博物馆和大学都会举办免费的活动。
4.Friendships. 根据Meet a friend描述中的“Friendships are the best things in life.”可知,友谊是生活中最好的东西。
5.They are cheap and interesting. 本题为开放性试题,答案不唯一,言之有理即可。
[语篇解读] 本文介绍了和运动有关的一些观点。
6.Yes./Yes, they do. 根据第一段中的“All over the world people enjoy sports...”可知,世界各地的人都喜欢运动,要作肯定回答。
7.Seasons./Sports change with seasons. 根据第三段中的“Sports change with seasons.” 可知,运动会随着季节的变化而变化。
8.People's work and everyday activities. 根据第四段中的“Sports and games often grow out of people's work and everyday activities.”可知答案。
9.I keep running everyday. Running gives me a healthy body. Running makes me happy. 本题答案不唯一,符合题意即可。
[语篇解读] 本文介绍了和咖啡有关的一些知识。
10.No, they aren't. 根据第二段中的“Coffee beans are not really beans...”可知,要作否定回答。
11.More than 1,000 million hectares of coffee trees. 根据第二段中的“More than 1,000 million hectares of coffee trees are grown all over the world.”可知,全世界有一千万公顷的咖啡树。
12.Before about 900. 根据第四段中的“No one knows exactly how or when coffee was discovered. A legend said that, before about 900...”可知,传说中咖啡是在公元900年之前被发现的。
13.Because the caffeine can make people feel energetic and less tired. 根据第五段中的“The caffeine can make people feel energetic and less tired. That's why some people drink coffee when they are studying or working.”可知,咖啡因能让人觉得精力充沛,没有疲惫感,这是人们在学习或工作的时候喝咖啡的原因。
14.Coffee. 本文介绍了和咖啡有关的一些知识。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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