Unit 4 Do it yourself- Task& Self assessment同步练习(2课时含答案)

Unit 4 Do it yourself-Task and self assessment
balloons finish sentence cut out spell on the other side
1. Can you the word correctly
2. She sat down of the table.
3. I am afraid that I can't ' the work in such a short time.
4. The little girl likes playing with_________________.
5. What does that mean
1. My father decided __________ (take) a trip this weekend.
2. Be careful! Don’t keep ___________(make) the same mistake.
3. He often makes some __________ (spell) mistakes in his composition.
4. They were very __________(excite) when they saw their favourite star.
5. Henry’s uncle is planning __________ (take) a trip to Dunhuang now.
1. 他建议早点出发。
He _______ _______ earlier.
2. 请给我提些建议吧。
Please give me ________ _______ .
3. 你将什么时候完成这项工作?
_________ _________ _________ complete the work
4. 我在寒假里读完了三部小说。
I _________ _________ three novels during the winter vacation.
5. 西蒙建议我买台电脑。
Simon _________ _________ _________ _________ a computer.
6. 因为我起床晚了,所以我没有赶上公共汽车。
I didn’t catch the bus _________ _________ _________ _________ late.
7. 吉姆忘记带钱了,他把钱包落在桌子上了。Jim ________ to take the money with him. He ________ the wallet on the table.
1. andy often helps me my ________ homework.
A. to B. did C. with D. does
2. It usually takes me 10 minutes ________ to school every day.
A. to get B. get C. gets D. getting
3. Yunnan Museum is such an interesting place that many kids have fun ________ it.
A. visiting B. to visit C. reading D. to read
4. —How soon should we _____the test
—You have half an hour to finish it.
A. decide B. work C. cover D. complete
5. I had to walk to school because my car ________ yesterday.
A. worked well B. went wrong C. made mistakes D. took place
6. —Honey, come and help me ________ the picture of balloons from the magazine.
—OK, Granny. I’m coming.
A. carry out B. work out C. cut out D. hand out
complete, cover, balloon, spell, stick
1. What will you write on its __________
2. I need some glue to __________ the picture on the wall.
3. He didn’t get any help and had to __________ the work by himself.
4. My __________ is so terrible that few people can understand my writing.
5. Sue decorated her room with many colourful __________ on her birthday.
Andrew is 1.c________ about DIY. He loves to 2.r________ things and decorate his house. But when he finishes, the house always looks 3.t________ !
Once he wanted to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a 4.m ________. Another time, he tried to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and 5.f________ the room with water. Last month, he painted his living room.
Now not 6.o________ the walls but 7.a________ the ceiling and the floor are blue. When I wanted a shelf above my bed, he 8.s________ five hours 9.p ________ up the shelf on the wall. But I couldn’t put the books on it 10.b________ one end of the shelf was much 11.h________ than the other.
I 12.a________ him to take a 13.c________ in DIY. This made him 14.a________. He says he 15.a________ knows everything about it.
上周日是你姐姐的生日,她很喜欢音乐,你为她做了一个生日礼物。请根据下面的提示,以“My First DIY Job”为题,写一篇80 词左右的短文,叙述你自己动手做的经过和感受。题目和开头已经给出,不计入总词数。
提示:1. 赶在生日前做了一个生日音乐盒,并对此保密;
2. 花了许多时间,制作时曾出错;
3. 将18 朵粉色玫瑰花粘在盒盖上;
4. 打开能听到生日歌,姐姐高兴,我更高兴。
My First DIY Job
It was my sister’s birthday last Sunday.
Unit 4 Do it yourself-Task and self assessment
1. We can’t learn about a book just from its __________ (封面).
2. Please share your __________ (秘密)to success with us, will you
3. Practise more and you will __________ (拼写) the words correctly.
4. I __________ (决定) to write a letter to him rather than telephone him.
5. She cut out a picture of a lovely bear and __________ (粘贴) it on the wall.
1. Your answer is (correct). You need to do it again.
2. Please help yourselves to some (strawberry). They are fresh and nice.
3. I am (certainly) that I can fix the broken chair myself.
4. You'd better (not decorate) your house by yourselves. It's hard work.
5. The boy made a paper rose and (stick) it on the cover.
( ) 1. --Mike, how about your journey to Mount Huangshan
--Everything was wonderful except that our car once on the way.
A. broke into B. broke down
C. turned into - D. turned down
( ) 2.--Honey, could you help me the picture of colourful balloons from the paper
--OK, Mum. I'm coming !
A. cut out B. carry out C. turn out D. work out
( ) 3. Lily, you should your bedroom. It's so_________.
A. tidy up; untidy B. to tidy up; untidy
C. tidy up; tidy D. to tidy up; tidy
( ) 4. Max and his online friend had fun on the Internet last night.
A. talking B. So talk C. talk D. to talking
( ) 5.--As your closest friend, I will try every way to help you.
--It's really kind of you to say so.
A. important B. possible
C. difficult D. expensive
1. I to my cake make decided birthday a mother (.)
2. crazy your decorating about his house is cousin ( )
3. make can you in sentences English any ( )
__________________________________________________4. saying himself to he kept on (.)
5. new think had buy a better you watch I (.)
Sometimes DIY can put you ir/danger. So before start to do any DIY
jobs, it's i 1 to read the instructions. Here are some useful tips to keep
you s 2 while you are doing DIY.
When you work with electricity(电), make sure you wear the correct shoes. Usually you need a pair of rubber shoes during that time. If you're r 3 or checking something electrical, remember to turn it off. It's dangerous to repair a thing with power on.
When you need to use a ladder(梯子) to climb, make sure that it is strong e 4 . It's a good idea to ask someone else to hold it for you when you are on it.
When you are painting your house at home, you should always keep at least a window or door open so that the room is full of fresh air.
You should also plan enough time for completing a DIY job. Don't h 5 to do it. If you get tired, just leave it for the next time. You may hurt yourself if you rush to finish it.
1. 2. 3. 4. __________ 5.__________
On 22 May 2023, people in China and around the world felt sad because China's "Father of
Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻)" Yuan Longping died.
Yuan worked as a teacher at an agriculture(农业) school in An Jiang, Hunan after
graduation. Seeing many people died of hunger from 1959 to 1961, he decided to study hybrid
Yuan spent four years looking for a wild rice strain(品种) that could be crossed(杂交). In
1964 he found it!
Yuan put all his life into creating hybrid rice, which ended hunger for millions of people not
only in China, but around the world. Hybrid rice is grown in 57 percent of China's rice field. It is
also grown in over 40 countries, including India, the US and Brazil.
In 2023, Yuan's team set a new world record in growing hybrid rice.
Yuan was not only a great scientist but also a talented man. He had many hobbies, such as
volleyball, swimming and violin.
Though he has left, we will respect and remember him forever.
1. Why did people in China and around the world feel sad on 22 May 20237
2. What did Yuan spend four years looking for
3. How many countries is the hybrid rice grown in
4. Did Yuan work as a teacher or a student at an agriculture school in An Jiang, Hunan _____________________________________________________
5. What hobbies did Yuan have
近年流行DIY,DIY源于为节省费用人们在闲暇时自行整修房屋的行为,渐渐的DIY的概念也被扩展到所有可以自己动手做的事物上。请以"My View on DIY"为题写一篇英语短文。
【 要点】
事件 1.曾经做过的事情…2.用过的工具……3......
感想 从中明白.…
My View on DIY
Unit 4 Do it yourself-Task and self assessment
一, 1. spell 2. on the other side 3. finish 4. balloons 5. sentence
二、1.to take 2.making 3.spelling 4.excited 5.to take
三、1.advised leaving 2.some advice 3.When will you 4.finished reading 5.advised me to buy 6.because I got up 7.forgot, left
四、1.C 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B 6. C
五、1.cover 2.stick 3.complete 4.spelling 5.balloons
六、1.crazy 2.repair 3.terrible 4.mistake 5.filled 6.only 7.also 8.spent 9.cutting 10.because 11.higher 12.advised 13.course 14.angry 15.already
My First DIY Job
It was my sister’s birthday last Sunday. I decided to make her a music box because she is crazy about music. I did want to give her a surprise, so I kept it secret.
It took me more than three hours to finish it. During the course of making the music box, something went wrong. I was too careless to spell her name correctly. I made 18 pink paper roses and stuck them on the cover.
After my sister opened the music box, she heard the birthday song. It was my first time to make a present for my family member with my own hands. My sister was very happy, and I was even happier.
Unit 4 Do it yourself-Task and self assessment
一、1.cover 2.secret 3.spell 4.decided 5.stuck
二,1. incorrect 2. strawberries 3. certain 4. not decorate 5. stuck
三,1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B
四, 1. I decided to make my mother a birthday cake.
2. Is your cousin crazy about decorating his house
3. Can you make any sentences in English
4. He kept on saying to himself.
5. I think you had better buy a new watch.
五,1. important 2. safe 3. repairing 4. enough 5. hurry
六, 1. Because Yuan Longping died.
2. A wild rice strain.
3. In over 40 countries.
4. A teacher.
5. Volleyball, swimming and violin.
七,One possible version
My View on DIY
DIY is very popular now. I think DIY can help improve our abilities in doing something and it can make us use less money (it can make us save money).
My parents never let me do anything. But on Mother's Day, I wanted to make my mother surprised. I planned to make the card for her by myself. I used some tools and materials, such
as paper, glue, scissors and so on, Although I didn't do it well, my mother were still happy. It is very important for me and I am sure DIY will help me more.
Let's DIY from now on to make us act better in the future.



