2023-2024外研版英语八年级下册课文改编语法填空Module 6-10(含答案)

Come in and find somewhere to sit down. Sorry, it's a bit of a mess. I’ll put the fans on the shelf.
Let me have1.____ (冠词)look. You've got so many fans. Where did you get them Most of them 2.______ (be)presents. People often give me fans as presents 3.______ (连词) they know I like them. Do you collect anything I collect coins and notes, you know, like British pounds and US dollars. Coins They must be really 4 .______ (value). Can I see them Sure! I’ll show you my stamps too. I’ve 5.______ (collect)stamps from all over the world. I’ve got six or seven books of stamps. My hobby doesn’t cost as 6.______ (many) as yours—I collect tickets, bus tickets and train 7.______ (ticket)! You can’t do 8.______ (something)with old tickets! I know, but when I look at them, I remember some wonderful places. Their value isn’t always 9.______ (important). People also collect things just 10.______ (remember) something important in their lives.
Many1________(student )have hobbies, such as_2_______( read), painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your_3________(interest)and help you learn new skills.
David Smith is a student, and one of his _4_______(hobby) is writing. During the summer of 2010, he spent four weeks at a summer camp. As well as the usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, there was a writing class. “The teacher was a_5________( write), and she asked us to_6________(talk) about our lives and tell interesting stories. Then she encourage us to write about our experiences at the camp.”
Back at school, David wrote a story_7_______(介词)the life of a sixteen–year–old boy, and it came out as a book in 2012. Many young people love his book, and as a result, David has _8______(become)a successful young writer.David has been very 9 __________(luck )because his hobby has brought him pleasure and success, but writing is not his only hobby. “I like playing volleyball too,”
Lingling is 1 (prepare)for her trip to LA. She 2 (be)making a list of things for her trip. She likes to get things ready earlier. She should 3 (take)notebooks, pens and a dictionary. She’s leaving 4 (介词)the end of July and she’s going to stay there for four 5 (week). She hasn’t 6 (get)any sunglasses. She will 7 ( buy )a pair there. But many 8 (thing )are more expensive in America. She has already 9 (pay) for the air tickets and for homestay, 200 10 (dollar) is enough.11 (she)bag mustn’t 12 (weigh) too much. She’d better 13___ (ask )the travel company about the total weight for all 14 (she) bags. She’ll have 15 (冠词)great time.
Come to learn English in Los Angeles! We can offer you great summer English courses. You will love _1. ________(come) to Los Angeles to learn about American culture and improve your English at 2.__________(冠词) same time. The courses last for four, six or eight weeks. They start3. _________(介词) the end of July. Our teachers are well trained and have a lot of 4. _____________ (experience). You can work in small or large groups: it 5. ___________(depend) on your personal choice. There are also computers for6.___________( person) study.
As well as7._________( learn) English, we want you to experience life in the US. You can 8._______(stay) as a guest with an American family and take part in their 9._______(day) life. You will have meals with the family and do some 10. __________(activity) with them too. For many of our students this is the11. _______(good) part of the course. Many families form close friendships with the students and stay12. _______(介词) touch with them. There are many 13. ______________(excite) things to do in Los Angeles. We plan activities every day after class. You can go14. ________(shop). You must pay for your course at least one month 15._________(连词) it starts. Do not wait—fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles.
Welcome to Beihai Park. This park is famous1._____ (介词) its lake, bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill. It’s so quiet here 2.____(连词) I can even hear the birds 3. _____(sing)! I can _4______(hard) believe we're in the city centre. The lake_5_____( look) nice and cool. Why don't we _6_____(go) for a swim I don't think they allow people__7______(swim) in the lake. It's_8_________(danger). I think it's better __9______(have) our picnic at the top of the e on! Let's not _10______ (waste) any more time. I hope it will be cooler up there.
I promised __1_______( write). We’re staying __2_____(介词) Lingling’s uncle in Hunan Province, and I’m __3_____(have) a wonderful time here in Zhangjiajie. It’s famous _4_____(介词) the strange shape of its tall __5_____ (rock). Some of them look like humans, and others look like wild animals. We thought somebody__6______(be) moving about.
Last night we _7______ (camp) by a small lake. During the night, we __8____(hear) some noise! It _9______ (wake) everyone up. We thought somebody was __10______ (move) about. Lingling‘s uncle said it was __11______(冠词)animal. We came out without _12______(make ) any noise, and found it was just a hungry monkey.
This morning, we13______(climb )Mount Tianzi! But it was a pity 14______(连词) it was cloudy. Tomorrow we’re going to Dongting Lake, 15______(冠词) second-largest freshwater lake in China. We’ll be back home next week! Wish you were here!
Lingling has 1 (冠词) problem with her best friend. They got separated when they
2 (go) to different schools last term, 3 (连词)they stayed in touch. This term, her friend came to study at her school. She was so happy at 4 (one). But she doesn't like Lingling to see her other friends. Lingling has mentioned this to her, but she refused to 5 (listen). Lingling tries to find out that she feels lonely without her. She may regret 6 (hurt) Lingling. So be patient 7 (介词)her and explain to 8 (she)that she can 9 (make )friends with Lingling’s other 10 (friend)too.
1._______(连词) I was thirteen years old, a girl 2. ____(give) me an important gift. It was a smile. It was the early autumn of my 3._____(one) year at a new school. I was very lonely, and afraid to make 4._______(friend)with anyone. Every time I heard the other students 5._______(talk) and laughing, I felt even more lonely. I could not talk6. ______(介词)anyone about my problem, and I did not want my parents to worry7. _____(介词)me.
One day, my classmates were talking with their friends, but I sat in 8.______(silent). At that moment, a girl 9._______(enter) the classroom. She 10.________(pass) me and then turned back. She looked at me and smiled. Suddenly, I felt the touch of something bright and 11._______( friend). It made me 12.______(feel) happy, lively and warm. It like a 13.._______( hide) treasure.That smile changed my life. Day_14.______(介词) day, I learnt to trust people. The girl 15. ______(介词)the bright smile has become my best friend now.
Chen Huan is showing Lingling around the Radio Beijing. Chen Huan says when the red light is on, it means they’re 1.______(介词) air. And they should avoid 2._____(make) any noise in the background! There is a newsroom .They collect the 3._______(late)national and international news and write reports there.It 4.______(get)crazy in here just before the programme begins.Lingling wants to become a presenter .Chen Huan gives her some advice. If you want to be a presenter you need to speak English 5.______(good) and keep 6._____(study).
“How old are you ” the radio manager looked down 1._______(介词) me.
“And you want a job in radio Shouldn’t you2. ___(be)at school ” he asked.
I still remember, when I was four years old, I sat close 3._______(介词)the radio in the living room,4. ________(listen)to my favourite programmes, and to the voices of my favourite presenters. It seemed that they were speaking 5._____to lots of listeners 6._____(连词) to me in person. At the age of nine, I asked 7. ____(介词)part–time jobs in small radio stations.
8._________(连词) I grew older, my interest in radio grew. We prepared a programme once a week, doing research 9._______(介词) reading articles about music and sports news.
“OK, come with me,” the manager said. I sat down in the studio. He was in another _10._______(room), behind a glass wall.
All radio presenters need to answer the same question before they begin work. The purpose is11.__________(check) the sound level.
1. somewhere 2. a bit of 3.put 4. on 5.have 6. of 7. as 8. like
9. must be 10. from 11.much 12.with
13.when 14.just 15.in
1. students 2. reading 3. interests
4. hobbies 5.writer 6. talk 7. about
8. become 9. lucky
1.for 2.is 3.take 4.at 5.for
6.got 7.buy 8.things 9.paid 10.dollars
11.her 12.weigh 13. ask 14.her 15.a
1.coming 2.the 3.at 4.experience 5.depends 6.personal 7.learning 8.daily 9.activities 10.best
11.with 12.exciting 13.shopping 14.least
1. for 2. takes 3. that 4. singing
5.hardly 6. looks 7. go 8. to swim
9. to have 10. more
1.to write 2.with 3.having 4.for 5. look 6. are 7. camped 8.heard 9.woke 10.moving 11.an 12.making 13.climbed 14.that 15.the
1. a 2. her 3. went 4. but 5.her 6. first 7. see 8. listen 9. whether
10.hurting 11. with 12.her 13.make
14.friends 14.introduce
1、When 2、gave 3、first
4、friends 5、talking
6、to 7、about 8、silence
9、 entered 10、passed
11、friendly 12、feel 13、hidden 14、by 15、with
1. at 2. on 3. making 4. latest 5.gets 6. begins 7. advice 8. well 9. studying
1.at 2.be 3.to 4.listening
5.that 6.but 7.for 8.reading
9.room 10.answer 11. to check



