
1.【人与自我·自我管理】(2023重庆育才中学期末)She     eats ice cream after dinner,but not often.
A.usually  B.sometimes
C.never  D.always
2.【人与自我·学校生活】(2023山东青岛市南区期中)—Peter,you work so hard.You are     the first one to come to school.
—I just want to study well.
A.never  B.always
C.sometimes  D.hardly
3.(2023北京石景山区期末)Jane sometimes    around the city with her parents on weekends.(E7201002)
A.travel  B.travels
C.traveled  D.will travel
4.(2022人大附中期中)—What time     your teacher     dinner
—Usually at 7 o'clock.
A.does;eat  B.does;eats
C.do;eats  D.do;eat
5.(2023北京石景山区期末)—Where is Mary
—She is in her bedroom.She     her homework now.
A.will do  B.did
C.does  D.is doing
6.(2022北京二中教育集团期末)—May I speak to your mother
—I'm sorry. She     the dishes.
A.wash  B.washes
C.washing  D.is washing
7.【人与自我·健康生活】(2023北京西城区期末)My elder brother     every week because he loves fitness.
A.went to the gym  
B.goes to the gym
C.will go to the gym
8.(2022首师大附中期中)Listen! Someone     in the next room. Who is that
A.sing  B.sings
C.is singing  D.are singing
9.【人与社会·体育活动】(2023北京通州区期末)—Ben, what do you usually do after school
—I usually     some sports with my friends.
A.do  B.did  
C.will do  D.am doing
10.(2023江西中考)—What's that noise, Tom
—Oh, some children     in the yard.
A.play  B.are playing
C.played  D.will play
11.(2023重庆实验外国语学校月考改编)—Give me some    , please, Mum.
—I'm sorry there aren't any at home.
A.eggs  B.water  
C.bread  D.tomato
12.【思维品质·推断思维】(2023山东青岛即墨区期末)—What would you like to drink, sir
—A cup of    , please.
A.bread  B.tomatoes
C.tea  D.carrots
13.(2023重庆实验外国语学校月考)I want a lot of    (tomato) to cook delicious vegetable soup this evening.
14.(2023安徽中考改编)Students    (usual) listen to the teachers' advice and act on it.
15.There are a lot of    (potato) in the farmer's field.
16.Let's go to the market to buy some pears and RR R R (strawberry).
17.【人与自我·学校生活】There are some interesting after-school
   (activity) at our school.
My brother          with his friends on weekends.
Lily        a basketball match on TV.
20.他的书包里有两本书。There are        in his bag.
Please pass me       . Thank you.
Please write down your name on this             .
23.(2023重庆中考B卷)Tina finishes her homework before 6 o'clock every day.(改为否定句)
Tina         her homework before 6 o'clock every day.
24.David often does homework first after school.(改为一般疑问句)
    David         homework first after school
25.She often gets up at half past six.(对画线部分提问)
            she often     up
26.(2022重庆南川区期中)I'm drawing pictures at the back of the classroom.(改为否定句)
I'm         pictures at the back of the classroom.
27.Lisa is walking across the street.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
—            across the street
—Yes,        .
28.They are doing homework in the classroom.(对画线部分提问)
            doing homework
29.Julie is talking with the teacher.(对画线部分提问)
        talking with the teacher
30.Lisa's father goes to work by bus every day.(对画线部分提问)
        Lisa's father     to work every day
31.(2023重庆育才中学期末)Amy has to make her bed every day.(对画线部分提问)
        Amy have to do every day
32.Mike often goes to the park with his friends.(对画线部分提问)
        Mike         to the park with
Ⅰ.1.B 根据本题语境可知,她“有时”吃冰激凌,但不经常吃,sometimes符合题意。
2.B 根据题干中的“学习努力”可知,你“总是”第一个到校,always符合题意。
3.B 根据sometimes可知,对应的时态是一般现在时,主语是Jane,所缺的词是travels。
4.A 主语是your teacher,与之搭配的助动词是does,先排除选项C和D;助动词后要用行为动词的原形,故答案为A。
5.D 根据本题语境可知,她现在正在做家庭作业,时态是现在进行时,is doing符合题意。
6.D 根据本题语境可知,我妈妈正在洗碗,对应的时态是现在进行时,is washing符合题意。
7.B 根据every week可知,时态是一般现在时,对应的结构是选项B。
8.C 根据“Listen!”可知,对应的时态是现在进行时,主语是Someone,故is singing符合题意。
9.A 根据usually可知,时态是一般现在时,主语是I,故答案为A。
10.B 根据本题语境可知,一些孩子正在院子里玩耍,对应的时态是现在进行时,故答案为B。
11.A 根据设空处前的some和答语中的aren't可知,此处要填的是可数名词的复数形式,eggs符合题意。
12.C 根据问句“先生,你想要喝什么 ”可知,合适的词是 tea。
Ⅱ.13.tomatoes 14.usually 15.potatoes 16.strawberries
Ⅲ.18.often plays tennis 19.is watching 20.two books
21.two bottles of water 22.piece of paper
Ⅳ.23.doesn't finish 24.Does;often do 25.What time does;get 26.not drawing 27.Is Lisa walking;she is 28.Where are they 29.Who is 30.How does;go 31.What does 32.Who/Whom does;often go
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