
【原文】W: The new term will begin soon. I’m thinking of taking five courses in the new semester.
M: Wouldn’t four be wiser If you do this much, you will be unable to handle it and get worn out. Don’t push yourself too hard.
【原文】W: Will you go to the cinema this Saturday, Bob
M: I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll have my music lessons then
W: I didn’t mean in the morning or afternoon. I meant in the evening.
M: Oh, that’s quite a different thing.
【原文】W: George didn’t attend yesterday’s meeting
M: Yes. His mother was unwell. He sent her to the hospital and stayed with her.
W: Sorry to hear that. I thought he missed it because of the heavy traffic.
【原文】W: I hope I can get into Mr. Black’s French class this semester.
M: So do I. It’s such a popular course and Mr. Black is a wonderful teacher.
【原文】M: The announcement said passengers waiting to board should go to the ticket counter. I’ve got to go.
W: I’ll be seeing you. Have a smooth flight.
6.A 7.C
【原文】W: Hello. Dick. Where are you going
M: I’m going to the stadium.
W: What are you going there for
M: I’m going to take part in the tennis match there. Would you like to go with me
W: Yes. Id like to. I’ll go there to cheer on your team.
M: Good. Do you like to play tennis
W: Yes, I do. But I don’t play it very well.
M: You need more practice.
W: Yes, you’re right.
M: Oh, it’s fifteen past three now. Let’s hurry. The match will start at 4:00 p.m.
8.C 9.B
【原文】W: Hello! Thanks for meeting me here today. This space seems perfect for your new office needs, doesn’t it
M: It does look great. What can you tell me about it
W: Well, the walls have all been recently painted. There are two separate bathrooms, one for men and the other for women. The main area is 300 square feet, and the private office is about 20 square feet.
M: Well, that does match what we’re looking for, but my main concern is the rent.
W: 1,000 dollars per month.
10.C 11.A 12.B
【原文】M: Your menu is amazing. Everything looks so healthy.
W: That is our aim — to serve delicious and healthy food.
M: That’s great. A lot of people think healthy food doesn’t taste good, but you are proving them wrong.
W: If our food didn’t taste good, nobody would come. May I know who told you about our restaurant
M: A friend at work said you served really tasty food for people like me who don’t eat meat. He didn’t even say that it was healthy as well.
W: Many thanks to your friend. By the way, it will be even better next month. We are going tostart getting all our vegetables from a local farm. They grow everything inthe natural way, without chemicals.
M: Oh, I’ll be sure to come back then.
W: Now, have you decided what you would like to order today
M: I certainly have.
13.B 14.C 15.C 16.A
【原文】M: Hello, Freya. Mountain biking is a popular sport among teenagers, but there are fewer girls doing it. Am I right
W: Yes, although we’re growing in numbers. When I was 13, my dad bought my brother a mountain bike but I was given an ordinary one. I really wanted to join my brother, so in the end my uncle got one for me.
M: And now you’re a winner
W: Yes. I just won the Regional Championship. It was a difficult course with lots of rocks. At one point I thought I wasn’t going to win. I was ahead and then I had to slow down because a journalist jumped out from behind a tree.
M: What do you think is the most important before a race
W: Well, there’s much to do. Take plenty of exercise to keep fit. Check the route in advance. And the most important I think is that you must make sure everything is working on the bike. If there’s anything wrong with the bike, I’ll be in trouble. And the clothes shouldn’t slow you down, so they need to be tight. They might feel a bit uncomfortable when you first put them on, but you will soon get used to them. I’m not bothered about not looking pretty—I just want to win.
17.A 18.C 19.C 20.B
【原文】M: Recently a five-year study was conducted by the Center for Childhood Development in Los Angeles, California, regarding the way babies react to different types of people. The findings of the study suggest that babies seem to be more comfortable around other babies than they are with strange adults. The results confirm the ideas of Dr. Richard Perelman, who has written many books about raising children with his research team. Dr. Perelman supports the findings of the study and adds that it is a sounder idea to keep children with other children, as in a day care center, than to have children cared for by a babysitter. According to the results of the study, some babies seem to show fear of strange adults, but they are likely to reach out to try to touch an unfamiliar baby. Two of the children in the study were especially close. It was reported that if the two children were separated for any reason, they would start to cry. The only way to satisfy them was to allow them to be together. If the findings are true, it may lead to an increase in the use of family-oriented day care centers where children can spend more time with each other.
21.D 22.D 23.B
21.细节理解题。根据第一段“A decadelong study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory decline even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s.(一项针对中国老年人的长达十年的研究发现,健康的生活方式与记忆衰退的速度有关,即使是人们携带有阿尔茨海默氏症的高风险基因)”及最后一段“In the follow-ups, six healthy lifestyle factors were analyzed: a healthy diet (adherence to recommended food items), regular physical exercise (at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercises per week), active social contact (for example, seeing friends and family at least twice a week), active cognitive activity (for example, reading, writing, playing chess at least twice a week), non-smoking and never drinking alcohol(在随访中,分析了六种健康的生活方式因素:健康的饮食(坚持推荐的食物),定期的体育锻炼(每周至少150分钟的中等强度或75分钟的高强度锻炼),积极的社会交往(例如,每周至少两次与朋友和家人见面),积极的认知活动(例如,阅读,写作,每周至少两次下棋),不吸烟,从不喝酒)”可知,健康的生活方式有助于降低阿尔茨海默症的风险,具体包括健康的饮食,定期的脑力认知方面的训练及不吸烟的生活习惯。故选D项。
22.推理判断题。根据第一段“A decadelong study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory decline even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s.(一项针对中国老年人的长达十年的研究发现,健康的生活方式与记忆衰退的速度有关,即使是人们携带有阿尔茨海默氏症的高风险基因)”提出的本文主题是健康的生活方式有助于减慢记忆衰退,降低阿尔茨海默症的风险,下面第三段“In a report in the latest issue of British Medical Journal, researchers from China’s National Center for Neurological Disorders and other medical institutes followed 29,000 people aged at least 60 years with normal cognitive abilities for up to 10 years. Forty-nine percent of the participants were women.(在最新一期《英国医学杂志》(British Medical Journal)上发表的一份报告中,来自中国国家神经疾病中心和其他医疗机构的研究人员对2.9万名60岁以上、认知能力正常的人进行了长达10年的跟踪调查。49%的参与者是女性)”及下面的三个段落详细地介绍了研究过程和具体的成果及具体数据。所以说作者是提供研究成果来证明主题的。故选D项。
23.主旨大意题。根据第一段“A decadelong study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory decline even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s.(一项针对中国老年人的长达十年的研究发现,健康的生活方式与记忆衰退的速度有关,即使是人们携带有阿尔茨海默氏症的高风险基因)”提出的本文主题是健康的生活方式和记忆衰退速度有关系,下文详细介绍了这个研究的过程,研究发现有助于减慢记忆衰退,降低阿尔茨海默症的风险。所以,B项“Lifestyle to rate of memory decline.(生活方式与记忆力衰退的速度有关)”作为本文标题,与文章主题相符合。故选B项。
24.B 25.A 26.C 27.A
24.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“She didn’t move to the US until she had me, when she was 28. My first language was Spanish, but my parents did not want me in bilingual classes. So, instead, it was all English for me at school.(直到她28岁生下我,她才搬到美国。我的第一语言是西班牙语,但我父母不希望我上双语班。所以,相反,我在学校都是英语)”可知,作者的母亲在作者出生后来到了美国,作者从小就在美国上学。故选B。
25.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“I also spent a lot of time with my maternal grandparents, who lived in Juárez and you could say helped raise and shape who I am today. It's thanks to them that I perfected my Spanish, learned to read and write in that language — despite never taking classes—and fell in love with my Mexican culture by traveling to Mexico City and around the country.(我也花了很多时间和我的外祖父母在一起,他们住在Juárez,你可以说他们帮助培养和塑造了今天的我。多亏了他们,我完善了西班牙语,学会了用西班牙语阅读和写作——尽管从未上过课——并通过去墨西哥城和全国各地旅行而爱上了墨西哥文化。)”可知,作者的祖父母帮助作者学习西班牙语阅读和写作。故选A。
26.推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Along with being bilingual came a sense of having a double identity. I enjoyed watching Spanish TV series with my grandma as much as American series such as The Amanda Show. And the same went for music. I loved listening to Spanish singers, as much as American pop singers.(双语带来了双重身份的感觉。我喜欢和奶奶一起看西班牙电视剧,也喜欢看美国电视剧,比如《阿曼达秀》。音乐也是如此。我喜欢听西班牙歌手的歌,也喜欢听美国流行歌手的歌。)”可知,作者提到了西班牙电视剧和美剧是为了证明作者能很好地融入两种文化。故选C。
27.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Growing up on the border is pretty special. Thanks to my bicultural upbringing, I learned to enjoy and appreciate both sides of me without ever questioning who I am, because the truth is that I need both of those relationships and cultural identities to feel complete.(在边境长大是很特别的。由于我的双文化教育,我学会了享受和欣赏我的两面,而从不质疑我是谁,因为事实是,我需要这两种关系和文化身份来感到完整。)”可知,作者对自己的双重文化身份感到自豪。故选A。
28.A 29.B 30.C 31.D
28.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Hannah Bailey from London, for example, told the Metro newspaper about how she was given her fruit and vegetable shopping for free. The seller did her a kindness when it emerged she didn’t have any change to pay. She was happy about it all day.(例如,来自伦敦的汉娜·贝利告诉《都市报》,她是如何免费买到水果和蔬菜的。当她发现自己没有零钱支付时,卖家帮了她一个忙。她为此高兴了一整天。)”可知,汉娜·贝利(Hannah Bailey)在收到一个随意的善举后,一整天都感到很高兴。故选A。
29.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The city of Naples has long had a tradition called “caffe sospeso”. When buying coffee, a person who has recently been lucky would purchase two cups but only drink one, leaving the second one out of the goodness of their heart, for a poor person to claim for free.(那不勒斯市长期以来一直有一种叫做“caffe sospeso”的传统。买咖啡的时候,一个最近运气好的人会买两杯咖啡,但只喝一杯,把第二杯出于好心留给一个穷人,让他免费喝。)”可知,第二杯咖啡被留在咖啡馆捐赠给穷人。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据文章第六段“According to UK charity The Mental Health Foundation, acts like these can “give our lives new purpose, show us other perspectives on our own problems and even make us feel euphoric.”(根据英国慈善机构心理健康基金会的说法,这样的行为可以“给我们的生活带来新的目标,让我们从另一个角度看待自己的问题,甚至让我们感到euphoric。”)”可知,它们给我们的生活新的目标和快乐的感觉。故选C。
31.词句猜测题。根据上文“According to UK charity The Mental Health Foundation, acts like these can “give our lives new purpose, show us other perspectives on our own problems…”(根据英国慈善机构心理健康基金会的说法,这样的行为可以“给我们的生活带来新的目标,让我们从另一个角度看待自己的问题…)”可推知,这样的行为给我们的生活新的目标和快乐的感觉,由此可知,euphoric意为“快乐的”,和D项:Delighted(高兴的)意思接近。故选D。
32.C 33.B 34.D 35.A
32.主旨大意题。根据第一段“According to a study published this week, habitual napping (打盹) appears to be associated with a large brain volume in adults although experts stressed that further research was needed. It reduces the cost caused from the lost time and the fatigue-related errors. The work followed previous studies that suggested a brief doze could improve people’s ability to learn.(根据本周发表的一项研究,经常打盹似乎与成年人大脑体积增大有关,尽管专家强调还需要进一步研究。打盹可以减少由于失去时间和疲劳导致的错误成本。该项研究跟随之前的研究,表明短时间小睡可以改善人们的学习能力)”可知,本段主要讲述了一项研究发现。故选C项。
33.推理判断题。根据第二段“Arianna Huffington, a co-founder of Huff Post and the founder and chief executive of Thrive Global, said, “Given the latest science on the effectiveness of napping and the clear link between employees feeling well rested and their productivity, it’s long past time that businesses embrace short naps at work.”(Huff Post的联合创始人、Thrive Global创始人兼首席执行官Arianna Huffington表示:“考虑到最新的有关小睡效果的科学研究以及员工感觉焕发精神和生产力的明显联系,使企业接受在工作中短暂的小睡早就到了应该的时候。”)”可推知,Arianna Huffington认为企业接受在工作中短暂的小睡早就到了应该的时候,所以是赞同的。故选B项。
34.推理判断题。根据第三段“Some businesses, including Thrive Global, have already introduced facilities for employees to take naps. Google introduced sleep pods as far back as 2014 and companies like Nike and Ben & Jerry’s introduced nap rooms. The practice has even been adopted by the NHS, with a growing number of hospitals introducing sleep pods for staff in an effort to help them get more rest. Employees, it seems, are enthusiastic. Sean Greenwood, of Ben & Jerry’s, said, “If a quick nap gets employees more involved and creative, we’re happy to provide that for our team members.”(Thrive Global 等企业已经提供员工小睡设施。早在2014年,谷歌就推出了睡眠舱,而 Nike 和 Ben&Jerry’s 等公司也推出了小睡室。连 NHS 也采纳了这种做法,越来越多的医院为员工提供小睡舱,以帮助他们获得更多的休息时间。员工们似乎很热衷于这种做法。Ben&Jerry’s 公司的 Sean Greenwood 说:“如果短暂小睡可以让员工更有参与感和创造力,我们很乐意为我们的团队成员提供这种服务。”)”可推知,文章中提到了这么多公司,是为了呈现当前的情况,也就是很多公司都已允许员工短暂小睡。选D项。
35.推理判断题。根据最后一段“While sleep experts stressed that a daytime doze could be beneficial, they said it was crucial to get enough shut-eye at the end of a day. It is the late stage of sleep, sometimes missed by early risers, that strengthens the nerve circuits that make for learning and memory, allowing the brain to make and consolidate new neutral connections. Additionally, prioritizing sufficient sleep during the regular nightly sleep period is essential for overall well-being.(尽管睡眠专家强调白天小睡可能有益,但他们表示,重要的是在一天结束时获得足够的睡眠。通常被早期起床者忽视的深度睡眠阶段增强了构建学习和记忆的神经回路,允许大脑建立和巩固新的中性连接。此外,在日常睡眠周期中优先保证充足的睡眠对整体健康至关重要)”可知,本段讲述了虽然白天小睡可能有益,但是更重要的是保证充足的睡眠。由此推知,接下来应是讲述保证充足睡眠的方法,也就是睡眠的方法。故选A项。
36.C 37.A 38.B 39.F 40.E
36.上文“He put everything aside to fix our problematic pinball machine twice. (他把一切都放在一边,两次修理我们有问题的弹球机)”以及下文“A couple of the guys immediately objected, saying the employee was just doing the job he was paid to do. (几个人立即表示反对,说这名员工只是在做他应得的工作)”说明维修人员给作者他们修理弹球机。空处承上启下,C项中的“him”指代上文中的修理工,下文中的“几个人立即反对的是作者前面提到的建议”。C项“我建议我们给他10美元小费,然后把小费分给我们所有人。”符合语境。故选C。
37.上文“My pinball wizard didn’t stretch out his hand, but how many times have we run across those payment screens that suggest a 20% tip for being handed a sandwich we ordered (我的弹球高手并没有伸出手来,但是我们有多少次碰到过这样的付款屏幕,上面显示给我们点的三明治20% 的小费?)”说明作者他们觉得付的小费并不合理。空处和前文为因果关系,说明人们觉得小费不合理导致的结果就是人们对给小费感觉到疲劳。A项中的This指代前文“人们觉得没有必要给小费”这件事”。故选A。
38.上文“There is data to back up the trend: 66% of American adults have a negative view of tipping, and 32% say they’re sick of those payment-screen hints, according to a recent Bankrate survey. (有数据支持这一趋势:根据 Bankrate 最近的一项调查,66% 的美国成年人对小费持负面看法,32% 的人说他们厌倦了付款屏幕上的暗示)”说明人们不愿给小费已经成为了一种趋势。下文“I admit there are times I suspect the tipping thing has gone too far - say, when I’m at a self-checkout line and there’s still request to leave something extra.(但是我一般都会谨慎行事:如果有人想要小费,我会假设他们是出于经济原因这样做的)”说明作者原意给小费的理由。空处承接上文引出下文。B项中的“I willing to go against the trend ”和上文“There is data to back up the trend”相呼应,并引出作者原意违反这一趋势的原因。故选B。
39.上文“But I’m generally willing to err on the side of caution: If someone is expecting a tip, I’ll assume they have financial reasons to do so. (但是我一般都会谨慎行事: 如果有人想要小费,我会假设他们是出于经济原因这样做的)”说明有人想要小费是有原因的。空处承接上文,表明小费对于他们的重要性。F项“一两块钱不能决定我的成败,但也许能帮他们付房租。”符合语境。故选F。
40.下文“He was so grateful for the $10 tip that later that night, he rewarded our group with well more than $10 in free tokens (代金券) for future play. (他非常感激那10美元的小费,那天晚上晚些时候,他奖励了我们小组10美元以上的免费代币,以备将来玩耍之用)”说明付小费也会得到回报。空处引出下文,说明作者想让人们看到给小费所得到的回报。E项“猜猜接下来我的弹球机修理工在酒吧发生了什么?”符合语境。故选E。
41.A 42.D 43.B 44.A 45.C 46.D 47.D 48.D 49.C 50.C
51.A 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.C
41.考查介词词义辨析。句意:贾玲,1982年4月29日出生于湖北省襄阳。A. on在(某一天);B. in在里面;C. at在;D. for为了。在具体某一天前用介词on;on April 29th“在4月29日”。故选A项。
42.考查连词词义辨析。句意:贾玲从11岁开始学习表演,19岁时进入了全国顶尖的戏剧学院——中央戏剧学院,但她选择在那里学习相声。A. until直到;B. when当……时候;C. while当……时候;D. since自从。根据句中“she was 11”和“entered the nation’s top drama college — The Central Academy of Drama at the age of 19”可推知,11岁是她开始学习表演的年龄,即“从11岁开始学习表演”。故选D项。
43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:贾玲从11岁开始学习表演,19岁时进入了全国顶尖的戏剧学院——中央戏剧学院,但她选择在那里学习相声。A. enjoyed喜欢;B. chose选择;C. advised建议;D. refused拒绝。根据句中“to learn crosstalk there”可知,她在中央戏剧学院选择了学习相声。故选B项。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2003年毕业后,她住在一个只有8平方米的地下室里,没有浴室。A. meters米;B. kilometers公里;C. foot英尺;D. inches英寸。根据句中“a basement (地下室)”和“without a bathroom”可推知,她住的地方小,只有8平方米;其它选项不合理。故选A项。
45.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,中国最顶尖的相声演员之一冯巩为她的成功打开了大门。A. book书;B. key钥匙;C. door门;D. answer答案。根据下文“He provided her with chances to perform. Jia Ling seized (抓住) the chances and worked hard to improve her skills.”可推知,冯巩给她提供了表演和提高的机会,所以为她打开了通向成功的大门。故选C项。
46.考查动词和动词短语辨析。句意:作为一名优秀的表演者,她在2010年第一次参加了春晚。A. joined加入;B. joined for为了加入;C. took part参加;D. took part in参加。根据句中“the Spring Festival Gala in 2010”可知,她参加了2010年春晚,用动词短语take part in;take part是不及物短语,不能跟宾语。故选D项。
47.考查动词和时态语态辨析。句意:贾玲以其独特的风格和幽默感受到许多人的喜爱。A. remembered记得;B. loved爱;C. was remembering正在记得;D. was loved被爱。根据句中“her unique style and great sense of humor”可推知,她的受到观众的喜爱;动词love是谓语动词,应用一般过去的被动语态was loved。故选D项。
48.考查固定短语辨析。句意:由于她的相声独特、时尚、吸引人,她越来越受欢迎。A. popular and popular受欢迎的和受欢迎的;B. lazier and lazier越来越懒;C. younger and younger越来越年轻;D. more and more popular越来越受欢迎。根据上文“Jia Ling  7  by many people.”和句中“her crosstalk is unique, fashionable and attractive”可推知,她会越来越受观众的欢迎;more and more popular“越来越受欢迎”。故选D项。
49.考查动词形式辨析。句意:除了做相声演员,贾玲也是一个有才华的演员。A. perform做,履行(原形);B. to perform做,履行(不定式);C. performing做,履行(现在分词或动名词);D. performs做,履行(第三人称单数形式)。besides是介词,用动名词作宾语。故选C项。
50.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她成功地出演了几部电视剧。A. hardly几乎不;B. happily高兴地;C. successfully成功地;D. slowly缓慢地。根据下文“My acting experience has given my crosstalk more ideas and creativity”可推知,她的演出很成功,并带给她很多经验。故选C项。
51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我的表演经历给了我的相声更多的想法和创造力,”贾玲说。A. said说;B. talked谈论;C. told告诉;D. spoke说。根据句中“My acting experience has given my crosstalk more ideas and creativity,”可知,这是她说的话;动词say强调说话的内容,speak强调说话这一动作或后接某种语言。故选A项。
52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她正在努力使相声传播给更多的人。A. move移动;B. spread传播;C. fly飞;D. give给。根据句中“to more people”可知,她想让相声传播给更多的人。故选B项。
53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那里,人们可以欣赏传统或现代的相声表演。A. old老的;B. fair公平的;C. generous慷慨的;D. modern现代的。与traditional相对应,用形容词modern,表示“传统或现代的相声表演”。故选D项。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她希望它能影响她这一代,甚至下一代,让越来越多的人喜欢相声。A. let让;B. order命令;C. practise练习;D. suggest建议。根据句中“it can influence her generation and even the next generation”可知,她想“让”越来越多的人喜欢相声。故选A项。
55.考查动词短语辨析。句意:贾玲为自己是一名相声演员感到自豪,她说她对相声的未来充满信心,因为人们总是喜欢笑。A. is afraid of害怕;B. is able to能够;C. is proud of为……感到骄傲;D. is good to对……友好。根据上文可知,贾玲喜欢相声,热爱相声,所以她会为自己是一名相声演员而感到自豪。故选C项。
56.to do 57.to worry/to be worried 58.to relax 59.to study 60.to rest 61.to get 62.bowling 63.to reduce/reduce 64.Remember 65.to perform
56.考查非谓语动词。句意:学生总是有很多功课要做,然后有测试和考试要担心。根据空前的have lots of school work可知,此处使用动词do“做”的不定式形式,作宾补。have sth. to do “有某事要做”。故填to do。
57.考查非谓语动词。句意:学生总是有很多功课要做,然后有测试和考试要担心。分析句子结构可知,本句系动词为are,故本空为非谓语,且tests and exams与worry“担心”为被动关系,且动作尚未发生,故此处用to be worried about作后置定语,修饰名词tests and exams。且此处为there be句型,故不定式作定语可以用主动形式也可以用被动形式。故填to worry或to be worried。
58.考查非谓语动词。句意:你应该找时间放松,但你也应该注意你放松的方式。根据空前的find time可知,此处使用动词relax“放松”的不定式形式,作目的状语。find time to do sth.“找时间做某事”。故填to relax。
59.考查非谓语动词。句意:你看,在白天,她用她的眼睛从书本上学习,在晚上,她用她的眼睛在她的智能手机上看肥皂剧。根据空前的using her eyes可知,此处使用动词study“学习”的不定式形式,作目的状语。use sth. to do sth.“用某物做某事”。故填to study。
60.考查非谓语动词。句意:当她通过看肥皂剧来放松时,她可以休息她的大脑,但却以牺牲她的眼睛为代价。根据空前的was able可知,此处使用动词rest“休息”的不定式形式。固定搭配be able to do sth.“能够做某事”。故填to rest。
61.考查非谓语动词。句意:从你的座位上站起来,看看远处,尽力呼吸一些新鲜空气。根据句意和空前的try可知,此处使用动词get“得到”的不定式形式作宾语。try to do sth.“尽最大努力做某事”。故填to get。
62.考查非谓语动词。句意:打羽毛球或保龄球,画画。根据句意和空前的go可知,此处使用动词bowl“(草地滚球戏或保龄球运动中)滚球”的动名词形式bowling。固定搭配go bowling“去打保龄球”。故填bowling。
63.考查非谓语动词。句意:这会让你更快乐,有助于减轻压力。根据句意和空前的help可知,此处使用动词reduce“减轻”的不定式形式或原形。固定搭配help to do sth.“帮助做某事”,其中to也可以省略。故填to reduce或reduce。
65.考查非谓语动词。句意:有了这些技巧,你应该会感到更加放松,让你在学业上表现得更好。根据句意和空前的allowing you可知,此处使用动词perform“表现”的不定式形式,作宾补。allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”。故填to perform。
In order to promote heroes’ virtue and spread the positive energy, our school is scheduled to organize a heroes’ lecture in the school conference hall at 9:00 a.m this Saturday, when a number of heroes in our city will be invited to deliver speeches about heroic actions. All teachers and students are supposed to take part in the meeting on time, listen carefully, and write your impressions and thoughts on the heroic deeds after the lecture.
I am sure you will benefit a lot and feel inspired to learn from them as well as work harder in future. Looking forward to your arrival.
The Students’ Union
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生代表学生会就你校将组织全校师生参加“见义勇为事迹报告会(Heroes’ Lecture)”写一则通知。其内容包括:报告时间及地点和注意事项。
为了: in order to →with the purpose of计划:be scheduled to→be planned to
很多:a number of →plenty of 参加: take part in→participate in
原句:All teachers and students are supposed to take part in the meeting on time, listen carefully, and write your impressions and thoughts on the heroic deeds after the lecture.
拓展句:It is required that all teachers and students should take part in the meeting on time, listen carefully, and write your impressions and thoughts on the heroic deeds after the lecture.
【点睛】【高分句型1】 In order to promote heroes’ virtue and spread the positive energy, our school is scheduled to organize a heroes’ lecture in the school conference hall at 9:00 a.m this Saturday, when a number of heroes in our city will be invited to deliver speeches about heroic actions. (运用了when引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】 I am sure you will benefit a lot and feel inspired to learn from them as well as work harder in future. (运用了省略that的宾语从句)
续写:Opening the door, she was left shocked by a room full of books! Shinning in the dust, books were bathed in the warm sunlight just waiting to be explored. Seeing them, Hannah jumped up and down with excitement! She dusted the books, the shelves, and what was left of the furniture. Finally came the moment when she could appreciate the books, which were filled with stories about different creatures. So interesting and encouraging were they that Hannah was immersed in them completely. Meanwhile, she couldn’t wait to share the tales she read with her friends.
To her disappointment, her friends showed no interest to the tales she told. She knew it would be a difficult journey, but she wouldn’t give it up. To inspire their curiosity and imagination, she started telling tales every day at the cottage. She added her own touch of curiosity now and then to different stories, making them more interesting. Soon, the word of Hannah’s storytelling spread rapidly and more people came, gathering around Hannah in admiration and listening attentively. She even conducted workshops to teach villagers how to read and write. Sharing your skill will not only help yourself, but also be a ray of hope for someone struggling to find their way.
①探索: explore/ probe②欣赏:enjoy/ appreciate③.放弃:give up/quit
①.失望:disappointment/despair②兴奋地:with excitement /excitedly
【点睛】 [高分句型1]. To inspire their curiosity and imagination, she started telling tales every day at the cottage.(动词不定式作目的状语)
[高分句型2]. Finally came the moment when she could appreciate the books, which were filled with stories about different creatures.(运用了移位动词came位于句首的完全倒装句,when引导的定语从句以及which引导的非限制性定语从句)
第一部分 听力
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What does the man suggest
A.Five courses may be too many.
B.It would be wiser to take more courses.
C.Only four courses will be offered in the new term.
2.What does the man mean
A.He can make it on Saturday.
B.There are music lessons for the evening
C.Movies are not his cup of tea.
3.Why was George absent from the meeting
A.He felt unwell. B.He was stuck in traffic. C.He tended his sick mother.
4.What does the man mean
A.He doesn’t like the teacher.
B.He wants to take the course.
C.He has taken the course before.
5.Where does the conversation most probably take place
A.At a bus station. B.At a train station. C.At an airport.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Why does the man head for the stadium
A.To enter a contest. B.To practice playing tennis. C.To cheer on his favorite team.
7.When will the match start
A.In 15 minutes. B.In 30 minutes. C.In 45 minutes.
8.What has recently been done to the space
A.A new bathroom has been added.
B.A private office has been built.
C.The walls have been painted.
9.What is the man most interested in about the space
A.The position. B.The rent. C.The size.
10.Why does the man come to the restaurant
A.It serves tasty meat.
B.He heard the food was healthy.
C.His friend recommended it.
11.What change will the restaurant make next month
A.It will use more natural food.
B.It will provide more snacks.
C.It will move closer to the farm.
12.What will the man probably do next
A.Pay the bill. B.Order his meal. C.Praise the menu.
13.Who gave the woman her first mountain bike
A.Her father. B.Her uncle. C.Her brother.
14.Why did the woman slow down at one point in the race
A.The road was full of rocks.
B.She was too tired to go ahead.
C.A reporter appeared suddenly.
15.What does the woman think is the most important before the race
A.Having enough sleep.
B.Checking the road in advance.
C.Keeping the bike in good condition.
16.What does the woman say about the clothes
A.They have to be tight. B.They should be pretty. C.They need to be comfortable.
17.What is Perelman
A.A researcher. B.A doctor. C.A reporter.
18.With whom do babies feel the most comfortable
A.Strange adults. B.Babysitters. C.Other babies.
19.How may babies react to unfamiliar babies
A.They may start to cry. B.They may show much fear. C.They may touch each other.
20.What may the study lead to
A.Much more parenting time with babies.
B.An increase in family-based day care centers.
C.A greater demand for experienced babysitters.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
A decadelong study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory decline even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s.
Memory loss is a common part of aging. While there is no cure for most conditions that cause cognitive decline, lifestyle has received increasing attention as it is relatively easy to manage with potential benefits for overall health, including memory.
In a report in the latest issue of British Medical Journal, researchers from China’s National Center for Neurological Disorders and other medical institutes followed 29,000 people aged at least 60 years with normal cognitive abilities for up to 10 years. Forty-nine percent of the participants were women.
The participants were from 12 provinces from the north, south and west of China, representing the geographical characteristics, degree of urbanization, economic status, dietary patterns, and cultural and social differences in China.
At the beginning of the study in 2009, the researchers tested participants’ memory function with the Auditory Verbal Learning Test, one of the most widely used word-learning tests. They were also tested for the APOE gene, the most common gene linked with Alzheimer’s. Around 20 percent of the participants were carriers of the risk gene.
The participants received assessments in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2019. In the follow-ups, six healthy lifestyle factors were analyzed: a healthy diet (adherence to recommended food items), regular physical exercise (at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercises per week), active social contact (for example, seeing friends and family at least twice a week), active cognitive activity (for example, reading, writing, playing chess at least twice a week), non-smoking and never drinking alcohol.
21.According to the study, what can help us reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s
A.Regular mental training. B.A healthy diet.
C.Non-smoking habit. D.All of above.
22.How does the author support the theme of the text
A.By giving examples. B.By stating arguments.
C.By explaining statistical data. D.By providing research results.
23.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Causes of memory loss. B.Lifestyle to rate of memory decline.
C.The study about memory decline. D.Healthy diet and memory loss.
The only thing separating my two worlds is the Rio Grande river— it might not be much, but it’s enough for me to feel a big difference in customs and values. People who are not from El Paso, Texas, United States or a border city might not understand what it's like to grow up between two places at once.
I grew up in a Mexican household. My dad was born in El Paso but lived nearly his entire life in Ciudad Juárez until I was born, and my mom was born and raised in Mexico. She didn’t move to the US until she had me, when she was 28. My first language was Spanish, but my parents did not want me in bilingual classes. So, instead, it was all English for me at school.
English was all I spoke among friends at school, while Spanish was the designated language with family, and I hardly ever mixed them. I also spent a lot of time with my maternal grandparents, who lived in Juárez and you could say helped raise and shape who I am today. It's thanks to them that I perfected my Spanish, learned to read and write in that language — despite never taking classes—and fell in love with my Mexican culture by traveling to Mexico City and around the country.
Along with being bilingual came a sense of having a double identity. I enjoyed watching Spanish TV series with my grandma as much as American series such as The Amanda Show. And the same went for music. I loved listening to Spanish singers, as much as American pop singers.
It wasn’t until high school that I began to meet other people whose backgrounds I could relate to. I was introduced to friends with whom I identified because they were Mexican American and who had also been raised in El Paso but often visited family in Juárez. It was also during these years that I started going out to party in Juárez.
Growing up on the border is pretty special. Thanks to my bicultural upbringing, I learned to enjoy and appreciate both sides of me without ever questioning who I am, because the truth is that I need both of those relationships and cultural identities to feel complete.
24.What do we know about the author’s upbringing background
A.He was born in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
B.He attended school in the US from a young age.
C.His parents were both born and raised in Mexico.
D.He showed his bilingual ability to his classmates at school.
25.Who helped the author learn to read and write in Spanish
A.His grandparents. B.His parents. C.His teachers. D.His friends.
26.Why does the author mention the Spanish TV series and American series
A.To contrast the two styles of TV series.
B.To illustrate the author's wide interests.
C.To prove the author fits into both cultures well.
D.To show grandma and the author have the same hobbies.
27.How does the author feel about his bicultural identity
A.Proud. B.Confused. C.Worried. D.Awkward
It could happen anywhere at any time. It’s often unexpected, but almost never unappreciated. Most people have been on the receiving a random act of kindness—the moment when a complete stranger stops to offer aid, generosity or compassion. In a sometimes cold world where people can be so focused on what they’re doing, a random act of kindness can make all the difference.
They can be relatively insignificant. Hannah Bailey from London, for example, told the Metro newspaper about how she was given her fruit and vegetable shopping for free. The seller did her a kindness when it emerged she didn’t have any change to pay. She was happy about it all day.
The city of Naples has long had a tradition called “caffe sospeso”. When buying coffee, a person who has recently been lucky would purchase two cups but only drink one, leaving the second one out of the goodness of their heart, for a poor person to claim for free. This tradition is now more common worldwide.
However, in some cases, these little acts can be a matter of life and death. Take, for example, the unnamed commuter, who in June 2018 fell off a station platform onto an electric railway track in Toronto, Canada. A quick-thinking, but even now unknown, bystander selflessly leapt down to pull him to safety.
Or Jonny Benjamin, who in London in 2008 was persuaded not to commit suicide by a passer-by. He had been considering jumping from a bridge. He later found the Good Samaritan and thanked him. He may one day find a way to pay him back in kind—though that’s not the point.
So, why do it Often, the acts aren’t paid back. The people never meet again. According to UK charity The Mental Health Foundation, acts like these can “give our lives new purpose, show us other perspectives on our own problems and even make us feel euphoric. ”
So give it a try. Hold open a door for someone, deliver a compliment even give up your seat on a bus. Help someone who is in need. It takes all kinds. It needn’t be anything huge. One day, whether you need it or not, someone might help you in your hour of need.
28.How did Hannah Bailey feel after she received a random act of kindness
A.She was pleased about it for the rest of the day. B.She was shamed about it all day.
C.She wanted to pay back the money. D.She thought it insignificant.
29.What happens to the second coffee in a “caffe sospeso”
A.It is wasted after the man left. B.It is left at the cafe to be donated to a poor person.
C.It is for the commuter only. D.It can only be drunk at the cafe shop.
30.According to the Mental Health Foundation, why do people commit random acts of kindness
A.They help us earn more money.
B.They can add up some good reputation to us.
C.They give our lives new purpose and a feeling of pleasure.
D.They make problems for us.
31.What is the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 6
A.Ambitious. B.Sorrowful. C.Awkward. D.Delighted.
According to a study published this week, habitual napping (打盹) appears to be associated with a large brain volume in adults although experts stressed that further research was needed. It reduces the cost caused from the lost time and the fatigue-related errors. The work followed previous studies that suggested a brief doze could improve people’s ability to learn.
Arianna Huffington, a co-founder of Huff Post and the founder and chief executive of Thrive Global, said, “Given the latest science on the effectiveness of napping and the clear link between employees feeling well rested and their productivity, it’s long past time that businesses embrace short naps at work.”
Some businesses, including Thrive Global, have already introduced facilities for employees to take naps. Google introduced sleep pods as far back as 2014 and companies like Nike and Ben & Jerry’s introduced nap rooms. The practice has even been adopted by the NHS, with a growing number of hospitals introducing sleep pods for staff in an effort to help them get more rest. Employees, it seems, are enthusiastic. Sean Greenwood, of Ben & Jerry’s, said, “If a quick nap gets employees more involved and creative, we’re happy to provide that for our team members.”
Unfortunately, the practice of napping still suffers from our collective concept that sleep equals weakness and laziness. However, the performance-enhancing benefits of naps have been no secret to many leaders throughout history. It also gives the higher-ups the chance to acknowledge the 24/7 culture and come up with top-down solutions that encourage workers to take care of themselves in and out of work.
While sleep experts stressed that a daytime doze could be beneficial, they said it was crucial to get enough shut-eye at the end of a day. It is the late stage of sleep, sometimes missed by early risers, that strengthens the nerve circuits that make for learning and memory, allowing the brain to make and consolidate new neutral connections. Additionally, prioritizing sufficient sleep during the regular nightly sleep period is essential for overall well-being.
32.What is paragraph 1 mainly about
A.Work stress. B.Learning abilities.
C.A research finding. D.The brain volume.
33.What is Arianna Huffington’s attitude toward napping
A.Dismissive. B.Approving.
C.Unclear. D.Critical.
34.Why are so many companies mentioned in the passage
A.To advocate enough rest. B.To praise creative employees.
C.To compare the differences. D.To present the current situation.
35.What will possibly be discussed in the paragraph that follows
A.The approaches to shut-eye. B.The importance of napping.
C.The secrets to well-being. D.The benefits of memory.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
Some pals and I were in the midst of a pinball competition at a bar the other night when the machine kept breaking down. We called over a very busy employee who’s responsible for helping keep the place running. He put everything aside to fix our problematic pinball machine twice. 36 A couple of the guys immediately objected, saying the employee was just doing the job he was paid to do. I insisted and got the group to agree to the plan, although somewhat reluctantly.
My pinball wizard didn’t stretch out his hand, but how many times have we run across those payment screens that suggest a 20% tip for being handed a sandwich we ordered 37 There is data to back up the trend: 66% of American adults have a negative view of tipping, and 32% say they’re sick of those payment-screen hints, according to a recent Bankrate survey.
38 I admit there are times I suspect the tipping thing has gone too far - say, when I’m at a self-checkout line and there’s still request to leave something extra. But I’m generally willing to err on the side of caution: If someone is expecting a tip, I’ll assume they have financial reasons to do so. 39
Plus, tipping is good karma (因果报应). It’s always worth it to tip in unexpected situations- ones that don’t necessarily involve a hint on a payment screen. 40 He was so grateful for the $10 tip that later that night, he rewarded our group with well more than $10 in free tokens (代金券) for future play.
So next time, there must be no arguments with my friends when times come to tip.
A.This leads to what’s been called "tipping fatigue (疲劳)”
B.So, why am I willing to go against the trend and say yes
C.I suggested we tip him $10 and split the tip among all of us.
D.There’s an argument that we should ban tipping altogether.
E.Guess what happened next with my pinball-machine fixer at the bar
F.One dollar or two won’t make or break me, but it can possibly help with their rent.
G.Should they earn far below the minimum wage, employers must make up the difference.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
With smiling eyes, quick minds and good humor, Jia Ling seems like a natural crosstalk performer (相声演员).
Jia Ling was born 41 April 29th, 1982 in the city of Xiangyang, Hubei Province. Having studied acting 42 she was 11, Jia Ling entered the nation’s top drama college — The Central Academy of Drama at the age of 19, but she 43 to learn crosstalk there.
Jia Ling is not an overnight success. After graduation in 2003, she was living in a basement (地下室) that was just eight square 44 and without a bathroom. However, Feng Gong, who is one of the top crosstalk performers in China, opened the 45 to her success. He provided her with chances to perform. Jia Ling seized (抓住) the chances and worked hard to improve her skills.
As an excellent performer, the young lady first 46 the Spring Festival Gala in 2010. With her unique style and great sense of humor, Jia Ling 47 by many people. Since her crosstalk is unique, fashionable and attractive, she becomes 48 . Besides 49 as a crosstalk performer, Jia Ling is also a talented actress. She has 50 acted in several TV series. “My acting experience has given my crosstalk more ideas and creativity,” Jia Ling 51 .
Now, Jia Ling has become one of the top crosstalk performers in China. She is trying hard so that crosstalk can 52 to more people. She has set up her own club called New Laughter Inn. There people can enjoy traditional or 53 crosstalk performances. She hopes it can influence her generation and even the next generation and 54 more and more people love crosstalk.
Jia Ling 55 being a crosstalk performer and she says she is confident about the future of crosstalk because people will always want to laugh.
41.A.on B.in C.at D.for
42.A.until B.when C.while D.since
43.A.enjoyed B.chose C.advised D.refused
44.A.meters B.kilometers C.foot D.inches
45.A.book B.key C.door D.answer
46.A.joined B.joined for C.took part D.took part in
47.A.remembered B.loved C.was remembering D.was loved
48.A.popular and popular B.lazier and lazier C.younger and younger D.more and more popular
49.A.perform B.to perform C.performing D.performs
50.A.hardly B.happily C.successfully D.slowly
51.A.said B.talked C.told D.spoke
52.A.move B.spread C.fly D.give
53.A.old B.fair C.generous D.modern
54.A.let B.order C.practise D.suggest
55.A.is afraid of B.is able to C.is proud of D.is good to
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Students always have lots of school work 56 (do), and then there are tests and exams 57 (worry) about. While it’s OK to worry a little, be careful not to worry too much. If you’re living with high levels of stress, you’re putting your health at risk. You should find time 58 (relax), but you should also pay attention to your ways of relaxation. One day, a student complained to me that her eyes often hurt. I asked her what she did every day, and she told me she studied during the day and then watched soap operas on her smartphone in the evening. Of course, I guessed immediately what the cause of the eye pain might be.
You see, during the daytime, she was using her eyes 59 (study) from books, and during the evening, she was using her eyes to watch soap operas on her smartphone. No wonder her eyes were hurting-she chose the wrong way to relax! When she relaxed by watching soap operas, she was able 60 (rest) her brain, but at the expense of her eyes.
Let me give you some tips:
A.Take a short break every 45 minutes to one hour. Get up from your seat, look into the distance, and try 61 (get) some fresh air. You will feel greatly refreshed.
B.Exercise for 30 minutes or more a day. Try a new sport, ride a bike to school, or walk a lot. It will take your mind off your daily worries and it’s healthy, too
C. Take up a hobby. Give yourself 20 minutes a day to do something you really like. Sing and dance. Play badminton or go 62 (bowl), paint. This will make you happier and help 63 (reduce) stress.
64 (remember): All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. With these techniques, you should feel much more relaxed, allowing you 65 (perform) much better in your schoolwork.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
你校将组织全校师生参加“见义勇为事迹报告会(Heroes’ Lecture)”,请你代表学生会写一则通知,刊登在校英文报上。内容包括:
1. 报告时间及地点;
2. 注意事项。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The Students’ Union
第二节 (满分25分)
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a small village. The village was located in the heart of a big jungle(丛林). Surrounded by the high mountains and in the shade of green trees, the villagers happily lived a life of happiness.
All of them were used to their robotic daily tasks and none of them had the imagination or the will to try something new, except for one girl named Hannah. Very few people in the village could read, let alone write, and Hannah was one of them. Her parents had made sure that their only child got everything possible.
Hannah was an adventurous spirit with an imagination far beyond her time. She loved to explore and would spend hours in the woods looking for new things. She loved to create stories in her head and used to imagine herself as one of her characters. Sometimes, she even told stories to her friends, adding her own touch of curiosity every now and then to different stories, making them more interesting. She wanted to inspire the sparks of curiosity and imagination in them.
One afternoon, when Hannah was on one of her adventurous searches, she came upon an abandoned cottage(遗弃的小屋). The cottage looked very old in its condition. The door was hardly hanging and the wood was about to break apart into pieces. Even though Hannah’s mother had strictly warned her not to go wandering in abandoned places, her curiosity drove her to approach it.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。
Opening the door, she was left shocked by a room full of books!
To her disappointment, her friends showed no interest in the tales she told.
第3页 共14页 ◎ 第4页 共14页



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