
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Here we show how this work translates to humans. Many college students experience irregular and insufficient sleep. The study evaluated more than 600 first-year students across five studies at three universities. Most surprising to me was that no matter what we did to make the effect go away, it persisted. The results are available in the Feb. 13 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Total nightly sleep is a potentially important and underappreciated behavior supporting academic achievement.
Nightly Sleep Is Key to Student Success
For young adults, college is a time of transition. It may be the first time students have the freedom to determine how to spend their time, but this freedom comes with competing interests from academics, social events and even sleep.
A multi-institutional team of researchers conducted the first study to evaluate how the duration of nightly sleep early in the semester affects first year college students’ end-of-semester grade point average (GPA). Using sleep trackers, they found that students on average sleep 6.5 hours a night, but negative outcomes built up when students received less than six hours of sleep a night. 67
David Creswell, the William S. Dietrich II Professor in Psychology and Neuroscience at the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, led a team of researchers to evaluate the relationship between sleep and GPA.
“Animal studies have shown how critical sleep is for learning and memory,” said Creswell. “ 68 The less nightly sleep a first-year college student gets at the beginning of the school term predicts lower GPA at the end of the term. Lack of sleep may be hurting students’ ability to learn in their college classrooms.”
69 The researchers found that students who receive less than six hours of sleep experienced a pronounced decline in academic performance. In addition, each hour of sleep lost corresponded to (相对应) a 0.07 decrease in end-of-term GPA.
“Once you start dropping below six hours, you are starting to add massive sleep debt that can harm a student’s health and study habits, damaging the whole system,” said Creswell. “ 70 ”
“A popular belief among college students is valuing studying more or partying more over nightly sleep,” said Creswell. “Our work here suggests that there are potentially real costs to reducing your nightly sleep on your ability to learn and achieve in college. There’s real value in budgeting for the importance of nightly sleep.”
Section C
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
A. Focus on the one thing you are doing. B. Habits like these which encourage you to multitask make you mentally exhausted and unproductive. C Make sure that you also take breaks in your monotasking, because that' s what helps your brain to stay focused. D. So it' s a win-win for everyone! E The little information we do take in when we' re multitasking is more difficult to remember at a later stage. F. You feel so good that you believe you' re being effective and further encourages your multitasking habit.
Why Do You Find It So Hard to Not Multitask
Most of us do multitasking almost daily. But it' s time to change that. Your attention is already being pulled in millions of directions daily, so you really don' t need to add multitasking to the list. Let' s take the smartphone for example. On average you check your phone 110 times a day—that means you' re spending 23 days every year glued to your smartphone!How productive do you think that makes you 67__________
But it' s hard to let go of these habits because you've conditioned your brain to send misleading signals to your body. Research has shown that when you multitask “successfully”, you activate the reward mechanism in your brain that releases dopamine, the happy hormone. 68 __________. This rush can also make you overly optimistic, which means you are less careful about the work you do and more likely to make mistakes. Multitaskers basically get addicted to this rush which leads them to believe they are being effective when in fact they' re not.
You can find healthier, more balanced dopamine releases through ticking things on your to-do list through mono-, or single-tasking too. Since our brains can only effectively focus on one thing at a time, this is the way for you to accomplish more in less time. Research has suggested you're 50%quicker on average to accomplish a task if you monotask, and you' re also 50%less like to make errors. 69 ________. You'll also be able to appreciate things on a deeper level and get more enjoyment from them when you' re focused. If you' re chatting to a friend over coffee while checking your phone, you' re not making the most out of your time with your friend!
Now you' re probably desperate to find out how to get rid of this multiasking habit so you can find real productivity. There is no easy answer. You simply have to commit to it and have the self-discipline to stick to one task at a time. Just say to yourself: When I walk, I walk. When I talk to someone, I talk to someone.
When I read, I read. It' s as simple as that. 70___________. And like that, you've mastered monotasking.
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
But this technology can be dangerous as well. You just need to have some experience with technology as well as a proper computer. Therefore, AI technology will be used more and more wildly in the future. AI text-to-image generators will become as common and easy to use as Google image search. Rather, it will categorize every possible detail. Meanwhile, the generator can help people to recognize various information accurately.
Have you ever wondered what you would look like as a cartoon character or a marvel superhero With the power of artificial intelligence (AI) text-to-image generators, you can create images just like that - without any art skills. 67
How does it work
AI text-to-image generators are trained through a process called machine learning. In this process, the generator's "brain" is fed massive numbers of images and learns to distinguish what they are. But the generator doesn't just learn to tell the difference between a banana and a balloon.
68 These pixel-level details are then stored in a mathematical space. When someone gives the generator a text passage such as "Doraemon riding a white horse," the program uses algorithms (算法) to "think." Moments later, the program will create an entirely unique image that you requested.
Some artists worry that they are being replaced by this technology. But other artists like to cooperate with the generator, using its power for ideas and inspiration.
This powerful tool is now available to anyone through generators like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E. You can use them to create all kinds of imaginative images. 69
The dark side
Generators like Stable Diffusion are trained using images that are gathered from all over the internet. But the training process doesn't exclude (排除) images that are violent or inappropriate, so the generators "learn" those as well. The DALL-E program comes with built-in filters that prevent it from generating perverse (变态的) images. But Stable Diffusion is an open-source technology, meaning that people can modify its code and remove the content filters. Despite this, Stable Diffusion's founder Emad Mostaque remains optimistic about how people will use his generator. He says, "The bad stuff that people create ... will be a very, very small percentage of the total use."
For better or for worse, 70 But don't generate anything you'd be ashamed to show your mother!
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
A. In the end, it turned out to be a case of mistaken identity.
B. Doppelg ngers will also have some of the same DNA as you.
C. To enter your workplace, you likely need to be recognizable.
D. Why are people interested in finding their possible doppelgangers
E. Eventually, discovering a person's doppelg nger might widen trust boundaries.
F. A doppelg nger was said to be a spirit-double that copied every human and beast on earth.
What is the likelihood of you having someone who looks just like you Would it be a good thing And if you did have one, would you want to meet them
Consider how often your facial features are used to identify you. Your passport, ID card and driving license all feature your face. 67 You may need your face to unlock your smartphone and possibly even need it to exclude you from being present at a crime scene.
The word ‘doppelg nger’ refers to a person who looks the same as you, essentially sharing your features; those that you thought were unique to you and your identity. Not identical twins, as a doppelg nger has no relation to you. The idea originated in German folklore. 68
So, let's get real. What are the chances of you having one in the first place There's said to be a one in 135 chance of an exact match for you existing anywhere in the world, so the chances are pretty low, despite folk wisdom promising you otherwise. And the chances of meeting The mathematical certainty of finding this particular person is supposedly less than one in a trillion.
That said, these statistics may be a good thing. Historically, having a double wasn't always a positive. Back in 1999, an innocent American man, indistinguishable from the real criminal, was sent to prison for robbery, where he stayed for 19 years. 69 . In a different case, a woman in New York was accused of trying to poison her doppelg nger with deadly cheesecake so that she could steal her identity!
70 The fascination with doppelg ngers may be rooted in historical beliefs that facial resemblance meant they were from the same family or had a common ancestor. It leads to the hope that one day you will meet your lookalike, creating the thrill of a potentially strange meeting. However, as these encounters can be both interesting and disturbing, we understand that after such an experience, you might not want to meet your doppelg nger again.
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
A. They desire genuineness while constantly immersed in a digital world. B. TikTok’s user-generated videos can lead even tiny brands to speedy viral fame. C. The lifestyle of the “moonlight clan” has made many young people feel overwhelmed. D. Easy access to means of spreading payments may encourage spending money like water. E. A heightened expectation of convenience comes with being raised in the age of Amazon. F. These “always-on purchasers” often shift from a weekly shop to quicker fixes of everything from fashion to furniture.
How Young Americans Spend Their Money
Young people have always puzzled their elders. Today’s youngsters are no different; indeed, they are confusing. They have thin wallets and expensive tastes. They prize convenience and a social conscience. They want shopping to be personal. ____67____ As they start spending in earnest, brands are trying to understand what these walking paradoxes with conflicting features want and how they shop. The answers will define the next era of consumerism.
Their absolute numbers are impressive. The European Union is home to nearly 125m people between the ages of ten (the youngest will become consumers in the next few years) and 34. America has another 110m of these Gen-Zs and millennials, a third of the population. The annual spending of households headed by American Gen-Zs and millennials hit $2.7trn in 2021, around 30% of the total.
____68____ Forrester, a market-research firm, found that most users of “buy now, pay later” apps are around 20. Megan Scott, a 20-year-old student from London, speaks for many of her peers by admitting that, when shopping, she has no self-control—until the bill arrives.
The light-speed online world also appears to have lowered tolerances for long delivery times. A study by Salesforce, a business-software giant, found that Gen-Z Americans, who prefer to use their phones to pay for shopping, are the likeliest of all age groups to want their groceries delivered within an hour. ____69____
The Internet has also changed how the young discover brands. Print, billboard or TV advertising has given way to social media. Instagram, part of Meta’s empire, and TikTok, a Chinese-owned app, are where the young look for inspiration, particularly for goods where looks matter such as fashion, beauty and sportswear. ____70____ Such apps are increasingly adding features that allow users to shop without ever leaving the platform. According to McKinsey, six in ten Americans under the age of 25 had completed a purchase on a social-media site.
67. E 68. A 69. C 70. D
67-70 BEAD
67-70 CFAD
67-70 ADFB



