Unit 8 Natural disasters- Reading分层精练(2课时含答案)

Unit 8 Natural disasters-Reading
一、选择填空:从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
( )1. The bus was full of people, and there wasn’t enough _____ for me to move.
A. place B. space C. area D. rooms
( )2.–What _____ Lucy _____ just now
–Sorry, I didn’t hear. I _____ up the phone.
A. did; say; am picking B. was; saying; picked
C. did; say; was picking D. is; saying; pick
( )3. Every _____ thing needs air. Without it, nothing can keep _____.
A. living; living B. living; alive C. alive; alive D. alive; living
( )4. He shouted _____ help, but no one came _____ a long time.
A. to; for B. for; to C. to; to D. for; for
( )5. If the earthquake happens, you should run _____ the empty ground.
A. out to B. out of C. out from D. out at
( )6. I was doing some shopping in the supermarket _____ the earthquake started.
A. while B. when C. as D. because
( )7. Millie was walking _____ the forest while Jack was swimming _____ the river.
A. across; through B. across; across C. through; through D. through; across
( )8. The poor girl cannot see anything _____ because she is blind.
A. no longer B. no more C. any long D. at all
( )9. My mother often tells me to _____ when I am in trouble.
A. come down B. slow down C. calm down D. get down
( )10.–It’s a little cold. Would you mind closing the window
–_____. I will do it right away.
A. Not at all B. No, you can’t C. Forget it D. Of course
11. It’s said that over ten people died in the car ___________ (事故).
12. My grandpa __________(fall) down when crossing the road. Luckily, a boy helped him.
13.L________ starts big fire in classroom building.
14. The ________ (地震) in Yunnan in October made many people lose their homes.
15.The lift broke down and we were ___________ (trap).
16.The man rushed into the house and saved those women’s ___________ (life).
17. He thought and thought. Finally, a good idea came into his_________(头脑).
18. I always feel___________(紧张的). When I speak to strangers.
19. Don’t speak so ___________(大声), because the baby is sleeping.
20.The old woman’s husband died for many years, but she is still (live).
21. Mother was ________ (拖) the floor when I got home.
22. They went to the World Park by ________ (长途汽车).
23. It’s dangerous to travel by ship this week because there will be a ________ (风暴) on the sea.24. I don’t like living in a noisy city. I hope to live a quiet life in a small v________.
25. The girl was full of ________ (害怕) when she saw the snake.
26. My ________ (心) was in my mouth when I walked into her office.
27. Her heart __________ (跳动) fast when she received the letter.
28. When you were a child, were you afraid of the ________ (黑暗)
29. The color of that dress looks different in the _________ (日光).
30. There are ________ (仍然) a lot of people in the street after 12.00 p.m.
31. Don’t speak in a l________ voice! Keep silent!
32. A________ I finished my job, I sat down to read a newspaper.
33. The two old friends s________ hands hard when they met in the street.
34. A car crashed into the bridge and fell into the river. The police are checking what ____________(引起) the disaster.
35. The animals ran in all (方向) when they heard the big noise.
36. White snow ___________(覆盖)the land and everything looks white and clean.
37. In 1976, a terrible e happened in Tangshan in China.
38. Many people had to leave their homes because of the f .
39. Taking a short rest at noon is good for your body and m__________.
40. Listen! We can hear the strong wind b________ outside.
41. I think travelling by plane is ___________ (not in danger) than travelling by train..
42. People ran wildly as pieces of glass and bricks __________ (fall) down.
43. Then I heard ___________ (excite) shouts.
44. This unit is about ________ (nature ) disasters.
45. The girls began to s__________ loudly when the famous singer came out.
46. Suddenly, a moment of excitement went t___________ my body.
47. We should keep ________ (silence) in the library.
48. All the visitors were ________ (trap) on the top of the mountain because of the sudden snowstorm.49. His car _________ (crash) into trees often.
50. Would you mind my ______________(smoke) here
Unit 8 Natural disasters-Reading
1. -----How many _________(季节) are there in a year -----Four.
2. Liu Ming’s bedroom is untidy. The clothes are __________(到处).
3.They are making a _________(雪人) in the playground.
4. Den had dug a d________ hole in the center of the garden.
5. Don’t ________(扔) the ball like this.
6. Don’t _________(尖叫). The baby is sleeping.
7. Which animal is the largest on the l_______
8. The temperature is below zero and the lakes and rivers are f________.
9. This unit is about __________ (nature) disasters.
10. Who m_________ up the floor in your home
A) 选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。
pulled, when, while, out of, louder, about
11. The noise became _______________, like bombs under the ground.
12. He calmed down and _______________ himself slowly through the dark.
13. It was _______________ two o’clock in the early morning.
14. I was trying to find my way out _______________ I heard some noise above me.
15. People ran _______________ the building as soon as they could.
B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词)
16. Timmy was ____________ (trap) in a dark place after the earthquake stopped.
17. The boy told ____________ (he) to calm down since he was still alive.
18. You can hear the shouts from the ____________ (excite) people on the football fields.
19. What happened to her Why is she so ____________ (silence)
20. The girl tried ____________ (one’s) best to run out when the earthquake started.
三、完形填空。从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
John lived with his __21__ in a small town in the mountain. One day there was an earthquake near the town. Many houses were damaged. Everyone thought that there would be__22__earthquake soon. They were worried that the second earthquake would be__23__than the first.
“We must send John to a(n) __24__ place.” John’s mother said to her husband, “Many of our friends are sending their children to relatives in other towns.”
“We’ll send him to my brother, Peter,” John’s father said, “he lives a long way __25__ from here. John will be safe with him.”
He telephoned John’s uncle, Peter, and asked him if he would let John __26__ with him.
“He’s a good boy,” John’s father said, “and he won’t give you any __27__.”
“All right,” John’s uncle said, “but I hope he is not__28__. I live a very quiet and peaceful life.”
“You won’t know John’s in the house.” his father told him.
So John, a five-year-old boy, __29__to live with his uncle.
Two days later, John’s parents __30__ a telegram(电报) from Peter. It said, “I am returning the child. Please send an earthquake.”
( )21. A. uncle B. aunt C. parents D. grandparents
( )22. A. another B. other C. the other D. others
( )23. A. good B. bad C. better D. worse
( )24. A. dangerous B. safe C. fine D. interesting
( )25. A. from B. in C. away D. to
( )26. A. live B. lives C. to live D. living
( )27. A. hope B. fun C. trouble D. joy
( )28. A. polite B. quiet C. shy D. noisy
( )29. A. went B. goes C. returns D. returned
( )30. A. provided B. got C. took D. bought
31. 我正在睡觉,突然地震发生了。
I ________ ________ ________ the earthquake started.
32. 人们惊恐地尖叫,并四处乱跑。
People screamed in fear and ran ________ ________ ________.
33. 刚才因为突然来临的地震,吉姆跑出了他的房间。
Just now Jim ________ ________ ________ his room because of the sudden earthquake.
34. 我感到紧张,心跳得厉害。
I felt nervous and my heart ________ ________ ________.
35. 人们听到了他的求救,搬开了砖块救了他。
People heard his cry ________ ________ and ________ ________ the bricks and saved him.
36. through a fear moment my of went mind (.) (连词成句)
37. he found trapped after him people was soon (.) (连词成句)
38. losing his he fear job lives of in (.) (连词成句)
39. presents were children when their opened excited the they (.) (连词成句)
40. Jim was walking across the street when a car accident happened before him. (用while改写句子)
Unit 8 Natural disasters-Reading
一、1—5 BCBDA 6—10 BDDCA
11.accident 12.fell 13.Lightning 14.earthquake 15.trapped 16.lives 17.mind 18.nervous 19.loud 20.alive
21.mopping 22.coach 23.storm 24.village 25.fear 26.heart 27.was beating 28.dark 29.daylight 30.still
31.loud 32.After 33.shook 34.caused 35.directions 36.covers 37.earthquake 38.flood 39.mind 40.blowing
41.safer 42.fell 43.exciting 44.natural 45.scream 46.through 47.silent 48.trapped 49.crashed 50.smoking
Unit 8 Natural disasters-Reading
1.seasons 2.everywhere 3.snowman 4.deep 5.throw 6.scream 7.land 8.frozen 9.natural 10.mops
11. louder 12. pulled 13. about 14. when 15. out of
16. trapped 17. himself 18. excited 19. silent 20. her
三、21—25 CADBC 26—30 ACDAB
四、31. was sleeping when
32. in all directions
33. ran out of
34. was beating fast
35. for help, moved away
五、36. A moment of fear went through my mind.
37. People found him soon after he was trapped.
38. He lives in fear of losing his job.
39. The children were excited when they opened their presents.
40. While Jim was walking across the street, a car accident happened before him.



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