
1—5 ABCCB 6—10 CBABC 11—15 BCAAB 16—20 BCACA
21-23 BAA 24-27 DBDC 28-31 ABDC 32-35 CDCB
41-45 BADBC 46-50 ADBCA 51-55 DCABD
56. healthy 57. a 58. called 59. regularly 60. to relax
61. in 62. improves 63. which 64. swinging 65. times
suitable 67. ruins 68. confidently 69. failure 70. official 71. compare 72. confused 73. breathe 74. narrow 75. recognize/recognise
admiration 77. injured 78. strengths 79. affect 80. advanced
sets example 82. impression on 83. sense responsibility/duty
84. showed/showcased wisdom 85. apply for
Earthquake Drill Raises Awareness on Campus
In order to raise awareness and learn skills to survive in an earthquake, a drill was organized in our school last Friday.
The event went smoothly. Instructions and survival skills were delivered before the drill at the class meeting. With the guidance of the teachers, all the students practiced “the Drop, Cover, and Hold On” technique. Bearing the escape routes in mind, students and teachers swiftly reacted to the alarm and evacuated form school buildings in a calm and orderly manner to the designated safe zone, the playground.
After the dill, we all feel more confident in our ability to react swiftly and appropriately in the event of an earthquake. Overall, the earthquake drill is of great significance as it promoted a stronger sense of earthquake awareness, which is crucial for the safety and security of our school community.
Text 1(36词)想换工作
W: Hey, Martin, aren’t you looking for a new job
M: Yes, I am. Did you find something for me in that paper
W: I think so. There’s an advertisement here you might be interested in.
Text 2(30词)怎么做牛排
W: We’ll have beef for dinner today, and how do you like it cooked
M: Just do it as Dave once told you when he was invited here last time.
Text 3(30词)有消息再通知
M: Madam, please tell me your phone number. If we catch the thief, we’ll contact you in time.
W: 217-362-1576. Thank you so much, sir. Can I go home now
Text 4(34词)锻炼身体
M: Madam, how can I help you
W: Well, I am a little bit out of shape. I think I should get some exercise to keep fit. What kind of service do you offer
Text 5(37词)少放点酱油
M: How many cups of soy sauce do we need to make this
W: Let me have a look. It says three cups. That seems a lot salty. Let’s put 1 cup less instead.
M: All right.
Text 6(108词)差点出事故
M: I am still terrified about the traffic today.
W: What happened
M: The car in front of me wanted to turn left without using his turn signal and stopped suddenly at the crossing. I was almost involved in an accident!
W: I’m glad there was no accident.
M: Me too. Some people never use their turn signals, so others don’t know what they plan to do. And some cars cut in at will.
W: Yes, but what gives me a headache is that some drivers like to get close behind my car.
M: They need to respect other drivers and make sure of safety on the road.
Text 7(156词)愤而辞职
W: Hi, how have you been
M: Not too good. I just left my job. I argued with my boss days ago.
W: Why You didn’t finish the work
M: No, I only made some small spelling mistakes in the book, and I didn’t think it was any big deal, but he showed them at the meeting.
W: You just gave up your job because of that
M: No. I started working as an assistant in there five years ago and I have worked as an editor for the last three years, but this year, I’ve got fed up with it.
W: I got it. So, what are you going to do next
M: I have no idea now. I will give myself a break and go traveling with my parents.
W: Good idea. But I suggest if you want to find a more satisfying job, you’d better get a good combination of your strengths and interests.
Text 8(157词)优化时间管理
W: Hey! Where are you going You look worried.
M: I’m going to the library. I haven’t prepared all the subjects yet, and the exams are coming soon.
W: What have you done these days then
M: I’ve been busy with my sports coaching and couldn’t find time to prepare.
W: Well, studies are our first thing. You should have managed time for your studies first.
M: Can you give me some advice
W: Well, you need to set up a schedule for your daily activities. Also, give time to all activities according to their importance. Allow yourself more time on studies as the exams are near and reduce the time for exercise. Put aside those of little importance. The last suggestion is to sleep early to keep yourself energetic.
M: I’ll do that. I hope I can pass the exams.
W: Don’t worry. We will pass the exams with luck. I’ve got to buy some snacks now. See you.
Text 9(170词)春节返乡
M: Are you going back to your hometown for the Spring Festival this year, Tina
W: Yes.
M: Have you chosen some gifts for your family
W: Well, I’ve bought a belt for my father, a sweater for my mother and a coat for my brother.
M: What do you enjoy doing most during the holiday in your hometown
W: I like watching people set off fireworks best. It is much more fun during the festival.
M: What is your favorite food in your hometown
W: I like hotpot! It’s wonderful to eat together with my family and talk about old times.
M: Wow, that’s attractive.
W: John, I’m wondering what your favorite thing is during Christmas.
M: Well, I like decorating a Christmas tree. And we send Christmas cards including a letter telling what the family did that year. But my favorite activity is making food voluntarily at a homeless shelter. That is very special for me as it reminds me that we need to do more to help others.
Text 10(170词)移民加拿大
W: Tatyana is a Russian who lives in Canada now. She and her husband, who’s a businessman, and their two sons moved to Canada in 1998. She was appointed to a position in a science laboratory working as a technician. In 2005, Tatyana became a professor at the University of Alberta.
At first, not being able to understand well what other people say or express herself fully was the biggest problem for her, which made it difficult to take her children to register at school, and she couldn’t give them the support they needed with their homework. All that soon changed, however. She learned to speak English in an unusual way, by joining Toastmasters International and paying close attention to the speeches that people made. She found it a very enjoyable experience there.
Tatyana has always felt welcome in Canada, though it was full of hardship in the beginning. She feels great affection and respect for Canadians. Whenever she has a problem, there is always someone willing to help her.
词汇链接: turn signal(汽车的)转向灯 cut in 超车抢道 at will 随意 appoint v. 任命
affection / fek n/ n. 喜爱
Passage A
Passage B
24.D 推理判断题。根据文章第二段前半部分可知,父亲去世后,老人足不出户,整天独居在家,由此可以看出老人过着“单调、没有生气的”生活,故答案为D。
Passage C
28. A 推理判断题。段落主旨归纳。根据第一段内容(运动不仅是身体上的挑战,也可以是精神上的挑战。来自教练、父母和其他队友的批评,以及获胜的压力会给年轻运动员带来太多的焦虑或压力。压力可以是身体上的,情绪上的,或心理上的,研究表明,它可以导致倦怠。倦怠被描述为放弃或放弃一项曾经令人愉快的活动。)可知,第一段主要讲的是体育运动对精神的挑战。故选A。
29.B理解理解题。根据第二段中的The early years of growth are important years for learning about oneself and the sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place.(成长的早期是了解自己的重要时期,而运动环境是一个可以产生宝贵经验的阶段。)可知,年轻人喜欢运动是因为它可以为他们提供宝贵的经历。故选B。
30.D推理判断题。根据第三段中的In today's youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game, many parents and coaches focus on the result and find faults with youngsters' performances.(在今天的青年运动环境中,年轻运动员可能更担心谁会赢,而不是享受自己和运动。在一场比赛之后,许多家长和教练关注的是结果,并对青少年的表现吹毛求疵。)可推断,家长和教练正确的做法是让孩子们享受体育活动。故选D。
31.C 推理判断题。根据第三段中的Positive support should be provided regardless of the result. Research indicates that positive support encourages and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.(无论结果如何,都应该提供积极的支持。研究表明,积极的支持比批评对学习有更大的鼓励和影响。同样,批评会造成很大的压力,从而导致倦怠。)可知,作者通过陈述压力对孩子参加运动的诸多负面影响,使父母和教练意识到只有多鼓励、少批评,才能让孩子喜欢体育运动。可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是强调鼓励孩子的重要性。故选C。
Passage D
本文是一篇说明文。纽约市奥杜邦社区40多年来一直致力于保护纽约市的鸟类,该社区的Project Safe Flight项目有助于拯救因撞到反光玻璃而受伤的鸟类。
32.C细节理解题。根据第三段第一句和最后一句可知,每当这些志愿者找到一个幸存者,他们就把它送到Wild Bird Fund,在基金会的照料下,这些鸟儿可以休息,还能得到所需的医疗。由此可知,他们将受伤的鸟送到Wild Bird
33.D 推理判断题。根据第二段可知,Project Safe Flight的目的是为了保护鸟类,使之避免死于与高层建筑的玻璃相撞,故可推知,第五段介绍大量的鸟死于与高层建筑的玻璃相撞是为了体现该项目的重要性。
34.C词义猜测题。根据画线词后的because they look through them and
they think they're seeing the sky可知,那些鸟儿以为透过玻璃看到的是真正的天空,其实那是倒影,所以那些明亮的灯光和反光玻璃建筑吸引并“迷惑”了鸟类。
35.B 标题概括题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了纽约市奥杜邦社区 Project
Safe Flight 项目是如何救助纽约市的那些与反光玻璃相撞而受伤的鸟类的,故B项为本文的最佳标题。
E 根据后句。Here are some tips you can follow to take wonderful photos.可知,说的是拍摄精彩的照片,结合选项,应说但是如果照片没有你想象的那么漂亮呢?
D 根据前句You can also pretend to hear your name called, turn back, and run your fingers through long hair.可知说的是拍美的一个方法,结合选项这是增加你美丽的一个奇妙方法。故选D。
G根据前文 look away from the camera.结合选项应选不看镜头的拍照方式。故G项看天空,让相机捕捉你的侧脸正确。
A 根据后句Taking a back view photo is a good choice 可知,A项正确。
40.C 根据前句Take a seat.及后句If there are good places to sit down, please do it.可知C项正确。
41.B 根据上文中的She had such a sweet smile 可判断,老师对学生很“亲切”。
42.A 根据下文中的but she already looked very motherly 可推知,此处应指作者不知道老师的“年龄”。
D 根据下一句可知,对于作者来说,感觉就像有了第二位母亲作为他的老师。由此可知,老师对学生很好,从不对她的学生“大声嚷嚷”。
44.B 根据下一段开头一句可知,作者对在教室里的记忆依然清晰,所以此处指作者一直“记得”在她(Mrs. Gross)的教室里度过的时光。
45.C 根据上文中的We were doing math problems 可知,作者他们在做数学题,所以Mrs. Gross在教室里走来走去是在“检查”他们的作业。
46.A根据上文中的I finished first 可知,作者最先做完了,所以正好老师从他后面走过来时他抬起了“头”。
50.A 根据空前的两句可知,作者一直在尽自己最大的努力,想成为老师眼中的那种人,所以此处是指老师唤醒了作者想成为最好的自己的“欲望”。
51.D 根据第一段可知,老师很有爱;根据第二段中老师对作者所说的话可知,老师鼓励了作者,所以此处是指作者在老师温柔的爱和“鼓励”下,踏上了一
52.C 根据上文中的hungry 可知,此处应是可以吃的东西,故选bread。
53.A 老师给作者所说的鼓励和肯定的话也帮助作者与别人“分享”自己的好话。
54.B 根据下文中的helped me give love to others 可知,所填词与“爱”紧密相关。结合上文中对老师的描述可知,此处应是指老师对作者展现出的“善良”。
healthy 考查形容词。修饰名词需用形容词,空格后body为名词,此处应用形容词。
58.called 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,句中有谓语动词is,故此处应用非谓语动词,逻辑主语“The Chinese arm-swinging exercise”与call之间构成动宾关系,此处填called。
60.to relax考查非谓语动词。Way to do sth.为固定用法,不定式做后置定语。因此,此处填to relax。
61.in考查固定搭配。固定搭配in shape表示“处于良好状态,健康”。
62.improves 考查谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,and连接两个谓语动词,句子的主语为sequence,再根据并列谓语动词is的时态,可知此处用一般现在时。
which 考查非限制性定语从句。“The exercise routine”为先行词,关系词which在后面的从句中作主语,此处应填Which。
65.times 名词单复数。根据repeated several 此处应填名词复数。故填times。序号 题号 答案 分值 选项数 题目类型 特殊类型
1 1 A 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
2 2 B 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
3 3 C 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
4 4 C 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
5 5 B 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
6 6 C 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
7 7 B 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
8 8 A 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
9 9 B 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
10 10 C 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
11 11 B 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
12 12 C 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
13 13 A 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
14 14 A 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
15 15 B 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
16 16 B 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
17 17 C 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
18 18 A 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
19 19 C 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
20 20 A 1.5 3 单选题 普通必答
21 21 B 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
22 22 A 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
23 23 A 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
24 24 D 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
25 25 B 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
26 26 D 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
27 27 C 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
28 28 A 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
29 29 B 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
30 30 D 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
31 31 C 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
32 32 C 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
33 33 D 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
34 34 C 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
35 35 B 2.5 4 单选题 普通必答
36 36 E 2.5 7 单选题 普通必答
37 37 D 2.5 7 单选题 普通必答
38 38 G 2.5 7 单选题 普通必答
39 39 A 2.5 7 单选题 普通必答
40 40 C 2.5 7 单选题 普通必答
41 41 B 1 4 单选题 普通必答
42 42 A 1 4 单选题 普通必答
43 43 D 1 4 单选题 普通必答
44 44 B 1 4 单选题 普通必答
45 45 C 1 4 单选题 普通必答
46 46 A 1 4 单选题 普通必答
47 47 D 1 4 单选题 普通必答
48 48 B 1 4 单选题 普通必答
49 49 C 1 4 单选题 普通必答
50 50 A 1 4 单选题 普通必答
51 51 D 1 4 单选题 普通必答
52 52 C 1 4 单选题 普通必答
53 53 A 1 4 单选题 普通必答
54 54 B 1 4 单选题 普通必答
55 55 D 1 4 单选题 普通必答三峡名校联盟2023年秋季联考高2026届英语试卷
命题人:忠县中学 刘选利 审题人:忠县中学 秦萍
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does Martin want to do
A. Find a job. B. Read the newspaper. C. Place an advertisement.
2. What are the speakers talking about
A. Where to have dinner. B. How to cook beef. C. When to invite Martin.
3. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. On the phone. B. At home. C. At the police station.
4. What is the woman doing
A. Making a complaint.
B. Taking some exercise.
C. Getting some information.
5. How many cups of soy sauce will the speakers put
A. 1. B. 2. C. 3.
6. What happened to the man today
A. His car was broken. B. He got injured. C. He nearly had an accident.
7. What other drivers’ behavior gives the woman a headache when driving
A. Cutting in at will. B. Driving close behind her car. C. Using wrong turn signals.
8. Why did the man argue with his boss
A. His mistakes were made public.
B. He didn’t finish his work.
C. He had to work overtime.
9. When did the man work as an editor in the company
A. Five years ago. B. Three years ago. C. One year ago.
10. What will the man do next
A. Look for a job. B. Start his own business. C. Take a family trip.
11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Fellow schoolmates. C. Mother and son.
12. What does the man worry about
A. He has no plan for daily activities.
B. He has no time for sports coaching.
C. He is not ready for his exams.
13. What is the woman’s last suggestion
A. Go to bed early. B. Work hard. C. Make a schedule.
14. What will the woman do next
A. Buy some food. B. Do exercise. C. Go to the library.
15. What present did Tina choose for her brother
A. A belt. B. A coat. C. A sweater.
16. What does Tina like doing most during the Spring Festival
A. Eating hotpot. B. Watching fireworks. C. Meeting her friends.
17. What makes John feel special during Christmas
A. Decorating a Christmas tree.
B. Sending Christmas cards.
C. Helping the homeless.
18. What did Tatyana do before 2005
A. A technician. B. A professor. C. A businesswoman.
19. What is the biggest challenge for Tatyana in the beginning
A. Supporting her family. B. Studying at school. C. Speaking poor English.
20. How did Tatyana feel about her experience in Toastmasters International
A. Pleased. B. Stressed. C. Bored.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
New Zealand’s towering mountains, temperate rainforests and remote river valleys all fueled Sir Peter Jackson’s creative spirit when he was crafting (精心制作) the well-known films The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit film trilogies. Let’s explore New Zealand, the real Middle-earth.
Start in Hobbiton
The journey starts from the exciting urban center of Auckland to Matamata—the home of the Hobbiton Movie Set. Your knowledgeable guide will help you fully understand the history and the on-location filming processes around The Shire.
Journey to Mordor
Experience wilderness in Tongariro National Park—an area known for its mountainous, desolate (荒凉的) beauty. This region was used as the location for some of the filming of Mordor in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Stand among the greenest of forests
Dewy (带露水的) scenery and natural spectacles (壮观的景象) are New Zealand’s biggest draw-cards and a sure reason why the country was chosen as the home of Middle-earth. Explore this magical world of tall trees, clear rivers and sweet bird songs on a short walk or famous multi-day hike. From Cape Reinga all the way down to Bluff there are national parks covering the country.
Discover Earnslaw Burn and the Misty Mountains Pathway
One of the most magical locations in The Hobbit trilogy is Earnslaw Burn. Here you will find sheer (陡峭的) walls of granite (花岗岩) rising 800 meters from the basin floor, and a glacier (冰川) creating a number of waterfalls from its meltwater that spill down from the cliff-tops.
Where can visitors have a guided tour
A. In Tongariro National Park B. In The Shire C. In Cape Reinga. D. In Earnslaw Burn
22. Why does New Zealand earn the title “the home of MiddIe-earth”
A.The natural scenery there is breathtaking.
B. The grass there is always wet with morning dew.
C. Its central part is the most beautiful place on earth.
D. There are waterfalls, glaciers and towering mountains.
23. What can we know about the journey
A. It is a movie-themed tour.
B. It involves hiking competitions.
C. It follows the order of film shooting.
D. It is designed for fans of director Peter Jackson.
A lonely elderly man has left people feeling moved after he wrote his neighbour a thank you letter for changing his life.
The letter reads, “Good afternoon. This letter is regarding your vocation two weeks ago and how you let me take care of your dogs. I’d just like to give you a letter of thanks. As you know, I’m a lonely old man without a wife or a kid. To add to that, two years ago, my dad died of cancer. After his death, I was left alone in my home. You don’t see me outside often anymore. Every day was spent just sitting around and wondering what I have done for this world until I met Smokey, Oreo and Jennifer. Your pets are the cutest, funniest and most troublesome (in a good way, don’t worry) individuals. They gave me the motivation to restart my life again. I started waking up early in the mornings. I began to take walks outside with your pets for the first time in years. Whenever I felt sad, they would bark or rub against my leg and make me laugh. The highlight of their stay was when I took them to the park. It was the longest time I’ve spent outside in a while. It didn’t just bring back pet interaction; I also met other people, started talking and made some friends. I was so happy to finally be able to interact with others again, and feel like I’m part of the human race. Anyway, thank you so much. You brought back meaning to my life. That’s all that matters.”
Many Reddit users felt emotional reading the letter and shared their responses online. One commented, “We all get busy with our lives and don’t realize the power a small act of kindness can do.”
How was the old man’s life before he met the dogs
A. Busy. B. Tiring. C. Meaningful. D. Lifeless
25. What changes do the pets bring to the old man
A. Not getting up late. B. Living a regular life.
C. Starting to stay up. D. Loving to stay with animals.
26. What can we learn from the text
A. It’s wise to lead a busy life.
B. Humans should live in peace with animals.
C. We should interact with others as much as possible.
D. Some small acts of kindness can make a difference.
27. Where can we most probably read the letter
A. In a newspaper B. In a magazine C. On a website D. On a message board
Sport is not only physically challenging, but can also be mentally challenging. Criticism (批评) from coaches, parents and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create too much anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has suggested that it can lead to burnout (精神崩溃). Burnout has been described as dropping out of or quitting an activity that was at one time enjoyable.
The early years of growth are important years for learning about oneself and the sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware that their feedback (反馈意见) to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents and coaches’ criticisms to heart and find faults in themselves.
Coaches and parents should also pay attention that youth sport participation does not become work for children. The result of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In today’s youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game, many parents and coaches focus too much on the result and find faults with youngsters’ performances. Positive support should be provided regardless of the result. Research shows that positive support encourages and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.
28. What is the main idea of the first paragraph
A. Sport can be mentally challenging. B. Mental stress should be reduced.
C. Sport should be made less competitive. D. Burnout should be avoided.
29. Why is sport important for young people according to paragraph 2
A. It enables them to criticize themselves.
B. It can provide them with valuable experiences.
C. It can help them learn more about society.
D. It teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves.
30. What should parents and coaches do according to the passage
A. Help children to win every game. B. Understand the meaning of sport.
C. Train children to deal with stress. D. Make sure children enjoy sport.
31. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage
A. To teach young athletes how to avoid burnout.
B. To persuade young children not to worry about criticism.
C. To stress the importance of encouraging children in sport.
D. To discuss the skill of combing criticism with encouragement.
Flying through the skies of New York with its tall buildings can be a real challenge for birds migrating (迁徙) from Central or South America to the Arctic Circle during the spring and fall migration seasons. Fortunately, more and more of them can reach their destination thanks to the help of kind humans.
Project Safe Flight is a program from New York City Audubon, a community that has been working to protect birds in NYC for over 40 years. This project helps save injured birds that collide (相撞) with the reflective glass so common in many tall buildings.
Each time these volunteers find a survivor, they take it to the Wild Bird Fund. Its purpose is to provide medical care to native and passing migrant wildlife so that they can be released (释放) back into the wild. Under their care, these feathered friends can rest, are properly fed, and are also given the medical treatment they need.
Once the patients feel better, they spend time with other recovered birds until they become healthy enough to return to freedom. This takes place in the spring, when they’re released in Central Park, or in the fall, when they’re released out of town to make sure that their path doesn’t take them in the neighborhood of lower Manhattan’s dangerous buildings.
Nearly a billion birds are killed each year in the US from collisions with windows, the Audubon Society reports. In New York City alone, between 90 and 230 thousand migratory birds die yearly from window collisions, as detailed by Curbed. This occurs mostly during the spring and fall migration seasons.
Bright lights and reflective glass buildings attract and then befuddle birds because they look through them and they think they’re seeing the sky. So the dBird database is key to making policymakers learn more clearly about specific hotspots (多事之地) and thus take preventive steps accordingly to protect the lovely creatures. These include making sure that visual indicators (视觉指示器) are added to tall buildings, or that lights are turned off at night.
How do the volunteers help injured birds
A. By taking injured birds home.
B. By releasing injured birds back into the wild.
C. By having injured birds taken good care of.
D. By equipping buildings with visual indicators.
33. What is the purpose of the fifth paragraph
A. To explain the side effects of migration.
B. To introduce some human threats to birds.
C. To draw more attention to the Audubon community.
D. To show the importance of the Project Safe Flight program.
34. What does the underlined word “befuddle” in the last paragraph mean
A. Trap. B. Injure. C. Confuse. D. Assist.
35. Which can be the best title for the text
A.Watching Birds in New York B. Helping New York Birds
C. Taking Good Care of Birds D. Setting Up a Program in New Yor
If you have planned a trip during holidays, certainly you will want to share some photos on social media. ___36___ Don’t worry! Here are some tips you can follow to take wonderful photos.
Turn back and smile. While on the road, the moment you turn back with a smile is the most impressive. Just walk away from the camera and do a turn-back for the most natural effect. You can also pretend to hear your name called, turn back, and run your fingers through long hair. ___37___
Look away from the camera. There are many ways for you to avoid looking at the camera. ___38___Looking down into the distance or looking out of the window is a good option. If there is nothing to see, you can also choose to close your eyes and enjoy this moment of quietness.
___39___ Are you a little shy when facing the camera Taking a back view photo is a good choice, which can leave room for imagination and bring a different feeling as well.
Take a seat. ___40___ If there are good places to sit down, please do it! You can pose in a variety of positions with your arms and legs.
Taking the perfect photo takes time and practice. If you follow these simple tricks above, your photos will start coming out beautifully! Do not hesitate to go out with your friends and take more photos.
Take a back view photo.
Point to the distance.
Not every photo needs to have you stand.
This is a fantastic way to increase your beauty.
But what if the photos are not as pretty as you expected
But how do you choose and share your photographs properly
For example, you can look into the sky and let the camera catch your side face.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I loved my first-grade teacher, Mrs. Gross. She had such a sweet smile and was ___41___to us. I wasn’t sure what her ___42___was at the time but she already looked very motherly. She never ___43___her students. To me it felt like having a second mother as my teacher. I always ___44___ the times I spent in her classroom.
One such memory is still with me to this day. We were doing math problems while Mrs. Gross walked through the classroom ___45___our work. I finished first and lifted my ___46___ up just as Mrs. Gross walked up behind me. She looked at my work and___47___ , saying, “Well done, Joe. You’re a___48___ boy.” It felt good to be___49___ . From that moment on I always tried my best. I always wanted to be what she considered me to be. She awakened a___50___ in me to be the best person I could be. With her gentle love and ___51___ I started down a wonderful path that I am still on today.
David Whyte wrote, “People are hungry, and one good word is___52___ for a thousand.” I think the good words Mrs. Gross gave me helped me___53___ my own good words with others. I think the___54___ Mrs. Gross showed me helped me give love to others. Kind words, loving acts and a helping hand are___55___ in the eyes of someone in need. Make your life a gift of love.
41. A. polite B. friendly C. attractive D. respectful
42. A. age B. worry C. thought D. personality
43. A. stood by B. worried about C. cared for D. shouted at
44. A. forget B. remember C. hit D. waste
45. A. pushing B. rejecting C. checking D. improving
46. A. head B. foot C. pen D. notebook
47. A. turned B. shook C. sighed D. smiled
48. A. brave B. smart C. modest D. warm-hearted
49. A. rewarded B. cared C. appreciated D. supported
50. A. desire B. chance C. pain D. balance
51. A. suggestion B. intention C. motivation D. encouragement
52. A. time B. air C. bread D. water
53. A. share B. judge C. create D. express
54. A. respect B. kindness C. closeness D. generosity
55. A. health B. victory C. mystery D. treasure
Forget expensive gym memberships—the secret to a____56____(health) body could be as simple as swinging (摆动) your arms. Walking speed, posture and flexibility all improved in seniors who did ____57____ traditional Chinese arm-swinging exercise three times a week for two months, a study found.
The Chinese arm swinging exercise, also____58____ (call) Shuai Shou Gong is so simple. You do nothing more than swing the arms, and it takes you only 10 minutes to learn. If you do it _____59____(regular), you will enjoy its benefits in a matter of days. It is an excellent way _____60____(relax) your body after a day’s work. Practice it daily over time, and it brings you many benefits. It helps you keep fit and____61____shape. According to researcher Professor Neil Roberts of Edinburgh University, Shuai Shou Gong ____62____(improve) general wellbeing and is readily learned by older adults.
The exercise routine, _____63____ has a history of more than 1,000 years, is made up of a sequence (连续动作) of five arms swings. The first four involve swinging the arms back and then forward, to shoulder height. During the fifth swing, you bend your knees twice—once when _____64___(swing) your arms back and again when bringing them forward. The sequence is then repeated several _____65___(time).
第四部分 写作(共三节,满分40分)
第一节 单词拼写(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
根据首字母或中文提示,使用Welcome Unit—Unit4中单词的正确形式填空。(注:请在答题卡上填写完整的单词形式,不写首字母不给分)
66. Colin, who speaks fluent German, is quite s____________ for the job.
67. A number of high buildings have been built where was nothing but r____________ (废墟) a
year ago.
68. Having made full preparations, he went onto the stage___________ (自信地) and played the piano well.
69. I’ll keep trying and never give up because I believe f___________ is the mother of success.
70. Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century, so Spanish is the main o____________language
of Peru.
Don’t ___________ (比较) yourself with others because everyone is unique.
72. What you said just now c___________ me. Can you say all that again
73. Plants produce air for humans to b___________ and food to eat.
74. We should ___________ (缩小) down the difference between town and countryside.
75. Barbara is easy to r____________ as she’s the only one of the women who wears evening dress.
76. His devotion to the work earned him respect and ___________ (钦佩).
77. Ambulance took the i___________ to a nearby hospital after the accident.
78. Happiness and success often come to those who are good at realizing their own _______(优点).
79. Apparently, blindly following other’s advice will a___________ our own judgement.
80. Thanks to the ___________ (先进的) technology, we live in an age of bettered communication.
第二节 根据汉语提示完成句子。(每空1分,满分10分)
She works hard and____________a good____________ for us.
The hands-on experiment left a deep ____________ _____________me.
The father of a family should have a strong ____________ of____________.
They _____________amazing _____________to the world in the wildfire last year.
I’m writing to ____________ ___________ the post of volunteer for our school English association.
第三节 应用文写作(满分15分)
86. 为了提高大家的防震意识,你校上周五举办了一次地震演习活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道。内容包括:
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动内容;
3. 活动意义。
参考词汇:演习 drill,意识awareness
Earthquake Drill Raises Awareness on Campus
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________三峡名校联盟2023年秋季联考高2026届英语 答题卡
注意事项 :
高2026届____班 姓名____________ 考号
选择题 (考生须用2B铅笔填涂)
1 [A] [B] [C] 6 [A] [B] [C] 11 [A] [B] [C] 16 [A] [B] [C]
2 [A] [B] [C] 7 [A] [B] [C] 12 [A] [B] [C] 17 [A] [B] [C]
3 [A] [B] [C] 8 [A] [B] [C] 13 [A] [B] [C] 18 [A] [B] [C]
4 [A] [B] [C] 9 [A] [B] [C] 14 [A] [B] [C] 19 [A] [B] [C]
5 [A] [B] [C] 10 [A] [B] [C] 15 [A] [B] [C] 20 [A] [B] [C]
21 [A] [B] [C] [D] 26 [A] [B] [C] [D] 31 [A] [B] [C] [D] 36 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
22 [A] [B] [C] [D] 27 [A] [B] [C] [D] 32 [A] [B] [C] [D] 37 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
23 [A] [B] [C] [D] 28 [A] [B] [C] [D] 33 [A] [B] [C] [D] 38 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
24 [A] [B] [C] [D] 29 [A] [B] [C] [D] 34 [A] [B] [C] [D] 39 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
25 [A] [B] [C] [D] 30 [A] [B] [C] [D] 35 [A] [B] [C] [D] 40 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
41 [A] [B] [C] [D] 46 [A] [B] [C] [D] 51 [A] [B] [C] [D]
42 [A] [B] [C] [D] 47 [A] [B] [C] [D] 52 [A] [B] [C] [D]
43 [A] [B] [C] [D] 48 [A] [B] [C] [D] 53 [A] [B] [C] [D]
44 [A] [B] [C] [D] 49 [A] [B] [C] [D] 54 [A] [B] [C] [D]
45 [A] [B] [C] [D] 50 [A] [B] [C] [D] 55 [A] [B] [C] [D]
第二节 语法填空(共10题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
56. _________________ 57._________________ 58. ________________ 59._______________
60. _________________ 61._________________ 62. ________________ 63._______________
64. _________________ 65._________________
第四部分 写作
第一节 单词拼写(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分。请完整拼写单词,不写首字母不给分)。
66._________________ 67._________________ 68. _______________ 69._________________
70._________________ 71._________________ 72. _______________ 73._________________
74._________________ 75._________________ 76. _______________ 77._________________
78._________________ 79._________________ 80. _______________
第二节 根据汉语提示完成句子。(每空1分,满分10分)
81._________________ _________________ 82. _________________ _________________
83._________________ _________________ 84. _________________ _________________
85._________________ _________________
第二节 应用文写作(满分15分)
Earthquake Drill Raises Awareness on Campus



