Unit 3 A day out-Grammar同步练习(2课时无答案)

Unit 3 A day out- Grammar
1. Look! The fishermen ____________________ (拉) the boat out of water.
2. We can move none of the ____________________ (岩石). They are big and heavy.
3. Those ____________________ (登山者) dream is to climb to the top of the mountain.
4. Johnny, please take care of ____________________ (you) when I am not at home.
5. I know the story ____________________ (it) is not true. But I really like it.
6 I taught __________________ (me) French last year, and I know how to greet others now.
7. Millie wanted to keep the secret to ____________________ (she). But Amy told it to us all.
8. You can teach ____________________ (you) French if you try your best, children.
9 My parents don’t like to eat out. So they often cook meals by _____________ (they) at home.
10. Nick fell off the tree. But _________________ (luck), he didn’t hurt ________________ (he).
1. 需要锻炼 ________ to _________
2. 保持健康 ________ ________
3. 乘船旅行 ________ a boat ________
4. 经过 ________ ________
5. 保重 ________ ________
7. 一家小咖啡店 a ________ ________ shop
8. 有点无聊 a ________ ________
9. 来自世界各地 from ________ ________ the world
10. 对......了解很多 ________ a ________ about
11. 在网上 ________ the ________
12. 使自己受伤 ________ ________
13. 举行,发生 ________ ________
14. 为......而欢呼 ________ ________15. ......的主要景点 the ________ ________ of
16. 一天环游世界 ________ the world ________ a day
17. 回到某地 ________ ________ ________
18. 计划一天的出行 ________ a day ________
19. 把它们放在他的主页上 ________ them ________ his ________ ________
20. 将他自己拉上岩石 ________ ________ up the ________
1. 吴老师邀请我参加他们学校的世界公园之旅。
   Mr Wu ________ me ________ ________ their school trip to the World Park.
2. 乘大巴去那里花了我们大约两个小时。
It ________us about two hours to get there ________ bus.
3. 路上来往车辆很多,旅程有点枯燥。
There ________ a lot of ________ ________ the way and the journey was a ________ ________.
There are models of ________ ________ ________ ________ places of ________ from all over the world.
5. 金门大桥的模型看起来就像家乡的那座一样棒!
The ________ Golden Gate Bridge looked as ________ as the one back home.
6. 你们自己去瞧瞧吧!
________ and see ________ ________!
7. 这座埃菲尔铁塔没有法国那座真的铁塔高。
The Eiffel Tower is not as ________ as the ________ ________ in ________.
8. 幸运的是,几名登山者帮助了西蒙。
Luckily, some climbers helped Simon.
9. ---这座桥多宽?---90英尺宽。
---How ________ is the bridge ---It’s 90 ________ ________.
10. 世界公园相当远。
The World Park is ________ ________ ________ .
Unit 3 A day out- Grammar
1. 来吧,赶快 ___________ 15. 兴趣 n.____________________
2. 我们自己pron. __________ 16. 乏味的adj. _________________
3. 澳大利亚n._____________ 17. 迫不及待___________________
4. 咖啡n. ________________ 18. 不相信自己的眼睛 ___________
5. 总统,国家总统n.________ 19. 晴朗的,清晰的adj.__________
6. 玩得愉快 ______________ 20. 加入,参加vt.&vi. ____________
7. 吨n. __________________ 21. 主要的adj. ________________
8. 保重 __________________ 22. 网络n. ___________________
9. 最后adv. _______________ 23. 主页 _____________________
10. 旅行,旅程n. __________ 24. 文化n.___________________
11. 独立地,独自 __________ 25. 够好,蛮不错adv. ___________
12. 你们自己pron. __________ 26. 到达 ____________________
13. 他们自己pron. __________ 27. 照耀,发光vi. _____________
14. 下车 _______________ __ 28. 迫不及待 _________________
1. The rich man has a lot of money, so he can buy ______ (he) many things he needs.
2. The woman hurt ______ (she) when she fell off her bike.
3. Boys and girls, please help ______ (you) .
4. All the people enjoyed ______ (they) at the birthday party.
5. Don’t worry! We can look after ______ (our) .
6. The world ______ (it) is full of amazing things.
7. I lost ______ (I) in the beautiful music.
8. The boy learned to ride a bike by ______ (he) .
9. Monica went on a trip to Yangzhou and enjoyed ____________________ (she) there.
10. Simon and Linda kept their secret to ______ (them) .
1. We don’t know what _________(happen) in twenty years. The only thing we can do now is to try our best.
2 Helen always ______________(try) her best to do everything well when she was at school.
3 Listen! How terrible the wind ______________(sound)!
4 The heavy rain made the visitors ______________(stay) in the hotel for a few more hours.
5 If it ____________(not be) rainy tomorrow, we can go hiking.
6 Why not keep _____________(work) until you finish it
7 The number of cars in cities ______________(become) bigger and bigger these days.
8.--Did she tell you which floor she ______________ (live) on --No.
1. Many teenagers think camping isn’t _______ sailing.
A. as excited as B. so excited as C. as exciting as D. so exciting as
2. —Simon, remember to call me when you .—Sure, I will. I am looking forward to seeing you.
A.get B.reach C.get to D.arrive
3. As good friends they often __________.
A. keep their secrets to themselves B. keep their secrets for themselvesC. make their secrets to themselves D. make their secrets with themselves
4.The ball is the same size as that one made of glass. It must be made of because it is much heavier.
A.paper B.wood C.steel D.water
5. He speaks English _______ his father.
A. so well as B. as good as C. as good as D. as well as
6. _—If you like the red evening dress better, you’ll have to pay ____ 30 dollars, because it’s made ___silk.
—OK. Here you are.
A. other; from B. another; from C. the other; of D. another; of
7.—What a nice model plane!—Thanks. I made it with 3-D printer by .
A.me B.him C.itself D.myself
8 --- I’m afraid I won’t pass the exam.--- Come on, Bill. You should trust ______. That’s the secret of success.
A. you B. I C. yourself D. myself
9. The model Great Wall is as wonderful as ______ in China.
A. it B. this C. that D. one
10. Lei Feng is helpful. He always thinks more of ______ than of ______.
A. him; other B. the other; him C. others; himself D. himself; the other
11. The two girls are not ______ tall as Mr. Wu.
A. the same B. as C. different D. like
12.—Shall we go to watch the football match this afternoon — . And I will take my camera with me.
A.Have a good time B.Best wishes
C.I can't wait D.I have no idea
1. I think The Voice of China is more interesting than Running Man.
I think Running Man is ____________ ____________ than The Voice of China.
I don’t think Running Man is _________ ___________ _________ The Voice of China.
2. Linda ran faster than Jim did.
Jim didn’t ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Linda did.
Jim ran __________________ __________________ than Linda did.
3. They are having a good time in Chuxiu Park.
They are ___________________ ___________________ in Chuxiu Park.
4. Luckily, you didn’t hurt yourself.___________________ ___________________ you didn’t hurt yourself.
1. 我觉得游泳和滑冰一样有趣。I think that swimming is___________________________________.
2. 我们老师告诉我们不要攀登那些危险的岩石。The teacher told us ______________________________.
3. 别为我担心。我已足够大,能够照顾自己了。Don’t worry about me. ______________________________.
4. 刚刚,他们互相看了看,决定自己保守这个秘密。
Just now, they __________________________ and ________________________.
5. 莉莉跳舞和你一样美,不过她小时候是自学的。
Lily dances ________________________ you do but she __________________ when she was a child.
6. 这个悉尼歌剧院模型看上去不如澳大利亚的那个精彩。
The model Sydney Opera House ____________________________________ in Australia.7.我觉得游泳和滑冰一样有趣。I think that swimming is_____________________________________.
8.他自学玩电脑游戏。He_________play computer games_____________________.



