人教版PEP 三年级上册 第一学期期末达标提优卷(五)(含答案)

题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分
一、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。 (12 分)
二、选择与单词对应的图片。 (6分)
( )l. eraser ( )2. eye ( )3. juice
( )4. pen ( )5. nose ( )6. monkey
三、根据图片选单词。 (5 分)
A. panda A. fish
( )1. ( )2.
B. tiger B. rice
A. foot A. eight
( )3. ( )4.
B. face B. six
A. bread
( )5.
B. cake
A. body B. ruler C. water D. three E. green F. cat
G. white H. Coke I. book J. dog K. eight L. mouth
M. ten N. leg O. bird P. bread Q. brown R. crayon
五、单项选择。 (14 分)
( )1. I have eraser.
A. an B. a C. the
( )2. Hi,l Sarah.
A. is B. are C. am
( )3. your name
A. What B. What's C. what's
( )4. This is .
A. Mr jones B. mr Jones C. Mr Jones
( )5. How you
A. is B. are C. am
( )6. make a puppet.
A. Let's B. Let C. Let is
( )7. I have some juice
A. Can B. Am C. Is
六、读一读,判断下列对话是“ ”否“×”正确。 (5分)
( )1. A:Hello, Jack! B:Hi, Sarah!
( )2. A:I have a bag. B:I'm fine, thank you.
( )3. A:Happy birthday to you! B:Very well, thanks.
( )4. A:Good afternoon, Miss White!
B:Good morning.
( )5. A:This is John. B:Nice to meet you.
七、想一想,判断对“ ”错“×”。 (10分)
( )1. I am 的缩写形式是I'm。
( )2. tiger 和 panda 都可以作为宠物养在家里。
( )3. five+six 等于 nine。
( )4. milk, juice 和 rice 都是饮品,可以喝。
( )5. how old的意思是“多少”。
八、连词成句。 (写序号)(10 分)
1.①the ②cake ③Let's ④eat
2.①at ②the ③ cat ④ Look
3.①I ②have ③bread ④Can ⑤some

4.①are ②you ③Here
5.①is②my ③This④face
九、将下列句子重新排列成一段完整的对话。 (10分)
John, this is my brother, Sam. Today is his birthday.
Thank you.
Hi, Sam. Happy birthday to you!
I'm eight years old.
How old are you
十、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (10 分)
Hello! I'm Robot. Look at me. This is my head. It's blue. Look at my body. It's red. My arms are yellow. They're my hands. They're orange. Look at my legs. They're brown. They're my feet. They're green. I am funny. Do you like me
( )1. Robot's head is .
A. blue B. red C. yellow
( )2. Robot's are orange.
A. hands B. arms C. legs
( )3. Robot's feet are .
A. brown B. green C. white
( )4. Robot's body is .
A. yellow B. brown C. red
( )5. Robot is .
A. nine B. cool C. funny



