
Reading comprehension(阅读理解)
The Smiths like to go out for a trip on Sundays. Today is Sunday. They want to go to the West Hill. Jack and Mike, their sons, get up very early in the morning. Jack puts on a T-shirt and jeans, and Mike puts on a shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes. After that they help their mother do the housework around the house. They put bread, meat, eggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the car. Mrs. Smith also takes four bottles of cola with her. The little dog is running after her. It wants to go with them, too. They are all very happy.
1.On Sundays the Smiths like __________. ( )
A.to stay at home B.to watch TV C.to go out for a trip
2.Jack and Mike both wear _________. ( )
A.jeans and running shoes B.shirts and jeans C.T-shirts and running shoes
3.They take _________ with them. ( )
A.some apples and oranges B.some food and drinks C.some meat and bread
4.They also take _________ with them. ( )
A.the little dog B.the little cat C.the bird
My name’s Tom. My school is very nice. There are many trees in it. I like my school. I have a very good class. In my class there are twenty-five students. Ten of them are girls. I get up at seven in the morning and go to school by bus at eight. I have six classes every day, three in the morning and three in the afternoon. Ben and Peter are my good friends. Ben is fat. He has a nice horse. We all like riding horses. When classes are over, sometimes we read magazines (杂志) in the library. Sometimes we play chess in the classroom.
5.—How many boys are there in Tom’s class ( )
A.Twenty. B.Twenty-five. C.Fifteen.
6.—What do they like ( )
A.Riding bikes. B.Riding horses. C.Walking.
7.—Who are Tom’s good friends ( )
A.Peter. B.Ben. C.Peter and Ben.
8.—What do they do after classes ( )
A.They play football.
B.They play with yo-yo.
C.They read magazines.
9.—Can Tom take a bus to school ( )
A.Yes. B.No. C.Sorry, I don’t know.
Read and answer (阅读短文,回答问题)
My name is Bob. I’m from America. Now I live in Shanghai with my parents. I study (学习)in Shanghai. There are 25 students in my class. My Chinese teacher is Miss Li. She is a nice old lady. We have four lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon. Now I can speak a little Chinese. I have many Chinese friends. We often play ball games after school.
10.Where does Bob live now ( )
A.In America. B.In Japan. C.In China.
11.Bob has _____ classmates. ( )
A.25 B.24 C.26
12.Bob has______lessons a day. ( )
A.4 B.2 C.6
13.________ is nice old lady. ( )
A.Bob’s mother B.Bob’s English teacher C.Bob’s Chinese teacher
14.After school, Bob and his friends often_________________ . ( )
A.speak a little Chinese B.play ball games C.do their homework
The Smiths like to go out for a trip on Sundays. Today is Sunday. They want to go to the West Hill. Jack and Mike, their sons, get up very early in the morning. Jack puts on a T-shirt and jeans, and Mike puts on a shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes. After that they help their mother do the housework around the house. They put bread, meat, eggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the car. Mrs. Smith also takes four bottles of cola with her. The little dog is running after her. It wants to go with them, too. They are all very happy.
15.On Sundays the Smiths like _____. ( )
A.to stay at home B.to watch TV C.to go out for a trip
16.Jack and Mike both wear _____. ( )
A.jeans and running shoes B.shirts and jeans C.T-shirts and running shoes
17.They take _____ with them. ( )
A.some apples and oranges B.some food and drinks C.some meat and bread
18.They also take _____ with them. ( )
A.the little dog B.the little cat C.the bird
The diet
Mrs. Tan is worried about her weight (体重), so she goes to see a doctor. “Oh, I’m too fat. I need to lose a lot of weight.” “It isn’t difficult to lose weight (减肥),” The doctor says. “All you need to do is go on a diet (节食). I’ll give you one.” The doctor takes out a piece of paper and writes. “ Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Also, eat a lot of lean meat and grains.” The doctor hands the paper to Mrs. Tan. “Eat all those things and you’ll soon lose weight.”
A few weeks later, Mrs. Tan’s friend visits her. Her friend is surprised to see that Mrs. Tan is even fatter than before and that she is eating a huge sandwich with chocolate cake and ice cream.
“I thought you were on a diet,” her friend says.
“Oh, I am,” Mrs. Tan answers. “I’ve already had all the food on my diet today. Now I’m having my dinner.”
19.Mrs. Tan is worried about her weight. ( )
20.The doctor thinks it’s not very easy to lose weight. ( )
21.The doctor asks Mrs. Tan to follow a diet (遵照节食) before her dinner. ( )
22.Mrs. Tan loses weight after a few weeks. ( )
23.Mrs. Tan misunderstands (误解) the doctor. ( )
Martin is six years old. He is a student of Grade One. His home is not far from the school, so he goes to school and comes home on foot. He usually goes home from school at a quarter past five, but today he is late. His mother asks him, "Why are you late today, Martin "
"Miss Green is very angry. She sends (送) me to the headmaster (校长) after school," Martin answers.
"What Why does she send you to the headmaster " Mum asks.
"Because she asks a question, nobody can answer but I can."
Mum is angry, "Why does she send you, then Why doesn't she send your stupid (愚蠢的)classmates "
"Because her question is 'who puts glue on my chair ' Martin answers.
24.Martin walks to school every day. ( )
25.Martin goes home from school at a quarter past five today. ( )
26.Martin's classmates are all stupid. ( )
27.Martin puts the glue on the teacher's chair. ( )
28.Martin's mother is happy at last. ( )
The air is everywhere around us. Air has no colour. We can't see it. When it moves, we can feel the air. Air is very important to our lives. People and plants can't live without it. If there was no air, there would be no life.
Aeroplanes can't fly without air. The air holds up the planes. We can't make fire (生火) without air. If you cover (盖住) a burning (燃烧的) candle with a glass. It will quickly go out (熄灭).
Sound spread (传播) through the air. Without air, we can't hear.
29.There is no air around us. ( )
30.We can't see or feel the air. ( )
31.All the living things need air to live. ( )
32.We can't make fire with air. ( )
33.We can't hear the sound through air. ( )
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A
5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.A
【解析】5.题干句意:汤姆班上有多少男孩?根据In my class there are twenty-five students. Ten of them are girls. 可知共25人,女孩10个,男孩有15个,故选C。
6.题干句意:他们喜欢什么?根据We all like riding horses.可知是骑马,故选B。
7.题干句意:谁是汤姆的好朋友?根据Ben and Peter are my good friends. 可知是皮特和本,故选C。
8.题干句意:他们课后做什么?根据When classes are over, sometimes we read magazines (杂志) in the library.可知是看杂志,A他们踢足球。B他们玩溜溜球。C他们看杂志。故选C。
9.题干句意:汤姆能坐公共汽车去学校吗?根据I get up at seven in the morning and go to school by bus at eight. 可知可以,故选A。
10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.B
15.C 16.A 17.B 18.A
15.句意:在周日史密斯一家喜欢____。由短文The Smiths like to go out for a trip on Sundays.可知史密斯一家喜欢出去旅游,A待在家,B看电视,C出去旅游,故选C。
16.句意:杰克和迈克都穿____。由短文Jack puts on a T-shirt and jeans, and Mike puts on a shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes.可知他们都穿牛仔裤和跑鞋,A牛仔裤和跑鞋,B衬衫和牛仔裤,C体恤衫和跑鞋,故选A。
17.句意:他们带____和他们一起。由短文They put bread, meat, eggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the car. Mrs. Smith also takes four bottles of cola with her. 可知他们带了一些食物和饮料,A一些苹果和橘子,B一些食物和饮料,C一些肉和面包,故选B。
18.句意:他们也带了_____和他们一起。由短文The little dog is running after her. It wants to go with them, too.可知他们也带了他们的小狗,A小狗,B小猫,C鸟,故选A。
19.T 20.F 21.F
22.F 23.T
19.题干句意:谭夫人担心她的体重。根据Mrs. Tan is worried about her weight (体重), so she goes to see a doctor.可知题干正确,故答案为T。
20.题干句意:医生认为不容易减肥。根据“It isn’t difficult to lose weight (减肥),” The doctor says.可知医生说减肥不难。故题干错误,故答案F。
21.题干句意:医生让谭夫人晚饭前遵照节食。根据 “All you need to do is go on a diet (节食). I’ll give you one.” 可知医生给她提供了一份饮食清单而不是晚餐前额外需要的饮食,故答案为F。
22.题干句意:谭夫人几星期以后体重减了。根据Her friend is surprised to see that Mrs. Tan is even fatter than before and that she is eating a huge sandwich with chocolate cake and ice cream.可知她比以前更胖了。故题干错误,故答案F。
23.题干句意:谭夫人误解了医生。根据“Oh, I am,” Mrs. Tan answers. “I’ve already had all the food on my diet today. Now I’m having my dinner.”可知她吃完医生建议的饮食后,她在吃晚饭。可知她误解了医生的建议,故题干正确,故答案为T。
24.T 25.F 26.F 27.T 28.F
24.句意:马丁每天步行去上学。根据His home is not far from the school, so he goes to school and comes home on foot.可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。
25.句意:马丁今天在五点一刻从学校回家的。根据He usually goes home from school at a quarter past five, but today he is late.可知今天迟到了,故该句是错误的,故答案为F。
26.句意:马丁的同班同学们都很傻。根据Why doesn't she send your stupid (愚蠢的)classmates " "Because her question is 'who puts glue on my chair ' Martin answers.可知是马丁很傻,故该句是错误的,故答案为F。
27.句意:马丁把胶水放到了老师的椅子上。根据"Because her question is 'who puts glue on my chair ' Martin answers.可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。
29.F 30.F 31.T 32.F 33.F
【解析】29.句意:我们周围没有空气。根据The air is everywhere around us. 我们周围到处都是空气。可知我们周围到处都是空气,故答案为错误。
30.句意:我们看不见或摸不到空气。根据Air has no colour. We can't see it.空气没有颜色。我们看不见。When it moves, we can feel the air.当它移动时,我们可以感觉到空气。可知我们看不见空气但是感觉得到空气,故答案为错误。
31.句意:所有的生物都需要空气来生存。根据People and plants can't live without it. 可知人和植物离不开空气,故答案为正确。
32.句意:我们不能用空气生火。根据We can't make fire without air. 没有空气我们不能生火。可知没有空气我们不能生火,故答案为错误。
33.句意:我们无法听到空气中的声音。根据 Sound spread through the air. Without air, we can't hear.声音在空气中传播。没有空气我们就听不见。可知声音在空气中传播,故答案为错误。
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