
1.(2020·丹江口模拟)What ________ useful advice you gave me!
A.a B.an C.the D./
2.(2020·丹江口模拟)The students enjoy Miss Yang's classes because she's a teacher with rich teaching .
A.knowledge B.information C.experience D.habits
【解析】【分析】句意:学生们喜欢杨老师的课,因为她是一位有丰富教学经验的老师。A.知识,B.信息,C.经验,D.兴趣。根据 The students enjoy Miss Yang's classes学生们喜欢杨老师的课,以及空格前定语teaching“教学的”,可知是有着丰富教学经验。故选C。
【点评】考查名词辨析。注意熟记名词短语teaching experience“教学经验”。
3.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Come on, Dave. It's time for dinner.
—I'm not ___________ yet. I've just had a hamburger.
A.full B.tired C.thirsty D.hungry
【解析】【分析】句意:——来吧,戴夫。该吃晚饭了。——我还不饿。我刚吃了一个汉堡包。A.饱的,B.累的,C.渴的,D.饿的。根据 I've just had a hamburger. 我刚吃了一个汉堡包,可知是还不饿。故选D。
4.(2020·丹江口模拟)—What can we do to _________ bird flu from spreading
—Try not to buy or eat the chicken that has not been checked.
A.cause B.discover C.prevent D.protect
【解析】【分析】句意:——我们能做些什么来防止禽流感的传播?——尽量不要购买或食用未经检查的鸡肉。A.造成/导致,B.发现,C.阻止,D.保护。根据 Try not to buy or eat the chicken that has not been checked.尽量不要购买或食用未经检查的鸡肉 ,可知为了防止禽流感的传播,应用固定搭配prevent from“防止”。故选C。
【点评】考查动词辨析。注意熟记固定搭配prevent from“防止”。
5.(2019·淮安)—Will you stay here for dinner with us
—Sorry, I ____________. My mother is waiting for me at home.
A.mustn't B.can't C.needn't D.couldn't
【解析】【分析】句意:——你愿意留下来和我们一起吃晚饭吗?——对不起,我不能。我的母亲正在家里等我。A. mustn't禁止;B. can't不能;C. needn't 不必;D. couldn't不能。根据答语Sorry和
My mother is waiting for me at home. 可知是不能在一起吃饭,要用用Sorry, I can't,故选B。
6.(2020·丹江口模拟)My aunt gave up her job when her son was born she could look after the baby at home.
A.so that B.according to C.because of D.instead of
【解析】【分析】句意:我姑妈在儿子出生时放弃了工作,以便在家照顾孩子。A.以便,B.根据,C.因为,D.而不是。根据 My aunt gave up her job when her son was born我姑妈在儿子出生时放弃了工作,可知为了在家照顾孩子,应用短语so that“以便”。故选A。
【点评】考查短语辨析。注意熟记固定搭配so that“以便”。
7.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Did you buy the book A brief history of time by Hawking
—Yes. I ______ it since I entered middle school. It's a best-seller.
A.have bought B.have had C.have given D.had borrowed
【解析】【分析】句意:——你买了霍金的《时间简史》这本书吗?——对。自从我进入中学以来,我就一直有它。这是一本畅销书。A.已经买,现在完成时,短暂性动作,后不接时间段;B.已经有,现在完成时,连续性动作,后可接时间段;C.已经给,现在完成时,短暂性动作,后不接时间段;D.已经借,过去完成时。根据时间状语从句 since I entered middle school自从我进入中学以来,可知事情过去发生对现在有影响,且应是延续性动作,应用have had。故选B。
8.(2020·丹江口模拟)—What's the matter, Jack
—I fell down while I ______ on the ice. I got hurt badly.
A.had skated B.am skating C.skated D.was skating
【解析】【分析】句意:——怎么了,杰克?——我在冰上滑冰时摔倒了。我受了重伤。A.已经滑冰,现在完成时;B.正在滑冰,现在进行时;C.滑冰,一般过去时;D.正在滑冰,过去进行时。根据主句 I fell down 我摔倒了,以及连词while“当”,可知从句时态应为过去进行时was skating。故选D。
9.(2019九下·茂名月考)—I'm leaving now.
— ______ you turn off the lights.
A.To make sure B.Make sure C.Made sure D.Making sure
【解析】【分析】句意:——我现在要离开了。——确保你关掉了灯。A.To make sure确保,B.Make sure确保,C.Made sure确保,D.Making sure确保。根据句子结构可知,此处为祈使句,用动词原形开头,填入Make sure,故选B。
【点评】考查祈使句的运用,注意make sure的用法。
10.(2020·丹江口模拟)—______ is it from your home to school
—About twenty minutes' walk.
A.How long B.How often C.How soon D.How far
【解析】【分析】句意:——从你家到学校有多远?——步行约20分钟。A.多长,询问时间;B.多久一次,询问频率;C.多快,询问将来的时间;D.多远,询问距离。根据答语 About twenty minutes' walk. 步行约20分钟,可知空格处询问距离,应用how far。故选D。
【点评】考查疑问词辨析。注意掌握how far用于询问距离的用法。
11.(2020·丹江口模拟)I'm not a child! I should ______ what to do!
A.not be told B.be told
C.tell D.telling
【解析】【分析】句意:我不是孩子!我不应该被告知该做什么!根据主语I 和动词tell之间的被动关系,以及空格前情态动词,可知句子应用含情态动词的被动语态should be+过去分词,动词tell的过去分词为told;再根据 I'm not a child! 我不是孩子!可知应是“不应该被告知该做什么!”,应用否定形式should not be told“不该被告知”。故选A。
12.(2020·丹江口模拟)—What are you doing
—I am reading a book by Mo Yan _______ you lent me last week.
A.whether B.what C.who D.which
【解析】【分析】句意:——你在做什么?——我正在读你上周借给我的一本莫言的书。A.是否,引导宾语从句;B.什么,引导宾语从句;C.谁,指代人;D.哪一个,指代物。根据空格前名词a book,以及空格后句子 you lent me你上周借给我的,可知空格处应用关系代词which引导定语从句,指代物,且在句子中作宾语。故选D。
13.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Why was Mr. Li late for the meeting this morning
—Because he didn't know ______.
A.when will the meeting start B.when would the meeting start
C.when the meeting would start D.when the meeting will start
【解析】【分析】句意:——李先生今天上午开会为什么迟到了?——因为他不知道会议什么时候开始。A.什么时候会议会开始,一般将来时的疑问句语序;B.会议什么时候开始,一般过去时的疑问句语序;C会议什么时候开始,一般过去时的陈述句语序;D.会议什么时候开始,一般将来时的陈述句语序。根据 he didn't know他不知道,可知句子缺少宾语从句,语序应为陈述语序,且宾语从句语序应为一般过去时。故选C。
14.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Mum, can you come home for dinner with us this evening
—______, but I might be a little late.
A.Well done B.Of course
C.Never mind D.I'm afraid not
【解析】【分析】句意:——妈妈,今晚你能回家和我们一起吃晚饭吗?——当然,但我可能会晚一点。A.干得好;B.当然;C.没关系;D.我恐怕不行。根据 but I might be a little late. 但我可能会晚一点,可知应是回答“当然能回家一起吃晚饭,但可能会晚一点”。故选B。
15.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Tina, could you please play the piano for me while I'm singing
—______! Here we go!
A.Good luck B.Good news C.With pleasure D.My pleasure
【解析】【分析】句意:——蒂娜,我唱歌的时候,你能帮我弹钢琴吗?——很愿效劳,我们开始!A.祝你好运;B.好消息;C.很愿效劳;D.不客气。根据 Here we go! 我们开始,可知应是回答“很愿意帮你弹钢琴”。故选C。
【点评】考查情景交际。注意熟记短语with pleasure“很愿效劳”。
My chance came at last. Our
school was going to hold a sports meeting. I knew what it 16. to
me, so I got up very early to prepare for it. I 17. running
and jumping. When I was tired, I 18. myself of my promise and
went on.
19. the
time came near, I felt quite confident. On the first day of the sports meeting,
I came fourth in the 1500m race, but I was far from satisfied because what I 20. most
was the highlight of the sports meeting-250×8 relay race. I would run the last leg for my team.
With a shot, the race 21. .
All the students were cheering for their team. The competition was so close
that I began to feel 22. . Before my turn came, my team was
falling behind the others. Even worse, I almost 23. the
stick when I was trying to take it.
But after that, there was 24. in
my mind except to run as fast as possible. Just when I was close to the
finishing line, my legs gave out. Then my 25. came
to mind again and pushed me to go on. To my 26. ,
I was the first to cross the finishing line!
At last, I had proved(证明) to myself and those who had
often laughed at me that I am not 27. at
all!My classmates greeted me 28. and
I hugged them tightly. I had won the prize as well as 29. respect.
From the sports meeting, I
learnt that sometimes things are not so difficult as they 30. to
be. Just try your best without fear and you might be surprised at the result.
16.A.mattered B.happened C.meant D.brought
17.A.enjoyed B.practiced C.tried D.remembered
18.A.cheated B.minded C.noticed D.reminded
19.A.As B.If C.Till D.Unless
20.A.searched B.admired C.wanted D.feared
21.A.remained B.ended C.continued D.began
22.A.happy B.nervous C.excited D.upset
23.A.dropped B.held C.took D.passed
24.A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something
25.A.choice B.praise C.chance D.promise
26.A.shame B.surprise C.pity D.honor
27.A.honest B.weak C.thin D.perfect
28.A.warmly B.easily C.luckily D.gradually
29.A.my B.her C.his D.their
30.A.expect B.choose C.seem D.look
16.句意:我知道这对我意味着什么,所以我很早就起床准备了。A.重要,B.发生,C.意味着,D.带来。根据 so I got up very early to prepare for it. 所以我很早就起床准备了,可知知道运动会意味着什么。故答案为:C。
17.句意:我练习跑步和跳跃。A.享受,B.练习,C.尝试,D.记得。根据上文 Our school was going to hold a sports meeting. 我们学校要举行运动会,可知应是练习跑步和跳跃,准备参加校运会。故答案为:B。
18.句意:当我累的时候,我提醒自己我的诺言,然后继续。A.作弊/欺骗,B.介意,C.注意到,D.提醒。根据固定搭配remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事,可知此处应是当作者累的时候,提醒自己的诺言。故答案为:D。
20.句意:我在1500米比赛中名列第四,但我远远没有满足,因为我最想要的是运动会上的亮点——250×8接力赛。A.搜索,B.欣赏,C.想要,D.害怕。根据On the first day of the sports meeting, I came fourth in the 1500m race我在1500米比赛中名列第四,但我远远没有满足,以及转折连词but,可知最想要的是运动会上的亮点。故答案为:C。
21.句意:一声枪响,比赛开始了。A.留下,B.结束,C.继续,D.开始。根据 With a shot一声枪响,可知是比赛开始的枪声。故答案为:D。
22.句意:竞争如此激烈,我开始感到紧张。A.高兴的,B.紧张的,C.兴奋的,D.沮丧的。根据下文Before my turn came, my team was falling behind the others. 在轮到我之前,我的球队落后于其他球队,可知作者应是感到紧张的。故答案为:B。
23.句意:更糟糕的是,当我想拿棍子的时候,差点把棍子掉了。A.掉落,B.拿着,C.取走,D.经过/通过。根据 Even worse 更糟糕的是,可知应是差点把接力棒掉了。故答案为:A。
24.句意:但在那之后,除了尽可能快地跑,我脑海里什么都没有了。A.任何事情,B.所有事情,C.没有事情,D.一些事情。根据 except to run as fast as possible除了尽可能快地跑 ,可知什么都不想,应用不定代词nothing。故答案为:C。
25.句意:然后,我的诺言再次浮现在脑海,促使我继续前进。A.选择,B.赞赏,C.机会,D.承诺。根据前文When I was tired, I3myself of my promise and went on.当我累的时候,我提醒自己我的诺言,然后继续 ,可知此处指作者的承诺。故答案为:D。
26.句意:令我惊讶的是,我是第一个越过终点线的!A.羞愧,B.惊喜/惊讶,C.遗憾,D.荣誉。根据 I was the first to cross the finishing line! 我是第一个越过终点线的!可知此处应是惊讶的,应用固定搭配to one's surprise。故答案为:B。
29.句意:我不仅赢得了奖品,还赢得了他们的尊重。A.我的,B.她的,C.他的,D.他们的。根据上文主语my classmates,可知此处指同学们的尊重,应用代词they的形容词性物主代词their“他们的”。故答案为:D。
30.句意:从运动会上,我了解到有时候事情并不像看上去那么困难。A.期待(后接动词不定式),B.选择(后接动词不定式),C.似乎/看上去(后接动词不定式),D.看起来(后接形容词作表语)。根据下文 Just try your best without fear and you might be surprised at the result. 只要毫无畏惧地尽力,你可能会对结果感到惊讶,可知有时候事情并不像看上去那么困难,应用动词seem。故答案为:C。
ROCKET TO SPACE —by Diego Ramirez —Astronaut's life in spaceship —Two months from launch to landing —Learn about
Careers in Space was $39.95 now $19.95 PET by kitty Wolfe Companies Quiz: What pet are you most comfortable with Compare characters and kinds of cats and dogs Half price: now only$15
ICY JOURNEY by Same Mcgee Explorers' Arctic adventures to the South Pole Remarkable achievements of fifteen brave men 839 pages for only$12.50 HANDIWORK MAKE published 6 a year $22.50 for six books Make money with dolls Create baskets from cloth, wood, and feathers Make international suits and blankets by hand
31.Rocket to Space was written by .
A.Diego Ramirez. B.Kitty Wolfe.
C.Sam Mcgee. D.We don't know.
32.Pet Companies cost before.
A.$15 B.$39.95 C.$12.50 D.$30
33.The space ship was in space for .
A.Two days. B.Two months. C.One week. D.Two weeks.
34.Which book can tell you something about the South Pole
A.Rocket to Space. B.Pet Companies.
C.Icy Journey. D.Handiwork Make.
35.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Handiwork Make can teach you how to do housework.
B.Rocket to Space is about astronauts' life in space.
C.Pet Companies tells the prices of dogs.
D.Icy Journey is the most expensive of the four books.
31.细节理解题。根据左上ROCKETTO SPACE—by Diego Ramirez迭戈·拉米雷斯的《火箭升空》,可知是迭戈·拉米雷斯写的。故选A。
32.细节理解题。根据右上PET by kitty Wolfe Half price: now only$15半价:现在只需15美元,可知原价是30美元。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据左上ROCKETTO SPACE Two months from launch to landing 从发射到着陆两个月,可知是两个月。故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据左下 ICY JOURNEY Explorers' Arctic adventures to the South Pole 探险家到南极的探险,可知 Icy Journey这本书能告诉你一些关于南极的事。故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据左上ROCKETTO SPACE Astronaut's life in spaceship 宇航员在宇宙飞船中的生活,可知《火箭升空》是关于宇航员在太空中的生活的。故选B。
Nowadays many young people want
to make money by making video games. Creating a good game often needs a lot of
game developers. The graphic(绘画的) designers, the programmers, writing and music are all important to the
final product.
With the development of the
Internet, multiplayer games become more and more popular. In the past, if
people wanted to play games together, they had to be in the same place. But now
people in different cities, countries or even living on opposite sides of the
world can play computer games together.
Some people think video games
are good. Playing games makes them very happy. Others think video games are
bad. Some children spend a lot of time playing games, so they have little time
to do sports. Playing games may cause the overexposure to violence(暴行).
36.Nowadays, many people want to make money by video games.
A.playing B.making C.selling D.advertising
37.What does the underlined word mean in Chinese
A.复杂的 B.在线的 C.多人的 D.单人的
38.If you want to create a good video game, what is important
A.graphic designers B.programmers
C.writing and music D.all of the above
39.Which of the following is NOT true
A.Multiplayer games are becoming more and more popular.
B.Some children spend a lot of time paying games.
C.People have different opinions about video games.
D.Now people in different places can't play games together.
40.What is the best title for the passage
A.Video games B.Computers C.New technology D.the Internet
36.细节理解题。根据第一段 Nowadays many young people want to make money by making video games. 可知,现在许多年轻人想通过制作电子游戏赚钱。故选B。
37.词义猜测题。根据下文In the past, if people wanted to play games together, they had to be in the same place. But now people in different cities, countries or even living on opposite sides of the world can play computer games together. 过去,如果人们想一起玩游戏,他们必须在同一个地方。但现在,不同城市、国家甚至生活在世界另一边的人们可以一起玩电脑游戏,可知随着互联网的发展,多人游戏变得越来越流行,因此multiplayers意为“多人的”。故选C。
38.细节理解题。根据第一段The graphic(绘画的) designers, the programmers, writing and music are all important to the final product. 可知,平面设计师、程序员、写作和音乐对最终产品都很重要。故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据第二段But now people in different cities, countries or even living on opposite sides of the world can play computer games together. 可知,但现在,不同城市、国家甚至生活在世界另一边的人们可以一起玩电脑游戏,D表述错误。故选D。
40.最佳标题题。通读全文,可知文章介绍了电子游戏的发展现状,因此《 Video games 电子游戏》应为最佳标题。故选A。
Mum and dad are two of the most important people in your life. They influence(影响)you more than others you meet in your life. So if your mom or dad loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just like she or he does. Mums and dads care for(关心)their children from the minute they were born. So it's very important to stay close and get along(和睦相处)with them. But not every child knows how to do this. Here are some ways to help you.
Spend time together. Don't play a computer game or watch TV, ask your mum and dad to play with you. Go to the cinema, or read a book out loud.
Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mum or dad. You can make your parents happy with a hug(拥抱), a card, or a joke(笑话). It's also lovely when a child cleans his or her parents' room. And when you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be very happy.
Do your best at whatever you do. You don't have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud(自豪). It makes them happy to see how you're changing into a great kid. Why Because it lets them know you're doing a good job.
Parents influence children most
Reasons for loving parents Parents do a lot more than  41.  people. Parents care for their children from the minute they were born.
Some ideas of  42.   children to get along well with parents Spend more time with parents, like playing or watching  43.  together. Be kind to parents. For example, you can help them  44.  their room. Do your best at whatever you do and you need to  45.  yourselves.
41.细节理解题。根据第一段 They influence(影响)you more than others you meet in your life. 可知,他们比你生活中遇到的其他人other people更能影响你。故答案为:other。
42.细节理解题。根据 But not every child knows how to do this. Here are some ways to help you. 但并不是每个孩子都知道如何做到这一点。以下是一些帮助你的方法,可知文章提出一些关于孩子如何how和父母相处的建议。故答案为:how。
43.细节理解题。根据第二段Go to the cinema, or read a book out loud.去电影院,或者大声读一本书,可知多陪陪父母,比如一起玩或看电影watch films。故答案为:films。
44.细节理解题。根据第三段 It's also lovely when a child cleans his or her parents' room. 当孩子打扫父母的房间时,这也很可爱,可知善待父母。例如,你可以帮助他们打扫clean房间。故答案为:clean。
45.细节理解题。根据最后一段 It makes them happy to see how you're changing into a great kid. 看到你如何变成一个好孩子,他们会很高兴,可知无论做什么,都要尽力,你需要改变change自己。故答案为:change。
Talking is how you spread your
thoughts, ideas, and experiences to people around you. It's not always ① to talk about other people. But when you say bad
things, tell stories that you're not sure are true, or spread others' secret
information, you're spreading gossip(流言蜚语). For example, you saw your classmate Jake go into the head
teacher's office, so you started telling others you thought Jake's in big
trouble. Then everyone was talking about how Jake was in trouble. But in fact,
he went to the head teacher's office just because his mum was there to take him
to see a doctor.
That's how gossip works. It
starts small and often blows up into something different from the truth. Even
if it was true that Jake was in big trouble, it was wrong to tell everyone
about it. Try to avoid talking about things that will make another person
feel uncomfortable.
Of course, sometimes it's OK to
talk about another person, especially if it is about dangerous actions. What if
a classmate brings a pocketknife to school or your friend tells you she's not
eating ②
she loses 10
pounds In cases like that, you need to tell a parent or your teacher. Telling
a grown-up who can help is not gossiping.
The best way to avoid being a
member of the gossip group in your school is to stay away from kids who gossip.
If you happen to hear a gossip, don't repeat it, and don't listen to it,
either. When someone trusts you with a personal secret, keep it to yourself.
①   ②   
If someone believes in you and tells you about a private information, you
should keep it secret.
Why did Jake enter the teacher's office
50.Have you ever spread gossip How to avoid
being a member of the gossip group
47.When someone trusts you with a personal secret, keep it to yourself.
49.Because his mum was there to take him to see a doctor.
50.Yes, I have.; Stay away from kids who gossip.
46.(1)填空题。根据下文But when you say bad things, tell stories that you're not sure are true, or spread others' secret information, you're spreading gossip(流言蜚语). 但当你说坏话,讲你不确定是真的故事,或者传播别人的秘密信息时,你就是在传播流言蜚语,可知谈论别人并不总是错误的,应填形容词wrong。故答案为:wrong。
(2)填空题。根据上文 your friend tells you she's not eating 你朋友告诉你她不吃饭,可知“ she loses 10 pounds 她瘦了10磅”,可知应是直到瘦十磅才开始吃饭,应填连词until。故答案为:until。
47.同义题。根据If someone believes in you and tells you about a private information, you should keep it secret.如果有人相信你并告诉你一个私人信息,你应该保守秘密,可知同义句应为:When someone trusts you with a personal secret, keep it to yourself.当有人信任你的个人秘密时,请保守秘密。故答案为:When someone trusts you with a personal secret, keep it to yourself.
48.英译汉。Even if为“即使”, it was true that为“……确实” ,Jake was in big trouble为“ 杰克有大麻烦 ”, it was wrong“……是不对的”, to tell everyone about it“ 告诉大家这件事 ”。故答案为: 即使杰克确实有大麻烦,告诉大家这件事也是不对的。
49.细节理解题。根据第一段But in fact, he went to the head teacher's office just because his mum was there to take him to see a doctor.可知,他去班主任办公室只是因为他的妈妈在那里带他去看医生。故答案为 :Because his mum was there to take him to see a doctor.
50.细节理解题。根据最后一段 The best way to avoid being a member of the gossip group in your school is to stay away from kids who gossip. 避免成为学校八卦小组成员的最好方法是远离那些八卦的孩子,可知最好方法是远离那些八卦的孩子。故答案为:Yes, I have.; Stay away from kids who gossip.
hero help necessary leave for leave out agreed described complete
51.The unexpected visitor is    a stranger to me.
52.Don't worry. We will do anything we can    you.
53.Nobody wants to chat with him. He felt    .
54.As teenagers, we should look up to national    in the new pneumonia Resistance War(抗击新型肺炎战).
55.The children    what the new teacher looked like to their parents.
52.to help
53.left out
【解析】【分析】选项意思: hero英雄 help帮助 necessary必要的 leave for出发去 leave out 忽略 agreed同意 described描述 complete完全的
51.句意:这位不速之客对我来说完全是个陌生人。根据主语 The unexpected visitor这位不速之客,可知应是“完全是个陌生人”,应填形容词complete的副词形式completely“完全”,作状语修饰be动词。故答案为:completely。
52.句意:别担心。我们会尽我们所能帮助你。根据 Don't worry. 别担心,可知应是“会尽我们所能帮助你”,应填动词不定式to help,作目的状语。故答案为:to help。
53.句意:没人想和他聊天。他感到被忽略了。根据 Nobody wants to chat with him. 没人想和他聊天,可知应是“感到被忽略了”,应用固定搭配leave ouy;再根据主语he和动词“忽略”之间的被动关系,可知应用被动语态feel+过去分词,动词leave的过去分词为left。故答案为:left out。
54.句意:作为青少年,我们应该仰望新冠肺炎抗战中的民族英雄。根据 we should look up to我们应该仰望,可知是仰望“仰望新冠肺炎抗战中的民族英雄”,英雄不止一个,可知应填名词hero的复数形式heroes。故答案为:heroes。
55.句意:孩子们向父母描述了新老师的样子。根据 what the new teacher looked like新老师的样子 ,可知是向父母描述,应用动词describe;再根据动作发生在过去,句子时态为一般过去时,可知应填动词过去式described。故答案为:described。
    Stories, Mike told me all about it.
【答案】Don't make up
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分:“不要编(故事)”,固定搭配make up stories;根据句意可知是否定祈使句,应用助动词don't+动词原形。句首单词首字母需大写。故答案为:Don't make up。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意熟记固定搭配make up stories“编故事”。
He is one of    that I've ever heard.
【答案】the most humorous actors
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分:“最幽默的”,形容词最高级the most humorous;“演员”,名词actor,根据固定搭配one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数“最……的之一”,可知应填可数名词复数actors。故答案为: the most humorous actors。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意熟记固定搭配one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数“最……的之一”。
Good luck always     somebody that has
prepared well.
【答案】belongs to
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“属于”,belong to。根据主语不可数名词luck运气,可知谓语应用三单形式belongs。故答案为belongs to。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意掌握固定搭配belong to,表“属于”。
We should    our study online during the Epidemic prevention.
【答案】be responsible for
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分:“对……负责”,固定搭配be responsible for,情态动词should后接动词原形。故答案为: be responsible for 。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意熟记固定搭配be responsible for“对……负责”。
The government has   to stop people from killing wild animals.
【答案】taken action
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分:“采取行动”,固定搭配take action;根据空格前助动词has,可知句子时态为现在完成时have/has+过去分词,动词take的过去分词为taken。故答案为: taken action 。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意熟记固定搭配take action“采取行动”。
提示词:the Epidemic Prevention(疫情防护)
In order to live a healthy
I strongly believe we can keep
healthy if we follow the suggestions.
【点评】这篇短文可对保持身体健康的手段、保护野生动物和避免聚集等进行逐一论述。内容要全面、详尽,意思连贯,表达清楚,时态和人称的运用灵活准确。可使用It is+名词+(for sb.)+to do sth.句式和I think+宾语从句等句型使得文章的逻辑性大大增强;使用develop a good living habit养成好生活习惯,stop doing sth.停止做某事,wear masks戴口罩等短语增加文章的可读性。日常进行写作训练注意多运用常见句式和短语,使表达更为流畅。
1.(2020·丹江口模拟)What ________ useful advice you gave me!
A.a B.an C.the D./
2.(2020·丹江口模拟)The students enjoy Miss Yang's classes because she's a teacher with rich teaching .
A.knowledge B.information C.experience D.habits
3.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Come on, Dave. It's time for dinner.
—I'm not ___________ yet. I've just had a hamburger.
A.full B.tired C.thirsty D.hungry
4.(2020·丹江口模拟)—What can we do to _________ bird flu from spreading
—Try not to buy or eat the chicken that has not been checked.
A.cause B.discover C.prevent D.protect
5.(2019·淮安)—Will you stay here for dinner with us
—Sorry, I ____________. My mother is waiting for me at home.
A.mustn't B.can't C.needn't D.couldn't
6.(2020·丹江口模拟)My aunt gave up her job when her son was born she could look after the baby at home.
A.so that B.according to C.because of D.instead of
7.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Did you buy the book A brief history of time by Hawking
—Yes. I ______ it since I entered middle school. It's a best-seller.
A.have bought B.have had C.have given D.had borrowed
8.(2020·丹江口模拟)—What's the matter, Jack
—I fell down while I ______ on the ice. I got hurt badly.
A.had skated B.am skating C.skated D.was skating
9.(2019九下·茂名月考)—I'm leaving now.
— ______ you turn off the lights.
A.To make sure B.Make sure C.Made sure D.Making sure
10.(2020·丹江口模拟)—______ is it from your home to school
—About twenty minutes' walk.
A.How long B.How often C.How soon D.How far
11.(2020·丹江口模拟)I'm not a child! I should ______ what to do!
A.not be told B.be told
C.tell D.telling
12.(2020·丹江口模拟)—What are you doing
—I am reading a book by Mo Yan _______ you lent me last week.
A.whether B.what C.who D.which
13.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Why was Mr. Li late for the meeting this morning
—Because he didn't know ______.
A.when will the meeting start B.when would the meeting start
C.when the meeting would start D.when the meeting will start
14.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Mum, can you come home for dinner with us this evening
—______, but I might be a little late.
A.Well done B.Of course
C.Never mind D.I'm afraid not
15.(2020·丹江口模拟)—Tina, could you please play the piano for me while I'm singing
—______! Here we go!
A.Good luck B.Good news C.With pleasure D.My pleasure
My chance came at last. Our
school was going to hold a sports meeting. I knew what it 16. to
me, so I got up very early to prepare for it. I 17. running
and jumping. When I was tired, I 18. myself of my promise and
went on.
19. the
time came near, I felt quite confident. On the first day of the sports meeting,
I came fourth in the 1500m race, but I was far from satisfied because what I 20. most
was the highlight of the sports meeting-250×8 relay race. I would run the last leg for my team.
With a shot, the race 21. .
All the students were cheering for their team. The competition was so close
that I began to feel 22. . Before my turn came, my team was
falling behind the others. Even worse, I almost 23. the
stick when I was trying to take it.
But after that, there was 24. in
my mind except to run as fast as possible. Just when I was close to the
finishing line, my legs gave out. Then my 25. came
to mind again and pushed me to go on. To my 26. ,
I was the first to cross the finishing line!
At last, I had proved(证明) to myself and those who had
often laughed at me that I am not 27. at
all!My classmates greeted me 28. and
I hugged them tightly. I had won the prize as well as 29. respect.
From the sports meeting, I
learnt that sometimes things are not so difficult as they 30. to
be. Just try your best without fear and you might be surprised at the result.
16.A.mattered B.happened C.meant D.brought
17.A.enjoyed B.practiced C.tried D.remembered
18.A.cheated B.minded C.noticed D.reminded
19.A.As B.If C.Till D.Unless
20.A.searched B.admired C.wanted D.feared
21.A.remained B.ended C.continued D.began
22.A.happy B.nervous C.excited D.upset
23.A.dropped B.held C.took D.passed
24.A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something
25.A.choice B.praise C.chance D.promise
26.A.shame B.surprise C.pity D.honor
27.A.honest B.weak C.thin D.perfect
28.A.warmly B.easily C.luckily D.gradually
29.A.my B.her C.his D.their
30.A.expect B.choose C.seem D.look
ROCKET TO SPACE —by Diego Ramirez —Astronaut's life in spaceship —Two months from launch to landing —Learn about
Careers in Space was $39.95 now $19.95 PET by kitty Wolfe Companies Quiz: What pet are you most comfortable with Compare characters and kinds of cats and dogs Half price: now only$15
ICY JOURNEY by Same Mcgee Explorers' Arctic adventures to the South Pole Remarkable achievements of fifteen brave men 839 pages for only$12.50 HANDIWORK MAKE published 6 a year $22.50 for six books Make money with dolls Create baskets from cloth, wood, and feathers Make international suits and blankets by hand
31.Rocket to Space was written by .
A.Diego Ramirez. B.Kitty Wolfe.
C.Sam Mcgee. D.We don't know.
32.Pet Companies cost before.
A.$15 B.$39.95 C.$12.50 D.$30
33.The space ship was in space for .
A.Two days. B.Two months. C.One week. D.Two weeks.
34.Which book can tell you something about the South Pole
A.Rocket to Space. B.Pet Companies.
C.Icy Journey. D.Handiwork Make.
35.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Handiwork Make can teach you how to do housework.
B.Rocket to Space is about astronauts' life in space.
C.Pet Companies tells the prices of dogs.
D.Icy Journey is the most expensive of the four books.
Nowadays many young people want
to make money by making video games. Creating a good game often needs a lot of
game developers. The graphic(绘画的) designers, the programmers, writing and music are all important to the
final product.
With the development of the
Internet, multiplayer games become more and more popular. In the past, if
people wanted to play games together, they had to be in the same place. But now
people in different cities, countries or even living on opposite sides of the
world can play computer games together.
Some people think video games
are good. Playing games makes them very happy. Others think video games are
bad. Some children spend a lot of time playing games, so they have little time
to do sports. Playing games may cause the overexposure to violence(暴行).
36.Nowadays, many people want to make money by video games.
A.playing B.making C.selling D.advertising
37.What does the underlined word mean in Chinese
A.复杂的 B.在线的 C.多人的 D.单人的
38.If you want to create a good video game, what is important
A.graphic designers B.programmers
C.writing and music D.all of the above
39.Which of the following is NOT true
A.Multiplayer games are becoming more and more popular.
B.Some children spend a lot of time paying games.
C.People have different opinions about video games.
D.Now people in different places can't play games together.
40.What is the best title for the passage
A.Video games B.Computers C.New technology D.the Internet
Mum and dad are two of the most important people in your life. They influence(影响)you more than others you meet in your life. So if your mom or dad loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just like she or he does. Mums and dads care for(关心)their children from the minute they were born. So it's very important to stay close and get along(和睦相处)with them. But not every child knows how to do this. Here are some ways to help you.
Spend time together. Don't play a computer game or watch TV, ask your mum and dad to play with you. Go to the cinema, or read a book out loud.
Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mum or dad. You can make your parents happy with a hug(拥抱), a card, or a joke(笑话). It's also lovely when a child cleans his or her parents' room. And when you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be very happy.
Do your best at whatever you do. You don't have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud(自豪). It makes them happy to see how you're changing into a great kid. Why Because it lets them know you're doing a good job.
Parents influence children most
Reasons for loving parents Parents do a lot more than  41.  people. Parents care for their children from the minute they were born.
Some ideas of  42.   children to get along well with parents Spend more time with parents, like playing or watching  43.  together. Be kind to parents. For example, you can help them  44.  their room. Do your best at whatever you do and you need to  45.  yourselves.
Talking is how you spread your
thoughts, ideas, and experiences to people around you. It's not always ① to talk about other people. But when you say bad
things, tell stories that you're not sure are true, or spread others' secret
information, you're spreading gossip(流言蜚语). For example, you saw your classmate Jake go into the head
teacher's office, so you started telling others you thought Jake's in big
trouble. Then everyone was talking about how Jake was in trouble. But in fact,
he went to the head teacher's office just because his mum was there to take him
to see a doctor.
That's how gossip works. It
starts small and often blows up into something different from the truth. Even
if it was true that Jake was in big trouble, it was wrong to tell everyone
about it. Try to avoid talking about things that will make another person
feel uncomfortable.
Of course, sometimes it's OK to
talk about another person, especially if it is about dangerous actions. What if
a classmate brings a pocketknife to school or your friend tells you she's not
eating ②
she loses 10
pounds In cases like that, you need to tell a parent or your teacher. Telling
a grown-up who can help is not gossiping.
The best way to avoid being a
member of the gossip group in your school is to stay away from kids who gossip.
If you happen to hear a gossip, don't repeat it, and don't listen to it,
either. When someone trusts you with a personal secret, keep it to yourself.
①   ②   
If someone believes in you and tells you about a private information, you
should keep it secret.
Why did Jake enter the teacher's office
50.Have you ever spread gossip How to avoid
being a member of the gossip group
hero help necessary leave for leave out agreed described complete
51.The unexpected visitor is    a stranger to me.
52.Don't worry. We will do anything we can    you.
53.Nobody wants to chat with him. He felt    .
54.As teenagers, we should look up to national    in the new pneumonia Resistance War(抗击新型肺炎战).
55.The children    what the new teacher looked like to their parents.
    Stories, Mike told me all about it.
He is one of    that I've ever heard.
Good luck always     somebody that has
prepared well.
We should    our study online during the Epidemic prevention.
The government has   to stop people from killing wild animals.
提示词:the Epidemic Prevention(疫情防护)
In order to live a healthy
I strongly believe we can keep
healthy if we follow the suggestions.
【解析】【分析】句意:学生们喜欢杨老师的课,因为她是一位有丰富教学经验的老师。A.知识,B.信息,C.经验,D.兴趣。根据 The students enjoy Miss Yang's classes学生们喜欢杨老师的课,以及空格前定语teaching“教学的”,可知是有着丰富教学经验。故选C。
【点评】考查名词辨析。注意熟记名词短语teaching experience“教学经验”。
【解析】【分析】句意:——来吧,戴夫。该吃晚饭了。——我还不饿。我刚吃了一个汉堡包。A.饱的,B.累的,C.渴的,D.饿的。根据 I've just had a hamburger. 我刚吃了一个汉堡包,可知是还不饿。故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:——我们能做些什么来防止禽流感的传播?——尽量不要购买或食用未经检查的鸡肉。A.造成/导致,B.发现,C.阻止,D.保护。根据 Try not to buy or eat the chicken that has not been checked.尽量不要购买或食用未经检查的鸡肉 ,可知为了防止禽流感的传播,应用固定搭配prevent from“防止”。故选C。
【点评】考查动词辨析。注意熟记固定搭配prevent from“防止”。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你愿意留下来和我们一起吃晚饭吗?——对不起,我不能。我的母亲正在家里等我。A. mustn't禁止;B. can't不能;C. needn't 不必;D. couldn't不能。根据答语Sorry和
My mother is waiting for me at home. 可知是不能在一起吃饭,要用用Sorry, I can't,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:我姑妈在儿子出生时放弃了工作,以便在家照顾孩子。A.以便,B.根据,C.因为,D.而不是。根据 My aunt gave up her job when her son was born我姑妈在儿子出生时放弃了工作,可知为了在家照顾孩子,应用短语so that“以便”。故选A。
【点评】考查短语辨析。注意熟记固定搭配so that“以便”。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你买了霍金的《时间简史》这本书吗?——对。自从我进入中学以来,我就一直有它。这是一本畅销书。A.已经买,现在完成时,短暂性动作,后不接时间段;B.已经有,现在完成时,连续性动作,后可接时间段;C.已经给,现在完成时,短暂性动作,后不接时间段;D.已经借,过去完成时。根据时间状语从句 since I entered middle school自从我进入中学以来,可知事情过去发生对现在有影响,且应是延续性动作,应用have had。故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:——怎么了,杰克?——我在冰上滑冰时摔倒了。我受了重伤。A.已经滑冰,现在完成时;B.正在滑冰,现在进行时;C.滑冰,一般过去时;D.正在滑冰,过去进行时。根据主句 I fell down 我摔倒了,以及连词while“当”,可知从句时态应为过去进行时was skating。故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:——我现在要离开了。——确保你关掉了灯。A.To make sure确保,B.Make sure确保,C.Made sure确保,D.Making sure确保。根据句子结构可知,此处为祈使句,用动词原形开头,填入Make sure,故选B。
【点评】考查祈使句的运用,注意make sure的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:——从你家到学校有多远?——步行约20分钟。A.多长,询问时间;B.多久一次,询问频率;C.多快,询问将来的时间;D.多远,询问距离。根据答语 About twenty minutes' walk. 步行约20分钟,可知空格处询问距离,应用how far。故选D。
【点评】考查疑问词辨析。注意掌握how far用于询问距离的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:我不是孩子!我不应该被告知该做什么!根据主语I 和动词tell之间的被动关系,以及空格前情态动词,可知句子应用含情态动词的被动语态should be+过去分词,动词tell的过去分词为told;再根据 I'm not a child! 我不是孩子!可知应是“不应该被告知该做什么!”,应用否定形式should not be told“不该被告知”。故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你在做什么?——我正在读你上周借给我的一本莫言的书。A.是否,引导宾语从句;B.什么,引导宾语从句;C.谁,指代人;D.哪一个,指代物。根据空格前名词a book,以及空格后句子 you lent me你上周借给我的,可知空格处应用关系代词which引导定语从句,指代物,且在句子中作宾语。故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:——李先生今天上午开会为什么迟到了?——因为他不知道会议什么时候开始。A.什么时候会议会开始,一般将来时的疑问句语序;B.会议什么时候开始,一般过去时的疑问句语序;C会议什么时候开始,一般过去时的陈述句语序;D.会议什么时候开始,一般将来时的陈述句语序。根据 he didn't know他不知道,可知句子缺少宾语从句,语序应为陈述语序,且宾语从句语序应为一般过去时。故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:——妈妈,今晚你能回家和我们一起吃晚饭吗?——当然,但我可能会晚一点。A.干得好;B.当然;C.没关系;D.我恐怕不行。根据 but I might be a little late. 但我可能会晚一点,可知应是回答“当然能回家一起吃晚饭,但可能会晚一点”。故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:——蒂娜,我唱歌的时候,你能帮我弹钢琴吗?——很愿效劳,我们开始!A.祝你好运;B.好消息;C.很愿效劳;D.不客气。根据 Here we go! 我们开始,可知应是回答“很愿意帮你弹钢琴”。故选C。
【点评】考查情景交际。注意熟记短语with pleasure“很愿效劳”。
16.句意:我知道这对我意味着什么,所以我很早就起床准备了。A.重要,B.发生,C.意味着,D.带来。根据 so I got up very early to prepare for it. 所以我很早就起床准备了,可知知道运动会意味着什么。故答案为:C。
17.句意:我练习跑步和跳跃。A.享受,B.练习,C.尝试,D.记得。根据上文 Our school was going to hold a sports meeting. 我们学校要举行运动会,可知应是练习跑步和跳跃,准备参加校运会。故答案为:B。
18.句意:当我累的时候,我提醒自己我的诺言,然后继续。A.作弊/欺骗,B.介意,C.注意到,D.提醒。根据固定搭配remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事,可知此处应是当作者累的时候,提醒自己的诺言。故答案为:D。
20.句意:我在1500米比赛中名列第四,但我远远没有满足,因为我最想要的是运动会上的亮点——250×8接力赛。A.搜索,B.欣赏,C.想要,D.害怕。根据On the first day of the sports meeting, I came fourth in the 1500m race我在1500米比赛中名列第四,但我远远没有满足,以及转折连词but,可知最想要的是运动会上的亮点。故答案为:C。
21.句意:一声枪响,比赛开始了。A.留下,B.结束,C.继续,D.开始。根据 With a shot一声枪响,可知是比赛开始的枪声。故答案为:D。
22.句意:竞争如此激烈,我开始感到紧张。A.高兴的,B.紧张的,C.兴奋的,D.沮丧的。根据下文Before my turn came, my team was falling behind the others. 在轮到我之前,我的球队落后于其他球队,可知作者应是感到紧张的。故答案为:B。
23.句意:更糟糕的是,当我想拿棍子的时候,差点把棍子掉了。A.掉落,B.拿着,C.取走,D.经过/通过。根据 Even worse 更糟糕的是,可知应是差点把接力棒掉了。故答案为:A。
24.句意:但在那之后,除了尽可能快地跑,我脑海里什么都没有了。A.任何事情,B.所有事情,C.没有事情,D.一些事情。根据 except to run as fast as possible除了尽可能快地跑 ,可知什么都不想,应用不定代词nothing。故答案为:C。
25.句意:然后,我的诺言再次浮现在脑海,促使我继续前进。A.选择,B.赞赏,C.机会,D.承诺。根据前文When I was tired, I3myself of my promise and went on.当我累的时候,我提醒自己我的诺言,然后继续 ,可知此处指作者的承诺。故答案为:D。
26.句意:令我惊讶的是,我是第一个越过终点线的!A.羞愧,B.惊喜/惊讶,C.遗憾,D.荣誉。根据 I was the first to cross the finishing line! 我是第一个越过终点线的!可知此处应是惊讶的,应用固定搭配to one's surprise。故答案为:B。
29.句意:我不仅赢得了奖品,还赢得了他们的尊重。A.我的,B.她的,C.他的,D.他们的。根据上文主语my classmates,可知此处指同学们的尊重,应用代词they的形容词性物主代词their“他们的”。故答案为:D。
30.句意:从运动会上,我了解到有时候事情并不像看上去那么困难。A.期待(后接动词不定式),B.选择(后接动词不定式),C.似乎/看上去(后接动词不定式),D.看起来(后接形容词作表语)。根据下文 Just try your best without fear and you might be surprised at the result. 只要毫无畏惧地尽力,你可能会对结果感到惊讶,可知有时候事情并不像看上去那么困难,应用动词seem。故答案为:C。
31.细节理解题。根据左上ROCKETTO SPACE—by Diego Ramirez迭戈·拉米雷斯的《火箭升空》,可知是迭戈·拉米雷斯写的。故选A。
32.细节理解题。根据右上PET by kitty Wolfe Half price: now only$15半价:现在只需15美元,可知原价是30美元。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据左上ROCKETTO SPACE Two months from launch to landing 从发射到着陆两个月,可知是两个月。故选C。
34.细节理解题。根据左下 ICY JOURNEY Explorers' Arctic adventures to the South Pole 探险家到南极的探险,可知 Icy Journey这本书能告诉你一些关于南极的事。故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据左上ROCKETTO SPACE Astronaut's life in spaceship 宇航员在宇宙飞船中的生活,可知《火箭升空》是关于宇航员在太空中的生活的。故选B。
36.细节理解题。根据第一段 Nowadays many young people want to make money by making video games. 可知,现在许多年轻人想通过制作电子游戏赚钱。故选B。
37.词义猜测题。根据下文In the past, if people wanted to play games together, they had to be in the same place. But now people in different cities, countries or even living on opposite sides of the world can play computer games together. 过去,如果人们想一起玩游戏,他们必须在同一个地方。但现在,不同城市、国家甚至生活在世界另一边的人们可以一起玩电脑游戏,可知随着互联网的发展,多人游戏变得越来越流行,因此multiplayers意为“多人的”。故选C。
38.细节理解题。根据第一段The graphic(绘画的) designers, the programmers, writing and music are all important to the final product. 可知,平面设计师、程序员、写作和音乐对最终产品都很重要。故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据第二段But now people in different cities, countries or even living on opposite sides of the world can play computer games together. 可知,但现在,不同城市、国家甚至生活在世界另一边的人们可以一起玩电脑游戏,D表述错误。故选D。
40.最佳标题题。通读全文,可知文章介绍了电子游戏的发展现状,因此《 Video games 电子游戏》应为最佳标题。故选A。
41.细节理解题。根据第一段 They influence(影响)you more than others you meet in your life. 可知,他们比你生活中遇到的其他人other people更能影响你。故答案为:other。
42.细节理解题。根据 But not every child knows how to do this. Here are some ways to help you. 但并不是每个孩子都知道如何做到这一点。以下是一些帮助你的方法,可知文章提出一些关于孩子如何how和父母相处的建议。故答案为:how。
43.细节理解题。根据第二段Go to the cinema, or read a book out loud.去电影院,或者大声读一本书,可知多陪陪父母,比如一起玩或看电影watch films。故答案为:films。
44.细节理解题。根据第三段 It's also lovely when a child cleans his or her parents' room. 当孩子打扫父母的房间时,这也很可爱,可知善待父母。例如,你可以帮助他们打扫clean房间。故答案为:clean。
45.细节理解题。根据最后一段 It makes them happy to see how you're changing into a great kid. 看到你如何变成一个好孩子,他们会很高兴,可知无论做什么,都要尽力,你需要改变change自己。故答案为:change。
47.When someone trusts you with a personal secret, keep it to yourself.
49.Because his mum was there to take him to see a doctor.
50.Yes, I have.; Stay away from kids who gossip.
46.(1)填空题。根据下文But when you say bad things, tell stories that you're not sure are true, or spread others' secret information, you're spreading gossip(流言蜚语). 但当你说坏话,讲你不确定是真的故事,或者传播别人的秘密信息时,你就是在传播流言蜚语,可知谈论别人并不总是错误的,应填形容词wrong。故答案为:wrong。
(2)填空题。根据上文 your friend tells you she's not eating 你朋友告诉你她不吃饭,可知“ she loses 10 pounds 她瘦了10磅”,可知应是直到瘦十磅才开始吃饭,应填连词until。故答案为:until。
47.同义题。根据If someone believes in you and tells you about a private information, you should keep it secret.如果有人相信你并告诉你一个私人信息,你应该保守秘密,可知同义句应为:When someone trusts you with a personal secret, keep it to yourself.当有人信任你的个人秘密时,请保守秘密。故答案为:When someone trusts you with a personal secret, keep it to yourself.
48.英译汉。Even if为“即使”, it was true that为“……确实” ,Jake was in big trouble为“ 杰克有大麻烦 ”, it was wrong“……是不对的”, to tell everyone about it“ 告诉大家这件事 ”。故答案为: 即使杰克确实有大麻烦,告诉大家这件事也是不对的。
49.细节理解题。根据第一段But in fact, he went to the head teacher's office just because his mum was there to take him to see a doctor.可知,他去班主任办公室只是因为他的妈妈在那里带他去看医生。故答案为 :Because his mum was there to take him to see a doctor.
50.细节理解题。根据最后一段 The best way to avoid being a member of the gossip group in your school is to stay away from kids who gossip. 避免成为学校八卦小组成员的最好方法是远离那些八卦的孩子,可知最好方法是远离那些八卦的孩子。故答案为:Yes, I have.; Stay away from kids who gossip.
52.to help
53.left out
【解析】【分析】选项意思: hero英雄 help帮助 necessary必要的 leave for出发去 leave out 忽略 agreed同意 described描述 complete完全的
51.句意:这位不速之客对我来说完全是个陌生人。根据主语 The unexpected visitor这位不速之客,可知应是“完全是个陌生人”,应填形容词complete的副词形式completely“完全”,作状语修饰be动词。故答案为:completely。
52.句意:别担心。我们会尽我们所能帮助你。根据 Don't worry. 别担心,可知应是“会尽我们所能帮助你”,应填动词不定式to help,作目的状语。故答案为:to help。
53.句意:没人想和他聊天。他感到被忽略了。根据 Nobody wants to chat with him. 没人想和他聊天,可知应是“感到被忽略了”,应用固定搭配leave ouy;再根据主语he和动词“忽略”之间的被动关系,可知应用被动语态feel+过去分词,动词leave的过去分词为left。故答案为:left out。
54.句意:作为青少年,我们应该仰望新冠肺炎抗战中的民族英雄。根据 we should look up to我们应该仰望,可知是仰望“仰望新冠肺炎抗战中的民族英雄”,英雄不止一个,可知应填名词hero的复数形式heroes。故答案为:heroes。
55.句意:孩子们向父母描述了新老师的样子。根据 what the new teacher looked like新老师的样子 ,可知是向父母描述,应用动词describe;再根据动作发生在过去,句子时态为一般过去时,可知应填动词过去式described。故答案为:described。
56.【答案】Don't make up
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分:“不要编(故事)”,固定搭配make up stories;根据句意可知是否定祈使句,应用助动词don't+动词原形。句首单词首字母需大写。故答案为:Don't make up。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意熟记固定搭配make up stories“编故事”。
57.【答案】the most humorous actors
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分:“最幽默的”,形容词最高级the most humorous;“演员”,名词actor,根据固定搭配one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数“最……的之一”,可知应填可数名词复数actors。故答案为: the most humorous actors。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意熟记固定搭配one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数“最……的之一”。
58.【答案】belongs to
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“属于”,belong to。根据主语不可数名词luck运气,可知谓语应用三单形式belongs。故答案为belongs to。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意掌握固定搭配belong to,表“属于”。
59.【答案】be responsible for
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分:“对……负责”,固定搭配be responsible for,情态动词should后接动词原形。故答案为: be responsible for 。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意熟记固定搭配be responsible for“对……负责”。
60.【答案】taken action
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分:“采取行动”,固定搭配take action;根据空格前助动词has,可知句子时态为现在完成时have/has+过去分词,动词take的过去分词为taken。故答案为: taken action 。
【点评】考查汉译英。注意熟记固定搭配take action“采取行动”。
【点评】这篇短文可对保持身体健康的手段、保护野生动物和避免聚集等进行逐一论述。内容要全面、详尽,意思连贯,表达清楚,时态和人称的运用灵活准确。可使用It is+名词+(for sb.)+to do sth.句式和I think+宾语从句等句型使得文章的逻辑性大大增强;使用develop a good living habit养成好生活习惯,stop doing sth.停止做某事,wear masks戴口罩等短语增加文章的可读性。日常进行写作训练注意多运用常见句式和短语,使表达更为流畅。



