
12.12 分科指导考试英语答案
听力 1-5 BCBCA 6-10CBACB 11-15 AACCB 16-20 AACAB
阅读 21-23BCD 24-27 CDBA 28-31 ACBD 32-35 DCCA
七选五 36-40 CDAGF 完型 41-55 BADCD BCAAD BDDAC
语填 56. to select 57. importance 58. be performed 59. youngest 60. a 61. which 62. Located 63.generally 64. represents 65.as
应用文: The English Song Singing Competition
To arouse students' interest in English.our school organized an English song singing competition in the school lecture hall last week, which was warmly welcomed by the teachers and students.
After a whole month's preparations, the two-hour contest started at 7 p.m.and went smoothly.More than 20 singers were picked out from each grade and gave brilliant performances, including solos, choruses, and playing different musical instruments. The performers were devoted to their outstanding performances while the audience was absorbed in the fantastic shows. After the heated competition, the top five winners who gave superb performances were given prizes by our head teacher.
The event turned out to be a success. Not only did it provide a stage for students to present their talents in music, but it developed our love for English.
Approaching the doorway, Jenny took a deep breath.When she knocked at the door, she found the door was locked and her mother was not in. Tired and sad, she sat down in front of the house."Where could my mother be " she wondered."was she still angry with me " Again,the scene of the quarrel appeared in her mind. She remembered her rudeness to her mother.Realizing that all the scolding from her mother was duc to the fact that her mother really cared a lot about her,she felt rather ashamed, and tears began to roll down her checks.
A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back. She raised her head and saw the familiar face of her mother. “Here you come! I've been looking for you, her mum said,hugely relicved. Shame hitting,the girl kept silent, having no courage to look her mother in the eyes.She couldn't help throwing herself into her mother's arms. "Mum, I'm so sorry, and thank you for all you have done for me,"she expressed her sincere apology and great gratitude. Hearing this, her mother smiled,patting her back gently,"I love you regardless, my girl.”
Text 1
M: Wow, this is great for a university room! Your own a bathroom, your own TV …but where do you put your books Do we need to buy you a box
W: No, there's space for them behind the sofa. All I really need to buy now is a desk.
Text 2
W: It's so cold outside! I thought my gloves were in my coat pocket, but they aren't.
M: Take mine. I'm not planning to go anvwhere todav. Thev're inside my hat, on the kitchen table.
Text 3
W: Mr. Shaw, welcome back to the Orion Hotel. The restaurant's just opened for dinner service. Shall l arrange a table for you
M: No thanks. I'll just take my room key. It's been a really long day!
W: Certainly. Call me if you want any drinks.
Text 4
W: Well, Dave is nice. Can you tell me how you know him
M: He went to the same university as my brother, and they became really close. I don't know him that well, but he seems like a good person.
Text 5
W: OK. Back to Catch— 22. Can anybody remember which part we read last time
M:Umm … somewhere in chapter 31, I think.
W: Ah, yes. Here we are. Mrs. Daneeka had just received the letter from the War Department and was going to collect the money.
Text 6
M: So, can you tell me about your previous work experience
W: Well, when I first finished university, I spent six months cleaning offices. But I suppose it has nothing to do with a manager role!
M: Well, we do like you to keep your desks clean and tidy here.
W: Ha—ha! Well, I can certainly do that. But after that, I got my second job as a secretary.
M: And this was at Callow Gas Ltd, correct
W: That's right, from 2014 to 2017. Then, I moved to Teknik Ltd, and took up a team leader role, which
I've done for the past four years.
Text 7
W: Hey, we're all going to Lily's house after school tonight to watch the Golden Roosters Awards show. Do you want to come
M: Oh, is that on tonight I forgot. I've been so busy with exams.
W:We all have!So we should have a night off!
M:Hmm …maybe, although I don't know much about movies. I thought the Hundred Flowers Awards were on this year!
W: Ha—ha! No, the Golden Rooster Awards takes place every year now. You really are out!
M: I have to admit that. Maybe I'll come, if you promise not to make fun of how little I know!
W: I promise. I don't care so much about the movies anyway. I'm more interested in what the actresses are wearing!
M: Really
W: Yes. I loved the dresses at the Cannes Film Festival last year!
Text 8
M: OK, everybody, I called this meeting to discuss where we will take the children for this year's school trip.
W:Well, not the beach again—not after last year.
M: Martha,what was wrong with the beach It wasn't dangerous or anything like that. I loved sitting there in the sun.
W: But the kids were bored. Yes, they enjoyed themselves for an hour but then they had nothing to do.
M: OK, does everybody agree that we don't consider the beach How about the History Museum
W: Well, personally, I would be really interested to go there. I love museums and art galleries, But I think the kids would like to be outdoors.
M: So where do you suggest, Martha
W: How about Eagle Mountain I've been there last year. The climb to the top will give them plenty of exercise. They will experience nature, and then when they get to the top, there's a fantastic view. It's right over to a lake in the distance.
M: Hmm, it's a long way to travel, but it's a good idea.
Text 9
W: I'm glad I have passed chemistry and maths. I'm just so anxious about our history exam. I wish I could remember things the way you can.
M: I may be good at some exams, but I'm terrible at completing projects. And you're much better than me at writing essays.
W: I guess you're right. But projects only account for 10% of our grade, and essays 30%. The other 60%depends on exam results.
M: Well, it's really not so hard.There are a few well-known methods I use to help me remember facts.
W: Like what
M: Well, if I have a list of things to remember, I often make up a funny sentence with the words on the list.
W: That sounds interesting!
M: I have a great book. It teaches you all kinds of different ways to remember things. You can borrow it if you like.
W: Oh, I'd be really thankful.
M: You should also follow the author on social media. He often shares good tips online.
Text 10
I knew I was ill from the moment I woke up that day. Although I had had a full night's sleep, my head felt heavy and I was still very tired. As the day went on, I started feeling worse and worse.
Of course, with everything going on in the world, I immediately thought of coronavirus (冠状病毒). I had some tests. I took one, and it was positive. I'd already had coronavirus vaccination, but I knew it was still possible to get the virus(病毒). Over the next few days, I developed a cough and a high temperature, though I did not lose my sense of smell. My doctor advised me to stay at home, and have friends bring food over for me.
In all, I spent a whole week in bed. I was so tired and slept most of the time. Eventually, I got sick of the sight of my bedroom. So for the last couple of davs of my illness, I moved downstairs to the sofa in the living room, so i could watch TV. I was very thankful because I had had the vaccination. I felt terrible, but I knew it would have been a lot worse without the vaccination. I could have ended up in hospital!2023~2024学年度上学期2023级(高一)分科指导考试
★Good luck to youl★

1.What does the woman need to buy
A.A box.
B.A desk.
2.What is the woman looking for
A.Her hat.
B.Her coat.
.Her gloves.
3.Where is the man going probably
A.To a hotel bar.
B.To his room.
C.To a restaurant.
4.Who is Dave
A.The man's brother.
B.The man's classmate.
C.A friend of the man's brother.
5:What are the speakers doing
A.Studying a book.
B.Reading a letter.
C.Collecting money.
6.What was the woman's first job
A.A secretary.
B.A manager.
C.A cleaner.
7.How long did the woman work at Teknik Ltd
A.For three years.
B For four years.
C.For seven years.
8.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.At a school.
B.At a cinema
C.At Lily's house.
9.What movie award show does the woman invite the man to watch
A.The Hundred Flowers Awards.
B.The Cannes Fibn Festival.
C The Golden Rooster Awards.
10.What does the woman like about movie award shows
A.The actors.
B.The dresses.
C.The stage.
11:What does Martha think of the beach
A.It is boring.
B.It is exciting.
C.It is dangerous.
12.Which place does the man suggest for the trip
A.A museum.
B.A lake.
C.A gallery.



