
(考试时间:120 分钟;满分:120 分)
第 I卷 (共 70 分)
第一部分 听力测试
I.听句子,选择正确答语,每个句子读一遍。(每小题 1分,共 5分)
( ) 1. A. Thank you. B.Sure. C.Very good.
( ) 2.A. Cotton. B. In 2005. C. In Hangzhou.
( ) 3.A. The girl is Linda. B.Linda loves it. C.It must be Linda's.
( ) 4.A. I'd love to. B.It doesn't matter. C.Let's find out why.
( ) 5.A. By taking notes. B.By making mistakes. C.By reading word groups.
II. 听对话,选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍。(每小题 1分,共 5分)
( ) 6. A. B. C.
( ) 7. A. B. C.
( ) 8. A. In the zoo. B.In the hospital. C.On the playground.
( ) 9. A. Shake hands. B.Kiss. C.Bow.
( ) 10. A. Mother and son. B.Sister and brother. C.Teacher and student.
III. 短文理解。听下面一段独白,完成下列任务。(每小题 1分,共 10 分)
A. 听第一遍短文,将下面的句子按照听到的顺序排序。
A. keep a balanced diet
B. learn something new
C. be thankful to the people
D. make sure you are safe
E. review what you have learned
B. 再听录音,根据录音选择最佳答案。短文将再读两遍。
( )16. What is the most important thing in the winter vacation
A.Safety. B.Health. C.Study.
( )17. How often should the students do exercise
A.Once a week. B.Twice a day. C.Three times a week.
( )18. Which is a good learning habit according to the speaker
A.Reading alone. B.Reviewing on time. C.Making plans.
( )19. How many suggestions are given
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.
( )20. Who is the speaker
A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A guide.
第二部分 笔试
IV. 单项选择。从所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。(每小题 1分,共 10 分)
21. Tom has _____ electronic dictionary. He was given______ dictionary as a
birthday gift last year.
A. a, the B. an, a C. an, the D.a, a
22. With Mr. Li’s help, Lin Tao is very comfortable______English.
A. speak B. spoken C. to speak D. speaking
23. Tom gave Ann a few_____ on English learning, and Jim gave her a little______.
A. suggestions advice B. advices suggestions
C. advice suggestion D. advice suggestions
24. Li Lei overslept this morning and had to go to school_____breakfast.
A. didn’t have B. without have C. without having D. no having
24. After finishing her homework, she went on____the piano .
A. play B. to play C. to playing D.playing
25. ___________solve this problem.
A. Only in this way we can B. Only in this way can we
C. We can only in this way D. We can in this way only
27. I will go hiking if it_______tomorrow, but I’m not sure if it______tomorrow.
A. won’t rain, rains B. doesn’t rain, rains
C. doesn’t rain, will rain D. won’t rain, will rain
28. The book______by Mo Yan sells well. I’ll buy one.
A. writing B. written C. was written D. wrote
29. How wonderful! This is the very song ______ is sung by TFBOYS. I really like
this group.
A. who B. that C. what D. which
30. He asked me ______just now.
A. what I will do tomorrow
B. what will I do tomorrow
C. what I would do tomorrow
D. what would I do tomorrow
V.完形填空。阅读短文, 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题 1
分,共 10 分)
Dear Gary,
I’m so happy to hear that you’ve made so many new friends in China! Now, I
will tell you more about my cycling. After the trip from Australia to Sydney, I
succeeded in another challenge. I have cycled four 31 across North America.
How wonderful it was!
During cycling across North America, many people 32 why I loved
cycling. I have many chances to think about the 33 . But unluckily, I still do not
know the reason. Whenever I worried that I was old, my 34 body told me that I
didn’t have to worry about that. Maybe that’s why I love riding, but actually I don’t
think it is. I cannot give a satisfying answer to this question. 35 it was a grasp at
my youth and strength. Maybe it is to satisfy a sense of adventure that I couldn’t 36
during my youth. Maybe I do not love cycling. However, I really enjoy the sense of
achievement when I arrive in the remote places. Knowing that I got there, I thought it
was perseverance(毅力) that always supported me.
The four trips to North America were exciting and 37 experiences, but I
still completed them. Although the trips were over, they seemed like yesterday that I
met with 38 and successes. In order to have a good trip, I was fully prepared for
any condition. After the trips just ended, I wasn’t sure whether my achievements
along the way 39 luck or myself. Now, I finally understand that the successes
40 failures cannot only be due to luck. No matter what happened, it was up to
ourselves alone.
31. A. days B. months C. times D. years
32. A. answered B. asked C. explained D. thought
33. A. result B. question C. journey D. chance
34. A. strong B. weak C. thin D. sick
35. A. Clearly B. Especially C. Properly D. Possibly
36. A. get B. lose C. use D. pass
37. A. boring B. dangerous C. harmful D. common
38. A. failures B. differences C. thoughts D. expressions
39. A. found out B. looked for C. gave up D. depended on
40. A. and B. but C. or D. so
VI. 阅读理解。(每小题 2分,共 30 分)
Mabel LeRuzic, aged 90, lives alone-but not really.
"He's my baby," she holds up a puppy and says. "Huh, Lucky. Say hello!" Lucky
barks happily.
But Lucky is not a real dog. He is, instead, a robot that looks like a dog. He has
eyes that can open and close. He turns to face you when you talk. You can even feel
his heartbeats under his fur (人造毛皮). LeRuzic knows that Lucky is a robot, but
ever since she got him, he has made her feel less lonely. LeRuzic enjoys watching TV
with him. Every morning, she brushes his fur with a little hairbrush.
LeRuzic is not the only one who lives with a robot. In rapidly aging countries
like Japan and Italy, robots have been introduced to elderly people who live alone.
These robots come in many forms. Some greet you cheerfully and tell you jokes.
Some can play music and have a dance party with you.
Studies have found that they can reduce one's loneliness.Unlike
human caregivers,these robots will never forget a pill. They never get restive even if
you ask repetitive(重复的)questions over and over.
But the rise of robot caregivers has also raised some questions. Many young
people today are already spending too little time with their grandparents. Will the use
of robot caregivers make the situation even worse For the elderly, seeing and
chatting with a grandchild is always the happiest thing, after all.
So just think about it: Will you buy your grandparents a robot What will your
grandparents think of robots
41. What can we know from the first three paragraphs
A. Lucky likes watching TV with LeRuzic.
B. Lucky is LeRuzic's child's dog.
C. LeRuzic thinks Lucky is a real dog.
D. LeRuzic is less lonely after having Lucky.
42. Choose the best sentence to fill in the" " in Paragraph 5.
A. The price of these robots is not high.
B. So these robots get popular very soon.
C. But not everyone likes these robots.
D. These robots have many advantages.
43. What does the underlined word "restive" mean in Chinese
A. 不耐烦的 B. 不诚实的 C. 不舒服的 D. 不屈服的
44. Which of the following ideas may the writer agree with
A. Robot caregivers should not be used.
B. Taking care of the elderly takes too much time.
C. Robot caregivers have been welcomed by all the elderly.
D. Young people should spend more time with the elderly.
45. The writer ends the passage by
A. telling stories B. comparing numbers
C. asking questions D. drawing conclusions
Chinese calligraphy(书法)is an important part of traditional Chinese culture.
There are many famous calligraphers in history such as Wang Xizhi and Yan
Zhenqing. Different calligraphy works can show different calligraphers’ feelings and
personality(性格). Today, they can be seen on the walls of offices, shops, hotels and
many other places.
Calligraphy started in China and spread to other parts of Asia with Chinese
culture. It has a history of 4,000 to 5,000 years. Calligraphy is the art of writing
Chinese characters and especially refers to the rules of writing with a brush. When
you practice calligraphy, it is important to pay attention to the changes of the strokes
(笔画)and the spaces between characters.
"If I once lived in China, I must have become a calligrapher rather than a
painter," the world-famous master of art, Picasso, once said after seeing Zhang Daqian
write down his name with a calligraphy brush.
The tool for practicing calligraphy is calligraphy brushes. They are usually made
from the hair of different animals. But there is a popular calligraphy brush that is
made from foetal hair(胎毛). No one is really sure where the tradition comes from.
But hundreds of years ago in China, people started to believe this kind of calligraphy
brush was a symbol of good luck.
Practicing calligraphy needs a lot of patience and many people take lessons to
learn it. During the lessons, they can learn how to hold a calligraphy brush and how to
write different strokes of Chinese characters. If you're interested in it, you may start
practicing with a professional(专业人员)right away.
46. What can we learn about a calligrapher through his calligraphy works
①His age.②His character.③ His background.④His feelings.
A.①② B.①③ C.③④ D.②④
47. Which of the following is TRUE about calligraphy
A. It started in some parts of Africa.
B. It has a very short history.
C. It is an art form of writing Chinese characters.
D. It refers to the changes of strokes.
48. What can we infer about Picasso from the passage
A. He once lived in China.
B. He once practiced calligraphy.
C. He thought calligraphy was very great.
D. He was both a great calligrapher and painter.
49. Why are calligraphy brushes made from foetal hair so popular
A. Because they can help people write more beautiful characters.
B. Because they are thought to be a symbol of good luck to those who use them.
C. Because they are cheaper than those made from animal hair.
D. Because they can help kids write characters easily.
50. What can calligraphy lessons teach us
A. How to hold calligraphy brushes correctly.
B. How to create new strokes of Chines characters.
C. How to make Chinese paintings with calligraphy brushes.
D. How to become a professional as soon a possible.
Carpooling(拼车)can be a great way to save money, especially with rising gas
costs. Besides, it is good for the environment. But people who plan to practice
carpooling together should have a meeting and make several rules before all driving
to work. 51
The group should decide which cars will be used. Some people rent(租)a car
together. 52 If one person provides the car, it is important to pay for wear
and tear(磨损)on the car. If several people plan to each drive their own car on their
driver days, there is no need to consider this. As well, some people like to carpool but
hate driving. 53 This amount should be decided before carpooling begins.
People have different driving habits. All should agree on a few courtesy (礼貌)
rules. Decide whether carpooling groups may eat in the car, smoke, use cellphones or
listen to music. Since musical tastes can be different, those carpooling might make a
headphones only rule, for example. 54 Some people like to chat a lot,
while others might want to catch a bit more sleep. Making rules about conversation
can help avoid future troubles.
55 Some people seem to care less about problems like speeding.
Others feel worried when someone does not follow the rules of the road. The
carpooling team should be clear about what they consider safe driving practices to
avoid problems in the future.
A. Others use their personal cars.
B. Conversation tastes can be different as well.
C. Most come to enjoy carpooling with other people.
D. Successful carpooling works when all agree to the rules.
E. Driving safety should also be discussed before carpooling.
F. People who will not drive might pay more for having others drive.
第 II 卷 (共 50 分)
VII. 词汇运用。(共 15 分)
A. 用所给动词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(每小题 2分,共 10 分)
cry, prevent, knock on, prefer, praise
56. -- Who ________________ the door
--Maybe the postman is.
57. At the meeting the boss ___________ John for the progress he made.
58. I believe this illness ________________ from spreading in a week.
59. You’d better go with someone who __________ rock music.
60. The little girl _____________ three times so far.
B. 根据句意和汉语提示填入所缺的单词,完成句子。(每小题 1分,共 5分)
61. She says everything is going _____________. (smooth)
62. I think we should be masters of ______________ in learning. ( we)
63. Birds are the natural ______________ of many insects.(敌人)
64. We work every day ____________ the weekends.( 除了)
65. My sister plays the piano much __________(糟糕). She is too heavy-handed.
VIII. 阅读表达。根据短文内容,完成下列任务。(共 20 分)
Physical exercise is good for our mind, body and spirit. Today, working out
through online videos is becoming very popular. Since the Internet is widely used, it’s
very easy for us to do so. That means we can work out anytime anywhere.
One of my friends, Lin Fei, followed short workout videos to do daily exercise.
"With live programs, I feel like working out with my friends, which encourages me to
hold on to the last minute," she said. Another friend of mine, Michael, told me that
workout videos let him feel so comfortable." I have a fear of working out at the gym
because I don't like being watched by others. Working out at home makes working out
much more enjoyable," he said.
With their examples, I decided to give it a try. When I told my plan to my elder
sister, a P.E.teacher, she reminded me that workout videos could be helpful but might
still carry some problems.
Without being with someone in person, you will be less willing to work out to
your best. “Working out at the gym allows you to have advice in real time and get
pushed harder," my sister said to me. "Well, if you really want to have a try, first,
choose proper programs or videos. That's very important. And then ask your friends
for advice. Their experiences can give you a good sight into what you can expect.
Anyway, don't be addicted(沉迷的)to it. You should try different ways to work out to
be healthy."
At her suggestions, I finally followed an online workout program with
personalized help that is held for three months. After the first period of training, I felt
it very practical and helpful when I put in the right amount(量)of work along with a
strong pared with going to the gym, using online videos to work out is a
much cheaper and time-saving choice. But it can be difficult sometimes when I'm too
lazy or too busy to stick to it.
66.Which way to work out is becoming very popular today
67.Why does Michael dislike working out at the gym
68.What is the problem of working out without anyone else in person
69.How did the writer feel about his first period of training
70.Would you like to follow the online videos to work out Why or why not
What is your dream life like in summer It may be eating a watermelon in a
house ①_________ an air conditioner. Watermelons came from Africa. Later, they
came to the west of China along the Silk Road. Watermelons are Chinese people's
favorite. People from other countries want to know why Chinese people like
watermelons more. Here are two reasons.
One is that watermelons have a good taste. And they have lots of vitamins and
minerals,and they are good for people's health. People would think of watermelons
first when they buy fruits in summer. ②_________ is that more than 90% of the
world's watermelons are from China each year. In supermarkets, in Japan and the
Republic of Korea, people are not so lucky. In the Republic of Korea, a watermelon is
about 20,000 KRW (about 100 yuan). And in Japan people think eating a watermelon
can be a show-off(炫耀).
People are careful when they buy watermelons. Many people usually knock at
them and the sound can show which one tastes the best. However, there are many
ways to eat watermelons. For many people, it is cool to enjoy half a watermelon just
with a spoon. There are also some ways we don't often use. For example, in Xinjiang,
people eat watermelons around stove,and in Hainan people eat watermelons even
with salt. No matter how we eat watermelons, they make our summer better.
72.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about (2分)
73.How do people in China eat watermelons List two ways.
74.根据短文内容完成下列句子。(每空一词,每空 1分)
People in Africa first eat watermelons. It's tasty and ①_________ with lots of
vitamins and minerals. The watermelons are ②____________ in China. But in Japan
and the Republic of Korea the price of the watermelon is ③_______________. When
buying the watermelons, people usually④________them to tell which one tastes the
IX.书面表达(共 15 分)
水滴石穿,绳锯木断。坚持做好一件事情,成就更好的自己。请以“One thing
I keep doing everyday”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇发言稿,参加
2)词数 100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
One Thing I Keep Doing Every Day
Good morning, everyone !
I am very happy to be here to make a speech today. The topic is “One Thing I
Keep Doing Every Day”. ________________________________________________




下一篇:【分层作业】3.9 乘车(同步练习) 一年级上册数学同步课时练 (北师大版含答案)