
Ⅰ. 听力技能 (三部分, 共20小题,共计20分)
( )6.What did Jane use to be like
A.Thin. B.Fat. C.Short.
( )7.What subject did Mary use to hate
A.Math. B.P.E. C.English.
( )8.Who invented the television
A.Bell. B.Edison. C.Baird.
( )9.Where is the computer made
A.In Shenzhen. B.In Beijing. C.In Shanghai.
( )10.When and where was the bicycle invented
A.In 1880,America. B.In the 1880s,England. C.In 1818,Ireland.
( )11.What did the man use to do at school
A.He used to clean the classroom. B.He used to play basketball.
C.He used to make many troubles.
( )12.What does the man do
A.He is a singer. B.He is a teacher.
C.He is a football player.
( )13.What was the cup used for
A.It was used for drinking water. B.It was used for drinking wine.
C.It was used for holding crops.
( )14.What was the cup made of
A.It was made of wood. B.It was made of glass.
C.It was made of metal.
( )15.How many legs does the cup have
A.Four legs. B.Two legs. C.Three legs.
( )16.Where are the couple from
A.France. B.Korea. C.England.
( )17.What is the house made of
A.Wood. B.Balloons. C.Glass.
( )18.How long did the couple spend building the house
A.About seven weeks. B.About six weeks. C.About six months.
( )19.How much is the ticket for the house
A.3 pounds. B.10 pounds. C.13 pounds.
( )20.What do the couple prepare for children
A. Delicious food. B.Interesting books. C.Magic shows.
II .语法与情景会话。(每小题1分,共20分)
( )21.---______earthquake happened in Yunnan last night. Why can't we avoid earthquakes
---Because they always happen all of______sudden.
A. A;a B. An;the C. An;a D. An;/
( )22. You shouldn't get your ears ____.
A. pierces B. pierce C. to pierce D. pierced
( )23. ---Do you regret not _______ the job
---No. I think I made a right choice.
A. taking B. take C. taken D. to taking
( )24.---Do you believe that paper is made _____ wood
---Yes,I do. And you can see that books are made ____paper.
from, from B. from ,of C. of,from D. of,of
( )25. Alex was born in a poor family but by working hard he ___as a rich man.
A. took up B. ended up C. dressed up D. made up
( )26. ---Did you hear_______in your room ---No, I didn't.
A. anything unusual B. something unusual
C. unusual anything D. unusual something
( )27. Mom, what are you cooking It____ so sweet.
A .looks B. sounds C. feels D. smells
( )28. It is ____ that computers were invented in America.
believe B. to believe C. believing D. believed
( )29. My shoes need _____.
wash B.to wash C.washing D.washed
( )30. Don't make so much______. The baby is sleeping in the next room.
A. sound B. voice C. noise D. shout
( )31. Chinese______by more and more people in the world.
speak B. spoke C. is spoken D. was spoken
( )32. I often meet some new words while reading a newspaper.
Why not ____ in a dictionary
make them up B.look them up C.make up them D. look up them
( )33. ---It's so kind of you to give me a ride to the station. ---_____.
Never mind B. My pleasure
C. It doesn't matter D. Glad to like it
( )34. Mr. Liu _____ watches TV. He thinks watching TV is a waste of time.
often B. seldom C. always D. usually
( )35.Only then______that he was a thief.
did I realized B. I realize C. I realized D.did I realize
( )36. ---Which do you prefer,tea or coffee
--- Either.______tea_____coffee are my favorites.
A. Not only;but also B. Both;and
C. Neither ;nor D. Either ;or
( )37. The work is very difficult. It ____in such a short time.
can be finished B. can't be finished
C. was finished D. wasn't finished
( )38. School children in China_____ homework every day!
A. are made do B. are made to do
C. made to do D. made do
( )39.--- Must we clean and tidy the classroom now
---No, you_________. It________after school in the afternoon.
A. mustn’t; must clean B. needn't; must clean
C. don't have to; can be cleaned D. mustn’t; must clean
( )40. Edison_______many_______,So he is a great________.
invented; inventors;invention B. inventor; inventions; invent
C. invented;inventions;inventor D. inventor; invents; inventions
Ⅲ. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
There are many great stories in Chinese history. This is one of the most educational stories.
Kuang Heng was a very famous person in the Western Han Dynasty, and he was born in a 41 family. He liked reading very much. He needed to work in the daytime, so he had to read books during the night. But he was too poor to buy a 42_ .
One day, he found his neighbor had candles, but the light couldn't go 43 the wall. After thinking for a while, he had an idea. He 44 a small hole in the wall in his house so that he could use the light from his neighbor's house to read books. From that day on, he read books every night 45 the light went out. After some days, in his house there were no books for him to read. Then he went to a rich man's house and worked for him without 46 any money. Hearing this, the rich man thought that Kuang Heng was 47 but still asked, “You meant you would work for me for free. But why ” Kuang Heng replied, “Well, I only want to 48 your books to read. That's enough.”
The rich man was deeply moved and he 49 . Kuang Heng read the books in the rich man’s house one by one. 50_, he became a great scholar( 学者). If you are still worried about reading books , it’s necessary for you to learn from Kuang Heng.
( ) 41. A. rich B. small C. poor D. big
( )42. A. candle B. house C. book D. match
( )43. A.by B. over C. across D. through
( )44. A. found B. hung C. dug D. put
( )45. A.if B. until C. although D. After
( )46. A. asking for B. giving back C. paying for D. laying out
( )47. A. simple B. smart C. serious D. Stupid
( )48. A. lend B. borrow C. buy D. keep
( )49. A. advised B. agreed C. achieved D. argued
( )50. A. Suddenly B. Certainly C. Finally D. Unluckily
IV. 阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)。
( ) 51. The text mentions 4 kinds of music.
( ) 52. Mr. Shang is a spreader of Sangzhi folk songs.
( ) 53. 8-year-old Nini can1 join Good Voice Club.
( ) 54. Good Voice Club is on Wenhua Street.
( ) 55. This is a poster.
Family rules help keep the family in order. They show the behavior that parents expect from their children, So how can we create family rule
Step l: Make the family rules .
Know what family rules need to be made. Give children a chance to learn how family rules work by starting with one rule before others are added. Family rules should fit children's ages and they can also change according to children’s situations. Don't make vague(模糊的) rules,such as“be good”.“Be good”includes many different things and may be hard to understand.
Step 2: Explain the rules.
Make sure children know and understand the rules. What's more, children need to be reminded of the rules from time to time. Parents can also make some simple pictures or notices to put everywhere at home.
Step 3: Follow the rules.
All family members should follow the family rules. Young children learn from their parents, just like people often say that parents are the first teachers of their children. For example, if parents are respectful (尊重人的) and listen to others patiently, their children will follow them.
Step 4: Know the consequences (后果) for not following the rules.
All members should know the results of breaking the rules. When someone breaks the rules, all members should give a quick response (回应) and the punishment should also be done at once.
( )56. Why should a family have family rules
They make family members 'life easier.
B. They help children pay attention to their behavior.
C. They help parents know better about their children.
D. They change the relationship between parents and children.
( ) 57. Parents can use_______help children understand family rules.
pictures and notices B. toys and cards
C. videos and music D. storybooks and movies
( ) 58. When someone goes against the rules,________
A. Telling parents is the best way to avoid punishment
B. hiding what he or she has done is OK .
C. family members should not take it seriously
D. he or she should be punished
( ) 59. What is the main idea of the passage
What family rules people should obey.
B. How to create family rules.
C. The children can follow family rules.
D. What parents want to get from family rules.
( ) 60. The passage is mainly written for__________.
A. visitors B. customers C. parents D. teachers
Most people love animals. Many children's books use animals as the main characters. Many people look after animals as pets. The love for animals may be why both children and adults enjoy going to zoos.
In the past, zoos were usually started by rich people. The first zoo was started by a queen in Egypt in 1500 BC. Raising animals was a way for people to show they were wealthy and powerful. Sadly, the animals in the early zoos were not treated well. They didn't receive enough attention or care.
Today, zoos still bring people pleasure, but they try to protect animals and teach people as well. Zoos must follow rules. People must provide animals with a clean place to live, food and water, and health care.In this way, the rules help protect the animals.
Some people think the rules are not enough. They want to do more to protect the animals they love. For example, people disapproved of(对......感到失望) the use of some large animals in shows. They thought the zoos didn't have enough space for the animals to show. They also thought the animals were not treated properly. With so many people against the shows, the zoos decided to make a change.
People see animals in zoos. At the same time ,they try to learn about and protect them. Both people and animals can get a lot from each other.
( ) 61. Who started the first zoo
A. A queen in Egypt. B. A king in Egypt.
C. A queen in England. D. A king in England.
( ) 62. How does the writer feel about the animals in the early zoos
A. He doesn't care about them. B. He feels sad for them.
C. He is proud of them. D. He is afraid of them.
( ) 63. According to the passage, zoo today must_______________.
A. train people for shows B. help look after family pets
C. provide health care for tourists D. follow the rules to protect animals
( ) 64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Zoos are usually started by rich people now.
B. The first zoo was started by a queen in Egypt in 1500 AD.
C. Today, zoos still bring people pleasure.
D. Zoos needn't follow rules to protect the animals.
( ) 65. What is the passage mainly about
Large animals in shows. B. Famous zoos around the world.
C. Animals in the wild. D. Zoos in the past and today.
V. 任务型完形填空(共10空;每空1分)
be, play, well, 1, depend on, about, surprise, wrong, care for, advice
The husband said to his wife, “I’m going out with my friends.” And she said, “OK.”
After a while, her son said, "Mom, 1 did badly in my exam." But to his 66 , his mother said, “Oh, if you work hard, you will be able to do better. And if you keep 67 instead of studying, the next term will be the same. It all 68 yourself.”
The next day, her daughter came to her and said, “My car was damaged in the traffic accident.” “Don't worry _69 it, my daughter. Just take it to the car repair shop and have it fixed.”
Seeing such reactions, everyone got worried and thought if something was 70 with her.
She smiled and replied, “It takes me a long time to realize that each person 71 responsible for his own life. My worry and stress can't solve your problems at all. Now I find that 1 can only give you 72 if you ask me. What decision you make is all up to you. I am not responsible for actions of anyone.”
“I realize I can only control 73 . My duty is to 74 you, love you and encourage you. And I find doing so makes me happy.”
Hearing this, everyone at home was in silence. From that day on, all the family members got on 75 with each other.
____________ 67.__________ 68. __________ 69. ___________ 70. __________
71.___________ 72.__________ 73. __________ 74. ___________ 75. __________
On November 5th,1872, the Mary Celeste left New York to sail to Italy. The captain , his wife and daughter and seven sailors were on board. But something terrible happened. The captain of another ship found the Mary Celeste floating(漂浮) in the middle of the sea on December 4th, 1872. The captain, his family and the sailors were not on the ship and were never found.
What happened Why did the sailors and passengers leave the ship The Mary Celeste was not broken.Everything was good. There was no fighting,no fire or no smoke sign. There was still plenty of food and drinking water left. There were signs that the captain, his family and the sailors had left the ship in a hurry. We could tell all these because there was half-eaten food on the table.The sailors also left all their clothing behind. Even their shoes were beside their beds.
How and when did the people leave the ship Some people said that the lifeboat (救生艇 ) was still on the ship but others said it was missing. The captain's diary was found on the ship and the last one was written on November , 24th. So, we could only guess that the happening time was between November 24th and December 4th.
An investigator(调查者) went aboard the ship several times to search for the answers to all these questions. But he could not find any. No one else could solve the mystery.
76. What was the Mary Celeste
77. When was the Mary Celeste found
78. Why was the event terrible
_____________________________________________________________________________79. Was the captain's diary found on the ship after the event
According to the passage, when might the terrible event happen
VII .补全对话。(5分)
A:Hey! Mary! Can you help me think of one of the greatest inventions in the world
B:81.__________Hmm... the telephone.
A:Why do you think so
B:It was invented in 1876.
A:Do you think it was invented before the car
I think it was invented after the car.
A:85. ________________
B:It was used for talking with people.
A:That's cool.I will make a report about the telephone.Thank you for your help.
B:You're welcome.
What was it used for B. When was it invented Yes,I do. D. With pleasure. E. Because it is used around the world today. F. Who made it G. No,I don't think so.
VIII. 词汇考查。(每空1分,共10分)
All the students stopped talking when the teacher e___________ the classroom.
This is a good plan. I think all of us s_____________ you.
88. Chinese often have dinner with ____________(筷子)。
89. He is a ____________ (先 锋) in modern medical practice。
90. We all feel___________(瞌睡的) between 1p.m and 3 p.m.
91. He is excited about__________(see) the famous paintings by Picasso.
92. In modern____________(social), most of the farmers live a good life.
93. Can you manage____________(carry) the heavy box
94.Basketball was invented by a doctor__________(name) James Naismith.
95.The soup is too___________(salt).I don't like it
I X.按要求完成句子(每空1分,共20分)
96. I will ask someone to water the flowers.(改为同义句)
I will_________the flowers______________.
Kitty often sings these English songs.(改为被动语态)
These English songs_________ often____________by Kitty
She won’t come today. I think(合并为含有宾语从句的句子)
I _________ think she __________come today .
99. Peter should be allowed to take the test later.(改为主动句)
Teachers___________ ____________Peter to take the test later.
100. These are Linda’s magazines.(对划线部分提问)
__________ ___________ are these
101. 跟长辈顶嘴是不礼貌的。
It’s impolite to____________ __________the elderly.
102. 你知道世界上最流行的茶是一个偶然的发明吗
Do you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world,was invented_____ _________
Look! The policemen must._________ _____________after the thief.
The book __________ __________ Carla’s.
Do you think teenagers should be allowed to_________ their own _____________
Ⅹ.书面表达 (15分)
俗话说:“国有国法, 家有家规。”为了使子女身心健康、顺利成长, 使家庭成员之间的关系更融治、经家庭 都会有这样或那样的家庭规矩。比如:必须按时回家,上学日的晚上不被允许外出跟朋友玩,不准玩电脑游戏等。请结合你家的实际情况,根据下面的提示和要求,以“My Family Rule'" 为题,写一篇短文。
内容包括: 1.家里有哪些家规;2.你对这些家规的看法及建议。
作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名;
My Family Rules
Ⅰ. 听力(每题1分,共20分)
1--5 BCCAC 6--10 ABCAB 11--15 CCBCC 16----20 CBBAC
21--25 CDABB 26--30 BDDCC 31--35 CBBBD 36--40 BBBCC
III. 完形填空(每题1分,共10分)
41--45 CADCB 46--50 ADBBC
IV. 阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)
51--55 BABAA 56--60 BADBC 61--65 ABDCD
V. 任务型完形填空(每题1分,共10分)
66. surprise 67. playing 68. depends on 69. about 70. wrong
71. is 72. advice 73. myself 74. care for 75. well
VI. 任务型阅读(每题2分,共10分)
76. It was a ship. 77. On December 4th,1872.
78. Because the person on the Mary Celeste could not be found./
Because the captain, his family and the sailors were not on the ship and were never found.
79.Yes, it was.
80. Between November 24th and December 4th
VII. 补全对话 (每题1分,共5分)
81—85. DEBGA
A) 86. enter 87. support 88. chopsticks 89. pioneer 90. sleepy
B) 91. seeing 92. society 93. to carry 94. named 95. salty
IX. 按要求完成句子(每题2分,共20分)
A) 96. get watered 97. are sung 98. don’t will 99. should allow
100. Whose magazines
B) 101. talk back 102. by accident 103. be running 104. can’t be
105. make decisions
X. 书面表达(略))(共15分)



