
一、听力测试,第一节 情景反应 (每小题1.5分, 共9分)
A.Of course you can.
B.No, please.
C.Thank you.
A.It is sunny.
B.I like the weather today.
C.It's good.
A.Happy new year!
B.The same to you!
C.Thank you all the same!
A.That's right.
B.You are welcome.
C.It's very nice of you.
A.About 500 yuan. B.About 500 km. C.About 500 kg.
A.So is it. B.So it is. C.It's a good idea.
二、听力测试,第二节 对话理解。 (每小题1.5分, 共9分)
A.Max. B.Jenny. C.Tony.
A.Next week. B.One day. C.One week .
A.He gets up late today.
B.His bike is broken.
C.Because the traffic is bad.
A.He visited the homeless people.
B.He helped the homeless people.
C.He traveled to America.
A.Two years ago. B.Next week. C.Last month.
A.The population of some developing countries.
B.The education of China.
C.Life in the poor villages.
三、听力测试,第三节 长对话理解根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。 (每小题1.5分, 共6分)
13.When did Steve give the card to his father
A.Last Sunday. B.Last Monday. C.Last Tuesday.
14.What did Steve write on the card
A.I need you. B.I miss you. C.I love you.
15.What does Frank usually do in his free time
A.He uses the Internet.
B.He listens to music.
C.He watches movies.
16.How does rock music make Kate feel
A.Bored. B.Worried. C.Excited.
四、听力测试,第四节 短文理解 (每小题1.5分, 共6分)
17.This program starts____.
A.at 7:00 a.m. B.at 7:00 p.m. C.at 11:00 p.m.
18.Parents tell their children to____.
A.listen to music
B.take music lessons
C.turn music down
19.In the test, nearly 25% of the students____.
A.had mobile phones
B.loved rock music
C.had pain in their ears
20.This program is about____.
A.the environment B.hearing problems C.music
Tony was at 21. airport waiting for his flight(航班) to China. He still had a lot of time before getting on the plane, so he went to a shop and bought a book 22. . While Tony was in the shop, he bought a bag of 23. as well.
Tony returned from the shop, sat down and started to read his own book. Tony lost himself in his reading. He was 24. focused (专心的) on his book that he didn't want to notice what was going on around him. But Tony did see that a beautiful girl sat down next to 25. seat and took one of the cookies out of the bag.
Tony didn't pay more attention to what had happened , because he thought it was not necessary to have a fight with such a beautiful girl for it. But the girl didn't stop 26. more. She 27. eating the cookies since she sat next to Tony. Tony felt very surprised. He stopped to see that the girl was taking the last cookie. and broke it in half. She tapped (拍)Tony on the shoulder and held out one half of the last cookie to him.Tony could not believe 28. strange the girl was! She, a beautiful girl, stole all his cookies and then offered half a cookie in return. He 29. grabbed (抓) the half-cookie out of her hand and ate it quickly.
It was 30. for Tony to get on the plane. But all of a sudden, he found that his bag of cookies was still in his purse. He realized that the girl had been eating her own cookies the whole time and only wanted to share the last one with him just now. Tony's face turned red at once. He felt ashamed and sincerely wanted to say sorry to the girl for his behavior.
21.A. this
B. an
C. the
22.A. read
B. to read
C. reads
23.A. cookie B.cookie's C. cookies
24.A. very
B. so
C. such
25.A. him B. he C. his
26.A. to take
B. taking
C. take
27.A. keep B. keeps C. has kept
28.A. what
B. how
C. what a
29.A. angry
B. anger
C. angrily
30.A. time
B. times
C. a time
I, Stephen Hawking, a father of a little boy, want to say something to the world. My son is seven years old this year. He is a student of a primary school today. Everything will be 31. and strange to him. And I hope you can be friendly to him. You see, up to now, he has been the king of his own room. He has been the boss of the backyard. I have always been 32. with him. But now things are going to be different. He will go to a new and strange world. So I hope you can give him a 33. and teach him the things he will have to know.
Teach him there are heroes, leaders and friends in this world. 34. him quiet time to think over the mystery(秘密) of birds in the sky, clouds in the sun and flowers on the green hill.
Teach him but kindly, if you can.
Teach him that if he wants to live happily in the world, he must 35. love and courage.
Teach him to believe in his own ideas, though anyone else tells him he is 36. .
Teach him to learn to stand and 37. if he is in trouble.
Teach him to be kind, although not all the people always 38. him like his father.
Please try 39. best to teach him.This is the hope from a father. And please 40. me to look after my son. Thank you very much!
31.A.old B.small C.big D.new
32.A.here B.place C.home D.away
33.A.hand B.foot C.head D.ear
34.A.Ask B.Make C.Get D.Give
35.A.be afraid of B.be full of
C.be busy with D.be angry with
36.A.right B.wrong C.unfriendly D.bad
37.A.sit B.lie C.fight D.walk
38.A.hate B.change C.encourage D.love
39.A.my B.your C.his D.her
40.A.tell B.teach C.help D.say
七、阅读理解。阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (41—43每小题1分,44—59每小题2分,共35分)
A Dream from the Students
I'm Mu Bo from Hubei. Now I'm studying in Chongqing. My favorite subject is science. I have science classes every Monday and Wednesday. I hope I can create a machine that can help students learn different subjects in a short time in the future.
My name is Li Xiang. I come from Chongqing. Now I want to be a doctor in the future. I'd like to help more sick people because so many people have helped us on these terrible days.
My name is Le Zhuiqiu. I'm a14-year-old girl in Tibet. My younger sister Le Chenggong and I are not in the same class. Many years ago, people could not come to Chongqing by train. Because of the Qinghai-Tibet Rail, we are able to go to Chongqing by train now. My dream is to take the train to Chongqing with my family next time.
41.Mu Bo has science classes____a week.
A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times
42.Li Xiang wants to be____.
A.a reporter B.a teacher C.a doctor D.a scientist
43.Le Zhuiqiu dreams to go to Chongqing____.
A.by plane B.by bus
C.with her family D.with her friends
Bad breath(呼吸) is a big problem. It may make people feel bad if we have it when we are talking to them.
Why do we have bad breath If we don't brush our teeth, bacteria (细菌) will live between our teeth and make our breath smell bad. Food like onions can also make us have bad breath. Smoking is an important reason(原因) for bad breath.
How can we stop bad breath Some people say that mouthwash (漱口剂) can make bad breath go away, but it's not true. Mouthwash only stops bad breath for a short time. Some people also say that brushing teeth can stop bad breath. The fact is that most people only brush teeth for 30-45 seconds(秒). It doesn't work at all. We should brush our teeth for about 2 minutes twice a day.
If we don't want to have bad breath, be sure to take good care of our teeth.
44.Bad breath is a big problem because____.
A.nobody likes to talk to people with bad breath
B.everyone has bad breath
C.it makes people feel bad
D.it makes people fall ill
45.People should brush teeth for____every day.
A.60 to 90 seconds B.30 to 45 seconds
C.2 minutes D.about 240 seconds
46.How many reasons for bad breath are mentioned(提到) in the second paragraph(段落)
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
47.The passage talks about____.
A.reasons for bad breath
B.reasons for bad breath and ways to stop it
C.bacteria and bad breath
D.how to brush teeth
Who was the most talented person that ever lived It might be Leonardo Da Vinci. The Italian was a painter, sculptor (雕塑家) and inventor. This year, we celebrated his 566th birthday on April 15th.
Da Vinci is still widely considered as one of the greatest painters. His most famous painting, the Mona Lisa which still sits in the Louvre Museum (卢浮宫), is one of the greatest art works of the world.
The Mona Lisa is famous for the mysterious(神秘的) smile. What is the reason for the woman's smile This is a question always asked, but it remains unanswered to this day.
Some believe that the Mona Lisa is actually a portrait (肖像) of Da Vinci himself! This is because some of her expressions on the face are similar to those in one of Da Vinci's self-portraits. Others might suggest she smiles because she has lost her teeth! We will never know for sure… It is just fun to guess!
But the new research from scientists showed that some people even think she isn't smiling but looks unhappy. The scientists also said that if Mona Lisa doesn't look happy to you, it might be because of your own feelings.The researchers showed 43 people two groups of pictures. Group One all had neutral(中性的) faces. Group Two had happy and angry faces. Each time, people saw two pictures, one from Group One, the other from Group Two. Later, they described what the neutral faces were like. When people saw a neutral face after a happy face, most of them thought it was smiling. When they saw a neutral face after a sad face, most of them thought it had a sad expression. Scientists believe our brain has predictive (预测性的) power. People use their past experiences to predict what they are going to experience next.
"____▲____" said Erika Siegel, one of the researchers. "However, if you see the Mona Lisa after you have great fun, you can see her beautiful smile. "
48.According to the passage, we know Leonardo da Vinci____.
A.was also a writer when he was alive
B.was born on April 15th, 1462
C.is still known as a great painter
D.studied in Italy but worked in Paris
49.Some people think Mona Lisa is a portrait of Da Vinci himself because____.
A.Mona Lisa is actually a man but not a woman
B.most of Da Vinci's paintings were about himself
C.Mona Lisa lost her teeth and so did Da Vinci
D.some expressions were in the way he once painted himself
50.Which might be the missing sentence in the last paragraph
A.Different people get different feelings while seeing the Mona Lisa.
B.If you fail your exam, you may think she is sad when seeing the Mona Lisa.
C.The expression of the Mona Lisa is always changing.
D.People always like the Mona Lisa's smile.
51.If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best
(①= Para. 1 ②=Para. 2 ③=Para. 3 ④=Para. 4 ⑤=Para. 5 ⑥=Para. 6
A.①②;③④;⑤⑥ B.①;②③;④⑤⑥
C.①;②③④;⑤⑥ D.①②;③④⑤;⑥
She is a cute, quiet girl. As a daughter, she has no secrets from her mother, who is very pleased with her. But recently she has become quite mysterious(神秘的), not so open as her. What if she falls in love, which is too early of her age After all, she is reaching the "dangerous time". These thoughts have caused trouble in the mother's mind.
One weekend the girl came to tell her mother that she was going to the cinema with her schoolmate and would return late. This was the first time her mother agreed, and she couldn't help worrying because her daughter had never been away at night before. The mother waited till nine and decided to go out to meet her daughter. Just at that time the noise of a car pulling up drew her to the window and—there was her daughter, waving goodbye to a boy. Her heart missed a beat. When the girl came in, the mother was watching TV, pretending nothing had happened. "Mum. I'm back. " "Yeah." "Sorry to be late. Still sitting up " "Yes. Oh, that. . . Who's that boy "The daughter was stunned(发愣) for some time. "Ah. It's my monitor. He gave me a lift on his way home. Mum, I'm going to bed. " "All right. Go to sleep early. "
Next morning when the mother went to the daughter's room to do some tidying, she found her diary, left at her pillow(枕头). After a few minutes' hesitation(犹豫), she finally opened it to the page of last night. It says: Mum, it's love that made you ask, but it would show your understanding of me if you hadn't. Holding the diary, the mother feel in thought.
52.When did the girl go to the cinema
A.On weekdays. B.In the morning.
C.During the holiday D.At the weekend.
53.What's the meaning of the underlined word "pretending"in paragraph 2
A.表示 B.故意 C.假装 D.想象
54.From the words in the diary, we can infer(推断) that the girl____.
A.thanked her mother for asking her
B.thought her mother cared about her very much
C.thought it was her mother's duty to ask her
D.didn't agree with what her mother did.
55.The main purpose of this article is to show that parents should____.
A.talk with their children about their early love
B.not give much freedom(自由) to their children
C.care about their children's thought and feeling
D.keep silent about their children's secrets
There are many expressions with heart. One of them is to "lose your heart" to someone. When that happens, you have fallen in love. But if the person who "won your heart" does not love you, then you are sure to have a "broken heart". In your sadness, you think that the person you loved is "hard-hearted", and in fact, has a "heart of stone.
You may decide to "pour out your heart" to a friend. Telling someone about your personal problems can often make you feel better.
If your friend does not seem to understand how painful your broken heart is, you may ask her to "have a heart". You are asking your friend to show some sympathy(同情) for your situation. Your friend "has her heart in the right place" if she says she is sorry for how you feel.
If your friend says, "My heart bleeds(流血) for you", she means the opposite. She is a "cold-hearted" person and does not really care about your situation.
When you are feeling afraid, "your heart is in your mouth". You might say, for example, that your heart was in your mouth when you asked a bank to lend you some money for a new house.
If that bank says no to you, don't "lose heart". Be "strong-hearted". Sit down with the banker and have a "heart to heart" talk. Be open and honest about your situation. The bank may have a "change of heart" and agree to lend you the money. Then you can stop worrying and "put your heart at rest"
56.If a young man who won your heart does not love you, what do you think of him
A.He has a strong heart. B.He has a heart of stone.
C.He has a broken heart. D.He loses his heart.
57.Which of the following is right
A.When you lose your heart to someone, you have not fallen in love.
B."pour out your heart" means "keep a secret".
C.When you are feeling afraid, your heart is in your mouth.
D.If someone says no to you, you should lose heart.
58.If your friend says, "My heart bleeds for you", she may____.
A.not know about her health problem.
B.have heart trouble
C.want to know what happened.
D.not care much about you.
59.In the last paragraph, If a bank refues to lend money to you, you should have____.
A.a broken heart. B.a strong heart
C.a bleeding heart D.a warm heart
A. Have you ever been to Beijing B. Have you gone there C. How long did you stay there D. It's hard to say. E. Sounds great! F. Hope your dream will come true. G. Thank you so much!
A: Hi! 60.  
B: Pardon(请再说一遍)
A: I ask if you have ever been to Beijing.
B: Oh, I came back from Beijing three days ago.
A: Really  61.  
B: Half a year. And I liked going cycling around Beijing.
A: So which place do you think it is the most interesting
B:  62.  . There are so many places of interest. The Great wall is surprising, and the Hutong tour is more exciting! Also, the food there is very delicious!
A:  63.  I want to visit Beijing some day.
B:  64.  I believe you will have a good trip.
A: I hope so.
九、任务型阅读。(65-67 每小题2分,68小题3分,共9分)
One day, an old man without an umbrella was walking in a street with his horse. It was raining heavily. The old man felt hungry and cold. He found a restaurant and wanted to stay in it. It was a quarter past six in the afternoon. There were a lot of people in it. Some were eating and some were chatting around fire. There was no room for the old man. The old man couldn't come near the fire (火). He thought hard. At last he said to the waiter, "Take some fish to my horse." The waiter and the people in the restaurant were very surprised . The waiter said, "A horse doesn't eat fish." The old man told the waiter, "This horse is very interesting. It can sing, dance and do all kinds of things. It can eat fish, too." So the waiter brought the horse some fish.
All the other people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except(除...之外) the old man. Now the old man sat close to the fire. After a moment the waiter returned and said, "Your horse didn't eat any fish." The old man said, "Right. Take the fish back and put it on the table.I'll eat it."
65.Can the horse eat fish
66.Who felt hungry and cold
67.Why did the old man say "It can eat fish."
68.Do you think the old man is clever Explain.
【答案】65.No./ No, it can't.
66.The/ An old man.
67.Because he wanted to come near the fire. (言之有理也可)
He has already finished his homework.(改否定句)
    finished his homework    .
70. I have been in the singing club since three years ago.(对划线部分提问)
       have you been in the club
71. Mr. Zhang went to Chongqing two days ago. (改为同义句)
Mr. Zhang has       Chongqing for two days.
It seems that I have   seen her   .
changes have        in my hometown.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“发生”;take place发生,固定短语,空处谓语动词使用了现在完成时态,所以空处动词需用其过去分词形式taken。故填taken place。
Believe it or not : brain(大脑) health has a basic rule. That is to use it more. If anything you do becomes a habit, you need to make a c 74.  . Do you want to know 75.  to improve your brain health Here are the ideas.
1. Play Games
Crosswords and electronic games can improve your brain's speed and memory. These games depend on logic, word skills, math and more. These games are also fun. You'll get more fun doing these games a little bit every day. Just s 76.  15 minutes or so, not hours.
2. Eat For Your Brain
Your brain needs you to eat some special food, such as fish oils from wild fish and nuts . Eat more of these foods. Keep 77.  from junk food.
3.Turn Off Your Television
The man watches more than 4 hours of television every day. Television can stand in the way of relationships, life and more. Turn off your TV and spend 78.  time living and exercising your mind and body.
4. Exercise Your Body
To exercise your brain, physical exercise is great brain exercise, too.  79.  moving your body, your brain has to learn new skills and practice balance. Choose a lot of exercise to challenge your brain.
5. Learn a New Skill
Learning a new skill works many areas of the brain. You learn new movements and you manage things differently. Reading books written by Shakespeare, 80.  to cook and building an airplane made of toothpicks all will challenge your brain and give you 81.  to think about.
82.最近10多年来,中国老百姓的生活发生了巨大的变化。你的奶奶亲眼见证了生活的巨大变化,请根据奶奶的所见所闻,以 Our life has changed " 为题,写一篇英语短文。
内容包括:1. 生活环境的改变;2. 人们娱乐方式的变化;3. 交通的变化;4. …
要求:1. 词数:80-120 词左右;2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在班级的名称。
一、听力测试,第一节 情景反应 (每小题1.5分, 共9分)
A.Of course you can.
B.No, please.
C.Thank you.
A.It is sunny.
B.I like the weather today.
C.It's good.
A.Happy new year!
B.The same to you!
C.Thank you all the same!
A.That's right.
B.You are welcome.
C.It's very nice of you.
A.About 500 yuan. B.About 500 km. C.About 500 kg.
A.So is it. B.So it is. C.It's a good idea.
二、听力测试,第二节 对话理解。 (每小题1.5分, 共9分)
A.Max. B.Jenny. C.Tony.
A.Next week. B.One day. C.One week .
A.He gets up late today.
B.His bike is broken.
C.Because the traffic is bad.
A.He visited the homeless people.
B.He helped the homeless people.
C.He traveled to America.
A.Two years ago. B.Next week. C.Last month.
A.The population of some developing countries.
B.The education of China.
C.Life in the poor villages.
三、听力测试,第三节 长对话理解根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。 (每小题1.5分, 共6分)
13.When did Steve give the card to his father
A.Last Sunday. B.Last Monday. C.Last Tuesday.
14.What did Steve write on the card
A.I need you. B.I miss you. C.I love you.
15.What does Frank usually do in his free time
A.He uses the Internet.
B.He listens to music.
C.He watches movies.
16.How does rock music make Kate feel
A.Bored. B.Worried. C.Excited.
四、听力测试,第四节 短文理解 (每小题1.5分, 共6分)
17.This program starts____.
A.at 7:00 a.m. B.at 7:00 p.m. C.at 11:00 p.m.
18.Parents tell their children to____.
A.listen to music
B.take music lessons
C.turn music down
19.In the test, nearly 25% of the students____.
A.had mobile phones
B.loved rock music
C.had pain in their ears
20.This program is about____.
A.the environment B.hearing problems C.music
Tony was at 21. airport waiting for his flight(航班) to China. He still had a lot of time before getting on the plane, so he went to a shop and bought a book 22. . While Tony was in the shop, he bought a bag of 23. as well.
Tony returned from the shop, sat down and started to read his own book. Tony lost himself in his reading. He was 24. focused (专心的) on his book that he didn't want to notice what was going on around him. But Tony did see that a beautiful girl sat down next to 25. seat and took one of the cookies out of the bag.
Tony didn't pay more attention to what had happened , because he thought it was not necessary to have a fight with such a beautiful girl for it. But the girl didn't stop 26. more. She 27. eating the cookies since she sat next to Tony. Tony felt very surprised. He stopped to see that the girl was taking the last cookie. and broke it in half. She tapped (拍)Tony on the shoulder and held out one half of the last cookie to him.Tony could not believe 28. strange the girl was! She, a beautiful girl, stole all his cookies and then offered half a cookie in return. He 29. grabbed (抓) the half-cookie out of her hand and ate it quickly.
It was 30. for Tony to get on the plane. But all of a sudden, he found that his bag of cookies was still in his purse. He realized that the girl had been eating her own cookies the whole time and only wanted to share the last one with him just now. Tony's face turned red at once. He felt ashamed and sincerely wanted to say sorry to the girl for his behavior.
21.A. this
B. an
C. the
22.A. read
B. to read
C. reads
23.A. cookie B.cookie's C. cookies
24.A. very
B. so
C. such
25.A. him B. he C. his
26.A. to take
B. taking
C. take
27.A. keep B. keeps C. has kept
28.A. what
B. how
C. what a
29.A. angry
B. anger
C. angrily
30.A. time
B. times
C. a time
I, Stephen Hawking, a father of a little boy, want to say something to the world. My son is seven years old this year. He is a student of a primary school today. Everything will be 31. and strange to him. And I hope you can be friendly to him. You see, up to now, he has been the king of his own room. He has been the boss of the backyard. I have always been 32. with him. But now things are going to be different. He will go to a new and strange world. So I hope you can give him a 33. and teach him the things he will have to know.
Teach him there are heroes, leaders and friends in this world. 34. him quiet time to think over the mystery(秘密) of birds in the sky, clouds in the sun and flowers on the green hill.
Teach him but kindly, if you can.
Teach him that if he wants to live happily in the world, he must 35. love and courage.
Teach him to believe in his own ideas, though anyone else tells him he is 36. .
Teach him to learn to stand and 37. if he is in trouble.
Teach him to be kind, although not all the people always 38. him like his father.
Please try 39. best to teach him.This is the hope from a father. And please 40. me to look after my son. Thank you very much!
31.A.old B.small C.big D.new
32.A.here B.place C.home D.away
33.A.hand B.foot C.head D.ear
34.A.Ask B.Make C.Get D.Give
35.A.be afraid of B.be full of
C.be busy with D.be angry with
36.A.right B.wrong C.unfriendly D.bad
37.A.sit B.lie C.fight D.walk
38.A.hate B.change C.encourage D.love
39.A.my B.your C.his D.her
40.A.tell B.teach C.help D.say
七、阅读理解。阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (41—43每小题1分,44—59每小题2分,共35分)
A Dream from the Students
I'm Mu Bo from Hubei. Now I'm studying in Chongqing. My favorite subject is science. I have science classes every Monday and Wednesday. I hope I can create a machine that can help students learn different subjects in a short time in the future.
My name is Li Xiang. I come from Chongqing. Now I want to be a doctor in the future. I'd like to help more sick people because so many people have helped us on these terrible days.
My name is Le Zhuiqiu. I'm a14-year-old girl in Tibet. My younger sister Le Chenggong and I are not in the same class. Many years ago, people could not come to Chongqing by train. Because of the Qinghai-Tibet Rail, we are able to go to Chongqing by train now. My dream is to take the train to Chongqing with my family next time.
41.Mu Bo has science classes____a week.
A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times
42.Li Xiang wants to be____.
A.a reporter B.a teacher C.a doctor D.a scientist
43.Le Zhuiqiu dreams to go to Chongqing____.
A.by plane B.by bus
C.with her family D.with her friends
Bad breath(呼吸) is a big problem. It may make people feel bad if we have it when we are talking to them.
Why do we have bad breath If we don't brush our teeth, bacteria (细菌) will live between our teeth and make our breath smell bad. Food like onions can also make us have bad breath. Smoking is an important reason(原因) for bad breath.
How can we stop bad breath Some people say that mouthwash (漱口剂) can make bad breath go away, but it's not true. Mouthwash only stops bad breath for a short time. Some people also say that brushing teeth can stop bad breath. The fact is that most people only brush teeth for 30-45 seconds(秒). It doesn't work at all. We should brush our teeth for about 2 minutes twice a day.
If we don't want to have bad breath, be sure to take good care of our teeth.
44.Bad breath is a big problem because____.
A.nobody likes to talk to people with bad breath
B.everyone has bad breath
C.it makes people feel bad
D.it makes people fall ill
45.People should brush teeth for____every day.
A.60 to 90 seconds B.30 to 45 seconds
C.2 minutes D.about 240 seconds
46.How many reasons for bad breath are mentioned(提到) in the second paragraph(段落)
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
47.The passage talks about____.
A.reasons for bad breath
B.reasons for bad breath and ways to stop it
C.bacteria and bad breath
D.how to brush teeth
Who was the most talented person that ever lived It might be Leonardo Da Vinci. The Italian was a painter, sculptor (雕塑家) and inventor. This year, we celebrated his 566th birthday on April 15th.
Da Vinci is still widely considered as one of the greatest painters. His most famous painting, the Mona Lisa which still sits in the Louvre Museum (卢浮宫), is one of the greatest art works of the world.
The Mona Lisa is famous for the mysterious(神秘的) smile. What is the reason for the woman's smile This is a question always asked, but it remains unanswered to this day.
Some believe that the Mona Lisa is actually a portrait (肖像) of Da Vinci himself! This is because some of her expressions on the face are similar to those in one of Da Vinci's self-portraits. Others might suggest she smiles because she has lost her teeth! We will never know for sure… It is just fun to guess!
But the new research from scientists showed that some people even think she isn't smiling but looks unhappy. The scientists also said that if Mona Lisa doesn't look happy to you, it might be because of your own feelings.The researchers showed 43 people two groups of pictures. Group One all had neutral(中性的) faces. Group Two had happy and angry faces. Each time, people saw two pictures, one from Group One, the other from Group Two. Later, they described what the neutral faces were like. When people saw a neutral face after a happy face, most of them thought it was smiling. When they saw a neutral face after a sad face, most of them thought it had a sad expression. Scientists believe our brain has predictive (预测性的) power. People use their past experiences to predict what they are going to experience next.
"____▲____" said Erika Siegel, one of the researchers. "However, if you see the Mona Lisa after you have great fun, you can see her beautiful smile. "
48.According to the passage, we know Leonardo da Vinci____.
A.was also a writer when he was alive
B.was born on April 15th, 1462
C.is still known as a great painter
D.studied in Italy but worked in Paris
49.Some people think Mona Lisa is a portrait of Da Vinci himself because____.
A.Mona Lisa is actually a man but not a woman
B.most of Da Vinci's paintings were about himself
C.Mona Lisa lost her teeth and so did Da Vinci
D.some expressions were in the way he once painted himself
50.Which might be the missing sentence in the last paragraph
A.Different people get different feelings while seeing the Mona Lisa.
B.If you fail your exam, you may think she is sad when seeing the Mona Lisa.
C.The expression of the Mona Lisa is always changing.
D.People always like the Mona Lisa's smile.
51.If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best
(①= Para. 1 ②=Para. 2 ③=Para. 3 ④=Para. 4 ⑤=Para. 5 ⑥=Para. 6
A.①②;③④;⑤⑥ B.①;②③;④⑤⑥
C.①;②③④;⑤⑥ D.①②;③④⑤;⑥
She is a cute, quiet girl. As a daughter, she has no secrets from her mother, who is very pleased with her. But recently she has become quite mysterious(神秘的), not so open as her. What if she falls in love, which is too early of her age After all, she is reaching the "dangerous time". These thoughts have caused trouble in the mother's mind.
One weekend the girl came to tell her mother that she was going to the cinema with her schoolmate and would return late. This was the first time her mother agreed, and she couldn't help worrying because her daughter had never been away at night before. The mother waited till nine and decided to go out to meet her daughter. Just at that time the noise of a car pulling up drew her to the window and—there was her daughter, waving goodbye to a boy. Her heart missed a beat. When the girl came in, the mother was watching TV, pretending nothing had happened. "Mum. I'm back. " "Yeah." "Sorry to be late. Still sitting up " "Yes. Oh, that. . . Who's that boy "The daughter was stunned(发愣) for some time. "Ah. It's my monitor. He gave me a lift on his way home. Mum, I'm going to bed. " "All right. Go to sleep early. "
Next morning when the mother went to the daughter's room to do some tidying, she found her diary, left at her pillow(枕头). After a few minutes' hesitation(犹豫), she finally opened it to the page of last night. It says: Mum, it's love that made you ask, but it would show your understanding of me if you hadn't. Holding the diary, the mother feel in thought.
52.When did the girl go to the cinema
A.On weekdays. B.In the morning.
C.During the holiday D.At the weekend.
53.What's the meaning of the underlined word "pretending"in paragraph 2
A.表示 B.故意 C.假装 D.想象
54.From the words in the diary, we can infer(推断) that the girl____.
A.thanked her mother for asking her
B.thought her mother cared about her very much
C.thought it was her mother's duty to ask her
D.didn't agree with what her mother did.
55.The main purpose of this article is to show that parents should____.
A.talk with their children about their early love
B.not give much freedom(自由) to their children
C.care about their children's thought and feeling
D.keep silent about their children's secrets
There are many expressions with heart. One of them is to "lose your heart" to someone. When that happens, you have fallen in love. But if the person who "won your heart" does not love you, then you are sure to have a "broken heart". In your sadness, you think that the person you loved is "hard-hearted", and in fact, has a "heart of stone.
You may decide to "pour out your heart" to a friend. Telling someone about your personal problems can often make you feel better.
If your friend does not seem to understand how painful your broken heart is, you may ask her to "have a heart". You are asking your friend to show some sympathy(同情) for your situation. Your friend "has her heart in the right place" if she says she is sorry for how you feel.
If your friend says, "My heart bleeds(流血) for you", she means the opposite. She is a "cold-hearted" person and does not really care about your situation.
When you are feeling afraid, "your heart is in your mouth". You might say, for example, that your heart was in your mouth when you asked a bank to lend you some money for a new house.
If that bank says no to you, don't "lose heart". Be "strong-hearted". Sit down with the banker and have a "heart to heart" talk. Be open and honest about your situation. The bank may have a "change of heart" and agree to lend you the money. Then you can stop worrying and "put your heart at rest"
56.If a young man who won your heart does not love you, what do you think of him
A.He has a strong heart. B.He has a heart of stone.
C.He has a broken heart. D.He loses his heart.
57.Which of the following is right
A.When you lose your heart to someone, you have not fallen in love.
B."pour out your heart" means "keep a secret".
C.When you are feeling afraid, your heart is in your mouth.
D.If someone says no to you, you should lose heart.
58.If your friend says, "My heart bleeds for you", she may____.
A.not know about her health problem.
B.have heart trouble
C.want to know what happened.
D.not care much about you.
59.In the last paragraph, If a bank refues to lend money to you, you should have____.
A.a broken heart. B.a strong heart
C.a bleeding heart D.a warm heart
A. Have you ever been to Beijing B. Have you gone there C. How long did you stay there D. It's hard to say. E. Sounds great! F. Hope your dream will come true. G. Thank you so much!
A: Hi! 60.  
B: Pardon(请再说一遍)
A: I ask if you have ever been to Beijing.
B: Oh, I came back from Beijing three days ago.
A: Really  61.  
B: Half a year. And I liked going cycling around Beijing.
A: So which place do you think it is the most interesting
B:  62.  . There are so many places of interest. The Great wall is surprising, and the Hutong tour is more exciting! Also, the food there is very delicious!
A:  63.  I want to visit Beijing some day.
B:  64.  I believe you will have a good trip.
A: I hope so.
九、任务型阅读。(65-67 每小题2分,68小题3分,共9分)
One day, an old man without an umbrella was walking in a street with his horse. It was raining heavily. The old man felt hungry and cold. He found a restaurant and wanted to stay in it. It was a quarter past six in the afternoon. There were a lot of people in it. Some were eating and some were chatting around fire. There was no room for the old man. The old man couldn't come near the fire (火). He thought hard. At last he said to the waiter, "Take some fish to my horse." The waiter and the people in the restaurant were very surprised . The waiter said, "A horse doesn't eat fish." The old man told the waiter, "This horse is very interesting. It can sing, dance and do all kinds of things. It can eat fish, too." So the waiter brought the horse some fish.
All the other people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat fish except(除...之外) the old man. Now the old man sat close to the fire. After a moment the waiter returned and said, "Your horse didn't eat any fish." The old man said, "Right. Take the fish back and put it on the table.I'll eat it."
65.Can the horse eat fish
66.Who felt hungry and cold
67.Why did the old man say "It can eat fish."
68.Do you think the old man is clever Explain.
He has already finished his homework.(改否定句)
    finished his homework    .
70. I have been in the singing club since three years ago.(对划线部分提问)
       have you been in the club
71. Mr. Zhang went to Chongqing two days ago. (改为同义句)
Mr. Zhang has       Chongqing for two days.
It seems that I have   seen her   .
changes have        in my hometown.
Believe it or not : brain(大脑) health has a basic rule. That is to use it more. If anything you do becomes a habit, you need to make a c 74.  . Do you want to know 75.  to improve your brain health Here are the ideas.
1. Play Games
Crosswords and electronic games can improve your brain's speed and memory. These games depend on logic, word skills, math and more. These games are also fun. You'll get more fun doing these games a little bit every day. Just s 76.  15 minutes or so, not hours.
2. Eat For Your Brain
Your brain needs you to eat some special food, such as fish oils from wild fish and nuts . Eat more of these foods. Keep 77.  from junk food.
3.Turn Off Your Television
The man watches more than 4 hours of television every day. Television can stand in the way of relationships, life and more. Turn off your TV and spend 78.  time living and exercising your mind and body.
4. Exercise Your Body
To exercise your brain, physical exercise is great brain exercise, too.  79.  moving your body, your brain has to learn new skills and practice balance. Choose a lot of exercise to challenge your brain.
5. Learn a New Skill
Learning a new skill works many areas of the brain. You learn new movements and you manage things differently. Reading books written by Shakespeare, 80.  to cook and building an airplane made of toothpicks all will challenge your brain and give you 81.  to think about.
82.最近10多年来,中国老百姓的生活发生了巨大的变化。你的奶奶亲眼见证了生活的巨大变化,请根据奶奶的所见所闻,以 Our life has changed " 为题,写一篇英语短文。
内容包括:1. 生活环境的改变;2. 人们娱乐方式的变化;3. 交通的变化;4. …
要求:1. 词数:80-120 词左右;2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在班级的名称。
【答案】65.No./ No, it can't.
66.The/ An old man.
67.Because he wanted to come near the fire. (言之有理也可)
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“发生”;take place发生,固定短语,空处谓语动词使用了现在完成时态,所以空处动词需用其过去分词形式taken。故填taken place。



