Unit 8 Fashion-Integrated skills分课时专练(2课时无答案)

Unit 8 Fashion-Integrated skills
1. 轻便舒适的运动鞋适合长时间步行。
________ and ________ trainers ________ ________ ________ a long walk.
1. 你认为这件棉T恤怎么样?
________ do you ________ ________ this ________ T-shirt /
________ do you ________ this ________ T-shirt
2. 他今天晚上不得不去参加一个大型晚宴。
He ________ ________ ________ ________ a big dinner this evening.
3. 你戴着你的新帽子看起来很可爱。
You_______ ________ ________ your new hat. / Your new hat ________ _________ ________ you.
4. Jim 正在找一条蓝色的牛仔裤。
Jim ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ blue jeans.
( )1. ---I don’t know what ____________ today. ---How about a T-shirt and jeans
A. to wear B. can wear C. is wearing D. wears
( )2. Do you have clothes _____ different styles We need them to have a fashion show.
A. with B. at C. from D. of
( )3. Sandy often wears ____________.
A. a pair of long red boots B. a long pair of red boots
C. a red pair of long boots D. a pair of red long boots
( )4. ---Can I do any ____________ for the show ---Of course. We need your help.
A. works B. work C. working D. workings
( )5. Look! There are _______ beautiful clothes in the shop.
A. so many B. so much C. many so D. much so
( )6. ---Would you like to come to my home for dinner ---____________.
A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I’d like to C. Millie likes to come D. I would like
( )7. My hobby is collecting stamps. I need _________ before I have 2,500 ones.
A. more one B. one more C. any more D. more than
( )8. Here ________ the bus. Let’s ________.
A. comes; get on it B. comes; get it on
C. is coming; get on it D. come; get it on
( )9. There _______ lots of money in the box. ________ for poor people.
A. is; They are B. are; They are C. is; It’s D. are; It’s
( )10. I think black matches _________ colour.
A. some other B. any other C. the other D. another
三 词汇运用
1. It’s winter now. Millie feels like __________(buy) a pair of warm ___________(手套) for her grandma.
2. The trainers are comfortable and they are very __________(适合的) for a long walk.
3. The pretty bag is made of __________(皮革). And it’s very expensive.
4. Jim, ___________ (not drive) too fast. The road is not very __________(平坦的).
5. Before _________(go) to bed, she likes listening to a piece of __________(柔软的) music.
6. --- I have a _________(可爱的,美丽的) hair clip. --- Really May I have a look
7. --- What are the beautiful _________(lady) dresses made of --- They are made of silk.
8. The doctor thinks __________(eat) vegetables is good for health. We should eat vegetables _______(many).
9. This kind of shoes is __________(comfortable), so young people dislike to wear them.
10. The little girl doesn’t know which scarf _________(choose) for her mother in the clothes shop.
11. Our school library is a good place __________(study). We can get much information from the books here.
12. In England, if we_________ (not be) careful, we may go the wrong way.
13. Amy together with her classmates _________(plan) __________(visit) their former teachers.
14.We only have three days off. He _________________(not have) to travel so far.
15. Mum, would you please_________(lend) us your camera We want to use it_________(take) some photos.
16. Look! One of the boys ________(have) a piece of chocolate in his hand. He wants to give it to his mother.
17. Look! They ____________ (talk) about different kinds of ___________(帽子) they wear.
18. There are several people ___________(lie) on the grass to enjoy the full moon.
19. Lisa needs someone __________(help) her __________(water) the flowers when she goes on a trip.
20. You should try your best _________ (think) of a way ___________ (work) out this Maths problem.四、阅读理解
Mr King gave Mrs King ten yuan, so Mrs King went shopping. She got on the bus and sat down next to an old woman. Then she saw the old woman’s handbag was open. There was ten yuan in it. She quickly looked into her own bag. The money wasn’t here now! Mrs King was sure that the old woman was a thief. She decided to take back the money from the old woman’s bag and said nothing more about it. She carefully put her hand into the old woman’s bag, took the money and put it into her own bag.
When she got home, she showed Mr King the beautiful hat she bought.
“How do you pay it ” he asked.
“With the money you gave me, of course.”
“Oh, what’s that ” he asked and pointed(指向) to the money on the desk.
( )1. ________ sat beside Mrs King.
A. A young man B. A young japanese C. An old woman D. An English man
( )2. Mrs King saw a ________ in her neighbour’s handbag.
A. five yuan note B. ten yuan note C. hundred yuan note D. fifty yuan note
( )3. Mrs King believed that her neighbour was ________.
A. a doctor B. a student C. a thief D. an Engliswoman
( )4. Mrs King bought a ________.
A. hat B. pen C. dress D. handbag
( )5. Which of the following is right Mrs King ________.
A. didn’t have a husband B. often stole things
C. was a doctor D. made a mistake
Dear friend,
My name is Eric. I am 12. My birthday is on O__1__ 12th. I am f__2__ America. I’m in Class 3, Grade 7. We are learning Chinese in our s__3__. Our Chinese teacher’s n__4__ is Wang Hao. Here are some of my friends. Jimmy is tall and he has black hair. He is good at p__5__ basketball. He is a m__6__ of the Baksetball Club. May is short and she wears glasses and a yellow dress. Sandra has l__7__ hair. She can s__8__ English. Sally is a black girl. She has short hair. She likes swimming. She is on the s__9__ team. I like music. I’m the boy with glasses. Write to me soon and tell me a__10__ your friends.
1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________
6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________
Unit 8 Fashion-Integrated skills
2. Who can ____________ (设计) clothes in your class
3. How much is this leather ____________ (夹克衫)?
4. Does the price ____________ (包含) lunch
5. His favourite colour is ____________ (深色的) brown.
6. How often do you ____________ (写信) to your grandparents
8. I have three ____________ (围巾).
November 21 is the World Hello Day. The day is full of smiles and greetings. It started 1 November 21, 1973. At that time, Israel(以色列)and Egypt 2 fighting a war. The day was used 3 a way to help stop the war. Since then, World Hello Day has been 4
by people in 180 countries.
In China, people 5 say “Ni Hao” when they meet each other. And how do people say hello 6 each other in English-speaking countries You may have some 7 in your mind. People usually say, “How are you ” You 8 answer, “I’m fine,” “Very good, thank you,” or “Not 9 , thanks.” You can also ask “And you ” But these are kind of formal greetings.
Do you know how good friends greet each other In the UK, 10 good friends, they say, “You all right ” “I’m good. 11 plans for the weekend ” People also say “How’s it going ” 12 it’s not a question. It just means(意思是) hello. People often answer, “Good,” or “Not bad.” In the United States, to friends, they say, “What’s up ” “Not much.” 13 popular greeting is “Hey, boy.” But it is usually among boys. Girls may say “Hey, girls.”
In the world, people use 14 2,796 languages to say hello to each other. People 15 these greetings from their friends and family very much.
( )1. A. on B. in C. at D. of
( )2. A. are B. were C. was D. is
( )3.A. at B. as C. for D. to
( )4. A. observed B. served C. watched D. seen
( )5. A. usually B. sometimes C. not D. never
( )6. A. with B. to C. of D. about
( )7. A. pictures B. ideas C. photos D. wishes
( )8. A. can B. must C. shall D. will
( )9. A. good B. well C. nice D. bad
( )10. A. between B. from C. over D. for
( )11. A. some B. any C. many D. much
( )12.A. But B. And C. So D. Because
( )13. A. The other B. Other C. Another D. Others
( )14.A. least B. the least C. at least D. at most
( )15. A. learn B. need C. hope D. enjoy
It’s a hot summer and there is no rain. A crow lives in a big tree near a village. He has no
parents or friends. One day, he feels very thirsty. “Oh, I must find some water! I am too thirsty. Where can I find water ”
The crow flies to a house in the village, Outside the house, he sees a vase with some water. However, there is only a little bit of water. So he can’t drink it.
The crow doesn’t know what to do. He begins to cry, “Who can help me I need help!” He cries and cries, but no one hears him. He is tired and he wants to do something. The crow tries to put the vase down, but he is not strong enough to do that. Then, he has a good idea. He goes to find some little stones. He comes back and puts the stones into the vase. At last, the crow can drink the water. “What nice water!” says the crow, “I am happy I do not waste all my time crying.”
He is a clever crow. We all know the name of the story is The Crow Drinking Water. We like the story. It tells us when we are in trouble, we should think it over and try our best to solve it .
( )1.The crow lives___________ .
A.in a village B.near a village C. with his parents D.with his friends
( )2. What does the crow see outside the house
A. A vase B. A tree C. Some stones D. Some people.
( )3.Why does the bird cry
A. Because he is tired B. Because he is not strong
C. Because he can’t drink the water D. Because he can’t find his friends
( )4. What does the underlined word “waste” mean
A.忽视 B.利用 C.浪费 D.珍惜.
( )5. According to the story, the write wants to tell us ___________.
A. When we are thirsty, we should find some water. B. When we see a vase, we should put stones in it.
C. When we have problems, we should cry for help D.When we are in trouble, we should find ways to solve it.
My dream home is a flying home. I get the idea from the film Up《飞屋环游记》.Look at the photo! Isn't it a cool home Do you think it is a strange idea
It is a wooden house, so it is light. I am going to tie some helium balloons(氦气球)to the house, so it can fly in the air. They bring the house up into the air. It can fly for one hour at a time. It takes us to a different place every season.
The house is not very big in size. We only need six comfortable rooms--two bedrooms a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, and a modern bathroom. The room flies to war m places in winter and cool places in summer.
Where can we get energy and water We get energy from the sun and we collect rainwater to use. So it is a green house.
What school I can study in if I live in that home. And they also say I think it would be a cool home. But my parents say it is a crazy idea. They ask me must work in Nanjing. They cannot live in a different place every month. They must live in the same place all the time. But I still hope my dream can come true one day. This is a great idea, right Do you like the flying home
My Dream Home
A 1_________ home Iwilltiesomeheliumballoonstothehouse.Theybringthehouse2_________intheair.Ibuildthehouseoutofwood.Soitisnot3__________atall.Ittakesustodifferentplacesindifferent4_____________.
Acomfortablehome Its5_______issmall.The 6________oftheroomsissix,includinga7________bathroom.Itfliestowarmorcoolplaces.
A 8__________ home It gets energy from the sun and it can collect rainwater.
A crazy idea I can’t go to 9_________ if I live in the home.My parents don’t want to 10_________ Nanjing because they must work in the same place.
1. ___________ 2. _____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. _______________
6. ___________ 7. _____________ 8._____________ 9. ____________ 10. ______________
A foolish (傻) man went to a food shop to buy a fish. As he didn’t know h__1__ to cook fish, he asked the shopkeeper to tell the way of c__2___ it. The shopkeeper did so.
“But I can’t remember your w__3___,” the foolish man said, “Will you please w__4___ them down for me ” The shopkeeper was kind e___5___ to write his words down for the man. The foolish man left happily w__6__ the fish in his basket and the note in his pocket. On his way home, a cat saw the fish and f___7___ the man.
Suddenly the cat jumped at him, took the fish away from the basket q___8___ and ran off at once. The foolish man stood there, not k__9___ what to do. Then he laughed to the cat, “Never mind. You don’t know how to eat it. The note is s__10__ in my pocket.”
5. __________ 2.____________3._____________4.____________ 5.___________
6. __________ 7.____________8._____________9.____________ 10.__________
( )1. The designer asks some models to________ his newly clothes to see if they are_______a party.
A. try in; fit for B. try for; fit on C. try on; fit for D, try on; fit
( )2. The beautiful lantern is made ________ Miss Li. And she also teaches ______ how to make it.
A. with; us B. by; us C. with; we D. by; our
( )3. Mum is busy, but she______ a big dinner this evening.
A. have to go for B. has to go for C. have to go D. has to go
( )4. --- What do you think of your new school, Millie ---____________.I love my school very much.
A. That’s all right. B. That’s quite right.
C. That’s quite good. D. All right.
( )5. --- Do _________ like going to ___________ --- Sorry, I don’t know.
A. woman teachers, clothes shops B. women teachers, clothes shops
C. woman teachers, sport shops D. women teachers, vegetables shops
( )6. --- These _________ dresses are very beautiful. --- But the price is a little _________.
A. new purple cotton; high B. purple new cotton; expensive
C. new cotton purple; high D. cotton new purple; expensive
( )7. --- It’s really difficult to fly this big kite.
--- Have _________ try. Don’t say “No” before you try your best.
A. other B. the other C. others D. another
( )8. --- What do you think of these two rabbits --- _________ of them are cute. I’ll take them.
A. All B. Each C. Every D. Both
( )9. ---Who ________ likes basketball --- Jim and John ___________.
A. else; are B. others; do C. else; do D. other; are
( )11. --- The blouse _________ soft and smooth. --- Yes, it’s made of silk.
A. looks B. smells C. touches D. feels
( )10. --- I don’t know __________ for the party.
--- You look so good now. I think the pink T-shirt __________ the grey jeans very __________.
A. what to wear; matches; well B. how to wear it; matches; good
C. what to wear; match; much D. how to wear; match; well
( )12. We must ________ a good way to remember the English words well.
A. think of B. think about C. think over D. look out
( )13. I______ Daniel is always late for school. Can you______ the reason
A. look for, find out B. find, find out C. find out, look for D. find out, find
( )14. It’s raining outside. You _________ the dog out for a walk.
A. needn’t to take B. don’t need take C. don’t need to take D. needn’t taking
( )15. --- ___________ --- Size 40.
A. How big is your shoe size B. What big is your shoe size
C. What is your shoe size D. How much is your shoe size
( )16. --- Kitty, can you help me pick up the phone, please I __________the room.
--- I’m coming, Mum.
A. clean B. cleaned C. have cleaned D. am cleaning
( )17. I really hope my best friend _________ to my birthday party next Sunday.
A. to come B. come C. coming D. can come
( )18. --- What do you think of your Maths teacher
--- Oh, wonderful. He can make his class ________, so he always makes the students ________.
A. interesting; laughing B. interested; laugh C. interesting; laugh D. interested; laughing
( )19. ---Would you like some more tea --- __________, please.
A. No, more B. I have enough C. Just a little D. Yes, I would
( )20. --- Mr. Wu, we’re going to have a picnic this weekend.
--- ______________!
A. Good luck B. Best wishes C. Have a nice day D. All the best
________________________ these coats ________________________
The colour ________________________________________________.
This pair _________________________________. They ______________________.
____________________________________ like to ________________________.
Your clothes _______________________________________________________.
I am _________________________________ tomorrow.
You can spend ________________________________.
That boy ______________________________________.
Can I ______________________________________.
________________________________ your trousers



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