Unit6 Food and lifestyle单元测试(南京专用)(含解析)

Unit 6 Food and lifestyle单元测试(南京专用)
1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.— Do you have any milk for_______ breakfast
— Yes, I have some milk and_______ egg every morning.
A./; an B.a; an C.the; an D./; the
2.Is eating too_______ bad_______ your health
A.much; to B.much; for C.many; to D.many; for
3.—What would you like to order
—Let me have a look at the_____, please.
A.book B.window C.plate D.menu
4.—Dinner is ready. Help yourself!
—Wow! It delicious. You are really good at cooking.
A.looks B.sounds C.tastes D.feels
5.—What would you like to drink, girls —_____, please.
A.Two glass of water B.Two glass of waters
C.Two cups of tea D.Two cups of teas
6.There are more than one hundred _____ in this school.
A.women teachers B.woman teachers
C.man teachers D.men teacher
7.There are three _____ and five_____ of meat on the table.
A.mangos; kilos B.mangoes; kiloes
C.mangos; kiloes D.mangoes; kilos
8.Vegetables and fruit_______ good for our_______ .
A.are ;healthy B.are ;health C.is ;health D.is ;healthy
9.---__________ do you eat sweet snacks --- I never eat them
A.How many B.How soon
C.How long D.How often
10.You should not eat ________ meat. It’s ________ bad for your health.
A.too much; too much B.much too; much too
C.too much; much too D.much too; too much
11.Tom seldom _________, because he has lots of Maths _________ to do.
A.exercise ; exercises
B.exercise ; exercise
C.exercises ; exercise
D.exercises ; exercises
12.T Li Ming often plays basketball to keep ________.
A.health B.fit C.good D.well
13.There isn’t ________ tea in the cup. Would you like ____water
A.some;any B.any;some C.some;some D.any;any
14.We need them____________ healthy.
A.keep B.keeps C.to keep D.keeping
15.--- Let’s go to see a film this evening.
--- ________. I’d be glad to.
A.That’s right. B.That’s all.
C.That’s all right. D.All right.
Hotpot is popular in China today. Did ancient Chinese people have hotpot(火锅)
Ancient Chinese people had hotpot as 16 as the Shang Dynasty (16th century —11th century BC). At that time, people cooked foods in bronze cauldrons(青铜鼎) . The cauldron had two parts— 17 was the pot to cook foods in soup, the other part was a layer(层) or a space 18 the cauldron to hold firewood.
People 19 to have lattice(分格) hotpot during the Han Dynasty (206 BC—AD 220). They divided pots into several parts to enjoy 20 tastes.
Yuan Mei was a poet and foodie(美食家) in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). He wrote about huoguo, the Chinese name 21 hotpot, in a book about all kinds of food. Hotpot was very popular then. People liked to put all kinds of meat and vegetables into 22 . They also used different 23 to make pots such as copper(铜) and iron(铁) .
It’s said that Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty loved hotpot. He 24 had it for almost every meal. He 25 held a big hotpot dinner and invited more than 5,000 people to enjoy 1,550 hotpots!
16.A.before B.old C.early D.late
17.A.it B.that C.one D.first
18.A.into B.inside C.out of D.outside
19.A.started B.planned C.needed D.wanted
20.A.same B.different C.special D.wonderful
21.A.as B.to C.by D.for
22.A.it B.its C.they D.them
23.A.items B.features C.materials D.styles
24.A.never B.seldom C.sometimes D.always
25.A.before B.once C.just D.also
三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。
Everyone eats different food. Li Mei, Helen, Ben and Zhang Lin are my good friends. What do they have today Here are the results (结果).
Name Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Li Mei fruit rice, vegetables vegetable salad
Helen bread, milk chicken, fruit rice, tomatoes
Ben eggs, milk hamburgers meat, vegetables
Zhang Lin noodles (面条) chicken, rice bread, ice-cream
26.What does Li Mei have for breakfast
A.Noodles. B.Fruit. C.Rice. D.Vegetable salad.
27.Who has milk for breakfast
A.Li Mei and Ben. B.Ben and Zhang Lin.
C.Zhang Lin and Helen. D.Helen and Ben.
28.________ doesn’t have vegetables today.
A.Li Mei B.Helen C.Ben D.Zhang Lin
29.What do Li Mei and Zhang Lin both have for lunch
A.Rice. B.Chicken. C.Vegetables. D.Hamburgers.
30.Which of the following is NOT true
A.Li Mei doesn’t have milk today. B.Helen eats tomatoes today.
C.Ben eats rice today. D.Zhang Lin eats ice-cream today.
Everyone wants to be healthy. How can you be healthy
★Have breakfast. It is very good for your health. Some people don’t want to be fat, so they do not eat breakfast. But if they don’t eat breakfast, they will eat much for lunch, and they will get fat.
★Eat well. Eat enough(足够的) fruit like apples, oranges, bananas… Vegetables are good for your health, too. Don’t eat too many(太多) hamburgers. Don’t eat ice-cream. It’s not good for your health.
★Go to bed and get up early. It is a good habit. And you can do some sports in the morning, like playing basketball.
Now, let’s form(形成) good habits to be healthy.
31.What does the underlined word “It” refer to
A.Having breakfast. B.Habit. C.Having lunch. D.Fruit.
32.Some people don’t have breakfast because ________.
A.they don’t want to be fat B.they don’t like the food
C.they don’t have time D.they can’t get up early
33.What can we do in the early morning according to the passage
A. B. C. D.
34.What can we do to be healthy Check and choose the right answer.
①Play computer games. ②Eat well. ③Watch TV. ④Have breakfast. ⑤Go to bed early.
A.①③④ B.②④⑤ C.①②⑤ D.②③④
35.What’s the theme(主题) of the passage
A.Family. B.Food. C.Sports. D.Health.
One day, three little ants (蚂蚁)—-Frank, Albert, and Tommy want to go out to look for their luck. They say goodbye to their mother.
Frank, the oldest, finds a nice place on a hill to build his house. He builds his out of pieces of straw(稻草)on the ground. His house goes up quickly, in just one day, Frank lives in it and is happy.
Albert is the second oldest. He also wants to make a house but he hopes his house is a little sturdier than Frank’s. He collects sticks(树枝), ties them all together with ropes (绳子), and cuts windows and doors. It takes him three days to build his house, and he is happy.
The youngest brother is Tommy. Tommy has a good idea. He collects strong pieces of wood, cuts each one carefully, and puts the pieces together. He buys tiles(瓷砖)for the roof. His house is the talk of the neighborhood(附近地区), and he finishes in two months.
One morning, Billy, the anteater, is walking around the neighborhood. He sees the three new houses. Billy smells ants, so he stops to see if he can get a few to snack on. Frank’s house is easy to push(推)over because it is made of straw. Unluckily for Billy, Frank runs out the back door to Albert’s. Albert’s house is a little difficult to knock over, but Billy does it. Albert and Frank run away again, and Billy only gets sticks in his nose. At last, he comes to the last house. He sucks(吸吮)as hard as he can, but the three ants do not come out the front door. Instead, there is hot sauce in his nose!
Bad Tommy! Billy’s nose is on fire. He runs away and never wants to eat the brothers again.
36.How long does it take Albert to finish building his house
A.One day. B.Three days. C.One month. D.Two months.
37.What does the underlined word “sturdier” in the passage mean
A.Stronger. B.Dirtier. C.Darker. D.Cleaner.
38.Which is the right order for Billy
a.He gets sticks in his nose.
b.He runs away with his nose on fire.
c.He walks around and smells the ants.
d.He pushes over Frank’s house easily.
A.c-d-a-b B.c-a-b-d C.a-b-d-c D.a-d-c-b
39.Which of the following is TRUE
A.All the ants’ houses are made of straw and sticks.
B.Both Albert and Frank are happy after building their houses.
C.Billy wants to play tricks on the three ants when he smells them.
D.It is very easy for the anteater to knock over the youngest ant’s house.
40.What do you think of Tommy
A.Pretty and kind. B.Quick and strong. C.Careful and clever. D.Warm and healthy.
41.The lights (改变) from red to green. Let’s go!
42.Tom brushes his (牙齿) three times a day.
43.Some people in Yunnan only eat two (餐) a day.
44.I don’t like (梨), but I like apples.
45.What is your favourite (电脑游戏)
46.I have some (knife). You can borrow one from me.
47.We shouldn't put too much (salt) in the soup.
48.You should watch (little) TV and exercise more.
49.My teacher says it's very important (sleep) well before a match.
50.There are a lot of (tomato) in the fridge.
activities; a 20-minute lesson; different; learning about world history; grades
What’s it like for a British child to go to school
In my school, we start the day at 8:45 am with 51 called tutor class(辅导课). In tutor class, every classroom has about 20 students from all 52 with one teacher.
We can take a word quiz or have fun 53 . The quiz is interesting. I learned that Shakespeare spelled his name in several 54 ways. Sometimes, we watch the news to understand the important events of the day.
There are five lessons during the day. School ends at 3:30 pm. Sometimes after school we can take part in some 55 like soccer, hockey or music lessons. They usually last (持续) for one hour.
We get three to four homework tasks each week. On average (一般而言), we spend one to two hours a day on homework.
五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
Allan is a doctor. He is taking notes about the lifestyles of two children, Angela and Andy. Angela: The girl looks healthy. She knows how to keep fit. She gets up early even (即使) on Sundays. And enough exercise makes her fit. She doesn’t eat fast food very often.
But sometimes she eats snacks between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and supper. Are most girls greedy (嘴馋的) She should eat fewer snacks. They are not good for her. She can eat more fruit.
Andy: Andy likes sports. He is good at swimming and football. He does sports for over (超过) two hours every day. That makes him fit and strong.
But Andy is a picky eater (吃饭挑剔之人). He doesn’t eat enough meat for meals. So he is not tall. And he has another problem—sleeping in (睡过头, 迟起床). He gets up too late on Saturdays and Sundays.
To get enough energy, Andy should get up early and eat more meat.
Angela’s and Andy’s 56
Good habits (习惯) Bad habits 57 ideas
Angela She 58 get up late. She has enough 59 . She 60 eats fast food. Sometimes she eats snacks between 61 . She should eat fewer snacks and more 62 .
Andy He does sports for 63 than 2 hours every day. He is a picky eater and he gets up too late at 64 . To get enough energy, he shouldn’t get up 65 . He should eat more meat.
May 20th is National Students Nutrition(营养) Day. Why is nutrition i 66
Just as a mobile phone needs energy from electricity (电 ), we need energy f 67 food. Eating food is the only way to m 68 us strong. What we eat and the way we eat are also very important b 69 they decide whether(是否) we can get good nutrition.
Many of us have b 70 eating habits. Some d 71 eat breakfast. Some eat too much fast food. Others often eat some food with too much s 72 like cakes and sweets. And those sweet snacks are also bad for their t 73 . These bad habits may cause (引起) health problems, which are bad for the growth of our bodies.
More and more students of Chinese middle and primary schools are now h 74 nutrition meals, such as milk and fruit. This year, the theme of National Students Nutrition Day is “improve (改善) the nutrition of students in the countryside”. The government(政府) will s 75 a lot of money helping students have nutrition meals.
1. 内容应包括所有的提示信息,可以适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺、意思连贯、语法正确;
3. 100词左右 (邮件格式、开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear John,
How are you Let me tell you about my three meals a day (一日三餐). ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
【详解】句意:——你早饭喝牛奶了吗?——是的,我每天早晨喝一些牛奶,吃一个鸡蛋。不定冠词a/an一个,a用于辅音开头的单词前,an用于元音开头的单词前;定冠词the这个,那个,通常用于特指,have sth for breakfast/lunch/dinner早饭/午饭/晚饭吃某物;故选A
分析:不定冠词的用法1.用于可数名词的单数形式前,指人或事物的某一类。2.指某人或某物,但不具体说明。3.表示“一”这个量词。4.用于某些固定词组中,例如:a few。定冠词的用法 1.特指某人或某物。2.指双方都知道的人或物。3.指上文提到过的人或物。4.用于世界上独一无二的事物前,例如:the moon。5.用于序数词和最高级前。
【详解】句意:吃的太多对你的健康有害吗?too much太多,much在这里是副词修饰动词eat,too many太多,修饰可数名词复数; be bad for对---有害;故选B
分析:too many 的中心词是many,用法与many相同,后接可数名词复数,例如:too many questions;too much的中心词是much,用法与much相同,后接不可数名词,例如:too much work;much too 的中心词是too,用法和too的用法一样,例如:much too fast
【详解】句意:——你想点什么?——请让我看看菜单。A. book书; B. window窗户; C. plate盘子; D. menu菜单;根据句意故选D
考查动词辨析。looks看起来;sounds听起来;tastes尝起来;feels感觉。根据“Help yourself!”可知,回答者已经被邀请用餐了,因此是食物尝起来很好吃。故选C。
考查名词的复数形式。以o结尾的名词变复数加es的常用词有heroes,potatoes,tomatoes ,mangoes等;mango芒果,复数形式是mangoes;一些缩写词和专有名词加s,如:kilos,photos等,kilo公斤,复数形式是kilos,根据three和five可知用复数;故选D。
【详解】句意:蔬菜和水果对我们的健康有好处。be good for对---有好处;根据主语Vegetables and fruit可知用are,our后用名词形式;故选B
【详解】试题分析:句意:--你多久吃一次甜食?--我从不吃它们。A. How many多少; B. How soon多久; C. How long多长; D. How often多久一次。根据答语可知上句问的是频率,故选D。
【详解】试题分析:句意:你不应该吃太多的肉,这对你的健康非常不好。Too much强调数量,是太多的意思;much too强调程度,意思是太,根据句意及题干分析此题应选C。
【详解】句意:我们需要他们保持健康。need sb to do sth需要做某事,不定式做宾补;故选C
【详解】试题分析:句意:——让我们今天晚上去看电影吧。——好吧。我将会很高兴。A. That’s right. 那是正确的;B. That’s all. 就这样;C. That’s all right. 没关系;D. All right. 好吧。根据 I’d be glad to.可知他同意去看电影,故选D。
16.C 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.B 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.B
it它;that那个;one一个;first第一。由“the other part was a layer(层)”可知该空应用one,one…the other表示一个……另一个。故选C。
into进入;inside在……里面;out of由于……;outside在……外面。由“to hold firewood”可知应该是放在大锅里面用来装柴火,故选B。
started开始;planned计划;needed需要;wanted想要。由“They divided pots into several parts to enjoy different tastes.”可知汉代人们就开始把锅分成不同的部分了。故选A。
same相同的;different不同的;special特殊的;wonderful精彩的。由“They divided pots into several parts”可知人们把锅分成了几部分,这样就可以吃到不同的口味。故选B。
as因为,作为;to到;by通过;for为了,给。name for表示以……的名字起名。故选D。
it它;its它的;they他们,是主格;them他们,是宾格。由“Hotpot was very popular then.”可知人们是把各种食材放在火锅里,主语是Hotpot,故用it,故选A。
items物品;features特征;materials材料;styles风格。由“copper(铜) and iron(铁) ”可知该处是讲到制作锅的材料。故选C。
never从不;seldom很少;sometimes有时;always总是。由“It’s said that Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty loved hotpot.”可知乾隆皇帝爱吃火锅,结合选项,选项C“sometimes有时”符合语境,故选C。
26.B 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.C
【导语】本文主要介绍了Li Mei,Helen,Ben和Zhang Lin今天一日三餐吃的食物。
26.细节理解题。根据“Li Mei”和“Breakfast: fruit”可知,Li Mei早餐吃水果。故选B。
27.细节理解题。根据“Helen: bread, milk”和“Ben: eggs, milk”可知,Helen和Ben早餐喝牛奶。故选D。
28.细节理解题。根据“Zhang Lin”,“Breakfast: noodles (面条)”,“Lunch: chicken, rice”和“Dinner: bread, ice-cream”可知,Zhang Lin今天没有吃蔬菜。故选D。
29.细节理解题。根据“Li Mei: rice, vegetables”和“Zhang Lin: chicken, rice”可知,Li Mei和Zhang Lin午餐都吃了米饭。故选A。
30.细节理解题。根据“Ben”,“Breakfast: eggs, milk”,“Lunch: hamburgers”和“Dinner: meat, vegetables”可知,Ben今天没吃米饭,选项C表述有误。故选C。
31.A 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.D
31.词义猜测题。根据“Have breakfast. It is very good for your health.”可知,吃早餐对健康非常有益,所以it指的是“吃早餐”。故选A。
32.细节理解题。根据“Some people don’t want to be fat, so they do not eat breakfast.”可知,有些人不想胖,所以他们不吃早餐。故选A。
33.细节理解题。根据“And you can do some sports in the morning, like playing basketball.”可知,可以在早上做一些运动,比如打篮球。故选D。
34.细节理解题。根据“Have breakfast. It is very good for your health.”、“Eat well.”和“Go to bed and get up early. ”可知,②④⑤符合健康的习惯,故选B。
35.主旨大意题。根据“Everyone wants to be healthy. How can you be healthy ”可知,文章主旨和健康有关,故选D。
36.B 37.A 38.A 39.B 40.C
36.细节理解题。根据“Albert is the second oldest…It takes him three days to build his house, and he is happy.”可知,花了3天时间建房子。故选B。
37.词义猜测题。根据“He also wants to make a house but he hopes his house is a little sturdier than Frank’s. He collects sticks(树枝), ties them all together with ropes (绳子), and cuts windows and doors.”以及“He builds his out of pieces of straw(稻草)on the ground.”可知,Frank用稻草建的房子,而Albert选用了树枝建造房子,因此Albert想把房子建得牢固一些,所以sturdier表示“更坚固”,与选项A意思相近。故选A。
38.细节理解题。根据“Billy, the anteater, is walking around the neighborhood. He sees the three new houses. Billy smells ants… Frank’s house is easy to push(推)over because it is made of straw…Albert and Frank run away again, and Billy only gets sticks in his nose…Billy’s nose is on fire. He runs away”可知,Billy先是到处走闻到了蚂蚁的味道,然后把Frank的房子推倒,把Albert的房子推倒后鼻子里只有树枝,最后到了Tommy的房子处,自己的鼻子着火然后跑走了。因此顺序是c-d-a-b。故选A。
39.细节理解题。根据“His house goes up quickly, in just one day, Frank lives in it and is happy.”以及“It takes him three days to build his house, and he is happy.”可知,Albert和Frank在建完房子后都很开心。故选B。
40.推理判断题。根据“He collects strong pieces of wood, cuts each one carefully, and puts the pieces together. He buys tiles(瓷砖)for the roof.”以及“Instead, there is hot sauce in his nose!Bad Tommy! Billy’s nose is on fire.”可知,Tommy对自己的房子建造很细心,最后食蚁兽鼻子里充满辣酱跑开了,所以它也很聪明。故选C。
【详解】句意:交通灯从红色变为绿色了。我们走吧!主语The lights是复数,可知动词使用原形;结合句意和汉语提示可知答案是change(改变)。
45.computer game
【详解】句意:你最喜欢的电脑游戏是什么?根据谓语动词is可知主语(电脑游戏)是单数;结合句意和汉语提示可知答案是computer game。
46.knives 47.salt 48.less 49.to sleep 50.tomatoes
句意:我们不应该在汤里放太多盐。too much“太多”,修饰不可数名词,故为salt。
49.to sleep
句意:我的老师说比赛前睡好是非常重要的。根据句型It’s very important to do sth“做某事是非常重要的”,故为to sleep。
句意:在冰箱里有很多西红柿。有a lot of修饰,故用复数名词,故为tomatoes。
分析:根据句意,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态和主谓一致,用所给单词的正确形式填空。例如小题4,句意:我的老师说比赛前睡好是非常重要的。根据句型It’s very important to do sth“做某事是非常重要的”,故为to sleep。
51.a 20-minute lesson 52.grades 53.learning about world history 54.different 55.activities
51.句意:在我的学校,我们早上8:45开始上课,20分钟的家教课。根据“called tutor class”可知,此处介绍家教课,备选词a 20-minute lesson符合语境,在介词后作宾语,故填a 20-minute lesson。
52.句意:在家教班,每个班级大约有20名来自各个年级的学生和一名老师。根据“every classroom has about 20 students from all…with one teacher.”可知,此处介绍学生来自不同的年级,备选词grades符合语境,故填grades。
53.句意:我们可以做一个单词测试或愉快地学习世界历史。根据“We can take a word quiz or have fun…”可知,此处介绍课上学习什么,备选词learning about world history符合语境,故填learning about world history。
54.句意:我了解到莎士比亚用好几种不同的方式拼写他的名字。根据“I learned that Shakespeare spelled his name in several…ways.”可知,此处作定语修饰ways,强调“不同的”方式,备选词different符合语境,故填different。
55.句意:有时放学后我们可以参加一些活动,如足球,曲棍球或音乐课。根据“like soccer, hockey or music lessons”可知,是参加不同的活动,备选词activities符合语境,故填activities。
56.lifestyles 57.Allan’s/Doctor’s 58.doesn’t 59.exercise 60.seldom 61.meals 62.fruit 63.more 64.weekends 65.late
56.根据“He is taking notes about the lifestyles of two children, Angela and Andy.”可知文章主要介绍了艾伦医生记录的两个孩子安吉拉和安迪的生活方式。结合空缺处,需要填入一个名词复数lifestyles。故填lifestyles。
57.根据本列所对应的内容“She should eat fewer snacks…”以及“He should eat more meat.”可知这里都是艾伦医生给安吉拉和安迪的一些好的想法。结合空缺处,需要填入名词所有格Allan’s/Doctor’s“艾伦/医生的”,作定语修饰名词复数ideas。故填Allan’s/Doctor’s。
58.根据“She gets up early even (即使) on Sundays.”即使在星期天她也起得很早。可知安吉拉起床不晚,本句为否定句,get是实义动词,主语是第三人称单数,句子时态用一般现在时,因此否定句需要借助于助动词doesn’t,后面的谓语动词用原形。故填doesn’t。
59.根据“And enough exercise makes her fit.”足够的锻炼使她健康。可知安吉拉有足够的锻炼。故填exercise。
60.根据“She doesn’t eat fast food very often.”可知她很少吃快餐。题目中使用同义句,“not very often”的同义词为“seldom”。故填seldom。
61.根据“But sometimes she eats snacks between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and supper.”但有时她会在早餐和午餐之间或午餐和晚餐之间吃零食。可知她在三餐之间吃零食。故填meals。
62.根据“She should eat fewer snacks. They are not good for her. She can eat more fruit.”她应该少吃零食。这对她不好。她可以吃更多的水果。可知医生认为她应该多吃水果。故填fruit。
63.根据“He does sports for over (超过) two hours every day.”他每天运动超过两个小时。可知安迪每天运动两个多小时,题目中使用同义句,“over”的同义词为“more than”。故填more。
64.根据“And he has another problem—sleeping in (睡过头, 迟起床). He gets up too late on Saturdays and Sundays.”他还有另一个问题——睡懒觉。他星期六和星期天起得很晚。可知他周末睡懒觉,题目中使用了同义词,“Saturdays and Sundays”的同义词为“weekends”。故填weekends。
65.根据“Andy should get up early and eat more meat.”安迪应该早起多吃点肉。可知医生想让他早起并且多吃肉,题目中使用同义句,即不应该起床晚。故填late。
66.(i)mportant 67.(f)rom 68.(m)ake 69.(b)ecause 70.(b)ad 71.(d)on’t 72.(s)ugar 73.(t)eeth 74.(h)aving 75.(s)pend
66.句意:为什么营养很重要?根据“May 20th is National Students Nutrition(营养) Day.”及首字母可知,此处是指营养很重要,空处用形容词important“重要的”作表语。故填(i)mportant。
67.句意:就像手机需要电能一样,我们需要食物的能量。根据“mobile phone needs energy from electricity (电 ), we need energy f... food”可知,是指我们需要从食物中获取能量,介词from“从”符合语境。故填(f)rom。
68.句意:吃食物是让我们强壮的唯一方法。根据“Eating food is the only way to m... us strong.”可知,食物能让我们强壮,make“使,让”,不定式符号to后跟动词原形。故填(m)ake。
69.句意:我们吃什么和吃的方式也很重要,因为它们决定了我们是否能得到良好的营养。根据“What we eat and the way we eat are also very important b... they decide whether(是否) we can get good nutrition.”可知,句子前后是因果关系,前果后因,用because引导原因状语从句。故填(b)ecause。
70.句意:我们很多人都有不良的饮食习惯。根据“Some eat too much fast food.”可知,此处是指有不好的饮食习惯,bad“不好的”,作定语。故填(b)ad。
71.句意:一些人不吃早餐。根据“Some eat too much fast food.”可知,此处是在介绍不好的饮食习惯,因此是不吃早餐,eat是实义动词,时态是一般现在时,主语是some,故否定句借助助动词don’t。故填(d)on’t。
72.句意:其他人经常吃一些含糖太多的食物,如蛋糕和糖果。根据“like cakes and sweets.”及首字母可知,蛋糕和糖果含糖很多,因此空处用不可数名词sugar“糖”。故填(s)ugar。
73.句意:而且这些甜食对牙齿也不好。根据“those sweet snacks”及首字母可知,甜食对牙齿不好,空处用名词复数teeth“牙齿”。故填(t)eeth。
74.句意:越来越多的中国中小学生开始食用营养餐,如牛奶和水果。根据“nutrition meals”可知,是吃营养餐,have meals“吃饭,用餐”,此处用现在分词与are一起构成现在进行时。故填(h)aving。
75.句意:政府将花很多钱帮助学生吃营养餐。根据“a lot of money helping”可知,此处是spend money doing sth“花费金钱做某事”,will后跟动词原形。故填(s)pend。
Dear John,
How are you Let me tell you about my three meals a day.
For breakfast, I have an egg, some bread and a glass of milk. I don’t drink juice in the morning. I have rice, fish and some vegetables for lunch. I don’t eat hamburgers. I think they are bad for me. After lunch, I eat some bananas or apples. And for dinner, I eat chicken and jiaozi. They are nice. I don’t have any milk in the evening.
What about your three meals a day Tell me about them.
Li Hua
① 题材:本文是一篇应用文,为电子邮件;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,注意不要遗漏要点,可适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
① a glass of 一杯
② be bad for 对……有害
① I think they are bad for me.(省略that的宾语从句)



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